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(Updated 3/2009) 

Diploma dei Castelli della Provincia di Pistoia

Section A.R.I. of Montecatini Terme (Pistoia) sponsors this award for contacts with castles in the Province of Pistoia after 1 January 2001. SWL OK.

There are 3 classes:
Award Level 	Italians 	All Others
Bronze: 	12 		5
Silver: 	25 		20	
Gold: 		40 		30

All bands and in the modes SSB, CW, RTTY, SSTV or digital. Contacts via repeater, transponder, crossband or crossmode and echo-link are not valid. There is a special endorsement for contact at least one castle operated by IQ5MT. The Honor Roll is awarded for contacting all references located in the province of Pistoia. Official list of all valid Pistoia castles is found on the website shown below. Award cost for Italy 10€, Europe 12€ and all others 15€ or US$ 18. Also for the special endorsement. Fee for the Honor Roll is: Italians 30€, Europeans 50€ and all others 50€ or $US70. GCR list and fee to: Award Manager della Sezione ARI di Montecatini Terme, P.O. Box 137, I-51016 Montecatini Terme (PT), Italy.



Tks PA3CUZ 4/14/08

River Po Award

Contact Italian provinces adjacent to the River Po since 1 Jan 1993. The provinces are: Cuneo, Torino, Alessandria, Vercelli, Pavia, Lodi, Piacenza, Cremona, Parma, Reggio Emilia, Mantova, Rovigo and Ferrara. Each province may be contacted only one time. Each province contact = 1 point and contacts with members of the Castelmassa Radio club = 3. Italians need 13 points, other EU 8, rest of world 5. Endorsements for single mode or band. GCR list and fee of $US10 or 8€ to: A.R.I. Sezione di Castelmassa, PO Box 105, I-45035 Castelmassa (Rovigo), Italy.

(Chg 9/2008)

Polar Ship Award         

The Formia Section of the ARI and the "Gaeta Gulf" ARMI Section sponsors this award for contacts made with amateur stations aboard at least two Polar Ships, Oceanographic Ships, Coast Guard or Icebreakers operating in the Antarctic Seas.  SWL OK.  All bands and modes OK.  No date restrictions.  Endorsements will be available for each additional two such ship contacts.  Their website contains an official application and list of ships which will qualify for the award.  Send application, photocopies of the QSLs and fee of 10€ or $US15 for the basic award and 5€ or $US5 for the endorsement stickers.  Apply to: A.R.I. Sezione di Formia, PO Box 33, I-04023 Formia (LT), Italy.


(Chg 7/2009)

Diplomi Dei Castelli Della Puglia

Section Sezione di Taranto sponsors this award for contacting stations operated from castles in the region Puglia. SWL OK.

Requirements: work castles in the Puglia Region
1. HF - Italian stations need 20 in at least 3 Provinces. On VHF 5 castles in at least 2 Provinces.
2. HF - Others need 10 in at least 2 Provinces on HF and VHF.

The provinces of Puglia are: BA - Bari, TA - Taranto, FG - Foggia, LE - Lecce, BR – Brindisi.
All bands and in the modes SSB, CW, RTTY, PSK31, SSTV. GCR list with the reference of the castles and some copy of the QSL's plus fee of 5€ to: Massimo Ligonzo, IZ7FMQ, Corso Italia 304, I-74100 Taranto, Italy.

Info and list valid castles 

Tks PA3CUZ 4/14/08 

Salento Islands Award

Issued by the Sezione ARI Lecce and the Salento DXTeam. SWL OK. All active (not deleted) Italian islands in the Brindisi, Lecce and Taranto
provinces are valid.  Contacts must be after 1 January 1980.

Italians need 20 islands, EU need 15 and all others need 10. Island list is on the website shown below.  CW, Phone, RTTY and Mixed mode available. All bands may be used. Special plaque is available - Italians need 50 confirmed islands, other EU need 35 and rest of world 25. GCR list and fee of $US6, 5 Euros or 10 IRC’s  (for plaque, fee is 13 Euro, $US15 or 35 IRC) plus SASE if cards are sent. Apply to: ARI Sezione - SIA Award Manager IK7VJX, PO Box 161, I-73100 Lecce, Italy.


 (Chg 9/2008)

Diploma dei Castelelli della Provincia di Salerno

Sezione A.R.I. Battipaglia sponsors this award for contacting castles in the region of Salerno after 1 January 2001. SWL OK. 
The official list of Italian castles is found at .

HF: Italian stations need 20 castles in de province of Salerno with one castle for each district.
All others need 10 castles in the province of Salerno with one castle for each district
VHF: Italian stations need 10 castles in the province of Salerno with one castle for each district (50 MHz and higher).

The four districts are: 173 Battipaglia, 195 Salerno, 222 Vallo della Lucania, 223 Sala Consilina.

All bands and modes. Crossband or crossmode contacts are not valid. Award cost for Europe 10€ or $US13, all others 12€ or $US15.. Send GCR list with the reference of the castles plus fee to: Manager Alfonso Castelli Salernitana, IZ8DDP, Sezione di Battipaglia POBox 330, 84091 Battipaglia (SA), Italy.

List of Castles in Italy (Salerno)

Tks PA3CUZ 3/2009

Diploma "Celebrazione Di Salerno Capitale"

At the end of the 2nd World War, the city of Salerno was made the temporary capital of Italy. This status began 27 April 1945 and ended on 31 August 1945.  This award may be earned every year during the period starting on 06.00 UTC on 27 April till 31 August. SWL OK. All bands and modes. Contact members of the ARI di Salerno.

HF: Italian stations need 50 members and all others 25.
VHF/UHF/SHF: Italian stations need 25 members and all other 20.
6 meters: Italian stations need 25 and all others 15.

Same station may be worked multiple times per day but only on different bands and modes. Send a log and fee of 10€ before 30 October every year to: Lenza Autilia, IZ8FFQ, Via J.F. Kennedy 69, I-84015- Nocera Superiore (SA), Italy.


Tks PA3CUZ 3/09

Salerno Islands Plaque

Sponsored by the Strange Radio Team, this award is a permanent plaque for activators and hunters of the Salerno Islands. This plaque  is available to Italian and foreign OM and SWL. Requirements: confirm or activate at least 3 of the islands/rocks comprising the Salerno Islands beginning from 1 January 1995. For the Honor Roll it is necessary to have confirmed or activated the all 5 islands/rocks. 

Islands/Rocks  (IIA = Italian Islands Award designation).
I.I.A. SA-001 Licosa Isl. 
I.I.A. SA-002 Sirene or Camerota Isl. or the Viole's Tower 
I.I.A. SA-003 Scialandro Rock 
I.I.A. SA-004 Coniglio or Marina Rock 
I.I.A. SA-005 Mingardo Rock 

The cost of the basic plaque is 25€ or $US30; Honor Roll 30€  or $US35.  Send fee and GCR list to: Award Manager: Oreste D' Anzilio, IZ8EDJ P.O.Box 49, I-84091, Battipaglia (SA), Italy     


(Chg 9/2008)

Serenissima Award            

Available to amateurs who show confirmation of two-way contact with different stations in Venice and its islands or who belong to the local section of ARI Venice, as shown on their QSL cards.  Italians need 7, Europeans 5 all others 3.  Stations may be contacted one time only.  No use of repeater contacts.  GCR list and fee of 11€ or $US10 to: A.R.I. Venice Awards Manager, PO Box 227, I-30100 Venice, Italy.

(Rewrite per PA3CUZ 10/02) 

Sicilian Castles and Towers Award  (Castelli e Torri della Sicilia)

Issued in cooperation with the DCI (Italian Castle Award) for working castles and towers on the island of Sicily after April 1, 2002.  Only references recognized by DCI are valid for this award.  SWL OK.  Issued in 2 classes: 

Class A: for QSOs with IT9VCE castle/tower operations ONLY in 9 provinces of Sicily. 
Class B
: for QSOs with any operator other than IT9VCE, who activates castles in 9 Sicilian provinces, 

All bands and modes. There are nine award levels. After achieving the basic award (level 1) you can apply for additional stickers. An honor roll will also be available. The following table shows requirements for basic level and all endorsements. 


Basic Award Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 Level 9 Honor Roll
Italians need 9 18 27 35 43 51 58 65 72 90
Other EU need 6 13 20 26 33 39 44 49 54 70
All others need 3 6 9 12 15 17 19 21 23 30

The Sicilian provinces are: AG, CL, CT, EN, ME, PA, RG, SR and TP. Only DCI references starting with these letters are valid towards the C.T.S. award! Fee: class A is free, just send $2 or 2€ for postage; class B costs $10 or 10€. Endorsement stickers are free, just send 1 IRC for postage. Send your log extract (Call - Date - UTC - Band - Mode - RST- DCI ref) + fee to: Award Manager C.T.S., P.O. BOX 100/A,  I-95036 RANDAZZO (CT), Italy.


(Chg 11/2008)

Diploma "S.I.A." Sicilian Islands Award

The Award is issued by the A.R.I. Section of Siracusa to all Italian OM/YL and SWL who make confirmed contacts/heards with at least 20 different islands, located in at least 3 groups all belonging to Sicily, Italy. Other EU need 15 different islands located in at least 2 groups. For all others, 7 different islands located in at least 2 groups.

Islands are carefully defined to make sure that only "real" islands are eligible for the award. No river or lake islands, or manmade islands count. HF operations from islands count only if 100 or more contacts are made during one operating period. Check with sponsor if you are unsure. All the contacts since January 1st 1990. Honour Roll: a personalized plaque will be issued on reaching the level of 50 islands located in 5 groups. All Sicilian Islands Trophy (ASIT): plaque will be issued on reaching 80 islands. Send official application for the award and 15 IRC, $US10 or 10 euro; Honour Roll and ASIT:  20 IRC, $US15 or 15€ to: Award Manager Salvo Costantino IT9HLR, Sezione ARI di Siracusa Via F. Accolla 7,  I-96100 Siracusa ITALY.

Link to list of valid islands. 


(Chg 11/2008) 

Worked All Sicilian Provinces    (WASP)       Rewritten 3/09 tks to PA3CUZ

Contact 8 of the 9 Sicilian provinces on HF on or after 31 Dec 1954.  

The 9 provinces are: 

Agrigento (AG) Enna (EN) Ragusa (RG)
Caltanissetta (CL) Messina (ME) Siracusa (SR)
Catania (CT) Palermo (PA) Trapani (TP. 

SWLs need 7 provinces.  On VHF/UHF and 50MHz, only 6 provinces.  The 4 award classes are: a) Mixed HF, b) Mixed V/UHF, c) Mixed WARC, d) Mixed 50 MHz.  Valid modes are: SSB, CW, RTTY.  

Contacts with smaller Sicilian Islands are valid per this chart
Each contact with one of the below group of islands may replace the contact with the province associated with it. :   

IOTA Italian Island Award Equivalents
ID9 Eolie Is. (ME) EU-017 ME-01 to ME-28
IE9 Ustica Is. (PA) EU-051 PA-01 to PA-03
IF9 Egadi Is. (TP) EU-054 TP-04 to TP-16
IG9 Pelagie Is. (AG) AF-019 AG-01 to AG-04
IH9 Pantelleria Is. (TP) AF-018 TP-01 to TP-03
IH9/P Isole Costiere minori  EU-166 (Province varies - see below)

For the WASP of Excellence Plaque, work all the nine provinces of Sicily and each of the 5 groups of smaller islands.
Fee for the award is 10€.  Fee for the Plaque of Excellence is 30€.  Send GCR list and correct fee to: ARI di Palermo, Maurizio Tramuto IT9TQH, Via Noto nr34, I-90141 Palermo, Italy.


Provinces of the group "Isole Mostiere Minori della Sicilia (IT9/P) IOTA EU-166 are:
1. Agrigento (AG): AG-05 Scoglio Pietra Patella, AG-06 Scoglio Gucciarda.
2. Catania (CT) Isola dei Ciclopi, CT-02 Lachea, CT-03 Faraglioni dei Ciclopi.
3. Messina (ME) ME-29 Isola Bella, ME-30 Pietra di Patti, ME-31 Scoglio Le Pietre Nere, ME-32 Scoglio San Biagio, ME-33 Scoglio di Brolo.
4. Palermo (PA): PA-04 Isola delle Femmine, PA-05 Scoglio Formica.
5. Ragusa (RG): RG-01 Isola dei Porri, RG-02 Scoglio Iannuzzo.
6. Siracusa (SR): SR-01 Isola delle Correnti, SR-02 Capopassero, SR-03 Vendicari, SR-04 Scoglio due Fratelli, SR-05 Grande di Marzameni, SR-06 Ortigia, SR-07 Piccola, SR-08 Scoglio Ognina.
7. Trapani (TP): TP-17 Colombaia, TP-18 Scoglio Scialandro, TP-19 Scoglio Mal Consiglio, TP-20 Santa Maria, TP-21 Isola Lunga, TP-22 La Scuola, TP-23 San Pantaleo.

(Rewrite 3/09 per info from PA3CUZ)

Spacetime in Action - 100 Years of Relativity

The A.R.I. section of Pavia sponsors this permanent award to honor the centenary of Albert Einstein, and his theoretical work explaining the Theory of the Relativity. The award is available to amateurs and SWLs who earn at least 300 points from the following table by contacting locations which were significant in the life of Einstein (1879-1955).




Ulm, Austria


Born on 14 March 1879

Monaco di Baviera,


Elementary School 1884-1888

Milan, Italy


Lived in 1895

Pavia, Italy


Lived in 1895

Casteggio, Italy


Brief stay

Aarau, Switzerland


Cantonal School

Bern, Switzerland


Lived in 1902-08

Geneva, Switzerland


1909 receives Bachelor degree

Zurigo, Switzerland


1909-1912 formulates Relativity

Salisburg, Austria


1909 presentation on black body.

Prague, Czech Republic


1911 University professorship

Berlin, Germany


1914-1920 Job transfer



Convalescence and sailing.

Pasadena, CA, USA


1931-32 CalTech

Princeton, NJ, USA


1932-1955 Institute of Advanced Studies (dies in 1955)

Le-Cog-Sur-Mer, France


1933 return to Europe.

New York, NY, USA


1933 escapes oppression in Europe.

Trenton, NJ, USA


1940 becomes American citizen.

The same city may be contacted for credit not more than 3 times with different stations.  One contact with the city of Pavia is mandatory. The award may be endorsed for CW, SSB, digital or mixed modes or for any one band. . No contacts using cross modes or cross bands.  Sponsor requires you send photocopies of the QSLs. Sponsor reserves the right to ask for any cards. Send copies of the cards and fee of 10€ or equivalent in $US to: Paul Chincarini IK2SGV


Tks RadioRivista / I1JQJ 1/2006 

Syracusae Greek Theatre Award

This colored award is printed on original Syracuse papyrus paper, the same used by the Egyptian pharoahs. Contacts since 1-1-1990. All bands and modes.

Italian stations need 10 different IT9 Siracusa (fee - 10€ or $US16)
EU need 7 different IT9 Siracusa (fee 13€ or $US20.)
DX need 5 different IT9 Siracusa (fee 15€ or $US23)

Endorsement for each island of Syracuse region. GCR list and fee mentioned above to: Award Manager Enrico Ascenzo IT9AXZ, Via Tacito no. 9, I-96010 Belvedere di Siracusa, Italy. . 

(Chg 9/2008)

Ten Meters Award          (TMA)

Contact at least 50 different DXCC countries (not including your country) on the 10 meter band using any valid modes (except satellite contacts)  since 1 April 1988. SWL OK. Endorsements each added 20 countries. At the 300 country level, you will receive the special HONOUR TEN METERS AWARD. The award is free of charge, except that postage is required. Sponsor reserves the right to check any QSLs. Send GCR list to Sezione A.R.I., PO Box 22, Succ 5, I-47023 Cesena (FO), Italy. 


(Chg 11/2008)

Terni City Award

Contact stations belonging to ARI Terni after 1 Jan 1966. SWL OK. Italian stations need 7, EU 5 (SWLs need 4) , and all others 3 (SWL 3). All bands and modes, except no use of repeaters. The award is a specially printed stainless steel sheet with a picture of the famous Marmore waterfall. GCR list, and fee of 10€ for EU, all others 11€ to: Associaziore Radioamatori Italiani, Sezione De Terni, PO Box 19, I-05100 Terni, Italy. 


(Chg 1/2007)

Tigullio Torre Marconi Award   Rewrite 4/2008 per info from PA3CUZ

Contact stations in the Gulf of Tigullio and earn 10 points.  The Jolly Station IY1TTM counts for 5 points and is Mandatory.  Station IQ1SL counts for 3 points and 1 point for ech Tigullio Gulf stations which are located in: Sestri Levante, Lavagna, Chiavari, Zoagli, Rapallo, Santo Margherita Ligure and Portofino.  Contacts after 1 June 1972.  SWL OK.  All bands and modes of CW or SSB.  Nouse of repeaters.  GCR list and fee of 10€ to: Award Manager IW1RIK, PO Box 21, I-16030 Casarza Ligure (GE), Italy. 


(Rewrite 4/2008) 

TOP Dxers Award

Make contact with at least 1000 band countries, each valid DXCC country may be contacted on all bands between 160 and 10, including WARC. You keep the details  and claim the total number of confirmed countries on each band. You must declare that all the cards claimed have been received and the award manager  may ask to check any or all of them. Cost of the basic award is L5000, $US5 or 10 IRCs. Endorsement stickers available for each additional group of 100 countries up to a total of 2000 band countries. Fee for the endorsement is L1000, $US1 or 2 IRCs. At the 2100 level, a plaque is awarded - fee is L30000 or 45 IRCs. Apply to Top Award Manager, c/o ARI, via Scarlatti 31, I-20124 Milano, Italy.

(TKS I0-5232 via Internet WWW)(96)

Diploma Torino

Contact or hear stations in the province of Torino since 1 Jan 1952. Italians need 15, other Europeans 10 and rest of the world 5. On 50MHz 5 QSOs are needed.  WARC band QSOs are valid. All contacts must be in the same mode and band. For the 50MHz endorsement, all contacts must date on or after 6 Mar 1990. SWL OK. GCR list and postage for mailing the award to: ARI, PO Box 250, 10100 Torino, Italy. 


(Chg 9/2008)

Diploma Costa Dei Trabocchi

Sponsored by the ARI Lanciano. SWL OK. Contact 5 stations who are active from the coast of Trabocchi on or after 13 April 2008 on the bands 10/15/20/40/80 meters in SSB or CW.  Activations on Trabocchi may be found on their site:

Send application and fee of 10€ to ARI Lanciano, Manager Award IW6NOB, Casella Postale 99, I-66034 Lanciano (Chieti), Italy

List references to 27-10-2008:
CDT-001: Punta della Mucchiola CDT-002: Molo di San Vito 1°
CDT-003: Molo di San Vito 2° CDT-004: Fornace
CDT-005: Turchino CDT-006: Colle del Guardiano
CDT-007: Valle Canale CDT-008: Sasso di Rubbanielle (Caravaggio)
CDT-009: Punta Tufano CDT-010: Sasso del Gabbiano
CDT-011: Punta Isolata CDT-012: Punta Torre
CDT-013: Spazza Catene CDT-014: Punta Cavalluccio
CDT-015: Punta San Biagio CDT-016: Punta La Penna
CDT-017: Barriera Frangiflutti


Tks PA3CUZ 3/2009

Citta del Tricolore Diploma

A.R.I. Reggio Emilia offers this award for working/hearing stations in Reggio Emilia and its districts since 1 Jan 1974. Italians need 6 points, EU need 4, all others 3. Each contact with such stations counts for one point and may be worked on different bands for credit. All bands and modes. No repeaters. One SWL cards confirming your QSO is valid if you respond to the SWL. GCR list and fee of 5€, $US5 or 10 IRCs to: ARI Department, PO Box 178, I-42100 Reggio Emilia, Italy.


(Chg 4/2008)

Tridentum Award

Contact stations in the city and province of Trento since 1 Jan 1968. SWL OK. Postal codes for the Province start with 38XXX. City of Trento = 38100. No repeaters, e-link and transponder contacts. Stations of Trentino/Alto Adige need 25 different stations which at least 5 stations of Trento city. Italians need 15 with 4 from Trento, other Europeans 10 with 3 in Trento City and all others 5, 2 must be in Trento City. The same station can be counted only one time. GCR list and € 10 or equivalently $ or IRCs to: ARI Sezione di Trento, Casella Postale 286, 38100 Trento, Italy.


Trieste City Award

The A.R.I. Section of Trieste sponsors this permanent award for contacting Trieste, Italy after 1 January 2002. . SWL OK. . The contacts may be made on all bands and modes, except contacts via repeaters are not allowed. All Trieste province stations are valid. You must contact 25 Trieste stations and make at least 3 contacts with active Special station IQ3V or other special stations (IO3TTY) of section of Trieste. The same station may be contacted only one time. Send GCR list and fee of 7€ to  A.R.I. Section of Trieste Post Office Box 29, I-34100 Trieste, Italy.


(Chg 4/2008)

Varese - Province of Seven Lakes Award          REWRITE 9/2008 

Contact member stations of Varese A.R.I. chapter.  Italian stations needed 30 members of the ARI Varesa, Europeans need 20 and all others 5.  SWL OK. Award is issued for CW,SSB, PSK31 and RTTY contacts.  The same station may be contacted on different bands, modes and dates.  Contacts after 1 January 1985.  GCR list and fee of 5€ or $US8 to: A.R.I. Varesa, PO Box I-21100 Varese, Italy. 

(Chg 9/2008) 

Venice Islands for UNICEF Award

Contact or hear at least two stations operating from different islands in the lagoon of Venice. Unique endorsements are glass multicolored pearl like devices to attach to the award.

Basic award - 2 to 10 islands requires a log extract, proof of having made any amount of a contribution to UNICEF (letter, cancelled check, receipt) and fee of 10€ or $US10.  Endorsements available for at least 5 contacts.  Endorsements 1€ or $US1. 

Contacts must be made with members of the Venice Islander Team starting from 1-1-97. No use of repeaters. Apply to Venice Islands for UNICEF,
Award Manager IK3TTY, Sezione ARI Venezia, PO Box 227, I-30100 Venezia, Italy.

Eligible islands: Buel Del Lovo, Burano, Campalto, Campana, Carbonera, Crevan, Ex Batteria Poveglia, Fisolo, La Certosa, La Cura, La Giudecca, La Grazia, La Salina, Lazzaretto Nuovo, Lazzaretto Vecchio, Le Vigole Lido, Madonna Del Monte, Mazzorbo, Murano, Ottagono AlberoniOttagono Ca’roman, Ottagono S. Pietro, Ottagono Abbandonato, Pellestrina Poveglia, Tessers, Torcello, Trezze, Sacca Sessola, Spignon, S. Angelo, S. Ariano, S. Clemente, S. Cristina, S. Erasmo, S. Francesco, S. Giacomo, S. Giorgio In Alga, S. Giorgio Maggiore, S. Giuliano, S. Lazzaro, S. Secondo, S. Servolo, S. Spirito, Venezia.



(Chg 4/2008)

Vercelli - Saint Andrea’s Cathedral Award

The award honors Saint Andrea’s Cathedral, erected in 1219 and an important symbol of this town. It is one of the first examples of Italian Cistercian gothic architecture.

Contact (or SWL) one member of the Vercelli ARI section and the club station IQ1BD on or after 1 January 2008. All bands, and modes of FM, SSB, CW and digital are permitted. No cross mode or repeater contacts are allowed.  List of stations who are members of the Vercelli ARI is found on their website noted below. Send photocopies of the cards and a declaration that your contacts were made from your station. Award fee is 10E. Apply to: Sezione ARI Vercelli, Award Manager, P.O.Box 32, I-13100 Vercelli, Italy.


Tks PA3CUZ 8/09

Diploma Val Vibrata - Valle del Neolitico

Work stations located in the 12 municipalities of the Val Vibrata after 21 April 1990: Alba Adriatica, Ancarano, Civitella del Tronto, Colonnella, Controguerra, Corropoli, Martinsicuro, Nereto, S. Egidio allo Vibrata, S. Omero, Torano Nuova and Tottoreto. Eligible stations are very active during each month of May helping to publicize an antique radio exhibition and exchange. SWL OK. All bands and modes, but no use of repeaters. The same station may be worked several times on different days. Each QSO = 1 point. On HF, Italians need 30 points, Europeans 20 and all others 10. On VHF, Italians need 10 points, Europeans 5. GCR list and fee of 5€ or $US8 to: Award Manager, c/o Sezione ARI Di Nereto,, PO Box 1, I-64015 Nereto (Teramo), Italy.

(Chg 6/2003)

World Wide Award of Volcanoes (WWAV)

Sponsored by A.R.I. of Pozzuoli (Naples) to simulate knowledge of volcanoes all over the earth. Available in two categories, "Hunters" and "Expeditoners". (Work or activate volcanic regions.)

Class of Award





















Top Honor



Gold Class



A valid station for the award must transmit in one of the eight quadrants (subsquare) immediately adjacent to the quadrant (subsquare) of the locator square in which the center of the volcano is located. A list of volcanos may be found at: . Portable operations must make at least 100 contacts when activating a volcano site.

All bands, 2 to 160 meters may be used. All modes OK. SWL OK. GCR list should include detailed list of QSO data plus the official WWAV reference number (see their WWW site.). Award fee is 8€ or $US11. Apply to: Mariano Biasucci IZ8FST, A.R.I. of Pozzuoli, P.O. Box 1, I-80078 POZZUOLI (Naples), Italy.


(Chg 9/2008)

Worked WARC Bands "Citta' Di Carpi" Award

For contacting stations on the WARC bands (10, 18, 24 Mhz) since 1 Jan 1986. SWL OK. Modes: mixed, CW and SSB. Minimum report: 333 on CW and 33 on SSB. Available in two versions:

> Single band - with a minimum of 75 countries worked.
> All WARC bands - with a minimum of 45 countries worked on each band.

Award manager reserves the right to ask for any QSL cards. Part of the fees collected are donated to charities. GCR list following DXCC list order and signed by your National Award Manager, plus the declaration that "all credits for this award have been obtained in accordance with the rules, regulations and license limits for radio amateurs in your country", together with fee of 10€ or  $US10 to: Sezione ARI di Carpi, Award Manager IK4JPR, PO Box 311, I-41012 Carpi (Modena), Italy.


(Chg 4/2008)



PREFIX REGION Provinces Included
IX1 Valle d/Aosta Aosta (AO)
I1 Piedmonte Torino (TO)   Vercelli (VC) Novara (NO)   Alessandria (AL)
Cuneo (CN) Asti (AT) Biella (BI) Verbania (VB)
I1 Liguria Genova (GE)  Savona (SV) Imperia (IM)  La Spezia (SP)
I2 Lombardia Milano (MI)   Bergamo (BG) Brescia (BS)   Como (CO)
Cremona (CR)   Pavia (PV) Mantova (MN)   Lecco (LC)
Lodi (LO)        Varese (VA)
I3 Veneto Venezia (VE)   Padova (PD) Verona (VR)   Vicenza (VI)
Treviso (TV)   Belluno (BL) Rovigo (RO)
IV3 Fruili Udine (UD)     Pordenone (PN)
IN3 Venezia Guilia Gorizia (GO)   Trieste (TS)
IN3 Trentino  Trento (TN)   Bolzano (BZ)
I4 Emilia Bologna (BO)   Reggio Emilia (RE)  Parma (PR)  
Piacenza (PC)   Ferrara (FE) Modena   (MO)
I4 Romagna Forli (FO)  Ravenna (RA) Rimini (RN)
I5 Toscana Firenze (FI)   Siena (SI) Lucca (LU)   Pisa (PI)   Pistoia (PT)
Massa Carrara (MS)   Livorno (LI) Arezzo (AR)   
Grosseto (GR) Prato (PO)
I0 Umbria Perugia (PG)   Terni (TR)
I6 Marche Ancona (AN)   Pesaro Urbino (PS)   Ascoli Piceno (AP)
Macerata (MC)
I6 Abruzzo Pesacara (PE)   Chieti (CH) L'Aquila (AQ)   Teramo (TE)
I0 Lazio Roma (RM)   Frosinone (FR) Viterbo (VT)   Rieti (RI)
Latina (LT)
I8 Campania Napoli (NA)   Avellino (AV) Salerno (SA)   Caserta (CE)
Benevento (BN)   Crotone (KR) Vibovalentia (VV)
I8 Calabria Catanzaro (CZ)   Cosenza (CS) Reggio di Calabria (RC)
I7-I8 Basilcata Potenza (PZ) I8,  Matera (MT) I7
I7 Puglia Bari (BA)   Taranto (TA) Foggia (FG)   Lecce (LE)
Brindisi (BR)
I8 Molise Isernia (IS)   Campobasso (CB)
IS0 Sardegna Cagliari (CA)   Sassari (SS) Nuoro (NU)   Oristano (OR)
IT9 Sicilia Palermo (PA)   Messina (ME) Enna (EN)   Ragusa (RG)
Catalnissetta (CL)   Catania (CT) Trapani (TP)   Siracusa (SR)
Agigento (AG)
-- -- Guglielmo Marconi (GM)

(Chgs 3/13/2003)