Garden State ARA Award to Worked All New England
(Updated 11/2008)
Garden State Amateur Radio Association Award
Work 10 GSARA members (5 for non-USA applicants). GCR list to Garden State ARA - W2GSA, 28 Catherine Avenue, Red Bank, NJ. 07701.
Worked All Georgia Award
Sponsored by the Atlanta Radio Club for working Georgia counties. Basic certificate issued for 50 counties, endorsements for 100 and all 159. The award complements the annual Georgia QSO Party, which is a good way to work many of the lightly populated counties. All bands except WARC. All modes accepted, though all contacts must use the same mode; endorsements for CW, Phone, Digital, Satellite, single band and all 5 HF bands. No repeater or cross-mode contacts. Award is free of charge.
Applicants must use sponsor’s official application form available for SASE or downloaded from their web site. GCR list is accepted. E-QSL’s accepted as well. Award manager reserves the right to request any cards for validity. Those who have completed USA-CA All Counties may receive the award with a simple request including their award number.
Apply to: Edward A. "Skip" Kazmarek (K4EAK), 1190 Byrnwyck Road, Atlanta, GA 30319
(Chg 11/2009)
Geratol Net WAS Award
Available to all US amateurs holding a valid Extra Class license, who submit proof of having contacted each of the 50 USA states within the Extra Class (Phone) part of the 80 meter band (3.750-3.775MHz) on or after 1 Jan 1972. District of Columbia may be used to count for Maryland. No minimum signal report. Contacts must be made from same location, or separate ones, not more than 50 miles apart. Acceptable callsigns for applicants include: All 1X2's, all 2X1's, 2X2 with AA through AL prefixes only in all districts (including AH6 and AL7). All stations must be land stations. Cards and application (available from sponsor) must be submitted. Supply sufficient funds for return of cards. Cost of award is $US5. Apply to Jesse Colvin AI9L, 3180 South Broadway, Braceville, IL 60407.
(Chg 10/2002)
AWARDED to those amateurs who meet established criteria. The applicant must submit Photocopies of THE FOLLOWING AWARDS THEY HAVE EARNED:
(1) ARRL© awards of
the VUCC & DXCC both;
(2) The cQ Magazine© WAZ award; and
(3) at least one of the following international awards
The Maple Leaf Award
The Council of Europe Award "First
The DL EWWA Award
The Australian WA VK CA Award
The Hong Kong ARS Catch 22 Award
The Holy Land Award
The All Africa Award
Applications for award should be submitted to the Historian at the following address. Please include an SASE with your application. Instructions and information will be sent to you. Apply to: T. Lowe Historian GMS, 490 Sandpiper Rd., Richmond Hill, Ga. 31324 U.S.A.
Tks KG4CRD 8/01
Grande Ronde Valley Award
Contact 3 stations located in the Grande Ronde Valley which is located in Union County, Oregon. All bands and modes permitted. GCR list and fee of $US1 or 3 IRC's to: Matt sirrine WB7PMG, Awards Mgr., G.R.R.A., 1204 8th Avenue, La Grande, Oregon.
(TKS YB0WR)(91)
Grandmothers Club Certificate
Work 10 members of the Grandmothers Club who already hold the certificate and are listed with the custodian as a grandmother. Available to all licensed amateurs, the trick to earning it is that you work the YL's who already hold the certificate, but those names are kept secret. You must ASK. GCR requires name, call, QTH, her certificate number and the date of her Grandmothers certificate. After earning the certificate, you can earn a gold seal by working five great-grandmothers. SASE and fee of $US1. Apply to: Phyllis douglas K7SEC, 701 N. Camino del Codorniz, Tucson, AZ 85748.
(TKS WorldRadio)(94)
Great Lakes Award
Work the US states and Canadian province which border the Great Lakes: VE3/Ont MI IL IN WI OH PA NY and MN. Contacts after 30 September 1991. All bands and modes, except repeater contacts may not be used. A copy of the cards must be submitted along with fee of $US6. Apply to: Great Lakes Award, Michigan Amateur Radio Alliance, PO Box 670, Comstock Park, MI. 49321-0670.
(Revised 7/2005)
All Great Lakes Lighthouses and Lightships Award
Report that 1/2010 Award no longer issued. I am checking on 1/18/10
Contact Award:
Contact 7 lighthouses from the states and provinces bordering
any two of the five Great Lakes of the USA
on or after 1 July 2000. Endorsements each added 10. SWL OK.
Lighthouse means a lighthouse or a lightship.
a. The states are New York,
Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin and Minnesota.
The province is Ontario. The lighthouse must be on the Great Lake. The following
bodies of water do not count for the award: the St. Lawrence River, the
St. Mary's River, the St. Clair River, the Detroit River, the North Channel,
Lake St. Clair, and the Georgian Bay, unless the light is located where these
bodies of water meet one of the five lakes.
b. to claim an endorsement to the Basic contact award, work
an additional 5 lighthouses/lightships on the Great
Fee for the basic award is $US5 for USA stations and $US6 for DX. Fee for any endorsement seals is
$US2 for USA stations and $US3 for DX. . Confirmations (QSLs) and application form must be submitted to: Ted
Sarah W8TTS, 239 Bermont Avenue, Munroe Falls OH 44262, USA. Photocopies
of the QSLs are permitted, but if cards are sent, please send sufficient postage
for their return.
Activate at least 5 lighthouses/lightships on any of the Great
Lakes. (See ARLHS FAQ #3) Activating a Light.
a. all activated lighthouses/lightships must be on the Great
Lakes as specified above.
b. you must include one QSL card from each operation with
your application.
c. to claim an endorsement to the "Activators Award, you
must activate an additional 2 lighthouses/lightships on the Great Lakes.
d. Details on a
special plaque available to activators may be found at:
Fees and address of sponsor is shown above.
(including application and list of lighthouses):
Grumman Amateur Radio Club Award
Provide QSL evidence of contact with required number of members since 1-1-1977. Multiple contacts are valid for earning different classes, but not within one class.
Stations living on Long Island need 25
on HF or 15 for VHF or CW.
Non Long Island US stations need 10.
DX stations need 5.
The 4 classes available are:
1) Open,
2) HF under 30 MHz,
3) VHF, not using repeaters,
4) CW contacts only.
GARC club station WA2LQO counts for two contacts. Endorsement stickers for each added 5 contacts made and confirmed. Special Century certificate issued for any class when 100 contacts made. Send cards in alphabetical order to Bob Christen W2FPF, 393 Nelligan Court, North Babylon, NY 11703-2217.
(Tks Internet)(00)
Guernsey County Heritage Award
The home towns of Astronaut and Senator John Glenn and cowboy actor Hopalong Cassidy are to be found in Guernsey County, Ohio. Stations located within Guernsey County need 15 different stations in the county and all others need 10. All bands and modes may be used. No use of repeaters. Send log entries and SASE to: C.A.R.A., Guernsey County Heritage Award, PO Box 1804, Cambridge, Ohio. 43725.
Sponsor e-mail:
(New 8/02)
Hamfesters Radio Club Award
Contact Hamfester R.C. members. Illinois stations need 10, all other USA need 5, and all others 3. All bands and modes OK, but each member may only be worked one time. GCR list required. NO FEE, but a large SASE is required for safe return of the certificate. Custodian practices calligraphy, so the certificate will be unique. Apply to: Hamfesters Radio Club, PO Box 42792, Evergreen Park, IL. 60805. (Mark the envelope in lower left corner: Attn: Awards Custodian).
Tks Ralph N9KYM 9/2004
Haunted Lighthouse Award
This is a permanent award available for contacts after 1 September 2001 with lighthouses as specified on the sponsors list. Each of these lighthouses has a legend or story about one or more ghosts or apparitions which inhabit these premises. SWL OK.
1. Basic USA Award - 10 Haunted lighthouses
from the USA list.
2. Basic International Award - 5 Haunted
lighthouses from the International list.
3. Worked All USA Haunted Lighthouses - all 54
from the USA list.
4. Worked All International Haunted
Lighthouses - all 12 from the International
(The "All" lighthouses contact
numbers are based on current information, and
is subject to change when new ones are added.)
5. Haunted Lighthouse Activators Award - for
any station who activates a lighthouse on the
list, makes 25 or more contacts, and
stays overnight on the premises. (No charge!)
The sponsor will honor the ARLHS, "Visual Sight Rule" which permits contacts to be made from the vicinity of the lighthouse as long as it can be clearly seen. Fee for the Basic award is $US2 for US stations and $US3 for all others. Fee for the International award is $US5 and $US6 for all others. Send list of lighthouse contacts and proper fee to: Ronald J. Polityka WB3AAL, 3050 Elm Road Reading, PA. 19605-2343.
Historic Military Communications Series
General Requirements: Use or display standard military communications equipment in ise by any nation before Sept 1 1958. No solid state, only tube equipment. Both receiver/transmitter must be military. Contacts must be after 1 Jan 1995. All applications must include a photo of the station, including the antenna. No RF amplifiers allowed. Award is free, but a fee of $US3 for each award is needed for return of the QSL cards and photos. Apply to: Sam Hevener W8KBF, 3583 Everett Road, Richfield, Ohio 44286-9723.
(TKS ARRL Referral)(96)
Medal of Honor Award
Any vintage military communications system with both the xmtr and rcvr or transceiver powered by the original military vibrator power supply, handcrank generator or dry cell batteries. The batteries may be current civilian manufacture. No AC eliminators allowed. Entire system must be military and conplete including antenna. Work at least 15 different states and/or provinces to qualify. Xmtr output must be less than 10 watts.
Silver Star Award
Historic Military Display Award for non-amateurs. Display a complete military communications system at 3 different public shows. The primary theme must be communications. A standard tactical radio set installed in a jeep or tank does NOT qualify. The display must be a MAJOR communications system such as a complete SCR-299 radio truck, complete B-17 radio compartment, etc. A photo and statement signed by 2 officials of EACH show is required. Museums do NOT qualify.
Bronze Star Award
Any standard military communications system powered by the original military dynamotor either 6 or 12 or 24/28 volt DC shipboard power. Both XMTR and RCVR must be powered as above and use the original military antenna. Transmiter output must be less than 30 watts. 25 states and/or provinces needed to qualify.
Soldiers Medal Award
Any military communications system with either the xmtr and/or rcvr powered by a 115/230VAC 50/60 cycle power supply. The power supply can be either military or home brewed. Antenna need not be military. 45 states or provinces needed.
Worked All Illinois Counties Award
Sponsored by the Fox River Radio Leage for contacting at least 62 or more Illinois counties on any band or mode. Endorsements for 82 counties and a grand certificate for all 102 counties. Endorsements for specific bands or modes are available at each level. No use of cross modes, repeaters or digipeaters for this award. Satellite contacts OK. Portable and mobile contacts OK, but confirmation must indicate the county. Applicant must possess the confirmations, such as physical QSL card or LOTW for each county that details the station worked, date, time, frequency, mode and county. Send a completed application (found on their website), record sheet and fee of $US5 for each certificate. Fee for endorsements is $US1. Apply to: Fox River Radio League, Lawrence O. Shaw W9OKI, 147 N. Buckingham Drive, Sugar Grove, IL. 60554.
Tks W9OKI 9/09
Worked All Indiana Award
Contact each of the 92 counties of Indiana. All bands and modes. No date restrictions. Initial award is issued for contacting 60 counties with endorsements at 75, 85 and all 92 counties. No endorsements available for band and mode. No repeater or cross-mode contacts allowed. Electronic confirmations not allowed. Applicants must use the Hoosier DX and Contest Club application form and GCR list which are available on the club website listed below. Submit the completed application, GCR lis, fee of $US5 t and a 9 X 12" SASE for certificate. Endorsement stickers cost $US2. The award manager reserves the right to request any cards to verify validity. Apply to: Worked All Indiana Award Manager, Mark E. Musick WB9CIF, PO Box 575, Plainfield, IN. 46168.
New 3/2006
--- International Police Association Radio Club Series ---
General Requirements: The IPA is an organization of amateurs who also serve their communities in the law enforcement field. A list of members is available from IPA, Box 463, Sanbornville, NH 03872. SASE/US or 2 IRC's. Awards available for all CW, SSB or Mixed modes. A good place to look for member contacts is on their net on 21410 at 1700Z on Wednesday and Sundays. Contacts after 1 Nov 1985. No band or mode restrictions. GCR is acceptable. Fee per award is $US3 for US and $US5 for DX. SWL OK. Apply to: IPA/RC Award Manager, Robert Faulkner W6RF, 15733 Rancho Ramon Dr., Tracy, CA. 95304.
(CHG 02)
The J. Edgar Hoover (10 Most Wanted) Award
Contact an IPA/RC member in each of the 10 call areas of the USA. QTH at time worked will determine the district; if N6EIK is worked portable or mobile in Nevada, this would count for the 7th call area. Alaskan KL7's count as a 7 and Hawaii KH6's count as 6.
Centurion Award
Available to any amateur or SWL who contacts/logs 10 IPARC designated "Club" stations plus an additional 20 regular IPARC member stations. Contacts on or after 1 April 1997. All bands and modes. (Tks Inet)(00)
Certificate of Proficiency (COP) and the Golden Badge Award
The object of this series is to eventually work an IPA/RC member in each of the 50 states of the USA. It is available in 6 levels as follows:
1. COP 5 - Basic Award - work an IPA/RC
member in 5 different states of the USA.
2. COP 15 - as above, but for 15
3. COP 25 - as above, but for 25
4. COP 35 - as above, but for 35
5. COP 45 - as above, but for 45
6. Golden Badge Award - as above, in
all 50 states.
CHP Award
Awarded to any amateur or SWL who works/hears a sworn officer of the California Highway Patrol (active or retired) and logs his/her ID/badge number. There are over 50 officers who hold FCC call signs and lifetime badge numbers. All bands and modes.
US - send officers badge # plus log
date and fee of $US3.
DX - send with fee of $US5. (Tks Inet)(00)
LT Columbo Award
Available to any amateur or SWL who works/hears club station VA3IPA along with 10 other IPARC members who are operating mobile at the time of the QSO. (TV fans will remember the auto connection with actor Peter Falk’s "Columbo" series.)
US - GCR list and fee of $US5. DX - same with fee of $US7.
Applications available from sponsor for SASE.
(Tks Inet)(00)
International Visual Comm. Assoc - DX Achievement Award
IVCA offers this award for providing proof of working at least 50 different countries using two-way SSTV. Additional endorsements for each added 25. ARRL DXCC country list determines country status. Available to all SSTV operators, membership in IVCA not required. Send the cards and sufficient postage for return of the cards - otherwise, the award is FREE. Apply to Bert Beyt W5ZR, 301 W. Tampico Street, New Iberia, LA. 70560.
(Tks W5ZR)(99)
World ITU Zone Award
Contact different ITU radio zones of the world. Cards not required.
Award Classes:
Class | HF | VHF |
D | 40 | 5 |
C | 50 | 10 |
B | 65 | 15 |
A | 75 | 20 |
AA | 90 | 25 or more |
The official ITU zone list and map will be the criterion for determining zones, and is available from the sponsor for SASE. Zone list is published yearly in QST prior to IARU Radiosport Championship. GCR list and fee of $US2 for the basic award or $US.50 for endorsements to: John Lee K6YK, 3654 Three Oaks Road, Stockton, CA. 95205.
(TKS KA8OUT)(93)
JARS Award
Issued by the Joliet ARA. Illinois stations contact 10 JARS members, continental US stations contact 5, rest of world 2. No repeater QSO's. Membership list available on request for SASE or 2 IRC's. GCR list and $1US or 3 IRC's to: Paula Franke WB9BTU, Certificate Chairperson, PO Box 873, Beecher, IL. 60401.
(TKS KA3RVH)(89)
Jersey Devil Award
Sponsored by the Burlington County Radio Club to any amateur for working five stations in the New Jersey Pinelands (home of the Jersey Devil) including at least one member of the club. All bands and modes OK. A list of towns and postal codes in the Pinelands area plus a member list is found on their website. All contacts must with different stations. SWL OK. Send a log extract which includes each worked station’s call sign, date and time, mode and band of the contacts. Send contact data plus fee of $US5, 5€ or 5 new IRCs to: JD Award Manager, PO Box 307, Moorestown, NJ 08057.
Tks K2SQS 10/08
-- Kansas Radio Club Series ---
General Requirements: GCR list and fee noted to Kansas Radio Club, Tom Harmon W0IUB, 1629 Pleasantview, Wichita, KS. 67203. SWL OK. (Note: Tom is a stamp collector - likes to exchange.) (89)
Worked Kansas Award
Contact stations in the state of Kansas per the following categories:
Category | USA | DX |
Any Kansas | 30 | 10 |
Kansas YL | 6 | 2 |
Kansas Novice | 7 | 2 |
Kansas Mobile | 7 | 2 (Fee is $1 US |
Kansas VHF | 7 | 2 or 5 IRCs) |
59/599 WAC
Offered for achieving 59 reports on SSB on 10, 15, 20, 40 and 75 meters. One contact per continent (6 cards) needed. Also offered on mixed band basis.
Also offered for 599 reports on CW on 10, 15, 20, 40, and 80 meters. Mixed also offered. (Fee is $2US or 5 IRC's) (89)
United Nations Diploma
Contact UN member stations on or after the year they joined the UN. An alphabetical list of countries worked is required with application - keep a duplicate list for your records. You must have the cards, but GCR rule applies. Fee = $2US or 7 IRC's. Classes: US Novice Only = 10 countries, Class III = 40, Class II = 55, Class I = 70, Expert = 85, Champion = 100, Super Class = 120. New members will count after their date of joining. For list of countries, refer to the CHC series of awards, and use the CHC UN Award listing.
(CHG 90)
KDXA Buffalo Award
Available only to stations outside the USA. The Kansas DX Association sponsors this award for contacting 20 Kansas stations plus 5 KDXA members after 1 Sep 1980. Any band or mode. SWL OK. Membership list for an IRC and SASE. GCR list and $2US or 4 IRC's to: KDXA, Box 454, Salina, Kansas 67401.
Kentucky Colonel A.R.C. Award
Contact 5 members of this club. DX need 3. No time, band or mode restrictions. GCR list and fee of $US1 or 3 IRC's to: Kentucky Colonel's ARC Inc., PO Box 9781, Bowling Green, Ky. 42102-9781.
(TKS K1BV)(90)
Worked All Kentucky Award
Sponsored by Quarter Century Wireless Association Bluegrass Chapter 214. Contact and confirm each of the 120 counties of Kentucky using any band or mode. There are no date restrictions. SWL OK. No endorsements available. Applicants must use The Bluegrass Chapter 214 application form and county list both of which may be downloaded from their official website at or by sending an SASE to the award manager.
Complet the county list and application and submit with fee of $US7.00. The award manager reserves the right to request contact any of the cards to check for validity. Mail to the Worked All Kentucky Award manager, Dave Vest, K8DV, 2934 Rontina Drive, Goshen, Ohio 45122
New 7/08
Worked All Keys Award (WAKEY)
The Florida Keys are a series of beautiful islands running to the south and west just below Miami, Florida and connected by a series of bridges. Contact 5 different Keys on HF or 15 different on VHF/UHF. Send the cards or a photocopy to sponsor. No charge. Apply to Florida Keys ARC, PO Box 545, Big Pine Key, Florida 33043.
(TKS VP2ML)(92)
Keystone Award
Sponsored by the Harrisburg RA Club. The basic award is issued for contacting 100 different Pennsylvania stations after 1 Jan 1957. No repeater or digital retransmissions. Two endorsements are available: (1) Novice - contact 25 Pa. novices in a calendar year, (2) 100 PA Stations - contact 100 in a calendar year. Basic certificate must be earned before the endorsements. GCR list. Fee for the basic award is $US3 for US and possessions, 3 IRC for all others. No charge for endorsements. Apply to: Mark Robinson WB3JIS, 1235 Middletown Road, Hummelstown, PA. 17036-8929.
(Chg 07)
KO6LU Series
Awards are available even if the contacts are unconfirmed. Log extract is acceptable. Use applications that the sponsor has prepared on Internet site. Fee for each award is $US5. Apply to: Bob Frostholm KO6LU, PO Box 3673, Los Altos, CA. 94024.
Corrected 1/31/02
Alphabet Soup Award
Contact stations with call signs using the same letters and number of your call but in any order. Letters can only appear as often as they occur in your call. For example: KO6LU might use:
Example: K6KLL is not eligible since KO6LU has only one L and one K.
Awarded in 4 levels: Bronze = 3 Contacts, Silver = 5 Contacts, Gold = 7 Contacts, Platinum: 10 Contacts.
Alphabetical Order Award
Work stations whose call signs, when written sequentially, create the complete alphabet (all numbers are ignored.) All letters of the call sign must be included.
Example: AB2C, 3D2EF, G3HIJ, K1LM, N3OPQ …… W2XYZ Ambigram AwardThe classic ambigram is a 180_degree symmetric rotation, which means it reads the same upside down and right side up. Work stations whose call sign is an ambigram. (note: Stations can only have the numbers 1. 8 and 0 and the letters H,I,M,N,O,S,W,X,Z in the call.)
Examples: HI8IH OM1WO SM0WS
Available in 4 levels: Bronze = 3 Contacts, Silver = 5 Contacts, Gold = 7 Contacts, Platinum: 10 Contacts
Asian Country Capital Award
Work as many stations as possible located in the capital city of their Asian countries. Available in four award levels: Bronze = 15 Asian Capital Cities, Silver = 25, Gold = 35, Platinum = All 47 Asian Capital Cities.
African Country Capital Award
Work as many stations as possible located in the capital city of their country. Available in four award levels: Bronze = 15 African Capital Cities, Silver = 25, Gold = 40, Platinum = All 57
Worked All British Commonwealth
Work all the Commonwealth's 54 members
Antigua & Barbuda Mozambique Australia Namibia The Bahamas Nauru Bangladesh New Zealand Barbados Nigeria Belize Pakistan* Botswana Papua New Guinea Brunei Darussalam Samoa Cameroon Seychelles Canada Sierra Leone Cyprus Singapore Dominica Solomon Islands Fiji Islands* South Africa The Gambia Sri Lanka Ghana St Kitts & Nevis Grenada St Lucia Guyana St Vincent & The Grenadines India Swaziland Jamaica United Republic of Tanzania Kenya Tonga Kiribati Trinidad & Tobago Lesotho Tuvalu Malawi Uganda Malaysia United Kingdom Maldives Vanuata Malta Zambia Mauritius Zimbabwe
*Suspended following military coup in October 1999
California Century Cities Club
Provide proof of having contacted at least 100 of the 816 cities in the state of California. Endorsements for each additional 100 cities. Special seal for all 816. Awards are available even if the contacts are unconfirmed. Log extract is acceptable. Use applications that the sponsor has prepared on Internet site. A complete list of California cities is available as well.
New 2/2005
Double Digit
Work stations whose call sign contains two identical digits. Examples: L99D T77C 4F4IX 7J7ACZ. The double number digit in a portable operation like KO6LU/6 does not count. Award levels: Bronze = 3 Contacts, Silver = 5, Gold = 7, Platinum = 10.
Double Prefix Award
Contact stations whose call sign prefix repeats itself as the suffix with no additional letters. Examples: KO6KO, NN4NN, JA3JA, PA3PA. Note: KO6HKO does not count because the suffix is not identical to the prefix. Award levels: Bronze = 3 Contacts, Silver = 5, Gold = 7, Platinum = 10.
European Country Capital Award
Work as many stations as possible located in the capital city of their European countries. Award levels: Bronze = 25 European Capital Cities, Silver = 30, Gold = 35, Platinum = All 44
Gemini Award
Work stations whose call sign has the exact same suffix letters as yours. Examples for KO6LU: LU5LU CT5LU ZL2LU VK4LU. (Note: call signs like WA6JLU, XE2LUT, etc. do not count even though they contain the suffix LU as part of their call) Award levels: Bronze = 3 Contacts, Silver = 5, Gold = 7, Platinum = 10.
Higher Education Series I: (Worked Elementary and High School Amateur Radio Clubs)
Work different Amateur Radio Clubs associated with Elementary or High Schools. Available in four award levels: Bronze = 15 Elementary or High School Amateur Radio Clubs, Silver = 50, Gold = 100, Platinum = 1 Elementary or High School Amateur Radio Club in each of the 50 States.
Higher Education Series II: (Worked College and University Amateur Radio Clubs)
Work different Amateur Radio Clubs associated with Colleges and Universities. Examples:W9YB Purdue University ARC, K6LY Naval Postgraduate School ARC, W3UD University of Delaware ARC. Available in four levels: Bronze = 15 College and University Amateur Radio Clubs, Silver= 50, Gold = 100, Platinum = 1 College and University Amateur Radio Club in each of the 50 States
North American Country Capital Award
Work as many stations as possible located in the capital city of their North American countries. Available in four award levels: Bronze = 15 North American Capital Cities, Silver = 18, Gold = 21, Platinum: All 24 North American Capital Cities.
Worked All North American Telephone Area Codes
There are over 300 different Telephone Area Codes in use in North America. Work different stations with different telephone area codes. Telephone area codes for stations can be found in the Flying Horse Call Book. Available in four award levels: Bronze = 50 Different Area Codes, Silver = 150, Gold = 250, Platinum = 300, Double Platinum = All 335 Different Area Codes.
Work All OAS Member States
All 35 countries of the Americas have ratified the OAS Charter and belong to the Organization.
Work all 35 member nations to get the award.21 Original OAS Members (1948) Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, United States, Uruguay, Venezuela 14 Subsequent Members: Barbados, Trinidad and Tobago (1967); Jamaica (1969); Grenada (1975); Suriname (1977); Dominica, Saint Lucia (1979); Antigua and Barbuda, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (1981); The Bahamas (1982); St. Kitts and Nevis (1984); Canada (1990); Belize, Guyana (1991).
Oceanic Country
Work as many stations as possible located in the capital city of their Oceanic countries. Available in four award levels: Bronze = 5 Oceanic Capital Cities, Silver = 9, Gold = 12, Platinum = All 14 Oceanic Capital Cities.
Palindrome Award
Palindromes were first used in language to define words or lines that read the same backwards or forward. Work stations whose call signs are palindromes. Examples: KO6OK UA9AU JA3AJ T33T . Available in four award levels: Bronze = 3 Contacts, Silver = 5, Gold = 7, Platinum = 10.
Same Name Award
Work as many stations as possible located in different cities with the same name.
Example: Vernon, BC Canada Vernon, Ont. Canada Vernon, France Vernon, Alabama Vernon, California Vernon, Connecticut Vernon, Florida Vernon, Illinois Vernon, Indiana Vernon, Michigan Vernon, New Jersey Vernon, New York Vernon, Ohio Vernon, Texas Vernon, Utah.
Available in four award levels: Bronze = 3 Cities with the same name, Silver = 5, Gold = 7, Platinum = 9.
Sequential Call Signs Award
Contact Stations with sequential call signs. Examples:KO6LU and KO6LV JA3YUL and JA3YUK XE1AII and XE1AIJ. Available in four levels: Bronze = 3 pairs of Contacts, Silver = 5, Gold = 7, Platinum = 10.
Worked All Silicon Valley
Contact cities in Silicon Valley. These are: Campbell Cupertino Gilroy Los Altos Los Gatos Los Altos Hills Milpitas Monte Sereno Morgan Hill Mountain View Palo Alto San Jose Santa Clara Saratoga Sunnyvale. Available in four award Levels: Bronze = 5 Cities, Silver = 9, Gold = 12, Platinum = All 15 Cities.
South American Cities
Work as many stations as possible located in the capital city of their South American countries. Available in four award levels: Bronze = 10 South American Capital Cities, Silver: 11, Gold = 12, Platinum = All 13.
Worked All State Capitals
Contact the capital city in each of the fifty United States.
Work the Summer Olympic Cities
Contact each city where a summer Olympic has been held
1896, 1906 and 2004Athens 1900 and 1924 Paris 1904 St. Louis 1908 and 1948 London 1912 Stockholm
1920 Antwerp 1928 Amsterdam 1932 and 1984 Los Angeles 1936 Berlin 1952 Helsinki 1956 Melbourne
1960 Rome 1964 Tokyo 1968 Mexico City 1972 Munich 1976 Montreal 1980 Moscow 1988 Seoul
1992 Barcelona 1996 Atlanta 2000 Sydney 2004 Athens
Twin Cities
Work pairs of stations located in different cities with the same name. Examples: Oakland, CA and Oakland NJ, Independence, IA and Independence, OR Inglewood, Australia and Inglewood, Ontario, Canada. Available in four award levels: Bronze = 3 Pairs of cities, Silver = 6, Gold = 9, Platinum = 12.
Work the Winter Olympic Cities
Contact each city where a winter Olympic game was held:
Winter games:
Chamonix 1924 St. Moritz 1928 and 1948 Lake Placid 1932 and 1980 Garmisch Partenkirchen 1936 Oslo 1952 Cortina d'Ampezzo 1956 Squaw Valley 1960 Innsbruck 1964 and 1976 Grenoble 1968 Sapporo 1972 Sarajevo 1984 Calgary 1988 Albertville 1992 Lillehammer 1994 Nagano 1998 Turin, Italy 2006.
KO6LU Series (added 4/02)
Presidential Places Award
Contact (or SWL) stations whose QTH includes the name of current or former
US President. The name may be:
Street (Roosevelt St., Kennedy Avenue, Washington Street)
City (Jefferson City, MO, Lincoln, NE)
County (Hamilton County, Madison County)
Available in 4 levels:
Bronze Level: 15 stations
Silver Level: 25 stations
Gold level: 50 stations
Platinum level: 75 stations
Postal Zip Code Poker Award
Work (or SWL) amateurs whose postal zip codes form the five basic poker hands.
(Note: numbers need not be in the correct sequence for the straight. Both of these are valid: 34567 and 74653. Cards cannot be counted twice: 94040 may not be used as one pair and two pairs.)
Work 5 stations whose 5 digit USA postal codes contain one each of the
following: one pair, two pair, three of a kind, straight, four of a kind.
Work 10 stations whose 5 digit USA postal codes contain two each of the
following: one pair, two pair, three of a kind, straight, four of a kind.
Work 15 stations whose 5 digit USA postal codes contain three each of the
following: one pair, two pair, three of a kind, straight, four of a kind.
Work 20 stations whose 5 digit USA postal codes contain four each of the
following: one pair, two pair, three of a kind, straight, four of a kind.
Lake County ARA - Worked All Club Operators Award
Contact LCARA members in Lake, Cuyahoga and Geauga counties in Ohio, USA. Club members need 30, other North America need 20, and all others need 10. All bands and modes. Stations may be worked on different bands for credit. No use of repeaters. Endorsements available for each subsequent 10 contacts. GCR list and large SASE (award is FREE ) to: LCARA WACOA, PO Box 868, Painesville, Ohio 44077.
(TKS WS8O)(97)
Contact 10 members (or 3 novices) of the L'Anse Creuse ARC. All bands and modes OK. Award is free, but SASE is requested. Cards must be sent (they will be returned) to: LCARC, PO Box 72, Utica, MI. 48087.
Loggers Certificate (WA)
Work 10 members of the Radio Club of Tacoma. Endorsements for each additional 10. DX stations need only 5. No time, band or mode restrictions. FREE. GCR list to Loggers Custodian, Barbara Osborne W7UYL, 1454 North Shirley, Tacoma, WA. 98406.
(TKS YB0WR)(91)
Low Band Propagation Research Society Series
General Requirements: If you are interested in Low Band (160 to 40M) DX'ing, this series has to be checked out. Awards are free of charge, but only to members. Membership includes an excellent monthly newsletter. GCR list only. The awards are earned each year during the "Annual Low Band Season" which begins on September 1 and ends March 31. SWL OK if a subscriber on the same basis as amateurs. Membership and awards applications to: Low Band Monitor, PO box 1047, Elizabeth, CO. 80107. (35250 County Road 142). The awards are handsome and definitely a challenge. Their Newsletter contains excellent articles on low band antennas and Dxing.
160 Meter Worked All Continents
80 Meter 100 Countries
40 Meter 150 Countries
This unique award is based on 160 Meter
Zones worked (Maximum of 40) during any of eleven contest weekends. The contests
are the: CQWW SSB, CQWW CW, ARRL 160, Stew Perry, JIDX, CQ160CW, RSGB160,
ARRLDXCW, CQ160 SSB, ARRLDXSSB and CQWPXSSB. To qualify the subscriber must work
a minimum of ten CQ Zones using any mode. A plaque is awarded to the subscriber
who works the highest number of Zones. Certificates are awarded to all
subscribers who qualify.
(TKS K0DEQ)(96)
purpose of this award series is to promote PSK31 QSOs with unique Grid Square
Locators around the world on all HF frequencies from 1.8-52 MHz using PSK31.
SWL is okay under requirement as explained below.
contacts must be 2-way PSK31 only and be made within 50 miles of your home
location. The ARRL World Grid Locator Atlas and the ARRL North American Grid
Locator Map will be the guidelines used for the entire award series. Log data
indicating that the applicant has made contact with amateur stations in 300
different (Basic Award) 4 place grids (i.e. IO75, IO76, IO77, IO78) on the
HF bands using the PSK31 mode. Please include call, date and grid. For
this program, the HF bands are 160 thru 6 meters, WARC bands included. All
contacts must be two-way PSK31 and made after 00:00 UTC October 1, 2002.
Repeater contacts, dupes and cross-mode contacts will not be accepted for
credit. This requirement is for the primary certificate and all endorsements.
In addition to the required log information, the applicant must submit
one QSL card verifying any one of the QSOs submitted above for each 50 grids
(6 QSL cards required for Basic Award). E-QSLs, photocopy or e-mail of
QSL cards are acceptable. Upon approval for award, any paper QSLs submitted
will be returned to the applicant, along with an 070 Club Grid Award or
endorsement. SWL stations can claim grid credit for both stations if able to
copy both stations. Complete lists of GRID locators (4 place grids in
alphabetical order) for each award [or endorsement] are required. Mobile and
Maritime Mobile contacts will be accepted. Fees: US$2 for W/VE, US$4 for DX
for each award; US$1 for W/VE, US$1 for DX for endorsement labels (for USA Grid
Locator Award) drawn either on US bank or International Postal Money Order.
IRCs or stamps will not be accepted nor honored under any circumstances. If
you are not a 070 Club member, just enclose the US $1 for USA or US$2 for
DX. Tell us you want to become a member and we will forward your report
to KA3X so you can become a PODXS 070 PSK Club Member.
To apply for any of the listed awards, send log information in Grid Square alphabetical order and fees to: Charles C. Trice Jr. K8IJ, 18900 Wentworth Drive, Miami FL 33015-2922 USA
award is for contacts with 300 (Basic Award) different grid locators
anywhere in the world.
be a 070 PSK Club member for these 4 endorsements: 400
Grids Little Dawg, 500 Grids Big Dawg, 600 Grids Hot Dawg, 1000 Grids Top Dawg.
award is for confirming contacts with all 12 grid locators in the state
of Ohio: EN70, EN71, EN80, EN81, EN90, EN91, EM78, EM79, EM88, EM89, EM98 and
award is for confirming contacts with all 14 grid locators in the state of
Pennsylvania: EN90, EN91, EN92, EM99, FN00, FN01, FN02, FN10, FN11, FN20,
FN21, FM09, FM19 and FM29.
award is for confirming contacts with all 36 grid locators in the Country
of Germany: JO21, JO30, JO31, JO32, JO33, JO40, JO41, JO42, JO43, JO44, JO50,
JO51, JO52, JO53, JO54, JO60, JO61, JO62, JO63, JO64, JO70, JO71, JO72, JO73,
JN37, JN38, JN39, JN47, JN48, JN49, JN57, JN58, JN59, JN67, JN68 and JN69.
award is for confirming contacts with all 75 grid locators in the Country
of Japan: QL04, QL05, QL07, QL09, QL16, QL17, QN00, QN01, QN02, QN03, QN04,
QN05, QN11, QN12, QN13, QN14, QN15, QN22, QN23, QN24, QM00, QM01, QM05, QM06,
QM07, QM08, QM09, QM19, PL14, PL15, PL24, PL25, PL36, PL37, PL46, PL47, PL48,
PL49, PL55, PL80, PM40, PM41, PM42, PM43, PM44, PM50, PM51, PM52, PM53, PM54,
PM62, PM63, PM64, PM65, PM66, PN90, PN91 and PN92.
E-mail: For inquiries send note to K8IJ at above address or email to
Tks MM0DFV 3/04
Sponsored by the Pine State ARC and available for any amateur who works all 16 Maine counties on or after 1 January 1993. No use of repeaters. An official application is required and is available either on their website or directly from sponsor for SASE. Band or mode endorsements are available upon request. GCR list and fee of $US3 should be sent to: Pine State Amateur Radio Club, WAM Awards Manager, 14 Bomarc Road, Bangor, ME 04401.
(Chg 4/09)
Worked All Massachusetts Counties Award
Contact stations in all 14 Massachusetts Counties. Within the USA, all contacts must have been made from one county, from outside the USA, contacts must have been made within the same country. No use of repeaters or digipeaters. Satellite QSOs are OK. All bands and modes. No contacts made prior to December to 21, 1620 are permitted. Refer to WWW site for application form. Send application and fee of $US5 (stations outside the USA $US6) to: Nashoba Valley Amateur Radio Club, PO Box 900, Pepperell, MA. 01465.
New 4/10/2005 - confirmed 4/09
Metro DX Club Gold Certificate (Illinois)
Contact at least 2 Metro DX Club members. No date, band or mode restrictions. GCR data and $US3 or 2 IRC's to: Metro DX Club, 5045 Oak Center Drive, Oak Lawn, IL. 60453.
(Chg 3/2007)
Worked All Michigan Counties Award
Work all 83 Michigan counties on or after 1 January 1964. All bands 160 through 2 meters, all modes OK, except no repeater or digipeater contacts and no cross-mode contacts. Contacts may be made from multiple locations within the same state for U.S. applicants or country for foreign applicants. GCR list must list station worked, date, time, frequency, mode and county. Electronic QSLs are acceptable as long as you possess a printed copy. USA-CA holders may submit their award number and the call/s that were used to earn the award. They do not have to fill out the rest of the application. Fee is $US5 for US applicants - check or money order. Foreign applicants $US7 - money order only. An official application form is required and is found on their website as a PDF file.
Tks Mike Kelso
Worked All Minnesota Award
Sponsored by the St. Paul Radio club for confirmed contacts with Minnesota counties in 5 levels starting at 50 with endorsements for 60, 70, 80 and all 87. Requires special application available from sponsor for SASE. Endorsements for single band and mode upon request. GCR or notarized list and fee of $US2 or 6 IRC for initial award; no charge for endorsements, but SASE requested. Apply to custodian: Paul Thompson KI0RF, 395 Sims Avenue E., St. Paul, MN 55101. (Also to St. Paul Radio Club, PO Box 9375, North St. Paul, MN 55109).
Tks KI0RF 3/02
Minnesota - St. Louis County Award
Contact 3 stations in St. Louis County, Minnesota. SWL OK but must have cards in your possession. No date, mode or band restrictions. GCR list and $US1 plus two first class stamps for US. DX applicants send $US3. NO IRC's. Apply to Ron Heruth WA0WNV, 321 Wyandotte Road, Hoyt Lakes, MN. 55750.
(TKS K1BV)(90)
MINOW Net Certificate
US stations contact MINOW net members with at least 3 of the MINOW states represented (Montana, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon and Washington) after 1 Jan 1964. DX stations need 3 members. SWL OK, but must sent their QSL to stations copied before applying. GCR list and $2US (no charge to DX stations) to Awards Custodian, Frieda Raymond K7PVG, 2110 Turner, Richland, WA. 99352.
The award will be issued for confirmed contacts with Mississippi counties in
five levels. The basic starts with 20 counties and there are endorsements at 40, 50,
60 and all 82 counties. Send GCR or notarized list and fee $US2 for
members of ARRRDS or $US3 for non-members in the USA or $US4 for DX. The
fee includes return postage. No charge for endorsements, but SASE is
required. Apply to: Leon Bishop, N5PU, ARRRDS, P.O. Box 566, Escatawpa, MS
Tks N5PU 6/2004
Mississippi Valley Award
Sponsored by the Mississippi Valley DX/Contest Club. Work states and counties which border the Mississippi River after 1 Jan 1990. All bands and modes. No endorsements. Class C: 5 states and 50 counties along the river; Class B: 8/80; Class A: 10/117. States involved are Arkansas, Illinois, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Wisconsin and Tennessee. List of counties from sponsor or K1BV for SASE. GCR list and fee of $US2 for award (or 5 IRC's) or $US1 for higher levels to: Jim Glasscock W0FF, 3416 Manhattan Avenue, St. Louis, MO. 63143-3523.
(TKS W0FF)(CHG 96)
Sponsored by the Central Missouri Radio Association (CMRA) to encourage HF radio activity involving Missouri counties. Contact each of the 115 Missouri counties (including St. Louis City). The award is offered for CW, Digital (PSK31, RTTY), Phone or Mixed modes and endorsed on any single band from 160 to 2 meters or Mixed, 5 HF bands (10, 15, 20, 40 and 80) or QRP. The applicant may make the contacts from either a single location, all mobile or as a rover, making a QSO from each Missouri county. USA-CA holders need only submit number of their certificate and issue date. In addition, eQSL or a LOTW file may be used as well as the traditional GCR list by two licensed amateurs. Applicants must use the PDF application found on the club website shown below. Apply to: Central Missouri Radio Association, c/o Dave Larsen KV0S, PO Box 283, Columbia, MO. 65205-0283.
Tks KV0S 11/2006
Worked All Montana Counties Plaque
Work and confirm all 56 Montana counties. All bands 160 through 2 meters, all modes OK, except no repeater or cross-mode contacts. Send a GCR list including station worked, date, time, frequency, mode and county. USA-CA holders may submit their award number as evidence of having worked all of the Montana counties. They do not have to fill out a formal application. The award is a hand made and unique wooden plaque. Fee is $15 for US applicants. Foreign applicants should write sponsor for current cost. Apply to: Gene Copeland KC7WWY, 121 7 Avenue N, PO Box 184, Malta, MT. 59538.
Tks KC7WWY 6/2008
NCDXC California Award
The Northern California DX Club offers this certificate to all licensed amateurs in KH6, KL7 and hams located outside the USA who have qsl's for 220 different California stations. There must be 200 California plus a minimum of 20 different members of the NCDXC. All contacts must date since October 1946. Any bands or modes are valid. GCR list is acceptable if certified by officials of recognized AR societies and clubs of the world.. An "All-Time" listing of NCDXC members is available from the sponsor for SASE. It's updated annually. The award is free, but if cards are submitted, please supply IRC's enough for their return. Apply to: NCDXC, PO Box 608, Menlo Park, CA. 94026.
(Chg 3/07)
Worked All New England Award (WANE)
Contact 50 of the 67 counties in the 6 New England states. (CT, MA, ME, NH, RI, VT). Contacts with mobiles or through repeaters are not valid. US contacts should be made from the same USA county; outside USA from the same country. All 6 states must be included. Endorsement stickers for 62 and all 67 counties. All bands and modes. No fee, but if cards are sent, include return postage. GCR list and one of your own QSL cards to: Port City Amateur Radio Club, Stella Laplanne KC1MX, 460 Sherbourne Road, Portsmouth, NH 03801.
(Chg 4/09)
Maine -16 | Vermont - 14 | Mass - 14 | NH - 10 | CT - 8 | RI - 5 |
Androscoggin | Addison | Barnstable | Belknap | Fairfield | Bristol |
Aroostook | Bennington | Berkshire | Carroll | Hartford | Kent |
Cumberland | Caledonia | Bristol | Cheshire | Litchfield | Newport |
Franklin | Chittenden | Dukes | Coos | Middlesex | Providence |
Hancock | Essex | Essex | Grafton | New Haven | Washington |
Kennebec | Franklin | Franklin | Hillsboro | New London | |
Knox | Grand Isle | Hampden | Merrimack | Tolland | |
Lincoln | Lamoille | Hampshire | Rockingham | Windham | |
Oxford | Orange | Middlesex | Stafford | ||
Penebscot | Orleans | Nantucket | Sullivan | ||
Piscataquis | Rutland | Norfolk | |||
Sagadajpc | Washington | Plymouth | |||
Somerset | Windham | Suffolk | |||
Waldo | Windsor | Worcester | |||
Washington | |||||
York |