(Special thanks to Joseph Obstfeld 4X4KJ for supplying images of the awards. 2-2001)
(Updated through 10/2009)
The Holyland Award
Contact at least 100 areas from 13 regions in Israel since 1 January 1992. The country is divided into a series of grids resulting in squares of 10 x 10 Km. In addition, the country is divided into 23 administrative regions. The areas that count for the award are a combination of the grid designations followed by the region abbreviation: E-14TA (Grid E-14 and Tel Aviv). Endorsements for each additional 12 areas plus 1 extra region.
Special record book and maps plus reference material are available from Malik Webman 4X4JU, PO Box 8181, 49651 Petah Tiqua, Israel.
There are three categories for the award depending upon your location:
A = stations operating in the Holy Land.
B = IARU Region I
C = IARU Regions II and III
Basic Award:
Category A -work 150 "areas" in 18 regions. (SWL hear 200 in 18 regions.)
Category B -work 100 "areas" in 13 regions. (SWL hear 150 "areas" in 13 regions.)
Category C -work 50 "areas" in 13 regions. (SWL hear 100 "areas" in 13 regions.)
Endorsement Stickers:
Category A - 18 "areas" worked/heard + 1 addl region per sticker
for the first 5 stickers.
Category B - 12 "areas" worked/heard + 1 addl region per sticker.
Category C - 6 "areas" worked/heard + 1 addl region per sticker.
An annual contest is held in Mid-April of each year. Mobile and portables will activate 7060, 14265, 21320 and 28655 +/- QRM, and should assist in your contacting rare areas. GCR only.
The plaque is a gold anodized aluminum sheet 44 x 32 cm - two colors showing panorama of Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives.
Fee Schedule:
1. Record Book | 10€ or $US13 |
2. Set of Holyland maps (Including postage | 10€ or $US12 |
3. Basic Holyland Award | 25€ or $US30 |
4. Wood plate for the award | 20€ or $US25 |
5. Endorsement Stickers (per sticker) | 1€ or $US1 |
6. Postage (packing and air-mailing the award) | 10€ or $US12 |
7. Postage (other mailing) | 2€ or $US2 |
Apply to Israel ARC, PO Box 17600, Tel Aviv 61176, Israel.
(CHG 10/2009)
Israel Award
Work Israeli stations to qualify for the necessary 25 points. Each 4X above 10 Mhz = 1 point, below 10 Mhz = 2 points. On VHF/UHF for stations outside 4X = 10 points. Each station may be worked only once on each band. Contacts must be after 1 Jan 1982. No restrictions on bands or modes. SWL OK. GCR list plus $US3 or 7 IRCs to: Israel-Award-Manager, Mark Stern PO Box 3033, 75130 Rishon-Le-Zion, Israel.
(Chg 11/2008)
Jerusalem Award Remove per info rcvd 3-9-09 from PA3CUZ.
DX stations make four contacts in Jerusalem. Israeli amateurs need 10
contacts, at least 7 of them on HF. SWL OK. Any mode or band. Contacts after 1
Jan 1983. GCR list and 4 IRCs or $US2 to: Mark Stern 4Z4KX, PO Box 3033,
75103, Israel.
(CHG 01)
Kiryat-Ono Award
Contact at least 4 stations located in Kiryat-Ono after 1 March 1990. HF only, all modes OK. All bands and modes. Certificate is personally signed by the mayor of this city. GCR list and fee of $US3 or 7 IRCs to: Joseph Obstfeld 4X6KJ, PO Box 873, Kiryat-Ono 55000, Israel.
(TKS 4X6KJ)(CHG 95)
Rishon Le-Zion Award (The Wine City)
Work 5 (Israel 7) Rishon Le-Zion stations after 1 Jan 1990. SWL OK. Special event stations operating in the city count for two contacts. All bands and modes. GCR list and fee of $US3 or 7 IRCs to Mark Stern 4Z4KX, PO Box 3033, Rishon-Le-Zion 75103, Israel.
(CHG 11/2008)
JPG Image of Rishon Le-Zion Award
Shalom-2000 Award
Remove per info rcvd 3-9-09 from PA3CUZ.
Issued and sponsored by the municipality of Nazareth-Illit City and IARC.
This multicolored award is 21X30cm and is signed by the mayor of Nazareth-Illit
City. Earn 2000 points in QSOs or SWL with Israeli stations. All stations must
be worked ONCE, no duplicate contact on other bands or modes.
A. QSOs with club station 4Z4SZ = 300 points.
B. Each QSO with hams from the cities of Nazareth-Illit, Jerusalem, Haifa,
Tiberias and Lod = 100 points.
C. QSOs with stations 4X1AT, 4X1IM, 4X1UK, 4X4CD, 4Z4RJ, 4Z4KX, 4Z5AF, 4Z5BO,
4Z5FW, 4Z5JM and 4X6DK = 150 points.
D. QSOs with any other Israel stations = 50 points.
Contacts on or after 1 April 1999. GCR and fee of $US7 or equivalent to: POB 13092,
Nazareth-Illit, 17000 Israel.
(Chg 10/2001)
JPG Image of Shalom-2000 Award
4 X 4 = 16 Award
Contact 16 different Israeli stations on 4 different bands after 1 Jan 1948. No mode or band restrictions except as stated. SWL OK GCR list and $US3 or 7 IRCs to: Mark Stern 4Z4KX, Israel Award Manager, PO Box 17600, 61176 Tel-Aviv, Israel.
(Chg 11/2008)