Australia - Heard All VK Call Areas to Germany - East and West
Updated 3/2008
The following awards are aimed at the SWL community. Most amateurs started as SWL's, and this interest continues at a high level, especially in Europe. Many SWL's will get an amateur license. Others, including amateurs, enjoy listening to foreign broadcast or utility stations in the non-amateur portions of the HF spectrum.
Heard All VK Call Areas Award
This is the "heard only" version of the WAVKCA award, available to SWL's on the same basis as amateurs, with the same fees and procedures. Refer to Australia section for details.
(TKS VK3JFE)(92)
Heard All Continents Award
Receive one QSL from a BC station in each of the continents of Europe, Africa, Asia, North America, South or Central America and Australia or Pacific. All stations must be logged within 24 hours from 0000 to 2400 UTC for the Silver Diploma. If this is accomplished within 12 hours, you qualify for the Golden Diploma. The QSLs submitted must have full details - QSLs without transmission details will not count. Only broadcast stations (not amateur or utility) which broadcast in the ITU assigned frequency ranges are valid. (No out-of-band transmissions such as feeders, etc.) Send the original cards and fee of 5€ for OE stations, 7€ for DL and 10€ or 8 IRCs for all others. Award is a handsome 20x14" reproduction of an old world map on heavy yellow paper. Apply to: ADXB, Postfach 1000, 1081 Wien, Austria.
E-mail: office@adxb-oe.org
(Chg 10/2005)
U.B.A. SWL Champion
Available to any SWL or OM. Requirements:
1. Provide proof of having received SWL reports from:
a. 100 DXCC countries
b. all continents
c. all Belgian provinces plus
region of Brussels once and 20 additional ON stations.
GCR list. If awards are obtained for DXCC or HAC, a photocopy of these will be sufficient proof. Licensed amateurs may apply for the award if he/she has received 20 SWL reports of UBA SWL's, and answered them, or has met the same requirements as the SWL. Amateurs applying under these conditions must declare upon their honor that they have received and answered the cares. Fee is 10€ or $US10 to: Brenda Casteleyn ON1AKU, Ferd. Coosemansstraat 32, B-2600 Berchem, Belgium.
(Chg 3/2003)
U.B.A. SWL Master
Available to any SWL or OM. Requirements:
1. Provide proof of having received SWL reports from:
a. 100 DX countries on 5 bands (5BDXCC)
2. all continents on 5 bands (5BHAC)
3. all Belgian provinces (10) plus
region of Brussels on 2 bands.
4. all 40 CQ Zones (WAZ)
5. Having participated in a contest organized by UBA or one of its local
clubs and being mentioned in the results.
6. Possessing the "UBA SWL Champion" award.
GCR list. If awards are obtained for 5BDXCC, 5BHAC, HABP and WAZ, a photocopy of these will be sufficient proof. Mention of the contest and result. Mention of the award number for UBA SWL Champion. Free to UBA-members (enclose copy of membership card); non-UBA members 10€ or $US10. Apply to: Brenda Casteleyn ON1AKU, Ferd. Coosemansstraat 32, B-2600 Berchem, Belgium.
(Chg 3/2003)
Czechoslovak DX Club Series
General Requirements: GCR accepted. Fee for each award is 3€, $US3 or equivalent plus 1 IRC for surface mail or 2 for air mail delivery. Apply to: Jaroslav Bohac, Jizerska 2900/11, CZ-400, 11 Usti nad.Labem., Czech Republic. Unless noted otherwise, only BC stations are allowed, (state-owned, private, pirate, clandestine and unofficial.). Frequencies are not limited (LW, MW, SW, FM). Stations may be counted separately only if the have, at least for a part of their regular programs, also their own program which shall be heard and verified (see networks of state owned stations, etc.). Countries (including former ones) by EDXC list of countries.
(Chg 10/2005)
Internet: http://www.csdxc.cz
E-Mail: mail@csdxc.cz
African Countries
Available for 10, 20, 30 etc. countries of the African Continent. Middle
East area counts as Asia. These
awards show different pictures.
(Chg 3/2008)
African Stations
Available for 10 or 20 BC stations (Version I) and 30 or 40 or more BC stations
(Version II) from African countries.
(New 3/2008)
All Continents
Available for the following minimum indicated number of verified
stations/countries on all five continents (Antarctica = Oceania). Europe
50/30, Africa 40/30, America 50/20, Asia 40/30, Oceania 10/5. If you send
a list with higher numbers, (stations in multiples of 10, countries of 5), your
numbers will be included on the award.
Available for 10, 20, 30 etc mediumwave stations on the whole American
continent. (North America + South America + Central America).
Arabic World
Available for 10, 20, 30 etc stations from Arabic speaking countries. The
awards show different pictures.
(Chg 10/2005)
Available for 10, 20, 30 etc Standard Frequency and Time Stations all over the
Czech and
Slovak FM
Available for 5, 10, 15 etc FM stations of the Czech and/or Slovak Republics.
Available for 20-30-40 etc European stations.
Available for 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 European countries. This award is
different than Europe (stations).
(Chg 12/06)
Available for stations from all particular parts of the full SW coverage
2300-26100 KHz (120, 90, 75, 60, 41,
49, 25, 21, 19, 16, 13, and 11 meter
bands. At least one station from each of these bands.
(Chg 10/2005)
Germany All
Available for 10, 20, 30 etc stations of the Federal Republic of Germany and the
former GDR on all bands (LW, MW, SW, FM). Number of stations for each band
is not specified but at least one station in each band.
Available for 20, 30, 40 etc stations from all 17 countries surrounding the
Mediterranean Sea: Gibraltar, Spain, France, Monaco, Italy, Malta, Greece,
Cyprus, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria,
Morocco). At least one station from each country.
Available for Czech and/or Slovak non-directional radionavigation beacons.
The number of NdBs according to your list.
Available for 10, 20, 30 etc stations of the Pacific Oceania including
Australian areas.
Available for a non-specified number of
BC and/or utility stations operating behind
polar circles. Your number of stations will be shown on the award.
(Chg 10/2005)
Available for at least 20 of the following religious stations: AWR Europe,
TWR Monaco, IBRA Radio, Radio
(Chg 9/2009)
Available for 10, 20, 30 etc stations operating between the Tropic of Cancer and
Tropic of Capricorn, in the tropical bands from 2300 to 5850 KHz.
Available for 10, 20, 30 etc stations
operating in the UK. Awards for 10/20 and 30/40, 40+ show different
(New 10/2005)
Available for 10, 20, 30 etc stations of the USA including Alaska, but excluding
Hawaii. Awards for 10/20, and 30/40, 40+
stations show different pictures.
USA Mediumwave
Available for 10, 20, 30 etc stations of the USA on medium waves in the band from 520 to
1700 including Alaska, but excluding Hawaii. This
award is completely different from the USA award shown above.
(Chg 10/2005)
Available for 50, 100, 150 etc utility stations regardless of frequency and traffic
(Chg 10/2005)
Available for 100, 125, 150, 175, 200 verified countries regardless of
DX Listeners Century Award (DXLCA)
May be claimed by any SWL who can produce evidence of having received signals from amateur radio stations located in at least 100 DXCC countries. Endorsement stickers are available for every 25 additional countries confirmed up to 250 countries, in steps of 10 countries from 260 to 300 countries, and in steps of 5 countries above 300 countries confirmed. Submit a list in radio prefix order with the call-sign and country name. A 5 band endorsement is available for hearing 100 countries on 5 bands. The same countries do not have to be heard on each band. Endorsements are available for hearing 100 countries on 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 bands. They need not be the same countries on each band.
See RSGB listing under ENGLAND for fees and custodian address.
--International Short Wave League Program ---
General Requirements: This is an organization which sponsors a series of awards for the amateur and SWL. Note that some are only for the SWL. Details on ISWL membership and the benefits of its QSL bureau are available from its Secretary. ISWL awards are free to members. For non-members, the cost for each award for Europeans is £3.00, $3 and for DX is US$4 or 6 IRCs. Endorsement stickers are UK 50 pence, EU and DX 1€, $US1 or 1 IRC. Special applications and checklists are required for their Pacific Ocean Award, European Award, Commonwealth Award and Zone Award - all these claim forms for 3 IRC and SASE. ISWL accepts e-mail QSLs for all of its awards. GCR list to: Mr Dick King G-14167 / M5DIK, 10 Bucks Avenue, Oxhey, Watford, Hertfordshire WD19 4AS England
Internet: http://www.iswl.org.uk/awards.htm
(Chg 10/05)
African DX Diploma
For verified
contact/reception of 25 countries located in the African continent.
Endorsements for 35 and 45 countries.
(New 10/05)
Americas Award
contact/reception of different DXCC countries within the continents of North and
South America..
Broadcast: 20, 28 or 35 countries.
Amateur: 30, 40 and 50 countries.
Century Club
For verified contact/reception of 100 countries as defined on ISWL Country List, with stickers for each additional 25 countries up to 350.
Continental Award
For verified contact/reception of 10 stations in each of the 6 continents; 60 QSLs.
Commonwealth Award
For verified contact/reception of different countries
within the British Commonwealth of Nations. BC: Bronze = 20, Silver = 28 Gold = 35
AM: Bronze = 30, Silver = 45 Gold = 60 countries.
(Chg 11/07)
European Award
For verified contact/reception of different countries within the Continent of Europe.
BC: Bronze = 22 Silver = 30 Gold = 38 countries.
AM: Bronze = 40 Silver = 50 Gold = 60 countries
(Chg 11/07)
Pacific Ocean Award
For verified contact/reception of different countries which have at least
a part of their coastline on or in the Pacific Ocean, as VE, W, VK, etc.BC: Bronze = 15 Silver = 23 Gold = 30 countries.
AM: Bronze = 30 Silver = 45 Gold = 60 countries.
(Chg 12/06)
Monitor Award
For verified contact/reception of 25 licensed ISWL members since 1 Jan 1970, with stickers for each additional 25 members up to 200. Licensed members need confirmation from 15 ISWL SWL members, with stickers for each additional 15 members up to a maximum of 120. Licensed members may also count cards from ISWL SWL members for this award.
States Award
Only for amateur receptions.
Verify contact/reception of 30 different states of the United States of
America. Endorsements for 40 and all 50 states.
(New 10/2005)
Zone Award
For verified contact/reception of zones as defined on ITU
zone map. BC: Bronze = 20 Silver = 35 Gold = 50 Zones
AM: Bronze = 40 Silver = 50 Gold = 60 Zones.
(Chg 11/06)
5 Band DX CC Award
For verified contact/reception of 100 different countries, on each of 5 separate bands. (500 contacts in all).
Short Wave Broadcast DX Award
Available to any BC listener for verified reception of Short-Wave Broadcast stations in all 6 continents with the number of countries needed in each continent as below:
Number of countries in:
Europe | Africa | Asia | N.A. | S.A. | Oceania | Total | |
Class 1 | 35 | 40 | 35 | 12 | 10 | 8 | 140 |
Class 2 | 20 | 30 | 27 | 10 | 7 | 6 | 110 |
Class 3 | 25 | 22 | 18 | 7 | 5 | 3 | 80 |
Class 4 | 17 | 15 | 10 | 4 | 3 | 1 | 50 |
Geoff Watts Memorial Award
Geoff Watts ISWL G-7187/BRS-3129 was the first SWL in the world to be honored with the CQ Magazine "DX Hall of Fame Award" with Distinction. He was also the first British SWL to have 40 Zones and 300 DXCC countries confirmed. He founded the IOTA Award and his prefix lists were used by amateurs and SWL's world-wide.
To qualify, you must have confirmation of working or hearing the following countries and Islands since 1 Jan 1995:
Greenland | Wake Island |
Europa Island | Ascension Island |
Orkney Islands | Taiwan |
Falkland Islands | Trinidad |
Faroe Islands | St. Lucia Island |
Special claim form must be used - get from sponsor for SASE/IRC. Cards or copies must accompany the application. Free to ISWL members - non-members UK£3m $S6 or 14 IRCs.
(TKS DE1JSH)(97)
adxb-DL Series ---
General Requirements: The emphasis is on the SWL, but amateurs are eligible as noted. Apply with GCR and fee of 5€ or $US8 (no IRCs) . Sponsor reserves right to ask for any card. Apply to: adxb-DL, Andreas Reus, Habichtsweg 26, D-64380 Robdorf, Germany. The country definitions come from the EDXC list for broadcasters and the DXCC list for radio amateurs. The fees are 5€ for DL's and all others 8€ or $US8.
Africa Diploma Pennant - submit proof of having received QSLs from broadcasters on the African Continent from 20 different countries. For amateurs, send only ham QSLs, for SWL’s, send BC station QSLs.
Asia Diploma Pennant - as above, but Asia. For amateurs, send only ham QSLs, for SWL’s, send BC station QSLs.
America Diploma Pennant - as above, but from the Americas. For amateurs, send only ham QSLs, for SWL’s, send BC station QSLs.
Four-Band Diploma - provide proof of having received QSLs for different numbers of countries by either Broadcasting stations or from Amateur Radio operators from each of 4 different broadcasting bands (The broadcasters will have used 120meters to 11 meters and amateurs will have used 160 meters to the 70cm bands):
Class 3 for 5 countries on 4 bands = 20 QSL cards.
Class 2 for 25 countries on 4 bands =
100 QSLs.
Class 1 for 50 countries on 4 bands = 200 QSLs.
Internet: http://www.adxb-dl.de/adxbdipl.htm
(Chg 11/07)
ADDX Series ---
General Requirements: Send list of stations verified. Verified radio
countries are always those where the transmitters are located. ADDX members pay 3€
for each award. Non-members pay 4€. IRCs also accepted; 5 for members and 8
for non-members. Endorsement stickers are available for return postage (or 1 IRC)
is enclosed with the application. The GCR list requires use of the ADDX country
list which may be obtained from the sponsor for a SASE or 1
IRC. Apply to: ADDX
e.V. Awards Manager, Andreas Schmid, Lerchenweg
4, D-97717 Euerdorf, Germany.
E-mail: dc4kx@t-online.de
Internet: http://www.addx.de/addx/dpl-px.htm
(CHG 11/2007)
25 Lander Deutsch
Award for verified reception of radio stations in 25 radio countries that operate a service in the German language.
40/50 Lander Deutsch
As above, with 40 or 50 countries.
50 Lander Deutsch
Award for verified reception of 50 radio stations in different countries. (ADDX list)
(Chg 10/2001)
75, 150, 175, and 200 Lander
As above, but with 75, 150, 175, or 200 countries. (ADDX list)
90 M. Band Diploma
Award for verified reception of radio stations in 5 countries operating in the 90 meter band (3200-3500 KHz). Additional stickers for 10 and 15 countries.
60 M. Band Diploma
Award for verified reception of radio stations in 10 countries operating in the 60 meter band (4400-6600 KHz). Additional stickers for 25 and 50 countries.
49 M. Band Diploma
Award for verified reception of radio stations in 10 countries operating in the 49 meter band (5850-6600 KHz). Additional stickers for 25 and 50 countries.
41 M. Band Diploma
Award for verified reception of radio stations in 5 countries operating in the 41 meter band (7100-7700 KHz). Additional stickers for 10 and 25 countries.
31 M. Band Diploma
Award for verified reception of radio stations in 10 countries operating in the 31 meter band (9900-10100 KHz). Additional stickers for 25 and 50 countries.
25 M. Band Diploma
Award for verified reception of radio stations in 10 countries operating in the 25 meter band (11450-12150 KHz).
Additional stickers for 25 and 50 countries.
22 M. Band Diploma
Award for verified reception of radio stations in 5 countries operating in the 22 meter band (13400-13950 KHz). Additional stickers for 10 and 25 countries.
(Tks PA3CUZ)(10/02)
19 M. Band Diploma
Award for verified reception of radio stations in 5 countries operating in the 19 meter band (15000-15700 KHz).
Additional stickers for 25 and 50 countries.
16 M. Band Diploma
Award for verified reception of radio stations in 5 countries operating in the 16 meter band (17400-18100 KHz). Additional stickers for 10 and 15 countries.
13 M. Band Diploma
Award for verified reception of radio stations in 5 countries operating in the 13 meter band (21400-21950 KHz).
Additional stickers for 10 and 15 countries.
11 M. Band Diploma
Award for verified reception of radio stations in 5 countries operating in the 11 meter band (25600-26200 KHz).
Additional stickers for 10 and 15 countries.
Anden Diploma
Award for verified reception of 5 radio stations of the Andes from Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, Colombia or Peru (540-30000 KHz). Additional stickers for 10 and 15 stations.
Brasilien Diploma
Award for verified reception of 5 Brazilian radio stations (540-30000 KHz). Additional stickers for 10 and 15.
Free Radio Diploma I
Award for verified reception of 5 Free Radio stations operating on FM, Medium Wave or Short Wave.
Free Radio Diploma II
Award for verified reception of 10 Free Radio stations operating on FM, Medium Wave or Short Wave. Additional stickers for 25 and 50 stations.
Mittelwellen Diploma
Award for verified reception of radio stations in 10 countries operating on Medium Wave (150-1620 KHz). Additional stickers for 25 and 50 countries.
NordAmerika Diploma
Award for verified reception of 5 stations from North America (Alaska, USA, Canada, Bermuda, Greenland and St Pierre Miquelon) on Medium Wave and Short Wave (50-30000 KHz). Additional stickers for 10 and 15 stations.
Spanien Diploma
Award for verified reception of 5 Spanish radio stations (FM and MW). Additional stickers for 10 and 25 stations.
Tropenband Diploma Afrika
Award for verified reception of 10 radio stations operating in the Tropical Bands (2300-5900 KHz). Additional stickers for 25 and 50 stations. To get the maximum number of 50 stations, different tropical band frequencies of one broadcaster are considered different stations for awards purposes.
Tropenband Diploma Amerika
Award for verified reception of 10 radio stations from Central and South America operating in the Tropical Bands (2300-5900 KHz). Additional stickers for 25 and 50 stations.
Tropenband Diploma Asien
Award for verified reception of 5 radio stations in Asia and the Pacific region operating in the Tropical Bands (2300-5900 KHz). Additional stickers for 10 and 25 stations.
UdSSR/GUS Diploma
Award for verified reception of 5 stations in the GUS (150-30000 KHz). Additional stickers for 10 and 15 stations. At least half of the stations must be local soviet broadcasters. The rest can be regional transmitter sites of Radio Moscow, but these sites have to be different from those verified by local stations.
UK Diploma
Award for verified reception of 10 local broadcasters on Medium Wave in the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland. (520-1620 KHz). Additional stickers for 25 and 50 stations.
UKW Diploma
Award for verified reception of 5 radio station in UKW-Band (87.5-108 MHz). Additional stickers for 10 and 25 radio stations.
Venezuela Diploma
Award for verified reception of 5 Venezuelan radio stations (540-30000 KHz). Additional stickers for 10 and 15 stations.
Zeitzeichen Diploma
Award for verified reception of time signal stations in 3 countries. Additional stickers for 5 and 10 countries.
(Chg 8/2001)
GERMANY/SWL ---East and West Radio Club Series (EAWRC) --- (REWRITE 6/2003)
General Requirements: SWL ONLY. GCR accepted. Application fee is 5€
for each award,
though HAC award is free. Apply to: EAWRC Award
Secretary, Bahnhofstr.56, D-50374 Erftstadt, Germany.
(Chg 6/2003)
50 and 100 Countries Award
Provide proof of reception of 50, 100 125 or 150 countries of the world. (02)
Africa Award
Provide proof of reception of 10, 20, 30 or 35 countries of Africa.
America Award
Provide proof of reception of 10 or 20 countries of North, Central and So.Am. (88) (only BC stations)
Asia Award
Provide proof of reception of 10, 20, 30 or 35 countries of Asia. (02) (only BC stations)
Free Radio Award
Provide proof of reception of 25 different Free radio stations. The award displays the skull and crossbones of such pirate stations!
Germany Award
Provide proof or reception of at least 20 broadcast stations from Germany. You may also count Free radio and foreign stations which originate from Germany.
German Speaking Programs (Deutschsprachige Programme)
Hear German-language broadcast programs. Class 1 = 10, Class 2 = 20, Class 3 = 30, and Class 4 = 40. (New 10/02)
Heard All Continents
Provide proof of reception of broadcast stations in all 6 continents of the world. This award may be endorsed for hearing all the continents in one year, one month, one week, in 24 hours, 12 hours and 6 hours as well as 60 minutes or 30 minutes! It may be endorsed by the kind of station (all, BC, utility or amateur radio). Also by frequency range: everything, MW, HF, each of the meter bands. You may apply for several variations at the same time.
Middle-East Awards
Provide proof of reception of 10, 20 or 30 countries of the Arab World. Valid are BC and utility stations (note: this is an exception; all other awards require only BC). Countries include: Morocco, West-Sahara, Algeria, Mauritania, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Sudan, Somalia, Djibouti, Cyprus, Turk.Fed.Cyprus, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrein, Oman, Yemen (Arab Rep.), Yemen (PDR) and United Arab Emirates. (88)