These are awards which are offered for a few days, weeks, or months only.  
Events such as
Anniversaries, Fairs, Conferences, Special Celebrations or events.
Check this page from time to time.  I'll list items that are even too short for my regular "Short" term awards file, which generally last for one year. 
If you know of any such brief awards, let me know!


The K1BV DX Awards Directory


Starting Date Ending Date Country Name of the Award Source 
1 October 2009 31 December 2009 Poland   SP8PRL - 40th Anniversary Diploma SM6DEC
9 November 2009 10 December 2009 Sweden Marconi Nobel 100 Award SM6DEC
15 November 2009 15 December 2009 Italy 1909-2009, Centenary of the Nobel Prize to Guglielmo Marconi - Father of Radio PA3CUZ
28 November 2009 13 December 2009 Spain and Italy Centenary of Marconi’s Nobel Prize OE1UHA
1 December 2009  31 December 2009 Russia UFA Radio Club 85th Anniversary OH3GZ
7 December 2009 18 December 2009 Denmark Copenhagen Climate Change Conference Award PA3CUZ


Starting Date Ending Date Country Name of the Award Source 
1 January 2010 3 January 2010 Italy   IV ° "Diploma" Befana Beneficial DL2KDW
1 January 2010 31 January 2010 Germany Bavarian Radio Friends: Radio Activity Award DE3EAR
1 January 2010 28 September 2010 Netherlands 600th Anniversary of the City of Purmerend Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin
13 January 2010 30 April 2010 Netherlands 65th Anniversary of VERON PA3CUZ
29 January 2010 31 January 2010 Russia 150th Anniversary  of the Birth of Antov Chekhov OH3GZ
1 February 2010 30 April 2010 Poland 80th Anniversary PZK 425 DX News



The LATEST AWARD/S LISTED are the entries above which are outlined in yellow.

1 October - 31 December 2009

POLAND                                  SP8PRL - 40th Anniversary Diploma

This award is sponsored by the Chelmski Klub Krotkofalowcow which is celebrating it’s 40th anniversary. Contact club members using calls as listed below and earn a total of 40 points during the period 1 October to 31 December 2009. All stations, including DX and SWL may apply.

Each of these stations are valid for the award and each contact = 5 points:SQ8MXN, SQ8MFM, SQ8MXS, SP8FNA, SP8ENS, SQ8TWP, SQ8RAR, SQ8HNB.
The club station SP8PRL = 25 points and is a mandatory contact.

All bands and modes may be used. Repeater QSOs are OK for the award. A paper version of the award is available for a fee of PLN 6. Otherwise, you may send contact data via e-mail to along with a log in any format with callsign, points claimed, date and time of QSO and mode used. There is NO CHARGE for the e-award. Applications in paper form, please apply to: ARC SP8PRL, 22-100 Che³m ul. Aleja 3-go Maja 4/12, Poland. The deadline for submitting applications is 28 Feb 2010.


Tks SM6DEC 9/09

9 November to 10 December 2009

SWEDEN    Marconi Nobel 100 Award

Swedish stations must work (or hear SWL) 10 different SI prefixed stations during the period of 9 Nov through 10 Dec 2009.  (All others need 5 of them.)
SM stations may use the prefix SI to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Marconi's having been awarded the Nobel Prize in 1909.
Look for the special anniversary call sign on the air: SI0GM, SI1GM, SI2GM, SI3GM, SI4GM, SI5GM, SI6GM and SI7GM.
Each station may be contacted one time per band per day.
There are no endorsements.  Award fee is 50 SEK, 5€ or $US5. Apply with log entry to SSA Awards Manager, Bengt Högkvist, Östbygatan 24 C, SE-531 37 Lidköping, Sweden.

Tks SM6DEC 10/09 (Chg 11/12/09)

15 November to 15 December 2009

ITALY               1909-2009, Centenary of the Nobel Prize to Guglielmo Marconi - Father of Radio.

It all began towards the end of the 19th Century, when, in his father's house on the hills surrounding Bologna, a twenty-year-old young man began studying and experimenting in the field of physics and propagation of electromagnetic waves.  Less than 15 years later, in December 19909, as a happy conclusion to an extraordinarily intense work program, Marconi was awarded the prestigious Nobel Prize "In recognition of his contribution to the development of wireless telegraphy."   Celebrating that event, the Associazione Radioamatori Marinai Italinai (ARMI), in cooperation with the Associazione Radioamatori Italiani (ARI) and Associazione Italiana Radio d'Epoca (AIRE), offers a special international award for all amateurs and SWL following these rules:

1. Time period: 0000Z November 15, 2009 to 2400Z December 15, 2009.
2. Bands: 10, 15, 20, 40 and 80 meters.
3. Emission Modes: CW, SSB, MGM (PSK31, RTTY & SSTV).
4. Look for stations calling: CQ MARCONI 2009 de....
5. Reports: A full report includes RST and a relative point value (only for stations authorized to issue points).
6. Required Points: 
     a. Italians 25.
     b. European OM, Foriegn YL and SWL: 20.
     c. All others: 15. 
7. Point Values:
    a.  Club station IQ9MQ operating from Augusta: 10 points.
    b. Club station IQ0LT, operating in Latina: 10 points.
    c. Club station II0GM, operating from IIS "Guglielmo Marconi" in Latina: 10 points.
    d. Special stations IZ0MVN and IZ0HSA: 5 points.
    e. Regardless of mode and ONLY on weekend of 5-6 Dec, Jolly stations operating in the 5th ARMI International Contest of "Santa Barbara": 2 points.
    f. Stations operating from schools or universities participating in the celebration: 1 point.
8. A single station may be contacted/SWLed only once in a day and once for each band throughout the duration of the award event.  QSOs with the same station on the same band will NOT be valid.

9. SWL: same rules as for licensed amateurs. 

10. LOGS:  Log excerpts - filled in with appropriate data, must report the data concerning the operator (including e-mail address for all future notifications regarding the award), the number of QSOs/HRDs, relevant score and total score classed according to the band and operative mode.
Closing dates for application = 31 July 2010.
All data must be sent by postal service, with a contribution of 10E (US13) to the award manager: Also Palazzese IZ0INU, Via SVezia 13, I-04100 Latina (LT), Italy.

11. All excess monies received will be contributed to the Instituto "Andrea Doria", an organization that provides for the families and orphans of Navy members.  

E-mail: a. 

Tks PA3CUZ 10/09

28 Nov - 13 Dec 2009

SPAIN and ITALY                         Centenary of Marconi’s Nobel Prize

From 28 November to 13 December 2009, 3 special event stations will be active to commemorate the occasion of the Nobel prize awarded to Guglielmo Marconi.

1. EH1FGM will operate from the Museum Marconi of Radio in Tordesillas (Valladolid).
2. EH4FGM from operate from URE Leganés; promoters of the event.
3. IY4FGM will operate from the Embassy of Italy located in Madrid and our colleagues of Bologna, that will make from the own House of Guglielmo Marconi give to the city of Sasso Marconi (Villa Grifone); Italy.

A special award, sealed and signed by officials of the Marconi Museum and the Embassy of Italy in Spain will be given to any station who contacts each of the three stations.  There is no information provided about award fee. Contact sponsors or at least provide IRC’s for postage.

EH1FGM - EB1DBK - P.O. Box 5323 - 47080 Valladolid, SPAIN
IY4FGM - IZ4FTG (Italy) direct Route Embassy of Italy - Apdo. 5077 - 28080 Madrid, SPAIN

Tks Kurt, OE1UHA and Jukka OH3GZ  12/2009

7-18 December 2009

Denmark                    Copenhagen Climate Change Conference Award

Contact special event ham radio station 5P15COP on 2 bands. SWL OK.  They will be active on 160 through 10 meters but also on 6m and 2m during the period of the conference from Dec. 7 - Dec. 18. 
Please signalize at your normal QSL request, that you are entitled to receive the award.  Send log extract and  fee of $US7 or 5€ to:
OZ5BAL EDR Ballerup, Magleparken 5, 2750 Ballerup, Denmark. 

5P15COP operators are members of the local radioamateur club station OZ5BAL.   OZ5BAL EDR Ballerup is located about 20 Km's west of the Bella Center, where the Climate Conference will take place. The location for the Conference and 5P15COP is also IOTA EU-029 and count for the IOTA Award.


Tks PA3CUZ and OH3GZ. 12/10/09 

1 Dec to 31 Dec 2009

RUSSIA                             UFA Radio Club 85 Years Award

Sponsored by the UFA radio club to celebrate their 85th anniversary. During the period 1 Dec 2009 to 31 Dec 2009, contact 4 stations from Bashkortostan (UA9W). At least one of them must be of the special call series  UE9W___.    Each station may be contacted once per band and mode. Send log extract and fee of  2 Euro. Apply to:  Axel Schernikau DL6KVA, Kurt-Schumacher-Ring 187, 18,146 Rostock, Germany.

Tks OH3GZ 12/15/09 


1-27 January 2010
1-28 May 2010
1-28  September 2010

NETHERLANDS                         600th Anniversary of the City of Purmerend

In 2010 the city of Purmerend celebrates it's 600 years anniversary of the granting of city rights. To commemorate this event a special event station with the call PC600P will be activated during three periods in 2010. These periods are January 1-27, May 1-28 and September 1-28. QSL via PA3HGP. All the QSO data will be uploaded to LOTW and eQSL after each activity period, and will be automatically confirmed via the bureau when the last period has ended. Local operators are expected to operate under special prefix call signs (i.e. PA600MIR, PA601FR, PA602SWL, PA603HGP, PD602YL, PE603HG, etc)

A special award will be available for amateurs who contacted PC600P and stations from Purmerend.  Dutch stations need 600 points, European stations need 450 points, stations from outside Europe need 300 points.

Point Values:
1. At least one contact with PC600P = for 100 points. 
2. Contacts with a Dutch station with a "600" prefix station =  50 points as well as contacts with stations from Purmerend's sister-city Jihlava in the Czech Republic.  These Czech stations are: OK2BEJ, OK2BPV, OK2KJI, OK2PBF, OK2PYA, OK2UFU, OK2VYJ, OK2WKW, OK2ZDL, OK2ZU OK6CZ, OK7ZD, OL9X and OL0E.
3. Contacts with other Dutch stations from the region Waterland = 25 points.

You may use any band and any mode but points credit is only given once for every band-mode combination. The award is also available for SWL's but QSO's reported on the DXclusters do not count. Applicants need to send in a log with QSO's before January 31 2011 to the award manager.  Sending QSL's for the award is not necessary but will be appreciated.  To cover postage costs a fee of €2,- $3,- or 2 new IRC's must accompany your application.

The award manager is: PA0MIR, Nico van der Bijl, Lepelblad 129, 1441VH Purmerend, Netherlands

 Tks: Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 941  1/3/10 

13 January to 30 April 2010

NETHERLANDS                             65th Anniversary of Veron Rotterdam

2010 is the 65th Anniversary of the founding of VERON (Union experimental radio research od the Netherlands). The VERON department of Rotterdam A37 is also 65 years old. Several stations are using the number 65 in their call sign to celebrate this anniversary.

The special event stations will be active from 13th of January till the 30th of April.

Special Call 	QSL to:
PA65G 		PA2G

A nice qsl card will be send to every made QSO. The qsl cards can be send to the normal call see the table with active stations. Each QSO counts for one point for the award. It is possible to work the same station on a different band or mode for award credit. SWL OK..

The award is issued in 4 classes:
1. one band and one mode
2. one band and mixed modes
3. mixed bands and one mode
4. all mixed

Points needed 
for the award         NL stations      EU        All Others
Bronze 			10 		8	     6
Silver 			12 		10 	     8
Gold 			15 		12 	     10

The cost of the award is 5€ or $US8. (A laminated awards costs 6€ or $US10). The money can be send in an envelope (IRC are not allowed) or payed with an international bank transfer IBAN: NL50INGB0003435442 / BIC: INGBNL2A, Veron afd. Rotterdam, city Zevenhuizen. Please indicate with payment your call sign and "65award".
Send log extract by e-mail to Ruud PA3RW or send it to R. Warnaar, Lentedans 29, 2907AW, Capelle a/d IJssel, The Netherlands.


Tks PA3CUZ 1/13/10

1 Jan to 3 Jan 2010

ITALY                    IV ° "Diploma" Befana Beneficial

Participation: OM - YL - SWL around the world.
Period: from 00:00 UTC on January 1, 2010 to 24:00 UTC on January 3, 2010
Bands: HF (3.5 - 7 -14)
Mode: SSB - CW - RTTY - PSK
Categories: SSB - CW
Digital (RTTY-PSK31)

Members of YLRCI pass RST and serial number. There will also be active, a station with the call IQ5YL, value of 5 points as the station Jolly.(Wildcard station).
Look for stations calling: "CQ CQ Diploma Befana benefits."
The same station, as well as the wild card (Jolly) station, MAY 'be contacted more than once as long as there is a change of date, band or mode. If the connection is made in a different band or the same date, this should be done at least 10 (ten) minute break.
The special station IQ5YL may be worked once a day, regardless of mode or band.

Point values:
1. QSO / HRD with OM members sympathizers YLRCI = 2 points.
2. QSO / HRD with members of YL YLRCI = 3 points
3. QSO / HRD with Jolly station and IQ5YL = 5 points.

The Diploma will be 'issued for stations making total points as follows:
Italian stations need 20 points.
non-Italians need 10 points

Prizes: The award features an image showing the figure of the Befana gold leaf on the winner of each category, and ranked the first foreigner (in the presence of at least three competitors)
Send log extract / photocopy of the log (indicating the date, time, band, mode) or digital copy of the log files (. Dbf or. Xls) plus a copy of your QSL card and payment of the sum of 10 € or $US15.

ITALIANS: The sending of money shall 'be made by transfer to a paper Post-Pay nr. 4023 6004 6737 5939 intestata a Gabriella Mollura. 4023 6004 6737 5939 Mollura headed to Gabriella.

Apply to the award manager: GABRIELLA MOLLURA, VIA FOGAZZARO 10, I-36013 PIOVENE ROCCH. VI, Italy no later than 28 February 2010


The total net collection will 'be donated to the "Make - A - Wish Italy ONLUS" association that handles grant the wishes of children with serious illnesses, (

1-31 January 2010

GERMANY                             Bavarian Radio Friends: Radio Activity Award

The award can be applied for by radio amateurs, listeners (SWL) or broadcast band listeners (BCL). There are no band or mode restrictions.

Requirements: During the month of January 2010, work or hear (SWL) as many DXCC entities as possible. For the award a minimum of 20 DXCC entities are required. The number of DXCC entities worked/heard will be entered in the award. Send application via e-mail to no later than February 28, 2010. The award will be e-mailed back to you in the form of a pdf-file which you may print locally. No fee applies in this case.

If you wish to receive a paper award the application must be sent to the following address:  Hans-Jürgen Schmelzer, P.O. Box 1204, 95634 Tirschenreuth, Germany. Then the award fee is 5 Euros or $US10 or 6 valid IRCs.

Tks DE3EAR 12/09

29 Jan to 31 Jan 2010

RUSSIA                            150th Anniversary  of the Birth of Antov Chekhov

On January 19th, 2010 Russians celebrate the birth of the famed writer Anton Pavlovicha Chekhov in the city of Taganrog.  In honor of this anniversary, a special event station R150APC will be active and all those who contact it will receive a colorful QSL and the Diploma CHEKHOV.

Send a log extract and fee of 110 roubles for Russians, 5E.  Apply to Nick M. Ermolenko UA6MM, PO Box 73, Taganrog, 347902, Russia


Tks OH3GZ 12/09 

1 February to 30 April 2009

                     85 LAT IARU PZK, 85 YEARS IARU

In 2010, Polish amateurs celebrate the 80th anniversary of Polish Amateur Radio Union ( PZK ) and 85 anniversary of IARU. A group of special event stations will be active all during 2010. Earn a special award, issued by the PZK for contacting (SWL OK) the listed special stations during the period 1 Feb to 30 April 2010.    

Earn a total of 80 points by contacts with the following stations:

  Points for Each Contact
Stations 1 Feb to 30 April 2010 during SP-Contest 
9-10 April 2010
1. Special 
stations      QSL VIA
SP80PZK       SP0PZK
HF80PZK       SP5PSL 
SO80PZK       SP7PCA
SQ80PZK       SP9YGD
SN80PZK       SP5PPA
3Z80PZK       SP4Z
3Z85IARU      SP2JMB
6 12

2. Private and club stations with the number 80  
in the prefix such SQ80WAA, SP80KAC ... etc. 

4 8

3. Any other Polish private and club stations = 1 point.

2 4


No endorsements. Each station may be worked only one time. The only exception is during the annual SP-DX-Contest where an SP station which was worked before the contest may be contacted again on any band or mode, but only once.  Note that contacts made during the SP-DX Contest are worth DOUBLE point values.  Foreign stations may apply to, PZK HQ Secretariat, Award Manager SQ7B, PO Box 54, 85-613 Bydgoszcz 13, Poland.   Fee for foreign stations is 5 Euros..  Applications must be submitted no later than 31 Dec. 2010.


Tks 425 DX NEWS #974 (2 Jan 2010)
Minor changes made 1-2-09, tks to SQ7B. 


This is  a list of expired very short term awards which were listed and then removed when their active period ended.
I give a credit of $US1 towards purchase of my Directory for each award.  
Do you know of any short ones like this which are still active but not listed above?  Your help is appreciated!
Ted K1BV


1 December 2008 15 December 2008 Spain IV Award of the City of Badalona EA3GHZ
15 November 2008 15 January 2009 EXTRATERRESTRIAL 25th Anniversary of Ham in Space Special Event Certificate W2VU
1 December 2008 11 January 2009 USA Ham Radio University 10th Anniversary Recognition Award  Gail, CQ Mag.
1 January 2009 1 February 2009 Croatia Men's  World Handball Championship - Croatia 2009 S53EO
1 January 2009 31 January 2009 Germany Radio Activity Award - January 2009 DE3EAR
24 January 2009 1 February 2009 Australia Waverly ARS - 90th Anniversary Award ON4CAS
1 February 2009 2 February 2009 Brazil BRAZIL CONCURSO INTERNACIONAL 
8 February 2009 24 February 2009 Italy 136th Carnival Di Viareggio 2009 Award OE1UHA
14 February 2009 22 February 2009 Italy XI Volta International Day 2009 PA3CUZ
1 February 2009 31 March 2009 Poland SN90SW Diploma OH3GZ 
23 February 2009 10 March 2009  Brunei Silver Jubilee National Day of Brunei Award PA3CUZ
23 February 2009 10 March 2009 Russia  Baikal Winteriada 2009 OH3GZ
1 March 2009 9 March 2009 Ukraine Days of Activity of Radio Amateurs of the Cherkassk Area OH3GZ
2 March 2009 8 March 2009 Germany Worked 33 YL – Contest and Award 2009 DL2ABM 
7 March 2009 22 March 2009 ITALY  Italian Navy Coastal Radio Stations 2009 PA3CUZ 
29 Dec 2008 5 April 2009 Turkey Istanbul Lighthouses On The Air OH3GZ
4 April 2009 11 April 2009 ITALY 2° Diploma Processione Dei Misteri Di Trapani PA3CUZ
11 April 2009 12 April 2009 Spain AWARD 60th Anniversary ot URE EA3GHZ
16 April 2009 19 April 2009 Italy 1° Diploma "Festa delle Associazioni Saronnesi PA3CUZ
18 April 2009 18 April 2009 Poland World Amateur Radio Day (WARD) 2009 Award SP2FAP
1 May 2009 4 May 2009 Russia Days of Activity - Fortresses/Castles of Russia OH3GZ 
4 February 2009 ? May 2009 Poland  WFF expedition 3Z50KPN Kampinoski National Park OH3GZ
19 April 2009 10 May 2009 Italy Pistoia, City of Art Award PA3CUZ
16 May 2009 17 May 2009  Italy 4th Members Trophy Mediterraneo DX Club OH3GZ
? May 2009 ? May 2009 Russia Radioexpedition to the centre of the exUSSR OH3GZ
20 Dec 2008 5 Apr 09 Turkey

"Istanbul Lighthouses On The Air"

23 May 2009 31 May 2009 Italy Award Risorgimento - Palestro's Battle PA3CUZ 
1 May 2009 31 May 2009 Germany European Spring Award - 2009 DE3EAR
20 May 2009 5 June 2009 Italy COTA AWARD 2009       (CARABINIERI ON THE AIR) PA3CUZ
30 May 2009 2 June 2009 Italy Diploma Delle Antiche Repubbliche Marinare PA3CUZ
10 April 2009 10 June 2009  Poland 10th Anniversary of Poland Joining NATO Award OH3GZ 
??May 2009 ??June 2009 Ukraine 500 Years Holy Mountains in Svyatogorsk  OH3GZ
23 May 2009 18 June 2009 England Geopak Certificate OH3GZ 
6 June 2009 7 June 2009 USA Museum Ships Weekend 2009 Certificate OH3GZ
13 June 2009 28 June 2009 Italy Guglielmo Marconi Nobel Prize for Physics 1909 Award OH3GZ
15 June 2009 22 June 2009 Italy I° Diploma del I° Rgt. Trasmissioni Milano PA3CUZ
20 June 2009 29 June 2009 Ukraine  300th Anniversary Battle of Poltava OH3GZ
1 July 2009 7 July 2009  Poland Tall Ships' Races Gdynia 2009 on the AIR PA3CUZ
1 July 2009 4 July 2009 USA  Original 13 Colonies Independence Day Special Event PA3CUZ
3 July 2009 5 July 2009 Italy Friendship AWARD 2009 OH3GZ
25 May 2009 14 July 2009 Italy 1944-2009 65e Anniversario Salerno Capitale D'Italia PA3CUZ
10 July 2009 17 July 2009 Italy  1st Diploma Palio di Taranto OH3GZ
11 July 2009 12 July 2009 England GB7HQ Awards Programme DH5MM
11 July 2009 12 July 2009 Netherlands PH6Q Award DH5MM
11 July 2009 12 July 2009 Poland W-HQ-S 2009 AWARD QTC Magazine
11 July 2009 12 July 2009 Romania YR0HQ 2009 Award DH5MM
11 July 2009 12 July 2009 Croatia 9A0HQ Award 9A1AA 
11 July 2009 12 July 2009 Bosnia E7HQ 2009 Diploma N3UA
1 April 2009 31 July 2009 Hungary The HG160FNY Activity Award PA3CUZ
1 June 2009 31 July 2009 Ukraine 15th Anniversary Ukranian DIG Group OH3GZ and PA3CUZ
1 July 2009 31 July 2009 Germany Sea of Peace Award DH5MM
15 August 2009 15 August 2009 England 25th Anniversary of the Cross Bay Walk OH3GZ
14 August 2009 16 August 2009 Germany  ILLW Lights Hunter Award 2009 DE3EAR
1 July 2009 30 September 2009 Italy Laghi Provincia Di Cosenza Award PA3CUZ
8 August 2009 23 August 2009 Spain Formula One Grand Prix of Europe Award. PA3CUZ
2 September 2009 6 September 2009 USA HPM 140th Birth Celebration K1BV
19 September 2009 20 September 2009 Italy 1st Kolbe Day 2009 Award OH3GZ
27 September 2009 27 September 2009 Italy Strange Radio Team - Lighthouse Activity Special Event OH3GZ
1 September 2009 30 September 2009 Switzerland UCI Road Championships HB9VELO DH5MM
1 September 2009 6 October 2009 Poland "No More War" (70th Anniv Start of WWII) OH3GZ
21 September 2009 4 October 2009 Poland 2009 European Women's Volleyball Championship Award SM6DEC
5 October 2009 11 October 2009 Spain  60 YEARS OF AMATEUR RADIO UNION OF SEVILLE PA3CUZ
10 October 2009 25 October 2009 Italy 2nd Diploma Federico IIE La Falconeria OH3GZ
1 September 2009 30 September 2009 Italy Historical Pavia Award OH3GZ
16 October 2009 18 October 2009 Italy  6th STRANGE RADIO EVENT  PA3CUZ
1 July 2009  31 October 2009  ltaly IQ2LB EXPO 2009 RADIO STATIONS AWARD PA3CUZ
11 October 2009 17 October 2009 USA National Wildlife Refuge Week Award 2009   PA3CUZ
10 August 2009 30 November 2009 Scotland Homecoming Scotland Engraved Challenge Trophies SP9JPA Blog
1 November 2009 30 November 2009 Russia The Bashkir  State University 100th Anniversary Pendant  
1 December 2009 7 December 2009  Switzerland World AIDS Day Award PA3CUZ
1 December 2009 8 December 2009 Italy  Diploma Giacomo Puccini PA3CUZ




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