NEW ZEALAND 1 (NZART to Bay of Plenty)
Changes as of 10/2009
New Zealand Amateur Radio Transmitters (NZART) Series ---
General Requirements: Log extract is accepted. Contacts must have been made after 1 Nov 1945. You do not have to hold the cards; sufficient to certify that the QSO was made. Special endorsements available for single-band or mode accomplishments. Costs for all awards for DX applicants is $US5 or 5 IRC, except WAP which is $US6 or 6 IRC. For overseas airmail, add $US1or 1 IRC. The fee for New Zealand applicants is $NZ3 unless otherwise specified. Send all applications to: NZART Awards Manager, Alan Chapman ZL3GX, PO Box 1733, Christchurch Mail Centre, Christchurch 8140, New Zealand.
(Chg 10/2009)
Captain James Cook Award
This award keeps alive the memory of this world famous navigator and seaman.
Issued in 3 classes:
Sailor class requires contacts with a G in
Yorkshire, FO, ZL2, VK2 and KH6.
Officer class needs those made for
Sailor plus ZL1, ZL3, ZL4, VK3, VK4, New Guinea and any Antarctic
Command needs all of the preceding plus any five of the
following: VE2, VO, A35, YJ8, FK8, CE8 and KL7.
(Chg 12/06)
Available in three parts: Class A requires earning 200 points with endorsements for 250, 300 and 350 points. Class B Honour award requires 400 points with endorsements for each additional 50, and Class C HONOUR PLAQUE for 500 points.
Points are earned by contacting an NZART member after 1 Nov 1976 on the voting roll of the Branch concerned: Phone QSO = 1 point, CW = 2, Club Station QSO = 2, YL OP QSO = 1, UHF, VHF QSO = 1, Mobile QSO = 1, AMSAT QSO = 1 and Branch President = 1. Members worked must be paid up. Mobile contacts good only when the mobile station is within 30 Km of QTH.
One station may be claimed in several categories; e.g. - Branch President can be claimed for both Phone and CW as well as that title, but this would require 3 QSO's, and contacts must be at least 24 hours apart.
No cross mode contacts. "Club Net" contacts valid only after net adjourns. ZL applicants must be members of NZART. No cards needed, but special check list needed which is available from sponsor. Endorsements free with SASE. Fee is $NZ3. Honor Plaque cost is $NZ10 or $US12 for DX.
(CHG 01)
IARU Region III Operating Award
Contact stations in member countries after 5 April 1982: The basic award requires 7 areas, Silver endorsement 15 areas; Gold endorsement 20 areas.
(Chg 03)
Eligible countries list: Australia, Bangladesh, Brunei, China (PRC), Chinese Taipei (Formosa), Fiji, French Polynesia (FO8 only), Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Macau, Malaysia, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Pitcairn Island (VR6), Singapore, Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Tonga and Vanuatu.
Plus one country credit from U.S. territories in the Pacific: Guam, Northern Marianas, American Samoa, Wake Island, Baker Howland Group, as represented by the ARRL; or one from Chagos Archipelago (VQ9), represented by RSGB. Current total of available "countries" is 35.
(Chg 03)
Minor Islands Award (MIA)
Contact at least 5 of the minor islands of the New Zealand coast. These include: Kapiti Is., Portland Is., Great Barrier Is., Little Barrier Is., Waiheke Is., D'Urville Is., Rangitoto Is., Kawau Is., Motutapu Is., etc. List with $NZ3 to sponsor. Note: So-called "islands" in the Auckland area which are connected to the mainland by a causeway are not eligible. Station must be located on the island or within the waters up to 1 nautical mile offshore, unless prevented by hazardous conditions. Where public access is available, M/M stations must be on a mooring or on arrival or departure from a mooring.
(CHG 01)
National Parks Award
Contact stations operating WITHIN boundaries of a New Zealand National Park. Basic award requires two contacts. Endorsements for each additonal two contacts. Same station may be contacted on different bands, on different days or from different parks. Contacts after 1 Jan 1988. Fee is $NZ3.
(Chg 01)
New Zealand Award
Available to all except ZL amateurs. 101 contacts are needed to qualify: 35 ZL1 stations, 35 ZL2 stations, 20 ZL3 stations, 10 ZL4 stations plus one contact with a ZL "territory" (either Antarctica, Chatham Islands or Campbell Island). Contacts after 8 Dec 1945. The last named territory may be substituted by 20 additional ZL contacts not already used. Fee is $NZ3.
(CHG 01)
NZ Armed Services Award
Sponsored by the Counties and Awards Net to honor all amateur radio operators who have served their country in their respective armed forces. Open to all amateurs and SWL's. Contacts after 1 August 1992. All bands and modes OK. Repeaters OK. A station may be only contacted once. Contact amateurs who have served in the military. ZL's need 100, VK's need 50, all others 30. Information needed for the application must include the branch of service and the service number of the station contacted. Fee $NZ3 or equivalent.
(Chg 01)
New Zealand Counties Award
Basic level award issued for contact with 20 N.Z. counties. Endorsements for 40, 60 80 and 100 with a special certificate for 112. A map showing the counties may be obtained by writing sponsor with and IRC and SAE. Checking sheets must be used and are returned to the applicant. They cost 20 cents or 1 IRC. The initial award with any or all endorsements costs $NZ3. Additional endorsments cost 1 IRC plus SASE. The special NZC 112 Award costs $NZ3.
NZC "224": The "224" Shield was instituted to recognize very outstanding achievement - that of double 112 with different stations the second time around. Current cost is $15.00, overseas stations $US25. Applicants for NZC 224 must first hold TWO NZC 112 awards.
(CHG 07)
The operator of a "County DXpedition" may claim that county for his own NZC credit.
Note overseas applicants: extra $4 for airmail postage on "224" plaque or $2 for surface postage.
(CHG 92)
New Zealand Guiding Light Award
Contact NZ stations operating within 30Km (or 10Km in some cases) of the location of prominent NZ lighthouses per an official listing available from NZART for SASE. You will need to earn 20 points for the "MARINERS" level and 50 points for the "MASTER MARINERS" level. A NZ station operating within the required radius may claim that lighthouse for credit. Contacts on or after 1 Nov 1998. SWL OK.
Costs are $NZ5, $A5, $US5 or 5 IRC’s. (Chg 01)
New Zealand Lakeside Award (NZLA)
Contact stations operating on the shores of 10 freshwater lakes in New Zealand. Endorsements for each additional 10 up to 40. Honour award for 50 lakes with further endorsement each added 10. Stations must be located within One Kilometer of the water or in a town on the lake shore. Official check sheets required - cost is 20 cents plus large SASE. Contacts after 1-5-76. Basic award costs $NZ. .
(CHG 01)
Worked All New Zealand Award
Contact 45 different branches of the NZART (overseas applicants need 35) since 1 Nov 1945. Special endorsement if done in a 12 month period. Mobiles operating outside their regular branch area must sign the branch from which they are mobile while operating. Branches are as follows:
01 Asburton | 13 Hastings | 25 Napier | 37 Southland | 49 Westland | 61 Central Otago | 73 Northern Wairoa |
02 Auckland | 14 Hawera | 26 Nelson | 38 Taumarunui | 50 Wellington | 62 Reefton Buller | 74 Wellington VHF |
03 W Suburbs | 15 Horowhenua | 27 New Plymouth | 39 Tauranga | 51 E. Bay of Plenty | 63 Upper Hutt | 75 Queenstown |
04 Cambridge | 16 Horowhenua | 28 Northland | 40 Te Awanmutu | 52 Wairoa | 64 North Otago | 76 Kaikoura |
05 Christchurch | 17 Huntly | 29 North Shore | 41 Thames Valley | 53 Te Puke | 65 Papakura | 77 Te Aroha & Dist. |
06 Dannevirke | 18 Hutt Valley | 30 Otago | 42 Titahi Bay | 54 Patea | 66 Auckland VHF | 78 Far North |
07 Bland | 19 Inglewood | 31 Pahiatua | 43 Waihi | 55 Waitomo | 67 Kawerau | 79 Howick & Dist. |
08 East Southland | 20 Manawatu | 32 Rahotu Coastal | 44 Matamara RC | 56 Hornby | 68 N. Canterbury | 80 Hibiscus Coast |
09 Egmont | 21 Manakau | 33 Rotorua | 45 Waimarino | 57 Tokoroa | 69 Kapiti | 81 Waikato VHF |
10 Franklin | 22 Marlborough | 34 S. Canterbury | 46 Wairarapa | 58 Helenville | 70 Fielding | 82 Southern Wairarapa |
11 Gisborne | 23 Marton | 35 South Otago | 47 Waitara | 59 Mangakino | 71 Rodney | 83 Raglan |
12 Hawke's Bay | 24 Monueka | 36 W. Westland | 48 Wanganui | 60 Taupo | 72 Opotiki | 84 Bay of Islands |
85 Mercury Bay | ||||||
86 South Taranaki |
(CHG 12/06)
NZART Century Award
The award is based on the Maidenhead Locator System. SWL OK. Work 100 different sub-squares. Addict certificate for earning 500 sub-squares. Grand certificate for 1000 sub-squares. Each contact must state the full 6 digits of the Locator position – such as RF66HK. Contacts on or after 1 Jan 2000. Any operator on a "Century Award Dxpedition", whether portable or mobile may claim the sub-square for their own credit.
All contacts must be from the New Zealand mainland or surrounding islands. Log sheets, maps and software program for the program are available for SASE from sponsor. Century, Addict and Grand Certificates cost is NZ, A or $US5 each.
(Chg 03)
NZR Regions Award
The award is similar to the NZ counties award, but relates to working the current Regional Districts. Initial certificate requires 4 regions and 18 districts. Endorsements for 8/36 and 12/54. Special award for all regions and districts. Contacts on or after 1 January 2000.
List and fee for basic award NZ$5. Endorsements SASE plus 40c stamp. Overseas fee is $US/A5.00 or 5 IRC. Endorsements $US2 or 2 IRC. All Regions and Districts Award NZ, A, US$5.00.
Double Region Award $15. Overseas $US25 surface only.
Boundaries are as per Infomaps 242B-1 to 4 (4 maps) and will remain to give a basis to stability.
Applications for the award must be on the log sheets which are available from NZART Awards Manager. Send SASE or via e-mail for a PDF file.
The following is a list of districts (bold type) and the regions below them.
Northland Far North, Whangarei, Kaipara
Auckland Rodney, North Shore, Waitakere, Auckland, Manukau, Papakura, Franklin.
Waikato Thames-Coromandel, Hauraki, Waikato, Matamata Piako, Hamilton, Waipa, Otorohanga, South Waikato, Waitomo, Taupo.
Bay of Plenty Western Bay of Plenty, Tauranga, Rotorua, Kawerau, Whakatane, Opotiki.
Gisborne Gisborne
Hawkes Bay Wairoa, Hastings, Napier, Central Hawkes Bay
Taranaki New Plymouth, Stratford, South Taranaki
Wanganui-Manawatu Ruapehu, Wanganui, Rangitikei, Manawatu, Palmerston North, Horowhenua, Tararua
Wellington Masterson, Carterton, South Wairarapa, Kapiti Coast, Porirua, Upper Hutt, Lower Hutt, Wellington.
Nelson Nelson
Marlborough Marlborough
Tasman Tasman
Westcoast Buller, Grey, Westland
Canterbury Kaikoura, Hurunui, Selwyn, Waimakariri, Christchurch, Banks Peninsula, Ashburton, Mackenzie, Timaru, Waimate.
Otago Waitaki, Queenstown-Lakes, Central Otago, Dunedin, Clutha.
Southland Gore, Southland, Invercargill.
Dept of Conservation Lands Award
Awarded for contacts made with DOC controlled areas on or after 1 Jan 2003. 3 levels of the award require differing number of contacts:
Location of Conservation Basic Intermediate Advanced Lands
DOC Campsite 2 4 6 National Park 1 2 3 Forest Park 1 3 5 Lighthouse in DOC Control 1 2 3 Lake in DOC area 1 2 3 Forest Hut 2 4 5 DOC Controlled Land on island 1 2
A station may only be used for one point at each location per trip. If operating from Lake Rotoroa in the Nelson Lakes Park, from the Sabine Hut, that station must state whether it is a National Park, Forestry Hut or Lake Station. The transmitting station must be located within the boundaries of a:
1. Forest Park for Forest Park Credit.
2. National Park for National Park Credit.
3. Within 1Km of a lake, within DOC boundaries for Lake credit.
4. Within 10Km of a lighthouse within DOC boundaries for lighthouse credit,
while the station itself must be within the boundaries of DOC lands.
5. Within viewing distance of a DOC Hut within DOC Boundaries for Forest Hut
6. And on an island controlled by DOC for Island credit.
A station can claim itself for working stations from a location. Cards are
not required.
(New 07)
Worked All Pacific Award
Contact 30 different countries of Oceania. Cost is $3NZ. Eligible countries include any DXCC country which is eligible for Oceania credit for the WAC award. (CHG 92)
Tiki Award
Work 5 different ZL's, each on five different bands. Cost $3. (Chg 01)
VHF Century Club
One hundred points required from QSO's with ZL stations on the following basis:50 Mhz QSO's = 1 point, 144 Mhz = 3, 432 Mhz = 6. The same station may be claimed once on any one band but may be claimed repeatedly on different bands. Endorsement stickers available for 200, 300, 400, 500 points. Cost $3. (CHG 01)
WAD - A VHF Award
Contacts required on any VHF band or mixture of bands with ZL1, ZL2, ZL3, ZL4 - one contact per call area. Cost $3. Endorsements for satellite QSO's. (CHG 01)
Yearly Award
An annual award starting on 1 January and ending 31 December each year. Make 80 contacts. The number of years licensed must be obtained from stations worked. These licensed years must total to 1000 or more years. Log details must include operators call, name, licensed years and date worked. SWL OK, but must include names of both sides of QSO heard. Overseas stations must work minimum of 20 ZL’s. Fee for NZ is $NZ3.
ZLA Award
Contact Auckland City ZL1, Wellington City ZL2, Christchurch City ZL3, Dunedin City ZL4, Antarctica ZL5, Campbell Island, Chatham Island and Kermadec Island.
5 Band WAP
Contact any 30 eligible Pacific countries (as count for Oceania for WAC) each on Five different bands, making a total of 150 stations. List to Awards manager with $NZ15 ($US25). The award is a wooden shield surmounted with the NZART badge and suitably inscribed. (Extra overseas postage for airmail is $2.)
(Chg 01)
Individual ZL District Awards: Fee for these awards is 3 IRCs each for ZL applicants. All contacts must be postwar. Endorsements are 1 IRC each. May be endorsed for band or mode or any annual period. ZL or ZM prefixes ok.
ZL1 Award - Contact 125 different ZL1 stations. Endorsements at 175 and 250.
ZL2 Award - Contact 100 different ZL2 stations. Endorsements at 150 and 200.
ZL3 Award - Contact 50 different ZL3 stations. Endorsements at 75 and 100.
ZL4 Award - Contact 25 different ZL4 stations. Endorsements at 35 and 50.
5 X 5 Award
Contact any 5 different DX stations on 5 different bands. Initial award requires same station be contacted on 5 bands repeated with 5 different countries. Endorsements are issued after another five, and then in steps of 10 up to 100. QSO's since 1945 are valid. Fee = $NZ3.
(CHG 01)
Aotearoa Postcode Award
Make contact with ZL stations on or after 20 Oct 1991, and obtain their QTH and postcode. Then use the suffix letters of the station claimed to complete the following phrase: AOTEAROA LAND OF THE LONG WHITE CLOUD. Each letter of a callsign may be used once unless that station is contacted in a different postcode only.
Endorsements: Postie - 100 different postcodes, Mail officer = 150, Supervisor = 200, Branch Manager = 250.
All bands and modes. Repeater contacts OK. Portable and mobile stations must give the postcode for the particular area they are in and can claim that postcode for the award. Cost: ZL's $NZ3, VK's= $US2, DX = $US3. Endorsements: ZL's send SASE plus for $NZ1 for first, SASE for next three. VK's SASE plus $NZ1 stamp for each upgrade. DX= $US1 for each upgrade. GCR list to: Awards Manager, 48 Leslie Street, Waitara 4320, New Zealand.
(Chg 07)
Avocado Festival Award
The award is run in connection with
the Far North Avocado festival held in late February / early March each
year. SWL OK. All HF bands and 2m, 70cm contacts OK. Log
extract is required and must be submitted to the sponsor by the end of April of
the current yer. Fee for NZ based stations is $NZ5, overseas, NZ$6 or
equivalent (no IRC's please).
New Zealand stations need 20 points, all others 10.
Point values:
One contact only with the branch ZL1FND operator (compulsory) = 5 points.
Contact with Branch President or Vice President (who will identify) = 4.
Contact with any Branch 78 committee member (who will identify) = 3.
Contact with any other Branch 78 member = 2.
Apply to: The Awards Manager, PO Box 4, Awanui 0451, Far North, New Zealand.
(Chg 12/2006)
Bay of Plenty Award
Awarded for working stations in the Bay of Plenty region comprising Opotiki, Rotorua, Taupo, Tauranga and Whakatane counties and all cities or villages in the counties. ZL's need 10 on any bands or 5 on VHF. All others need 5 on any bands. Simplex contacts only. SWL OK. GCR list and $4.00NZ to: John V. Collin ZL1BNW, 65 Paine Street, Judea, Taura 3001, New Zealand.
(CHG 01)