Western Kentucky DX Award to  NOVICE WD4CNZ Awards Program

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Chgs as of 11/2008

Western Kentucky DX Award

DX amateurs (non-USA) work 3 members of the Western Kentucky DX Association after 1 Jan 1982. No charge. SWL OK. GCR list to Western Kentucky DX Association, PO Box 73, Alvaton, Ky. 42122 USA.

Western NY DX Association Award

Work any 6 WNYDXA members since 10 June 1984 on any HF mode. GCR and $2US or 4 IRC's to Awards Manager, Paul T. Antos WB2ABD, 170 Maple Avenue, Blasdell, NY 14219.



Worked All Counties West Virginia

Contact each of the 55 counties of West Virginia. All bands and modes. WV counties may be portable or mobile. All contacts do not have to be made from one fixed location. Cards must contain Date/Time of contact, name of WV county, band, mode, signal report and signature of operator worked. No fee, but provide postage paid return envelope for return of QSLs. Apply to WACVW Awards Committee, c/o Mountaineer Amateur Radio Association, PO Box 571, Fairmont, WV 26555-0571.

(Rewrite per W8OP)(00)

  -- West Park Radiops Series ---

General Requirements: No time limitations. The members are very active in USA and DX contests. Member list is available from the sponsor for SASE. Over 800 members listed. GCR list and fee of $US3 or 5 IRC's for each certificate. Apply to Don Pearson W8IDM, 8432 Glenbrook Drive, Olmsted Township, Ohio 44138.

(TKS K8ME)(91)

West Park "HF" Award

Contact 10 West Park members.

West Park "OHIO" Award

Contact any 20 Ohio stations. None of these have to be club members

. West Park "VHF" Award

Stations in the Cleveland area must contact 10 West Park members on 6 meters or above, others in Ohio, USA and Canada should contact 3 members, DX need 2. Contacts must be direct, and not through repeaters.

West Park "YL" Award

Contact 2 YL West Park members.

White Rose Award

Contact stations in York, Pennsylvania or any York ARC club member. All bands or modes are valid. US 3rd call area needs 10, Rest of USA = 5, all others = 2. Send cards or photocopies. This award is FREE. Apply to: White Rose Award Manager, Millard J. Martin NN3Z, 2070 Thelon Drive, York, PA. 17404


Worked All Wisconsin Counties Award

Confirm contact with each of Wisconsin’s 72 counties on or after 12 March 1995. Special application form must be used — available from sponsor for a SASE. Endorsements for single band or mode available upon request. GCR list (no fee mentioned) to: West Allis Radio Club, PO Box 1072, Milwaukee, WI. 53201

(Tks Internet)(98)


Willamette Valley DX Club Award

Certificate of honorary membership is offered to any DX station (not for W/VE) having two way qso's with 10 or more WVDXC members after 1 Jan 1956. You must possess their qsl's. No fee mentioned, but postage is suggested. GCR list to: WVDXC, PO Box 555, Portland, Oregon 92907.


Sponsored by the Women Radio Operators of New England. Contact 6 members in at least 3 different New England states on or after May 1, 1959 on any band.  Contacts made on the WRONE NET and through repeaters will not count..  A gold sticker available when all NE states have been worked. GCR list and fee of 2 first class postage stamps  to: Betsey Sproles,KA1VAX, 17 Pleasant Street, Plymouth, MA 02360-3418 


(Chg 6/07)

WSSB Pioneer Award

Contact at least 10 "Pioneers" of the Michigan Wolverine SSB Net in a six month period starting after October 1, 2002 in the time before the net commences its evening operations.   Available to all amateurs.  Pioneers are those who helped establish the net. Look on 3.935 at about 7PM EST (0000Z).   Provide list which includes the call sign of each station worked, dates worked, and the purpose of each contact (Use your imagination for this). Endorsements for each additional 10 pioneer stations during pre-net. Special certificate issued to those who contact every station on the list at that time. Applications should be sent to the Net Secretary, K8CPW at PO Box 767, Mancelona, MI 49659-0767. No formal fee is charged, but the sponsor asks for a reasonable donation to coverprinting and mailing costs. Any excess funds will be deposited into the net's scholarship donation fund.

Designated contact stations for the Pioneer Award:


Internet Site: 

Tks Marty/ARRL, K8CPW 10/14/02

Worked All Wyoming Counties

Contact each of Wyoming's 23 counties on any band/mode combination. No time limit indicated. No endorsements available. Special application available from the sponsor for SASE. No fee, but all you need supply is a 9" x 12" SASE. Apply to: Wyoming Ham Operating Awards, c/o Wayne Sutherland NQ7Q, 28 Coyote Street, Laramie, WY. 82072.

(Chg 01)


YASME and YASME Supreme Award

An award in the form of a handsome plaque will be awarded to any amateur or SWL who submits proof of contact from 30 contacts with YASME officers, past and present. A second award, YASME Supreme, is offered to those who have proof of 60 such contacts. Lloyd and Iris Colvin (W6KG and W6QL) have crisscrossed the world since the early 1960's and have operated in most countries where it was at all possible to do so. There is no charge for the award. Submit the actual cards plus a listing of contact data and submit to: YASME Award Manager, Randy Wright W6CUA, 18432 Milmar Blvd., Castro Valley, CA. 94546.

(Chg 00)

Note: W6KG passed away in 1993 and Iris Colvin in 2-98. However, contacts with YASME Foundation officials are still valid. Many of these are VERY well known Dxers including K3ZO, N7NG, K5RC and W6OAT.


(Chg 12/07)

YLRL Series

General Requirements: Contact YL's for a very interesting series of awards. No use of repeaters. All contacts must be made from the same country. Do not send cards; GCR is encouraged. NO CHARGE for any of the certificates, but sufficient postage for first class mail or a stamped legal-size envelope must accompany the application. Apply to Carolyn Donner N8ST, PO Box 158, Hamersville, OH. 45130-0158. 


(Chg 7/2002)

DX YL - Available to licensed YL operators only for working 25 different licensed women operators outside your own country after 1 April 1958. USA and possessions are counted as separate countries as well as KH6 and KL7. All bands OK. Contacts don't have to be with 25 countries, just 25 different DX YL's. GCR list alphabetically by operators last name. Endorsements for each 10 additional DX YL's. 

Worked All Continents - YL (WAC-YL) - Available to all licensed amateurs. Contact a YL operator on each of the 6 continents. Cross band contacts are OK. No time restrictions. 

Worked All States YL (WAS-YL) - Available to all amateurs. Contact a licensed YL in each of the 50 USA states. District of Columbia may be counted for Maryland. No time or band limitations. GCR list alphabetically by state and include the YL's first name.

YL Century Club (YLCC) - Available to all licensed amateurs. Contact 100 different YL amateurs. All bands OK. Contacts with YL's anywhere in the world are recognized as long as the stations were operated by licensed women operators. GCR list arranged by last name of operator. Endorsements for each added 50 stations. Gold stickers awarded to applicants who worked their additional contacts from the same country, otherwise, silver stickers will be awarded. 

YL-DXCC - Available to all amateurs. Contact licensed YL operators from 100 countries as recognized by the ARRL DXCC list. All bands may be used, no cross band contacts. GCR list in order of ARRL DXCC countries list including the YL's name. Endorsements for each added 25 DX countries. 

YL - Digital Modes Certificate

Available to any licensed Amateur in the world. Contact 25 Yls using digital modes (PSK31, RTTY, CW, SSTV, etc.) All contacts must be made using the same mode. After receiving the first certificate, a sticker may be awarded for each additional digital mode in which 25 YL contacts are made. (i.e. If the first 25 contacts were made using PSK31, an endorsement may be earned for making 25 contacts with YL’s using RTTY. An additional endorsement after that may be earned for CW contacts, SSTV contacts, or Hellschreiber contacts, etc.)

(Added 5/2008)


Available ONLY to YLRL members.  Awarded automatically to any YL who has been a member, continuously for five years.  Diamond shaped stickers are awarded for each additional five years of continuous membership.

(Added 11/2007)

YL International SSB'ers INC

This is a world-wide organization with more than 14000 members. Complete rules for this organization are available for SASE by writing to: YL-ISSB, Tom Wuelfing WA1GAG, 210 Morrill Street, Gilford, NH 03246. (CHG 97)

King Neptune Award

Work 10 USA members and 5 DX members.

North Star Award

Class A: work a member in 150 different countries.
Class B: work a member in 100 different countries.
Class C: work a member in 50 different countries.
Class D: work a member in 25 different countries.
Class E: work a member in each of the 6 continents. (Not available to SWL's)

USA        070 Club Series     



General Requirements: This club is a PSK31 club open to all amateurs licensed on the HF bands who use the PSK31 mode. Some of the awards require images of cards, others just a log extract. Award custodian duties are divided among several members; read rules for specific data.

To become a member, you must first earn the club’s basic award. Then, there are a wide variety of "endorsements" which come in the form of colorful labels which are pasted onto the Basic Award. While they accept contributions, there is NO CHARGE for joining the 070 Club.


(Chg 2/09)


Work 50, 150 or 300 different call signs using the BPSK31 or QPSK31 mode and any band 160 through 6 meters, including the WARC bands after June 1, 2000. Collect just ONE QSL card or eQSL for each group of QSOs as follows:

QSO Level QSO's Required QSL's or e-QSL's Required
Top 300 3
Mid 150 2
Entry 50 1

Logs must show only the following information: Call, Date, Time, Band, Mode (PSK31 including their sub-modes BPSK31 and QPSK31). Logs must be sorted by call sign. Send application, log and QSL images as an attachment to an e-mail to AA8BQ with your call in the subject line. Log application forms available on following web page.


(Chg 2/09)

ENDORSEMENTS: All endorsements are free and offered to 070 club members only. All contacts must have been made after 1 June 2000 using the PSK31 mode unless otherwise noted.Membership in the 070 club at time contacts were made is NOT required. Send required log information to or to via regular mail to: Charlie Trice K8IJ, 26 Maple Valley Lane, Alexandria, KY. 41001


Contact all four original members of the Penn-Ohio DX Society: KA3X, N3DQU, AA8BQ and N3XC 2-way on PSK31.

2. LOWER 48
Contact all 48 continental states of the USA on PSK31. Log info list in alphabetical order of the call sign. .

Contact at least one Alaska station on PSK31.

Work all seven countries of Central America: Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicarauga and Panama.

Work all 10 Canadian Provinces: Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Quebec and Saskatchewan.

Work the countries of Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg on or after 24 December 2002.

7. United Kingdom
Work England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales on or after 31 May 2006. (Note: 070 members who have the original UK endorsement are also eligible for this endorsement.)

8. VK
Work any four of the eight political entities that make up the Commonwealth of Australia: Western Australia, South Australia, Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, Northern Territory and Australian Capital Territory.

9. Wrk’d All OZ
If you have all six Australian states and the two territories, then you’ve earned this special endorsement.

10. Aloha
Work one Australia station on PSK31.

11. China Clipper
Work California, Hawaii, Japan, Taiwan and the Philippines. Contacts after 4 July 2001.

For the Maidenhead aficionados, slice and hook your way around the world. See: for all the details.

13. WAC
Work a station in each of the world’s six continents: EU, AF, AS, NA, SA and OC.

Work three different stations on each of the WARC bands (30M, 17M and 12M) for a total of 9 contacts. Contacts after 4 July 2001.

15-16-17. 30/30M, 17/17M and 12/12M
For those earning #15 above, work 30 different stations on 30M, 17 on 17M and 12 on 12M. Contacts made to earn the Tri-WARC may be used for these awards. Contacts after 4 July 2001.

If you have already earned the BARTG PSK31-40, World Radio 31-31 and LONP, just supply the issue dates and certificate numbers on these awards from other organizations. Details on the other awards may be found at:

19. 88 Tri-Band
Work three different female 070 club members on PSK31 (one each on any three HF bands, 160M thru 6M). Contacts after 1 July 2002. Your membership in the 070 club at time of QSO is NOT required. Only PSK31 contacts with the following YL’s are valid:

Erika DL1AYL (1 July 2002-17 Dec 2002)
Karen KS2O (1 July 2002 - present)
Lovey KB7JMW (1 July 2002 present)
Katka OM3CRG (1 July 2002 - present)
Karen W4GTM (1 July 2002 - present)
Kathy KC3T (16 January 2003 - present)
Lynne WA5GDW (22 February 2004 - present)
Leslie WA4EEZ (1 April 2004 - present)
Alison G8KSH (18 November - present)
Cathy K8VTD (5 July 2005 - present)

20. QRP

Send brag file listing your QRP set-up.

21. QRP Tri-Band. 
Work 3 different stations using PSK31/QRP.  Contacts must be 2-way QRP (5w or less) and on any 3 HF bands of your choice.  Contacts after 31 Dec 2002. 

22. K3VOA
Contact K3VOA (the club station of the Voice of America) on or after 8 August 2001. 

The following awards are separate certificates:


Offered to any 070 club member who, during the month of August, organizes, sets up and operates a portable PSK31 expedition which meets requirements as follows:

1. Must be a current 070 club member having valid license.
2. Expedition must be at least 20 statute miles from your home QTH.
3. Applicant must have permission to operate and incur all expenses.
4. Applicant must personally take part in the expedition.
5. Applicant is free to include other personnel.
6. All communications equipment must be transported to the site by members of the expeditionary party.
7. Rental equipment is permitted, provided it is NOT procured within 20 miles of the site.
8. Applicant must announce their intention to operate a portable PSK31 to the membership at least 2 weeks in advance.
9. The operation must take place within the month of August.
10. At least 20 two-way PSK31 contacts on HF are required.

Provide a log of stations worked and an informal written narrative to the APE Award Manager. Send written request to: Charlie Trice K8IJ, 26 Maple Valley Lane, Alexandria, KY. 41001 or to: .


Loyal Order of the Narrow-Banded Phaseshifters (LONP)

Work 100 members of the 070 club using PSK31 mode on HF. No repeater, cross-mode or cross-band contacts allowed. Refer to database shown below for current members, showing membership dates. All QSOs made under a member’s call signs are valid.

A PSK31 QSO with another 070 club member counts once for 1 Lifetime QSO point. Additional QSOs with the same member do NOT count further for this award.

Earn a total of 100 Lifetime QSO points. Endorsements for every additional 50 Lifetime QSO points. QSOs.   Fee for this award is $US1, no IRC’s please. Apply to K8IJ, address shown above.

Internet member list:  

(Chg 2/09)


 30 Meter Digital Group Series –

General Requirements: Awards are for contacting stations on the 30 meter band via digital modes only. Contacts on or after 1 November 2007. SWL OK.  For each award, send a log extract in text format to either awards administrator whose e-mail address is shown below. Data sent should include date, time, station worked/heard, 30M frequency, Mode and RST.  Membership in the group is FREE. 


E-mail applications should be sent to:
for all awards.
for 10-EU.
for ZL award.

     30-30 Meter Digital Contacts
Make 30 digital contacts on the 30 meter band.

     300-30 Meter Digital Contacts
Make 300 digital contacts on the 30 meter band.

     10-EU 30 Meter Digital Contacts
Make digital contacts with 10 different European countries on the 30 meter band.

     ZL Award
Make digital contacts with 4 different ZL call areas on the 30 meter band.

     30-QRP 30 meter Digital Contacts
Make 30 QRP 30 meter digital contacts.

     WAC 30 Meter Digital Contacts
Make one 30 meter digital contact with each of the Continents of the world.

     WAS 30 Meter Digital Contacts
Make one 30 meter digital contact with each of the 50 USA states.

     10M-10 30 Meter Digital Contacts
Make ten 10MHz digital contacts using 10 different digital modes.

Tks G8KSH 1/2008

30 Meter Century Award

Confirm contacts with 100 DXCC countries on 30 meters after 1 January 1988. QSO's must be made within the limits of the DX station's licensing authority: i.e., USA stations must use only CW and a power output of under 200 watts. QSL's not needed unless the applicant claims contact with countries that have not announced 30 meter privileges. GCR applies. Cost of award is $US2 or 4 IRC's. Apply to: The DX Magazine, PO Box 50, Fulton, CA. 95439.

(TKS VP2ML)(90)

31 on 31 Award

Work 31 countries from the "WorldRadio" list of Nations on PSK31.  Application form and country list available for SASE from sponsor. Send list of contacts including callsign, date, time and band. Enclose fee of $3.10 to: WorldRadio, 2120 28th St., Sacramento, CA. 95818.

(Tks WorldRadio)(01)

3.905 CENTURY CLUB Series

The purpose of the Club is to provide Amateurs interested in Working All States, All State Capitals, or any available awards, the frequencies for making those contacts. The 3.905 CENTURY CLUB, INC. also has its own extensive awards program The Club operates nets with emphasis on 80 and 40 meters. Most activity is on 3905 daily from 0100z to 0500z. The awards are for members and requirements for membership are provided with the info packet available from the club info officer.

At the start of the net, Net Control will take check_ins starting with the call area which corresponds with the date in UTC time. After taking check_ins, NCS will call the roll, allowing each station time for one or more calls, as the time permits. It is advisable to make a list of needed stations as check_ins are taken so you will be ready when your turn comes. Due to QRM, QRN, propagation, etc., it will be up to NCS to allow repeated attempts at calls or to call time on any station.

IMPORTANT: All contacts for all Club awards must be made on THE 3.905 CENTURY CLUB, INC. nets and all contacts for an award must be on the same band unless otherwise stated on the application form. Complete requirements for each award are listed on the application sheets for the award. These are quite specific, and sometimes involved and I’ve only given an outline of them in this listing.

To apply for any of the awards, send the AWARD FEE, your AWARD APPLICATION, and QSL CARDS to your Area Awards Manager, along with a STAMPED ENVELOPE for forwarding your application to the Awards Secretary. Also, PLEASE SEND POSTAGE and SUITABLE CONTAINER for the RETURN of YOUR QSL CARDS. Please make your check or money order payable to the 3.905 Century Club, Inc. Do not make the check out for total of the awards fee and QSL card return postage. This must be separate. The award fee check is forwarded on to the Awards Secretary and the QSL card return postage if for the Awards Manager to return your cards. The Awards Managers are listed on the Club Officers list.

The awards program of THE 3.905 CENTURY CLUB, INC. is quite extensive. To get you started on the Club awards, the following applications are enclosed in the initial information package which may be obtained from the club information officer: Gladys O. Zickler _ WB2RWT, 762 Duanesburg Road, Schenectady, NY 12306_1032. Enclose two units of postage please. Special applications are required and may be filled in as you make contacts on the net.

1. 100 Point Certificate _ The basic award of the Club and must be earned before any other awards can be issued.

2. 500 Point Certificate _ Endorsement to the 100 Point Certificate. (Initial 100 points plus 400 additional.)

The following applications may be obtained by sending a 4 X 9 SASE with SUFFICIENT POSTAGE to the Club Information Officer or they may be down_loaded from the 3.905 Century Club, Inc. Web Page at the following URL:

Please specify which ones you need if using regular mail. If using the internet look under NET OPERATIONS on the Web Page. Using the regular mail you will receive 5 pages for one unit of First Class Postage. If using larger/heavier envelopes, add more postage.

3. 1000 Point Certificate (Wild Card) _ For an additional 500 points beyond the 500 point endorsement.

4. 2000 Point Certificate or Plaque _ A complex award, actually duplicating the 100, 500 & 1000 point awards, except with all new stations. (3000, 4000, etc. also available)

5. Worked All States Capitals Certificate _ For contacts with 35 different capitals, with endorsements for 50, 45 & 50.

6. Worked All States Capitals Certificate _ For contacts with YLs in 35 different states, with endorsements for 40, 45 & 50.

7. VIP (Officers) Certificate _ For contacts with Club Officers.

8. Journeyman Certificate _ Requires 500 points, cross_band.

9. Call Area Certificate _ Multiple awards available.

10. Night Owl Certificate _ For contacts on Late Nets ONLY.

11. Baker's Dozen Certificate _ For working the same station in 13 different states and/or provinces _ this is a two_fold award for yourself and other station.

12. DX Certificate _ For contacts with 25 different countries, endorsements for each additional 25.

13. WAS & WAVE's Certificates or Endorsements to 100 Point Certificate _ For working all 50 states or for contact with 5 Canadian Provinces. WAS may be endorsed, ie: CW, QRP, Combos, 2_letter, etc.

14. Poker Player Certificate _ For contacts specified on the complex application sheet. (Take a good look at this _ it may be the most difficult award in Amateur Radio today!)

15. Numbers Racket Certificate _ For working 50 _ 1000 point certificate holders _ and 25 2000 point certificate holders.

16. Godfather Plaque (Free) _ Available to 2000 point holders whose number has been used 75 Numbers Racket applications.

17. Certificate Hunters Certificate _ For working 100 _ 100 point certificate holders _ endorsements for each additional 100.

18. Alphabet Award Certificate _ For working all 26 letters of the alphabet, using only the second letter of the PREFIX.

19. Nomad Award _ For mobile operators only.

20. KC2RB Memorial Net Controllers Award _ For serving as Net Control. (No application _ awarded on basis of net records).

21. Master's Degree _ Complex, difficult but rewarding award, based on service, participation and achievement.

22. SWL Award _ Basic award for Shortwave Listeners.

23. Prefix Award _ For working 300 different callsign prefixes with endorsements for every 100 prefixes above basic award

24. Worked All Century Club nets _ requires specified contacts in a call area. Contacts must be on two bands. See application for specifics.

25. Canadian Roundup _ You must work the same Canadian station for his/her Canadian prefix on each of the nets the club operates. See application for specifics.

26. Clint Wise Memorial Award _ submit signed proof of at least 5 contacts as a mobile station from at least 20 states. See application for specifics.

(Tks Internet. 2/99)

NOVICE Little Hams of America

Awarded to any amateur who can provide proof that they were under the age of 12 when they earned their first amateur license of any class. Parents and friends are encouraged to apply on behalf of anyone who might qualify. Send a photocopy of the individual's birth certificate and first amateur license plus fee of $US2 or 4 IRC's to: M. Patricia Murray NW2I, 585 North Star Road, East Aurora, NY 14052.

(TKS NW2I)(91)