Italy Square JN63 Award to Wales 100 Countries on VHF

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(Updated 6/2009) 


2 Meter Squares Award

Work at least 30 squares on 2 meters.  The squares are identified from the first four characters of the WW locator, or from first letters of the EU locator.  On 70cm, work 15 and on 23cm work 7 squares and on 6 meters work 40 squares.  Award available for fixed or portable stations.  The portable stations must have carried out all the contacts from the same call area.  No use of repeater or EME QSOs.  Endorsement for each additional 10 squares on 2 meters; on 70cm for each added 2 and on 23cm, each additional square.  GCR list and fee of 5€ to A.R.I., Section of Perugia, PO Box 113, I-06100 Null Perugia PG, Italy.

Internet: http://www.aripg.it/ 

(Chg 11/2008)


JARL Series

GCR accepted — note data required by each award. Fee of 12 IRCs or $US16 for each award. For air mail delivery, add 2 IRCs. SWL OK. The following endorsements are available — maximum of three (if applicable) per award:

Bands - (only contacts made in same band.)
- only contacts made through satellites.
- only contacts using 5 watts output or less.
- only contacts using ½ watt or less.

Contacts must be made after 29 July 1952. Land stations only unless /MM or /Aeronautical for the 50Mhz-100 144Mhz-100 430Mhz-100 1200Mhz-10, 50 or 100 2400Mhz-10, 50 or 100 5600Mhz-10, 50, 100 and VU-1000 awards.

Contacts with the Far East Military Auxiliary Stations in Japan are not acceptable. Contacts must be made within the same call area or if no call area exists, from the same country. Apply to: JARL - Award Desk, 1-14-5 Sugamo, Toshima, Tokyo 170-8073, Japan.

E-mail: oper@jarl.or.jp 
Internet: http://www.jarl.or.jp/English/4_Library/A-4-2_Awards/Award_Main.htm 

(Chg 6/2009)

50 MHz - 100

Contact 100 different stations on the 50 MHz band. Arrange list in alphabetical order of prefix followed by suffix.

144Mhz - 100

Contact 100 different stations on the 144MHz band. Arrange list in alphabetical order of prefix followed by suffix.

430 MHz - 100

Contact 100 different stations on the 430 MHz band. Arrange list in alphabetical order of prefix followed by suffix.

1200 MHz

Contact 10 different stations on the 1200 MHz band. Endorsements for 50, 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500. Arrange list in alphabetical order of prefix followed by suffix.

2400 MHz

Contact 10 different stations on the 2400 MHz band. Endorsements for 50, 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500. Arrange list in alphabetical order of prefix followed by suffix.

5600 MHz

Contact 10 different stations on the 5600 MHz band. Ejdorsements for 50, 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500. Arrange list in alphabetical order of prefix followed by suffix.

10 Ghz

Contact 10 different stations on the 10GHz band. Endorsements for 50, 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500. Arrange list in alphabetical order of prefix followed by suffix.

24 Ghz

Contact 10 different stations on the 24GHz band. Endorsements for 50, 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500. Arrange list in alphabetical order of prefix followed by suffix.

47 Ghz

Contact 10 different stations on the 47 GHz band.  Endorsements for 50, 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500.  Arrange list in alphabetical order of prefix followed by suffix.
(New 6/2009 Tks PA3CUZ)

75 Ghz

Contact 10 different stations on the 75 GHz band.  Endorsements for 50, 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500.  Arrange list in alphabetical order of prefix followed by suffix. 
(New 6/2009 Tks PA3CUZ)


Contact at least 1000 different amateur station on the 50Mhz, 144Mhz and/or 430Mhz bands. Endorsements for each additional 1000. Arrange list in alphabetical order of prefix followed by suffix. Contacts on or after 29 July 1977 only.


Contact at least 100 different grid square locations in Japan (first 4 digits) on 50MHz or above. Sticker endorsements each additional 50 squares. Contacts on or after 1 July 1992 only. All contacts must be from your grid square in your country. The same station may be counted separately on each band and square. GCR list must include Grid square data. No endorsements for band/mode.


Miura Club Series---

General Requirements: GCR accepted. Fee for each award is 6 IRCs. All QSO's must be made on 6 meters or higher bands. Apply to: Tomohiro Sairo JF1NIS, 4-5-6 Misaki, Miura, Kanagawa 238-02, Japan.

Lighthouse Award

Contact one each of JA1 to Ja0 plus 7 JA Maritime Mobile stations. (17 contacts total).

Miura Hamayuu Umiu Kuromatsu Award

Contact 14 stations which spell "MIURA KUROMATSU" plus 30 different cities or guns in Japan. 

(TKS JR1DTN)(93)


Kaunas R.C. program---

General Requirements: refer to Lithuanian HF section.

LY-WW Location Award

Contact 10 different Lithuanian stations on VHF in at least 4 WW squares.

(TKS LY2BKM)(93)


Diploma Med Award

Confirm contacts with 5 of the 26 Mediterranean countries on 50 MHz. They are: Albania, Algeria, Balearic Is., Ceuta & Melilla, Corsica, Crete, Cyprus, Dodecanese, Egypt, France, Gibraltar, Greece, Israel, Italy, Lebanon, Libya, Malta, Monaco, Morocco, Sardinia, Sicily, Spain, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey and Yugoslavia. In all cases, Malta must be worked. GCR list and fee of $US2, UK 2 pounds or 12 IRCs to: MARL Awards Manager, Walter A. Gatt 9H1DU, PO Box 575, Valletta, Malta.

(TKS G1WMJ)(93)


VERON Series ---

General Requirements: Contacts after 1 June 1945. No use of repeater or satellite. Apply with a GCR list and fee of 5€ or 7 IRCs for each award (endorsement stickers SAE/IRC only) to: Theo J. Kindts PC7CW, Monteverdistraat 73, 1447 NC, Purmerend, Netherlands.  

(Chg 12/06)


Work 6 countries (your own may be included) on 70 Cm (432 MHz). Stickers for each added country up to 30. Contacts after 1 June 1945.


Work 6 countries (your own may be included) on 23cm (1240-1300 Mhz), 13cm (2300-2450 Mhz) and 5cm (5650-5850 Mhz). Stickers for each further country up to 30.


23 X 23

Work 23 Dutch stations on 23 Cm (1296 MHz).

3 X 3

Work 3 Dutch stations on 3cm in 3 provinces from distance 3X3X3X3 = 81Km average. So you need 243 or more Km points. (97)

9 X 9

Work 9 Dutch stations on 9 Cm.

13 X 13

Work 13 Dutch stations on 13Cm (2300-2450 MHz) over at least 4 locators (JO21-JO22, JO31-JO32, or old CL, CM, DM, etc. (CHG 94)

50 Mhz Award

Work 50 stations from 50 different DXCC countries. Endorsements for 60, 75, 100, 125 and 150 countries.

QSL Regio Award

Work 50 QSL-Regios (R-01 to R-50) after 1 September 1980.  A contact with PI4AA may substitute for Missing R38 (RCD - Radio Control Service).  PI4NAF, PI4MRC, PI1KM, PI5STC or any military PA stations may substitute for R-50 (MILRAC).

(Tks PA3CUZ 8/2003)

NEW ZEALAND / VHF            – NZART Series –

See NZART listing under New Zealand for general rules/fees.

VHF Century Club - VHFCC

Earn 100 points from QSOs from ZL station on following basis:

50 MHz contacts = 1 point.
144 MHz contacts = 3 points.
432 MHz contacts = 6 points.

Same station may be claimed once on any one band, but may be claimed repeatedly on different bands.

WAD - A VHF Award

Contact on any VHF band (or mixture of VHF bands) with ZL1, ZL2, ZL3 and ZL4, one contact per call area.


SP - 50 Mhz Award

Available in 3 classes:

Class 1 - confirmed contacts with 10 SP's in 6 middle field locator.
Class 2 - confirmed contacts with 20 SP's in 12 middle field locator.
Class 3 - confirmed contacts with 30 SP's in all SP call areas 1-9 and 20 middle field locator. 

Contacts since 1 Jan 1995. All modes. Fee 5€ or $US5. Apply to PZK Awards manager listed under Poland in HF section.

(Chg 5/2006)


Russian VHF Trophy

Sponsored by the "Ether" radio club from Efremov, Russia for making contacts on 2 meters, 70cm and 23cm using all types of modulation, including TROPO, ES, AURORA, MS, FAI, EME, IONO. Contacts since 1-1-1992. No use of active repeaters is allowed. You must have received the QSL card of the other station.

Russian stations should earn at least 100 points, for all others, they must earn at least 50 points only with stations within the territory of Russia. Contacts with the same station will count if they are made in another grid square or band. The applicant must make all contacts from one grid square.

Point Values - contacts with different grid squares:
2 meters = 1 point.
70cm = 2 points.
23cm = 3 points.

Send list of contacts in order of alphabetic designation of the grid squares together with fee of 140 roubles for Russian stations, and 10 IRC for all others. Apply to: Serov Alexey Vladimirovich UA3PNO, PO Box 1, Efremov, Tula, 301840 Russia.

Internet: http://www.tularadio.ru/awards/rvhft_e.html

Tks Maurice F5NQL 6/2007


Pretoria Amateur Radio Club - VHF Award        (Replaces previous listing for Southern Africa 6M Award)

Given for contacts with amateurs in various grid locator squares as defined by the Maidenhead Locator System on as many different VHF/UHF bands as possible.  Only simplex QSOs made on or after 1 January 1986 on frequencies above 50 MHz and south of the Equator on the continent of Africa will count for this award.
    Any authorized mode may be used.  Only one QSO per band with each grid square may be submitted, regardless of mode.  All QSOs lmust be confirmed and the grid locator must be shown clearly on the confirmation.
    QSOs made during mobile or portable operations may be used provided that:
        a. the location during such operation is within 20 kilometers of the normal operating location.
        b. such operation is from the same grid locator square as the normal operating location.
 Certificates will be issued either for all band or single band, with qualifying levels as follows:
        a. All Band - 30 grid squares.
        b. 50 MHz - 15 grid squares.
        c. 144 MHz - 15 grid squares.
        d. 432 MHz - 10 grid squares.
        e. 1296 MHz or higher - 5 grid squares.
Endorsements will be made for additional grid squares contacted (minimum for endorsement is 5, except for 1296 MHz or higher where endorsements will be given for each additional 2 squares.
Applications may be made to: PARC Awards Custodian, PO Box 73696, Lynnwood Ridge 0040, South Africa.  No fee for the award, but SASE would be appreciated.  Contacts must be verified by an officer of the SARL or your club, otherwise the cards are required.  A special Trophy will be awarded to the first station to have contacted and confirmed 100 grid locator squares.  

Internet: http://www.qsl.net/zs6pta/ 

(Tks PA3CUZ 8/2003)


---URE Series (Rewritten 10/02 per info from PA3CUZ) 

General Requirements: Contacts after 1 April 1949. No use of repeaters.  Contacts via repeaters or cross band will be accepted only in the satellite class.  For the locator awards, the first four characters of the WW locator apply: JN12, KH74, IN99, etc.  QSL cards should show the QTH locators of both stations, however, a card showing only the QTH locator of the origin is acceptable.  For contacts prior to 1985, show the old indicator and the current equivalent.  List in alphabetical order of squares plus cards.
    GCR list with QSL cards and fee for each award 6€ or $US6, cost of medal is 18€ or $US18, and cost for the trophy is 42€ or $US42.  Endorsements are 3€ or $US3.  Apply to: URE, PO Box 22, 28080 Madrid, Spain. 

Internet: http://www.ure.es/diplomas.html 

(Chg 2/09)


Available to all amateurs licensed to operate VHF or higher in their country for contacting grid squares in seven different classes:

WALOC-50: 100 different squares in the 50MHz band.
50 different squares in the 144 Mhz band.
40 different squares in the 430 Mhz band.
20 different squares in the 1200MHz band or up.
: 50 different squares via satellite.
30 different squares via meteor scatter.
: 30 different squares via EME (earth-moon- earth).

Endorsements for each added 25 squares in the 50 and 144 class, and for 10 additional squares for the others. Special WALOC-MASTER for stations who earn the WALOC-144, WALOC-430 and ony of the others: WALOC-Satellite, WALOC-MS, or WALOC-EME.

Locator-E Award

Awarded for contacting EA squares in the following classes:

144 Mhz: 25 squares.
430 Mhz: 20 squares.
1200 Mhz: 15 squares.
Top bands (2300 Mhz up): 10 squares.
Satellite: 35 squares.

Endorsements for each 5 additional squares in each class. No use of repeaters.


TPEA (Trabajadas las Provincias EA) 

Contact Spanish provinces after 1 March 1979.  All contacts must be made from the same location (or Spanish Province, for EA's).  Mobile contacts are not valid.  Modes may be SSB, CW or RTTY.  For the medal, 35 different provinces are required on 2 meters and to earn the trophy will require 52 provinces.

(Tks PA3CUZ)(10/02) 

Diploma Espana

Contact Spanish stations after 1 Jan 1952.  EA's need 60 contacts in 5 call areas and 20 provinces with a maximum of 10 per province.
EA8 and all others: 30 stations in 4 call areas and 12 provinces.  A maximum of 5 QSOs per province. 

(Tks PA3CUZ)(10/02) 


Worked All Sweden Award ---

General Requirements: Contacts after 1 January 1988 and must be made from the same country and on the same band and mode.  The same station may be contacted on several different bands.  Land based stations only - no use of repeaters except for WASA Satellite.  GCR list and fee of 40 SEK, 6 IRCs, 4€ or $US4 and for the Plaque 150 SEK, 25 IRCs, 15€ or $US15 to: Diploma Manager Sveriges Sandareamatorer, Box 45, SE-191 21 Sollentuna, Sweden or to Diploma Manager Bengt Hogkvist SM6DEC, Ostbygatan 24C, SE-531 37 Lidkoping, Sweden.

E-mail: sm6dec@svessa.se 
Internet: http://home.swipnet.se/SM6DEC/english.htm#Field%20Award 

(Chg 8/2003)

WASA - 144 MHz

Class 2 - work all SM call sign districts on 144 MHz.
Class 1 - work all SM Lans on 144 MHz.
Shield Endorsement - work 5 different stations in each Lan on 144 MHz.

WASA - 432 MHz

Class 2 - work one SM in each call district on 432 MHz.
Class 1 - work one SM in each Lan on 432 MHz.
Shield Endorsement - work 3 different stations in each Lan on 432 MHz.

WASA - 1296 MHz

Class 1 - work one SM in each call district on 1296 MHz.
Shield Endorsement - work one SM in each Lan on 1296 MHz.

WASA - Satellite

Class 2 - work one SM in each call district by Satellite.
Class 1 - work one SM in each Lan by Satellite.
Shield Endorsement - work all Lans by Satellite using at least 2 modes.


Helvetia 26 VHF Award (bands specified)

Refer to the HF section for general requirements, fees and mailing address.

Similar to the HF program. The award may be earned for each single band from 6m and above. Modes of operation same as for HF, plus the additional category of SAT (Satellite). The versions available are as follows:

    a. single band.
b. 2B Helvetia 26 VHF Award (2m + 70 cm and/or with SAT 2m + 1 higher band.
c. 3B Helvetia 26 VHF Award (as above plus 1 higher band or 6m.)
d. 4B Helvetia 26 VHF Award (as above plus 2 higher bands or 6m.)
    e. 5B Helvetia 26 VHF Award (as above plus 3 higher bands or 6m)

Switzerland VHF Award (bands freely selectable)

For the basic award, 40 band cantons are to be worked on any frequency bands above 30 MHz.

Further versions as follows:

a. Switzerland 50 VHF - for 50 band cantons starting from 6m or higher.
b. Switzerland 60 VHF - for 60 band cantons starting from 6m or higher.
c. same as above by increments of 10 band cantons.
d. Switzerland XXX VHF Award - for all 26 cantons on XXX VHF bands.
e. Switzerland VHF Honor Roll - for 80 band cantons on VHF, 6m and higher. 

(Chg 8/2003)



Contact Yugoslav amateurs on VHF and UHF in the grid squares belonging to Yugoslavia: JN91 JN92 JN93 JN95 JN96 KN022 KN03 KN04 KN05 KN06 KN12 KN13 KN14. Applicants need at least 5 different squares on VHF and 2 on UHF. Or, 10 different squares using VHF are sufficient. Contacts after 9 May 1992. GCR list and fee of 10 IRCs to: Savez Radio-Amatera Jugoslavia, Awd Manager YU1KO, PO Box 48, YU-11001 Beograd, Yugoslavia.

(TKS DE1JSH)(96)


Century Grid Award

Based on the VUCC Award format, the Century Grid Award is available to operators that work 100 different grids on 50 and 144 MHz or 50 grids on 222 MHz using WSJT or other High Speed Meteor Scatter techniques.  All contacts must have been made by meteor scatter propagation.  Endorsement stickers are also available for additional contacts in multiples of 50 above the initial 100 contacts.  Cards are not required, the honor system applies.  The award is equally to foreign operators that meet these requirements.  A log with all pertinent QSO information and fee of $US5 for US and $US9 for DX applicants should be sent to: Terry Hosack WA3LTB, 9852 Martin Avenue, Lake City, PA. 16423.

E-mail: wa3ltb@juno.com 
Internet: http://www.vkc.com/wa5uth/ 

Tks WA3LTB  10/2004 


Worked Colorado Award / Worked All of Colorado Award

The Worked Colorado Award is available for all bands above 50 MHz, and requires contacts in any 6 of the 16 Colorado Grid Squares on any one (1) VHF/UHF band.

The Worked All of Colorado Award is available for all bands above 50 MHz, land is awarded for contacts with all of Colorado's 16 Grid Squares on any one (1) VHF/UHF band.  Contacts in grids shared with other states MUST be lmade with operators within the borders of Colorado for this award.

Submit a log extract showing that you have met the requirements for the award along with a check for $3.00 (make payable to Wayne Heinen) to cover printing, shipping and handling.  The certificates will be printed on photographic quality paper in a mullticolor format.  Mail your log entries to: Rocky Mountain VHF+ Awards, PO Box 473411, Aurora, CO.  80047-3411.

The 16 Colorado Grid Squares (from NW to SE) are:

            DN50 DN60 DN70 DN80
            DM59 DM69 DM79 DM89
            DM58 DM68 DM78 DM88
            DM57 DM67 DM77 DM87

Internet: http://rmvhf.org/coloaward.html 

(Chg 1/10) N8OFS

Worked All of EM Award

The Southeastern VHF Society is pleased to offer a certificate for working all Grid Squares in the EM field, the Worked All of 'EM Award. 

Entries may be judged by any one of several awards committee members. A list of current committee members will be maintained on the SVHF website. Cards may be brought for checking at the annual conference in April. Contact the member directly for details if cards are to be shipped and checked between conferences. 

Internet: http://svhfs.org/awards.html 

Added 1-10 Tks to N8OFS  

Reverse VUCC Award (VUCC/r)

Sponsored by the Central States VHF Society. This program recognizes the "rover stations" who travel to rare grid areas and make contacts to benefit those working for the VUCC award and other VHF grid based programs. The goal is to make contacts FROM a set number of grids per band. The number of grids is the same as required by the ARRL award. Cards are required when submitting for the award.
     Contacts made on 1 Jan 1993 or later will qualify. All contacts must be made operating AWAY from the home station location. The QSL cards, QSO listings and log extracts sent must include: both call signs, both grids, mode, date, time and band/frequency. This required information may be in any order on the listing or log extract. The cards, listings and extracts should also have the name of the licensee (person or club), mailing address, operating location if different from the mailing address. (Address, GPS coordinates, 6-digit grid, or Lat/Long) plus have a written signature of the licensee, trustee, operator, QSL manager or appropriate person confirming the specifics of the listed contacts. If a QSL card does not indicate the grid in which the rover was operating, it should be added in pencil.
     At frequencies below 1.3GHz (and satellite), any number of stations in any number of grids may be worked. Above that frequency, target stations worked must all be within the 300 meter circle as specified in the VUCC rules. The location of the target stations must be indicated on their cards by at least the four digit grid, or preferably their lat/long or some other indication that they were inside the same circle. The rover, of course, is required to move around. Endorsements above the basic award may be submitted just as in VUCC.
     All cards and forms, along with appropriate self-addressed packaging with enough postage for return of the cards plus a business sized envelope or larger if no folding is wanted, should be sent to: Bill Wageman K5MAT, CSVHFS VUCC/r Award, 7309 Avenida La Costa, NE, Albuquerque, NM. 87109-3900.

Internet: http://www.csvhfs.org/CSVHFVUC.HTML
E-mail: vucc-r@comcast.net

Tks ND9M/VQ9JC 4/23/08

USA                States Above 50 MHz Award Rules

The total score is the sum of the number of states/provinces worked on each band. For example:

Personal Data


Total Score

50 MHz

144 MHz


















A certificate will be awarded to any station who applies with a score of 30 or higher. The applicant does not have to be a member of the CSVHF Society to receive a certificate. There are three categories: Single Operator, Multi-Operator, and Rover.

For Single-Op and Multi-Op categories all contacts must be made from a station located entirely within a single 500 meter circle. Refer to their web site for details on the Rover category.

You may count Canadian Provinces in your yearly quest, however the name of the program will not change. CY0 and CY9 despite DXCC status count for Nova Scotia.  QSL cards are not required, however verification of contacts may be done at the discretion of the CSVHF Awards committee. All decisions of the committee are final. All entries must be on the CSVHF entry form (or copies thereof) and must be signed and dated by the applicant. An applicant may submit entries from multiple locations or combine them into one Rover entry.

Entries must be one band per page. Each page must clearly show the following information for each state or province being claimed: Callsign, Date, Time, and Propagation mode. Mail entries to: Jim Hermanek K0KFC, 1213 207th St., St Croix Falls, WI 54024

Questions may be adressed to: jhermanek@centurytel.net
Internet: http://csvhfs.org/states/CSTSTrules.HTML

Tks N8OFS 1/10


6 Meter International Grid Field Award

This award is offered by K1MS and K1SG for working at least 50 0f the 324 different major fields of the Maidenhead Locator System on 6 meters.   Contacts must be made on or after 15 November 1945 and must be made via any direct mode. No use of repeaters is permitted. All contacts must be made from a single DXCC entity. Endorsements in the form of a new certificate are available at the 75 level and every 5 grids thereafter. Send only those QSLs that qualify you for the requested endorsement. Photocopies and GIF/JPEG images are acceptable as long as the confirmation shows BOTH CALLS (along with the standard date/time/report/frequency). See Buckmaster or QRZ.COM for most recent e-mail address of the sponsor.

The award fee is US $5.00 for US and Canada, US $6.00 for foreign (air). The Award and returned QSLs will be shipped in a sturdy mailer to insure the award is NOT FOLDED. No IRCs wanted. Submit QSL confirmations and sufficient funds to cover return postage to: K1MS at the most recent callbook address.

Invalid contacts will be discredited and will be removed from your total count. If this brings your count below 50, the certificate, if issued will be considered void.

Internet: http://home.earthlink.net/~ivanpage/

Tks K1MS 2/2004


Six Meter International Radio Klub (SMIRK) ---

General Requirements: SMIRK is a worldwide association whose purpose is to study and promote 6 meters RF propagation. Membership info available from award sponsor. Fee schedule: $US1 for each SMIRK seal, $US3 for 1000 SMIRK and DXDC, and $US5 for 50/100 country certificate. Overseas awards sent surface unless air requested and additional postage supplied. Alaska and Hawaii are separate countries for DXDC, 50/100 Country Awards. Contacts since 1 January 1976. No crossband QSO's. GCR list and stated fee to SMIRK AWARDS, Pat Rose W5DZI, PO Box 393, Junction, TX. 76849.

(Chg 4/02)

Century Club Certificate

Contact 100 DX countries on 6 meters. Attach photocopies of the cards. (TKS K1BV)(90)

DX Decade Club

Contact SMIRK members from 10 DX countries. Send Xerox copy 7of cards or GCR list. Seals are awarded for each additional 5 countries.


Awarded for contacting 100, 250 or 500 SMIRK members. List must show SMIRK member number.

50 Country Club Certificate

Contact 50 DX countries on 6 meters. Attach photocopies of the cards.

1000 SMIRK Certificate

Contact 1000 SMIRK members.


Only confirmed contacts on any mode on Six meters after 6 June 1966 will be considered.  Contacts must be made via direct mode. Contacts via repeaters are not valid even if the repeater contains a "SIX" suffix.  Submit proof of TWO-WAY contacts with at least SIX different callsigns that contain the suffix: "SIX" *. Stations operating portable outside their assigned DXCC entity (e.g. PA1SIX as I2/PA1SIX) will count as a separate callsign.

Endorsements are issued in increments of SIX (ie. 6, 12, 18, etc.) and a new certificate will be issued with the endorsement. Send ONLY those QSLs that qualify you for the targeted endorsement- No more, no less. Submit copies of the QSLs and sufficient funds to cover return postage to: WN3SIX at the most recent callbook address.     Recommended amounts are US $3.00 for US and Canada, US $4.00 for foreign (air). Award and QSLs will be shipped in a sturdy mailer to insure the award is NOT FOLDED. For those that don't care: US and Canada $2.00 and foreign air $3.00 (Your award will be folded into an envelope along with your QSLs). No IRCs  If you are worried about lost QSLs* then please ship insured and submit sufficient postage for QSL return in the same manner.

Please e-mail wn3six at wn3six@gmail.com for any last minute postal rate changes, etc before final submission. 

Here is a listing of  SIX stations known to be recently active on Six Meters:  GW0SIX, PA1SIX,  K1SIX,  K2SIX, K3SIX, K4SIX, K5SIX, K6SIX, K0SIX (N0VZJ), KC0SIX,  KD7SIX, KE4SIX,  KL7SIX(VK3OT), K8SIX, N4SIX,  N5SIX, N6SIX, N8SIX, PA6SIX,  T2SIX,  VA1SIX,  VA7SIX(VE7VDX),  VE1SIX(VE1MR),  VE2SIX, VE3SIX,  VE9SIX (VE9AA), VK3SIX(VK3OT),  VK6SIX,  VO1SIX, W4SIX, W5SIX,  W6SIX,  W7SIX,   W0SIX(K0FF),  WN3SIX (WN3CDW) , WA5SIX, W7SIX,  W9SIX,  WA8SIX,  WE8SIX,  ZD8SIX.

E-mail: seven11@epix.net 


(Chg 1/2010)  Tks N8OFS 


220 MHz Operating Award

Work 100 stations on the 220 MHz band. All modes OK. No time restrictions. Send contact listing. No fee, although SASE is recommended. Apply to: Klaus Spies WB9YBM, 815 Woodland Heights Blvd., Streamwood, IL. 60107

(Tks WB9YBM)(01)


100 Countries on 50 MHz Certificate

Provide proof of having contacted at least 100 different countries on 6 meters. No time or mode limitations noted. You can prove these by supplying a photocopy of another 100 country award such as ARRL DXCC, RSGB or any other equivalent award endorsed for 6 meters. Otherwise, a visual sighting by the Awards Manager or photocopies of the cards will be accepted. Fee is $US5, UK 2 pounds or equivalent. Apply to: Maureen Wright GW8ZCP, 6 Cwm Eithin, Wrexham, Clwyd, Wales, UK LL12 8JY.

(TKS G1WMJ)(93)