Last Change as of: 1/2007
--- Radio Club of Uruguay Series ---
General Requirements: GCR list signed by national awards manager or IARU association is acceptable. Fee for each award is $US5 or 10 IRCs. Apply to: Radio Club Uruguayo, Casilla de Correos 37, 11.000 Montivideo, R.O. del Uruguay. (94 CHG)
Communicados 19 Departamentos (C19D)
Work the 19 Uruguay departments. No mode or band restrictions. May be endorsed for mode or band at your request. Contacts after July 1945.
The department may be determined by the first letter after the call area:
ABC Montivideo | I Pavnsadu | O Tacuarembo |
D Canelones | J Salto | P Rivera |
E San Jose | K Artigas | R Maldonado |
F Colonia | L Florida | S Lavalleja |
G Soriano | M Flores | T Rocha |
H Rio Negro | N Durazno | U Treinta y Tres |
V Cerro Largo |
(CHG 98)
All CX
Work one CX station in each of the 9 call areas after 23 Aug 1983. For CX amateurs, the 9 must be in at least 3 bands. A minimum of 24 hours must separate each qso.
33 Orientales Award
Contact any 33 Uruguayan stations from any location outside of Uruguay. No band or mode restrictions. May be endorsed for any mode or band at your request. Contacts after 1 Jan 1953.
CXCW Award
Issued by the Grupo Uruguayo de Telegrafia for making cw only contacts with 5 CX stations including 3 of their members. SWL OK. Minimum RST is 338. Contacts after 1 August 1989. GCR list and fee of 6 IRCs to: CXCW Award Manager, Alberico B. Lopez CX4GL, 6 Sec Pol, 75001 Palmitos, Dp.Soriano, Uruguay.
(CHG 98)
Radio Club Minas Award
Contact 7 stations in the Dept. of Lavalleja (1st letter of their suffix is "S"), 5 of which must be members of this club. Contacts after 1 September 1989. All bands and modes. Local stations must submit their QSL cards, all others may use GCR. Fee is 6 IRCs. Apply to: Award Manager, Radio Club Minas, PO Box 512, 30.000 Minas city, Dp. of Lavalleja, URUGUAY.
(TKS CX4HS)(90)
San Jose Award
Contact 6 different San Jose, Uruguay stations any mode or band. Stations in this city have the letter "E" as the first letter of their suffix, such as CX1EA. GCR list and fee of 5 IRCs to: Radio Club San Jose, PO Box 59, 80000 San Jose, Dp. de San Jose, Uruguay.
(TKS CX4HS)(90)
Vanuatu Amateur Radio Society Award (YJ8)
Contact six different YJ8 stations who are members of the Vanuatu Amateur Radio Society since 30 July 1980. Contacts may be cw, ssb or rtty. Two contacts with the same YJ8 station will be accepted if they are made on different days, bands or modes. Endorsements for all one mode, band or additional stations worked. GCR list and $2US or 10 IRCs to: Awards Manager, VARS, PO Box 665, Port Vila, Vanuatu.
Radio Club Venezuela Series
General Requirements: GCR accepted. Fee for each award is $US5.
Apply to: Radio Venezuelan Club, Commission of Aids and Diplomas, Post-office
Box N.2285, Caracas 1010-A, Venezuela. (Recommended that Registered Mail
be used to send money.)
Diploma YV9
Confirm each of the 9 Venezuelan call areas using any band or mode. YV0
may be used to replace any missing call area.
YV200, YV300
The award is available in 3 levels:
YV100 requires 100 different Venezuelan stations.
YV200 requires 200 different Venezuelan stations.
YV300 requires 300 different Venezuelan stations.
DX200, DX300
This is the Venezuelan version of the DXCC award. All modes or bands may
be used to work countries on the ARRL DXCClist. It is granted after
confirming at least 100, 200 or 300 different countries. Submit a listing
in alphabetical order of the prefix of the country containing date, hour and
mode, and signed by two amateur radio operators of the QSL manager of your
Internet: http://www.radioclubvenezolano.org/
Tks PA3CUZ 6/01
Venezuelan States Award
Contact each of the 24 states (23 states plus the Capital District) which comprise the country of Venezuela on or after 1 January 1980. Available to any amateur or SWL in 4 versions: A- PHONE (SSB, AM, FM), B- CW, C- DIGITAL, D- MIXED
Contacts made by cross-band QSOs or those made through repeaters, nodes, relays or via Internet (echolink, iLink, etc) may not be used.. Satellite QSOs are accepted. The applicant, will have to demonstrate by means of the corresponding QSL cards, have contacted or listened all the Venezuelan States (24), can be worked in any band or mode assigned to the amateur radio.
Contact with stations operating portable in a Venezuelan state is considered valid. All contacts must be made with FIXED station locations, none with mobiles. The cards must be submitted along with a list of the contacts with full data including Station Worked, State, UTC, Date, Mode. Foreign stations need only send the list which must be certified by any society member of IARU. Fee for the award is 20.000 Bs for Venezuelan stations and $US12 or 24 IRC for all others. Apply to: D.E.V., RADIO CLUB VENEZOLANO, Comisión de Concursos y Diplomas, Apartado Postal 2285, Caracas 1010-A, Venezuela
Amazonas Carabobo Lara Sucre
Anzoátegui Cojedes Mérida Táchira
Apure Delta Amacuro Miranda Trujillo
Aragua Distrito Capita Monagas Vargas
Barinas Falcón Nueva Esparta Yaracuy
Bolívar Guarico Portuguesa Zulia
RULES FOR Venezuelan Stations Activating other States:
1. The station to contact has to be fixed, within the state limits. For that reason will not be considered valid contacts those conducted with stations of movable type, even being within the State limits.
2. The operators will be asked to demonstrate their stay in the State, by means of graphical proof (Such as pictures or video) in case of being queried by the Manager of the DEV. Graphical data like: location in the activated State, place of the station, facilities and members that compose the activation, for its validation must have made a minimum of 100 contacts.
3. Stations which are permanently located in each States, as the licensed State, do not need any special request to credit his own state.
Tks YV5GRB 11/206
Venezuelan Islands Award
Contact at least 20 (30 for Venezuelan stations) of the islands belonging to the country of Venezuela on or after 1 January 1980. Available to any amateur station or SWL and is issued in 4 versions A- PHONE (SSB, AM, FM), B- CW, C- DIGITAL, D- MIXED. Contacts by cross bands or modes may not be used, not those made through repeaters, nodes, relays or via Internet (echolink, iLink, etc). Satellite QSOs are accepted. All bands and modes. The Basic award will be granted to any foreign operator or listener (SWL) who has worked (or SWL), at least, 20 Venezuelan islands from the DIV directory. Venezuelan stations will need 30.
A special award will be granted to any Venezuelan or foreign operator or listener (SWL) who has worked (or SWL, at least, 50 Venezuelan islands from the DIV directory. The contact made by two stations, both on the same island, will be considered valid for this award. Those contacts made with portable stations will be considered valid, Venezuelan stations must send the QSLs together with complete listing of contact data: Station Worked (Heard), Island, UTC time, Date, Mode. All others need to send the list of the contacts certified by any society member of IARU. The D.I.V award fee for Venezuelan stations isl 20.000 Bs. And all others is $US12 $ or 24 IRC. Apply to: D.I.V., RADIO CLUB VENEZOLANO, Comisión de Concursos y Diplomas, Apartado Postal 2285, Caracas 1010-A, Venezuela
Tks YV5GRB 11/2006
Catatumbo Dimploma
Awarded for contacts with YV1 stations after 1 Jan 1981. Bolivarian and Central American Countries need 20, all other American countries 15, Europe and Africa 10, rest of the world 5. The R.C.V. official station YV1AJ will count for 3 contacts. Contacts may be in mixed modes, but mixed modes on a single contact are not valid. GCR list and 10 IRCs to: Radio Club Venezolano, PO Box 1214, Maracaibo 4001A, Venezuela.
Peninsula de Paraguana Award
Earn 17 points by working different stations / call signs of the Paraguana Team and the Peninsula of Paraguana area (Punta Cardon, Punto Fijo, Judibana, etc.) On any band or mode on or after 1-1-79.
Points: 5 for each QSO with members of Paraguana Team. 1 for each QSO with stations in Paraguana Peninsula area. GCR list and fee of $US6 or 6 IRCs to: Italo Stradiotto YV1AVO, PO Box 20, Punto Fijo, Edo. Falcon 4102, Venezuela. (Tks Internet)(00)
E-mail: yv1avo@telcel.net.ve