Japan Dental to Kyoto All Guns

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Updated 10/2009

JAMP Award

The "JAMP" award is sponsored by the Yokohama Aoba Ham Club (YAHC). Contact the holders of Platinum Prize Badge of JARL Award Master (JAM) program. There are only a small number of these stations, since they have each earned at least 100 awards offered by the JARL. All bands and modes OK. No date limitations. SWL OK. Mobile or portable stations are also valid.


Class DX: Work ten or more stations. Class JA: All of the stations listed. Send alGCR list and fee of 1(one) IRC or US$2 to Mr.Ichiro Okamura, Utsukushigaoka 4-7-14,Aoba-ku,Yokohama, 225-0002 JAPAN.

Tks JF1SSM 2/2/08

JAMSAT Five Stars Award

Sponsored by the Japan - AMSAT group to promote the activity of communicating via amateur earth satellites and protecting the frequency allocation given to amateur satellites. Earn the award by establishing a QSO with five different stations using five different satellites, a total of 25 QSOs being needed. Contacts through a specific satellite are counted one time, even though subsequent contacts with a station are made on a different mode or band on that satellite.

Only 2-way QSOs are counted. Cross mode QSOs will not count for this award. QSOs using Digital modes and SSTV are valid, however you are requested to get QSL Cards. (e-QSL is not acceptable). No specific endorsements (eg. CW, SSB) are provided.. QSOs made after the January 1st, 2006 00:00 UTC are valid.

Send a GCR list and fee of 10 new IRCs for foreign hams or 800¥ for Japanese stations (JAMSAT members send 400¥) to JAMSAT AWARD OFFICE, Attention Mr. S. Murakami, PO Box 26, Mizushima Post Office, Kurashiki, Okayama 712-8691, Japan.

You are encouraged to enclose additional fees as a voluntary gift which will be donated to AMSAT in order to help fund new satellite equipment in the future.

E-mail: madoguchi@jamsat.or.jp
Internet: http://www.jamsat.or.jp/award/index_e.html

Tks K1BV Internet Research

Japan Dental Health League Series

General Requirements:  Fee for each award is 3 IRCs.  Send your own QSL card along with application. JHDL member list is available on request.  Send SASE to sponsor for the list.  Apply to: Shigenori Nakajima JA3BAE, 20-1 Joshoji-Machi, Kadoma-shi, Osaka 571-0063, Japan.

Internet: http://www.oral-medicine.or.jp/jdhl-1996/p32us.html     (Chg 10/09)

   JHDL Award

Class A - work five JDHL members plus 10 cards of different areas of Japan.
Class B - work three JDHL members and seven dental ham's cards from different areas of Japan.
Class C - Work one JDHL member and five other dental hams in Japan.
Class D - work two JA dental hams and spell "JDHL" using the last letter of a station's suffix on any QSL cards. 

(You can use special even station 8J1FDI to replace any JA area.)

    Dental Health Week Award

Work 14 stations spelling out the term "MUSHIBA YOBOU" using the last letter of the suffix of any QSL card and one dental ham's card.  One of the cards used must be from a QSO during the period June 4-10.

(Re-listed. Verified by JA3BAG 3/04)

Japan DX Award

Spell "JAPAN" with the top letter of the prefix from 5 different countries. Class A includes the JA prefix, Class B uses any other "J" prefix. GCR list and fee of 7 IRCs or $US5 to: Shigeo Niitsuma JJ7QWY, 24-1, Matsumori aza maenuma, Izumi-ku, Sendai-city, Miyagi, 981-3111, Japan. .

(Chg 2002)

Japanese IOTA Islands Award Rules

Contact Japanese Islands that are allocated IOTA numbers on HF or on 50MHz. The basic award requires contacts with at least 10 Japanese Islands that have JIIA numbers. (More than 5 different islands are required among the 10, including Islands with different IOTA numbers). Endorsements for 25, 50, 75, 100, 200, 300 or 400 are available. Contacts must be on or after 15 Nov 1945.

Applicants should download an official JIIA application from the Website shown below. (Cards are not needed, only a GCR list).

A list of the contacts should look like this:


JIIA Number


Island Name


23 Jun 1997



Uji Isl.

21 SSB

Special endorsements for Band and Mode are available on request.

Application fee for basic award is US$6, €5 or 5IRC's. 
Endorsement stickers for 25, 50 and 75 islands will cost SASE plus $US3, 2E or 2 IRCs. 
A separate award is available at the 100, 200, 300 or 400 island level. The fee is $US5, 4E or 4 IRCs. 

Apply to: Yukihiro Deguchi IOTA-JA, 4796 Takashima-cho, Yatsushiro City, Kumamoto 866-0014 JAPAN. 

Internet site: http://www3.ocn.ne.jp/~iota/newpage61.htm 

The site contains a complete list of valid Japanese islands plus a link to the official application.

Japan Island Award

Contact 20 different islands of Japan. The principal large islands of Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu may not be used. GCR list and fee of 5 IRCs to: Atsushi Tachibana JH6KGA, 346-3 Nishizato, Izuhara, Shimoagata, Nagasaki 817, Japan.

(TKS JR1DTN)(93)

Japan Federated Coordinating Council #3 of IARS Award Program ---

General Requirements: GCR accepted. SWL OK. Fee for each award is 7 IRCs. Apply to: Kenji Koishi JH3AIU, 3-56-8 Keyakidai, Sanda, 669-1321 Japan.

(CHG 3/2003)

Asian Zones and Capitals Award

Work stations in the capital city of Asian countries as shown. QSLs from countries or islands with no capital also count. Classes: 10, 20, 30, and 42.

A4X Oman & Muscat

HS - Thailand - Bangkok EK/UG6 - Armenia - Yerevan XU - Cambodia - Pnompenh 7J1 - Okino-Tori-Shima
A51 Bhutan - Thimpu (Chg 01) HZ/7Z - Saudi Arabia - Ridayh UN/UQ/UL7 - Kazakh - Alma Ata XV/3W8 - Vietnam - Hanoi 7O - Yemen

A6X UAE - Abu Dhabi

JA - Japan - Tokyo EZ/UH8 - Turkoman - Ashkhabad XW8 - Laos - Vien Tiane 8Z4 - Neutral Zone

A7X Qatar - Doha

JD1 - Ogasawara Isl. UJ/UM/UI8 - Uzbek - Tashkent XZ - Burma - Rangoon 9K2 - Kuwait - Al Kuwait
A9X Bahrain - Manama JT - Mongolia - Ulan Bator EY/UJ8 - Tadzhik - Duschanbe YA - Afghanistan - Kabul 9M2 - West Malaysia - Kuala Lumpur
AP - Pakistan - Islamabad OD5 - Lebanon - Beirut EX/UM8 - Kirghiz - Frunze YI - Iraq - Bagdhad 9N1 - Nepal - Katmandu
BV - Formosa - Taipei S21 - Bangladesh - Dacca VR2/VS6 - Hong Kong YK - Syria - Damascus 9V1 - Singapore - Singapore
BY - China - Beijing TA - Turkey - Ankara VS9M/8Q6 - Maldive - Male ZC4/5B4 - Cyprus - Nicosia  
CR9 - Macao (deleted country) UA9/0 - Asiatic Russia VU - India - New Delhi 1S - Spratley Island
EP - Iran - Teheran 4J/4K/UD6 - Azerbaijan - Baku VU - Andaman & Niccobar Isl. 4S7 - Sri Lanka - Colombo
HL/HM - Korea - Seoul 4L/UF6 - Georgia - Tbilisi VU - Laccadive 4X/4Z - Israel - Jerusalem


All Asia ITU Zone Award (AAIZ)

Class B: work more than 5 ITU zones in Asia. Class A: work more than 10. Class AA: work more than 20, Class Excellent: work all ITU zones in Asia. (88)

Japan Island Award

Sponsored by the JARL Tsushima Club for contacting Japanese islands per their official listing. Basic award is for 50 islands with endorsements for 100, 300 and "All Islands". Endorsements for band and mode upon request. The official list must be used for making your application and is available from sponsor or K1BV for SASE. The list is 12 pages so suggest 2 units of postage if requesting it. Fee for DX stations is 5 IRC. Apply to Masayuki Shoji JF6OID, 1471-1 Oaza Kutamichi Izuhara-machi, Shimoagata-gun, Nagasaki 817-0031, Japan. 

(Tks ON4CAS)(00)

E-mail: jf6oid@bronze.ocn.ne.jp

--- Japan Ladies Radio Society (JLRS) Series ---

General Requirements: Awards designed to encourage YL activities on phone and CW. GCR list and 10 IRCs fee applicable for each award. Endorsement fee for YL-10 however is 3 IRCs for each group of 10 YL contacts.

Internet: http://www.jarl.com/jlrs/ 

(Chg 7/2008)


YL-10 Certificate

Requires 10 confirmed contacts with licensed YL operators worldwide, including at least one JLRS member.  Endorsement (fee = 3 IRCs) stickers for each group of 10.  Contacts with JLRS members are not required for additional endorsements. Single-band contacts (CW only) will receive a separate award. GCR list and 10 IRCs to:  Masako Izumi JA8AQY, 162-19, Uriyama-Kakuta Yuubari, Hokkaido, 090-1524, Japan.

YL-CW-WAJA Certificate

47 contacts with licensed Japanese YLs in each of 43 Prefectures (ken in Japanese), plus one each for Tokyo-to, Osaka-fu, Kyoto-fu and Hokkaido. (Apply to JA8AQY as listed above.)


Contact a licensed YL in each of 10 districts in Japan 1 to 0. (Apply to JA8AQY as listed above.)

(Chg 11/2005)



YL-Alphabet Certificate

Contact 26 licensed YL operators whose last letter of their call sign includes each of the 26 different  letters of the alphabet. No time limitations. 

     Class A for contacts with JLRS members only. 
     Class B for YL's anywhere in the world including at least 5 JLRS members.
GCR list and 10 IRCs to: Chizue Doi JA5YL, 3-3-38, Oguri, Matuyama, 790-0036, Japan. 

YL JCC Certificate

Contacts with YL's in 25 different cities (shi in Japanese) in Japan. Endorsements for each group of contacts with 25 additional different cities. (Apply to JA5YL as listed above).

YL-JCG Certificate

25 contacts with licensed Japanese YLs in 25 different guns (Gun=county).  Endorsements are available for each 25 additional contacts in different Guns. (Apply to JA5YL as listed above)

YL-JCK Certificate

25 contacts with licensed Japanese YLs in 25 different Ku (Ku = borough, ward).  Endorsements are available for each 25 additional contacts in different Kus. (Apply to JA5YL as listed above). 

(Chg 11/2005)



Japan Low Band Century Certification

Work different countries for points on the low frequency bands: 160, 80 and 40 meters. Points per country: 40M = 1, 80M = 2, 160M = 5. Basic award issued for 100 points. All 6 continents must be included. Endorsement stickers at steps of each added 50 points. Same country but different frequency band counts. ARRL country list. Endorsements for all one mode or band. SWL OK. Contacts after 1 Jan 1969. GCR list and fee of 7 IRCs (endorsement fee is 2 IRC) to: Takao Yokoyama JA2AAQ, 4-25-12 Uematsu, Nagano 380-0802 Japan. 

(Tks HL1KIS)(01)

Japan Osaka Century Certificate

Available to any licensed amateur or SWL in 3 classes for working JA and Osaka stations as follows:

a. Junior Class: Contact 10 different JA stations whose last letter of their callsign spells "NANIWA CLUB".
b. Standard Class: Contact at least 10 different stations in the Osaka prefecture. Endorsements for 50 and 100 stations.
c. Special Class: Contact 100 different Osaka stations, including 63 stations located in all 32 cities, 5 guns and 26 wards of Osaka prefecture. Cities and guns and wards list of Osaka available for 3 IRCs. Contacts should be made from the same call area, or where no call areas exist, then from the same country. GCR list and 10 IRCs (seal 3 IRCs) to: Akio Sonoda JR3DDQ, 3-7-24 Daikoku 3-chome, Naniwa, Osaka 556-0014, Japan.

(CHG 3/2003)

Guns in Osaka Prefecture: Minamikawachi Mishima Sen'nan Senboku Toyono

Cities in Osaka Prefecture: Daito  Fujiidera  Habikino  Higashiosaka  Hirakata  Ibaraki  Ikeda  Izumi  Izumiotsu  Izumisano  Kadoma  Kaizuka  Kashiwara  Katano  Kawachinagano  Kishiwada  Matsubura  Mino  Moriguchi  Neyagawa  Osaka  Osaka-Sayama  Sakai Sen'nan  Settsu  Shijonawate  Suita  Takaishi  Takatsuki  Tondabayashi  Toyonaka  Yao.

Wards in Osaka City: Abeno-ku  Asahi-ku  Chuo-ku  Fukushima-ku  Higashisumiyoshi-ku  Higashinari-ku  Higashiyodogawa-ku Hirano-ku  Ikuno-ku  Jyoto-ku  Kita-ku  Konohana-ku  Minato-ku  Miyakojima-ku  Naniwa-ku  Nishi-ku  Nishina ri-ku  Nishiyodogoya-ku  Oyodo-ku  Suminoe-ku  Sumiyoshi-ku  Taisho-ku  Tennoji-ku  Tsurumi-ku  Yodogawa-ku 

(CHG 91)

Worked Japanese Prefectural Capitals Award (WJPCA)

Work one station in each capital city of each of the 47 prefectures in Japan and receive the QSL card. QSOs on or after April 1, 2005 are valid. Your QSO/QSL 
list should include the dates of contacts.  Non-JA stations must send 5 IRCs to the following address: Mr. Tomoyuki Ieda (JQ2QDM), Minami-Yamato 178, Nishi-Biwajima-Cho, Kiyosu City, Aichi 452-001 JAPAN.

Class AA:
Work with each capital city of all of the 47 prefectures in Japan and receive the QSL cards. For big cities with the city districts called "Ku", work the specific "Ku" districts in the list below and receive the QSLs. (Total 47 QSLs)   

Class A:
Work with each capital city of all of the 47 prefectures in Japan and receive the QSL card. For big cities, work any "Ku" district of the capital city.

Class B:
Work with each capital city of 25 prefectures in Japan and receive the QSL  card. For big cities, work with any "Ku" district of the capital city.

Class C:
Work with each capital city of 10 prefectures in Japan and receive the QSL  card. For big cities, work with any "Ku" district of the capital city.

Note: List of "Ku" districts for Class AA is available at http://www.jarl.or.jp/English/0-2.htm 

List of capital cities (This list of JCC numbers is used for Classes A, B and C)
0101  0201  0301  0401  0501  0601  0701  0801  0901  1001  1101  1201  1344  1401  1501  1601  1701  1801  1901  2001  2101  2201  2301  2401  2501  2601  2701  2801  2901  3001  3101  3201  3301  3401  3501  3601  3701  3801  3901  4001  4101  4201  4301  4401  4501  4601  4701.

List of capital cities for Classes AA (JCC and Ku numbers only ):

010101  0201  0301  0401  0501  060101  0701  0801  0901  100104  110104  120101  134407  1401  1501  1601  1701  180101  1901  200106  2101  220102
2301  2401  250127  2601  270108  2801  2901  3001  3101  3201  3301  3401  350101  3601  3701  3801  3901  400102  4101  4201  4301  4401  4501  4601

See the JCC List for the names of the capital cities at: http://www.jarl.or.jp/English/0-2.htm 

Internet: http://www.geocities.jp/jq2qdm/ 

Tks JF2IGP  10/2005

Japan Special Call Award

This award is issued for contacts with 5 or more different special Japanese call stations - using 8J through 8N prefixes. SWL OK. All contacts must have been made from the same country. Endorsements for each group of 10 additional special call stations. GCR list and fee of 5 IRCs or $US6 to: DAG Award Manager, Kiyoshi Ozaki JH8QOX, Azabu Shibecha cho, Kawakami gun, Hokkaido , 088-2305, Japan.

(Chg 3/2003)

Worked Japanese Wards Award (WJWA )

Work Japanese wards (called "Ku") (including 23 Tokyo special districts) and receive the QSLs. 

Class A: Work all Japanese wards (ku) which exist as of the final day of your QSO (the number of wards may increase in the future) and receive the QSLs.
Class B: Work 150 different Japanese wards and receive the QSLs.
Class C: Work 100 different Japanese wards and receive the QSLs.
Class D: Work 50 different Japanese wards and receive the QSLs.

QSOs on or after April 1, 2005 are valid.  Endorsements are available for  Band, Mode and QRP. 
GCR list should include all QSO data, and be sorted by ward  (Ku) numbers.
Send your application with 5IRCs to: Mr. Tomoyuki Ieda, JQ2QDM, Minami-yamato 178, Nishi-biwajima, Kiyosu City, Aichi 452-0013 JAPAN

The official "Ku List" is located at: http://www.jarl.or.jp/English/0-2.htm 

Tks JF2IGP 11/2005

Worked JDXRC (SWL - Heard JDXRC)

Contact 5 members of JDXRC. Member list for SAE and 2 IRCs. GCR list and 8 IRCs to: Kenichi Suzuki JA3BG, 1601-2 Ookubo, Ookubo-cho, Akashi, Hyogo 674-0051, Japan.

(Chg 3/2003)

Jyotouba Award

Issued by the Watanabe Family Club for confirmed contacts with 8 stations spelling out the word "JYOTOUBA" using the last letter of their suffix plus one Takasago city station. Endorsement for band or mode. GCR list and fee of ¥400 to: T. Watanabe, 1-1-14 Tatsuyama, Takasago-city, 676-0811 Japan.

(Tks HL1KIS)(01)

Worked All Kanagawa Award

Issued by Members of Kanagawa HC in 4 levels as follows:

Class AA - confirmed contacts with all Kanagawa cities/wards/chosons.
Class A - Confirmed contacts with all Kanagawa cities/guns.
Class B - Confirmed contacts with 20 Kanagawa cities/guns.
Class C - Confirmed contacts with 15 Kanagawa cities/guns.

Endorsement for band or mode. GCR list and fee of 10 IRCs to: Ito JQ1URI, 14-9 Karuizawa, Nishi ku, Yokohama, 220-0002 Japan.

(Chg 3/2003)

Kanagawa Alphabet Award

The objective is to use all 26 letters of the alphabet using the suffix of stations operating within the Kanagawa Prefecture under the following conditions:
     1. to make a set of alphabet using the first, middle, or last letters of each suffix.
     2. stations used in this alphabet should be located in different cities or guns within the Kanagawa prefecture.
     3. a QSL card from any one station may be used only one time.
     4. A station having only two letters in their suffix will only be counted as the first and last letters. 

Class DX: Contact 26 Kanagawa prefecture stations whose any letter in their suffix must include "A" to "Z".
Class C
: Same as Class DX, but the letter must be all the first, second or last letters.
Class B
: Same as Class C, but 2 styles totaling 52 stations. Example: using the first and last letters or all the second and last letters of the calls.
Class A
: 3 styles total of 78 stations using only the first, second and last letters.
Class AA
: Same as Class A, but on a single band or mode.
Class DX: Available only for applicants outside of Kanagawa prefecture. Complete one set of alphabet using any letter of the station suffix. Only one letter may be used from each QSL.

SWL OK. GCR list and fee of 10 IRCs to: Shoichi Tadai JJ1JIS, 1-69 Iriyamazu, Yokosuka City, Kanagawa 238-0051, Japan.

Internet: http://www.jarlkn.info/contest/alfa_e-htm 

(Chg 6/2009)

Mayor of Kanazawa City Award

Issued by the Mayor of Kanazawa city for contacts in 5 levels:

Class Shirayama - contacts with 6 sisterly city stations of Kanazawa city.
Class Inuwashi - contacts with 100 Ishikawa ken stations including 20 Kanazawa city.
Class Kuroyuri - contacts with 60 Ishikawa ken stations including 10 in Kanazawa city.
Class Kotoji - spell out the word "ISHIKAWA KANAZAWA" using the last letter of suffix.
Class DX - confirm contacts with 5 Ishikawa ken stations including 1 Kanazawa city.

Endorsements for band or mode. Contacts after April 1984. GCR list and fee of 20 IRCs or $US5 to: Kanazawa Inurashi Club, 1-27-17 Kikukawa, Kanazawa city, 920 Japan.

(Chg 4/2003) 

Kansai International Airport Award

The Senboku-gun Happy Family club sponsors this award which commemorates the opening of the new Osaka International Airport. SWL OK. Form the words SUPER HUB AIRPORT KANSAI from the first letter of the suffix from 21 different stations. No date limits. GCR list, return address label and fee of $US5 ($USA3 or 3 IRCs if you already possess the SEKAI HANSEN or OSAKA SENBOKUGUN Award). Apply to Hirosi fujihara JG3SXV, 2-18-7 Tadoaka-minami, Tadaoka-cho, Senboku-Gun, Osaka 595-0813, Japan.

(Award is a large multicolored photo of head-on view of an airliner at moment of takeoff).

(Chg 4/2003) 

Kanrin Maru Award       

Issued by the Futaba Ham Club. Each contact from different 43 prefectures are needed. Nagasaki-city and Yokosuka-city must be included. GCR list and fee of US 4 Dollars or 10 IRCs to : Shoich Tadai JJ1JIS, 1-69 Iriyamazu, Yokosuka, Kanagawa 238-0051, Japan. 

(Chgd Sponsor adr per JA3BAG 10/03)

Keymen's Club of Japan Award

These rules applicable to all stations outside of Japan. Work at least 100 different Japanese prefectures on CW, with not more than one prefecture per band. The maximum number of prefectures per band is: 47. Cross band contacts not permitted. Satellite contacts are counted as a separate band. All contacts must have been made from the same DXCC entity, and any number of your past and current callsigns are acceptable as long as you can prove you possessed the call. Endorsement stickers are provided in multiples of 50 between 100 and 400, in multiples of 25 between 400 and 600 and in multiples of 10 in excess of 600. SWL OK. Award requires use of their application available for SASE/IRC from the manager, or which is found in several formats on their website shown below. Fee for the basic KCJA is 4 IRC or $US4. Endorsement charge is 2 IRC or $US2. Apply to the manager: Ichio Ujiie, 162 Shionosawa, Kohata Towa, Adachi, Fukushima 964-0203, Japan.

Internet: http://www.kcj-cw.com/kcja/e_kcja_framepage.htm 

E-mail: jh7fqk@jarl.com

Chg 10/09  

Kiku (Daisy Flower) Award

Contact 16 Fukui ken stations and spell out the word "KIKUNOSHANTAKEFU" using the last letter of their suffix.

Special tasks:

A. contact JA9YXS twice in different months.
B. contact JCC 1903.
C. contact JCC 0914 and JCC 2512.
D. contact JA9YXS and club member.
E. 5 contacts: JCC2903 JCG29008 JCG29002 JCG29009 JCC2907.
F. Spell out the words "TAKEFU CITY" and complete AJD.

Class Grand Kiku Ningyo - complete A and 3 of the A to F items.
Class Kiku Ningyo - complete 5 out of A to F including A.
Class??? - complete 3 out of A to F including A.
Class??? - Complete 2 out of A to F including A.

Endorsement for mode, band, YL and special YL station. GCR list and fee of 10 IRCs. Apply to: Takayama JH9HHY,  1-14-31 Minami, Takefu, Fukui 915-0825, Japan.

(Chg 5/2003)

Kitakyushu City Award

Available in 2 classes: GOLD - work JA6AZQ and 6 other stations in Kitakyushu City. SILVER - using cards from any countries, form the word KITAKYUSHU with the last letter of each callsign. GCR list and 6 IRCs to Kikuo Tsutsumi JA6AZQ, 11-7 Kusunoki-2, Yahatanishi-ku, Kitakyushu-city, 807-0827 Japan.

(Chg 01)

Worked Kitakyushu City Award

Contact one station in each of the 7 wards of Kitakyusyu City. The wards are: Noji, Wakamatsu, Tobata, Kokura-kita, Kokura-minami, Yahata-higashi, Yahata-nishi. GCR list and 10 IRCs to: Teruyoshi Yasunaka JH6TNH,  3-26-16 Honjo-nishi Yahata-nishi, Kitakyushu, 807-0801 Japan.

(Chg 5/2003)

All Kobe City Award

Part One: Contact amateurs located in the 9 wards of Kobe City and confirm each. For stations outside Japan, contact stations in Kobe City and Hyogo Prefecture and obtain 9 QSLs. Class A = accomplished in 24 hours. Class B = over 24 hours. Band or mode endorsements upon request.

Part Two: Complete AJD and spell out the words: "THE ALL KOBE" or "PORT OF KOBE" with the last letter of the suffix of stations contacted. Special classes are: Special - one card from each band/no duplicate bands used. Class A - confirmations from 5 different bands, Class B - any bands used. Band or mode endorsements upon request.

For either award, send GCR in alphabetical order by prefix and fee of 10 IRCs to Toshihiro Nishikawa JF3NXU, 4-5-7, Motoyama-Kitamachi Higashinada, Kobe Hyogo 658-0003 Japan. 

(Chg 6/2003)

Award of Kochi

Sponsored by the JARL Kochi-ken Branch to amateurs and SWL's. Work stations in KOCHI Prefecture. Class EX = 100, Class A = 50, Class B = 10. GCR list and fee of 7 IRCs to: Suga Yamakawa JA5CSS, 4-14 Harigi-Higashi-Machi, Kochi-City 780-8086, Japan.

(Chg 6/2003)

Koma Inu Award

Issued by the Ivory Coast Ham Club for confirmed contact with 11 stations that spell the word "KOMAINUSHOU" using the first letter of their suffixes.

Class A - complete AJD (Areas 0-9) plus Mizunami City (JCC1908) and  Takahama City (JCC2027) stations. Total 13 QSOs.
Class B - complete with Gifu prefecture stations plus Mizunami City (JCC1908) or Takahama City (JCC2027) stations. Total 12 QSOs.

Endorsement for band or mode. GCR list and fee of 5 IRCs to: Hidetoshi Toyama JL2HRX, 2640 Toki-cho, Mizunami-city, 509-6101 Japan.

(Chg 6/2003)

Konosu Hina Ningyo Award

Available in 3 classes: A = contact all cities and guns of Saitama prefecture plus one YL station in Konosu city or YL club member. B = contact all guns of Saitama prefecture plus one YL station in Konosu city or YL club member. Class C = any 10 cities and 5 guns plus 3 YL stations anywhere in Japan. GCR list and 10 IRCs to: Masahiko Suzuki JH1GIN, Akamidai 4-15-7, Knoosu city, Saitama 365-0064, Japan.

(Chg 6/2003)

Kumagaya City Award

Contact 10 radio stations operating in Kumagaya City after 1 April 1997. All bands and modes. The stations may be fixed or portable, but the 10 contacts must include 7 who have a permanent address in Kumagaya when you worked them. GCR list plus the qsl cards plus return postage of 3 IRCs or $US5 to Makoto Iseki 7N2UTO, 1-11-13 Hakoda, Kumagaya, Saitama, 360-0014 Japan. 

(TKS JR1DTN)(98)

Kurashiki Club Series

General Requirements: Contacts after 13 Sept 1959. SWL OK. Fee for each award is 5 IRCs. GCR to Yasuo Fukuoka JA4XZR, 207-1 Hashima, Kurashiki, Okayama 710-0043, Japan.

Kurashiki Club Award

Contact Kurashiki City stations (JCC 3101). Class A = 100 points, B = 50, C = 30, D = 20. Club members = 4, others 2 points each. Stations may only be counted once. No portables, except club members. Member list from JA4XZR.

30 Years Commemorative Award of Kurashiki Club

Contact any 17 stations which spell JARL KURASHIKI CLUB with the last letter of call signs. 

(Chg 8/2003)

Kushiro Tancho Award

Issued by the Kushiro ARC. Spell out the words "TANCHO TURU" by using the last letter of suffixes.

Class A - complete 10 sets of the spelling using JA1 to JA0.(Total 100 QSO's)
Class B - Complete AJD on same basis. (Total 10 QSO's)

Endorsement for all 28MHz and cw modes. GCR list and fee of ¥700 to: Yoshio Toko JH8QZX, 4-19-16 Tottori-Kita, Kushiro, 084-0907 Japan. 

(Chg 8/2003)

Kuji River Award

Work Japanese stations who live in the vicinity of the Kuji River:

Class A - 12 contacts including 2 cities, 9 towns and 1 village in Higashi-Shirakawa Gun (JCG #07014).
Class B - 8 contacts including a minimum of 3 towns in Higashi-Shirakawa gun.
Class C - 5 contacts, in specified 2 cities and 3 towns from below list:

Specified cities, towns and village:

JCG #07014 - Higashi-Shirakawa gun, Tanakura town, Haniwa town, Yamatsuri town.
JCC #1402
- Hitachi city JCC #1412 - Hitachi Ohta city
JCG #14004
- Kuji gun, Kinsagou town, Taishi town.
JCG #14008
- Naka gun, Tokai village, Ryuren town, Omiya town, Naka town, Yamagata town.

GCR list and fee of 10 IRCs with self addressed label for DX to: JH7MGJ Mr. Yoshihiro Nakano, Haguro-Nishi 14, Tsutsumi, Tanakura, Higashi-Shirakawa gun, 963-6101 Fukushima, Japan.

(Chg 8/2003)

Kyoto All Cities/Guns Award       

Issued by the Kyoto Club for working cities and guns of Kyoto in 7 levels as follows:

Class WS - confirm stations using a single band and also complete 5 sets of Class EX.
Class S - confirm contacts using a single band and 3 sets of EX.
Class EX - confirm contacts in 11 cities, 12 guns and 11 wards.
Class AA - confirm contacts in 11 cities and 12 guns.
Class A - confirm contacts with stations in 12 guns.
Class B - confirm contacts with stations in 11 cities.
Class C - confirm contacts with any 10 locations in Kyoto.

Endorsement for band or mode. GCR list and fee of ¥800, 10 IRCs or $US5. Apply to Tadashi Hashimoto JA3OIN, PO Box 21, Muko, Kyoto 617-8691, Japan. 

(Chg 10/03)