Australia WIA Series to Sicilian Islands Award
(Updated 10/2009)
Many awards listed in this Directory make provision for a separate class that recognizes VHF as well as HF operation. This section is devoted to those awards which are specifically aimed at VHF or higher frequency operation only.
Wireless Institute of Australia Series ---
General Requirements - Refer to WIA listing elsewhere in this book. If the applicant moves to a new location and the new location exceeds a distance of 240km from the old, a new application will be necessary for the new QTH.
Australian VHF Century Club Award
Requires 100 QSO's on VHF bands (50MHz and above) different stations at least 70 of which must be Australian. Separate awards will be issued for each different VHF/UHF band. Contacts must be on or after 1 June 1948.
Worked All States (VHF) Award
Prove contact with VK1 through VK8 inclusive all
50 MHz and above. (Special prefixes AX and VI also qualify.) Endorsements for various bands and modes are available.
VK1 Australian Capital
VK2 New South Wales
VK3 Victoria
VK4 Queensland
VK5 South Australia
VK6 Western Australia
VK7 Tasmania
VK8 Northern Territory
(Chg 11/2005)
Worked All VK Call Areas (VHF) Award
Requires 22 QSO's on the VHF bands as follows: VK0, 1, 8, 9 = 1 each. VK2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 = 3 each. (Special prefixes AX and VI also qualify.) Contacts after 1 Jan 1958.
(Chg 11/2005)
WIA Grid Square Award
"Maidenhead" grid square locators as indicated below. Minimum
requirements are:
50 MHz - 50 different locators
144 MHz - 30 different locators.
432 MHz - 25 different locators.
1296 MHz - 10 different locators.
13cm and above - 5 different locators.
2300-2450 MHz, SHF-EHF 248-250 GHz - 5 different locators.
All contacts must be from the same location. Cross-band, repeater,
satellite or other relay methods are NOT permitted. Aeronautical or
maritime mobile stations are also excluded. Mobile operation is encouraged
to allow such operators to work from 100 different locators. Contacts
after 1 Jan 1990 or later.
(Chg 11/2005)
(CHG 5/03
Salzburg Relay Award
Sponsored by the Amateur Radio Federation of Salzburg to promote use of their repeater system.
Class A: Make 15 repeater contacts on 2m and 70cm.
Class B: Make 10 repeater contacts on 2M and 70cm.
The contacts may be made between any combination of local OE2 stations and visitors, both fixed stations and mobiles. The application should be a list including your own call, your position, date, time, repeater call, call of other station and location of the other station. Proceeds of the award will be used for preserving and repair of the repeater. Send list and fee of 10E to: Ing. Kurt Wingelmayer OE2KWN, Franz-Josef-Strasse 15/1, 5020 Salzburg, Austria.
E-mail: oe2kwn@oevsv.at
Tks OE2KWN 10/2004
Same rules as for the HF version ofTEGETTHOFF_DIPLOM, with the following differences:
1. Only VHF contacts may be used. SWL OK.
2. Valid modes: F3E, J3E, F2D, A1A, A3A. In F2D (Packet radio) only direct QSOs are valid (messages into a box are not valid). In case of FM_QSOs via relay the channel or the transmitting frequncy have to be mentioned in the application.
3. 2 classes: Class 1 "Gold" (100 points), Class 2 "Silver" (50 points).
4. Points (the same for all modes):
a. OE6XMF (obligatory): 10 points.
b. DL0CUX, ON4BRN, PI4MRC: 10 points if there is no contact with OE6XMF (only one of these three!), in other case 4 points (all three valid).
c. OE6XMF/m.m.: 10 points.
d. OE6XMF/... (others at special events): 10 points (once only), 4 points for other /....'s .
e. MFCA members (at least 5 obligatory) in Europe: 5 points each.
f. MFCA members m.m.: 6 points each.
g. MFCA members outside Europe: 6 points each.
h. Members of other maritime radio amateur clubs: 2 points each. Such stations ....../m.m.: 3 points each.
i. Club stations of maritime radio amateur clubs: 4 points each.
5. Contacts after 21 April 1997.
(Chg 11/2005)
Canada / VHF
This award requires VHF contact on SIMPLEX with 100 stations in the province of NOVA SCOTIA after 1 June 1997. Stations from outside the province operating mobile or portable will not count for credit (ie. K1XX/VE1).No digipeters. A station can only be logged once, regardless of mode. Contacts must be logged on the forms provided, but no QSL cards are required. There is no fee for this award
The official award application form, on the last page of the booklet (available on internet or from VE1AFH), is to be completed when the four log pages are filled. Sent the whole booklet - cover, log pages, and the official application to: NSARA Awards Chairman, Mr Jim Hannon, VE1AFH RR # 5, Amherst, NS, B4H 3Y3 Canada.
E-mail: amaclellan@ns.sympatico.ca
Internet: http://users.auracom.com/nsara/
(Chg 6/2009)
Available to all operators who confirm contact (SWL OK) with all of the Canadian and United States call areas on 6 Meters.
Send photocopies of QSL cards plus fee of US$5 to: Canadian Amateur Awards Program, c/o Neil Sutherland, VE8CQ, 203-5012 48th St., Yellowknife, NT X1A 1N3.
Internet: http://rac.ca/en/rac/services/awards/cdn-awards.php#6%20Meter
Tks N8OFS 1/16/10
Awarded for making contacts on the 2 meter, 1.25 meter and 70cm bands
by Direct or Simplex-Mode, without using ANY kind of Repeater, trying to cover the most far possible distance,
with a minimum of 50 kms or more per Contact. The purpose of this award is to
stimulate making more Simplex Contacts on VHF/UHF. Good preparation for
any potential emergency, when no Repeaters are available.
All contacts must be on the same Band (2m/1.25m/0.70m), and no
Cross-Band-Contacts are allowed. You are allowed to use any Mode
AM, SSB, CW and all Digital-Modes).
Every Contact must be confirmed from both Stations by their respective
QSL-Cards, showing all of the normal entries, PLUS the Geographic
Position and/or Locator-Grid, and all Cards need to be signed by a Radio
Club Officer, QSL-Manager, or, in the last case, by two other authorized
Hams (different from those involved with the contacts) with valid
The "WDX-VHF/UHF-SIMPLEX" will be issued in his basic form
upon the
distances covered in several contacts, but every contact each must cover
more than 50 Kms. Every contact will be added and the sum of all
distances will count for the issue of the Diploma.
"Distance" means to be the real distance in a straight line
between two
Geographic Locations, and/or exact "Grid-Locators" of both
Contacts may be made beginning 1 January 2004 and
later. Available to all amateurs who are authorized to use VHF bands. The basic
award is available for a total of 1.000 Km or more.
Endorsements stickers are available for:
Bronze - 2000Km.
Silver - 5000 Kms:
Gold - 7500 Kms:
Diamond - 10.000 Kms or more:
A special award will be created and issued for those reaching totals of more
than 10000 Kms. Check with sponsor.
All QSL-Cards (Originals and with all Entries and Signatures mentioned
before) must be sent to:
TI2 / HR1BY - Wolf Baron - P.O.Box 309 - 1250 - Escazu
San Jose Costa Rica - C.A.
and must include a Self-Addressed Manila Envelope and sufficient
US-Currency to cover the Reply by Air-Mail.
The Diploma by itself and the Stickers are completely free.
Later on, to obtain the different Stickers, there it is only necessary to
send the QSL-Cards and a normal (not Manila) Self-Adressed-Envelope with
sufficient US-Currency to cover the Reply by Air-Mail. Sponsor
reserves the right to amend rules at his direction.
E-Mail: wolfbaron62@yahoo.com or hrby@amsat.org (plain text only)
Tks Felix DL5XL 5/8/06
Radio Society of Great Britain Series ---
General Requirements:
1. Available to licensed stations and SWL's. The QSL cards must be sent with your application. For squares awards, the cards must bear the IARU (Maidenhead) locator details. A card without Maidenhead locator printed is accepted provided it bears an adequate form of positional information, and the Maidenhead designation should be clearly added to the card by the claimant.
2. For all awards with a fixed station category, the applicant must state that all the contacts were made from the same location. In the case of an amateur moving home location he/she may apply for the award using QSL cards gained from more than one location, but the award will be endorsed as "gained from more than one location".
3. Endorsements such as all cw, all ssb, all auroral contacts, or all contacts made during the first year of being licensed may be made on the application.
4. Fee schedule as
- RSGB members £3.00, $US6 or 12
- UK residents who are not RSGB
members £6.00, $US12 or 24 IRCs.
- overseas applicants who are members
of their national society £6.00, $US12 or 24 IRCs.
- other overseas applicants £9.00,
$US18 or 36 IRCs.
- Please make checques payable to
"Radio Society of Great Britain.
Where applicable, proof of membership of their national (IARU approved) society
is required, such as a copy of membership card. No charge for endorsement
stickers to update levels of achievement, however if a new certificate is
requested, the above charges apply.
5. Apply to: RSGB VHF/UHF Awards Manager, W.J. Salt M0CBQ, 89 Woodhall Drive, Waltham, Grimsby, DN37 0UX, England.
6. General inquiries
may also be made by e-mail: vhf.awards@rsgb.org.uk
Internet: http://www.rsgb.org.uk/awards/awardswebsite/index.htm
7. For the safe return of the QSL cards, adequate postage and a SASE must be sent with the application.
RSGB 50 MHz Countries Award
Provide proof of having completed two-way QSO's on 50 MHz with 10 countries after 1 June 1987. Sticker endorsements each additional 10 countries. Only contacts with countries permitting 50 MHz operation will be considered. Cards must be in alphabetical order of countries claimed and a checklist enclosed. The award is available for Fixed stations or Temporary/Portable operation. Categories cannot be mixed.
RSGB 50 MHz DX Certificate
This certificate takes into account the potential for cross-band operation when transmitting in the 50 MHz band. There is therefore no stipulation on the band used for the incoming signal or on the status of 50 MHz operation in the country worked, or that the QSO be initiated on 50 MHz. The initial award is confirmation from 25 different countries of a successful QSO with transmission from Britain taking place within the 50 MHz band. Stickers for each additional 25 countries. Contacts after 1 June 1987. Categories are Fixed Stations and Temporary/Portable and cannot be mixed.
RSGB 50 MHz Squares Award
Provide proof of having contacted 25 different locator squares with complete two-way QSO's within the 50 MHz band. Squares in any country will qualify provided that 50 MHz operation is permitted in that country. Additional stickers for each increment of 25 different squares. Contacts after 1 June 1987. Cards should be submitted in alphabetical order of the QTH squares claimed. Categories are Fixed Station or Temporary/Portable operation and cannot be mixed.
Novice Award
This award is only
available for holders of UK Novice callsigns and is designed to encourage
activity in the CW, SSB and FM simplex sections of the bands. 3 levels of
the award and claimants may take advantage of a "multiplier system",
if they wish to acquire the points required, especially for the higher
levels. Contacts after 1 January 2000. Modes: CW, SSB, AM and
FM. No repeater contacts permitted. Bands: 50, 144, 432 and 1296
Awards Levels:
Bronze - 1000 points.
Silver - 10000 points.
Gold: 25000 points.
50 and 144 MHz bands = 1 pt per QSO.
432 MHz band = 2 pts per QSO.
1296 MHz band = 4 pts per QSO.
Multipliers may be claimed as follows:
Locator Squares (such as JO01
Postal Districts and Countries = 1 point.
Distance bonuses:
50 MHz for contacts in excess of 2000 Km = 1 pt.
144 MHz for contacts in excess of 1000 Km = 1 pt.
432 MHz for contacts in excess of 500 Km = 3 pts.
1296 MHz for contacts in excess of 500 Km = 5 pts.
All claims must include a log extract certified by a Novice Instructor, an RSGB
affiliated club official, or two licensed amateurs. Multiple contacts with
the same amateur on a lsingle band when fixed, /P and /M only count for a single
point although the same amateur may be worked on each of the bands for
qualifying points.
(New 11/2005)(Tks PA3CUZ)
4-2-70 Squares Award
This series of awards is intended to mark successful VHF/UHF achievement. Initially a certificate and one sticker will be issued. Further stickers will be issued as additional locator squares are claimed. The title of each award gives the number of locator squares needed to qualify for the award. For example, to obtain the 144 MHz 40/10 award, you must have cards confirming contact with 40 locator squares including 10 countries on 144 MHz. The following awards are available:
70 Mhz 20/4 | 144 Mhz 40/10 | 432 Mhz 30/6 |
70 Mhz 25/6 |
144 Mhz 60/15 | 432 Mhz 40/10 |
70 Mhz 30/8 | 144 Mhz 80/18 | 432 Mhz 50/13 |
70 Mhz 35/8 | 144 Mhz 100/20 | 432 Mhz 60/15 |
70 Mhz 35/10 | 144 Mhz 125/20 | 432 Mhz 70/15 |
70 Mhz 40/8 | 144 Mhz 150/20 | 432 Mhz 80/15 |
70 Mhz 45/8 | 144 Mhz 175/20 | 432 Mhz 90/15 |
70 Mhz 50/8 | 144 Mhz 300/30 | 432 Mhz 100/15 |
70 Mhz 50/10 | 144 Mhz 225/30 | 432 Mhz 110/15 |
70 Mhz 55/8 | 144 Mhz 250/35 | 432 Mhz 120/18 |
70 Mhz 55/10 | 144 Mhz 275/35 | 432 Mhz 130/18 |
144 Mhz 300/40 | 432 Mhz 140/20 | |
144 Mhz 325/40 | 432 Mhz 150/20 | |
144 Mhz 350/45 | 432 Mhz 160/20 | |
144 Mhz 375/45 | 432 Mhz 170/23 | |
144 Mhz 400/50 | 432 Mhz 180/25 | |
144 Mhz 425/50 | ||
144 Mhz 425/50 | ||
144 Mhz 475/20 |
Contacts after 31 December 1978. Categories of the award are as follows: (a) Fixed, (b) Portable - any location, (c) Mobile - any location. Categories may not be mixed. Cards must be arranged in alphabetical order of the QTH squares claimed.
Postal Districts
The targets are a mix of both countries and districts. Listener awards to be on an "as heard" basis. Belfast and Scottish districts to allow multiple contacts as per contest rules. Starting date for this award is 1 January 2000. All contacts made after 1 January 1990 are eligible. Eligible districts and countries stay on the website. For QSL cards not showing a "district code", the claimant may add the appropriate code providing suitable other location information is on the card. Available for Fixed Stations, Portable or Mobile categories cannot be mixed. There will be two levels of attainment, a "Standard" and "Senior" level, which will have the following requirements:
Band | Level | Districts Needed | Countries Needed |
50 Mhz | Standard Award | 60 | 12 |
Senior Award | 90 | 25 | |
70 MHz | Standard Award | 45 | 3 |
Senior Award | 80 | 6 | |
144 MHz | Standard Award | 65 | 9 |
Senior Award | 100 | 15 | |
432 MHz | Standard Award | 40 | 3 |
Senior Award | 70 | 9 | |
1296 MHz | Standard Award | 30 | 3 |
Senior Award | 60 | 6 |
(New 11/2005 - Tks PA3CUZ)
Supreme Award Postal Districts
The qualifications will remain the same (i.e., 3 seniors or 2 senior awars + 1296 Standard). Any similar older award and the new will be equal in credit towards a "supreme".
(New 11/2005 - Tks PA3CUZ)
Countries and Counties Awards
Contact the indicated numbers of countries and UK counties after 1 January 1961, in respect of old UK counties, or after 1 January 1975 as respects new counties. Scottish revision with effect from 1 January 1976. Starting date for 50 MHz contacts is 1 June 1987. Each different confirmed contact with a station in a Scottish Region counts up to a maximum of 3 per region. Available for Fixed Stations, Portable or Mobile Categories cannot be mixed.
(Chg 11/2005)
Title of Award |
Counties | Countries |
50 MHz Standard Transmitting | 12 | 40 |
50 MHz Senior Transmitting | 20 | 60 |
50 MHz Standard Receiving | 12 | 40 |
50 MHz Senior Receiving | 20 | 60 |
70 MHz Standard Transmitting | 3 | 30 |
70 MHz Senior Transmitting | 6 | 30 |
70 MHz Standard Receiving | 3 | 30 |
70 MHz Senior Receiving | 6 | 60 |
144 MHz Standard Transmitting | 9 | 40 |
144 MHz Senior Transmitting | 15 | 60 |
144 MHz Standard Receiving | 9 | 40 |
144 MHz Senior Receiving | 15 | 60 |
432 MHz Standard Transmitting | 3 | 20 |
432 MHz Senior Transmitting | 9 | 40 |
432 MHz Standard Receiving | 3 | 20 |
432 MHz Senior Receiving | 9 | 40 |
1296 Standard Transmitting | 3 | 20 |
1296 Senior Transmitting | 6 | 40 |
1296 Standard Receiving | 3 | 20 |
1296 Senior Receiving | 6 | 40 |
(Chg 11/2005)
Supreme Award Countries and Counties Award
For holding: 3 senior awards or 2 senior and one 1296 Mhz award. The old award and the new will be equal in credit towards a "supreme".
(Chg 11/2005))
Microwave Award Series
General: The following awards recognize achievement on the microwave bands. Contacts since 31 December 1978. Available for Fixed Stations and Portable or Mobile. Categories cannot be mixed. If the latter, then the applicant must state that the operation was from one site, defined as being anywhere within a 5 Km radius of the point. QSLs must be listed and arranged in Maidenhead QTH Locator alphabetical numeric order.
Microwave Locator Squares
Successful applicants will initially receive a certificate and one sticker; further stickers will be issued as later claims are received.
Award | Two way contact with
"X" QTH Locator Squares |
1.3 GHz / 5 | 5 |
1.3 GHz / 10 | 10 |
1.3 GHz / 15 | 15 |
1.3 GHz / 20 | 20 |
1.3 GHz / 25 etc. | 25 up to 80 |
2.3 GHz / 5 | 5 |
2.3 GHz /10 etc. | 10 up to 80 same as 1.3 GHz. |
3.4 GHz / 5 | 5 |
3.4 GHz / 10 etc. | 10 up to 80 same as 1.3 GHz. |
5.7 GHz / 5 | 5 |
5.7 GHz / 10 etc. | 10 up to 80 same as 1.3 GHz. |
10 GHz / 5 | 5 |
10 GHz / 10 etc. | 10 up to 80 same as 1.3 GHz. |
24 GHz / 5 | 5 |
24 GHz / 10 etc. | 10 up to 80 same as 1.3 GHz. |
(Rewrite/Chg 11/2005)
Microwave Distance Award
The following distance awards, intended to mark achievement on the microwave bands are available:
1.3 GHz for first contact made beyond a distance of 600 Km.
2.3 GHz for first contact made beyond a distance of 500 Km.
3.4 GHz for first contact made beyond a distance of 400 Km.
5.6 GHz for first contact made beyond a distance of 300 Km.
10 GHz for first contact made beyond a distance of 150 Km.(Basic
10 GHz for first contact made beyond a distance of 300 Km. (Intermediate Class)
10 GHz for first contact made beyond a distance of 600 Km. (Advanced Class)
On the following
bands, a Certificate and "sticker" will be issued for the qualifying
distance. Subsequent claims will be rewarded with appropriate
"stickers" for incremental distance as shown below:
24 GHz for first contact made beyond a distance of 100
Km, then increments of 50 Km.
47 GHz for the first contact beyond 50 Km, then increments of 25 Km.
76 GHz for the first contact beyond 40 Km, then increments of 20 Km.
Categories eligible include Fixed Stations, Portable Stations or Mobile Station.
(Chg 11/2005)
Microwave Countries and Counties Awards
Two-way contact with 3 countries and 20 UK counties on 1.3 GHz, 2.3 GHz, 3.4 GHz, 5.7 GHz, 10 GHz and 24 GHz. For the purposes of the award, a county is defined as that current at the time of the introduction of the award.
(New 11/2005 Tks PA3CUZ)
One Million Kilometres on 2 Metres FM
The purpose of this challenge is to promote activity on the 144 MHz FM Simplex Channels from home based stations. Although primarily aimed at the UK the award is open to all licensed amateurs world wide. Distances between the stations will be based on the Maidenhead locator system as used in VHF contests.
Initial certificate to any amateur making QSOs totaling 5,000
Endorsements at: 25,000, 50,000, 100,000 250,000 and 500,000 Kilometres.
A fresh certificate will be issued at 1,000,000 Kilometres.
1. Contacts on or after 1 January 2006.
2. All contacts must be made from your home QTH.
3. All contacts must be made within the FM simplex portion of 2 meters.
4. All contacts must be direct station to station. No use of repeaters,
moon bounce, meteor scatter, etc.
5. The same station may be contacted for credit only after 6 months have
6. Exchange Maidenhead locators during the QSO - or sufficient
information to allow later calculation.
Certificates will Cost £3.50, 5.00 or $6.50.
Endorsement stickers for £1.00, 2.00 or $2.00.
Any excess monies raised will be donated to St. Helenas Hospice, a local charity. Send a log extract with necessary payment to: James McGinty, M0ZZO, 17 King Georges Avenue, Harwich, Essex, CO12 4AG, UK.
Internet: http://www.m0zzo.com
Tks OH3GZ 2-2-2006
UK Six Metre Group Series
General Requirements: Awards are available to members and non-members alike, though they encourage 6 meter enthusiasts to join. No crossband allowed. SWL applicants must show data on both sides of the QSO. Official application forms are required and are available on their Internet site. When an award is available for different numbers of contacts, a separate award will be issued. Beacon reports and CQ calls do not count as contacts. GCR list and fee noted below to UKSMG Awards Manager, David Toombs G8FXM, 1 Chalgrove, Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire, AL7 2QJ, United Kingdom.
Internet: http://www.uksmg.org/page.php?20
(Chgs 1/10) Tks N8OFS
UK members - £4.00
UK non-members - £5.00
Overseas members - $US5 or 5.
Overseas non-members $US8 or 8.
E-mail: awards@uksmg.org
WWW: http://uksmg.org/page.php?20
contains application forms.
(Chg 1/10)
Africa Award
Work 10 different DXCC
African countries on the 50 MHz band.
(New 10/2005)
Asia Award
Work 10 different DXCC Asian countries on the 50 MHz band. The
award may be endorsed by digital mode used: i.e., JT6M, RTTY, etc.
(Chg 1/10)
Digital Award
Contact 10, 25 or 100 different grid squares using any digital mode on the 50 MHz band.
(Chg 1/10)
Earth-Moon-Earth (EME) Awards
stations on the 50 MHz band by EME. Any mode operation is permitted e.g., CW or
JT65A. The award is recognized by certificates marking 10, 20, 30, 40 etc.
"initials" worked.
Moon Award
UKSMG Full Moon Award is presented to radio amateurs and SWLers who demonstrate
their operating skills on the 50 MHz band using EME. Any mode of operation
is permitted and the certificate can be endorsed either INITIALS or COUNTRIES
worked. The award is recognized by a certificate marking 100 stations
(New 3/08 Tks PA3CUZ)
New Moon Award
Awarded to any amateur
or SWL for their first QSO/station heard off the moon on 50 MHz.
(New 10/2005)
Oceania Award
Work 5 different DXCC
countries on the 50 MHz band.
(New 3/2008 Tks PA3CUZ)
South America Award
Work 5
different DXCC South American Countries on the 50 MHz band.
(New 3/08 Tks PA3CUZ)
UKSMG Worked All Europe Award
Contact 20, 40 and 60 DXCC countries in Europe on 6 meters since 1 Jan 1989. IT (Sicily) does not count for this award.
(Chg 8/2003)
UKSMG North America Award
Contact 5 North American countries worked on 6 meters since 1
January 1988. The award may be endorsed
for a single mode.
(Chg 10/2005)
Finland - VHF
Finnish Amateur Radio League Series
OH awards are the official certificates of the Finnish Amateur Radio League. All awards are available for amateur radio operators, clubs and SWL's. Work stations situated in Finland with the OH, OH0 and OJ0 prefixes. All bands OK. CW, FONE or/and DIGITAL modes. Contacts after 10 June 1947. For OHA_500, only QSOs worked after 1.2.1967 are valid. Contacts with /AM and /MM stations are not valid. No use of repeaters. Working the same station under two different callsigns or in different call areas counts as different stations. OH3RM and OH3RM/7 counts as two different stations. But note that /M or /P, with the same station such as OH2A and OH2A/P counts only once.
Lists of contacts must be listed by callsign area and in alphabetical order. For example OH1A, OH1B, OH2A etc. If you apply more than one award in the same time one list is sufficient, and you have to clearly mark which award or awards you apply. Contacts worked with different callsigns and from different QTHs are accepted, if applicant is the same. Specify in the application, if you want specific band or mode endorsements.
You must have the cards. GCR is accepted. Fee for each award is 5 , $US8 or 10 IRCs for each award. Apply to: SRAL/Award Manager, P.O. Box 44, FIN-00441 Helsinki, Finland.
For OHA_VHF award you need to work Finnish stations on the VHF, UHF or SHF bands. You have to collect 150 points. Each 10 kilometers give one point. For example 289 kilometers give 28 points. You are allowed to work same station twice. The contacts via repeaters are not valid. Contacts worked with different callsigns and from different QTHs are accepted, if applicant is the same.. Stickers are available for 25, 50, 75, 100 and 200 contacts. If you have also worked all the ten call areas of Finland, you can apply OHA_VHF 0_9 award.
For this award Finnish and Scandinavian stations need to work on 144 MHz band 15 squares, which are located in Finland. Contacts worked with different callsigns accepted, if applicant is the same. Contacts can be worked from different QTHs, but QTHs must be located in a circle, whose diameter is max. 100 kilometers. The center of the circle have not to be your home QTH. You can apply a new award for each five new squares (20, 25 etc.).
OHA-UHF- 432
For this award Finnish and Scandinavian stations need to work on 432 MHz band 5 squares, which are located in Finland. Other rules are the same as the rules of the OHA_VHF 144 award.
OHA-SHF- 1296
For this award Finnish and Scandinavian stations need to work on 1296 MHz band 5 squares, which are located in Finland. Other rules are the same as the rules of the OHA_VHF 144 award.
OHA-SHF 2300, 5650, 10000, 24000
For this award you need to work on 2300 MHz, 5650 MHz, 10 000 MHz or 24 000 MHz band 2 squares, which are located in Finland. Stickers are available for each two new squares and every QSO, whose length is over 200 kilometres. Other rules are the same as the rules of the OHA_VHF 144 award.
The follow squares accepted for V/U/SHF awards: JO99, KO09, KO19, KO29, JP90, KP00, KP10, KP20, KP30, KP40, KP01, KP11, KP21, KP31, KP41, KP51, KP02, KP12, KP22, KP32, KP42, KP52, KP03, KP13, KP23, KP33, KP43, KP44, KP14, KP24, KP34, KP44, KP54, KP25, KP35, KP45, KP16, KP26, KP36, KP46, KP17, KP27, KP37, KP47, KP08, KP18, KP28, KP38, KP48, KP09, KP29, KP39, KP49.
FRANCE/VHF Rewrite 11/2007
Contact French
Departments after 30 June 1957. French stations need on 144 MHz or higher,
30 departments and all others 20. Endorsements each added 10. A
special sticker "EXCELLENCE" will be given for all 96
departments. No use of repeaters and satellite. All the QSOs mut be
from the same QTH. Fee is 16 IRC or 12.50 and 7 IRC or 5 for each
endorsement. Apply to: REF - Union, 32 Rue de Suede, B.P. 77429, F-37074
Tours Cedex 2, France.
E-mail: f5gsd@ref-union.org
Internet: http://ddfm.free.fr/
Same conditions as DDFM. On VHF: 250 QSL cards starting from 30 MHz with
at least 5 different departments per band. UHF: 200 QSL cards on 5 bands
starting from 144 MHz with at least 10 different departments per band.
Endorsements each added 10 departments. The award is a handsome
plaque. Fee is 68 IRC or 48. For REF members, fee is 34 IRC or
23 and 7 IRC or 5 for each endorsement.
(Tks PA3CUZ 11/2007)
FRANCE/VHF Rewrite 11/2007
Confirm contacts with 16 of the 22 French Provinces on frequencies higher than 144 MHz after 1 January 1951. SWL OK. All modes. All QSOs for French stations must be made from the same province and for all others from the same country. QSOs on 10MHz count only on CW. Fee is 16 IRC or 12.50. Apply to REF-Union, 32 Rue de Suede, B.P. 77429, F-37074 Tours Cedex 2, France.
E-mail: f5gsd@ref-union.org
Internet: http://ddfm.free.fr/
Same conditions as DPF.
16 different provinces per band and using 5 bands starting at 30 MHz for a total
of 80 cards. The award is a plaque. Fee is 68 IRC or 48.
For REF members, the fee is 34 IRC or 23.
(Tks PA3CUZ 11/2007)
Baden Diploma
Issued for contacts with stations in
the BADEN district of DARC (all DOK A- stations). SWL OK. Available
in 3 classes:
Class 1 - earn 250 points as described below and make at
least one contact with each of the A-DOK's in existence. (At the present
time, valid ones are A-01 to A-53). Z-DOKs and Special DOKs in Baden count
as "Jokers" which means they may substitute for other missing
Class 2 - 200 points, including at least 30 A- DOKs.
Class 3 - 150 points, including at least 25 A- DOKs.
Point Values are as follows:
QSO distance | AM/FM | SSB | CW | Other Modes |
0-50 km | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
51-100 km | 2 | 3 | 4 | 6 |
101-300 km | 4 | 5 | 6 | 10 |
301-500 km | 6 | 10 | 15 | 20 |
501-1000 km | 15 | 20 | 25 | 40 |
Over 1000 km | 25 | 50 | 60 | 70 |
Contacts after 1 July 1976.
Same station may be worked more than once if on different bands or modes.
GCR list and fee of 8 or 10 IRCs to: Wolf Dieter Glaeser DK4IO, Alte Hohle
11, D-76703 Kraichtal, Germany.
E-mail: dk4io@darc.de
Internet: http://www.qsl.net/dk0wt/diplom/ediplom.htm
(Chg 10/02)
There are worldwide about 400 amateur stations which are technically able to make EME (Earth to Moon to Earth) connections. This award is only for contacts using EME after 1 January 2007. Class 3 = 50 contacts. Class 2 = 100 contacts. Class 3 150 contacts. Each call counts only once no matter on which band the EME connection was made. GCR list and fee for EU 6, all others 8 to: Udo Dinsing, DG2BAY, Hans-Holbein Str. 4 C, D-67227 Frankenthal, Germany.
Internet: http://freenet-homepage.de/dinsing/eme.html
Tks PA3CUZ 8/2007
Issued by the DARC for DX contacts on VHF (above 144 MHz) with European countries from the WAE official list. Contacts from 1 Jan 1972. Each country is counted only once regardless of band used. However, it can be counted with a multiplier on each of the VHF/UHF bands. The multiplier for QRB points only for 144 MHz and up is 2 on 432 MHz, 3 on 1296 MHz, etc. No restrictions on mode, except minimum R3. Cards must be sent. Contacts will be counted from the QTH-square made under the same call. Only contacts between fixed and portable stations. QRB points: your own QTH locator square = 1 point. Any adjacent square = 2. Every square ring will count for one more point. In order to make a fairer judgment regarding the distance East/West and in a diagonal diretion, zones have been established; ask sponsor for map showing zones.
UKW-EU-D on 50 MHz
The classes available are:
III - at least 25 countries and 250 QRB points = 275 points.
II - at least 35 countries and 350 QRB points = 385 points.
I - at least 45 countries and 450 QRB points = 495 points.
Trophy - at least 55 countries and 550 QRB points = 605
UKW-EU-D on 144 MHz
and up
The classes available are:
III - at least 10 country and 60 QRB points = 70 points.
II - at least 15 country and 95 QRB points = 110 points.
I - at least 20 country and 130 QRB points = 150 points.
Trophy - at least 30 country and 300 QRB points = 330 points.
GCR list including QRB points claimed and QTH locator of other station and fee of 10 (fee for trophy = 40) to DARC, UKW-Referat, Diplom Manager, A. Schlendermann DL9GS, Weg am Kotterberg 3, D-44807 Bochum, Germany.
(Chg 11/2007)
VHF-CW Diplom
Sponsored by the DARC - Distrikt Ruhrgebiet for CW contacts after 1 Jan 1970 on 144 MHz and up, in Region 1. A minimum of 50 points are needed. Endorsements for 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 400 and 500 Points. Each grid square counts once per band. When a grid square runs between two or more countries, then you may count this square for each of these countries with separate contacts.
The DXCC and WAE country list will determine countries. Example: The Locator - grid square JO30 counts once per band for DL, ON, PA and LX.
Point value: Count the number of grid squares between your station and the station you contact. This may be a vertical or a horizontal line. The number of grid squares between these stations is the point value. When there are more square horizontal than vertical squares, then you may use the higher value. The highest score is 10. Example: your QTH is in JO33BF and the QSO station ON4AAA is in grid JN29LX. Vertical: JO33, JO32, JO31, JO30, JN30 ( 5 gridsquares), Horizontal: JO33, JO23 (2 Grid squares). The highest count and this QSO give 5 points. You can now work the same square (JN29) in a other country (LX) for another 5 points. For cross band QSOs, count the band where you are located. QSO's with a mobile stations are not valid. Working as a Portable station must be from the same grid square as the QRH. GCR list and fee of 5, stickers 1 to: Hermann Rφmer DF5EO, Gerhard-Storm-Str., 34, D-46446 Emmerich, Germany.
E-mail: df5eo@aol.com
Internet: http://www.darc.de/distrikte/l/
(Chg 3/2008)
Iceland on Six Meters Award
Contact at least two different Icelandic stations on 6 meters. No time limitations. All modes. SWL OK. Contacts with /TF stations are not valid for this award. Submit a GCR list with all QSO details including date, time, mode and report. First award issued to a DXCC country will be endorsed as such. Single mode endorsed upon request. Fee for award is 8 IRCs, $US5 or 5 . Apply to Brynjolfur Jonsson TF5B, PO Box 121, IS-602 Akureyri, Iceland.
E-mail: tf5b@internet.is
Internet: http://ira.is/display/web/Iceland+on+Six+Metres+Award
(Chg 1/2010) Tks N8OFS
Associazione Radiotecnica Italiana (ARI) Series
General Requirements: GCR may be used by DX applicants if signed by an elected official of a national ARC society or club. SWL OK. Awards manager reserves right to demand one or more cards if necessary. Send a photocopy of registration as member of ARI or IARU affiliated organization for the current year. Fee for all awards is 5 for ARI members and for all others 8. Apply to: Giovanni Zangara IW0BET, PO Box 36, I-00100 Roma Centro, Italy.
E-mail: iw0bet@ari.it
Internet: http://www.qsl.net/iw0bet/diplomi.htm
Italian provinces on or after 1 January 1959. (For UHF/SHF contacts after 1 January 1975
and RTTY and PSK31 mode,
contacts after 1 January 2001).
144 MHz - Italians 40 provinces and all others need 20.
430 MHz - Italians 30 provinces and all others need 15.
1296 MHz - Italians 20 provinces and all others need 10.
2304, 5760, 10,450, 24,050 AND 47,200 MHz, Italians need 10
and all others 5.
Contacts with the provinces Biella (BI),
Crotone (KR), Lecco (LC), Lodi (LO), Prato (PO), Rimini (RN), Verbania (VB),
Vibo Valentia (VV) count on or after 1 January 1993.
Contact 40 Italian provinces since 1 January 1993 on 50 MHz using SSB or CW. For mixed modes, 10 on CW and 30 on SSB or 30 on CW and 10 using SSB.
WAIP Satellite Rewrite 9/2008
Italian provinces after 15 October 1972 using CW, SSB or mixed modes. 5
classes available:
1. Satellite Leo - Low Earth Orbit
a. mode A 145 - 29 MHz = 20 provinces
and 20 countries.
b. mode A Pioneer 145-29 MHz = 10
provinces and 10 countries (from 15-10-1972 (A06 to 23 06 1987 (RS 10/11)
c. mode T 21 - 145 MHz= 15 provinces
and 20 countries.
d. mode K 21-29 MHz = 25 provinces
and 20 countries.
e. mode B 435 - 145 MHz = 10
provinces and 10 countries.
f. mode B Pioneer 435 - 145 MHz = 5
provinces and 10 countries with OSCAR 7.
g. mode J 145 - 435 MHz = 20
provinces and 20 countries.
h. mode J Pioneer 145 - 435 MHz = 10
provinces and 15 countries (from 05-03-1978) A08 to 07-02-1990. (FO20).
2. Satellite with Orbit to elevated Antenna OSCAR 10, OSCAR 13.
a. mode B 435-145 MHz = 40 provinces
and 40 countries.
b. mode J 145 - 435 MHz = 20
provinces and 30 countries.
c. mode L 1296 - 435 MHz = 10
provinces and 10 countries.
d. Mode S 435 - 2400 MHz = 5
provinces and 5 countries.
count from starting date of 15 October 1972 with 95 provinces. Starting
date for the 8 new provinces of Biella (BI), Crotone (KR), Lecco (LC), Lodi
(LO), Prato (PO), Rimini (RN), Verbania (VB), and Vibo Valentia (VV) is 1
January 1993.
Certificato Del Mediterraneo (CDM) VHF UHF SHF
Italian provinces and countries which border the Mediterranean after 1 January
1972. PSK31 after 1 January 2001.
Modes CW, SSB, RTTY, PSK31 or mixed
144 MHz - Italians need 40 provinces and 13 countries, others
need 20 provinces and 10 countries.
432 MHz - Italians need 30 provinces and 8 countries, others
need 15 provinces and 5 countries.
1296 MHz - Italians need 20 provinces and
5 countries, others
need 10 provinces and 5 countries.
2304, 5760, 10450, 24050 and 47200 MHz - All need 10
provinces and 3 countries.
(Chg 6/2009)
Certificato Del Metiterraneo (CDM) 50 MHz
Italian stations need 30 Italian provinces and 13 countries which border the Mediterranean. All others need 20 provinces and 10 valid countries. For the mixed mode award, Italian stations need 10 on CW and 20 on SSB or 10 SSB and 20 on CW. Others need 10 on CW and 10 on SSB. Contacts after 1 January 1972.
(Chg 9/2008)
3A Monaco | EA6 Balearic Isl. | T9 Bosnia-Hercegovina |
3V Tunisia | EA9 Ceuta & Melilla | TA Turkey |
4X Israel | F France | TK Corsica |
5A Libya | OD Lebanon | YK Syria |
5B Cyprus | S5 Slovenia | YU Yugoslavia |
7X Algeria | SU Egypt | ZA Albania |
9A Croatia | SV Greece | ZB Gibraltar |
9H Malta | SV5 Dodecanese Isl. | ZC U.K. Bases on Cyprus |
CN Morocco | SV9 Crete Isl. | I Italy |
EA Spain | SY Mount Athos | IS0 Sardinia |
IT9 Sicily |
The following Italian provinces are valid for CDM:
with the provinces Crotone (KR), Lecco (LC), Rimini (RN), Vibo Valentia (VV)
count from 1 January 1993.
(Chg 11/2008)
Diploma Delle Sezioni ARI Italian 50MHz - VHF - UHF - SHF
Contact capitol cities of ARI Sections after 1 Jan 1997 on SSB, CW or via Satellite. No repeater or transponder contacts except transponder for satellite on SSB.
Requirements: | Italians Need: | All others need: | |
Band | Capital Prov Sections | Others | Sections |
50 MHz | 40 | 20 | 40 |
144 MHz | 45 | 35 | 50 |
432 MHz | 30 | 25 | 30 |
1296 MHz | 20 | 10 | 10 |
2304 and higher MHz | 5 | 5 | |
Satellite | 150 Sections | 150 Sections |
Italian Islands Award
Contact Italian islands and island groups after 1 Jan 1980 on the VHF/UHF bands using SSB, CW and satellite. No repeater or transponder contacts except transponder for satellite on SSB.
50 MHz 30 islands and 10 island groups.
144 Mhz 30 islands and 10 island groups.
432 Mhz 15 islands and 5 island groups.
1296 Mhz 10 islands and 3 island groups.
2304 Mhz 5 islands and 2 island groups.
50 MHz, 15 islands and 5 island groups.
144 Mhz 15 islands and 5 island groups.
432 Mhz 10 islands and 3 island groups.
1296 and up: 5 islands and 2 island groups.
Italians and Europeans via satellite:
15 islands and 5 groups.
The groups are: 01 Adriatic 02 Basilicata 03 Cagliari 04
Calabria 05 Eolie 06 Friuli 07 Campania 08 Cheradi 09 Egadi 10 Liguria 11 Maddalena 12 Lazio 13 Nuoro 14 Oristano 15 Sassari 16 Pantelleria 17 Pelagie 18 Puglia 19 Ustica 20 Tremiti 21
Sicilia 22 Sardegna 23 Toscana
24 Venezia
List of Italian islands found at: http://www.iv3ehh.it/Programmi.htm
(Chg 9/2008))
Diploma Liguria
Contact Ligurian stations on VHF bands using the modes of CW, AM, SSB and
Digital. Contacts on or after 1 July 1959. SWL OK.
3 Classes are available:
Province | Basic Award | 2nd Class Award | 3rd Class Award |
Genova | 8 | 4 | 3 |
Imperia | 3 | 2 | 2 |
La Spezia |
2 | 1 | 1 |
Savona | 2 | 1 | 1 |
Total QSO's needed: | 15 | 23 (15+8) | 30 (23 + 7) |
Using 144MHz only, the following requirements apply:
1. Contact 15 stations in at least 2 provinces or work a total minimum
distance of 3000km with 3 of the provinces.
2. Contact 20 stations in at least 3 provinces, or work a total minimum of
4000km with 3 of the provinces.
3. Contact 25 stations in the 4 provinces or work a total minimum distance of
5000km with 4 provinces.
Repeater contacts are not valid. The award is ONLY available online via a JPG image which will be sent to you by e-mail.
E-mail: award_liguria@arisanremo.it
Internet: http://www.arisanremo.it/index.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&p=1961#1961
(Rewrite 9/2009)
Sicilian Islands Award
The S.I.A. is issued by the A.R.I. Section of Siracusa for VHF and higher frequencies. SWL OK. Contact marine islands and different groups after 1 Jan 1990. SSB CW and mixed, or via satellite (any input or output mode). QSO via repeaters or transponder are not valid, except those made via linear transponder installed on satellites, but only in SSB mode.
To apply for the Award the following contacts/heard are required:
Italian OM/YL/SWL:
European OM/YL/SWL:
OM/YL/SWL (Italian or European)
Via satellite : 3 islands in 2 groups |
Eligible Island Groups: 01-Egadi, 02-Eolie, 03-Pantelleria, 04-Pelagie,
05-Sicilia, 06-Ustica.
Further upgrades can be requested for a minimum of 3 islands and/or groups. GCR
list and fee of 10 or US$10, Upgrade endorsements = 1 Euro or $US1 to: Salvo
Costantino IT9HLR, Sezione ARI di Siracusa, Via F.
Accolla 7, Siracusa
96100 - ITALY.
Internet link to list of valid islands: http://siracusanet.it/arisiracusa
E-mail: it9hlr@infinito.it
Tks PA3CUZ 9/02