NEW ZEALAND 2 (Brasspounder Club to Wellington Branch 50)
Chgs as of 1/2007
The Christchurch Brasspounders Club Award Series
General Requirements: The aim of the award is to promote Morse technique in a friendly competitive manner and encourage conversational CW. All contacts must have duration of at least 15 minutes. All CW bands may be used. GCR accepted. Contacts must date from 1 Feb 1993. Signal reports may not be less than T(one) 7. Costs $NZ12 for initial award. Par Excellente cost to be published in future; inquire. Apply to: Awards Manager, PO Box 1733, Christchurch 8140, New Zealand.
(Chg 12/06)
Brasspounders Initial Award
Earn 25 points accumulating points according to the following Types:
1. each CW QSO with Christchurch Branch 05 NZART member = 1.
2. CW QSO with Branch 05 "Brasspounder" member = 2.
3. CW QSO with Brasspounder member using ZL3AC club stn = 4.
( Multiple QSO credit available if time interval greater than 24 hours.)
4. Bonus point: if any of above made using STRAIGHT key = 2.
5. Bonus point: if any of above using ELECTRONIC or SEMI-
AUTOMATIC (bug) = 1. (No credit for use of computer morse!)
Award Par Excellente
Earn 60 points in accordance with the schedule shown for Brasspounders. Contacts for this award must be in addition to those for the Initial award. New Zealand "Home Stations" must include at least two type "1" QSO's, and there is no limit on type "5" contacts. When same station is being claimed more than nce, there must be at least 24 hours separating the QSO's.
Overseas stations need only one type "1" QSO, and may claim 2 points for each "ZL" QSO together with one extra bonus point it the "ZL" is a Branch 05 member. At least 24 hours must separate QSO's where the same station is being claimed more than once.
(TKS ZL2QK)(97)
Christchurch award
Contact stations located in Christchurch, NZ. Christchurch hams need 25, other ZL 15, VK 10, all others 5. Cost ZL and VK $5.00; others US$4.00 or equivalent. GCR list to: Christchurch Branch Awards Manager, Box 8140, Christchurch, New Zealand
(Chg 12/2006)
City of Dunedin Award
Sponsored by Otago Branch 30 for earning 10 points (ZL's) and 5 points for all others according to the following schedule:
ZL4AA Branch station = 3 Branch 30 President = 2
Branch Life Member = 2 Branch YL = 2
Other Branch members = 1
SWL OK. No repeater contacts. Each eligible station may be worked one time only. All bands and modes. GCR list $NZ2.50 to: Awards Manager, PO Box 5485, Dunedin 9058, New Zealand.
(Chg 12/2006)
Fiordland National Park Award
Contact four stations in or within one kilometer of the Fiordland National Park, plus two contacts with Branch 08 members. GCR list and fee of $NZ2.00 to: George McKenzie ZL4JP, Waiparu, No. 7 RD, Gore 9777, New Zealand.
(Chg 12/2006)
FISTS Down Under Award
The FISTS Down Under
Award is earned by accumulating 50 points.
For this award contacts with any FISTS
Down Under (FDU) member in ZL or VK since
the inauguration of FISTS Down Under on 1
June 1988 are worth one point. Contacts
with FDU affiliated club stations are
worth five points each. (Currently ZL6FF,
award is available for all FISTS Club
members worldwide. A station can only be
claimed once. – Note, the one point for
working a FDU station is the same for all
members, (i.e. there is no premium for
working outside one’s country.)
As the number of FDU members increases,
provision will be made for higher grades
of the FDU Award.
Please note the special
E-Mail address for applications for this
Gisborne Award
Contact stations in Gisborne after 1 Jan 1969. Gisborne amateurs need 10, rest of ZL = 4, all others = 2. GCR list and $US5 to Awards Manager, PO Box 1017, Gisborne 4040, New Zealand.
(CHG 12/2006)
Kapiti Award
Contacts since 1-1-76 with Kapiti Club (Branch 69) as follows: Earn 10 points on any band, including VHF/UHF and repeater contacts. Different stations required. One point for any NZART member residing in the district, two points for any branch member, 3 for any committee member, 4 points for ZL2KB. Net contacts OK, except Branch net. SWL OK. Packet contacts add two points for each Kapiti branch member worked direct. Double points for CW contacts excluding Field Days. GCR list and $5 per certificate to Kapiti ARC, c/-5a Konin Grove, Raumati Beach 5234, New Zealand.
(Chg 12/2006)
Manawatu Award
Available only for DX stations working five members of the Manawatu Branch 20. GCR list and fee of $US5 or 5 IRC’s to: ZL2AFT, 429 Albert Street, Palmerston North 4410, New Zealand.
(Chg 12/2006)
Manawatu ARS Windmill Award
There are 48 windmills overlooking the city generating electricity for the national grid. 48 points required in this award - contacts may be made on any band and mode. Point values:
Club station ZL2KO (Compulsory Contact) = 10 points.
Club President = 5 points. Vice President = 4 points.
Committee Member = 3 points. Any other branch member = 2 points.
Stations may only be contacted once and must be financial members of Branch 20 at time of contact. Contacts on or after 1 Sept 00.
Overseas stations only need 5 branch members and the club station is not required, but optional. GCR list and fee of $NZ/USA5. Apply to: Award Custodian, Manawatu ARS, PO Box 1718, Palmerston North Central, Palmerston North 4440, New Zealand.
(Chg 12/2006)
New Zealand Women Amateur Radio Operators Series
General Requirements. Contact NZ YL's on any mode or band from the same QTH. No repeaters or contest QSO's. GCR list and postage for return to: Lynnette McDonald ZL1LL, 25 John Street, Pukekohe 2120, New Zealand.
(CHG 12/2006)
WARO Award
a. HF: ZL and VK work 10 WARO members, DX 5. Contacts from 1 June 1969. Endorsement seals for ZL and VK's for each additional 12; DX applicants 6. Contacts with DX members of WARO qualify for endorsements but applications must contain at least 3 ZL contacts.
b. VHF: Ten VHF contacts with WARO members from 1 Jan 1979. Endorsements for each additional five.
c. SWL's: ZL and VK list 20, DX list 10 from 1 Jan 1979. Endorsements each additional 10 (5 for DX).
NZWAROA Century Award
Contact 100 NZWARO members (DX members included) from 1 June 1987. All modes and bands, but each YL claimed must be a financial member at time of contact and may be only counted once. Repeaters, nets and contests are ok. Fee is $NZ2.
NZWARO Mountain Buttercup Award
For contacts with licensed NZWARO members, resident, visiting, mobile, etc in the 60 towns named in the official list (SASE/IRC from manager). All modes and bands, but must have been a financial member at time of contact and within a 25 Km radius of the center of the town named. Repeaters, nets and contests ok. Contacts after 1 Jan 89. 15 towns/contacts needed for basic certificate. Stickers for each 5 up to 60, send SAE/postage.
(Chg 03)
Old Timers Award
Make 10 contacts with OTC (ZL) members, each contact worth one point, any band, phone or cw with an upgrade endorsement of 50 points. Contacts after December 8, 1995. GCR list and fee of $NZ5 or equivalent IRC’s to: OTC, New Plymouth Branch NZART, c/- TEMO, 45 Robe Street, New Plymouth 4310, New Zealand.
(Chg 12/2006)
Papakura Radio Club "21" Award
Contact 20 members of Papakura Radio Club plus ZL1VK on or after 1 Jan 1977. Band/mode endorsements as requested. GCR list and fee of NZ$2.00 to: Secretary Papakura Radio Club, PO Box 72-397, Papakura, Manukau 2244, New Zealand.
(Chg 12/2006)
Railways Award
Sponsored by the Southern Wairarapa Branch 42. Work amateurs living within 1km of Railway Stations which are the stopping places for the "Northerner", the "Southerner" and Picton-Christchurch Express. (Auckland to Invercargill). Full rules on special check sheet you should request. Fee of $NZ3, along with checksheet to: Railways Awards Custodian, PO Box 1733, Christchurch Mail Centre, Christchurch 8140, New Zealand.
(Tks NZART)(07)
Reefton-Buller Award
Contact any five Branch members for Basic Award. List of mmbers available from Branch 62 Secretary. For Merit Award, ZL's must contact one Branch 62 XYL or YL plus the club station ZL3BRC; while overseas stations must contact any of the three mentioned. GCR list and $NZ5 to NZART Awards Manager.
(CHG 99)
Rhododendron Festival Award
This award is held by the combined clubs of Taranaki during November of each year to coincide with the Rhododendrom Festival. Usually runs for two weeks each year; around the end of October to the beginning of November. All bands and modes. Each station may be worked ONCE ONLY for each separate application for the award. Available on all band and modes. NZ stations require 25 points from listing below:
A. Compulsory QSO with ZL6RFA special event station = 5 points.
B. Contact with Taranaki Branch stations:
New Plymouth Branch 27 ZL2AB 3 points.
Hawera Branch 14 ZL2AWW 3 points.
Rahotu Coastal Branch 21 - ZL2ANN 3 points.
Waitara Branch 27 - ZL2TO 3 points.
Patea Branch 54 ZL2QF 3 points
Inglewood Branch 19
ZL2PT - 3 points
C. Each additional Taranaki station - 1 point.
DX Stations need 6 points from the above schedule. No compulsory QSO. GCR log accepted. Fee for ZL is $NZ6 for certificate and endorsement sticker NZ$2.80. For all overseas application, fee is $US5 or 5 IRC. Application to arrive before second Monday in December to: Award Custodian, Rhododendron Festival Award, Branch 27 NZART, CDHQ Building, 45 Rode Street, New Plymouth 4310, New Zealand.
(Chg 12/2006)
RF81 Rotorua Award
The award is for contacts into the 98 subsquares and two contacts with the club station ZL1ROT. Certificate issued upon completion of contacts into 5 sub-squares, plus 1 with ZL1ROT. 4 endorsements available as number of subsquares reach 25, 50, 75 and 98. They will be known as the Geyser, Redwood, Lakeland and Mountain endorsements. The final endorsement requires a further contact with ZL1ROT, making a total of 100 contacts for the full award. All bands and modes. Operators operating from a sub-square may claim that sub-square for their own award. Identification of the subsquares is as follows: AL-GL AM-GM AN-GN AO-GO AP-GP AQ-GQ AR-GR AS-GS AT-GT AU-GU AV-GV AW-GW AX-GX AA-GA.
Contacts after 25 March 1988. Cost of the award is $NZ4. Endorsements require only SASE. Apply to: The Award Manager, Rotorua ARC, 24 Iles Road, Lynmore, Rotorua 3010, New Zealand.
(Chg 12/2006)
The Rosetown of New Zealand "Grand Award"
This award, available in two levels, BASIC or ADDICT, is workable world-wide by any Amateur Radio Operator or SWL. All bands and modes, but no use of repeater.
The object is to contact Grandparent operators, and claim points according to the list given below. Only one QSO may be used over the two award levels.
Point Schedule:
A. A QSO with a Grand parent earns 10 points
B. If also a Great Grandparent earns another 10 points
C. Who is also a Great Great Grandparent earns another 20 points and
should there be a Great Great Great Grandparent another 100 points and
each Grandchild, Great Grand Child, etc earn each 1 points.
(For example, two Grandchildren, one Great Grandchild and two Great Great Grandchildren =5 points plus 40=45 subtotal for that QSO.)
The sub-total so claimed, may be doubled if the operator contacted is a member of the National Radio Society of the country worked: ie, NZART, WIA, ARRL, etc.
The BASIC AWARD of 1000 points (QSL size) $NZ5.00, overseas
The ADDICT AWARD of 10,000 points (304 mm x 203 mm) $7.00, overseas
$US6.00. (Basic
points can be credited towards the Addict.)
Each award is a beautiful photograph of a rose. Contacts on or after January 1, 1992.. For log Sheet and Rules, send a SASE (or IRC) to: Awards Manager, Te Awamatu ARC, NZART Branch 40, C/- 509/1 Mutu Street, Te Awamutu 3800, New Zealand. .
(Chg 12/2006)
Southern Polar Plunge Award
This Award sponsored by the Otago Branch NZART Inc coincides with the longest nights/shortest days of the year and is to highlight the mid-winter activities in the southern parts of New Zealand. The Award will run in the week of 21st June and contacts with Otago Branch operators on any band or mode are eligible BUT each station may be worked ONCE only.
10 points required for ZL applications (5 points for DX stations) may be accumulated from the following allocations:
ZL4AA - Otago Branch Station - 3 points
ZL4QK - Branch President - 2 points
Any other Otago Branch member - 1 point
Award is available to any amateur operators or SWLs who accumulate the necessary points. The Award application containing a copy of log details and operator's or SWL's name and address plus $5.00 fee to Awards Manager, Otago Branch NZART Inc., PO Box 5485, Moray Place, Dunedin 9058, New Zealand.
(Application to be received no later than 31st July each year.)
(Chg 12/2006)
Tane Mahuta Award
HF: 20 contacts with Branch 28 members including at least one in each of the counties of Rodney, Otamatea, Hobson, Hokianga, Mangonui, Whangaroa, Bay of Islands, and Whangarei with the rules of NZC applying.
VHF: 20 contacts including at least one in each of the locator squares RF63, RF64, RF65 and RF74, and that part of RF73 north of 36º 30'; that is, with Sub-squares ending in M or X. Contacts must be made from one square to another.
Portable and mobile operation permitted. Multiple contacts permitted provided the station is located in a different county or locator square for each contact. Contacts on or after 1 Jan 1985. GCR list and fee of NZ$5 for NZ, $A5 for Australian, and $US5 for all others. Apply to: Northland Award Custodian, Box 10-078, Te Mai, Whangarei 0143, New Zealand.
(Chg 12/2006)
Te Puke Branch 53
The objective of the award is to ensure foreign amateurs visiting ZL are likely to make 2 way contacts with native ZLs. It is open to all NZART members for contacting 10 foreign/visiting amateurs. The Advanced Award requires 10 QSOs with foreign/visiting amateurs from 10 DXCC countries. The Supreme Award is for 50 QSOs with foreign/visiting amateurs from 50 different DXCC countries.
All contacts must be two way voice/phone. GCR list and fee of $ZN5 (upgrades $NZ2) to: The Secretary, Te Puke Amateur Radio Club Inc., c/- PO Box 10, Te Puke 3153, New Zealand.
(Chg 12/2006)
The Travelers Award
Sponsored by the Huntly Branch of NZART. The goal is to contact stations that are away from their normal residence and camping in a tent, caravan or camper van/mobile home.
There are three camping modes valid for the award:
Tent - the portable station must be transmitting from a tent or in a nearby
Caravan - the portable station must be transmitting from a caravan or in a
vehicle nearby.
Camper Van / Mobile Home - the station must be transmitting from within the
Level |
Tent |
Caravan |
Camper Van/ Mobile Home |
Basic |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Intermediate |
2 |
2 |
2 |
Advanced |
3 |
3 |
3 |
Contacts after 1 Nov 2003. SWL OK. All bands and modes. Fee for the award is $NZ5. Apply to: The Award Manager, C/-J Williams, Kainui Road, RD1, Taupiri 3791, New Zealand.
Upper Hutt
Available to amateurs and SWLs with any required endorsement for contacts after 2 July 1972 with stations operating in Upper Hutt Valley which count as ONE point except YL operators and Club Station ZL2VH which count as TWO points. Upper Hutt applications require a total of 15 points; rest of NZ require 10 points; overseas require 5 points. Certified list with FULL QSO data (NO QSL cards) with $2.00 or 1 IRC for NZ stations, 2 IRCs for overseas stations. Post to Upper Hutt Award, c/o 35 Matai Road, Raumati South, Kapiti 5032, New Zealand.
(Chg 12/2006)
Wairarapa Regional Award
Sponsored by Branches 06, 46 and
82. Work 8 counties, 12 towns, 15 postcodes, three lakes, four hospitals,
eight rivers, two aerodromes, two lighthouses and 23 Museums/Historic
places. The award may be worked in three stages: Basic, Upgrade and
Final. A check sheet for working the award is available on written request
with a SASE from the Awards Manager, P Box 860, Masterton 5840, New Zealand.
The award may be worked on all bands and modes
beginning on 1 Jan 1997. Fee for the "Basic" award is
$NZ5. After working the Basic Award, the Upgrade and Final endorsement
stickers are free upon receipt of check sheet and SASE.
(Tks NZART)(12/2006)
Waitomo Award
Earn 10 points with Branch 55 contacts as follows: VHF simplex or cw = 2, VHF or UHF repeater = 1, HF phone = 1, HF cw = 2, VHF satellite = 2, Club station ZL1IZ = 2 points. SWL OK. GCR list and $5 to IM Howill ZL1BZ, 15 Frederick Street, Otorohanga 3900, New Zealand
(Chg 12.2006)
Wanganui Award
ZL's contact 5 stations in Wanganui, others 3. Repeater QSO's ok. (club stations ZL2JA counts as 2) since 1 Jan 1982. Free to Blind/Paralyzed amateurs. GCR list and $NZ3 or 5 IRCs to: Award Manager, 1 Caversham Road, Wanganui 4105, New Zealand.
(Chg 12/2006)