(Updated 10/2009)
--- Korean Amateur Radio League Series ---
General Requirements: The fee for each award is $4US or 8 IRCs. ($2US or 4
IRCs for each HLA sticker). If cards are submitted, include IRCs for return
postage. HL9's, US military contacts DO NOT COUNT. Contacts must be made after 3
Feb 1959. All contacts must have been made from the same call area. Apply to:
Korean ARL, CPO Box 162, Seoul 100, Korea.
Internet: http://www.karl.or.kr
(Chg 10/09)
All Korea Award (AKA)
Issued for proof of contact with the 6 different HL call areas: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 0
(Chg 11/2005)
All Province Awards (APA)
Awarded for proof of contact with HL stations in each of the different special cities and provinces of Korea:
Area Province and/or City
1 City of Seoul
2 Inchon City, Kyonggi-do, Kangwon-do
3 Chungchongnam-do, Chungchongbuk-do
4 Chollanam-do, Chollabuk-do, Cheju-do
5 Pusan City, Taegu City, Kyongsangnam-do, Kyongsangbuk-do
DMZ Award
Contact different countries located along the 38th parallel of North Latitude on or after 3 Feb 1959. Class A = 15 countries, Class B = 10, Class C = 5. Eligible countries include: 9H BY CT EA EP EY EZ HL I JA P5 SV TA UJ W YA YI. One of the countries used for any of the classes must be HL. The award will be valid until the date of Korean unification. Korean stations need KARL Branch check of cards. Overseas need GCR by their National Society of Club. Fee is W3000 for Korean stations, 10 IRCs or $US5 for all others.
(Chg 11/2005)
HL Award
Issued for HL (except HL9) contacts. The following classes are available:
Class K = 5 QSLs required; O = 10; R = 20; E = 30; A = 50.
Korean District Number Award (KDN)
Issued for proof of contact with HL stations in each of 50 cities, Guns or Gus in Korea. Available endorsements for 100, 150, 200, 250 and ALL upon submission of cards with list prepared in order of KDN reference numbers.
Amsat Award
Using HL QSL’s, spell the word "MUGUNGHWA" from the last letter of each of 9 different HL stations through AMSAT.
Class A: Spell the word "MUGUNGHWA".
Class B: Contact 10 HL’s through AMSAT.
Class C: Contact 5 HL’s through AMSAT
Contacts must be on or after 1 January 1994. All modes and bands. GCR list and fee of $US2 or 4 IRC’s. Apply to: H.G. Bae HL5BPF, PO Box 12, Pusan #607-600 Korea.
(Tks HL5BPF)(99)
-- DA RAM JUI Series --
General Requirements: SWL OK. GCR list and fee of 10 IRCs for each award. Apply to: Da Ram Jui Net Club, Pyeong Taek Office, PO Box 4, Pyeong Taek, Gyeong Gi Do, 180-00, Korea.
Korea Da Ram Jui Net Member Award
Provide proof of having contacted at least 10 Korea District Numbers. Endorsements for 30, 50 and 100.
Korea Da Ram Jui Net All Band Award
Contact a club member on each of 7 bands 3.5 to 145 MHz.
(TKS HL5AP)(93)
Friendship Award
Class A: Contact 50 HL stations including the 7 different HL call areas
(refer to AKA rules).
Class B: Contact 25 HL stations including the 15 different special cities and
provinces of Korea (APA).
Class C: Spell the word "FRIENDSHIP" using the last letter from
each of 10 confirmed QSO's of HL stations.
SPECIAL: Contact 37 different HL's - 7 different HL call areas, 15 different special cities and provinces and spell the words "FRIENDSHIP KOREA" using the last call letters from 15 confirmed QSO's of HL stations.
SWL OK. Contacts after 1 Jan 1980. All bands and modes. Endorsements for single band or mode. GCR list and copies of cards received and fee of $US3 or 5 IRCs to: Chung H.Y. HL1IHU, Friendship Award Manager, 64-10 Itaewon-Tong, Yongsan-ku, Seoul, 140-200 Korea.
(TKS HL2KZW)(93)
Good News Award
Issued by the Korean Catholic ARA for earning 50 points by working members and club stations associated with the Catholic church organization in Korea. Point values:
Reqt 1 - any QSO with an HV (Vatican Station) = 20 points.
Reqt 2 - any QSO with KCARA club station HL0KMS = 10.
Reqt 3 - one QSO with any of the following club stations: HL0CEP HL0KSG
Reqt 4 - one QSO with KCARA members = 5 points.
Reqt 5 - club stations of any worldwide catholic groups whose name includes
the word "Catholic" = 5 points.
Reqt 6 - any ARS of worldwide Catholic parties, societies or associations = 5
Reqt 7 - one QSO with a Korean station = 1 point.
One of the requirements #1, 2, 3 or 4 is mandatory, but you may choose the one you want. Contacts from 1 Jan 1986. All bands or modes. SWL OK. GCR list and fee of $US4 or 8 IRC’s to: Yang H. Yi HL1KIS, #2 801, Hyundai apt 4-2, Tangsandong 5ka, Youngdungpo ku, Seoul 150-045, Korea.
E-mail: hl1kis@korea.com
Internet: http://www.qsl.net/hl1kis/can.htm
(Chg 3/2003)
General Requirements: Available to all amateurs and SWLs. GCR list and fee of 3000won, 10 IRCs or $US8 plus a copy of your QSL card. Endorsements available for band, mode or mixed. Apply to: Award Desk, KARL Gyeongnam Branch, POBox 59, Chang Won, 641_600 Gyeongnam, Korea.
Gyeongnam Award (KA)
Class 300: Work 300
Gyeongnam area stations.
Class 100: Work 100.
Class 50: Work 50.
Class 10: Work 10.
Class 5: Work 5.
All Gyeongnam District Award
Work or hear (SWL) at least one station in each of the 20 KDN's (Korean District Numbers) comprising Gyeongnam Area.
L01 - Masan City, L02 - Jinju City, L04- Jinhae City, L07- Changwon City, L08- Kimhae City, L09- Milryang City, L011- Tongyong City, L012- _ Keujae City, L013- Sachong City, L014- Yangsan City, L14- Haman Gun, L18- Namehae Gun, L19- Kosung Gun, L21- Ha Dong Gun, L23- San Cheong Gun, L24- Ham Yang Gun, L25- Keuchang Gun, L26- Hapcheon Gun, L27- Uiryong Gun, L28- Changnyung Gun.
Last Letter Gyeongnam Award (LKA)
Class D: using any
available radio station, using the last letter of their suffix to spell
Class C: as above but from different KDNs.
Class B: as above but each station must be in a different Gyeongnam areas and
different Korean District Number (KDN).:
Class A: as above but a contact with with HL0LHQ and any overseas station is
(Tks HL5AP) 5/01
HL9 Award
Contact HL9 stations after 1 January 1987 in one or more of 5 different endorsements each of which requires 5 contacts: CW, SSB, RTTY, Packet or 5-Band requiring 5 per band. GCR list and $4US or 4 IRCs to: Rainer Herden KB5LIJ, Top Mansion D-1, 135-3 Itaweon-Dong, Yongsan-ku, Seoul 140-200 Republic of Korea
(CHG 92)
-- Inchon Ham Award Program
General Requirements: All contacts must be made after 8 Aug 85. SWL OK. All modes OK. Endorsements available for band, mode or all in one day. GCR list and fee of 6 IRCs for each award to: HL0IHQ (KARL Inchon Branch Mgr. HL2KVX), PO Box 375, Nam-Inchon 405-231, Korea.
(TKS JA9IFF)(97)
Internet: http://hl0ihq.karl.or.kr/en_award.html
Inchon Award
Contact stations in the Inchon area. Class 1 = 5, Class 2 = 10, Class 3 = 30, Class 4 = 50, Class 5 = 100 stations.
All Inchon Award
Work all Districts of Inchon. There are 10 valid and one old available districts: N01 = chung N02 = tong
N03 = nam N04 = puk (old) N0 5 = namdong N06 = so N07 = pupyong N08 = kyeyang N09 = yonsoo N10 = kanhwa N11 = onjin
Class 1 = 1 station from each district.
Class 2 = 3 stations from each district.
Class 3 = 5 stations from each district.
Class 4 = 10 stations from each district.
Class 5 = 30 stations from each district.
YL-OP Award
Work any YL operator in the Inchon area (club member or private station). Also valid are QSO's/SWL with different operators from the same club station.
Class 1 = 5 operators
Class 2 = 10 operators
Class 3 = 30 operators
Class 4 = 50 operators
Class 5 = 100 operators.
All Year Award
Work any station in the Inchon area during every month of a single year. 12 QSO's needed - from January to December.
Special Award
Work any special event stations (using special callsign) in Inchon plus club station HL0IHQ.
Class 1 = 1 station
Class 2 = 3 stations
Class 3 = 5 stations
Class 4 = 10 stations
Class 5 = 30 stations.
KARL Seoul Branch Series
General Requirements: Contacts must have been made after March 17, 1984. Land stations only. All bands and modes OK, endorsements upon request. GCR list and fee of 5 IRCs to: Award Manager, KARL, Seoul Branch, PO Box 22, Seocho koo 137-600 Korea.
(Tks HL1KIS)(00)
Seoul, the capital city of Korea is divided into 25 administrative districts and the KARL (Korea Amateur Radio League assigns 25 KDNs (Korea District Number) for each district A11 to A35.
Seoul Award
Class S: Obtain 25 QSLs from the 25 Seoul KDN and 1 QSL from KARL club
station HL0FHQ.
Class E: Obtain 100 QSLs and 1 with HL0FHQ.
Class O: Obtain 200 QSLs and 1 with HL0FHQ.
Class U: Obtain 300 QSLs and 1 with HL0FHQ.
Class L: Obtain 100 YL stations QSL and 1 with HL0FHQ.
All Seoul Award (ASA)
Class ASA Silver: Confirm contacts with 25 Seoul KDN stations and 1 QSL from
Class ASA Gold: Confirm contacts with 25 OM stations and 25 YL stations in
each Seoul KDN and 1 confirmed contact with HL0FHQ.
Worked All Korea Award
Issued by the Korean DX'ers Society for contacting Korean stations as follows;
Before 1 Jan 1981 you need 1-HL9 and 1-HM station.
After 1 Jan 1981, you need 1-HL9 and any other HL other than HL9.
(Special endorsement given for one each of HL1,2,3,4,5,8 and 0.)
You may substitute 3 different HL's for a missing HL9. SWL OK. No band or mode restrictions. GCR list and $4US or 10 IRCs to: Byong-joo Cho HL5AP, Chairman-Korea DX'ers Society, PO Box 4, Haeundae, Pusan, Korea 607-04.
Korea Catholic Amateur Radio Association Award
Earn a total of 50 points from contacts with the following schedule:
a. 1 QSO with HV(Vatican) station = 20 points
b. 1 QSO with HL0KMS(KCARA): = 10 points
c. 1 QSO with the following club stations = 7 points
d. 1 QSO with HL0KMS(KCARA ) members = 5 points.
Approximately 300 members throughout Korea. KCARA members place a club symbol
sticker on their QSLs. Or KCARA members can be identified by enclosing a leaflet
of this information with their QSL's.
e. 1 QSO with any ARS of the worldwide Catholic parties, Societies or
Associations = 5 points.
f. 1 QSO with any worldwide ARS whose name contains 'CATHOLIC' = 5 points
g. 1 QSO with a Korean station ( HL, 6K, 6L, 6M, D7, D9 including DS) = 1 point.
One b., c., or d. category station is mandatory for all applicants. HV (above item a.) station can be substituted for item b., c., or d. Contacts on or after 1st January 1986 on any Band any Mode. SWL OK. Application form available from sponsor, but is not required. GCR list and fee of US$4 or 8 IRC's to: Award Manager Yang H. Yi (HL1KIS), #2_801, Hyundai apt., 4_2, Tangsandong 5ka, Youngdungpo ku, Seoul 150_045 Korea
E mail address: hl1kis@thrunet.com or hl1kis@qsl.net
Tks HL1KIS 5/16/02
Korean Ladies ARC Award
Class A - From each call area HL1 HL2 HL3 HL4 HL5 and HL0 (club station), collect a QSL card from a YL operator. YL's operating from a club is OK, and a YL station operating portable in a needed district is OK.
Class B - Collect 15 different YL operator's cards. A HL0 YL operator is valid from a club station.
Contacts after 1 January 1985. SWL OK. GCR list and fee of 3000 Won, equivalent $US or 8 IRCs to: Ms. Do Sook Chae HL2KDW, 205-1304 Hyundai apt., Dohyeonmaul, 165 Singalli Giheung eup, Yongin city, Gyeonggido 449-900 Korea.
E-mail: hl2kdw@hotmail.com
Internet: http://www.ylnet.org/html/eng-main-5.html
(Chg 2/2007)
Kumsan Award Series
General Requirements: Sponsored by the Insamkol Ham Radio Asso 6L0LV and available to amateurs and SWLs. KDNs and District names must be described on the application. Band, mode etc endorsement on request. GCR list and fee of $US3 or 5 IRCs to: Award Manager, Kumsan, Insamkol Ham Radio Association, PO Box 3, Kumsan, Choongnam 312-800 Korea.
(Tks HL5AP)(00)
Kumsan Award I
Class A: confirmed contacts with each of the following KDN areas, 1 confirmed contact with F25 (Kumsan) and 1 confirmed contact with 6L0LV for total of 11 contacts.
R02 - Dong koo, Taejon E14 - Youngdong
R02 - See koo, Taejon G11 - Wanjoo
R03 - Joong koo, Taejon G22 - Chinan
F09 - Nonsan G23 - Moojoo
E13 - Okchon
One missing KDN may be substituted by any F25 (Kumsan) QSL. F25 and 6L0LV are mandatory for all classes.
Class B:
2 confirmed contacts with R02, R03, R04, or F09 KDN.
1 confirmed contact with E13 or E15 KDN.
1 confirmed contact with G11, G22 or G23.
1 confirmed contact with F25 and
1 confirmed contact with 6L0LV (total 6 contacts)
Kumsan Award II
The district name "Kumsan" consists of 2 syllables. One is "kum" and the other "san". In Korea, there are 18 districts which have "kum" or "san" in their name. They are as follows:
A18 - Yongsan A33 - Kumchun B21 - Kumjung
Q04 - Kwangsan CO12 - Ansan CO14 - Osan
E15 - Kwoesan F06 - Seosan F07 - Asan
F09 - Nonsan F19 - Yesan F25 - Kumsan
G02 - Koonsan G09 - Icksan K01 - Kyongsan
L01 - Masan LO14 - Yangsan L23 - Sanchong
Class Excellent - one confirmed QSO with each of the 18 KDNs plus mandatory
contact with 6L0LV and a F25 station.
Class A - 10 confirmed contacts plus the 2 mandatory noted above.
Class B - 5 confirmed contacts plus the 2 mandatory noted above.
Kyongju World Culture Expo Award
Make one contact with either of the special event stations 6K98WCX or D98WCS and meet any of the other following conditions:
Class A: Any 15 different DX countries.
Class B: spell the term WORLD CULTURE EXPO using the last letter of the
suffix of any DX countries.
Class C: spell the term as above but using different Korean stations, one of
which must be from Kyong-ju.
Class D: spell the term as above with Korean stations from Seoul, Chunnam,
Kyonghuk areas.
Class E: spell the term as above with any amateur stations.
SWL OK. GCR list and fee of 10 IRCs or $US8. Enclose one of your QSL cards. Apply to: Award Manager HL5AEX, Box 97, Kyongju, 780-600 Korea.
(Tks HL5AP)(00)
Pusan (Busan) Telegraphic Club Series
General Requirements: All contacts must be made using the CW mode only and must be made on or after 6 September 2001. GCR is accepted. Fee for each award is $US7 or 10 IRCs. Apply to award manager: Byong-joo HL5AP, PO Box 41, South Pusan, 613-600, Korea.
Morse Code
Operating Active Award (MCOAA)
Issued for working numbers of stations using the CW mode:
Award Class | CW QSOs needed |
Diamond | 5000 |
Gold | 2500 |
Silver | 1000 |
Bronze | 500 |
Issued for working members of the club. As of 3/02, there are 63
Award Class | HL/DS/6K | All Others |
Gold | 50 | 30 |
Silver | 25 | 15 |
Bronze | 10 | 5 |
Chg 1/07
Puyo Memorial Award
The certificate is issued to commemorate Puyo, the capital city of the ancient Paekche dynasty. SWL OK. Requires one confirmed contact with Puyo (KDN F24) station and 10 other contacts to spell out the words PAEKCHE PUYO using the last letter of their suffix in accordance with the following classes:
Class A: contact HL3EYM instead of Puyo (KDN F24) and complete the word
PAEKCHE PUYO with any different stations.
Class B: contact one Puyo station and complete the word using 6 all HL call
areas 1,2,3,4,5 and 0 stations.
Class C: contact one Puyo station and complete the word using all different
KDN stations.
Class D: contact one Puyo station and complete the word including
"A", "C", "E", "F", "G",
"H", "N", "Q" and "R" KDN stations.
A = Seoul City, C=Kyonggido province, E-Chungbuk province, F=Chungnam province, G=Chonbuk province, H=Chonnam province, N=Inchon city, Q=Kwangju city and R=Taejon city.
Class E: Must contact one Puyo station and complete the word with any different stations.
Endorsements are available per band and mode.
GCR list and fee of 3000Won and applicants QSL for HL applicants. For DX applicants, send GCR list and fee of 10IRC or $US8 and your QSL card to: Chang M. Cho HL3EYM, Award Manager, PO Box 2, Puyo, Chungnam 323-800 Korea.
(Tks HL1KIS and HL5AP)(99)
Pyongtaek Hankwang Award
Complete both requirements as listed:
1. Make one contact with the Hankwang ARC DS0IC and any station in Pyongtaek
(2 contacts).
2. Using the last letter of stations you contact, spell the term: PYONGTAEK
HANKWANG (17 contacts).
This second element determines class of the award:
Class A: QSOs only with the Pyongtaek Area (KDN C-011).
Class B: QSOs for any stations on the 6 continents, each must be incl.
Class C: QSOs with Korean call areas 1,2,3,4,5 and 0 at least one from each
call area.
Class D: QSOs with Kyonggi Province (KDN C**), but not including Inchon City.
Class E: QSOs with ANY stations.
GCR list and fee of 4000won, 10 IRCs or $US8 plus a copy of your QSL card. Apply to: Pyongtaek Hankwang Award Manager, PO Box 80, Pyongtaek, 450-600, Korea.(Tks HL5AP)(00)
E-mail: ds2axu@kebi.com
SSTV Series
General Requirements: All contacts after 21 Oct 1995. Endorsements for band or mode on request. GCR list and fee of $US5 plus 1 IRC or $US6 for each award. Apply to: DS5TUJ, PO Box Pohang-city, 790-600 Korea.
Korea SSTV Award
Class C - 10 stations.
Class B - 50 stations.
Class A - 100 stations.
Class S - 200 stations.
All Korea (AK) SSTV Award
Work all districts of Korea - a total of 15 stations:
City: Seoul, Pusan, Taegu, Taejun, Kwangju, Inchon
Districts: kyungki-do, dwangwon-do, chungchng nam-do, chungchng buk-do, junra nam-do, junra buk do, kyungsang nam do, kyungsang buk-do, jeaju-do.
Happy New Year SSTV Award
Work 10 stations on SSTV during the period 20 Dec to NEW YEAR 10 Jan.
Suwon Award
Sponsored by the Suwon Branch (HL2) of the KARL. Contact Suwon area stations per different award levels as shown below on or after 26 Feb 1997.
Class A - spell the term "FILIAL PIETY" using the last letters of
the suffix of Suwon stations.
Class B - as above, but only one Suwon area station needed, and the remainder
to be from different Korean KDN’s.
Class C - as above, but only one Suwon station needed, and the remainder from
different DXCC countries.
Class SUWON: Work Suwon area stations in numbers indicated. S requires 5,
U=10, W=30, O=50, N=100, I=200, T=300, Y=500.
Class SPECIAL: Contact Suwon club station 6K0HG and stations from sister
cities of: (1) Cheju, Korea, (2) Jinan, China, (3) Bandung, Indonesia, (4)
Asahigawa, Japan, (5) Townsville, Australia, (6) Toluca, Mexico, (7) Yalova,
Turkey, (8) Clujnapoca, Romania.
GCR list and fee of 300Won for Korean stations and 10 IRC or $US5 for all others. SWL OK. Endorsements for band or mode as requested. Apply to KARL Suwon Office, PO Box 67, Suwon, Kyonggi 440-600, Korea.
Sponsor: ds2cyi@hitel.net
(Tks HL1KIS)(01)
84 Net Award
Spell the words "KOREA TEACHERS AMATEUR HAM CLUB" using the last letter from each of 27 confirmed QSO's of HL stations in the following classes:
Class AA: Same as Class A below, with at least one YL station.
Class A: Use 27 members of KTAHC.
Class B: 10 members of KTAHC and 17 other HL's.
Class C: 1 member of KTAHC and 26 other HL's.
Contacts after 25 Feb 1990. All bands and modes. Endorsements for single band and mode. GCR list, fee of $US3 or 8 IRCs and copy of your QSL to: Bae H.G., PO Box 12, Pusan, 607-600 Korea.
(CHG 00)