AFARS Net Award to Worked All Florida Award
(Updated 11/2008)
AFAR Net Award
Contact 15 members of AFAR Net. Endorsements are available for contacting either 10 or 35 additional members. The initials stand for Armored Force Amateur Radio Net which is an informal group of veterans or active duty service personnel who have been attached to an armored unit of the US Armed forces during their careers. No band or mode resrtrictions, and endorsements are available upon request. GCR list and US$.50 to: Alfred G. Geutler K2DWI, 36 Manchester Road, East Aurora, New York 14052.
Worked All Alabama Counties
Sponsored by the South Baldwin ARC . Work and confirm each of the 67 counties in Alabama on or after 1 September 2008. (Direct contacts only, no repeater, IRLP, etc.) All contacts must have been made from the same country, or for Alabama stations, the same county. All bands and modes OK. Complete the required application form and GCR list of confirmed contacts found on the club website, plus fee of $US5 ($US7 for DX). Apply to WAAC Award Manager, South Baldwin Amateur Radio Club, PO Box 491, Robertsdale, AL. 36567.
Tks W5VK 7/2008
Work Albany Radio Members (WARM)
Contact AARA members and others in Albany, Rensselaer or Schnectady counties, NY. A point is one 2X contact with any station in a place called Albany; i.e. any county, town or city with that name OR with any AARA member. Club roster for SASE/2 IRC's.
a. AARA members and stations in the named counties need 15 points, at least 5
of which must be AARA members.
b. other NY state stations need 10 points, including 1 AARA member.
c. other USA (except KH and KL) need 10 points including 1 AARA member.
d. Rest of world needs 5 points including 1 AARA member.
For President's special endorsement, fulfill basic requirements of which 4 points are different and unrelated Albany's other than NY, USA. GCR list and 2 first class stamps (or 2 IRC's) to: Harry Hovey WF2B, 15 Sylvan Lane, Troy, New York 12180.
(TKS KB6DSX)(90)
-- Amateur Achievement Series --
General Requirements: Award applications, available from the sponsor must be used. No time, band or mode restrictions. SWL OK. GCR accepted. The awards are engraved plaques, hence a somewhat higher price than for a certificate. Awards may be endorsed to reflect all one mode or band. Fee is $US50, $US55 for Canada / overseas surface and $US62 for DX for each plaque. Apply to Amateur Achievement, 99 Oregon Hill Road, Lisle, NY 13797.
(Chg 10/04)
Native American Counties Award
Contact each of the US counties which have names derived from Native American subjects. A special record book which lists all the counties, the meanings of the county names, and has space for logging all the contacts is available for $3.50 from sponsor.
United States Prefix Award (Rewrite 10/2004)
Contact 200 different call sign prefixes assigned to the USA and its possessions. Small endorsement plates are available for each additional 50 new prefixes contacted up to the 600 prefix level. Fee for the endorsement plates is $US6 each. AA1, AB1, K1 KA1 N1 and W1 are all different prefixes. Portable operation does not affect the prefix claimed, only the prefix of the assigned call counts. An exception is from a state or possession which counts as a separate DXCC country. For operations from KH6, KL7, KP2, KP4, etc., you must count the prefix in the portable identifier. For example, WV2B/KL7 could be counted for either WV2 or KL7. Both prefixes may be claimed if a second contact is made on a different band or mode, or on the same band/mode but after a time period of at least 24 hours has passed. Contacts with stations outside the US or maritime mobiles outside US territorial waters do not count for this award.
48 Hour 100 Nation Award
Issued for contacting 100 or more countries from the current DXCC list during any 48 hour period. Contacts must be made from station location and using one callsign. In the case of multi-ops or guest-op situations, the plaque will be issued to the callsign used but callsigns of the operators may be listed. Duplicate plaques for each operator if desired.
-- Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society Awards Program --
General requirements: Available to SWL’s on a heard basis. All awards require a special award form available from sponsor - note the several sponsors below to request form from the correct person. SASE or IRC to cover return postage is necessary. When ARLHS number is required on application, complete list available on ARLHS website. Whenever the term "lighthouse" is used, it applies equally to lightships.Activators must be located within line of sight of the lighthouse. Operation from the immediate premises is not required. On-site operation requires written permission. All modes are permitted. Contacts must be made on HF/VHF bands from 80 meters to 2 meters. Repeater and satellite contacts are permitted, but cross-band or cross-mode are not.
Cost for all ARLHS certificates is $US5 for members and $US10 for non-members. Cost for all upgrade seals/endorsements is $US2 for US stations and $US3 for all others. Cards are required for the awards. Photocopies are allowed, but must include both sides. Make sure you enclose sufficient postage for return of the cards. Cards must specify a lighthouse operation and specify the name of the lighthouse. Final decision on card belongs to sponsor. Refer to the ARLHS website for official light list. Contacts must be made on or after July 1, 2000. Tks OH3GZ 4/01
For the WAC-LH, DX-LH and Lighthouse award, apply to:Lee Graves WA7OBH, 4341 SE Satinleaf Place, Stuart, FL. 34997.
For the Member Award, WAS-LH, WACA-LH, and Activator Award, apply to: Walt Robinson WB3CDX, 5016 Plata Street, Clinton, MD. 20735 E-mail:
Worked All States - Lighthouse (WAS-LH)
Work and confirm lighthouse stations in all 31 US states that have lighthouses. A basic award is issued for 11 states with endorsements of 10 until all 31 are worked. All bands, including WARC are accepted. The 5 band WAS-LH certificate and plaque are available for working all 31 states on the usual 5 HF bands.
Worked All Continents - Lighthouse (WAC-LH)
Work and confirm lighthouse stations on all six continents (NA, SA, Oceania, Asia, Europe and Africa).
Worked All Call Areas - Lighthouse (WACA-LH)
Work and confirm lighthouse stations in all 10 USA call areas.
DX - Lighthouse (DX-LH)
Work and confirm lighthouse stations in at least 100 or more countries on the ARRL DXCC list. Basic award issued for 25 countries with endorsements by 25 until all 100 are worked. Endorsements available beyond the 100 level. All bands accepted, except for the 5 Band DX-Lighthouse award, only contacts on the usual 5 HF bands are permitted.
Lighthouse Award
Work and confirm contacts with 25 different lighthouses worldwide. Endorsements in increments of 25 are available thereafter. No state or country restrictions.
Member Award
Available to any amateur who submits log extracts showing two way communications with groups of 25 fellow members of the ARLHS.
Activator Award
This is a certificate for the station who has activated 10 or more lighthouses for the ARLHS program. Following the basic award, endorsements in increments of 10 are available. All lighthouses activated may be counted as worked.
Patriot Award
The Patriot Award is issued to commemorate the disaster suffered in New York City on September 11, 2001. The Patriot Award is available to all amateurs worldwide who submit proof with written confirmation of having contacted a lighthouse station in each of the thirteen original colonies of the United States (CT, DE, GA, MD, MA, NH, NJ, NY, NC, PA, RI, SC, VA). To encourage increased activity and station improvement throughout the bands, contacts on all amateur bands are accepted, including the WARC bands. The Patriot Award is available to SWL's on a heard basis. . All ARLHS General Rules and requirements are applicable. Contacts may be made over any period of years. Photocopies of cards are acceptable. QSL cards and application form must be submitted to the Patriot Award Manager Jim Weidner, K2JXW, P.O. Box 2178, Cinnaminson, New Jersey 08077.
All QSL cards sent must be accompanied by sufficient postage for their safe return (registered mail is recommended because it is traceable). Photocopies of QSL cards are permitted and recommended. Include fee of $5.00 for each Patriot Award certificate for ARLHS members and $10.00 for nonmembers. Cost for ALL endorsement seals (and award upgrades) is $2.00 for U.S. stations and $3.00 for DX stations, both member and nonmember. All applications require US currency, U.S. checks, International Money Orders, or U.S. Money Orders made payable to: The Weidner Publishing Group. IRCs are acceptable for return postage funds only.
(Tks K2JXW)(03)
-- Amateur Television Society Series --
General Requirements: Awards available to members only, but this is the kind of group you should belong to if interested in this specialized method of communications. Obtain membership Q number and exchange your Q number only in Video mode. Any ATV band may be used, SSTV or FAX. Awards will be made for each mode and band for which you qualify. Make separate application for each certificate. SWL contacts count as 1 point for each station received. Balloons and other beacons count for Quantum awards but only for ˝ point. Applications must contain the date, time, band, call, Q number received and mode used. Fee = $US3 per certificate. Apply to: ATVQ, 540 Oakton Street, DesPlaines, IL. 60018.
(TKS QST)(96)
Use 6 meters and up. Modes may be SSTV, FAX, AM FSTV, FM FSTV. Levels: 100 mile increments per mode per band. Qualification is making one or more contacts at distance. Exchange 2 way video, both call signs in video, Q number in Video. Repeaters not allowed, only direct QSO's. Multiple bands are recognized as separate contacts.
QUANTUM Worked ATV Stations
Bands: HF, 6, 2, 220, 430, 900, 1200, 2300MHz and up. Modes may be SSTV, FAX, AM FSTV or FM FSTV. Levels (QSO's): 20, 50, 100, 200, additional 100 increments. Exchange 2 way video, both call signs in video, Q number in video. Repeaters are allowed for QSO's but do not count as stations. Aeronautical stations = ˝ point. Apply with dates, times, bands, calls, Q numbers and mode. Each mode and band are separate.
America Radio Club Award
Contact 10 different members of the America Radio Club after 1 January 1987. SWL OK. No band or mode restrictions. GCR list and fee of $2US or 6 IRC's to: America Radio Club DX Contest, PO Box 3576, Hialeah, FL. 33013.
(TKS KA3RVH)(89)
AMSAT Series Awards
General Requirements: Photocopy of front and back of cards used must be sent. (eQSL's are not valid for these awards.) Fee of $3.50 for AMSAT members or $US5 for non-members, plus two units of postage. Apply to: AMSAT-NA Awards Manager, Bruce Paige KK5DO, PO Box 310, Alief, TX. 77411-0310
OSCAR Satellite Communications Achievement Award
Make one satellite contact with 20 different US or Canadian call areas or DXCC countries.
OSCAR Sexagesimal Award
Make one satellite contact with 60 different US or Canadian call areas or DXCC countries. The 20 contacts required for the OSCAR Satellite Communications Achievement Award may be included.
OSCAR Century Award
Make one satellite contact with 100 different US or Canadian call areas or DXCC countries. The 60 contacts required for the OSCAR Sexagesimal Award may be included.
South Africa AMSAT Communications Achievement Award
Make 25 satelllite contacts on any Phase II satellite (AO-7,
Fuji-Oscar 20/29, AO-21, AO-27 and RS-10/12/15, UO-14, AO-49, SO-50, Echo and
future satellites that are LEO.
(Chg 8/2005)
W4AMI Satellite Operator Achievmeent Award
Make 1000 two-way contacts with any stations on any satellite. Must be OSCAR-6 or later satellite only. Endorsements are issued for 2000, 3000 and 4000 contacts, and a special certificate is issued for 5000 or more contacts. For this award, send copy of logbook only to Mark Rosenberg AD4KS, 331 S. Yates, Memphis, TN 38120.
Satellite Communicators Club
Make one satellite contact. Send the report of your contact, plus $US1 for AMSAT members or $US2 for non-members and two units of postage to: AMSAT SCC Manager, PO Box 27, Washington, DC 20044.
(Chg 12/2001)
AMSAT Elmer Award
An Elmer is someone that helps another learn something new. In this case, an Elmer is someone that helps another ham get on the satellites for the first time or helps another ham improve their operating ability.
Level: | School Club Station | YL Operators | Young Operators (16 and younger) |
Ops licensed less than 2 yrs | Provide 1st Satellite contact ever |
Beginner Level | 1 | 4 | 4 | 10 | |
Intermediate (includes contacts from beginner level) | 2 | 8 | 15 | 2 | |
Expert (includes contacts from above levels) | 3 | 12 | 25 | 4 |
Any satellite may be used for these contacts but contacts must be made by Voice or CW. No packet contacts allowed. Contacts with the ISS, Shuttle or any other manned spacecraft are not to be used for this award. Contacts must be made on or after November 1, 2001. Call signs may be used only once. Therefore, if a call sign fits multiple categories, it is your choice as to which category you claim it for (i.e., Mahana, W5BTS, could be claimed for YL op, Young Op and Op licensed less than 2 years). School Club call signs count only towards the School Club category.
No QSL cards are required, however, random checks with the operators listed will be performed.
To submit for the award send a list in date/time order with the following information:Date/Date of Contact/Time of Contact/Satellite/Category to the AMSAT Awards Manager, KK5DO.
In your submitted list, please indicate what each category each contact fulfills: An entry might look like this:
ZZ2ZZ 5 Nov 2001 0300z UO-14 YL (this would be one of theYL contacts)
A certificate is available for $3.50 for AMSAT members and $5 for non_AMSAT members. Two units of postage are required for return of your certificate.
Appalachian Trail Century Contacts Award
Submit log extract showing that you worked at least 100 different stations while you were operating on the Appalachian Trail. The Trail winds for more than 2,160 miles starting in Georgia and ending in Maine. The award sponsor hopes that you will experiment with raising trail antennas and use a QRP rig to add enjoyment to your hiking experience. Applicants must pledge to send a $US5 to the Appalachian Trail Conference in Harpers Ferry, WV, and send in just $US2 as award application fee. Send SASE for special application form. With another stamp on your SASE, you might want to ask the sponsor for his special handout on trail antennas, including the "Squashed Quad" for 40 meters. Apply to: Dean Nold W9KX, 110 Eagle Fork Drive, Waynesville, NC 28786-8121.
Tks W9KX 7/03
ARIZONA Worked All Counties Award
Contact each of the 15 counties of the state of Arizona. All bands and modes of CW, SSB, FM, RTTY or Satellite. No endorsements available at this time. Contacts made via Cross Mode, Cross Band, (except satellite QSOs), Repeaters, Echo Link, CQ100 and IRLP do NOT count.) Fixed or mobile OK. Send e-mail to address shown below for special application. Subject line of your message should read: AZ-WAC APPLICATION.
GCR list is accepted. There is NO CHARGE for the award when you accept an electronic image of the award which you may print in your shack. If you wish pre-printed award mailed to you, the fee is $US5. In that case, mail application and fee to: Yavapai Amateur Radio Club, Attn:AZ-WAC, PO Box 11994, Prescott, AZ. 86304-1994.
Special Centennial Award will be issued if all contacts are made in 2012.
Tks W7YRC 9/2009
Worked All Arkansas
Sponsored by the Amateur Radio Klub of the Arkansas Northwest (ARKAN) for contacting each of the 75 counties of Arkansas. Mixed band and mode OK. Write to sponsor for special application/worksheet. SWL OK. GCR list and fee of %US5 to ARKAN, PO Box 9701, Fayetteville, AR. 72702.
(Tks K1ARK)(3/24/03)
Baltimore Amateur Radio Club Series. .
General Requirements: Contacts on or after January 1, 2000 except as noted. Contacts may be made on any band or mode. SWL OK. GCR accepted except as noted. Send application (available from sponsor or from website) and 9 X 12 SASE with 2 units of postage to: BARC Awards Program, P.O. Box 120, Reisterstown, MD 21136.
Tks N5FPW 3/02
The BARC Award
Work 15 different club members. At least 5 contacts must be made on the BARC repeaters. Exchange Call and Name. List of contacts should include name of operator.
BARC Up All Night Award
Work 10 different BARC members within a calendar year on any band or mode. Contacts must be made between 23:00 and 07:00 hours local time. Exchange Call and Name.
Radio On The Go Award
Work 12 Land mobile stations, (not in a building or permanent structure), of which 3 must be BARC members and 3 Maritime Mobiles anywhere. Exchange Call and RST. Application should indicate BARC members.
Worked All BARC Officers
Work all 5 BARC elected officers, President, Vice_President, Treasurer, Recording Secretary, and Corresponding Secretary. Contacts must be made between October 1 and September 30 of the following year. Exchange Call, Name and Office. This award can be achieved for each October 1 through the following September 30 calendar year.
Worked All Maryland
Work all 23 Maryland Counties plus Baltimore City, (24)
contacts in all. No date restrictions. NO REPEATER CONTACTS allowed. Submit
application with GCR list, QSL''s and 9 X 12 SASE. Endorsements
will be available for band and mode. For endorsements please, submit
application, and 9 X 12 SASE. (Note: Washington, DC counts for either Montgomery
or Prince Georges county. This
award is being personally sponsored by N3WD. Internet site:
Mail applications for this one to: Bill Dobson N3WD, P.O. Box 922, Reisterstown,
MD 21136.
Worked W3FT Award
Work W3FT on 2, 10, 15, 20, 40, and 80 meters. Contacts may be any mode. Exchange Call, Name and Operators Call of club station W3FT. Supply name home call of the operator with application.
BARC Century Award
Work enough BARC members, and BARC executive board members to total 100 points. Contacts may be made on any band any mode. Regular club members are worth 1 point, BARC Life members 2, and BARC Executive Board members 5. Contacts made on different bands and modes are considered different contacts.
BARC Alphabet Award
Work BARC members whose first letter of their suffix are the letters of the alphabet A_Z. Exchange Call and Name. Example: N3WD would be W, K3DUH would be D and N3JYO would be J.
Worked All Bands Award
Sponsored by the North East Weak Signal Group to recognize operators who successfully communicate on EACH amateur band allocation available for use in their country. This achievement is characterized by significant accomplishment on microwave bands.
Any 2-way QSO counts, with any mode, on EVERY band legally available for amateur operations within the geopolitical boundaries of any single country. Crossband contacts and contacts made through remote-base operations do not count for this award. Contacts made with Part 15 devices or under STAs are not accepted.
The QSOs must cover a distance of at least 1 kilometer. Any submission to be counted for a QSO of 10 kilometers or greater must indicate the location either with both latitude and longitude with precision to DD MM.MMM or DD MM SS.S or with six-digit Maidenhead locators. Any submission to be counted for a QSO of less than 10 kilometers must also have an accompanying map at a scale of 25,000:1 (or more detail) indicating the locations of both stations. A nonrefundable application fee of $US10 must accompany the WAB application to cover printing and mailing expenses. (Fee waived for the first 10 awards). Send application to: NEWS WAB Award Manager, Tom Williams WA1MBA, PO Box 28, Shutesbury, MA. 01072.
(Tks Dec 02 QST)
Worked All Benton Friendship Award
Work any 12 Benton, Arkansas stations. Any other stations in Saline County, Arkansas count as well. May only be earned by operators residing outside of the state. All bands and modes, no time limitations. GCR list and fee of $US1 to WAB Certificate Manager, Peg Porterfield KC5BKT, 4426 Congo Road, Benton, Arkansas 72015.
(TKS KB0ADI)(95)
Worked All Bowie (MD)
Contact stations in Bowie, Maryland. USA stations need 2, all others 1. No time, band or mode limitations. SWL OK. For fee, US stations should send a large (9 x 12") SASE, DXers fee is $US2 or 3 IRC's. Apply to John Rouse W3JLR, Award Manager, 2703 Bartlett Lane, Bowie, MD. 20715.
(Chg 00)
Buckeye Belle Certificate
The Buckeye Belles are a group of active YL operators from Ohio. Ohio
stations must work 12, other USA need 8, all others 4. GCR list and fee of $US1
to: Annette Wood KC8SQM, 6167 Oakwood
Circle, North Ridgeville, OH 44039-2663.
(Chg 12/07)
Worked All California Counties Certificate
Sponsored by the Northern California Contest Club. Contact each of the 58 different counties after 1 October 1987. All bands and modes ok, but no repeater or digipeater QSO's allowed. E-QSLs not valid. County must be printed or written on the card by person issuing the QSL. Portable and mobiles OK. Contacts must be made from the same country. Endorsements available by band or mode. Application available on their web site in downloadable version. Send the 58 cards and $US3 or 10 IRC's to: NCCC WACC Award, c/o Fred Jensen, K6DGW, 670 Old Airport Road, Auburn, CA 95603
(Chg 08)
Work The Thirteen 1993 Member Countries of Caricom
Sponsored by the friendly Caribus Connection, a Caribbean/USA network which provides a forum for Caribbean rooted amateurs and their counterparts. This award is available for contacting the 13 member countries of the Caribbean Community and Common Market called CARICOM. SWL OK. Contacts after 1 Jan 1994 with following member countries:
Antigua V2 | Dominica J7 | Montserrat VP2M |
Belize V3 | Grenada J3 | St. Kitts-Nevis V4 |
Bahamas C6 | Guyana 8R | St. Lucia J6 |
Barbados 8P | Jamaica 6Y | St.Vincent/Grenadines J8 |
Trinidad & Tobago 9Y |
The award is a multicolored beauty displaying all the flags of the island nations - well worth the price. GCR list and fee of $US5 to Vincent Bacchus KA2CPA, 130-72 227 St., Laurelton, Queens, NY. 11413.
(Chg 8/2001)
Checkered Flag Award
Sponsored by the Indianapolis Motor Speedway Amateur
Radio Club for contacting their official club station,
W9IMS during each of the three major auto races held at
the Speedway during the year:
1. Indianapolis 500 - May
2. U.S. Grand Prix (Formula One)
- July
3. Allstate 400 At The
Brickyard - August
A special commemorative QSL card is offered in conjunction with each of these events. The three qualifying QSOs may be made in different years, as long as each of the three contacts is made by the applicant. Check on their website for the exact dates for each event. W9IMS is generally active on the weekend before each race and operates continuously on both days of each race date. Look for them on: 1840, 3840, 7240, 14070 (PSK31), 14240, 21340, 28340, 50140 and 144240 SSB and 146.52 Simplex FM. SWL OK. There is no charge for the award but they ask you to send a certificate sized SASE when you apply for the award. Apply to: Indianapolis Motor Speedway ARC, PO Box 18495, Indianapolis, IN. 46218-0495, USA.
Tks W9IND 2/2006
Worked Chenango County (NY)
Contact at least 2 Chenango County, NY stations after 1 December 1989. HF bands only. Same station may be contacted on 2 different bands to count. GCR list and large SASE with enough postage to return a 2 ounce parcel by first class mail for stateside or airmail for DX. Each certificate winner will receive a small promotional booklet "A Walk Throughout Historic Chenango County". Apply to: CVARA Inc., PO Box 196, Bainbridge, NY 13733
(TKS K1RM)(91)
Chesapeake Bay Lighthouse Award
Work any five Chesapeake Bay Lighthouses. Submit copy of log (QSLs not needed). Log should include call and location of the lighthouse or lightship worked, along with date and time of QSO.
Available for amateurs and SWLs. A station may be counted if it is located within visual sight of the lighthouse. It does NOT have to be physically located on the lighthouse property. To count as a Chesapeake Bay lighthouse, stations may be located aboard vessels anchored in the vicinity of the lighthouse or lightship.
All modes and bands. Fee for certificate is $US1 (free for stations outside of the USA). Send log and SASE (9x12 size for flat certificate) to Jim Weidner K2JXW, PO Box 2178, Riverton, NJ 08077.
List of eligible lighthouses for SASE or on the Internet at:
(Chg 1/2004)
Worked All Club Stations - USA
Offered by the Vancouver Mountain Radio Club for contacting a bonafide club station once on any band in each of the 50 USA states. The call sign must be issued to an amateur group, college, university, school, military base or government station such as the Veterans Affairs hospitals and V.A. Domiciliaries. A person who is using their own personal call sign for a club station call sign is not eligible. All bands. You must have the cards. Contacts since 1 Jan 1980. Send $US3, your 50 QSL's (one for each state - your cards will be returned to you) to: Vancouver Mountain Radio club, Attn: Mr. D.Simonsen K7AEJ, PO box 1622, Vancouver, WA. 98668-1622.
(TKS WorldRadio)(94)
Worked All Collins Award
Work other amateur stations in each of the six continental areas of the world using Collins equipment two-way. That is, both stations must be using Collins equipment for both receive and transmit (a transceiver like the KWM-2 will be acceptable to meet this requirement). A special color WAC award certificate will be issued for working and confirming North America, South America, Oceania, Asia, Europe and Africa) on a variety of different bands and modes.
Submit log extract as proof of contact. The log should clearly show what Collins equipment was used in establishing contact by both parties. All contacts must be made after March 1, 2001, from the same country or separate territory within the same continental area of the world. The following information should be helpful in determining the continental area of a station located adjacent to a continental boundary:
Apply to: David Knepper, W3ST, Post Office Box 34, Sidman, PA 15955,USA
Colorado YL's Colorado Counties Award
Work Colorado counties for the 5 different levels of this award: Award Level US DX
D 15 10 - sYLver dollar seal with ribbons
C 30 20 - second sYLver dollar seal with ribbons
B 45 30 - third sYLver dollar seal with ribbons
A 55 40 - fourth sYLver dollar seal with ribbons
Special --All 63-- - special name tag type badge.
Indicate level applying for when you write. Endorsement seals are $1US. GCR list and fee of $1US to Marie Dambrosky WB0HUC, 2146 So. Washington St., Denver, CO. 80210.
(TKS KA3RVH)(89)
Colorado 14er Awards Series
General Requirements: Issued to promote amateur radio and back country, hiking/climbing and mountaintop operating. The Summit award is available to licensed amateur radio operators who make direct contact with radio amateurs operating from Colorado’s 14,000-foot peaks. The Pinnacle award is available to licensed amateur radio operators who actually operate from (activate) Colorado’s 14,000-foot peaks.
The official list of Colorado 14,000-foot (14er) peaks consists of the 54 peaks normally recognized as distinct 14,000-foot or greater mountains, as recorded on the Colorado 14er Event web site ( Mountaintop stations must be near the actual recognized summit of the mountain, within 500 vertical feet and 1000 horizontal feet of the highest point on the mountain. A contact requires at least the exchange of call signs on legal ham bands. Only one contact per peak. If applying for endorsements, peak credit may be re-used as long as all peaks submitted are unique. No use of terrestrial repeaters, but contacts via satellite repeaters are allowed. Contacts must be made on or after January 1, 1990. Endorsements are available upon request for HF-only, VHF/UHF-only, band, mode, satellite, etc. at the discretion of the Awards Manager. QSL cards are not required. You must use the official application form available at the Colorado 14er Event web site. Award fee is $US5. Apply to: Paul Ermisch KB0LUR, 17506 Celestine Court, Parker, Colorado 80134-9171.
Summit Award Rules
Pinnacle Award Rules
Internet Site:
Tks kb0lur 6/6/2003
Connecticut Counties Award
Sponsored by the Candlewood ARA for contacting each of the 8 counties of Connecticut: Litchfield, Fairfield, New Haven, Hartford, Middlesex, Tolland, New London and Windham. All modes and bands, no date restrictions. GCR list and 2 first class stamps for USA applicants or 3 IRC's for all others. Apply to: CARA, PO Box 3441, Danbury, CT. 06813.
Awards editor K1BV lives in Tolland County and is within walking distance of Windham and New London counties.
(TKS N8WXQ)(96)
Connecticut DX Association Award
Work members of this active DX club. (DX Awards Directory Editor K1BV was a member). US stations need 5, rest of world 3. SWL OK. No time, mode or band restrictions. GCR list and fee of $US1 or 3 IRC's to: Leon Goolsby KB1CQ, 24 Jackson Road, Bloomfield, CT. 06002
(Chg 3/2006)
Copper Country Award
Contact 4 different amateurs in Copper Country USA which is defined as Keweenaw, Houghton, Ontonagon or Baraga counties in Michigan. Contacts after 1 Sept 1990. GCr list and fee of $US1 and SASE to: Awards Manager, Copper Country Radio Amateur Association, PO Box 217, Dollar Bay, MI. 49931.
The Cyber Amateur Radio Club, Digital Radio Reflector, and the Chautauqua County Contest Club utilizes and offers the following program of 6 awards all requiring confirmation of needed contacts by e_QSL's.
WANYS: Confirmed QSO's with all counties within New York State (all band, mixed mode) No mobile or portable
WW50 : Confirmed QSO's with 50 DXCC entities (using ARRL DXCC list) all band mixed mode only. Endorsements are issued every additional 50 countries. use personal statistics for automatic verification.
CCPSK: Confirmed QSO's with 10 different Chautauqua County, NY, amateur radio stations on PSK31, Any bands 160_10 meters only.
Digital 3WAC: Confirmed QSO's with ALL continents in RTTY, PSK31 AND MFSK16. Any bands 160_10 Meters. WAC contacts must be achieved on EACH of the three digital modes.
CC10. Any confirmed 10 Ghz or higher QSO with any amateur station in Chautauqua County, New York.
WNY8. at least one confirmed QSO' with each of the 8 counties of Western New York (Chautauqua, Erie, Niagara, Allegany, Cattaraugus, Wyoming, Genesee, and Orleans). Mixed band, any mode. WNY stations must not be mobile or portable
For each of the above listed awards a E_certificate will be issued via email to the successful applicant. E_Awards are currently being designed, check back soon as more on_line displays of the E_Awards are added.
To apply for an CARC E-Award your confirmed EQSL cards MUST be on_file at
CARC will use the VerifyQSO.cfm program at to verify your QSL cards. You must also e-mail CARC at to start the application process. Please indicate which award you are applying for and an award specific application will be emailed to you within 24 hours. The application form will require that you insert QSO information that conforms with VerifyQSO.cfm syntax (instructions will be on the application form)
Please allow 72 hours for the application to be reviewed.
Tks ON4CAS 4/01
Worked All Dayton Award
Contact stations in Dayton, Ohio or in any of the following Ohio counties: Montgomery, Greene, Preble, Darke, Miami or Warren on and bands and modes. No repeater or digipeater QSO's. Ohio stations need 25, other USA 15, rest of world 10. Special endorsements are: (1) YL for 5 YL's, (2) Extra contacts each 25 additional stations, (3) Double Extra contacts for 50 more, (4) Sister City endorsement requires two contacts with either Auyer, Austria or Augsburg, Germany, (5) W8BI endorsement for one contact with DARA club station. Award is FREE. GCR list and 9"x12" SASE to: WAD Certificate, Dayton Amateur Radio Association, PO Box 44, Dayton, Ohio 45410-0044.
(TKS N8IBW)(93)
Worked All Delaware Award
Available to any licensed amateur who shows proof of working all 3 counties in Delaware. No use of repeaters. Send the cards (they will be returned along with the award) and fee of $5.00 for US and $8.00 all others. SWL OK. Joseph M. Grib, Jr., KI3B, 42 Anderson Ct., Bear, DE 19701-1676.
(Chg 9/2006)
DO-AZ Award
Contact Arizona counties in any of 4 categories:
1. Work all AZ counties with Full Time Arizona residents.
2. Work each AZ county two times on one or more HF bands.
3. Work 25 or more holders of this award while they are in AZ.
4. Work all AZ counties with one DO-AZ holder of record.
Contacts must be with a 2X2 or better report exchange. Endorsements for band/mode/etc upon request. Use special application available from sponsor. Apply with fee of $US1 to: The B&B Shop, 12312 N. 37th Avenue, Phoenix, AZ 85029.
(TKS W0OWY)(97)
Dummy Award
Work one holder of the Dummy Award - this will be displayed on their card. GCR list with other station's number and fee of $US4 to: Walter Kattendorf K4KAH, 3510 NE Linda Drive, Jensen Beach, FL. 34597.
(TKS PA3CUZ)(96)
-- ELECRAFT Awards Series --
General requirements: Open to all owners of the Elecraft K1 or K2 transceiver. Starting date is the date you got your transceiver. No cards are required, just the appropriate list. Contacts used for one award may also be used for any other one. Optional applications are available on their website. Fee for each award is $US2 or 2 IRC for DX. Please provide a return address label and include your e-mail address is applicable. Apply to: Jerry Bliss, K6iii, 17900 Los Alamos Dr., Saratoga, CA 95070.
Elecraft Worked All States
Work all 50 United States of America using your K1 and/or K2 transceiver. The other station does not need to be using an Elecraft rig. Submit a log of States and Calls. Please sort the list by state in alphabetical order.
Elecraft Century Club
Work 100 other Elecraft equipped stations with your K1 and/or K2. Submit a log showing each station's Elecraft transceiver model, Serial Number and Operator's Call.
Tks WT5Y 10/03
El Paso Award
Contact 15 El Paso, Texas stations, any band or mode, no time limitations. No charge, but suggest you send postage. GCR list including name of the operator your worked to: El Paso ARC, 2100 San Diego Avenue, El Paso, TX. 79930.
(TKS K1BV)(90)
Elser-Mathes Cup
To be awarded to the first licensed amateur making an Earth to Mars two-way contact. This award was established in 1929, a time when earthly DX records were routinely being broken, this award has not yet been claimed. No charge, and somewhat more than a GCR list will be needed. Apply to ARRL, 225 Main Street, Newington, CT. 06111.
(Hartford Courant)(88)
EX-G Club Award
Contact members of this club who are amateurs born in England and have since relocated to other countries. The contacts must be with members of record since 1980; contacts prior to membership are invalid. Any mode. Requirements:
EX-G Members | Non-Members | |
USA Members (no more than 2 in same call area) |
10 | 8 |
VE Members (no more than 3 in same call area) |
6 | 4 |
Members outside USA and Canada | 6 | 4 |
Total Required: | 22 | 16 |
GCR list and $2US. Applicants in NA, SA and Caribbean send to: Donald W. Wayner W3CTR, 416 Burkhart St., Johnstown, PA. 15906. All others apply to: Howard Cunningham G8FG, 235 Station Rd., West Moors, Dorset, England BH22 OHZ.
(ltr W3CTR)(88)
Fists CW Century Club Award Series
General Requirements: This is active chapter of the International Morse
Preservation Society whose purpose is the fostering of CW. Stations can only be
contacted once. GCR list must include the call, points, date, QRG and FISTS
number. Fee for members is 2 surface rate stamps or 2 IRCs, all others 5 IRCs.
You may join the group - the only requirement is a love of Morse code. Write to
sponsor for current fees. A QSL card is not needed to claim the contact for
Century Awards. Send a log extract including the call, points, date, QRG
and FISTS number. All FISTS awards can be applied for via e-mail only in
Excel, Word and Text files. Fee for members is 2 surface rate stamps or
$US1; all others $US3. Apply to FISTS Awards Manager, Dennis Franklin
K6DF, 4658 Capitan Drive, Fremont, CA. 94536-5448, USA.
A worksheet for the awards is available in PDF format on their website:
(Chg 10/05)
Basic Century Award
The Century Award is earned by working 100 points of FISTS members.
FISTS operating from the same country that you are in are worth one point.
FISTS operating from a different country, as defined by DXCC rules, are worth 2
points. FISTS affiliated club stations = 3 points. The following
FISTS National Club Stations are worth 5 points towards FISTS awards; GX0IPX #1,
ZL6FF #9600, VK2FDU #9610 and KN0WCW #10,000.
(Chg 10/05)
Silver Century Award
Same rules as Basic Century but for a total of 250 points. Points used to
claim the Basic Century may be used for this award. Send a log showing all 250
points used in the Silver Award.
(Chg 10/05)
Golden Century Award
Same rules as Basic Century but for a total of 500 points. Points used to
claim the Basic Century & Silver Century may be used toward the Gold Century
Award. Send a log showing all 500 points used for the Gold Award.
(Chg 10/05)
Diamond Century Award
Same rules as Basic Century but for a total of 1000 points. Points used to
claim the Basic, Silver and Gold Century's may be used toward the Diamond
Century. Send a log showing all 1000 points used for the Diamond Award.
Note: if you earn your Basic, Silver, Gold or Diamond award using QRP, (5 watts
or less), please state so at the time of application for that award. Your
call will be printed on the award as "Your Call - QRP".
(Chg 10/05)
Platinum Award
This award is earned by working 100 different Century Certificate holders.
The Century Certificate (CC) number must be obtained during an on-air CW QSO.
Each CC number is only counted once, for a total of 100 numbers, regardless of
location or band.
(Chg 10/05)
Platinum 250 Award
Contact 250 Century Award holders. Send a log showing all 250 CC numbers used
for the Platinum 250 Award.
(Chg 10/05)
500 Century Award
Contact 500 Century Award holders. Send a log showing all 500 CC numbers used
for the Platinum 500 Award.
(Chg 10/05)
Mobile Century Award
Earn 100 points on 2-way QSOs made while mobile on or after 1 Sep 98. Rules
same as Basic Century Award. Duplicate contacts do not count. For purposes
of this award, "MOBILE" means: Any land motor vehicle used to
transport people (car, truck, etc.). Transmitting and receiving antennas
must be physically attached to the vehicle. Transceiver must be located
inside the vehicle and powered by the vehicle's electrical system. You may
count the points claimed for the Mobile Award toward the one and two-way QRP
Awards if the power is 5 watts or less. They may also be counted toward
the Gold, Platinum, or other awards if you have not previously claimed these
(Chg 10/05)
Worked All States Award
Work FISTS members in all 50 USA states. The FISTS worked must be a member at
time of contact. Contacts must be made from the same location, or from locations
no two of which are more than 50 miles apart which is affirmed by the signature
of the applicant on the application.
(Chg 10/05)
FISTS Ragchewers Award
Make 100 2-way CW QSOs each lasting at least 30 minutes, with another FISTS
member on or after 1 Sept 1998. Duplicate member contacts are valid but must be
made on different dates. The Rag Chewers Award also requires the Start and Stop
times of each QSO be included with your log data.
(Chg 10/05)
1 X QRP Award
Earn 100 points of FISTS members while you are operating QRP, 5 watts or
less. Same point rules as the Basic Century Award.
(Chg 10/05)
2 X QRP Award
Earn 100 points of FISTS members while both you and the other station
contacted are both operating QRP, 5 watts or less. Same point rules as the
Basic Century Award.
(Chg 10/05)
Nightmare Alpha-Numeric FISTS Award (NANFA) NEW
Start date for this award is January 1, 2003. All contacts claimed for this award must be made after the starting date. There is NO TIME LIMIT to complete this award.
1) Contacts must be 2-way CW on-air contacts made on and after
Jan 1, 2003.
2) Contacts can be made at any time, any place at any speed.
3) Contacts must be with a person or club with a FISTS number.
4) Contacts can be with FISTS from any country.
The object is to work stations whose call signs fit into the squares on a grid. There are 260 squares (26 letters and 10 numerals) 'Counters' are the last numeral of the call sign and the first letter of the suffix. For example, K7ZR goes in the 7 column at the Z row. WZ8C fits in the 8 column on the C row. P31ABC would be in the 1 column on the A row. By convention, use the numeral of a portable designator if there is one - WB9CIS /M3 would be in the 3 column on the C row. Also put the date (month/day) in the square with the call sign for reference.
You can make your own grid sheet by taking a piece of 8.5" x 11" lined writing paper and drawing 10 each 3/4" vertical columns labeling them "1" through "0". Then go to the left-hand margin and label 26 of the horizontal stripes "A" through "Z".
To get your NANFA certificate, send your completed grid (filled in with the call signs and dates) along with your log containing the same contact info used for the Basic Century Award. If you work the award using QRP or Mobile state so on your award application. Your award certificate will then be printed with "Your Call - QRP" or "Your Call - Mobile".
(New 2005)(Tks PA3CUZ)
Five Borough Award
Offered by the Kings County Repeater Association for two contacts with each of the five boroughs of New York City, a total of 10 contacts. Mobile and portable contacts not permitted, unless they are with a Special Events station operating within the confines of NY City. All band and modes including PSK31. No use of repeaters or packet radio. Photocopies of the cards should be attached to your application. Application available at their internet site, or SASE to address shown. Send list and fee of $US5 to: KCRA Five Borough Award, Ed Madison W2SN, PO Box 280285, Brooklyn, NY. 11228-0285.
The boroughs of New York are: Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island and The Bronx.
New 3/03
Worked All Florida Award
To qualify for this award one must work all 67 counties beginning April 26, 2003, any mode, any band, no repeater contacts. The award has no special endorsements with the exception of working all 67 counties during a single FQP (Florida QSO Party). The cost is for domestic stations is $3. For DX stations the cost is $4 or 5 IRCs. QSLs are not required. GCR list to: Holly Kollenbaum K4XSS, 2930 Meadowood Dr., New Port Richey, FL 34655
Tks ON4CAS 4/23/03
Worked Frankford Radio Club
Work members of this contest active club. FRC members need 50, US stations 25, others 15. GCR list only, the award is FREE. Apply to: WFRC Award Manager, John M. Heisey K2FL/W3MDE, 616 Chestnut St., Palmyra, N.J. 08065.
Member list:
(Chg 05)