Short Term Awards for 2009 

Contacts must be made generally during the calendar year 2009 for these awards.
Some of the award periods range from as short as 4 months to over a year.  
For much shorter term awards (a few days to a month), see this special file. 

Indicates Latest Award Added to this list.

AUSTRIA Diplom Niederösterreichische Landesausstellung 2009 PA3CUZ 13 October 2008
BELGIUM  ON65CLM Award PA3CUZ 10 April 2009 
BELGIUM ON100PES Centenary Award OH3GZ 11 June 2009 
ENGLAND Worked All Britain Ruby Anniversary PA3CUZ 15 January 2009
ENGLAND BARTG Golden Jubilee Award W2VU 9 June 2009
FRANCE 150th Anniversary Birth of Pierre Curie K1BV 25 August 2009 
GERMANY DOK C22 30th Anniversary Award OH3GZ 7 February 2009 
GERMANY  25th Anniversary of Ortsverband Helmbrechts B39 PA3CUZ 11 February 2009
GERMANY 12th IAAF Athletics World Championships Berlin 2009 Award    OH3GZ 18 June 2009
GERMANY Royal Wedding of Landshut Award PA3CUZ 13 October, 2008

Jubiläums-Diplom Lüdinghausen

PA3CUZ (08)

Award includes 2008-2009.
GERMANY Old Sachsen-Anhalt Award

ON4CAS (08)

Award includes 2008-2009
GERMANY 125th anniversary of the Orient-Express Award ON4CAS (08) Award includes 2008-2009
GERMANY 1225 Years of Philippsburg ON4CAS 1 March 2009 
GERMANY 60th Anniversary of the SOS Children’s Villages PA3CUZ 27 February 2009
GERMANY Weißenburg – Jubilee – Award 2008 DJ7AT (08) Award includes 2008-2009
HUNGARY Queen Gisela Award PA3CUZ (08) Award includes 2008-2009
HUNGARY 160th Anniversary of Hungarian Independence Struggle 425 DX News 3 April 2009 


3 January 2009



15 January 2009

NETHERLANDS 100 Years of Aviation in Etten-Leur PA3CUZ 2 February 2009
POLAND 80th Anniversary of the Krakow Radio Club SP9JPA Blog 12 September 2009 
ROMANIA CS Silver Fox Award OH3GZ 9 June 2009
RUSSIA Northern Escort PQ Award RA1AE 17 March 2009
RUSSIA Airport of Omsk - 80 Years RA1AE 1 April 2009 
RUSSIA Jubilee diploma Alexander Stepanovich Popov 150 years OH3GZ/RA1AE 11 February 2009
RUSSIA Inventor of Radio Alexander S. Popov 150th birthday Anniversary Pennon G0RPA 24 February 2009
RUSSIA Northern Ural Mountains – A.S. POPOV’s Native Land Award ON4CAS 26 February 2009 
RUSSIA 150 Years of Aleksander Stepanovich Popov RA1AE 5 March 2009
SPAIN II DIPLOMA CARAVANITOS EA3GHZ (08) Award includes 2008-2009
SWEDEN Roskilde 1658 Award SM6DEC (08) Award includes 2008-2009
UKRAINE N.V. Gogol 200th Anniversary Award RA1AE 31 March 209 
USA State of Alaska 50th Anniversary Award PA3CUZ/ON4CAS 18 January 2009 
USA The 2009 YL Friendship Award  PA3CUZ 6 March 2009
USA 75th Anniversary Worked All Zones Award  F5NQL 17 October 2009

Austria                      Diplom Niederösterreichische Landesausstellung 2009

The Niederösterreichische national exhibition is expanding to an international status. Places of issue are Horn, Raabs an der Thaya in Austria and Telc in the Czech Republic. District 314 of the Austrian ÖVSV sponsors this award for contacts made between 1 January 2009 and 31 November 2009. SWL OK.


1. OE stations need 9 points, with at least one station from each of the districts Gmünd, Waidhofen/Thaya, Hörn, Hollabrunn, Mistelbach and an OK station.
2. OK stations need 9 points with at least one station from the districts Gmünd, Waidhofen/Thaya, Hörn, Hollabrunn, Mistelbach.
3. All other European stations need 6 points, with at least one OK and a OE3 station.
4. DX stations need 2 points.

Point Values:

Each OE3 and OK station = 1 point.
Contacts with the stations from the districts bordering on Czech Republic: Gmünd, Waidhofen/Thaya, Hörn, Hollabrunn, Mistelbach = 2 points.).
Clubstations from OE3X, or OK.K. , OK.O count 3 points.

Each call counts only one time. All bands and modes except Echo Link and Packet Radio.  The fee for diploma is € 7 ( No IRC) and can be paid electronically (in Europe) on Bank und Sparkassen AG Waldviertel-Mitte, Name: Diplom 314, Kontonummer: 0000-408054, BLZ: 20272, IBAN: AT52 2027 2000 0040 8054, SWIFT/BIG: SPZWAT21, qsp 4/08 49.   Electronic diploma requests before 31 December 2008 with a log excerpt should be sent to: or by regular mail to Karl Hirnschall, OE3HIA, Raabser Straße 32, A-3812 Groß Siegharts, Austria.

List OE3-Stations valid for the award:

also: OE3 – FPA, MFC, PLW, RGB, SER, XHA.


Tks PA3CUZ 10/08

Activity Period: 1 March to 31 December 2009

BELGIUM              ON65CLM Award

The special event station ON65CLM stands for the "Canadian Liberation March", which is a march to remember the liberation of the Town of Knokke by the Canadian armed forces in November 1944. The original march of the liberators started in Hoofdplaat in the Netherlands, 33 km away from Knokke. Nowadays thousands of grateful marchers participate every year at this 33 km long walk in remembrance of those brave men.

Earn the award by making at least one contact with this station. A handy application for this award is found on their website. The award fee is 7€, $US10 or 10 IRCs to: ON65CLM, BOX 1006, B-8300 Knokke-Heist, Belgium.


Tks PA3CUZ 4/2009

BELGIUM                ON100PES Centenary Award

In 2009, Belgium celebrated a double scientific event. It has been 100 years since Adrien de Gerlache led the first Belgian expedition to the Antarctic on board the Belgica. (1897-1899). On the 15th of February, of this year, the Princess Elizabeth research station was inaugurated. This research station is the first of its kind that follows the concept of "Zero Emission". The radio amateurs' of Haspengouw, of the Trudo Radioamateurs Club-TRC, want to take advantage of these coinciding events to use a special event call during the calendar year 2009.

The call name will be based on 3 elements, ON, 100 and PES. In ON100PES the ON is the prefix for Belgium, 100 is the centenary for the pole expeditions and PES is the abbreviation for Princess Elizabeth Station.

The special event QSL card (double format) will only be sent to all stations who send their QSL card to ON4TRC. There will be an award given to all stations who work ON100PES on five bands with the special event station. (HF + VHF/UHF - 2M/70CM).

No fee noted. Send log extract to: ON100PES, RADIOCLUB ON4TRC, Grote Markt 7, 3800 - Sint Truiden, BELGIUM.


England                              Worked All Britain Ruby Anniversary

The year 2009 sees the 40th Anniversary of the Worked All Britain Awards Group (W.A.B.), founded by the late John Morris, G3ABG. The celebrate this occasion, for this year only, we are issuing an Award based (loosely) on the number 40.   Points can be earned by working different aspects of the Worked All Britain Awards program up to a total of 40 and thereafter in multiples of 40. A certificate will be awarded at the Basic level, with endorsements up to the Ruby Award. As with all W.A.B. Awards, this is available to SWL's on a 'Heard' basis.  For each 40 points, a trophy will be awarded, which will be presented at the A.G.M.(general meeting) in 2010. As part of the year's celebration this award is available to W.A.B. members at NO COST! In common with all W.A.B. awards, it will be available to non-members upon receipt of the appropriate fee of £3.00, € 5 or US$ 6.

The Award will be split into 3 sections:

UK VHF/Europe LF
Non-Europe LF/Europe VHF

LF is defined for this Award as 1.8 MHz and higher, VHF is defined as 50 MHz and higher.

The qualifying points needed for the first stages of the Award are as follows:

Basic                 - 10            Bronze               - 15            Silver                  - 20

Gold                   - 25            Platinum           - 30            Sapphire           - 35

Ruby (Trophy)  - 40    

Other than for mobiles, in order to qualify for the initial trophy, at least 10 of the 40 points must be from the Grid Square and Book Holders elements.

There are no separate stages between the trophies for multiples of 40.


1 Point for each 40 W.A.B. Grid Squares
1 Point for each 40 Book Holders (Not Book Numbers)
1 Point for each 40 different Grid Square numbers (e.g. 01, 02, 03 irrespective of the letters)
1 Point for each 10 Islands
1 Point for each 10 Large Squares
1 Point for each W.A.B. club station worked/heard (G4WAB & G7WAB or with regional locator, e.g. GM)
1 Point for each month in which GB40WAB is worked/heard
1 Point for each other GB*WAB call worked/heard (e.g. GB2WAB, GB6WAB)
1 Point for each Grid Square ending with Number 40 (e.g. C40, HU40, SK40)
1 Point for each 5 DXCC Countries in which you work/hear a W.A.B. member


1 Point for each 20 W.A.B. Grid Squares
1 Point for each 20 Book Holders (Not Book Numbers)
1 Point for each 20 different Grid Square numbers (e.g. 01, 02, 03 irrespective of the letters)
1 Point for each 5 Islands
1 Point for each 5 Large Squares
2 Points for each W.A.B. club station worked/heard (G4WAB & G7WAB or with regional locator, e.g. GM)
1 Point for each month in which GB40WAB is worked/heard
2 Points for each other GB*WAB call worked/heard (e.g. GB2WAB, GB6WAB)
2 Points for each Grid Square ending with Number 40 (e.g. C40, HU40, SK40)
1 Point for each 3 DXCC Countries in which you work/hear a W.A.B. member


1 Point for each 10 W.A.B. Grid Squares
1 Point for each 10 Book Holders (Not Book Numbers)
1 Point for each 10 different Grid Square numbers (e.g. 01, 02, 03 irrespective of the letters)
2 Points for each 5 Islands
2 Points for each 5 Large Squares
3 Points for each W.A.B. club station worked/heard (G4WAB & G7WAB or with regional locator, e.g. GM)
1 Point for each month in which GB40WAB is worked/heard
3 Points for each other GB*WAB call worked/heard (e.g. GB2WAB, GB6WAB)
3 Points for each Grid Square ending with Number 40 (e.g. C40, HU40, SK40)
1 Point for each 2 DXCC Countries in which you work a W.A.B. member

The Award is also available to mobiles on an 'activated' basis, with points awarded as follows:

1 Point for each 40 Grid Squares activated
1 Point for each Large Square activated
1 Point for each Island activated
1 Point each for operating the W.A.B. club callsigns
1 Point each for Number "40" squares activated (e.g. C40, HU40, SK40)
1 Point for each 10 different Grid Square numbers activated (e.g. 01, 02, 03 irrespective of the letters)

As with all W.A.B. Awards, this one may be endorsed for individual bands/modes.  Apply to: Award Manager Dave Brooks - G4IAR, 28 Avon Vale Road, Loughborough, Leicestershire, LE11 2AA, England 



Tks PA3CUZ 1/15/09

ENGLAND                        BARTG Golden Jubilee Award

This award is available to licensed amateurs and SWLs on the submission of satisfactory proof of having earned 500 points between 1st July 2009 and 30th June 2010 using a data mode.

Points values are as follows:
* 1 RTTY QSO = 2 points
* 1 PSK QSO = 2 points
* 1 QSO (any other digimode) = 5 points
* Special event call-sign GB50ATG within this period = 10 points per QSO

Any band may be used, No cross-band, cross-mode, or satellite allowed. Work at least 5 DXCC entities (ARRL list) from each of any 5 continents must be made (AF; ANT; AS; EU; NA; OC; SA) plus at least one QSO with GB50ATG. Endorsements available for: RTTY, PSK31, Single band only. While the award is a paper certificate, this can be upgraded to a plaque at additional cost. Upgrade stickers will not be available - the award is in recognition of attaining a minimum of 500 points.

Applications for this award may be made by any of the following methods:
1. Submission of QSL cards for the countries being claimed. These will be returned after checking. Alternatively, photocopies of these QSL cards are acceptable. Such copies must clearly show both sides if applicable, both callsigns, and establish beyond any doubt that a two way datamode contact took place. If QSL cards need to be returned, please check with the BARTG Awards Manager for return cost before sending. Please make cheques payable to BARTG.

2. Submission of a check-list containing the log extracts for the points being claimed. Check list should include date, time, band, callsign worked, mode, report, etc. This check list together with the corresponding QSL cards should be examined by the Awards Manager of a national radio society, or by TWO officers of a recognised radio club/society. The signed check list and appropriate fee should then be forwarded.

3. Claims can also be accepted based on a contest log(s) submitted for any BARTG contest. The claim must be made within 5 years of the first contest log submission, and for all QSOs claimed, you must have submitted a contest or check log at the appropriate time for that contest.

The cost of this award is: UK £6, US $10, 10 Euro. PAYPAL accepted. Plaques can be purchased for £20 each. Apply to: BARTG Awards Manager, Phil Cooper, GU0SUP, 1 Clos au Pre, La Hougue du Pommier, Castel Guernsey GY5 7FQ, UNITED KINGDOM.

Internet: (Application form available)

FRANCE                           150th Anniversary of the birth of Pierre Curie

Pierre Curie (1859-1906) was a French physicist who is mainly known for his studies in radioactivity and in piezoelectricity. He and his wife, Marie Curie, were pioneers of the study of radiations, and received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1903.

The amateurs of the French Department 59 celebrate the 150th anniversary of Pierre Curie's birth throughout 2009

by activating several stations using a commemorative callsign, such as TM2RPC, TM5RPC, TM6RPC, TM7RPC, TM8RPC, TM0RPC. They offer a special award for the contacting (SWL OK) at least 3 different stations TM*RPC on any valid bands or modes. The delivered award will indicate the callsigns of the special stations "RPC" which were contacted, as well as the modes and used bands. The supplementary mention "diplôme d’honneur" will be included for every station who contacts to 5 or more of the RPC suffixed stations.

Send a log extract of the contacts containing usual data including first name and QTH and certify that this is a true and correct listing. The sponsor asks that you include a sample of your QSL as well. Award fee is 5€ or equivalent and apply to : Jean-Louis VERHULST, ( F1SIU – diplôme manager ARAN59 ), Ruelle Williot, 11, Le Plein, 59 440 Saint Hilaire sur Helpe, France


Germany                            DOK C22 30th Anniversary Award

The DARC e. V., Ortsverband Pfaffenhofen, DOK C22 celebrates its 30th anniversary during 2009.  Amateurs and SWLs may earn the special award by earning at least 30 points during calendar year 2009.

Point Values: 
Each station in C22 = 2 points.
Club station DL0PAF and special call sign DL30PAF = 5 points each.

The certificate pictures Holle hops growing on the vine, an important ingredient of German high quality beer. 

Each station may be contacted one time for award purposes.  All bands and modes, except use of Packet and Echo Link are not permitted. Send log extract and fee of 5€ or $US5 to: Susanne Hipp DG1MEU, Bugscharrn 18, D-85276 Pfaffenhofen, Germany.

GERMANY                            25th Anniversary of Ortsverband Helmbrechts B39

The German Amateur-Radio-Club e.V. DARC local club Helmbrechts DOK B39 celebrates its 25th anniversary with the issuing of a special award. SWL OK.

Construct the following phrase using one character of the suffixes of 32 German stations during calendar year 2009:


At least 15 of the 32 required stations must be from the DARC-District of Franconia (i.e. B-DOK including special DOK "25B39 and CM88). The numbers in the phrase can be chosen from the prefix of the call sign. One station from the DARC local club Helmbrechts DOK B39 is mandatory. Each station used must be different.

One club-station from the DARC local club Helmbrechts (DL0HEL, DL0AR, DF0HF, DR6T and DQ8T with special DOK "25B39" and DK0HEL with special DOK "CM88" can be used as a joker for one missing letter or number. All bands and modes are OK.

Award fee for DL’s is 5€ or $US7, EU 7€ or $US10 and DX 8€ or $US11. Send log extract using application on their web site, self addressed label and fee to: DARC-Ortsverband HELMBRECHTS, Award Manager DB7NW, Postfach 1124, D-95222 Helmbrechts, Germany. Apply before 31 July 2010.


Tks PA3CUZ 2/11/09

Germany                     Landshuter Hochzeitsdiplom     (Royal Wedding of Landshut Award)

In 1475 Duke George the Rich of Landshut married Polish Princess Jadwiga (Hedwiga). The citizens of Landshut commemorate this royal wedding event with a festival taking place every four years. With about 2000 participants dressed in historical costumes and around 800,000 visitors from all over the world, the re-enactment of the "Royal Wedding of Landshut" is one of the largest events of its kind.

The next "Royal Wedding of Landshut" is taking place: 27 June 2009 to 19 July 2009

The German Amateur Radio Club e.V.(DARC, section Landshut, DOK U- 8) and the Union of Radio Amateurs of the German Federal Post (VFDB, section Landshut, DOK Z-76) sponsor a special award which can be obtained by all radio-amateurs and SWLs during the year of this performance.

Contacts may be made during the entire calendar year of 2009.

Earn a total of at least 1475 points. Table of point values are:



HF DX Stations:

All others:

DL0LA / DQ0L (U 8)
DL0LAT / DL1E (Z76)

First = 475

Second or later = 125 points each.

First = 475

Second or later = 125 points each.

All other stations of Landshut
(DOK U 8 und Z76)



All applicants must work one of the listed club stations DL0LA, DQ0L, DL0LAT, DL1E.  Only the first contact with one of these clubstations accounts for 475 points. All further contacts with clubstations and all other stations located in Landshut count 125 Points, and 25 points in case of HF DX contacts (i.e. for stations outside or Europe).  QSOs via Echolink or Packet-Radio are excluded; there is no further restriction with respect to bands or modes.  For this award each station can only worked once. Please send the application for award together with the relevant extract from the logbook and 8 Euros or 13 US-Dollars to: Andreas Lehner, DF5LR, Wernstorferstr.11,D- 84 36 Landshut, Germany.

For further information about the "Royal Wedding of Landshut" visit the website:
Rules located at:

Tks PA3CUZ 10/08

7-7-09 Sponsor has confirmed that these rules have been accepted are official. 

GERMANY 12th IAAF Athletics World Championships Berlin 2009 Award

In 2009, Berlin, Germany hosts the 12th IAAF Athletics World Championships. To publicize and celebrate this sports event, the DARC eV - Berlin Ortsverband D13 offers this award. Contact amateurs and SWLs of Berlin, Germany during calendar year 2009.

Points Required:
CW - 100 points.
VHF/UHF - 50 points.

Point Values
Stations DR12IAAF and DR60BLN on VHF/UHF = 20. On HF = 8.
Stations DA0MVB, DB0MVB, DL0MVB, DL0HAM, DO0MVB - UHF/VHF 5 points. On HF = 4.
YL stations from District D, UFH/VHF = 5. On HF = 4.
All other stations in District D - UHF/VHF 2. On HF = 1

All modes except Packet. Radio and Echo-Link OK. One contact with DR12IAAF is required. Each station may only be worked one time. Send log extract and fee of 8€ to: Michael Huber DG8MH, Rohrbrunnerstr. 12, D-13509 Berlin, Germany.


Tks OH3GZ 6/18/09


GERMANY             Jubiläums-Diplom Lüdinghausen

To celebrate the 700th anniversary of the City of Lüdinghausen and the 40th anniversary  of the DARC-Ortsverband Lüdinghausen N 29, this award is offered for contacts between 1 January 2008 end 31 December 2009. SWL OK.  All bands and modes except Packet Radio and Echo Link.

Earn a total of 20 points.

1. Each contact with a member of the DOK N29 = 2 points. 
2. Club stations DL0LN, DL0CAN, DL1L and DR700LH = each 5 points. 
Each station can be worked once per band. Send a log extract and fee of 5€ to: Lutz Heller DJ7YB, Freiheit Wolfsberg 15a, D-59348 Lüdinghausen, Germany.



Tks PA3CUZ 2/11/08

Germany              60th Anniversary of the SOS Children’s Villages

Sponsored by the DARC-Ortsverband S54 Chemnitz-Süd on the occasion of the establishment of the first SOS children's village in 1949 in Austria. Contact countries which contain a SOS Children’s Village starting from the 1st February 2009 to 31 January 2010 using HF and VHF / UHF. SWL OK.  Each country counts only once except for Germany, where can a SOS station, and the special station DL60CHILD may both be used. All modes except Echo-Link.  

The objective is to earn at least 60 points including at least one DL and OE station.

Point values:
a. Each country (except OE) on HF = 1 point and on VHF/UHF = 10 points.
b. Contact with OE = 20 points.
c. Special station DL60CHILD = 20 points.

Send a log extract and fee of 10€ or $US15 before 30 June 2010 to Jürgen Schneider, DL1JHQ, Elisenstrasse 27, D-09111 Chemnitz, Germany or by E-mail to

Payment by bank available as follows:
Bank: Sparkasse Chemnitz , Konto 4700 293 646

BLZ: 870 500 00 / IBAN: DE96 87050000 4700293646 / BIC: CHEKDE81XXX

The net surplus (after deducting the cost of postage, envelopes, diploma-printing) is donated to the association SOS Children's Village Association in Munich.

SOS- children's village country list:
AP, A2, BV, BY, CE, CN, CP, CT, CX, C5, C9, DL, DU, D2, D4, EA, EK, EL, WS, ET, EU,
EX, E4, F, FO, G, HA, HB9, HC, HH, HI, HK, HL, HP, HR, HS, I, JA, JT, JY, J5, LA, LU,
LY, LX, LZ, OA, OD, OE, OH, OK, ON, OZ, PA, PY, PZ, SM, SP, ST, SU, SV, S2, TA, TF,
TG, TI, TJ, TL, TT, TU, TY, TZ, T5, T9, UA, UK, UN, UR, VE, VK, VU, V5, W, XE, XT,
XU, XW, YB, YK, YL, YN, YO, YS, YU, YU/S, YV, ZA, ZP, ZS, Z2, Z3, 3B8, 3C, 3DA, 3V,
3W, 3X, 4K, 4L, 4S, 4X, 5B, 5H, 5N, 5R, 5U, 5V, 5X, 5Z, 6W, 6Y, 7O, 7P, 7Q, 7X, 9A, 9G,
9J, 9L, 9N, 9Q, 9U, 9X.


Tks PA3CUZ 2/27/09

GERMANY                   Old Sachsen-Anhalt Award

To celebrate the 1000th anniversary of the city of Wolmirstedt in the German federal state of Sachsen-Anhalt the local DARC division (DOK W37) is issuing a commemorative award for contacts made between January 1st 2008 and 31st December 2009. SWL OK.

Contact stations in the federal state of Sachsen-Anhalt (all W DOKs + Z85 and Y37), especially stations in cities which are 1000 years old or even older, as listed below.

The award is issued in three classes:
Bronze for 100 points,
Silver for 250 points and
Gold for 1000 points.

Each station in Sachsen-Anhalt = 1 point. The same station may be worked in different band/mode combinations to get additional points. Furthermore every first contact with a DOK from a city which is at least 1000 years old counts as one multiplier.

The list of cities which are at least 1000 years old and their corresponding DOK (between brackets is the year in which the city was first mentioned in history) are:
Burg W01 (948), Halberstadt W02 (804), Magdeburg W05-W10 and Z85 (805), Zerbst W07 (948), Strassfurt W08 (806), Oschersleben W12 (994), Salzland-Strassfurt W14 (806), Haldensleben W15 (966), Zeitz W17 (967), Halle W19 (806), Quendlinburg W20 (922), Merseburg W21 (830), Bernburg W23 (961), Bad Duerrenberg W25 (993), Mansfeld W26 (973), Harzgerode W32 (994), MLU Halle W35 (806), Schoenebeck W36 (936), Wolmirstedt W37 (1009).

All special DOKs active during 2008 and 2009 from within Sachsen-Anhalt also count as a multiplier. The award is free but postage costs should be paid (Germany 1.45€, EU 2.50€ and all others 4€).  Send log extract to Andrea Diekman, DL3ABL, Ginsterweg 51, D-39326 Wolmirstedt, Germany.

Tks ON4CAS 4/7/08

GERMANY                   125th anniversary of the Orient-Express Award

In June 1883 the legendary train de luxe "Orient Express" started for the first time. The Railway Radio Amateurs (EFA) of DARC issues this award to commemorate this anniversary. The award may be earned by amateurs and SWLs of all countries during the period 1July 2008 until 31 December 2009.

Just work 7 of the 8 countries through which the train passed without any time-limit. The countries are Great Britain, France, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Yugoslavia (now Serbia), Bulgaria and Turkey. All Bands and Modes may be used, but without PR or ECHOLINK.

This award can be issued for one Band or Mode. An application with a list of confirmed contacts (GCR-list) must also contain the applicant’s name, address and callsign, together with a fee of

5 IRC’s or $US10. Apply to: Hans Piehler DL8ARJ, A.-Bebel-Str. 5, D-07639 Bad Klosterlausnitz, Germany.


Tks ON4CAS 9/2008

GERMANY                   1225 Years of Philippsburg

Issued by the DARC Division Philippsburg (DOK A53) on the occasion of the 1225th anniversary of the City of Philippsburg. SWL OK. Contacts between January 1st 2009 and December 31st 2010 are valid. SWL OK. Collect at least 100 points.  

Point values: 
a. club station DL0PHG = 10 points. 
b. Members of DOK A53 = 5 points while other stations with any A DOK and the Z DOKs Z06, Z09, Z26 and Z29 = 2 points. 
c. A station may be worked using several band/mode combinations to get extra points.

No band or mode restrictions, but no Packet radio or Echolink. Applications should be sent after January 1st 2010. Send log extract and fee of $US7 or 5€ to: John Hillyer, DJ6JH, Obere Bruehlstasse 34, D-76707 Hambruecken, Germany.


Tks  ON4CAS 3/1/09 

GERMANY                           Weißenburg – Jubilee – Award 2008

The German Amateur – Radio - Club e.V., Ortsverband Weißenburg, DOK B-20, is sponsoring a Jubilee Award on the occasion of their 50th anniversary. It may be earned during the period January 1. 2008 until December 31. 2009 by active Hams as well as by SWLs.  Contact Amateur - Radio-Stations from DARC-OV B20, Weißenburg, Germany. In summary you need 50 Points.

Point Values:
a. Each contact with any station of DOK B20 = 10 Points.
b. SWLs and contacts with ( X)YLs count double value. .
c. One contact with one of the club stations DL0WG or DJ7A is required and = 40 Points one time. .

There are no band limitation, all modes as may be used except packet radio and echo link contacts.  Send GCR-List or Log Extract (there are no QSLs needed) and fee of 5€ to: Wolfgang Mueller, DJ7AT, Pfalzgrafenstr. 5c, D - 91161 Hilpoltstein, Germany. 

Tks DJ7AT 6/2008

1 April 2009 to 31 July 2009

HUNGARY                          160th Anniversary of Hungarian Independence Struggle

On Dec 2, 1848, Austria annexed Hungary. The National Defense Board was relocated from the Capital to the City of Debrecen in the hope that the Capital City, as-well-as the Country could be saved from destruction. The Austrian army occupied the Capital and Transdanubium 160 years ago. The expanded Parliament convened in the Great Cathedral of Debrecen declared the independence of Hungary. On the same day Lajos Kossuth was elected as Governing President.

The radio amateurs of the City of Debrecen remind us to these historical events 160 years ago by issuing special callsigns and a Commemorative Diploma. The activity starts on April 1, 2009, ending on July 31, 2009 using the callsigns listed below. The QSO-s are valid on all bands including HF and VHF/UHF in all modes mixed (including digitals too) but to be eligible for the Commemorative Diploma, a callsign can only be used once and in one mode. In the VHF/UHF FM mode, only simplex contacts are acceptable.

The following stations are participating:
a. HG160FNY with different operators, QSL manager: HA0DX – Zoli.
b. Individual special callsigns: HA160DX, op: Zoli HA0DX, HA160KA, op: István HA0KA, HA160NDE, op: Vince HA0NDE, HG160BW, op: Imre HA0BW, HG160JUV, op: Vili HG7JUV.

Stations with individual callsigns have no QSL managers. The request QSL cards should be addressed to the Central QSL Bureau, handled as a conventional card. The sponsors promise to send a special QSL card for each contact with a special station.

To earn the award, make one contact with HF160FNY and two or more of the other stations containing "160" in their suffix. Send a log extract of the contacts with the special stations and fee of 1000 HUF, 5€ or $US7 to: Andrasik Zoltan HA0DX, 4033 Debrecen, Gyalog u. 14., HUNGARY.


Tks 425 DX News 4/3/09

HUNGARY                      Queen Gisela Award

Sponsored by the Veszprem County Section of the Hungarian Radioamateur Society in memory of Queen Gisela who was the first queen in the history of Hungary.  The award may be earned by licensed amateurs, club stations and SWLs and is based on points which can be earned on any valid band or mode with the exception that earth repeater contacts are not allowed. Contacts must be made during the period January 1, 2006 to December 31, 2011.

Points needed:
Hungarian stations need 100.
Other Europeans need 60.
All others need 40.

Point values: 
HA2G  = 10 points
HA2RI, HA2EQD, HA2RQ  = 5 points
HAM 's in the town of Veszprém   =  3 points
HAM 's in the Hungarian district 2 =  2 points
Other Hungarian stations   = 1 point

Each station may be counted only one time. Send log extract witnessed by two amateurs to: Schenk Róbert, Egry J. u. 16/3, H-8200 Veszprém, Hungary. Fee for the award is $US5 or 5E.

(Awards will be reviewed and sent out at the end of each quarter.)

Tks PA3CUZ 3/15/2008

To mark the millennium of its name in 2009, the Lithuanian Amateur RadioSociety (LRMD) is issuing special wooden plaquette for amateurs who contact Special Event Stations with
the LY1000 prefix (there will be 12 such special stations on the air) plus all other LY stations during period  2009 Jan 01 until 2009 December 31 and accumulate a total of 1000 points.
		LY1000 Prefixed Stations	Other LY stations	Minimum Number LY1000 Required
EU Stations		150			50			5
DX Stations		300			100			3

The same station may be contacted on multiple bands and modes for award credit.  Send certified list of contacts (no QSLs) and payment of 10€(or equivalent in USD)to: LRMD Award
Manager, P.O. Box 1000, LT-01014 Vilnius-1, Lithuania.  Application deadline is 31 Dec 2010. 
Here are the Special Event LY1000 Stations and their operating dates:
   LY1000FW (Op. Giedrius/LY1FW)   from 01-JAN-2009  until  01-MAR-2009
   LY1000GV (Op. Gintautas/LY2GV)  from 01-JAN-2009  until  01-MAR-2009
   LY1000QT (Op. Valerijus/LY2QT)  from 01-JAN-2009  until  01-MAR-2009
   LY1000WN (Op. Algimantas/LY2WN) from 01-JAN-2009  until  01-MAR-2009
   LY1000M  (Op. Vytautas/LY3M)    from 01-JAN-2009  until  01-MAR-2009
   LY1000NX (Op. Romas/LY3NX)      from 01-JAN-2009  until  01-MAR-2009
   LY1000W  (Op. Rimantas/LY3W)    from 01-JAN-2009  until  01-MAR-2009
   LY1000CV (Op. Boleslovas/LY2CV) from 07-JAN-2009  until  01-MAR-2009
   LY1000CM (Op. Bronius/LY1CM)    from 02-MAR-2009  until  30-APR-2009
   LY1000X  (Op. Tomas/LY3X)       from 02-APR-2009  until  31-MAY-2009
   LY1000A  (Op. Jonas/LY5A)       from 02-MAY-2009  until  30-JUN-2009
   LY1000Q  (Op. Rolandas/LY4Q)    from 13-JUN-2009  until  11-AUG-2009
   LY1000G  (Op. Stanislovas/LY1G) from 03-JUL-2009  until  31-AUG-2009
   LY1000LA (Op. Eduardas/LY4LA)   from 03-JUL-2009  until  31-AUG-2009

Tks Tomas LY3X  1/3/09

Netherlands                                DIG-PA Jubileum Award  

To celebrate the 25th anniversary of the DIG section The Netherlands on 29 January 2009, DIG-PA is sponsoring this award for QSO's between 29 January 2009 and 31 January 2010

Contact a certain number of DIG-PA stations (SWL's on heard basis):

PA-Stations: PC25DIG + PI4DIG + 10 Dutch DIG members
PC25DIG + PI4DIG + 3 Dutch DIG members or PC25DIG + 6 Dutch DIG members
PC25DIG + PI4DIG or PC25DIG + 3 Dutch DIG members

PC25DIG will be active during these dates:
a. 29 January - 13 February 2009
b. 28 March - 12 April 2009  (incl. WPX-SSB and DIG-QSO Party CW)
c. 24 December 2009 - 8 January 2010

The award can be worked on HF and VHF. All modes may be used. Special endorsements for HF, VHF or CW. Send a lists of contacts plus a fee of  € 5, US$ 8 of 6 IRC's to the award manager: 
Ans Wildeboer, PD5W, Kempenland 13, 8302 MT  EMMELOORD, The Netherlands.


Tks PA3CUZ 1/15/09 

NETHERLANDS                             100 Years of Aviation in Etten-Leur

This award is offered to commemorate the first flight of a Wright Flyer, on June 27th 1909, near Etten-Leur in the Netherlands. Work (or hear) 4 members of the VERON-section 54, Etten-Leur during calendar year 2009. One QSO with PI4ETL or PH1ØØEL (from June 18th – July 9th 2009) is obligatory.  All bands and modes.

Active members of the section Etten-Leur are:

A list of all members is available via .
Submit a log extract of the QSO's with a minimum of 4 members from VERON-section Etten-Leur. Include the frequency, date, time, call, mode, signal report, name and QTH.
Endorsements for CW, SSB, DIGI, HF or VHF-only are possible. Send fee of 5€, $US5. (No IRCs). Apply to: Paul M.W. Marks, PA1UL, Tubahof 42, 4876 ZR Etten-Leur, The Netherlands.


Tks PA3CUZ 2/09

POLAND                           80th Anniversary of the KRAKOW Radio Club

1. This Diploma is issued on the occasion of 80th anniversary of the Cracow Amateur Radio Club (whose successor is the Malopolska Amateur Radio Association of OT PZK in Krakow).
2. Diploma is issued to amateurs Polish and foreign, operating in the HF and VHF bands.
3. Contacts must be made within the period of 1 April 2009 to 31 December 2009.
4. All Bands and any emissions - for scoring include communications with a given station only once.

5. The establishment of communications with the special stations = 5 points
SN 80 SPOK working in the period from 01.04.09 - 15.04.09
SN 80 TPZO working in the period 16.04.09 - 30.04.09
SN 80 TPRO working in the period from 01.05.09 - 15.05.09
SP 80 NON working in the period from 16.05.09 - 26.05.09
SP 80 SPST working in the period 27.05.09 - 07.06.09
SP 80 SPDN working in the period from 08.06.09 - 18.06.09
SP 80 SPPC working in the period 19.06.09 - 30.06.09
SQ 80 SPLG worked in the period from 01.09.09 - 07.09.09
SQ 80 SPQL working in the period 08.09.09 - 15.09.09
SQ 80 SPDE working in the period 16.09.09 - 23.09.09
SQ 80 SPCU working in the period 24.09.09 - 30.09.09
SQ 80 SPST working in the period from 01.10.09 - 07.10.09

For establishing communications with member stations of Malopolska Amateur Radio Association OT PZK in Krakow = 3 points
Other stations working with the City of Cracow = 1 point

6. Requirements:
SP stations - 80 pts. (At least 8 Contacts with above special stations).
EU stations - 30 pts. (at least 5 special stations).
DX stations - 15 pts. (At least 3 special stations).

7. Cost diploma: SP’s send $10 in stamps IRC EU postal stations and DX 3 IRC.

8. Applications along with QSL cards for stations in Krakow and a fee of postage stamps or IRCs should be sent to: MSK OT PZK Krakow, PO Box 606, 30-960 Krakow 1, Poland by 31 March 2010.


Tks SP9PJA Blog 9/09

ROMANIA        CS Silver Fox Award

Stations using "GEO" in their call sign or sign /GEO are participating in an effort to publicize Nature Parks or special attractions related to natural life in their countries.  This award will be issued to any station earning a total of 100 points by working such stations and by making one contact with any station from HD province in Romania who adds the term GEO after their signal report.  For example YO2ARV sends you 579/GEO.  All contacts must be made during the period 23 May 2009 to 30 December 2009.  Send log extract witnessed by two amateurs and fee of 2E or 3 IRC for Europeans, or $4 or 4 IRC for all others.  Apply to CS Silver Fox, PO Box 119, RO-330012 Deva 1, HD, Romania.

Tks OH3GZ 6/09  


RUSSIA               NORTHERN ESCORT PQ Award 

Sponsored by the AFARU and WWII veterans' council. This award is devoted to the memory of seamen and the pilots who manned the ships and traveled in perilous convoys with military cargoes of the countries allied with the USSR in the war with Hitlerite Germany from 1941 to 1945. There were 78 such convoys during this period.  The first series of convoys used designations of "PQ and "QP". The indicator "PQ" indicates an outbound convoy and "QP" stood for homebound.  This series ran from September 1941 to September 1942. These convoys ran twice monthly, but were interrupted in the summer of 1942 when they were temporarily suspended after the disaster of PA17 when 25 out of 36 ships were lost due to persistent German attacks. 

Earn a total of 65 points. For WWII veterans, 30 points will qualify you for the award. 

Point values for contacts with: 

1. stations from USA, Canada, Australia = 15 points
2. stations from Great Britain and Iceland = 10 points, 
3. WWII veterans in Russia and stations from Murmanskaya and Arkhangekskaya oblasts = 5 points
4. Contacts with Murmanskaya and Arkhangekskaya oblasts are obligatory. 
5. QSO with the board radio station of icebreaker KRASIN, which took part in the PQ-15 convoy = 15 points.   (added 4/6/09)
(The icebreaker was built in 1917, and is now a museum ship in Saint Petersburg, Russia, the only icebreaker maritime museum commemorating the WWII Arctic convoys.)

Valid contacts begin August 2006 and end in  May 2010. 
Each station may be worked for credit on different bands and modes. Fee for the diploma is 100 rubles for RA and CIS countries, $US5 for all others. Send GCR list and fee to: SMIRNOV Sergey Victorovich RK3BJ, P.O.Box 28, 109469, MOSCOW, Russia. 

WIKIPEDIA PQ-17 entry: 

Tks Andre RA1AE 3/17/09 


Sponsored by the Omsky Airport Co. to recognize the 80th anniversary of the operations of this airport.   Contact (SWL OK) amateur radio stations of Omskaya oblast during calendar year 2009. 
During the calendar year 2009, earn 80 points.
Points value:
a. contact with HAM's working in civil aviation = 5 points, with other Omskaya oblast HAM's = 1 point.
A station may be worked on several bands or modes on the same band to collect extra points. 
Fee for the diploma 50 rubles for RA, 3 IRC's for foreign HAM's.
Send a log extract to: Valentin N. HORUZCENKO RA9MC, PO Box 1569, Omsk, 644110, Russia.   


List of HAM's working in civil aviation in Omskaya oblast: RA9MC (UE80MT), RA9MKL (UE80MK), RU9MP (UE80MP), RW9MC (UE80ME), UA9MAX (UE80MO), UA9MBQ (UE80MB), UA9MC (UE80MC), UA9MD (UE80MD), UA9NS (UE80NS)

Tks RA1AE 4/1/09 

    Alexander Popov -150th Anniversary Awards from Russia in 2009

The prominent Russian scientist and engineer Alexander Popov is credited with creating the world's first wireless radiotelegraph communication system. This invention laid the foundation for creating radio, TV and mobile phone - devices that define the communication environment of our time.       
     Alexander Popov was born on 4th (16) of March 1859 in the family of a priest in the village Turinskyie Rudniki (today namaed Krasnoturyinsk), 300 km north of Ekaterinburg. Alexander Popov began his education in the Dalmatovskaya Ecclesiastical School (in the town of Dalmatovo, Kurgan region) and then continued at the Ekaterinburg Ecclesiastical School. In 1877 he graduated from general educational classes of the Perm Ecclesiastical Seminary with distinction. His growing interest in technology led him to the Physical-Mathematical faculty of the St. Petersburg University, where he acted as a scholar and researcher in the then new field of electricity. After graduating from the University, in 1883 Alexander Popov started to work in the Navy Department, at its naval base in Kronstadt. There he taught at the Russian Navy's Torpedo School, conducted practical training and perform many of experiments. 
     On 25 April (7 May) 1895 at a meeting of the Russian Physics-Chemical Society, Alexander Popov demonstrated his famous practical scheme of radiotelegraph communication. It was a result of his many years of labour and professional interest in electricity and electromagnetic phenomena, which soon became applicable on ships of Russian Navy. The invention of A.S.Popov became known throughout the world and led to further improvement of radio communication due to scientific contacts between scientists and researchers from different countries (exchange of scientific journals, international exhibitions etc.). In 1901 Popov was appointed professor of St. Petersburg Electrotechnical Institute, and in 1905 he was elected president of the institution. In 1905 Alexander Popov bought a cottage near town Udomlya in the Tver region. His family lived there for many years after his death (13 January 1906, New Style). In Russia,  Alexander Popov has always been held in great respect. Many institutions, enterprises, scientific and technical societies and museums, radio stations and ships, streets, and one of the minor planets were named after A.S. Popov. Since 1945 the Central Museum of Communications in St. Petersburg also bears the name of Popov.

RUSSIA                                   Jubilee Diploma Alexander Stepanovich Popov 150 years

March 16, 2009 marks the 150th anniversary of the birth of Alexander Popov - the inventor of radio. In honor of this landmark event FSUE (Main Radio Frequency Center) has established a jubilee diploma - «Alexander Stepanovich Popov - 150 years». Contacts should be made within the period: 1 March 2009 to 1 March 2010.  Each valid station may be contacted only one time.  SWL OK. 

A special diploma is issued for the amateurs or SWLs , conducted with amateur radio stations located in places where Popov lived and worked: Popov: St. Petersburg, Kronstadt, Ekaterinburg, Krasnoturinsk (UA9C)(Sverdlovsk reg.) Udomlya (Tver reg.). Contact radio stations using special call signs to honor the 150th anniversary of Popov.  These are:
R3AWA, R7M, Ministry of Communications Station.
RF3C Main Radio Frequency Center Station
RF3T - station of the Radio frequency Center in Privolzhsky Federal Okrug.
R1ASP - station of mining-officer class in Kronstadt.

Earn a total of 150 points using values of this table: 
R150AP, R150ASP, R150DMP, R150IP, R150RP, R150P, UE9CAP, UE9CRP = 30 points.
R3AWA, R7M, RF3C, RF3T, R1ASP = 20 points. 
HAMs from St-Petersburg, Kronstadt, Ekaterinburg, Krasnoturyinsk (UA9C), Udomlya (UA3I) = 2 points.

Fee for the award is 75 rubles for Russian amateurs (WWII veterans, children's stations at no charge.). All others 3 IRC. 

Send log extract and necessary fee to Sergey Petrovich ARMETOV RA3DOX, P.O.Box 33, 142160, VORONOVO, Podolsky rayon, Moskovskaya oblast, RUSSIA.

For more information, please e-mail:

Tks OH3GZ and RA1AE. 2/09

RUSSIA      Inventor of Radio Alexander S. Popov 150th birthday Anniversary Pennon

RB of SRR and Perm branch of FSUE "RFC PFD" sponsors a Pennon (Pennant?) to amateurs and SWLs for 2-way contacts (SWL OK) on any amateur bands. The applicant must earn150 points. Contacts must have been made in the period of March 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009.

There are three ways to obtain the pennon:

1. On HF bands
Applicants from Russia and CIS countries
a. QSOs with memorial stations with "R150" prefixes and with other stations, devoted to the anniversary of Alexander S. Popov = 20 points.
b. R1A, R1C, R3I, R3T, R6A, R9C, R9F, R9G, R9Q, R0A, OH5, UU (Sevastopol city only), K/N/W (Chicago city only) = 5 points.
c QSOs with any stations from Russia = 1 point.
d QSOs with 3 memorial stations or 7 places above are mandatory.

For the applicants from other countries:
a. The point values above are multiplied by two.
b QSOs with 1 memorial station or 2 places above is mandatory
c. Duplicate contacts even on different bands/modes are not allowed on HF bands.d. Memorial stations will be active from March, 1, 2009 till May, 9, 2009.

2. On VHF bands
a. The applicant must collect 1500 km of total distances of the QSOs. In the application the applicant must show his WW locator and WW locators of the stations worked.
b. Duplicate contacts on different bands are allowed on VHF bands.

3. Operators of POPOV memorial stations:
Operator of memorial stations may apply for the pennon if they make at least 200 QSOs on HF bands or 35 QSOs on VHF bands and if they send their log and sample of their jubilee QSL card to the award committee.

QSOs for the pennon are valid from March,1 2009 to December, 31 2009. No QSLs required. Application signed by two radio amateurs is to be sent to the address below. For the stations from Russia the pennon is free of charge and will be sent to the address shown by the applicant. Stations from other countries, including CIS countries must compensate postal expenses of $2 or 4 IRCs or rouble's equivalent.

Applications and fees are to be sent to: Serge B. Noskov, P.O.Box 172, Perm 614056, Russia. Applications may be sent in electronic form to e-mail address: .

The reception of electronic application will be confirmed within 3 days.


Tks G0RPA 2/24/09 amended 2/26/09. 

RUSSIA                    Northern Ural Mountains – A.S. POPOV’s Native Land Award

The diploma is devoted to the memory of the outstanding scientist, the inventor of radio A.S.Popov and his 150th birthday. The diploma is issued by the Radio-frequency centre of the Ural federal district and incorporated radio club of cities of Krasnoturyinsk, Karpinsk, Volchansk, Severouralsk, Serov, Novaya Lyalya, Lobva and Verhoturye of Sverdlovsk area.  Contacts should be made between March 1st 2009 and March 1st 2010. Collect a total of 150 points based on the values shown below: 

Point values: 
a. Special event station R150DMP (Popov Museum) = 50 points. (QSO is mandatory with this station.)
b. Stations in the cities or Krasnoturyinsk and Karpinsk = 25 points
c. Stations in Volchansk, Severouralsk, Serov New Lyalya, Lobva and Verhoturye = 15 points.
d. Other stations in Sverdlovskaya oblast =5 points.

Contacts on VHF count double. A station may be worked in several modes or several bands to collect extra points. SWL OK. Send log extract and three Euro (Russians 50 Roubles) to: Startsev Anatoly Aleksandrovich, P.O. Box 1, 624930 Karpinsk, Sverdlovskaya, Russia.

Tks ON4CAS 2/26/09
(Corrections 2/27/09 and 3-6-09 from RA1AE)

 RUSSIA                                                        150 Years of Aleksander Stepanovich Popov

This award is sponsored by the Regional Branch of SRR in the Sverdlovskaya oblast.  Aleksander Popov was born on 4 (16) of March 1859 in the settlement of Turinskiye Rudniki (now Krasnoturyinsk in Sverdlovskaya oblast). This diploma is awarded to to all amateurs and SWLs for contacts with Russian amateur radio stations, located in places, where A.S.Popov lived and worked:

1. Krasnoturyinsk (UA9C)      5. St-Petersburg,
2. Dolmatovo (UA9Q)            6. Udomlya (UA3I)
3. Ekaterinburg,                      7. Nizhniy Novgorod
4. Perm

Contacts with Special Event Stations honoring 150 years of Popov = 30 points.
(2 QSO's with special event stations and  with one special event station from Sverdlovskaya oblast (R150DMP, UE9DRP, UE9CAP, UE9CRP)are obligatory.

Earn a total of 150 points. Contacts are valid from Jan 1 2009 to Dec 31 2009. Any mode, any band, Every station may be worked only once.
Fee for the award - 80 rubles for UA, 3 IRC for others.
The log extract send to:
Sumin Vladimir RV9CQ, PO.Box 111, Ekaterinburg-62, 620062, Russia.


Tks RA1AE 3/5/09

RUSSIA                                        DIPLOMA "DALMATOVO - 150 YEARS A.S.Popov

Sponsored by regional branch of SRR in Kurganskaya oblast, ROSTO of Kurganskaya oblast and FSUE "RFC PFD".  Aleksandr Stepanovich Popov (16.03.1859-13.01.1906) was born in Turyinskiye Rudniki in Verhoturye district in Perm province (nowadays called  Karpinsk in Sverdlovskaya oblast) as the son of a priest. First steps in education boy made in Dalmatovo spiritual school at a monastery. Within two years he studied physics and math at St. Petersburg university, one of the oldest educational institutions of Russia. In memory of these years of Popov's life the present DIPLOMA is founded. 

Earn a total of 150 points for the QSO's with HAM's in Kurganskaya oblast (UA9Q).  Available contacts during days of activity of Kurgan HAM's since March 15 till May 8 2009. A station may be worked in several modes or several bands to collect extra points. A QSO with R150RP is obligatory.

Table of Point Values
Contacts with: HF VHF
R150RP 30 100
Club stations from Kurganskaya oblast 25 75
Personal stations in Kurganskaya obalst 20 50

The award is free of charge. Send a Log extract on or before July 1, 2009 to:  VINOGRADOV Vyacheslav Mikhaylovich RA9RR, P.O.Box 145, LESNIKOVO, 641300, Kurganskaya oblast, Ketovsky rayon, RUSSIA.


Tks RA1AE 3/5/09


Sponsored by the A.S. Popov Central Museum of Communications and ALRS (Association of radio amateurs of St-Petersburg) This diploma is awarded for contacts (or SWL) with radio stations from memorial places associated with the life and work of A.S. Popov between 12th of March and 7th of May 2009. Earn 150 points. 

Point values: 
Special event stations with prefix R150 = 50 points. 
HAMs from R1A, R1C, R3I, R3T, R6A, R9C, R9F, R9G, R9Q, R0A,OH5, UU(Sevastopol) = 2 points. 

Every station may be worked for credit on different bands and modes. The diploma is free of charge, however, sponsor requests that you provide fees for postage as follows: Russia, Uzbekistan and Byelorussia = 50 rubles, others = 70 rubles or 4 IRC. Log extract send to: SASHENIN Nikolay Mikhaylovich, P.O.Box 80, St-Petersburg, 193231, Russia. 


Tks RA1AE 3/10/09 


The cultural society of ASOCIACION CULTURAL RADIOAFICIONADOS COSTA BLANCA, offers this free award for contacts made from November 2008 to April 2009. Work 10 stations who live in this URE section. Look for some special calls during these months in the bands of 80 and 40 mts. They will identify themselves by calling " Station valid for II DIPLOMA CARAVANITOS.

You may send the request via e-mail to: or by regular mail to: ACRACB , P.O.Box: 2.117 03080 ALICANTE - SPAIN. Your application must contain the following items of data: CALL, NAME and SURNAMES, ADDRESS (no po box please), TELEPHONE NUMBER, TIME and DATE OF QSO and points. You need 10 POINTS.

Tks EA3GHZ 11/2008 

SWEDEN                Roskilde 1658 Award

Kristianstads Radioamatörer, SK7BQ, has established the Roskilde 1658 Award in recognition of the 350th anniversary of the Treaty of Roskilde on February 26, 1658. After this treaty the Swedish provinces of Halland, Skåne and Blekinge became Swedish. Until 1658 they were a part of Denmark. They have thus been Danish considerably longer than they have been Swedish.

The decades that followed  the treaty were some of the most violent in the history of Sweden and Denmark. It is however a history not told in Swedish schools until recent years. For centuries after the Treaty of Roskilde the history of Sweden were the history of the genuine Swedish provinces. However, books and TV series have made the untold history of the former Danish provinces known to more people, not only in Sweden and Denmark.

This award is a cooperative effort between the amateur radio clubs in the three Swedish provinces as well as the local chapter of EDR (the IARU organization in Denmark) in Roskilde.

To earn the award, at least four of the special Swedish call signs listed below shall be contacted by radio amateurs or logged by SWLs. If the Danish Joker Station OZ1658ROS, is contacted or logged then, only three of the Swedish call signs are needed along with the Danish Joker Station. Contacts shall be made during 2008-2009* and is available to licensed amateurs and SWLs. All bands and modes may be used. However, no QSOs over repeaters, crossband,  repeaters, transponders or satellites will count for the award.

The following Swedish call signs are valid for the Roskilde 1658 Award:

 *Due to very POOR propagation during most of 2008, the award period has been extended to now include all of 2009. 


Call Sign

Operated by:

QSL Via:



Falkenbergs Sändareamatörer




Kungsbacka Radioamatörer


Skåne (Scania)

SK1658OZ and SC1658OZ

Kristianstads Radioamatörer


Skane (Scania)


Ham Club Lundensis,




Västra Blekinge Sändaramatöre


JOKER/Wild Card  Station  OZ1658ROS Members of OZ9EDR, the local chapter of EDR in Roskilde. Bureau or to:
Torben Lund Hansen
Smedevej 41
DK-4070 Kirke Hyllinge,

The callsigns shall be interpreted as follows:
SH = Sweden Halland
SK = SKåne
SC = SCania, the English name for Skåne. The other provinces do not have English names.
SB = Sweden Blekinge
1658 = the year of the treaty
OZ, DK = a reference to Denmark

Cards are not needed for the award. Your application will be checked against a master list of contacts from all the special stations. When you have made the necessary contacts, you may apply for the award.  The sponsor will check the automated log, make sure you qualify, and then issue the award.  (An online log will be available so you can be sure your contact has made it into their system.) 

Award fees:
Swedish stations and Swedish SWLs: 50 SEK
Other stations and SWLs: 10 USD or 7 Euro

Send the list of special stations you contacted along with the award fee to: Kristianstads Radioamatörer, Award Manager, c/o Anders Nordgren,  Strömshall 4010, SE-280 60 Broby, Sweden.

The Roskilde 1658 Award web site will always be updated with the latest information along with an activity calendar, listing active stations for every week.

Tks SM6DEC 1/11/08


UKRAINE                        N.V. GOGOL - 200 YEARS

This award celebrates the 200th anniversary of the birth of Nikolai Gogol, the famed Ukranian born Russian writer, now considered the father of modern Russian realism. The award is sponsored by the radio club MIRRAD of Mirgorod city in Poltavskaya oblast, Ukraine.  Earn a total of 200 points within the period 1 Apr 2009 to 31 Dec 2009.

Points value:
a. any member station of the MIRRAD radioclub (URDA PO-22, PO-23) = 10 points.
b. stations from Poltavskaya oblast = 5 points.

Look for these stations during the days of special activity:
1 – 5 Apr 2009 (1 Apr – the birthday of Gogol),
19 – 24 Aug (3rd weekend of August – Sorochinskaya Fair works),
18 Sept 2009 – the Day of Mirgorod city.

The diploma is free of charge, buy you are asked to pay postal costs: for CIS countries $US3 and $US5 for the rest of the world.
Send GCR list to: Pavel Vasilyevich Koshelnikov UT5HX, P.O.Box 73, MIRGOROD, 37600, Poltavskaya oblast, Ukraine.

Internet: http://UARL.COM.UA

USA                       State of Alaska 50th Anniversary Award

The U.S. Senate approved the purchase of Alaska from the Russian Empire on March 30, 1867, for $7.2 million or about 2 cents per acre.  When adjusted for inflation, the total sum paid equates to approximately $111 million in today's dollars. The land went through several administrative changes before becoming an organized territory on May 11, 1912 and the 49th state of the U.S. on January 3, 1959. The name "Alaska" was already introduced in the Russian colonial time, when it was only used for the peninsula and is derived from the Aleut alaxsxaq, meaning "the mainland", or more literally, "the object towards which the action of the sea is directed." It is also known as Alyeska, the "great land", an Aleut word derived from the same root.

To celebrate Alaska's 50 years of Statehood, the Great Outdoors Radio Club will issue the, " Alaska 50th Award."  To receive this award an amateur radio operator has to have one qso with a ham operating in The State of Alaska anytime during the year of 2009.  Any mode can be used including CW, FM, AM, PSK31, RTTY, other digital modes, SSB, EcoLink and repeater contacts.

The award is free to all GORC Memebrs. All others please send your log and $3.00 to cover costs of printing and mailing to: GORC, Attn: Alaska 50th Award, 775 Moonflower Ave., Reading, PA  19606-3447

Alaska 50th - 50 Award Gold Seal
If you make 50 QSOs with Alaska during 2009, an embossed gold seal endorsement will be placed on your certificate.  IYou may work the same station on the same mode, but to count for one of the 50, each contact will have to be made on different days! However no more than three QSOs per day with the same station on the same mode.

If you work " 5 " different Alaskan Stations, GORC will send you a U.S. postage stamp honoring Alaska’s 50th anniversary of statehood to place on the award. The stamp bears a photograph taken by Alaska photographer Jeff Schultz, and features DeeDee Jonrowe and her dog team set against a stunning mountain backdrop. The stamp was released on January 3, 2009


Tks PA3CUZ/ON4CAS  1/18/09

USA                      The 2009 YL FRIENDSHIP AWARD

The Young Ladies Radio League (YLRL) introduces an annual award, (available to YLs only). It is designed to promote the YLRL and the YLRL Award program and encourage YL’s to get on the air chatting. This annual Award will change each year, so watch for it at the beginning of every year. The award will valid for contacts made only during the specific year. The 2009 award will be the YL FRIENDSHIP AWARD.  Contact 26 YL's with callsigns that include one of the 26 letters of the English alphabet in the callsign. Contact a different YL for each letter of the alphabet. For example ... N8ST may be used for the letters "N", "S", or "T", but only for one of those letters (not all).

1. Contacts must be made in the calendar year of 2009 between January 1, and December 31, 2009.
2. All contacts must be made with YL's only on any band (HF, VHF, UHF and including the use of repeaters Echolink, and IRLP, but not during Nets) and using any mode (SSB, PSK31, RTTY, CW, etc.). [Note, you can use a net to ask a YL to stay around after the net for a contact, or to move to a different frequency to make the contact, but we don’t want to disrupt nets to chat long enough to get contacts for this award as the Net Control may not like the disruption of regular net activities.]
3. The award is only available to YL's. You do not have to be a YLRL member to receive this award.
4. Send in only a log extract of contacts on the form, or a similar sheet of paper computer produced or hand drawn.
5. The Log must list the following data with your log extract in alphabetic order.:
     a. CALLSIGN of the YL worked.
     b. NAME of YL (first name is fine).
     d. some other "TIDBIT" of information about the YL. "Tidbits" can include anything particular to the YL, such as husband's name, pet's name and type, a hobby the YL enjoys, how many children or grandchildren the YL has, where the YL works, etc.
6. Apply before 31 Jan 2010 to Carolyn Donner, N8ST, PO BOX 158, HAMERSVILLE OH 45130-0158, USA.


Tks PA3CUZ 3/6/09

USA            CQ Announces 75th Anniversary Worked All Zones Award
(Hicksville, NY – September 18, 2009) – The November, 1934, issue of R/9 magazine announced a new operating award for radio amateurs, designed to encourage the growing popularity of contacting stations across the globe, what we know today as DXing. The award was called Worked All Zones and was to be granted for making confirmed contacts with hams in each of the 40 zones into which the world had been divided by R/9's editors. Today, 75 years later, R/9 has been succeeded by CQ magazine and WAZ - Worked All Zones - sponsored by CQ since 1945, continues to be one of amateur radio's most prestigious operating awards.
In celebration of the WAZ's 75th anniversary, CQ magazine is announcing a limited-term "Diamond Jubilee WAZ" award. A special certificate will be issued to amateurs who make contacts in all 40 CQ Zones of the World between November 1, 2009 and December 31, 2010. Certificates will be numbered but there will be no endorsements. Confirmations will not be required. However, it is expected that applicants will continue to uphold amateur radio's long-standing tradition of honesty and self-regulation. Standard WAZ application fees will apply.
Complete details on the Diamond Jubilee WAZ Award will be in the October 2009 issue of CQ, and are posted on the CQ website, <>, with a link from the October issue highlights page.
WAZ is the second-oldest amateur radio operating award still offered today. The only current award that is older is the International Amateur Radio Union's Worked All Continents award. The ARRL's DX Century Club (DXCC) award was introduced in 1936. To date, more than 8,600 basic WAZ awards have been issued. More information on the WAZ award program is available on the CQ website at <>.