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 --- Radio Club of Peru Series ---

General Requirements: OA members of RCP must send list of contacts plus the actual cards. OA non-members should enclose a fee of 3 IRCs. DX applicants send GCR list and 10 IRCs. Fee for endorsements is 3 IRCs. SWL OK. Applications for mixed require at least 30% on CW. Apply to: Awards Manager, Radio Club Peruano, PO Box 538, Lima 100, Peru.

(TKS OA4FW)(98)

Republicas Bolivarianas (DRB)

Make two contacts with each bolivarian country in two different bands on the dates shown below (12 QSO’s). The first of these dates is the Independence Day of the country. The 12 required contacts must be made within the same calendar year. QSO’s with your own country, in 40, 80, or 160 meters bands and in a different radio zone than your own, others may be on any bands. Available in CW and Phone, but not mixed:

Venezuela 5 and 6 July

Colombia 20 and 21 July

Peru 28 and 29 July

Bolivia 6 and 7 August

Ecuador 10 and 11 August

Panama 3 and 4 November

Cien OA’s (100 OA)

Contact 100 OA’s. OA’s must work 60 stations on 40 meters and 40 on 160/80 meters. Foreign stations may use any authorized bands. Same station may be worked on different bands. Available on CW, Phone or Mixed.

Confraternidad America (CCOA)

Contact 200 OA’s and one contact with each of the 20 American Republics plus Canada after 26 May 1958. OA’s must make their OA contacts on the 40 and 80/160 meter bands; QSO’s with the American Republics may be made on any authorized bands. The award may be earned on CW, Phone and Mixed.

Cuatro OA Cuatro (4OA4)

Contact 4 OA4 on four different bands (total of 16 QSO’s with different OA4 stations). Available for CW or Phone, but not mixed. (OB4, OC4 or 4T4 special prefixes OK.) OA stations must work 40 additional foreign stations with number 4 in their prefix.

Mar De Grau (Peruvian Sea Coast)

Make one contact with each of the 11 Peruvian departments which face the Pacific Ocean, plus one QSO with any Maritime Mobile underway off the Peruvian coast. All bands. Available for CW, Phone or Mixed.

Department Zone Department Zone
Tumbes OA1 P.C. Callao OA4
Piura OA1 Ica OA5
Lambaveque OA1 Arequipa OA6
La Libertad OA3 Moquegua OA6
Ancash OA3 Tacna OA6
Lima OA4    

Radio Club Peruano (RCP)

Contact different OA’s after 1 January 1958. Same station may be worked on different bands for credit. OA’s need 50 QSO’s on 80 or 160 meters, and 100 on 40 meters plus 50 foreign stations (200 QSO’s). Others in NA/SA need 50 OA’s. Rest of world need 25 OA’s. Same OA may be worked on different bands. Non-OA’s may use any authorized bands. Available CW, Phone or Mixed.

Ciudad de Piura

Make contact with 3 OA1 stations in the city of Piura in the same calendar year during the week of 0000z Maonday to 2400z which includes 15 July, the date of the Spanish foundation of the City in the year 1532. Any band or mode.

OA En Telegrafia (OACW)

Work 5 different OA’s on CW only. Any band. Endorsements for 15, 30 and 50 QSO’s. For endorsements, same station may be worked on different bands.

Todas Las Zonas OA (TZOA)

Make one contact with each of the nine call areas of Peru OA1 through OA9. DX stations may substitute any one missing call area with a contact with the official RCP station OA4O. OA’s must make 5 QSO’s on 40 meters and 4 on 80/160. Available for CW, Phone but not Mixed. May be endorsed for single band. Number zero in the prefix is not valid for this award.

Zona Uno (OA1)

Work OA1 stations. OA’s must work 5 on 50 meters and 5 on 80/160. DX need 5 contacts with OA1's, any band or mode.


Ciudad de Lima Certificate

Offered by the Association Peruana de DX for the annual commemoration of the founding of Lima. Members of APDX may use the OC prefix, plus 3 "official stations" of 4T4DX, OB4DX and oC4DX will be active. Stations outside Peru must QSO 3 members of APDX using the OC prefix and 2 of the official stations. All QSO’s must be made in the same calendar year between 14 January to 24 February on any band or mode. Award offered every year. GCR list and fee of 10 IRCs to: Association Peruana de DX, PO Box 18-1155, Miraflores, Lima 18, Peru.

(TKS DXNL)(98)


 --- Communications World of Amateurs Philippines Series ---

General Requirements: Contacts after 13 September 1984. Send GCR list and fee of 5 IRCs for each award to: The DX Manager, Communications World of Amateurs Philippines, Inc., PO Box 390 Greenhills, Metro Manila, Philippines.

(TKS HB9BZA)(89)

All CW Philippines Award

Work 5 members of this club and DX1CW or 4G1A (club station) in 3 categories: CW only, Phone only and Mixed Modes. CW Mode receives special award.

DU CW Award

Work 5 members of this club, either of the club stations as noted as above, and one station from each DU call area (DU1 through DU9), using CW mode only on any band.


DU-PX Award

Provide evidence of having contact with 15 different Philippine prefixes. SWL OK. No time, band or mode limitations. GCR list and fee of $US5 or 10 IRCs to Robin U Go DU9RG, PO Box 125, Cotabato City, Philippines.

(TKS RW4HZ)(92)


Filipinas Award

Work or hear and confirm each of the 9 Philippine call areas. SWL OK. Any missed district may be substituted with a club station, recognizible by its DX prefix, but no more than two may be claimed in this way. A 5 Band Filipinas Award is available to those who have worked or heard the Philippines on 5 bands. Sponsor recommends that applications be made by registered airmail. GCR plus $10US to: Award Custodian, Robin U Go, PO Box 125, Cotabato City, Philippines. (88)


--- Ham-Ten Series ---

General Requirements: GCR accepted. Fee is $US2 or 6 IRCs to: DX9HT Award Committee, PO Box 96, 9000 Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines. 

(TKS DJ8OT)(90)

Ham-Ten Award

Contact one station in each of the DU call areas (1-9), two members of the HAM TEN Radio Club and one QSO with club station DX9HT for a total of 12 QSO's. SWL OK. All bands and modes. No band, mode or date restrictions.

Ham-Ten Birthday Award

Contact special station 4D9HAM during the period of 20 to 23 September each year, on the occasion of the founding date of the HAM TEN Radio Club. 

(Corr 01)


Pearl of the Orient Seas DX Award

Contact 12 members of the Philippine Amateur Radio League (PARLINC) after 1 Jan 1980. 3.5 to 28 Mhz may be used in any mode. GCR list and 20 IRCs or $2US to: PARLINC Awards Chairman, PO Box SM 159, Metro Manila 2806, Republic of the Philippines.



Philippine DX Foundation Series

General Requirements: Sponsored by the Philippine DX Foundation Inc. All bands and modes except cross-mode, one-way QSO’s or repeater QSOs are not valid. SWL OK. Contacts must be made from your home location except that portable/mobile operation allowed if using your own equipment. Only Philippine Amateur Radio Association or PDXF members with prefixes DU, DX, DY, DZ, 4D and 4F are valid for the award. Dxpeditions and special events in nature properly endorsed and/or sponsored by the Philippine Amateur Radio Association (PARA) and the Philippine DX Foundation (PDXF) are also valid for credit. Foreign operators with reciprocal permits or special permits granted by the National Telecommunications Commission must be endorsed by PARA or PDXF for credit.

GCR list and application fee of $10 or 20 IRCs to the Philippine DX Foundation, PO Box 2000 QCCPO, 1160 Quezon City, M.M., Philippines. Sponsor requests the use of special applications for these awards - send SASE or $US1 or 2 IRCs. PDXF and PARA members are granted a 50% discount on the fee. Contacts since 1-1-49. You must attach a copy of your license. 

(Tks DU1SAN)(00)

Philippine Districts Award

Issued for confirmed two-way communications with stations located in the 9 different call districts of the Philippines. No special endorsements. No portable operation.

Philippine Provinces Award

Issued for confirmed two-way communications with stations in the different provinces of the Philippines. Basic award issued for 25 provinces. Endorsement for every additional 25. GCR list in alphabetical order.

Philippine Towns and Cities Award

Issued for confirmed two-way communications with stations in different towns and cities of the Philippines. Basic award issued for 50 different towns and cities. Endorsement for each additional 25.


Issued for confirmed two-way communications with different club stations located in each of the nine call districts of the Philippines.

Mabuhay Friendship Award

The Philippine DX Foundation (PDXF) issues this award for cnfirmed two-way communications with amateur radio stations whose callsign end with each of the 7 letters of the word MABUHAY plus each of the 26 letters of the alphabet.

DX Club Stations Award

Issued for confirmed two-way communications with different club stations world-wide except your country. The clubs may be local, national and international. The basic award is for 50 clubs, endorsed for every additional 25 clubs. All QSL confirmations should be official club station QSLs.

DX Special Events Award

Issued for confirmed two-way communications with different special event stations world-wide. These are short term callsigns celebrating events such as anniversaries, national and international celebrations and commemorative events with supporting official declarations. Field day and Dxpeditions are not included. The basic award requires 50 such contacts with endorsements for every 25 additional contacts. GCR list should indicate the nature of the event. Special endorsement for 50 special events from 50 different countries (not entities).


UN-DU Award

Available to all licensed amateurs for contacting UN member nations after 24 October 1945 on all bands and modes. Applicants must have 100 or more cards with different member countries including DU. Refer to the back of this Directory for UN member list. All UN agencies count as just one additional country such as 4U1UN and any amateur station located within UN territory bearing a callsign not in the host countries block or any authorized amateur station in UN occupied territory such as Antarctica or in a country occupied by an UN peace keeping force. Contacts with colonies will not be considered as a contact with the governing nation, nor shall any colony qualify as a country under this award. Endorsements for all modes. Photocopies of the QSL cards and a GCR list including date of admission and the date worked must be submitted. Fee for award is $US15. Registered Mail suggested. Apply to Robin U Go DU9RG, PO Box 125, Cotabato City, Philippines. 

(TKS RW4HZ)(92)