Takatsuki to 1000 With 2 Letter Calls

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Changes as of 11/2009

Takatsuki Club Award

This award is available in 3 classes for contacts located in 6 prefectures of the "3" call area.

GOLD PRIZE - contact 200 stations in each prefecture of "3" area including 100 Takatsuki stations per note 2.
SILVER PRIZE - Contact 20 stations in each prefecture of "3" area including 10 Takatsuki stations.
BRONZE PRIZE - Contact 2 stations in each prefecture of "3" area including 1 Takatsuki station.

Note 1 - the 6 prefectures of "3" area are Kyoto (22), Shiga (23), Nara (24), Osaka (25), Wakayama (26), Hyogo (27).
Note 2 - Takatsuki station means that the station is operating in Takasuki city. They don't have to be members of Takatsuki ARC.

GCR list and fee of 5 IRCs to: Takatsuki ARC, PO Box 6, Takatsuki, Osaka 569, Japan. 


Tateyama Tohai Award

Work 10 stations in Toyama Prefecture. One of these must be located in the Nakanikawa-gun (JCG 28004). GCR list and fee of ¥700 to Mituo Oguro JA9GXY, PO Box 14, Namerikawa, Toyama 936, Japan.

(TKS DIG)(94)

Tenryo Hita Award

Sponsored by the INOUE Family Ham Club for contacting JCC and JCG numbers that end with the number 4, such as JCC 1804, JCC 2514, JCG 01064, etc. Available in 4 classes:

Class Tenryo - 100 cities/guns.
Class Jiguma - 75 cities/guns.
Class Tukiguma - 50 cities/guns.
Class Hoshiguma - 25 cities/guns.

GCR list and fee of ¥400 or equivalent to: Nobuyuki Inoue JR6QJR, 6-13 Nakahonmachi, Hita, Oita 877, Japan.

(TKS DIG)(94)

Tobichi On The Air    (TOTA) 
"Tobichi" means the detached-estate and refers to those portions of countries or parts of countries which are physically separated from the main part of the country.
Sponsored by The Detached-Estate Ham Club.  Contact at least 10 stations in different Tobichi including 5 or more DXCC entities.

1.  Alaska (KL7)
2.  Kaliningrad (UA2)
3.  Ceuta (EA9)
4.  Melilla
5.  Cabinda/ Angola
6.  Temburong/Brunei
7.  Oeccussi/East Timor
8.  Turkey-European side
9.  Kitayama village (Wakayama prefecture JAPAN)
10. Point Roberts (Whatcom, Washington State)
11. 15 counties of Michigan State (Note-1)
12. Angle Inlet (Minnesota State)
13. Alburg  (Vermont State)
14. Any other detached-estate(Note-2)

Note-1:Gogebic Ontonagon Houghton Baraga Iron Dickinson Marquette Menominee Delta Alger Schoolcraft Luce  Chippewa Mackinac Keweenaw counties of the state of Michigan, USA. 
Note-2:"Tobichi" or  Detached-Estate is written on QSL cards

No time limitations. GCR list and $US 2 to: Ichiro Okamura JF1SSM, Utsukushigaoka 4-7-14, Aoba-ku,  Yokohama 225-0002  JAPAN

Examples of valid contacts: JF1SSM/JA3  Kitayama-village, K1BV/UA2,  JA1SIM/KL7

Tks JF1SSM 12/03 

Tochigi Award

Issued by the Tochigi SSB Club in two levels:

Class A - confirm contact with all Tochigi prefecture City/Gun stations.
Class B - confirm contact with 12 stations and spell out the word "TOCHIGIAWARD" using the last letter of their suffix.

Endorsement for all one band or mode. GCR list and fee of ¥500 plus ¥190 postage costs to: Masahiro Hitomi JL1TWD, 877 Funaoi Shioya-machi, Shioya-gun, 329-2441 Japan. 

(Tks HL1KIS)(01)

Tohoku Shinkansen Award

Issued by the Kurikoma Club for confirmed contact with 14 stations that spell out the word "KURIKOMAKOUGEN" using the first letter, middle letter and last letter of their suffix. Do not mix. GCR list and fee of ¥500 to: Yuuichi Miura JH7TLT, 163 Jirou Karishiki, Shiwahime-machi, Kurihara-gun, 989-5601 Japan.

(Tks HL1KIS)(01)

Tohoku-Syo Award

Make 10 contacts with JA 7th district. GCR list and fee of 7 IRCs to: Takeshi Takagi JA7TJ,  35 Yushima, Hanaizumi, Iwate 029-32 Japan.

(Chg 11/2005)

Worked Tokachi Award

Issued by the Tokachi Club for confirmed contact with 7 stations that spell out the word "TOKACHI" using the last letter of their suffix. Endorsement for band or mode. GCR list and fee of 10 IRCs to: Tokachi Amateur Radio Club, PO Box 1, Obihiro Post Office, Hokkaido, Japan.

(Tks HL1KIS)(01)

Tokachi District Award

Issued by the Tokachi Club for confirmed contact with stations in the following 7 guns: JCG01018, JCG01019, JCG01050, JCG01060, JCG01002, JCG01022, JCG01047. Endorsement for band or mode. GCR list and fee of ¥500 or 10 IRCs (endorsement stickers ¥180) to: Tokachi Amateur Radio Club, Obihiro PO Box 1, Obihiro city, Hokkaido 080, Japan.

(Tks HL1KIS)(01)

Tokai 10M FM Fellowship Award

Contact 11 members of this 10M FM group, including one contact with a YL station. No use of repeaters. Contacts since 1 Jan 1989. GCR list and fee of $US5 or 10 IRCs to: Hiroshi Ota JN2BAV, Mikage 2-23-1 Chikkusa, Nagoya, Aichi, 464 Japan.

(TKS JR1DTN)(97)

Worked Tokushima Alphabet Award

Confirm contacts with 26 stations and spell out all the letters of the alphabet using the middle letter of their suffix. Use different classes:

Class A - work with Tokushima ken stations only.
Class B - work with at least 20 Tokushima ken stations.
Class C - work with at least 15 Tokushima ken stations.
Class D - work with at least 10 Tokushima ken stations.
Class E - work with at least 5 Tokushima ken stations.

Endorsement for all one band or mode. GCR list and fee of ¥400 plus your QSL card to: Masahiro Nakano JA5VRJ, 17-2, Oujigawa Awa-chon, Tokushima 771-17, Japan.

(Tks HL1KIS)(01)

Tomakomai Award

Issued by the Tomakomai ARC for confirmed contact with 9 stations which spell out the word "TOMAKOMAI" using the last letter of their suffix plus 1 Tomakomai city (JCC0113) station. Endorsement upon request. GCR list and fee of ¥500 to: Kiyoshi Shimizu JH8CGU, 4-15-5 Shinmei-cho, Tomakomai-city, 053-0055 Japan.

(Tks HL1KIS)(01)

Tottori Castle Award

Contact at least 7 stations in the following listed Castle cities or Guns of Japan, including at least one from Tottori. SWL OK. No time, band or mode limitations. GCR list and fee of 5 IRCs to: Hideo Baba JA4HCK, 430 Minami Machi, Tottori City 680, Japan.

(TKS LU9DD)(97)

Eligible cities:

JA1 - Tokyo Odawara Isumi Kawagoe Tsuchiura.

JA2 - Hamamatsu Kakegawa Gifu Ogaki Gujo Nagoya Okazaki Inuyama Toyohashi Atsumi Ueno Kameyama Tsu

JA3 - Kyoto Maizuru Fukuchiyama Funai Hikone Wakayama Osaka Kishiwada Himeji Ako Akashi Sumoto Taki.

JA4 - Takahashi Okayama Matsue Tokuyama Iwakuni Tohaku Hiroshima Fukuyama.

JA5 - Takamatsu Marugame Ozu Uwajima Matuyama Kochi.

JA6 - Kitakyushu Fukuoka Amagi Saga Karatsu Hirado Shimabara Fukue Kumamoto Usuki Nakatsu Saiki Oita Nichinan.

JA7 - Hirosaki Yokote Sendai Aizuwakamatsu Soma Nihonmatsu.

JA8 - Oshima-Schicho Matsumae.

JA9 - Toyama Ono Sakai Kanazawa.

JA0 - Shibata Nagano Kamiina Komoro Ueda Matsumoto Suwa.

Toyama Award Hunter Club Series

General Requirements: Available to all amateurs and SWL's. Fee for each award is $US10. GCR accepted. Apply to: Tohru Shinohara JH9SDD, 22-14, Okuda-Kotobuki-cho, Toyama-city 930, Japan.

Worked TAC Members (W-TAC-M)

Contact TAC members and other stations located in Toyama prefecture as follows:

Class TAC = 1 member and 10 stations in Toyama prefecture (11 cards)
Class C = work 10 members. (10 cards)
Class B = work 20 members. (20 cards)
Class A = work 30 members. (30 cards)

5 Band AJD Award

Contact 10 call districts in Japan on each of 2 to 5 different bands:

Class 2 bands - 10 call areas on each of 2 bands (2 0 cards)
Class 3 bands - 10 call areas on each of 3 bands (30 cards)
Class 4 bands - 10 call areas on each of 4 bands (40 cards)
Class 5 bands - 10 call areas on each of 5 bands (50 cards)

5 Band WAJA Award

Contact all 47 prefectures in Japan on each of 2 to 5 different bands:

Class 2 bands - 47 prefectures on each of 2 bands (94 cards)
Class 3 bands - 47 prefectures on each of 3 bands ( 141 cards)
Class 4 bands - 47 prefectures on each of 4 bands (188 cards)
Class 5 bands - 47 prefectures on each of 5 bands (235 cards)

5 Band JCC Award

Contact at least 100 cities in Japan on each of 2 to 5 different bands:

Class 2 bands - 100 cities on each of 2 bands (200 cards)
Class 3 bands - 100 cities on each of 3 bands (300 cards)
Class 4 bands - 100 cities on each of 4 bands (400 cards)
Class 5 bands - 100 cities on each of 5 bands (500 cards)

5 Band JCG Award

Contact at least 100 guns in Japan on each of from 2 to 5 different bands as above for the 5 Band JCC Award.

5 Band Perfect Award

Earn any 4 of the 5 Band Award series above. (highest level) Honorary membership given for earning this one!

Toyama 100 Award

Issued by the JARL Toyama Branch for confirmed contact with 100 Toyama ken stations which must include JH9YAA, their club station. Endorsement sticker each additional 100. Endorsement for band or mode. GCR list and sample of your QSL to: Masaya Ooe JA9QHP, 666-4 Ejiri, Takaoka, Toyama 933 Japan.

(Tks HL1KIS)(01)

Twilight Express Award

Issued by the Watanabe Family Club for contacting 15 stations that spell out the words "TWILIGHT EXPRESS" using the last letter of their suffix.

Class A - complete this with the following cities and gun stations: 

JCC 2901  Fukui JCC 2802  Takaoka JCC 0802 Nagaoka JCC 0124  Chitose
JCC 2902  Tsuruga JCC 0822  Joetsu JCC 0801  Niigata JCC 0101  Sapporo
JCC 3001  Kanazawa JCC 2501  Osaka JCC 0105  Muroran JCC 0130  Noboribetsu
JCC 2801  Toyama JCC 2201  Kyoto JCC 0113  Tomakomai JCG 01007  Abuta

Class B - complete requirements with any stations.

Endorsements for band or mode, YL only or QRP. GCR list and fee of ¥500 to: Watanabe, 1-1-14 Tatsuyama, Takasago City, 0811 Japan.

(Chg 11/2005)

Uemura’s Obihiro Outward Bound School Award

Issued in honor of the famed mountain climber and polar explorer Naomi Uemura who founded this Outward Bound school. SWL OK. There are no restrictions on date of the contacts. All contacts must be made from the same country. GCR list and fee of 5 IRCs to: Tsutomu Sakamori JE8JSX, 2-21 Minami-ku, Yuuhigaoka, Otofuke-cho, kato-gun, Hokkaido 080-0333 Japan.

(Tks JA8DGO)(00)

There are 3 different ways to earn this award:

1. Contact CQ zones 1, 11, 13, 14, 22, 37 and 40. You will need two contacts in each of these zones and the contacts must be made on different bands or modes. These zones include the five continents whre Uemura was successful in climibing the highest peak on that continent. (A total of 14 contacts.)

2. Contact each of the 10 call areas of JA in a calendar year. At least two bands or modes must be used. In addition, you will need one contact in each of the following Japanese areas: Obihiro-shi, Hokkaido (JCC 0107), Itabashi-ku, Tokyo (JCK 100119), and Kinosaki-gun, Hyogo (JCG 27012). Total of 13 contacts.

3. Using VHF, obtain 12 cards spelling the phrase "UEMURA SPIRIT" by using the first and last letters of the suffix. For example, to spell Uemura: JA1U?E, JL1E?M JE1M?U JG1U?R JL1R?A.

Wakayama Award

Issued by the JARL Wakayama District for contacting all city, machi (cho) and mura (son) stations in Wakayama prefecture in the following classes:

Class X - 50 cities/machis/muras
Class A - 7 cities
Class B - 7 guns
Class C - 36 chos (towns)
Class D - 7 sons (villages)

Endorsement for mode and band available. GCR list and fee of 10 IRCs to: JARL, Wakayama District, Wakayama Minami PO Box 1, Wakayama 641-91, Japan.

(Tks HL1KIS)(01)

WAO/MM Award

Contact 6 different Maritime Mobile (MM) stations, but not with a Ferry or a Yacht. Endorsement for band or mode. GCR list and fee of ¥400 to: Akira Inage JA5MG, 571-1 Okada-shimo, Ayauta-cho, Ayauta-gun, 761-2402 Japan.

(Tks HL1KIS)(01)

Warabe Award

Issued by the JG7YQN club for spelling the words WARABE NO SHO using the last letter of the suffix of any Japanese stations. Issued in 3 classes:

A - at least 7 of the stations must be younger than age 13.
B - at least 5 of the stations must be younger than age 13.
C - at least 3 of the stations must be younger than age 13.

GCR list and fee of ¥500 to: Genji Izumi JG7QYN, Box 20, Sendaihigashi 983, Japan.

(TKS DIG)(94)

Western Japan DX Award

Contact 10 JA4 stations, including at least one from each of the five prefectures of JA4 area. These are: Hiroshima, Okayama, Shimane, Tottori and Yamaguchi. No band or mode limitation. GCR list and 6 IRCs to: Michinori Tojo JA4BEX, PO Box 59, West-Hiroshima, Hiroshima-city 733-0000, Japan. 

(CHG 00)

WKC Award

Issued by lthe Koriyama Club for confirmed contact with 10 Fukushima ken stations, including 3 Koriyama stations. Endorsement for band and mode. Award is free for all cw, 1.9MHz and 50MHz applications. GCR list and fee of ¥500 to: Koriyama Club Award, Naka cho, PO Box 646, Koriyama city, 963 Japan.

(Tks HL1KIS)(01)

World Suffix Award

Issued for confirmed contacts (SWL OK) with 300 amateur stations each having a call with a different suffix that would be the same as the prefix for a DXCC country. For example: K1BV = BV, N6TR = TR, K1WA = WA, etc. Endorsements for each additional 300 stations. GCR list of suffixes in strict alphabetical order and 7 IRCs to: Tuyoshi Ohashi JS2NYO, 62 Sakurai, Yoro-cho, Yoro-gun, Gifu, 503-12 Japan.

(CHG 01)

Yamagata All Cities and Guns Award

Contact all cities and guns in Yamagata prefecture. GCR list and 10 IRCs to: Akira Terasaki JA7DYJ, 2196-1 Yokoyama, Ooishida, Kita-murayama, Yamagata 999-41, Japan.

(TKS JR1DTN)(93)

Spelled Yamaguchi Award

Work 9 stations anywhere in the world to spell the word "YAMAGUCHI" using the first letter of their suffixes.

Class X - use only stations with triple alphabet like JA1YYY.
Class A - use only stations with double alphabet like VK6GG.
Class B - use only stations with sandwich alphabet suffixes such as W2MSM.
Class C - use only YL stations.

The station for the letter "A" may be used twice in a single application. A triple alphabet suffix must not be used as a sandwich alphabet suffix. Club stations may be used for Class C if the operator is a YL. GCR list and fee of $US2 or equivalent IRCs to: Shinji Mitsunaga JA4ECC, 3472 Mihori Ouchi, Yamaguchi, Yamaguchi 753-0214 Japan.

Internet: http://www.pcplant.com/eccplaza/award/index.htm 

(Chg 10/09)

All Yamanashi Award

Confirm contacts with Yamanashi prefecture stations.

Special level - complete All cities/chosons stations. Must include 1 YL and 1 OM in each city and gun.
SWL award - complete the Yamanashi JCC and JCG with the SWL No.

Endorsements available on request. GCR list and fee of ¥200 (free for DX applicants and handicapped amateurs) to: Nagasawa JL1KPE, 1981-3, Ichikawa, Yamanashi city, Yamanashi 405, Japan.

(Tks HL1KIS)(01)

Yamato Club Award

Work Yamato City and neighboring cities of Yokohama, Sagamihara, Machida, Zama, Ebina, Ayase, Fujisawa. JA's need 10 cards: 3 from Yamato City and 7 from the neighboring cities. DX stations need 5 cards including one from Yamato city and at least 4 of the neighboring cities. Neighboring cities include: Yokohama (JCC 1101), Sagamihara (1110), Machida (1010), Zama (1117), Ebina (1116), Ayase (1119), Fujisawa (1106). No time limitation. A JA1ZEK card may be used to substitute for any one missing city. SWL OK. GCR list and 500 Yen, 7 IRCs or $US4 to: Syoji Nishiyama JJ1JGI, 3619-14, Fukuda, Yamato, Kanagawa 242, Japan.


Yao Award

Issued by the Yao 581 club for confirmed contact with the cities whose name contains the letter "O". Contacts after 1971. 

Award Classes are:
Class ALL = ALL cities, contacts after January 1, 1971.
Class YAO = 8 cities, contacts after January 1, 1971. 
Class HALF = 4 cities, contacts on the 10 meter band and above, after August 1, 1973. 

The available cities for the award are:

JA Call Area JCC City Number Name of City
JA1 1319 Ageo
JA2 2014 Nishio
JA2 2020 Bisai (QSOs up to Mar 31, 2005
JA2 2029 Owariashi
JA2 2109 Owase
JA3 2514 Yao
JA4 3505 Onomichi
JA6 4304 Arao
JA7 0512 Obanazawa
JA0 0815 Tochio (QSOs up to Dec 31, 2005)

Endorsement for band or mode. GCR list and fee of ¥300 or 5 IRC  to: Hitoshi Veda JE3CYH, 1-100 Higashi, Yao, Osaka 581-0861, Japan.

(Chg 11/2009)

All Yokohama Award

JA's need 16 different Ku, others must contact 10 stations in Yokohama City. GCR list and fee of 5 IRCs to: Masao Totsuka JH1KLE, 3-387 Mineoka Hodogaya, Yokohama 240, Japan.

(CHG 94)

Yokohama Award

Issued by Ahukuma Koen SSB DX Club for working Ibaraki and Fukushima prefectures as follows:

Class A - confirmed contacts with all cities/guns stations from Ibaraki and Fukushima prefectures.
Class B - confirmed contacts with all cities/guns stations from Ibaraki OR Fukushima prefectures.
Class C - confirmed contacts with all cities OR all guns stations from Ibaraki or Fukushima prefecture.

Endorsement for all single band or mode. GCR list and fee of ¥ 400 (¥150 for handicapped hams) to: Hayakawa JL1LSJ, 395-42, Kita Ibaraki city, Ibaraki 319-15 Japan. 

(Tks HL1KIS)(01)

Worked All Yokohama (WAY)

Contact each of the districts of Yokohama after 6 Nov 1994:

01 Turumi 06 Hodogaya 11 Kounan 16 Izumi

02 Kanagawa 07 Isago 12 Asahi 17 Aoba

03 Nisi 08 Kanazawa 13 Midori 18 Tuzuki

04 Naka 09 Kouhoku 14 Seya

05 Minami 10 Totuka 15 Sakae

Endorsements for single band or mode. GCR list or copies plus fee of 5 IRCs to: Mr. Hirotshi Nagayama JA1DKK, Shimoseya 3-57-354, Deya-ku, Yokohama, Japan 246. 

(TKS JR1DTN)(97)

Yokohama DX Club Award

Earn 9 points by working YDXC members (3 points each) and stations located in Yokohama (1 point). Those earning 50 or more points get the award free. Contacts after 1 January 1970. SWL OK. GCR list and fee of 10 IRCs to: YDXC Award Manager, Yasuoki Honda JH1APK, 3-128 Ishikawa-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama-city 231, Japan.


(TKS VE2EDK)(90)


Contact 50 different stations including 10 different prefixes in Yokosuka, Japan. (JCC 1102). Club station JA1YQB = 10 stations. Contacts on or after 1 January 2003. The same station may be worked one time per band. GCR list and fee of 8 IRCs to: Yoshikazu Katakura JH1OHZ, 2-17-7 Shiomidai, Yokosuka, Kanagawa, 238-0054 Japan.

Tks JA3BAG 6/2004

All Japan Yoshida Town Award

Work each of the towns named "Yoshida" in the following 6 gun prefectures:

Gun Number Gun Name  Province
08011 Nishikambara-gun Niigata
13007 Chichibu-gun Saitama
08811 Haibara-gun Shizuoka
35009 Takada-gun Hiroshima
38007 Kitauwa-gun Ehime
46006 Kagoshima-gun Kagoshima

Contacts must be made on or after 15 Oct 1989. Note: there are more than 550 guns in Japan and each gun has one or more "towns" and/or "villages". The term "town" means an administrative unit of a "gun". The above listed are the only guns that possess a town called Yoshida.

GCR list and fee of 4 IRCs to: Sadamu Inaba JH5NJX, 340-3, Okimura-kou, Yoshida-town, Kitauwa-gun, Ehime, 799-3751, Japan.

(Tks Internet)(00)

Zen Fukushima Syo

Contact 10 different cities and guns in Fukushima prefecture. Special award for all 10 cities and 14 guns. GCR list and fee of 7 IRCs to: JARL Fukushima Branch, PO Box 7, Sukagawa, Fukushima 962, Japan.

(TKS JR1DTN)(93)

Zen Iwate Koshin Syo

Class AA - contact 13 cities and 12 guns in Iwate prefecture. Class A - same except total of 15 cards needed. Class B - 10. Class C - 5. GCR list and fee of 7 IRCs to: Takeshi Takagi JA7TJ, 35 Kabasawa, Aburashima, Hanaizumi, Nishi-Iwai, Iwate 029-32, Japan.

(TKS JR1DTN)(93)

Zen Tosei Award

Issued by the Numazu Amateur Radio CW Society. Contact stations from the East Shizuoka prefecture. Available in 4 classes:

Class N - QSLs from 3 cities and 5 towns. (8 QSLs)
Class A - QSLs from 5 cities and 8 towns and 1 village. (14 QSLs)
Class R - QSLs from 7 cities and 12 towns and 1 village. (20 QSLs)
Class S - QSLs from 9 cities and 17 towns and 2 villages (28 QSLs)

Contacts must be after 1 January 1985, otherwise no other restrictions. GCR list and fee of ¥630 to Tabiji, 35 Yushima, Hanaizumi, Iwate 029-32 Japan.

(Chg 11/2005)

Zinsei Korai Award

Issued by the Hokkaido Ham Club.

Spell out the word "ZINSEI" using the first letter of the suffix. Spell out the word "KORAI" using the middle letter of suffix.

Spell out the word "MARENARI" using the last letter of the suffix.

(Note: award is FREE to applicants older than age 70 - return postage only).

Plus a confirmed contact with 2 station whose prefix contains "7" and "0". Endorsements upon request. GCR list and fee of ¥300 to: Tomio Ohoseki JA8GSW, 859 Honcho, Ashibetsu, Hokkaido 025, Japan. 

(Chg 11/2005)

Worked with 2 Letter Calls

Confirm contact with 2 letter callsign stations:

Class X - 100 stations
Class A - 50 stations.
Class B - 25 stations 
Class C - 5 stations.

Endorsement for all one band or mode. GCR list and fee of ¥400 plus your QSL to: Takahiro Okuiyama JR2UAT, 66 Nagatani, Taki Town, Taki gun, Mie Prefecture, Japan.

(Tks HL1KIS)(01)

4 Band Kure Award

Contact stations in Kure City, Japan on any 4 bands. The same station if contacted on cw on 2 different bands counts for 2 of these band contacts. (If you've worked JA4ABC on 7 and 21 SSB, then contact JA4DEF on cw on 7 and 21, you have earned the award). No ltime limitations. SWL OK. GCR list and fee of $US3 or equivalent to: Motoyuki Ogata JA4MWZ, 2-12-19 Shimizu, Kure City, Hiroshima, 737 Japan.

(TKS DK4SY)(93)

4 Toshi Award

Requires 5 different wards and a club member in Nagoya City, 6 different wards and a member in Kyoto City, 7 different wards and a member in Osaka City, 3 different wards and a member in Kobe City. Total 25 contacts. GCR list and fee of 5 IRCs to: Toshio Suzuki JA3KRN, 48 Kitatonocho, Nishi-7-jyo, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-city, 600 Japan.

(TKS JR1DTN)(93)

8J0OGN Award

Work 5 different prefixes in the 0 (zero) district including 8J0OGN after 15 May 1996. GCR list and fee of ¥500 or 10 IRCs to: Masaaki Arai, Otate 5-16, Nakano-city, Nagano 383, Japan.

(TKS JA9IFF)(97)

10 Islands Award

Prove contacts from 10 different islands of Japan. Endorsements for each 10 islands up to 100. GCR list and fee of 6 IRCs for award or 2 IRCs for endorsements. Blind/paralyzed - no charge. Apply to: Mitsumura-Tosho Radio Club, 2-19-9 Kamiosaki, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 141, Japan.

(TKS JR1DTN)(93)

Worked 1000 With 2 Letter Calls

Confirm contact with 2-letter call signs.

Class A - 1000 stations.
Class B - 750 stations.
Class C - 500 stations.

Endorsements for band or mode. GCR list and fee of ¥400 plus copy of your QSL card to: Takahiro Okuiyama JR2UAT, 66 Nagatani, Taki Town, Taki gun, Mie Prefecture, Japan.

(Tks HL1KIS)(01)