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Updated as of 9/2007


The 4 From 44 Award

Work or hear at least 4 land based (not /MM) Solomon Islands stations after 7 July 1978. Band or mode endorsements available upon request. GCR list and $2US, 1 Pound UK or 12 IRCs to: The Awards Manager, SIRS, Box 418, Honiara, Solomon Islands.



South African Radio League (SARL) Series

General Requirements: GCR rule applies, except as mentioned in rules. Awards are free to SARL members, fees for all others are 10 IRCs, $US10 or R10,00. Apply to: Awards Manager, South African Radio League, PO Box 1721, Strubensvallei, 1735, South Africa. 

(CHG 8/2003)


All Africa Award

Contact 31 areas in Africa: Each of the six call areas of South Africa (ZS1-6) and one contact in each of 25 African countries outside South Africa. Only contacts with stations on the African continent are valid. African islands and ship-based stations do not count. "Country" means a country according to the DXCC list. Deleted countries count, provided that contacts were made while the country existed. (V5 callsigns will not be accepted for ZS3).

Countries listing:

7X Algeria 9G Ghana 9X Rwanda
D2 Angola J5 Guinea-Bissau 6W Senegal
TY Benin TU Ivory Coast 9L Sierra Leone
A2 Botswana 5Z Kenya T5 Somalia
XT Burkino Faso 7P Lesotho ST0 Southern Sudan
9U Burundi EL Liberia ST Sudan
TJ Cameroon 5A Libya 3DA Swaziland
TL Central African Republic 7Q Malawi 5H Tanzania
EA9 Cueta/Melilla TZ Mali C5 The Gambia
TT Chad 5T Mauritania 5V Togo
TN Congo CN Morocco 3V Tunisia
J2 Djibouti C9 Mozambique 5X Uganda
SU Egypt V5 Namibia S0 Western Sahara
3C Equatorial Guinea 5U Niger 9Q Zaire
ET Ethiopia 5N Nigeria 9J Zambia
TR Gabon 3X Republic of Guinea Z2 Zimbabwe

Worked All ZS Award (WAZS)

Prove contact with 100 South African stations since 1 Jan 1958 in the numbers per district as follows:

ZS1 16 contacts ZS2 8 contacts ZS3 1 contact
ZS4 6 contacts ZS5 13 contacts ZS6 56 contacts

In addition to the basic award (WAZS), awards for higher multiples of 100 callsigns may be earned.  An applicant for a higher award (WAZS-200, etc) must meet the minimum call area requirements at the time of application or must cite the number of their previously issued award.  Specific mode and/or band endorsements may be requested. South African applicants should send the QSL cards, a list of details and handling and postage charge of R60.00.  The award is free to SARL members.  All others should send GCR list and fee of $US10 or 10 IRCs. 

(Note: Only callsigns from the South African mainland count.  ZS3 call signs from South West Africa (now Namibia V5), old ZS call signs from Lesotho, Swaziland and Botswana and offshore stations such as Walvis Bay, Penguin Islands, Marion, Antarctic, etc do not count. Special call signs ZS99ARA, ZT6Z, ZS25TUK from the South  African mainland are OK.  Note that different call signs are needed.  Successive holders of the same call sign do not count separately, but stations with several call signs may be claimed under all those call signs.  ZS6XY, ZS6XY/6 and ZS6XY/P are the same call sign, but ZS6XY/4 shows a different geographical call sign area and is considered a different call sign. 

(Chg 5/2006)

Top Band Award

Contact South African stations on 160 meters after 1 Jan 1960. South Africans need 6 different ZS call areas of which 5 must be in the Republic of SA, the sixth can be from 3D6, 7P8 or A2. DX stations within 1000 Km of the borders of South Africa must contact 3 different call areas in RSA.  All others need to contact two  ZS call areas, one must be in the RSA.  Endorsements for all cw/phone/mixed are available. Note: available for SWL's. 

(Chg 8/2003)


Algoa Branch Series ---

General Requirements - All awards are issued free of charge, though IRCs /postage is suggested as a courtesy. Apply to The Awards Manager, Port Elizabeth A.R.C., PO Box 10402, Linton Grange 6015, Republic of South Africa. (CHG 98)

Algoa Branch Award

Requires proof of QSO's with at least four of the following categories: (1) any member of the Algoa Branch of SARL operating in the Eastern Cape, (2) ZS1, ZS2, ZS4, ZS5 or ZS6, (3) ZS3, (4) H5, (5) S4, (6) S8, (7) V9 and (8) 7P, 3D6 or A2. Contacts after 1 Jan 1986 on any mode. Note: cards are required. (CHG 89)

Algoa Branch CW Merit Award

Available for making 2-way CW contacts after 1 January 1979 as follows:

Class 3 - 250 different stations, including 5 ZS.
Class 2 - 500 different stations, including 10 ZS.
Class 1 - 1000 different stations, including 20 ZS.

GCR list is accepted. (89)

Algoa Branch Worked All Branches QRP Award

Contact at least one amateur in each of the Branches of the SARL which are in existence at the time of the application. Your input power must be 5 watts or less DC input to the transmitter final stage. Contacts after 1 January 1985. All modes permitted. Apply to awards manager with QSLs as received which must have the name of the branch clearly marked. Your contacts must have been made from within a radius of 100 Km of your base station. This is an extremely difficult award to earn and as of 2-88, the awards manager admits none have been issued, even to ZS's!


Highway A.R.C. Award

The Highway ARC award is open to all amateurs and SWL’s. Work or hear 23 individual ZS stations on HF whose last letter of their callsign make up the words: HIGHWAY AMATEUR RADIO CLUB. Contacts must be on or after 1 July 1996. GCR list and fee of $US6, RSA R15.00 or 12 IRC’s to: Awards Manager, PO Box 779, New Germany 3620, South Africa.


(Chg 12/2001)


 -- Port Elizabeth Amateur Radio Society Series --

General Requirements: No information listed regarding fees.  Suggest at least 5 IRC for postage.  GCR list signed by chairman of applicants club or any other two licensed amateurs. Apply to: PEARS Award Committee, PO Box 10402, Linton Grange, Port Elizabeth 6015, South Africa.

     Southern African H.F. Century Award

Contact Maidenhead grid locators on the African mainland South of the Equator using any of the 9 HF bands on or after 1 January 2004.  Score one point per grid locator on each of these bands.  Only one contact per grid locator is eligible.  Total points is the sum of points on each band.
     1. Bronze Award - score at least 100 points in 5 different countries.
     2. Silver Award - 200 points and 10 different countries.
     3. Gold Award - 300 points in 15 different countries. 
All contacts must have been made within a radius of 25 kilometers.  You must possess the QSL cards or by other means prove the contact, such as electronic means. 

     Southern African VHF Century Award

Contact Maidenhead grid locators on the African mainland South of the Equator on the 6 and 2 meter amateur bands; and certificates will be awarded for each of these bands.  The award may be endorsed for analog contacts or digital contacts.  Both endorsements may be obtained, but each must be obtained with strictly analog and strictly digital contacts.  There is no mixed mode category.  For the purpose of the award, CW will be classified as an analog mode.  Only one contact per grid locator is eligible.  
     Scoring: a contact in your own grid locator = 1 point.  A contact in each grid locator encircling our grid locator = 2 points.   A contact in each  grid locator encircling these grid locators = 3 points, and so on up to a maximum of 5 points.  The sum of these points is multiplied by the number of grid locators contacted to obtain a total points score.  International stations: all contacts = 5 points.
     1. Bronze Award - score at least 100 points in 8 grid locators. 
     2. Silver Award - 250 points in 12 grid locators.
     3. Gold Award - 500 points in 16 grid locators. 
All contacts must have been made within a radius of 25 kilometers and must have been made by simplex.  No use of repeaters, satellite or moonbounce (EME) will be eligible.  Grid locators activated for the sole benefit of a specific station will result in the disqualification of this station.  You must possess the QSL cards, or prove contact by other means such as electronic. 

     PEARS CW Merit Award Certificate

Make 2-way contacts with 50 different stations using the CW mode.  Endorsements for an additional 100, 250 and 500 contacts.  A new certificate will be awarded at the 1000 level.  All bands may be used.  

     PEARS QRP Certificate

Contact at least 20 different maidenhead locators using a power of under 5 watts.  Endorsements for each additional 20 contacts up to a maximum of 100.  Contacts within the same home square will not count.  Only one contact per station.  Your logs must indicate the home square, and the other contacts' locations.  


(Chg 9/2007)


Pretoria Branch Series

General Requirements: Fee for each award is R2.00 for Zone 38, $US2 or 7 IRCs for others. GCR accepted. All modes. SWL OK.  Apply to Awards Custodian, Johan de Bruyn ZR6JHB, Pretoria Amateur Radio Club, PO Box 73696, Lynwood Ridge 0040, South Africa. 


(Chg 1/2006)

Pretoria Award

Contact 5 stations from Pretoria, South Africa who are members of the Pretoria Branch of the SARL or any ZS/ZR within a 25 Km radius of Pretoria.

Pretoria AR Club 5 Band

Contact 5 different members of the Pretoria AR Club; one on each of the HF bands of 80, 40, 20, 15, 10 meters. Contacts after 1 Jan 1995.


Worked All South Africa Call Areas

Contact on any mode (except 2m) with ONE station in each South African call area: ZS1, ZS2, ZS3, ZS4, ZS5 & ZS6. GCR accepted. All bands and modes. Endorsements available for band or mode. Send photocopy of log with GCR from 2 licensed amateurs plus self-addressed envelope of certificate size and cardboard stiffener plus fee of $US5 (no IRCs). Endorsement fee is $US3. Apply to: M.Oosthuizen ZS1AFZ, 4 Lavalle Street, Shirley Park, Bellville 7530, South Africa.


(Chg 8/2003)


Sunsat Award

This is a worldwide award for making contacts using a satellite. Southern Africa AMSAT makes this award available for having make contacts through the SUNSAT satellite. There are three award categories: Bronze for 25 contacts with individual stations via the satellite, Silver for 50, and Gold for 100. To claim the award, applicants must submit a copy of their log verified by the chairman of their local amateur radio club or by two amateurs. Fee is $US5 or 5 IRCs. SWL OK. For details, write: Southern Africa AMSAT, PO Box 1842, Hillcrest, 3650 South Africa. 


(Chg 8/2003)


ZS4BFN Award

Awarded to Radio Amateurs and SWLs who can show proof of contacting ten two-way contacts with members of the Bloemfontein RAC and amateurs in the Bloemfontein vicinity. One of the contacts must be with the club station ZS4BFN and at least four contacts must be with members of the Bloemfontein RAC. Any mode and frequency may be used (no repeater contacts).

Send a list of the contacts (no QSL cards) and include an A4 size SASE to Bloemfontein Amateur Radio Club, PO Box 12104, Brandhof’, 9324, Republic of South Africa.


Rewrite 1/2007