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Updated as of 11/2008 

 U.R.E. Series ---

General Requirements: GCR by Award Manager of an IARU affiliated society is acceptable. 
Fee for each award is 6€, 7 IRC or $US6.
Endorsements 6€, 7 IRC or $US6.
Medal is 18€, 20 IRCs or $US18.
Plaque is 42€, 47 IRCs or $US42. 
SWL OK. Apply to: URE, PO Box 220, 28080, Madrid, Spain.


(CHG 2/09)

CIA Award

Contact Iberoamerican countries in 2 levels:

Gold - work 20 Iberoamerican countries, plus Portugal and Spain (22)
Silver - work 15 Iberoamerican countries, plus Portugal and Spain (17)

Iberoamerican countries are: CE CO CP CX HC HI HK HP HR YN/HT KP4 LU OA PY TG TI YS YV XE and ZP. CW or phone contacts are valid.

DME (Spanish Towns Award)

Work at least 300 different Spanish towns on or after starting date of 1 Jan 1999. All bands OK. Cards must clearly show name or reference number of each town. Endorsement for each added 100 towns up to 3000, thereafter endorsement each added 50 towns up to 6000, then each added 5 towns. Special medal awarded for 4000 credited towns and a plaque awarded for 8000. 

(Chg 10/02) 

EA 100 DX Award

Awarded for contacting 100 different countries which must include EA, EA6, EA8 and EA9. Phone and cw awards, all HF bands may be used. For the mixed mode, contacts on phone and CW only are valid.  It is necessary to contact all Six continents plus Antarctica, both SSB and CW.  If you have earned the award on SSB or CW, youmust only submit the list and QSL of contacts with these contacts in each mode. Contacts since 1 Apr 1949. Endorsements for 25 or 50 additional countries. All current countries from ARRL DXCC and WAE awards are valid. (This means GM3-Shetlands, JW-Bear Island, IT9-Sicily UA/N or UN1-Karelia and 4U1VIC-ONU Vienna will count.) Submit list in alphabetical order. Cards must be sent to sponsor for this award and a special application form must be used. This may be obtained from the sponsor or from K1BV for SASE/IRC. Fee for basic certificate: 12€, 14 IRCs or $US12. 

(CHG 10/02) 

5B EADX 100 Award

Work 100 countries on five of the HF bands 10, 12, 15, 17, 20, 40, 80 and 160 meters. The same country must be confirmed on 5 of these bands. It is necessary to work EA, EA6, EA8 and EA9. The applicant must already possess the baisc EADX100 award. Endorsements each additional 10  up to 300.  There is a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 9 QSOs per country.  The award is a special plaque.  

(Chg 10/02)

Espana Award

Contact Spanish stations after 1 Jan 1952 as follows:

HF - EA stations and SWLs need 90 contacts, 10 on 4 bands each from all 9 call areas with a minimum of 35 provinces represented.  EC stations, same as EA, but on 3 bands from each call area. Others 80 contacts; 10 from each call areas 1,2,3,4,5,7 and 8. 5 each from call areas 6 and 9.  Contacts must be on 3 different bands and represent 30 different provinces.  See TPEA for province list. 

(Chg 10/02) 

TPEA Award

Contact a station in each of the 52 Spanish provinces after 1 Mar 1979. All HF bands valid, no mobile contacts allowed. No repeater or satellite contacts allowed.  Provinces are: (CHG 96)

EA1 - Asturias (O), Avila (AV), Burgos (BU), Santander (S), LaCoruna (C), Leon (LE), Lugo (LU), Orense (OR), Palencia (P), Pontevedra (PO), Logrono (LO), Salamanca (SA), Segovia (SG), Soria (SO), Valladolid (VA), Zamora (ZA).

EA2 - Alava (VI), Guipuzcoa (SS), Huesca (HU), Navarra (NA), Teruel (TE), Vizcaya (BI), Zaragoza (Z).

EA3 - Barcelona (B), Gerona (GE), Lerida (L), Tarragona (T).

EA4 - Badajoz (BA), Caceres (CC), Ciudad Real (CR), Cuenca (CU), Guadalajara (GU) Madrid (M), Toledo (TO).

EA5 - Albocete (AB), Alicante (A), Castellon (CS), Murcia (MU), Valencia (V).

EA6 - Baleares (PM).

EA7 - Almeria (AL), Cadiz (CA), Cordoba (CO), Granada (GR), Huelva (H), Jaen (J), Malaga (MA), Sevilla (SE).

EA8 - Las Palmas (GC), Tenerife (TF).

EA9 - Ceuta (CE), Melilla (ML). 

(CHG 10/02) 

5BTPEA Award

Special plaque is available for 5 band TPEA. QSL cards are necessary. 

(Chg 10/02)

100 EA CW Award

100 points needed by contact with EA stations after 1 Jan 1966 as follows:

Stations in CQ Zones 14, 15, 16, 20 and 33 need to work 100 EA cw (1 pt per qso)

Stations in CQ Zones 4, 5, 8, 9, 11, 17, 18, 21, 22, 34, 35, 36 and 37 need 50 EA contacts (2 pts per qso).

Rest of the world need 25 EA on cw. (4 pts per qso).

All applicants need at least 7 call districts and contacts on 3 different bands. The same station may be worked on different bands. A silver medal is awarded for 500 points, a gold medal for 1000. 

 (CHG 10/02)

Diploma Comarcas De Aragon

Contact each of the 33 regions of the province of Aragón after 1 Jan 2001 for this trophy. SWL OK. All contacts must have been made on the same band: HF, 2m or 70 cm. Modes fone or CW. The award is a large plaque, free to EQ stations. All others write for current price of the plaque. Send log and QSL-cards or copies of the cards to Consejo Territorial de URE en la Comunidad Autónoma de ARAGON, Apartado Postal nº 122, 22.080 Huesca, Spain.

Regions are:

01.-JA. Jacetania.

02.- AG. Alto Gallego.

03.- SO. Sobrarbe.

04.- RI. Ribagorza.

05.- CV. Cinco Villas.

06.- HH. Hoya de Huesca.

07.- SB. Somontano de Barbastro.

08.- CM. Cinca Medio.

09.- LL. La Litera.

10.- MON. Monegros.

11.- BC. Bajo Cinca.

12.- SM. Somontano del Moncayo.

13.- CBO. Campo de Borja.

14.-AR. Aranda.

15.-RAE. Ribera Alta del Ebro.

16.- V. Valdejalón.

17.- Z. Zaragoza.

18.-RBE. Ribera Baja del Ebro

19.- CAS. Caspe.

20.- CAL. Calatayud.

21.- CC. Campo de Cariñena.

22.- CBE. Campo de Belchite.

23.-BM. Bajo Martín.

24.-CD. Campo de Daroca.

25.-CALM. Calamocha.

26.-CM. Cuencas Mineras.

27.- AN. Andorra.

28.-BA. Bajo Aragón.

29.-TE. Teruel.

30.-MAE. Maestrazgo.

31.-ALB. Albarracín.

32.-GJ. Gúdar-Javalambre.

33.- MAT. Matarraña.

E-mail: E-mail:


Tks PA3CUZ 2/03

Municipalities of Asturias Award

Sponsored by URE Gijón (S.T. URE GIJON). Contact and confirm each of the 78 municipalities of Asturias. One contact with EA1URG representing the Gijon municipality is mandatory. Contacts on or after 1 January 1997. All HF bands are allowed and only SSB or CW

QSo’s are allowed with fixed, portable or mobile stations but only one qso per day for portables or mobiles. Every QSO must be confirmed by QSL card and the municipality must be noted on the card together with all of the dates of QSO. Send complete log extract, QSL’s and the fee of 5€ to: URG, "VOCALIA DEL DIPLOMA DE LOS CONCEJOS DE ASTURIAS", Apartado postal 318, E-33280- Gijón, PRINCIPADO DE ASTURIAS, SPAIN.


Tks EA3GHZ 5/2/08

Recreational Areas of Asturias AWARD

Sponsored by the URE Section of Avilés for contacting stations which are located in any of the recreational areas of the principality of Asturias. SWL OK. The award was established in August 2005, and will continue to be offered until 500 awards are issued. Contacts may be made from 6 meters to 80 meters using SSB only. For get the award you need to get 40 recreations areas confirmed. A separate award is available for activators. Contact URE AVILES at for details.

Send a log extract with call sign, reference number of the recreational area, date, time, band and RST to: EA1AHA Juan Carlos Acebal Rafael EA1AHA, P.O. Box: 163, E-33400 AVILES – ASTURIAS – SPAIN.


(Includes listing of valid areas)


Bizkaia Hermitage Diploma

The Amateur Radio Union of Biscay, Amateur Radio association of Bizkaia, URE section in the province of Bizkaia sponsors this award to publicize the hermitages and towns where those hermitages are located in the province of Bizkaia.

Contact at least 30 hermitages and local towns as listed in the WWW reference sinc 1-1-2000. The references of the hermitages are same as those listed in the D.E.E directory and are valid for both diplomas. Available to all amateur radio and SWL stations.

The diploma will be issued in a single category, no endorsements are planned. All bands and modes may be used. No use of cross band contacts or repeaters. The award consists of a plaque engraved with the call sign, name and number of hermitages contacted. A second plaque will be issued for each 30 contacted. Participants should send a list of the hermitages confirmed together with QSL cards, containing the following data: applicant's personal information (name, address and call sign), call sign of the special event stations, date, UTC time, band, name of the hermitage, and its reference. Electronic QSL cards will not valid for this award.

For Spanish stations, lists signed and verified by URE section officers will be accepted.  This award is free of charge. However, foreign stations should send 4 IRC to assist with postal fees. Applications should be sent to EA1FEJ, Juan Manuel Lorenzo EA1FEJ, URV-ABRA, P.O.Box 323, 48.080 Bilbao, Bizkaia, Spain.

Internet list of valid

TM Internet research 1/07

Diploma Plazas de Toros de España (DPTE)

The applicant must prove contacts using any band or mode with Spanish cities which have a bull fighting ring. (There are 572 bull rings in Spain). Contacts on or after 1 May 2009. SWL OK. Valid contacts include fixed stations, portables, and mobiles provided they are authorized to do so.

Class A - Trophy. For QSO's with 200 different Bullrings. (Fee = 35€)
Class B - Plaque. For QSO's with 100 different Bullrings. (Fee = 25€)
Class C - Paper Certificate for QSO's with 50 different Bullrings. (Fee = 15€)

You must write to manager for get the awards. to ARVB PO Box: 7, 03300 Orihuela (Alicante), Spain. Apply with a list of bullrings contacted with date, callsign, UTC, name and reference of bullring and always organized by date of activity. This list must be sent by mail. QSL's are not necessary but the manager reserves the right to request any QSL.

The list should be in the following format: first DPT and then the number of any bullring. For example: Bullring of LAS VENTAS (Madrid) DPT-02, Bullring of La condomina (Murcia) DPT-028.


Tks EA3GHZ 5/26/09
Correction: 5/27/09 

Diploma Castillos De Catalunya (DCC)

Sponsored by the U.R.E.-Montsià and the Radio Club 3AA. SWL OK. Work castles in Catalunya province on or after 1 January 1994. All bands and modes except cross band QSO's. EA stations needed 35 castles with at least 3 castles in each of the four Catalan provinces. Other stations: 25 castles with at least 1 of the four Catalan provinces. In all cases, it will be obligatory to contact with 5 castles of the province of Tarragona. The Provinces are: Barcelona, Tarragona, Lleida and Girona. Endorsements for each additional 10 castles. For the Trophy, you must have earned the "Castillos de Catalunya" diploma and endorsements for 200 castles. Fee diploma: for EA stations 3 euro or 5 IRC's, others 4 euro or 7 IRC's. Endorsements for SASE. Trophy cost 30 euro. GCR list to: Ure Montsia Radio Club 3 AA, Apartado 146 c.p. 43540,  Sant Carles Rapita Tgna., Spain 
(Alternative: Radio Club 3AA, Apartado postal 247,  43870 AMPOSTA Tgna, Spain.)


Tks PA3CUZ 2/03

SPAIN                          EA Fauna Flora Award
(Natural Parks, National Parks and Biosphere Reserve Award)

This award is offered to all amateurs and SWLs for proof of contact (SWL) with at least 10 amateur radio stations, ooperating from different territories of National Parks, Nature Parks, Nature Reserves or Biosphere Reserve of Spain as recognized by Ministerio de Medio Ambiente. This award follows the general rules of the WFF – World Flora Fauna award (Russia) and is recognized by that organization.  All HF Bands, 50 MHz and 144 MHz are valid. All modes may be used except no use of repeaters. Contacts by mobile or portable stations may be counted at only one park per day.

Contacts on or after 1 May 2009. The QSL card must have imprint showing official number and name of the Park, Reserve or Landscape. Cards are not necessary provided that the activation has been previously validated and activators has provided the sponsor logs for the activity. Sponsor may ask any applicant for the actual cards.

Award Levels:

3rd class-10 different FF references worked (for activators-5 activations)
2nd class-20 different FF (for activators-10 activations)
1st class-50 different FF (for activators-15 activations)

Honor Roll Plaques:

3rd Honor class-Above 50 different FF references worked.
2nd Honor class-Above 100 different FF
1st Honor class-Above 150 different FF

Send your log with QSO information. The request can be made by email sent to  or EAFF Award Manager, C/Egidos No. 1 Bajo, 21110 Aljaraque (HUELVA), Spain.Contact sponsor before sending any request by email in case of rule changes. Cost for the the first 3 levels (paper) is 5€. Write for cost of the EAFF plaques. Activators who make at least 150 contacts from each park will receive the award at no cost. Activation must be inside the physical limit of the Park. Provide copies of any licence, pictures or videos with stations and operators.


Tks OH3GZ 4/09

EA-WPX-100 Award

Contact at least 50 different Spanish prefixes after 1 Jan 1945. There are a possible 110 prefixes as follows:

EA0-9 EB0-9 EC0-9 ED0-9  EE0-9 EF0-9 EG0-9 EH0-9  AM0-9 AN0-9 AO0-9

Spanish prefixes with more than 2 numbers after the first 2 letters such as EA25 also count but will be credited the first 5 years after their activation. No cross band or mode, no land repeater. Satellite contacts OK. Honor roll plaque for 90 prefixes. Endorsements one by one up to 110.  GCR is OK. Fee for award is 10€ or $US10. Fee for honor roll plaque is 30€ or $US40. Apply to: EA-WPX-100 Award Manager, EA5KT, Manual Montes Mula, S.T.L. Ure Manises, PO Box 100, 46940 Manises, Valencia, Spain.

(Chg 6/2003)

EA Interior Islands Award

Awarded by the Basque Country Radio Team for contacting Interior Islands of Spain. SWL OK. All bands and modes, except no cross band or repeaters. Contacts after 1 Jan 1990.

Europeans (and EA8-9) must contact 30 of the listed islands. They should include at least 5 island groups and use 3 HF bands. Endorsements available for every 10 extra islands, including at least 3 groups and 2 different bands. 

Stations from Other Continents must contact 30 ISN islands, including 3 groups. Endorsements for every 10 extra islands.

V/U/SHF - 10 ISN islands, 5 locators. Endorsements 10 extra islands and 2 locators.

Card must be sent along with lisitng in ISN reference number and mode. Award is free. Apply to EA2BUF Alvaro Altuna Igartua, Box 105, 20280 Hondarribia, Guipuzcoa, Spain. with SASE.



(Chg 10/02) 

Diploma Ermitas de España (DEE) (Hermitages of Spain Award)

La Unión de Radioaficionados "La Ribera" (URR) offers this award for contacting different hermitages loctated in the 18 communities of Spain on or after 1 January 1997. SWL OKE. No crossband contacts.

Basic Award: Spanish stations need 35 hermitages and others 25 in at least 10 of the 18 communities of Spain. A contact with a hermitage of the province of Navarre is obligatory. Endorsements for each 10 hermitages more.

A plaque is available for contacting 500 hermitages and at least 40 in the province of Navarre. Send a GCR list with the names of the hermitages, number and fee of 3€ or 2 IRC's for EA, others 6€ or 4 IRC's to: Unión de Radioaficionados "La Ribera", Apartado de correos 109, E-31500 Tudela (Navarra), Spain

Communities are: Andalucía, Aragón, Asturias, Baleares, Canarias, Cantabria, Castilla-La Mancha, Castilla-León, Cataluña, Ceuta and Melilla, Extremadura, Galicia, La Rioja, Madrid, Murcia, Navarra, País Vasco and Valencia.



Tks PA3CUZ 8/2003


Sponsored by the URE Section in Cueta to honor the many historical monuments throughout Spain. The award is available to all amateurs and SWLs. It will be available in a single class, and permit use of all bands and modes for contacts on or after 1 January 2001. Work 35 different monuments from the official listing. Endorsements will be available for each 10 new monuments. Contacts may be made from fixed, portable and mobile stations.
     Portable or mobile stations must make at least 25 contacts from the operation and may not be more than 100 meters distant from the actual structure.
     All valid contacts must be made with monuments which are on the official DMHE listing which is found on the internet at: . This list is updated once per month.

The official monument definition admitted by this diploma will be based on the decree of the Spanish National Committee of the Council of Monuments, Sets and Sites of the Historical and Cultural Patrimony.

A GCR list is required and should contain the following information:  Date of contact, call sign, name of the monument and reference number. In addition, a photocopy of the QSLs should also be enclosed.  The application and fee of 3€ should be sent to: URCE, Post-Office Box 103, 51080 CEUTA, Spain


(Tks K1BV 1/2007)

U.R.E. JAEN Series

General Requirements: These two awards require the working of stations who are operating from the ancient castles located in different parts of Spain. Most of these, of course, will be special operations and portable stations, and one of the the purposes of the awards is to encourage such operations. Both awards are free of charge, but the sponsor requests a contribution from Spanish stations of 3€ or 5 IRCs for expenses. Foreign stations should send 5€ or 5 IRCs and address label.  Available to amateurs and SWL's. Altered QSLs are not valid. Contacts on or after 1 Jan 1994. All bands and modes, but no crossband QSO's. Send photocopies of the cards with contribution to: Seccion De URE JAEN, Post Office Box 160, 23080 Jaen, Spain.

(Chg 6/03)

Note: a special list of all the castle sites in Spain is available from the sponsor or K1BV for SASE/IRC. (TKS WB2AQC)(96)

Castles of Andalucia

Contact 8 different castles located in 8 different counties of the Autonomous Community of Andalucia. This includes the provinces/counties of Almeria (AL), Cadiz (CA), Cordoba (CO), Granada (GR), Huelva (H), Jaen (J), Malaga (MA) and Sevilla (SE). Endorsements are available for each additional 10 castles.

Castles of Spain

Spanish stations should contact 35 different castles in at least 10 of the 18 autonomous communities in Spain. Cueta and Melilla count as a separate community. These communities are: Andalucia, Aragon, Asturias, Baleares, Canarias, Cantabria, Castilla-La Mancha, Castilla-Leon, Catalunc, cueta y Melilla, Extremadura, Galacia, La Rioja, Madrid, Murcia, Navara, Pais Vasco and Valencia. Foreign stations need 25 different castles in at least 10 of the 18 communities as listed. Endorsements available for each further 10 castles.   (A castle from the province of Jaen is mandatory.)

Diploma Ceramico DCE

You must have earned the "Castles of Spain" award shown above.  This is a ceramic representation of the same award, but offers further endorsements up to 250 castles.  Fee is 30€.

Trofeo Mil Endosos DCE

For this trophy, you will have had to earn the Castle of Spain Award, the Diploma Ceramico and worked a total of 1000 castles.  The trophy is free.  

(Chg 10/02) 

Lighthouses of Spain Award

STL-URE Valencia sponsors this award for contacting stations operating from lighthouses in Spain on or after 1 Jan 1988. Dxpeditions to lighthouse sites are encouraged by the sponsors of the award. SWL OK. Valid lighthouse locations are listed in an official directory which is available from the sponsor (or K1BV) for SASE/IRC/2 units of postage -it is a big list. All bands and modes, but no use of repeaters. Satellite contacts OK. "Portable" and "mobile" contacts are valid if they are operating a legitimate station and the antenna is located within 50 meters of the actual lighthouse. Maritime stations may not be counted. The sponsor will require expeditions to prove by means of photographs, video tapes, etc that they actually operated from their claimed location. Expedition members may claim contact with the lighthouse for the purpose of the award upon submission of the needed evidence.

The award is earned by collecting points for each valid contact. Each different contact/lighthouse = 1 point. But if you work two different operations from the same lighthouse, each contact is valid. Points required depend on your WAZ zone:

Spanish stations need 50 points.
Zone 14, 15, 16, 20, 33 need 45 points.
Zone 5-13, 17, 21, 34-37, 40 need 35 points.
All other zones need 30 points.

Endorsements for 100, 150 and 200 lighthouses. After the 200 mark, endorsements for every 5 new lighthouses. You must submit the unaltered QSLs with a detailed GCR list that includes the official designation of the lighthouse locations claimed. The fee for the award is 7€, $US7 or 20 IRCs. Endorsements are 1€, $US1 or 2 IRCs each. Apply to awards manager: Francisco Gil Guerrero EA5OL, Apartado Postal 8176, 46080 Valencia, Spain.

(Chg 6/03)

Lugo Award

Contact members of DX Group LUGO Club after 1 January 1983. Spanish sttions need 15, other EU 5 and all others 3. A station may be contacted on different bands for credit, but only once after a wait of at least 24 hours. SWL OK. When applying, send a GCR list and a copy of your QSL. The award is FREE. This a handsome, multicolored award, well work seeking. Apply to: GRUPO DX LUGO, Manager, "Diploma DX Lugo", PO Box 313, 27080 Lugo, Spain.


(Chg 10/02) 

Lynx DX Group Award and Plaque

Basic award is available for earning 500 points, 8 of the EA districts and 6 Latin American Countries. SWL OK. Each country on each band is worth 1 point except that contacts with Lynx members is worth 2. 160 through 10 count plus WARC bands if approved in your country. Contacts since 1 January 1985. No cross mode or band, nor maritime or aeronautical mobile, repeaters or transponders. Endorsements at 600, 700, 800, 850, 900 and 950 points. 1000 points earns the plaque. Official application forms are needed and may be obtained from the Award Manager for SAE and IRCs. Cards and official application plus fee (not specified) should be sent to the manager: Vicente Sanjuan EA5AN, Calle Sevilla 13, 46006 Valencia, Spain.

(TKS K3FN)(CHG 96)

Diploma Camino De Santiago     (Way of Santiago)

The Spanish Association of Radioescucha (AER) offers this award when you make a radio "pilgramage" by contacting two cities/towns which fall on the routes to Santiago de Compostela.  SWL OK.  You need at least one QSL (MW, FM, SW, Utility stations)from each of two French Department or Spanish Provinces inside one of the "Camino de Santiago" ancient route.

I    "Via Tolosana", from Arles to Puente la Reina. (France).
II    "Via Podensis" from Puy to Ostabat. (France).
III     "Via Lemovicensis", from Vezelay to Ostabat. (France).
IV    "Via Turonensis", from Paris to Ostabat. (France).
V    "Route from Ostabat to Puente la Reina. (France-Spain).
VI    "Camino Frances", from Puente la Reina to Santiago de Compostela. (Spain).

Award cost for EA + CT AER members is 3.75€, non-members 4.59€.  All other countries: AER members 6€, $US6 or 8 IRC's and non-members 8€, $US8 or 10 IRCs.  Send the copies of the 2 QSL cards and fee to: AER, Servicios Apartado 104, E-05080 Avila, Spain. 


Valid Departments and provinces for each route:
I - Via Tolosana: Bouches du Rhone, Gard, Herault, Tarn, Haute Garonne, Gers, Hautes Pyrenees, Pyrenees Atlantiques, Huesca, Zaragoza, Navarra.
II - Via Podensis: Haute Loire, Lozere, Aveyron, Lot, Tarn et Garonne, Gers, Landes, Pyrenees Atlantiques.
III - Via Lemovicensis: Yonne, Nievre, Cher, Indre, Creuse, Haute Vienne, Dordogne, Gironde, Landes, Pyrenees Atlantiques.
IV - Via Turonensis: Paris, Val de Marne, Essone, Sena et Oise, Loiret, Loir et Cher, Indre et Loir, Vienne, Deux Sevres, Charente Maritime, Gironde, Landes, Pyrenees Atlantiques.
VI - El Camino Frnces: Navarra, La Rioja, Burgos, Palencia, Leon, Lugo, La Coruna. 

Tks PA3CUZ 8/2003

                           PERMANENT AWARDS FROM U.R.E. SEVILLA (URS)

General Requirements: Available to amateurs and SWLs.  Send GCR list signed by your radio club's president or award manager.  There is no charge for any of these awards.  Send all applications to: UNION RADIOAFICIONADOS DE SEVILLA,  P.O.Box 479,  E-41080 SEVILLA,   SPAIN.

                          Sevilla Ciudad de la Giralda – SEVILLA TOWN OF GIRALDA

Contact EA stations from 1 of January 1981 from own QTH.

For get the award you must collect the following points with this schedule:
Stations from Sevilla and province need 500 points   (Each EA QSO = 1 point.)
Stations from other Spain and Portugal need: 350 points.  (Each EA QSO = 1 point.)
Stations from Europe need 100 points.   (Each EA QSO = 2 points.)
Stations from America need 50 points.  (Each EA QSO = 3 points.)
Stations from Africa need 25 points.  (Each EA QSO = 4 points.)
Stations from Asia and Oceania need 15 points  (Each EA QSO = 5 points.)

                       T-EA- Fonia-144 MHZ / T-EA-PHONE-144 MHZ

Contact EA stations from 1 of January 1974 from own QTH using only the 144Mhz band.  Earn the basic award for working 100 EA stations. Endorsements available for each additional 100 EA stations to a maximum of 1000.

                        T-EA-FONIA-HF / T-EA-PHONE-HF

Contact EA stations from 1 of January 1974 from own QTH using HF bands 10, 15, 20, 40 and 80 meters PHONE only. Basic award requires 100 EA stations, and endorsements are available for each additional 100 to a maximum of 1000. The maximum number of contacts in any one band is 50.  The same station may be worked on different bands. 


Contact EA stations from 1 of January 1974 from own QTH on the HF bands 80 through 10 meters. 

For get the award you must work different stations located in every one of this areas or provinces with this numbers:

EA7 Sevilla 		50 	30 	10
EA7 Malaga 		15 	10 	5
EA7 Cordoba 		15 	10 	5
EA7 Granada 		15 	10 	5
EA7 Cadiz 		10 	10 	5
EA7 Huelva 		10 	10	2
EA7 Jaen 		5 	5 	2
EA7 Almeria 		5 	5 	2
EA9 Ceuta / Melilla 	5 	5 	2
                         PLACA URE SEVILLA – URE SEVILLA PLAQUE

To earn this Plaque, you must in have earned at least 2 of the URS awards, and one of them must be the T-EA-PHONE HF completely, with the 1000 QSO Endorsement  plus an additional 250 minimum in each of the 5 bands (10, 15, 20, 40 and 80 mts).  The plaque is free.

Tks EA3GHZ 1/31/08 

Spanish Islands Award

General Requirements: Available for contacting Spanish islands since 1 Jan 1988. SWL OK. Direct and Satellite OK. Designed to promote interest in and expeditions to Spanish Islands. Fee schedule:

Basic: Ceramic Statue Award Endorsement
  Spanish Stations 5000 Pt. 400 Pt.
  Foriegn $US70 or 140 IRC $US6 or 12 IRC
Basic Paper    
  Spanish Stations 1000 Pt. No charge
  Foreign $US12 or 24 IRC No charge

Spanish Island listing on DXAWARDS.COM.

Apply to: URE, PO Box 75, 46400 Culleron (Valencia), Spain.

(Chg 01)

Basic Award - contact different Spanish Islands depending on your WAZ zone. EA's need 25 Points,

In Zone 14-16, 20 and 33 need 20 points.
In Zone 5-13, 17, 21, 34-37 and 40, need 12 points.
All other zones need 8 points.

Endorsements for every 5 new points - endorsements are free, but you should provide SASE/IRC.

Silver Award - as above, but the points are required to be earned on each of the following bands: 28, 21, 14, 7 and 3.5 Mhz. (For example, EA's need 25 points times 5 bands = 125).

Golden Award - same as the Silver, but requires the 5 HF bands plus 18 and 24 Mhz. (For example, EA's need 25 points x 7 bands = 175 points.)


Sponsored by URE section Local Vila-real.  Work all EA districts (1 t o 9) on CW, 80 to 10 meters since 1 Jan 1976.  Contacts must have been made from the same country with the same call sign, and only on CW mode.

    5BTDEA - as above, but on 5 bands.
    160 TDEA - as above, but on the 160 meter band.
No repeaters, satellite or mobile QSOs.  GCR list and 5€ or $US5, endorsements 1€ or $US1 to: Seccion Local URE, EA5BM, PO Box 210, 12540 Villareal (CS), Spain. 

(Rewrite 6/03 tks PA3CUZ)

URE Torrent Permanent Diploma

Contact members of the Torrent Amateur Radio Union after 1 Jan 1990. All bands and modes. Stations in Spain, Portugal or Andorra need 20, all others 15. A VHF/UHF award is available for contacting 200 stations in Valencia province, of which 30 are from Torrent section plus one contact with EA5ELT. No repeater or mobile contacts. List of members available from sponsor. GCR list (no fee stated, but suggest postage) to URE, PO Box 110, 46900 Torrent (Valencia), Spain.

(TKS LW2DIJ)(92)

Castles of Valencia Award

Available to all amateurs and SWLs. All modes and bands OK.  Spanish licensed stations must contact at least 10 different castles from each of the three Provinces of the Valencian Community (Alicante, Castellón and Valencia), or 40 Castles of any of the three Provinces. EB and EC stations must contact 5 different Castles from each of the three Provinces of the Valencian Community or with 20 Castles of any of the three Provinces.

Contacts on or after 1 November 1995. Contacts with mobile, or portable stations will not be valid. No use of repeaters. All castle contacts must be different. There is no fee for the award.  Apply to Jose Beltrán EA5UN, Post Office Box 6025, 46011 Valencia, Spain or to the Local Section of U.R.E. Valencia, PO Box 453, 46080 Valencia, Spain.


TM Internet research 1/07

Valencia's Community Award        

The community of Valencia consists of the provinces of Valencia, Alicante and Castellon. EA stations need 20 of the 34 regions of Valencia, others 12 on or after 1 January 1987.  A special trophy will be awarded to any station who contacts all 34 regions after 15 June 1995.  Only licensed amateurs, not SWLs.  No use of repeater contacts - all contacts must be with fixed, not mobile stations.  Contacts must have been made from the same country.  Available for HF and VHF/UHF, but not mixed.  GCR list by IARU affiliated society, otherwise cards need to be sent.  The award is FREE, but trophy costs $US45.  Apply to U.R.E.V., PO Box 453, 46080 Valencia, Spain.


Community List link.  

(Chg 10/02)