Osakajo to Takasago 10
(Updated 11/2005)
Osakajo Award
Issued by Group Sakura for confirmed contact with 13 different cities and guns spelling out the word "OSAKAJOSAKURA" using the last letter of their suffix. Endorsments for band and mode. GCR list and fee of 7 IRCs plus your QSL to: Ms. Michiyo Yamada JF3VSW, 4-1-2 Tezukayama-Higashi, Sumiyoshi, Osaka 558-0054, Japan.
(Chg 10/04)
All Osaka Prefecture Award
Contact Osaka stations as follows: Class A - 30 different cities, cities and wards (distributed over Osaka-city). Class B - same as above except 20. Class C - same, except 10 needed. GCR list and 10 IRCs to: Susumu Yamano JR3BOL, 1-10-35 Tezukayama-Nishi, Sumiyoshi, Osaka 558-0052, Japan.
(Chg 10/04)
Osaka Zenshi Zengun Syo
Contact any cities or guns in Osaka. Class A = all 37 cities and guns, Class B = any 20, Class C = any 10. GCR list and fee of 7 IRCs to: Mrs. Michiyo Yamada JF3VSW, 4-1-2 Tezukayama-Higashi, Sumiyoshi, Osaka 558-0054, Japan.
(Chg 10/04)
Otedama Asobi Award
Work members of the Ehima Award Hunters Group and collect at least three varieties of their special QSL cards. The award is free if all 3 contacts are made with YL operators. Endorsement for band and mode upon request. Fee is 3 IRCs. Apply to: Shoji Ochi JH5GEN, 21-13 Minamikoge-cho, Imabari-City, 794-0811, Japan.
(Chg 9/09)
Panda Award
Contact 10 different stations whose last letter of their calls spells the words: PANDA AWARD.
Class A = one call from each JA district (AJD).
Class B = QSLs from YL's only.
Class C = any stations.
All bands and modes. GCR list and fee of $US5 to: Yoshinori Fukuda JK1OXL, 50 Nakamachi, Kodaira-city, Tokyo 187-0042, Japan
(Chg 10/2004)
Peppermint Award
Issued by the Kitami Club in 3 classes as shown below:
Class A - confirm contact with 30 Hokkaido stations and 5 Kitami Yls.
Class B - confirm contact with 10 stations spelling out the word
"PEPPERMINT" with the last letter of their suffix AND complete AJD AND
work an additional 2 Kitami stations.
Class C - confirm contact with 10 stations spelling out the word
"PEPPERMINT" with the last letter of their suffix AND work 1
additional Kitami station.
Endorsement for band or mode. GCR list and fee of $US10 plus cost of return postage to: Shigemi Harada JH8XIX, 6-3-23 Midorigaoka, Kitami-city, 090-0067 Japan.
(Chg 10/2004)
Phoenix Award
Issued by the Miyazaki Prefecture Office ARC and Miyazaki Newspaper for confirmed contacts with Miyazaki stations as follows:
Class A - spell out the word "MIYAZAKI" with the last letter of 8
stations plus work another 12 Miyazaki stations. 20 QSO's must be made from
different city/cho (village)/son (towns).
Class B - spell out the word "MIYAZAKI" with the last letter of 8
stations plus work another 12 different city/cho/son stations.
Endorsement by band and mode upon request. GCR list and fee of 10 IRCs to: Miyazaki Prefecture Office ARC, 1-10-1 Tachibana-dori Higashi, Miyazaki 880-8501, Japan.
(Chg 10/2004)
PXCC (Prefix Collection Certificate)
Confirm QSOs with different prefixes of the world. Only prefixes of call signs issued by the proper authority of each country are valid.
Basic award is issued for working 1000 different prefixes. Endorsements for each additional 500 prefixes. The same prefix may be worked on each band for credit. No portable indication of any sort is valid. Examples of valid prefixes are 8J90SPO = 8J90 8J1HAM = 8J1 M1B = M1 W6/JA1CKE = JA1 JA1CKE/JD1 = JA1.
Satellite and EME contacts may be counted as separate bands. SWL OK. The application form shall conform to JARL standard and both hand written and computer-printed QSO list may be accepted. The list of QSOs shall be sorted by DXCC prefixes per band. Send application form plus fee of ¥500 to: Yukio Hoshiro JA1CKE, 1821-248 Tatemachi, Hachioji, Tokyo 193-0944, Japan.
Website: http://www2.raidway.ne.jp/!uto/jag/index_eng.html
E-mail: jag3802@dokidoki.ne.jp
(Tks HL1KIS)(01)
"Q" Award
Work JA stations having the letter "Q" in their callsign for points. Collect 99 points from each area. Point values are:
Q in prefix = 1 point.
Q in first letter of suffix = 3 points.
Q in middle letter of suffix = 2 points.
Q in last letter position of suffix = 2 points.
(JQ3ODT = 1, JA3IQZ = 2, JP3QDV = 3, JP3QQX = 5, JP3QQQ = 7.)
Class A - work from every area (multiply 99 points x 10 areas.)
Class B - work from optional 5 call areas (multiply 99 points x 5 areas)
Class C - work from optional any call area.
Class S - earn 99 points, any areas.
GCR list and fee of 4 IRCs to: Hirofumi Yoshimi JP3QDV, 166-2, Daito, Miwa cho, Amata gun, Kyoto 620-1302 Japan.
(Chg 11/04)
RL Award
Class AA - contact JA1RL, JA2RL, JA3RL, JA4RL, JA9RL, JA0RL and JR6RL in Japan and 8J1RL plus 6 other stations whose suffixes are RL in all 6 continents, a total of 18 QSLs. Class A - 10 RL suffixes of JA stations plus 8J1RL. Class B - 5 RL suffixes of Japan. Class C - contact 30 stations which spell: "JAPAN AMATEUR RADIO LEAGUE CLUB ZOO" with their last letters. Note: RL suffixes are JARL stations and JA1ARL, JA2CRL, etc do not count. GCR list and 10 IRCs to: Yoshimi Maeda JH1XUP, 2-18-15 Inokashira, Mitaka, Tokyo 181-0001, Japan.
(Chg 11/04)
Route 250 Award
Contact 7 cities and 3 guns along Japan highway route 250. Class A - contact 5 each on 5 bands, a total of 50 stations. Class B - the 10 stations on any band. GCR list and fee of 10 IRC's to QRV Club, PO Box 3, Shikanishi, Hyogo 671-22 Japan. Eligible cities are: Akashi (JCC 2704), Kakogawa (2711), Takasago (2717), Himeji (2702), Aioi (2709), Akou (2713), Bizen (3113). The guns are: Kako (JCG 27007), Ibo (27005) and Wake (31019).
(TKS JR1DTN)(93)
Worked All Saga Award
Work cities and guns in the Saga Prefecture. Class A: work all cities (7) and guns (8). Class B: work 10 different cities or guns. Same station may be contacted only once on the same band. GCR list and fee of ¥500 or equivalent to: Mr. Hiroshige Kitajima, Kaklihise 1075-6, Ushizu-cho, Ogi-gun, Saga 849-03, Japan.
(Chg 11/04)
Sagaminokuni - Kanagawa Award
Issued by Kanagawa Ham Club for confirmed contacts with Kanagawa prefecture stations.
Gold Class - 100 stations.
Silver Class - 10 stations.
Endorsements by band or mode. GCR list and fee of 10 IRCs to: Teruo Ito, JQ1URI, 14-9 Minami-Karuizawa, Nishi-ku, Yokohama 220-0002, Japan.
(Chg 11/04)
SAHC - II Award
Issued by the Shikoku Award Hunters Club. Spell out the term "SANUKI" with stations located in Kagawa Prefecture, "IYO" with stations in Tokushima, and "TOSA" with stations in Kochi.
Class A - spell out the 13 letters with the first letters of the suffix.
Class B - as above, but with the middle letters.
Class C - as above, but with the last letters.
GCR list and fee of 8 IRCs to: Akira Inage JA5MG, 571-1, Okada-Shita, Kagawa 761-2402, Japan.
(Chg 11/05)
Saitama Awards Hunters Group Series
General Requirements: Fee for each award is $US5 or equivalent. GCR list accepted. Note different custodian for each award.
Saitama 100 Stations Award
Work 100 JA1 area amateurs operating in Saitama Prefecture. Apply to: Keiichi Sato JR1DHD, Oshikiri 2653-19 Konan-cho, Osato-gun, Saitama-ken, 360-0111 Japan.
Overseas Award
Work Japanese operators at overseas locations, or foreign operators in Japan. Class S = over 6 cards.
Class A = 5 cards
Class B = 3 cards
Class C = 1 card
Apply to: Hideo Matsui JR1EMO, 3-7 Toyooka 1-chome, Iruma-city, Saitama, 358-0003 Japan.
(Tks JR1EMO)(01)
Worked All Saitama Award
Sponsored by the Musashino Waiwai Club for making contacts with the cities, towns and villages of Saitama prefecture. Class S = All Cities, Towns, and Villages, Class EX = 80, Class A = 60, Class B = 40, Class C = 20, Class DX = 10. GCR list and fee of 8 IRCs to: Koichi Kaneko JN1MMO, 1-12-8, Suneori-cho, Tsurugashima-shi, Saitama 350-02, Japan.
(TKS JR1DTN)(92)
Sakura Group Award
Sponsored by the Group Sakura for confirmed contact with 10 stations that spell out the word "SAKURA" using the last letter of their suffix. Must include one YL station. GCR list and fee of ¥700 to: Michiyo Yamada JF3VSW, 4-1-2 Tezukayama-Higashi, Sumiyoshi-ku, Osaka-city, 558-0054 Japan.
(Tks HL1KIS)(01)
Sakura Map Award
Work the 47 prefectures of Japan in the following order. (Prefecture numbers are shown in parenthesis):
First Okinawa (47)
Then the seven prefectures (40-46) of the 6th call area.
Then four (36-39) of the 5th call area.
Five (31-35) of the 4th call area.
Six (22-27) of the 3rd call area.
Three (28-30) of the 9th call area.
Four (18-21) of the 2nd call area.
Eight (10-17) of the 1st call area.
Two (08-09) of the 0 call area.
Six (02-07) of the 7th call area.
And Hokkaido (01) of the 8th call area as last contact.
Class: Someiyoshino - if all contacts are made between 24 March and 20 May of
one year.
Class: Yamazakura - no restriction on QSO date.
Contacts must be made on or after 1 Jan 1996.
GCR list and fee of 4 IRCs to: Chieko Tokunuaga JH5AYG, 220-246, Shimoshimayama-kou, Saizyou-city, Ehime, 793-0006, Japan.
(Chg 2002)
Sakuranbo Award
Issued by the Fukushima ARC for spelling out 2 sets of the word "CHERRY" in accordance with the following classes:
Class A - complete 1 set with YL and 1 set with Fukushima OM.
Class B - complete 1 set with YL and 1 set with any OM stations.
Class C - complete 1 set with YL and 1 set with any station.
Endorsement for band or mode upon request. GCR list and fee of ¥500, $US5 or 10 IRCs to: JE7GNQ, 1-1, Fukushima City, Fukushima 960-02 Japan.
(Tks HL1KIS)(01)
Sapporo Watch Tower Award
Sponsored by the 12th National Road Mobile Ham Club for confirming contacts with 15 stations that spell out "SAPPOROTOKEIDAI" using the last letter of their suffix plus one Sapporo station. Endorsement for band and mode. GCR list and fee of 5 IRCs or $US5 plus your QSL to: Mitsuzoe Takashima JA8EZR, 8 Nishi, 3 jo, Iwamizawa City, Hokkaido, Japan.
(Tks HL1KIS)(01)
Award of Great Seto Bridge
May be earned by either one contact with Setouchi DX Club station JH4ZUM or by spelling the word SETOOHASHI using the last letters of 10 different JA stations. GCR list and fee of 7 IRCs or 700 Yen to: Keishi Murakami JE4LPH, 7-18-13 Ima, Okayama-city 700, Japan.
(TKS 7J1AAL)(90)
Seventy-Three Award
Offered by the Northern Japan DX Club (NJDXC) for providing proof of contacting the 7th call area stations from 3 countries on each continent and 3 NJDXC members since 1 January 1953. SWL OK. No band or mode restrictions. Send the actual cards, a list of claimed stations and fee of 10 IRCs to: NJDXC Award Manager, G.P.O. Box 70, Sendai, Miyagi, Japan. Member stations: JA7AD DT FC IW JH JI KW MJ MN OD OP.
(TKS DK4SY)(89)
All Shikoku Award
Using the last letter of the suffixes of different JA5 stations, complete the alphabet from A to Z. You must contact at least 5 stations from each JA5 prefecture. GCR list in alphabetical order by prefix and fee of Yen 800 to: Akira Inage, 571-1 Okadashimo, Ayuata-cho, Ayauta-gun, Kagawa, 761-24 Japan.
(TKS JE2AOQ)(90)
Shikoku Award Hunters Club Series --
General Requirements: GCR accepted. Fee for each award is 8 IRCs. Apply to: Mikio Morikuni JA5ARW, 1086-10 Takaya, Sakaide, Kagawa 762, Japan.
Iyo Award
Spell out the term "SANUKI DAISAEN" with stations in Kagawa prefecture, "ISHIZUCHI" with stations in Ehime prefecture, "TSURUGI" with stations in Tokushima, and "TEBAKO" with stations in Kochi. Two classes: Class A - spell out the 35 letters with the first letters of the suffix. Class B - as above, but with the last letters.
Sanuki Award
Contact one station in each of these prefectures: Kagawa, Tokushima, Kochi, Ehime.
(Chg 11/2005)
Shinkiro Award
Sponsored by the Uozu Radio Club. Contact 9 JA9's, on or after 1 August 1962, at least one of whom is located in Toyama-ken. GCR list and fee of 10 IRCs or $US5 to: Yoshihiro Moriya JH9LYL, 1-12-18 Shinkanana, Uozu, Toyama 937-0801 Japan.
(Tks JA3BAG)(11-03)
Shiraishi Kokeshi (Wooden Doll) Award
Work members of the JA7YWE Amateur Radio Club after 1 May 1987. Two classes:
Class A: 10 confirmed QSO's with club members plus 21 confirmed QSO's of JA stations whose last letter of their call signs spells out: "SHIROISHI KOKESHI AWARD". (A total of 31 QSO's). The award is a Shiroishi Wooden Doll for fee of 2000 Yen (about $16US).
Class B: 2 confirmed QSO's of the club plus other 21 as required for Class A. (Total of 23 QSO's). Award fee = 500 Yen.
Member list available for IRC from sponsor. GCR list and fee as applicable
to: Award Manager JR7TEQ, PO Box 14,
Shiroishi, Miyagi 989-0221, Japan.
E-mail: s_kogyo@magical.egg.or.jp
Member List:
(Chg 11/2005)
Worked Shirakawanoseki Award
Issued by the Shirakawa VHF Club for confirming contacts with any 15 stations spelling out the words "SHIRAKAWANO SEKI" using the last letter of their suffix.
Class A - must include 2 Fukushima ken stations and 1 Shirakawa
Class B - use any station.
Endorsement for band or mode upon request. GCR list and fee of ¥500 plus your QSL to: Suto JA7RVR, 67, Hon cho, Shirakawa city, Fukushima 961, Japan.
(Tks HL1KIS)(01)
Shizuoka All City / Town / Village Award
Issued by the Numazu ARC for confirmed contacts with Shizuoka stations.
All cities / guns Award
All cities award
All guns award
All cities / cho-sons award
Endorsements by band or mode upon request. GCR list and fee of ¥500 plus return postage fee of ¥160 to: Takahashi JF2FKQ, 17-1, Takasawa cho, Numazu city, 410 Japan.
(Tks HL1KIS)(01)
Shizuoka Ham Club Award
Issued by the Shizuoka Ham Club for confirmed contacts with Shizuoka prefecture stations that spell out the words "SHIZUOKA HAM CLUB AWARD" using the last letter of their suffix. The word "SHIZUOKA" must be made by Shizuoka City stations. Endorsements by band and mode upon request. GCR list and fee of ¥500 to: Maeda JA2FOH, 2478, Shinbun, Shizuoka city, Shizuoka 421-12 Japan.
(Tks HL1KIS)(01)
Single-Mode Five Band All Continents
Issued by the Northern Kanagawa DX Association upon submitting proof of two-way contacts with stations in 6 continents on a single mode and in five bands. SWL OK. No time limitations. Cross-band and cross-mode QSO's are not valid. Will be issued for six or more bands with special endorsement if proper proof is submitted. QSL cards from the same station but on different bands may be used for this award. This is not a printed certificate, but a trophy with a heavy medal and postage costs are high, hence it is somewhat more expensive than usual. GCR list and fee of 35 IRCs (only IRCs are accepted) to: Michinori Jimbo JE1TTI, 2653 Suarashi, Sagamiko-Machi, Tsukui-gun, Kanagawa-ken 199-01, Japan.
(TKS LU6EF)(90)
Six Meters Award
Issued by the Tokyo Fighting DX Club for proof of contact with 50 different prefixes on 6-meters (50 Mhz) which includes 6 countries and 6 zones (WAZ). Contacts after 1 January 1977. Endorsements for single mode. GCR list and 7 IRCs to: Tadao Shimoichi, 4-12-8 Ebara, Shinagawa, Tokyo 141, Japan.
(Chg 01)
SL Yoshitsune Award
Issued by the Watanabe Family Club for confirmed contact with 12 stations that spell the word "SLYOSHITSUNE" using the last letter of their suffix. Endorsement for band, mode, all YL or QRP. GCR list and fee of ¥500 to: T. Watanabe, 1-1-14 Tatsuyama, Takasago-city, 676-0811 Japan.
(Chg 11/2005)
Somanomaoi Award
Issued by the Hara cho branch of the International Rotary Club. Spell out the word "SOMANOMAOI" in the following different ways:
Class A - complete AJD and must include JH7ZYO for the 7th call
area station, or use any other member stations.
Class B - complete with any stations except for your call area.
Class C - complete with the same call area as yours.
Class D - complete with any stations.
Endorsement for all one band or mode. GCR list and fee of ¥800, $US6 or 10 IRCs to: Shouji Noda JA7UBZ, 1-66 Honchou, Haramachi, Fukushima 975, Japan.
(Tks HL1KIS)(01)
South North Corner's Club Award
Contact the following cities and guns: Ichinoseki-city (JCC 0304), Nishiiwai-gun (JCG 03009), Tome-gun (JCG 06111), Kurihara-gun (JCG 06005). GCR list and 5 IRCs to: Eiichi Konno JA7GZA, 8-3 Tenjinmae, Hanaizumi, Nishiiwai, Iwate 029-31, Japan.
(TKS JR1DTN)(93)
Sports Award
Confirm contact with JA stations and spell out the words "SPORTS RIKUJYO" using the last letter of their suffixes. Endorsement for band or mode. GCR list and fee of ¥500 to: Hiroshi Yamata JH0BNF, 1198-5, Asahi cho, Ojiya city, 947 Japan.
(Tks HL1KIS)(01)
The Station Award (TSA)
Spell out your callsign with the last letter of stations you have contacted, the call area-number to be represented by the last digit of a SWL card you have. For Example:
K1BV would apply with -
UA1-103-4861 = 1
W7AB = B
Any band or combination of bands. GCR list and 6 IRCs to: Yas Takana JH1DLJ, 733 Motoyoshida, Mito-city 310, Japan.
Steam Locomotive Engine Award
Issued by the Watanabe Family club for confirmed contact with 21 stations that spell out the word "STEAMLOCOMOTIVEENGINE" using the last letter of their suffix. Endorsement for all band or mode. GCR list and fee of ¥400 to: T. Watanabe, 1-1-14 Tatsuyama, Takasago-city, 676-0811 Japan.
(Chg 11/2005)
Subsquare 100 Award
Under the International locator system, work stations in the different SUBSQUARES of Japan and obtain 100 QSLs from 100 subsquares. Endorsements for each additional 100 subsquares. The QSLs must be properly marked with the subsquare you claim. GCR list and fee of $US6 or 9 IRCs to: Masanori Iwasa JF1JLW, 28-2 Lomenoi, Toride City 302, 302 Japan.
(Tks HL1KIS)(01)
Suito Ogaki Award
Work Ohgaki city and its suburbs stations .
Class A: 7 Ogaki city stations and 14 suburb cities/towns.
Class B: 5 Ogaki city stations and 7 suburbs.
Class C: 3 Ogaki city stations and 1 Gifu city and 1 Hashima city.
Suburb cities and towns are:
Gifu city (1901) Hashima city (1909)
Motosu gun (19015) - Suman town, Hozumi town.
Ibi gun (19003) - Ikeda town, Kasuga village.
Fuwa gun (19012) - Tarui town, Sekigahara town
Yourou gun (19017) - Yourou town, Kami Ishizu town.
Anpachi gun (19001) - Anpachi town, Sunomata town, Kanbe town, Wanouchi town.
GCR list and fee of 4 IRCs or 500¥ to: Shinichi Hibino JO2IRR, Makino 1076-65, Mino Kamo city, 505 Japan.
(Chg 11/2005)
SWL 73 Award
This award is instituted for amateurs who prefer 73 SWL cards or reports. Display 73 SWL cards and take a photograph of them. Make the size of the photograph about the same size as a QSL card. On the back of the photo, write your call sign, address, name and the date the photo was taken. Send a negative (35mm) of a photo which includes yourself and your station as well. Send all with 10 IRCs to: Asian Photo Press ARS, 1-7-23 Odawara, Miyagino Sendai 983, Japan.
Takasago 10 Award
Sponsored by the Watanabe Family Club for contacting 10 Takasago (JCC2717) stations. Class A: must include a YL station. Class B: YL station not necessary. Endorsement for all one band or mode. GCR list and fee of ¥200 to: T. Watanabe, 1-1-14 Tatsuyama, Takasago-city, 676-0811 Japan.
(Tks HL1KIS)(01)