Short Term Awards for 2008 

Contacts must be made during the calendar year 2008 for these awards.

Indicates Latest Award Added to this list.

BELGIUM 70lth Anniversary of the Red Star Line ON4CAS
ENGLAND WACRAL Golden Jubilee Award K1BV Research
GERMANY Jubiläums-Diplom Lüdinghausen PA3CUZ
GERMANY 850 Years City of Munich Award ON4CAS
GERMANY Old Sachsen-Anhalt Award ON4CAS
GERMANY 125th Anniversary of the Orient Express Award ON4CAS
GERMANY Weißenburg – Jubilee – Award 2008 DJ7AT
HONG KONG HKSAR 10th Anniversary Award SM6DEC
HUNGARY Queen Gisela Award PA3CUZ
HUNGARY 80th Anniversary of MRASZ Award OH3GZ
HUNGARY 160th Anniversary of the 1848-49 Hungarian Revolution Award HA3HK
INDIA Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose Sesquicentennial Special Award 2008. PA3CUZ/VU2UR
INDONESIA Visit Indonesia Year 2008 & 40th Anniversary Of Orari Award EA3GHZ
ISRAEL Israel-60 Award 4X4-2238 
ITALY Centenary of Messina's Earthquake of 1908 Award OH3JF
ITALY Dolomiti SOTA 2008 Award PA3CUZ 
KAZAKHSTAN 70th Anniversary Pavlodar Area OH3GZ
MADEIRA ISLAND 500 Years Funchal City Award CT3EE
POLAND The City of the World Congress of Esperanto 2009 Award OH8LSI
RUSSIA 450 Years of Astrakhan SM6DEC
RUSSIA Ekaterinburg 285th Anniversary Award OH3GZ 
RUSSIA 80th Anniversary of the Omsk Provincial Radio Club PA3CUZ
RUSSIA 15th Anniversary of the Founding of the Russian Robinson Club OH3GZ
RUSSIA Vladimir Vysotsky 70 Years Award OH3GZ/RA1AE
RUSSIA 450 Years with Russia Award     (Extended into 2008) OH3GZ
SPAIN II Diploma Caravanitos EA3GHZ
SWEDEN Bohus Fortress 700 Years Award SM6DEC
SWEDEN Roskilde 1658 Award SM6DEC
SWITZERLAND Swiss DX Foundation Jubilee Knife HB10DX PA3CUZ
USA 070 PSK Series - Belgium and Greece 2008 Special PA3CUZ 

BELGIUM                    Red Star Line 70th Anniversary Award

The radio club OSA in Antwerpen will activate the special call sign ON70REDSTARLINE during the calendar year 2008.A special QSL card will be available via ON4OSA, either via bureau or direct to ON7SS. 

Make one QSO with ON70REDSTARLINE and supply log extract of this contact and fee of 5 € for Europeans and $US15 US or equivalent for all others to MARC DOMEN ON7SS FERDINAND COOSEMANSSTRAAT 32, B - 2600 BERCHEM (ANTWERPEN), BELGIUM.

The Red Star Line was a Shipping Company that operated on lines from Antwerp to North America between 1873 and 1934. In that period over 3 million immigrants travelled with that line to the USA and Canada. During 2008 a special exhibition is held in the Antwerp Shipping Museum around the Red Star Line. The Antwerp Shipping Museum is located in "Het Steen" an old castle on the banks of the river Schelde. At the end of the year the museum will move to a new location in the old harbor of Antwerp where there will be more possibilities to show the rich history of Antwerp and the River Schelde.


Tks ON4CAS 11/08

ENGLAND           World Association of Christian Radio Amateurs & Listeners (WACRAL) Golden Jubilee Award

To mark WACRAL's 50th anniversary, the group is offering this Golden Jubilee Award!. All contacts to be made from 1 January 2008 to 31 December 2008. Contact WACRAL members according to the following requirements:
     UK and Ireland need 50.
     All other Europeans need 25.
     Rest of the world need 10.

Application Forms for the award may be requested by e-mail. Fee from UK applicants is four second class stamps. For overseas applicants, four IRCs. Apply to: WACRAL Awards Manager, Howard M0CIW QTHR. Any Enquires may be e-mailed to him at: .

Note: I’ve e-mailed M0CIW for his proper mailing address.


Tks: K1BV Research

FRANCE             DVP 40 Award

1 Jan 2008 to 7 June 2008

The French Department "Ville de Paris" celebrates its 40th anniversary. Several commemorative stations, whose last letters of their call signs spell "PARIS" will be active per the following schedule:

1-15 January - TM8P
26 January-9 February - TM4
16 February-2 March - TM1
29 March-12 April - TM2
24 May-7 June - TM7
(QSL via F6KVP.)

The fee for the award is 15€. You may send your log extract via e-mail to: and you will receive instructions for payment.

Tks SM6DEC 12/07


GERMANY             Jubiläums-Diplom Lüdinghausen

To celebrate the 700th anniversary of the City of Lüdinghausen and the 40th anniversary  of the DARC-Ortsverband Lüdinghausen N 29, this award is offered for contacts between 1 January 2008 end 31 December 2009. SWL OK.  All bands and modes except Packet Radio and Echo Link.

Earn a total of 20 points.

1. Each contact with a member of the DOK N29 = 2 points. 
2. Club stations DL0LN, DL0CAN, DL1L and DR700LH = each 5 points. 
Each station can be worked once per band. Send a log extract and fee of 5€ to: Lutz Heller DJ7YB, Freiheit Wolfsberg 15a, D-59348 Lüdinghausen, Germany.



Tks PA3CUZ 2/11/08

GERMANY             850 Years City of Munich Award

In order to celebrate the 850th anniversary of the Bavarian capital of Munich, the DARC division München-West (DOK C13) is sponsoring a commemorative award for contacting stations in Munich during 2008.

1. Germans need at least 5 stations from the following DOKs: C11, C12, C13, C18, C34, Z13 and Z67.
2. Stations outside Germany need 3 stations the DOKs listed above. .

The special event station DR8M counts as two contacts. SWL OK. No band or mode restrictions, but no Packet radio or Echolink. Send log extract with fee of $5 or 5€ to: Gerhard Wismueller, DL2HN, Wittelsbacherstrasse 3, D-85250 Altomuenster, Germany.


Tks ON4CAS 1/08

GERMANY                   Old Sachsen-Anhalt Award

To celebrate the 1000th anniversary of the city of Wolmirstedt in the German federal state of Sachsen-Anhalt the local DARC division (DOK W37) is issuing a commemorative award for contacts made between January 1st 2008 and 31st December 2009. SWL OK.

Contact stations in the federal state of Sachsen-Anhalt (all W DOKs + Z85 and Y37), especially stations in cities which are 1000 years old or even older, as listed below.

The award is issued in three classes:
Bronze for 100 points,
Silver for 250 points and
Gold for 1000 points.

Each station in Sachsen-Anhalt = 1 point. The same station may be worked in different band/mode combinations to get additional points. Furthermore every first contact with a DOK from a city which is at least 1000 years old counts as one multiplier.

The list of cities which are at least 1000 years old and their corresponding DOK (between brackets is the year in which the city was first mentioned in history) are:
Burg W01 (948), Halberstadt W02 (804), Magdeburg W05-W10 and Z85 (805), Zerbst W07 (948), Strassfurt W08 (806), Oschersleben W12 (994), Salzland-Strassfurt W14 (806), Haldensleben W15 (966), Zeitz W17 (967), Halle W19 (806), Quendlinburg W20 (922), Merseburg W21 (830), Bernburg W23 (961), Bad Duerrenberg W25 (993), Mansfeld W26 (973), Harzgerode W32 (994), MLU Halle W35 (806), Schoenebeck W36 (936), Wolmirstedt W37 (1009).

All special DOKs active during 2008 and 2009 from within Sachsen-Anhalt also count as a multiplier. The award is free but postage costs should be paid (Germany 1.45€, EU 2.50€ and all others 4€).  Send log extract to Andrea Diekman, DL3ABL, Ginsterweg 51, D-39326 Wolmirstedt, Germany.

Tks ON4CAS 4/7/08

GERMANY                   125th anniversary of the Orient-Express Award

In June 1883 the legendary train de luxe "Orient Express" started for the first time. The Railway Radio Amateurs (EFA) of DARC issues this award to commemorate this anniversary. The award may be earned by amateurs and SWLs of all countries during the period 1July 2008 until 31 December 2009.

Just work 7 of the 8 countries through which the train passed without any time-limit. The countries are Great Britain, France, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Yugoslavia (now Serbia), Bulgaria and Turkey. All Bands and Modes may be used, but without PR or ECHOLINK.

This award can be issued for one Band or Mode. An application with a list of confirmed contacts (GCR-list) must also contain the applicant’s name, address and callsign, together with a fee of

5 IRC’s or $US10. Apply to: Hans Piehler DL8ARJ, A.-Bebel-Str. 5, D-07639 Bad Klosterlausnitz, Germany.


Tks ON4CAS 9/2008

GERMANY                           Weißenburg – Jubilee – Award 2008

The German Amateur – Radio - Club e.V., Ortsverband Weißenburg, DOK B-20, is sponsoring a Jubilee Award on the occasion of their 50th anniversary. It may be earned during the period January 1. 2008 until December 31. 2009 by active Hams as well as by SWLs.  Contact Amateur - Radio-Stations from DARC-OV B20, Weißenburg, Germany. In summary you need 50 Points.

Point Values:
a. Each contact with any station of DOK B20 = 10 Points.
b. SWLs and contacts with ( X)YLs count double value. .
c. One contact with one of the club stations DL0WG or DJ7A is required and = 40 Points one time. .

There are no band limitation, all modes as may be used except packet radio and echo link contacts.  Send GCR-List or Log Extract (there are no QSLs needed) and fee of 5€ to: Wolfgang Mueller, DJ7AT, Pfalzgrafenstr. 5c, D - 91161 Hilpoltstein, Germany. 

Tks DJ7AT 6/2008

HONG KONG             HKSAR 10th Anniversary Award

Hong Kong’s National Society, HARTS, is offering a Special Award to celebrate the 10th anniversary of HKSAR. To commemorate the 10th anniversary of Hong Kong’s reunification with China, radio amateurs in Hong Kong have been granted permission by OFTA to use the special prefix "VR10".

The award is available to all licensed amateurs and may be earned by any licensed amateur for making 10 QSOs with VR10 stations using at least 3 different bands during the term 30 June 2007 16:00 (UTC) to 30 June 2008 16:00 (UTC).

QSL cards are NOT required. Send a log extract accompanied by either a photocopy from your log book (certified by two or more licensed amateurs) OR a photo copy of the QSL cards).  Awards may be endorsed for any mode. Fee for the award is $US10, HK$100 or RMB100 to: HARTS Awards Manager, PO Box 541, Hong Kong General Post Office, Hong Kong.


Tks SM6DEC 3/2008

HUNGARY                      Queen Gisela Award

Sponsored by the Veszprem County Section of the Hungarian Radioamateur Society in memory of Queen Gisela who was the first queen in the history of Hungary.  The award may be earned by licensed amateurs, club stations and SWLs and is based on points which can be earned on any valid band or mode with the exception that earth repeater contacts are not allowed. Contacts must be made during the period January 1, 2006 to December 31, 2011.

Points needed:
Hungarian stations need 100.
Other Europeans need 60.
All others need 40.

Point values: 
HA2G  = 10 points
HA2RI, HA2EQD, HA2RQ  = 5 points
HAM 's in the town of Veszprém   =  3 points
HAM 's in the Hungarian district 2 =  2 points
Other Hungarian stations   = 1 point

Each station may be counted only one time. Send log extract witnessed by two amateurs to: Schenk Róbert, Egry J. u. 16/3, H-8200 Veszprém, Hungary. Fee for the award is $US5 or 5E.

(Awards will be reviewed and sent out at the end of each quarter.)

Tks PA3CUZ 3/15/2008

HUNGARY            80th Anniversary of MRASZ Award

On the occasion of its 80th Anniversary, the Hungarian Radio Amateur Society (MRASZ) offers a commemorative award if you meet the following conditions:

During the course of the year 2008, earn at least 80 points by way of contacts made with Hungarian stations. Only two way contacts established between January 1 and December 31, 2008 are valid for the award. There are no band and mode restrictions.

Only QSOs made in one mode count, e.g.: 2 x CW, 2 x SSB, 2 x RTTY etc. The award is issued without indication of band and mode. Each Hungarian station may only be contacted one time for the award. Send a log extract of all contacts made.

Point Values:
1. Mandatory QSO with HG80HQ = 25 points.
2. QSOs with special event stations HA80MRASZ, HG80MRASZ = 20 points.
3. QSOs with HA80xxx stations = 10 points.
4. Any other QSOs with HA/HG stations = 2 points each

Send a log extract of all contacts made and fee of 5€ to MRASZ, 1400 Budapest, P.O. Box 11. Budapest, Hungary.

Tks OH3GZ 3/7/08

HUNGARY             160th Anniversary of the 1848-49 Hungarian Revolution Award

To commemorate 160th Anniversary of The 1848-49 Hungarian Revolution, HA3HK will operate the special event call sign HG1848I from February 1, 2008 to December 31, 2008.

A beautiful colorful laminated award will be available to licensed amateurs and SWLs who contact/copy HG1848.  Hungarians need 3 two-way QSOs with HG1848I on different bands or different modes. DX stations will need 2 QSOs. Send your Log extract + the fee of 5€, 5 IRC or $US7 to HA3HK Borbely Zoltan HA3HK, H-8700 Marcali P.O. Box 76, Hungary.

(The award is truly beautiful, and a work of art. - K1BV)

QSL info: : Only direct via HA3HK SAE and 2 IRC or $US2 required.


Tks HA3HK 1/18/08


INDIA                         Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose Sesquicentennial Special Award 2008.

This award honors the memory of Jagadish Chandra Bose (1858-1937), Indian pioneer in radio and microwave optics, who laid the foundations of experimental science in the Indian subcontinent. He was the first person to use semiconductor junctions to detect radio signals.

Work Indian stations from the mainland or any of the island groups belonging to India during calenday year 2008. Foreign stations, operating portable from India do not count for the award. Some special event stations using the AT or AU prefixes with the suffix "JCB" will be helpful to achieve this award. All HF bands are OK and modes of CW, AM, FM, SSB, RTTY, PSK-31 etc may be used.


a. For VU and 4S7 amateurs - From the VU QSOs, spell the name "JAGADISH CHANDRA BOSE", using the first letter of the suffix of the stations worked.For Example: If you have worked, VU2ACS, VU3ITI, VU3JHM, VU2EN, VU2QNY, AT0U, etc, then, the underlined letters may be used in spelling the name. The last two call signs do not give any useful letters and cannot be used.  You will need a minimum of 19 QSOs with VUs to earn the award.

b. For DX amateurs: You have to spell the name "J C BOSE" from the last letters of the suffixes.For Example: If you have worked stations like VU2ACS, VU2ELJ, VU2OO etc., the underlined letters may be used to spell the name.  You need a minimum of 6 QSOs with VUs to earn the award.

All stations must make at least one QSO with a Special event station using the "JCB" suffix, from among the many Special event stations with "JCB" in their suffix planned, in November 2008. This QSO can be used as a JOKER (substitute) for any missing letter.

Any station working five special event stations, during the year 2008 with suffix "JCB" then you automatically earn the award. General Certification Rules (GCR) apply. Two amateurs or a club official has to countersign your application for the Special award. Fees: 5 new IRCs (expiring in Dec 2009 or 2012) for DX operators and INR 75 for the Indian amateurs.

Apply to: Awards Manager of ARSI, B. L. Manohar Arasu VU2UR, MIG-6, 80 Feet Road, Kengeri Upanagara, BANGALORE 560060, INDIA.

Applications must be received by 31 January 2009.


Tks PA3CUZ/VU2UR 4/27/08

INDONESIA                     Visit Indonesia Year 2008 & 40th Anniversary Of Orari Award

Sponsored by the ORARI (Organisasi Amatir Radio Indonesia) Headquarters to commemorate the 40th Anniversary Of ORARI in 2008 and in order to participate in Indonesia government’s tourism program called "Visit Indonesia Year 2008". The aim of the tourism program is to introduce Indonesia’s various kinds of culture which will be pictured in the award.

1. This award is available for all amateurs.
2. Contacts must be made ONLY during 2008.
3. Application/GCR list will be accepted until September 2011.
4. No Band and Mode restrictions.
5. Contacts made via repeaters, satellite, E-QSO and Echo Link are NOT ALLOWED.
6. Indonesian amateurs must make 40 contacts with other Indonesian amateurs.
7. Non-Indonesian amateurs (DX stations) must make contact with at least 10 Indonesian amateurs.
8. Send only your application/GCR list & Award FEE. NO QSL card required.
9. Award Fee :
- For Indonesian amateurs is Rp 40.000,-
- For Non-Indonesian amateurs (DX stations) is $US8 or 10 IRC ( New IRC )
10. Send your Application/GCR list and award fee to :
BOX 1202 JKP,


Tks EA3GHZ 6/9/08

ISRAEL                      ISRAEL-60 AWARD

Issued by the Israeli Amateur Radio Club (IARC) to commemorate the double anniversary of both the State of Israel and of the IARC.
QSOs must be made between the dates of 1 Jan 2008 through 30 Oct 2008.   SWL OK.  

Earn a total of 60 points from the following table:
a. each contact with a regular Israel station (4X, 4Z) = 1 point.
b. each contact with special stations with 4Z60, 4X60 prefix or a /60 suffix = 5 points.
c. contacts with 4X60ISR or 4X60ID = 10 points each.
d. Stations outside the continents of Europe and Asia may multiply the point values shown above by a factor of 2. 

Each contact must be with a different station.  
All modes and bands. 
Apply before 31 December 2008. 
Send a GCR list/log extract and fee of 5€ to: Israel Amateur Radio Club, Attention: "Israel-60" Award Manager, PO Box 17600, Tel-Aviv 61176, Israel.


Tks Eyran 4X4-2238 5/8/08  Correction by OH3GZ 5/9/08 

ITALY              Centenary of Messina's Earthquake of 1908 Award

The A.R.I. Section of Messina offers the "Centenary of Messina's Earthquake Award" for contacts during calendar year 2008. This disaster saw thousands of deaths and the destruction of Messina and great part of the Province of Calabria.

1. Participation: All Italian and others all over the world both licensed and SWL.
2. Time: from 00,00 UTC of 01/01/2008 to 24,00 of 31/12/2008.
3. Categories:
     "a" - HF (40, 80 meters);
     "b" - HF (10, 15, 20 meters);
     "c" - SWL (All frequencies)
4. Those who participate in categories "a" and "b" at the same time; and if they place in the three first places; they will receive the Plate only in one category, the one where they have the higher score.
5. Modes: CW, SSB, DIGITAL MODES (RTTY, PSK31, etc.).
6. Contacts: The participants can contact permanent and portable member stations of the Messina A.R.I. Section Member, and with the special event station IU9RSS to remember the Russian Navy seals, the first to go in help to the population of Messina.
7. Messina A.R.I. Members will give RS/T report and a progressive number.
8. QSOs Point:
     a. Messina A.R.I. members = 2 points on week days and 5 points on holidays and on the week-ends.
     b. OM with Messina's Provinces A.R.I. Section Members = 1 point.
     c. On the week-ends from 00,00 of Saturday to 24,00 of Sunday one Messina A.R.I. Section Member will be the Jolly Station and = 10 points.
     d. Special Station IU9RSS will be active and = 15 points.
     e.. Special Station IQ9MK Section Station =10 point.
9. Multipliers:
     a. Each Messina A.R.I. Section Station has multiplier value of 1 (one) and calculate only one time in the entire year 2008, when contacted once, it will never be considerate again like multiplier.
     b. The Jolly Station has a multiplier value 2 (two) and will be calculated only one time in this week-end.
     c. The IQ9MK Station has a multiplier value 2 (two) and will be calculated only one time in a week.
     d. The Special Station IU9RSS value 3 (three) and will be calculated only one time in 24 hours.
10. Final Points Earned will equal the total of QSO points multiplied times the total of multiplicators.
11. Prize: The top three in categories "a", "b" and "c" will received a commemorative plate.
12. Your LOG can be send in Word, Excel format or others, and must include Date, Hour, Band, Station Call Contacted, Mode, partial and it has to arrive before 31 March 2009.
13. Winners will be contacted and they will be put on Messina A.R.I. site " ".
14. AWARD: Earn the following numbers of points with Messina A.R.I. Members, IQ9MK and IU9RSS:
100 points for Italian OMs,
70 points for European OMs and
40 points for all the others OMs all over the world,.

Send in a log extract showing Date, Hour, Band, Station Call Contacted, Mode ant Total Points, before 28 February 2009, to ( An e-mail will be sent you back and explain you how to send the funds for the Award). If you apply by mail, send to the Manager IT9DTU -A.R.I. Associazione Radioamatori Italiani - P.O.Box. 20, 98122 MESSINA.

Cost of the Award is 10 €. or 12 US.Dollars.

Internet: Http://

Tks OH3GZ 1/17/2008



To celebrate the 90th anniversary of the ending of the First World War and to celebrate the " Piave" River sacred for homeland, the group Vecio Piave Team & A.R.I. Treviso has activated the special event station with the call : II3PIAV. A special free award is available for making contacts with the special call II3PIAV on 4 different bands between 1 March and 31 August 2008.   All modes (SSB/CW/and Digital Mode) and all bands. QSOs via repeaters or echo link will not count for the award. Apply to: Gabriele Gentile, IK3GES, Via Baratta Vecchia 240, I-31022 Preganziol Treviso, Italy.


Tks PA3CUZ 3/08

ITALY                                 Dolomiti SOTA 2008

Section A.R.I. of Bolzano offers for the first time this diploma to increase the Summits On the Air activity (SOTA) in the region of Trentino Alto Adige.  This is the area of Italy which contains the beautiful Dolomite mountains which are portrayed on the award. SWL OK.  Contact 5 SOTA reference mountains in the region Trentino Alto Adige during calendar year 2008. . The SOTA stations must send their log to the regional manager SOTA to be verified.  Modes or SSB, CW and digital. 

A list with reference of all of the summits of Trentino Alto Adige 

Special form should be used for the application which can be found at

Send log and fee of 5€  to: A.R.I. di Bolzano, Via Vittorio Veneto, 5, I-39100 Bolzano, Italy or A.R.I. di Bolzano, Casella Postale n.186 – I-39100 Bolzano, Italy. 

E-mail manager: and ARI Bolzano

Tks PA3CUZ 4/13/08 

KAZAKHSTAN               70th Anniversary Pavlodar Area

Observing the 70th Anniversary of the formation of the Pavlodar Area, a special award is being offered for contacting stations located in this area since 1 January 2008. Earn a total of 70 points.

Point Values:
a. any station in the Pavlodar area = 10 points.
b. Special stations UO70F, UP70F and UQ70F = 20 points.
c. If you hold the EKIBASTUZ-50 Award, you may double the above values.

All bands and modes. Stations may be contacted on different bands or mode for credit.  SWL OK. Send application in the form of an e-mail message with all contact data to . You will be instructed on payment at that time. Fee for Russian hams is 780 roubles, not stated for others.

Tks OH3GZ 4/2008

MADEIRA ISLAND                         500 Years Funchal City Award

The Madeira Island Radio Club (ARRM) and other Madeira governmental agencies sponsors this award to commemorate the 500th Anniversary of the founding of Funchal City.  The city, which is the Capital of the Madeira Island Archipeligo was founded in 1508 and has about 200,000 inhabitants. To earn the award, you must earn a total of 250 points by contacting stations located in the Madeira Island Archipeligo during the entire calendar year of 2008.  

Point Values:
1. Stations using the special commemorative prefixes of CT950XX, CT95XX, CQ9500XX, CQ95XX, CQ3500XX, CQ35XX, etc. = 10 points for each contact.
2. ARRM Official station CS3MAD = 15 points.
3. Look for other ARRM HQ stations activated during the year = 15 points. 
3. All other stations located in Madeira not using a special prefix = 5 points.
4. Each call may be worked once per band / mode per day.  

Stations on Madeira Island may earn the award as follows:
1. License Class "A" stations - make 150 contacts using their callsign, or 100 contacts using one of the special prefixes.
2. License Class "B" or less stations - (a) make 15 contacts with stations outside of the Madeira Islands or (b) actively participate with ARRM HQ in one of the operations related to the event, under the supervision of a Class A operator. 

Apply for the award in either of two ways:
1. COMPLETELY FREE: Send application by e-mail to or  You will receive a confirmation message that the application has been received.  The sponsor will send an electronic file which you can print on your own PC and printer. Make sure you send your e-mail address with your application. 

2. NORMAL MAIL - WITH FEE:  Send log extract, SASE (A4 format) and 5€ or $US10 to: ARRM - Associacao de Radioamadores da Regiao da Madeira, PO Box 4694, 9001-901 Funchal, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal. 


Tks CT3EE 6/5/08 

POLAND                    BIALYSTOK The City of the World Congress of Esperanto 2009 Award

At the end of July 2009 in Bialystok, the 94th World Congress of Esperanto will be held. Bialystok will be visited by several thousand Esperanto speakers from several dozen countries from all continents. The Bialystok Esperanto speakers and local amateur radio operators financially supported by the Mayor of Bialystok issue a commemorative award BIALYSTOK - THE CITY OF THE WORLD CONGRESS OF ESPERANTO 2009, which is at the same time an invitation for all interested to visit the birthplace of the inventor of the International Language - Ludvic Lazarus Zamenhof.

REQUIREMENTS:I. The Commemorative Award - Bialystok - The City of the World Congress of Esperanto 2009 may be obtained by every ham radio operator, who will fulfill at least one of the following conditions:
1. Make 1 QSO with the special event station operating from Bialystok + 3 QSOs with any stations from Bialystok.
2. Make 5 QSOs with any stations located in Bialystok.
3. Make10 QSOs with the stations that are members of Polish Amateur Radio Union (PZK) - the local branch in Bialystok (OT-17). )The list of the OT-17 members is available on the website: ) .

Attention: QSOs with any Bialystok station on the following dates will substitute for the special event station:
a. 14 April (the anniversary of the death of L.L. Zamenhof),
b. 26 July (the anniversary of the publication of the first Esperanto textbook).
c. 15 December (the birthday anniversary of L.L. Zamenhof).

II. All contacts from 30 March 2008 to end of July 2009 are allowed. Any amateur radio band or mode accepted.
III. The award is available to SWLs as well - the above rules apply
IV. The Award Rules apply to stations operating from outside Poland, too.
V. A limited quantity of copies of the award are available until supply is exhausted.
VI. The Award fee is 10 PLN or 3 euros.

The applications including log extracts should be sent to: Bia³ostockie Towarzystwo Esperantystów, ul. Piêkna 3, 15-282 Bia³ystok, skr. poczt. 67 with a xerox copy of the payment receipt enclosed. The payments should be made to the following bank account: 45 1160 2202 0000 0000 5482 1484 including the purpose of the payment: "Dyplom".

QSL cards for the stations listed in the applications are welcomed.The applications (log extracts) can also be emailed to: The Awards will be sent after receiving the payments to the bank account.

Stanis³aw, SP4 FIY, e-mail address: .

Tks Kari OH8LSI 8/2008

RUSSIA                                   450 Years of Astrakhan

This award commemorates the 450th Anniversary of the establishment of the city of Astrakhan, an important seaport on the Caspian Sea, located on the southern border of Russia. Make a total of 450 points during the calendar year 2008 by working stations according to the following table:

Contacts with:



Jubilee station R450AS

(at least one contact is required during the period 1 Sep to 15 Oct 2008)



Stations located in the city of Astrakhan



Stations located in the Astrakhan region



The same station may be worked on different bands and modes for award credit. Contacts made on 160 meters will have double point credit.

The award is issued free of charge, except that the sponsor requests you provide postage: for Russian stations, this is 50 rubles, Europeans 2 IRC and all others 3 IRC. Send log extract and cost of postage to: Kamenskikh Juri Vasilevichu RU6UR, PO Box 396, 414000 Astrakan, Russia.



Tks SM6DEC 3/3/08

RUSSIA                  Ekaterinburg 285th Anniversary Award

2008 marks the 285th anniversary of the founding of the city of Ekaterinburg (previously known as Sverdslovsk). The award may be earned by contacting each of the RDA areas of the city (SV01-SV07) plus one club/collective station during calendar year 2008. On VHF, no use of repeaters is permitted.

If the requirements of the award are met during the special activity period of August 9 to 24, the diploma will be issued free of charge! Send log extract and fee of 80 roubles or equivalent to: Vladimir Sumin RV9CQ, P.O. 111, Ekaterinburg-62, 620062 Russia.


Tks OH3GZ 8/2008

RUSSIA                             KRASNOKAMENSK - 40 YEARS

Awarded for making a minimum of two QSO's with Krasnokamensk radioamateurs, with ex-Krasnokamensk radioamateurs ), and with HAM;s who even once visited Krasnokamensk during the full year of 2008.

Stations living in Krasnokamensk: UE70UWW, RK0UWC, RZ0UZW, UA0UV, UA0UBT, RA0UCG, RW0UM, RW0UG, RW0UU, RW0UB, RW0UQ, RW0UC, RW0UW, RA0UV.
Stations who once lived in Krasnokamensk
: RN4CU, RN4CT, RW0JB, RW9MH, RK3DU and others.
Stations who have visited Krasnokamensk
: RX0QJ, RU0UA, RK0UT, RK0UN, RW0OBW, UA0UCS, RU0UQ and others.

SWL OK. GCR list and fee for Russians/CIS countries = 50 rubles. All others $US3.  Apply to: Polkovnikov N.B., Award Manager, PO Box 144, Krasnokamensk, Chitinskaja Oblast, 674674 Russia.


Tks OH3GZ/RA1AE 3/1/08

RUSSIA                      80th Anniversary of the Omsk Provincial Radio Club

This award is sponsored by the council of RHO SRR in Omsk region for making contacts with the wireless enthusiasts of the city of Omsk and Omsk region on all HF and VHF bands in honor of the 80th anniversary of the Omsk provincial radio club.  To earn the award, make a total of 80 points during 2008:

Point values:
a. special event station = 10 points
b. club station = 3 points
c. individual stations from the Omsk region = 2 points
d. individual stations from Omsk = 1 point

Contacts may be repeated on other bands for award credit. Send a log extract, witnessed by two licensed amateurs Fee for the award is 150 rubles for Russian applicants or 5€ for all others to: Valentin Khoruzhenko RA9MC, PO Box 1569, Omsk, 644110, Russian Federation.

Tks PA3CUZ 2/18/08 

RUSSIA                15th Anniversary of the founding of the Russian Robinson Club

To celebrate the 15th anniversary of Russian Robinson Club foundation, the R15RRC call sign will be used in the IOTA contest July 26-27. . QSL cards will be sent to all stations in log automatically (please, provide your Logs to contest committee!)  A Special Award – 15 Years to RRC - will be released to everyone, who made 13 QSOs (with Russian Robinson Club Awards programs: RRA, RLHA, RMA, RFFA (WFF), including KL7DX and other special RRC expeditions) during the year 2008 plus 2 (obligatory!) QSOs with station R15RRC (different modes / bands / QTHs are possible). A total of  15 QSOs. Application form with 3 IRCs should be sent to Eugene RZ3EC.

Tks OH3GZ 7/26/08 

Special Event station R15RRC/p (QSL via RZ3EC) will be active during the period 16-17 August, including participation in the RDA contest from District OR-20. Any contacts with R15RRC/p will be valid for their 15th Anniversary Award, rules shown above. 
Tks Andre RA1AE. 

RUSSIA                       Vladimir Vysotsky 70 years Award

The awards the 70th anniversary of the birth of Vladimir Vysotsky, actor, writer, musician and film-maker who was born in 1938 and died in 1980. Despite Vysotsky's anti-establishment reputation, Soviet leader Brezhnev (who was alleged to be a fan of Vysotsky, himself) allowed Vysotsky to perform live on Soviet television. The cities and countries listed below for contact credit were visited on various concert tours by Vysotsky in the 1970's.

Earn 70 points during the period of Jan 1 - Dec 31 2008 by contacting members of Kristall Radioclub, plus any contacts in the following cities, areas or countries in which Vysotsky lived or traveled:

1. Russian or Ukrainian cities: Moscow city (maximum of 10 QSO's only), St-Petersburg, Irkutsk, Togliatti, Sochi, Nakhodka, Bodaybo, Nizhneudinsk, Krasnoyarsk, Odessa, Kiev, Samarkand, Pyatigorsk, Vladivostok, Novokuznetsk, Yaroslavl, Severodonetsk, Melitopol,
2. Other cities: Paris, Maison-Lafitte, Eberswalde, Buzuluk,
3. Oblasts of Russia - Orenburgskaya UA9S, Magadanskaya UA0I, Tyumenskaya UA9L, Chukotskaya UA0K,
4. Countries - Byelorussia EU, Georgia 4L, Ukraine UR, Azerbaijan 4K, Armenia EK, Germany DL, Bulgaria LZ, Hungary HA, Poland SP, Yugoslavia YU, USA K, Italy I, Mexico XE, Canada VE, Hawaii KH6, England G, Spain EA, Tahiti island and Malyj Vysotski Island.

Point values:

1. Any QSO on any band with club member = 5 points.
2. Any QSO with UE70UWW, UE70UVV, UE70VSV, UE70SVV and UE0AWW worked in the period of 15 - 25 January 2008 = 10 points.
3. Any QSO with cities, oblasts and countries listed above = 3 points. Every station counts only once.

SWL OK. GCR list and fee for Russians/CIS countries = 50 rubles. All others $US3. Apply to: Polkovnikov N.B., Award Manager, PO Box 144, Krasnokamensk, Chitinskaja Oblast, 674674 Russia.

Tks info to OH3GZ, and translation by RA1AE 2/29/08

RUSSIA            450 Years With Russia Diploma              (Extended into 2008)

This award was established by regional branches the Amateur Radio Societies of Russia Kabardino-Balkarian (KB), Karachaevo-Circassian (KC) and Adygea (AD) republics of Russian Federation to commemorate the anniversary and to further popularize and develop amateur radio in the world.
Starting on September 1, 2007, and ending only when the supply of awards runs out!  (instead of Dec 31st, 2007).  Applicants must earn a total of 450 points by working amateur radio stations of Kabardino-Balkariyan (RA6X, UA6X), Karachaevo-Circassia (RA6E, UA6E), Adygea (RA6Y, UA6Y) and Russia (R, UA-UI).

Point Table:
a. QSOs with any of the following club stations: RK6XWA, RK6XWY, RK6EWQ and RK6YWA = 20 points each. 
b. QSOs with special stations R450KB, R450KC and R450AD = 20 points.
c. QSO with a radio station from the republics listed above(KB, KC and AD) = 5 points.
d. QSO with radio stations from any other parts of Russia = 2 points up to a total of 20 points.
bands and modes, including WARC bands OK. QSO with the same stations will only qualify if performed on different bands and different radio modes. Double points will be awarded if all QSO were achieved using one band only.
award is free-of-charge. Applicant should submit log extract. The award is free of charge, but the sponsor asks that stations in the Russian Federation include 50 RUR equivalent of stamps and all others to include 3 IRC or the equivalent to cover mailing expenses. Apply to: The Diploma Commission: P.O.Box 4, Nalchik, 360024, Russia.


Tks Alexander RA4HT 8/2007. Addl info OH3GZ on 2/14/08.


The cultural society of ASOCIACION CULTURAL RADIOAFICIONADOS COSTA BLANCA, offers this free award for contacts made from November 2008 to April 2009. Work 10 stations who live in this URE section. Look for some special calls during these months in the bands of 80 and 40 mts. They will identify themselves by calling " Station valid for II DIPLOMA CARAVANITOS.

You may send the request via e-mail to: or by regular mail to: ACRACB , P.O.Box: 2.117 03080 ALICANTE - SPAIN. Your application must contain the following items of data: CALL, NAME and SURNAMES, ADDRESS (no po box please), TELEPHONE NUMBER, TIME and DATE OF QSO and points. You need 10 POINTS.

Tks EA3GHZ 11/2008

SWEDEN                            Bohus Fortress 700 Years Award

Make contact with 10 Swedish stations and the special event station SF700BF on any band and in any mode during 2008. No repeater contacts. A Swedish station/SF700BF can only be counted as one regardless of band and mode. The fee for the award is 5€ ,SEK 50 or US$ 8. Send a log extract and fee to Kungälvs Sändareamatörer SK6NL, Skälebräcke 140, SE 442 49 Kungälv, Sweden.

A little history: Kungälv, a medieval town between Gothenburg and Ellös, was the site of a fortress called Bohus. At the time, 1308 to be exact, this part of the world was the southernmost area of Norway. The fortress was built to protect Norway from the Swedes. It’s still standing after 700 years, never having surrendered in its long history, even though it’s witnessed fourteen sieges. An outer wall was added in the 16th century. The only reason that some of the structure is now missing is that it once served as a stone quarry.



Tks SM6DEC 1/20/08

SWEDEN                Roskilde 1658 Award

Kristianstads Radioamatörer, SK7BQ, has established the Roskilde 1658 Award in recognition of the 350th anniversary of the Treaty of Roskilde on February 26, 1658. After this treaty the Swedish provinces of Halland, Skåne and Blekinge became Swedish. Until 1658 they were a part of Denmark. They have thus been Danish considerably longer than they have been Swedish.

The decades that followed  the treaty were some of the most violent in the history of Sweden and Denmark. It is however a history not told in Swedish schools until recent years. For centuries after the Treaty of Roskilde the history of Sweden were the history of the genuine Swedish provinces. However, books and TV series have made the untold history of the former Danish provinces known to more people, not only in Sweden and Denmark.

This award is a cooperative effort between the amateur radio clubs in the three Swedish provinces as well as the local chapter of EDR (the IARU organization in Denmark) in Roskilde.

To earn the award, at least four of the special Swedish call signs listed below shall be contacted by radio amateurs or logged by SWLs. If the Danish Joker Station OZ1658ROS, is contacted or logged then, only three of the Swedish call signs are needed along with the Danish Joker Station. Contacts shall be made during 2008-2009* and is available to licensed amateurs and SWLs. All bands and modes may be used. However, no QSOs over repeaters, crossband,  repeaters, transponders or satellites will count for the award.

The following Swedish call signs are valid for the Roskilde 1658 Award:

 *Due to very POOR propagation during most of 2008, the award period has been extended to now include all of 2009. 


Call Sign

Operated by:

QSL Via:



Falkenbergs Sändareamatörer




Kungsbacka Radioamatörer


Skåne (Scania)

SK1658OZ and SC1658OZ

Kristianstads Radioamatörer


Skane (Scania)


Ham Club Lundensis,




Västra Blekinge Sändaramatöre


JOKER/Wild Card  Station  OZ1658ROS Members of OZ9EDR, the local chapter of EDR in Roskilde. Bureau or to:
Torben Lund Hansen
Smedevej 41
DK-4070 Kirke Hyllinge,

The callsigns shall be interpreted as follows:
SH = Sweden Halland
SK = SKåne
SC = SCania, the English name for Skåne. The other provinces do not have English names.
SB = Sweden Blekinge
1658 = the year of the treaty
OZ, DK = a reference to Denmark

Cards are not needed for the award. Your application will be checked against a master list of contacts from all the special stations. When you have made the necessary contacts, you may apply for the award.  The sponsor will check the automated log, make sure you qualify, and then issue the award.  (An online log will be available so you can be sure your contact has made it into their system.) 

Award fees:
Swedish stations and Swedish SWLs: 50 SEK
Other stations and SWLs: 10 USD or 7 Euro

Send the list of special stations you contacted along with the award fee to: Kristianstads Radioamatörer, Award Manager, c/o Anders Nordgren,  Strömshall 4010, SE-280 60 Broby, Sweden.

The Roskilde 1658 Award web site will always be updated with the latest information along with an activity calendar, listing active stations for every week.

Tks SM6DEC 1/11/08

SWITZERLAND                         Swiss DX Foundation Jubilee Knife HB10DX

The Swiss DX Foundation (SDXF)  is celebrating its 10th anniversary with the special call sign of HB10DX active from 1 January to 31 December 2008.  Instead of just another award you can get a special SDXF pocketknife by Victorinox, the manufacturer of the famous Swiss Army Knife by working station HB10DX ten times.

* All HF Bands are allowed in SSB, CW and digital modes
* In each mode one QSO per month can be validated
* No QSL cards needed, just send a log extract of the contacts to:  or by snail mail to
Ambrosi Flütsch, HB9AGH, Lerchenberg 29, 8046 Zürich, Switzerland


Tks PA3CUZ 2/3/08 

USA                      070 PSK Club Series

The 070 Club offers an interesting series of awards and endorsements in order to promote the PSK mode on the HF bands.  The awards are available only to members, but there is no cost to become a member.  See their website at:    Award rules are found at :   
     They offer permanent awards and those which are active for only one year.  Here are two of them which require contacts made only in 2008.  


Belgium is a DX Special for 2ØØ8. To qualify for the endorsement, work 2Ø different ON stations on PSK31 mode operating from within the specified country during the 2ØØ8 UTC calendar year. Only contacts made from outside ON are valid. Secondary/special prefixes are also good for the endorsement. Log info only required. This endorsement expires 24ØØZ, 31 January 2ØØ9.
Greece is a DX Special for 2ØØ8. To qualify for the endorsement, work 2Ø different SV stations on PSK31 mode operating from within the specified country during the 2ØØ8 UTC calendar year. Only contacts made from outside SV are valid. Secondary/special prefixes are also good for the endorsement. Log info only required. This endorsement expires 24ØØZ, 31 January 2ØØ9.

Tks PA3CUZ 3/2008