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(Updated through 9/2009) 


IRAA (Icelandic Radio Amateurs Association) Series

General Requirements: Available to amateurs and SWL's. The TF stations contacted must be Icelandic resident amateurs operating from Icelandic territory. GCR is accepted. Contacts must be made from the same call area in your country, but where no call are exists, from the same country. Apply to: Brynjolfur Jonsson TF5BW, PO Box 121, Is-602 Akureyri, Iceland.


(Chg 6/2003) 

The Iceland Award

Contact or hear Icelandic stations during any one calendar year. May be earned each year. All bands and modes. TF's need 7 Icelandic stations, all others need 2. No /TF's may be used. Application must have reached the awards manager by June of the following year that the contacts were made. Fee is 8 IRCs or $US5. You do not have to possess the cards.
(Contacts with stations from other nations operating with a portable designator are not valid for the award.)

IRA Zone 40 Award

Contact the DXCC countries located in CQ Zone 40: Iceland (TF), Greenland (OX), Jan Mayen (JX), Svalbard (JW) and Franz Josef Land (UA1). (Note: contacts with /TF, /OX, etc. are not valid for this award.) SWL OK. All bands OK, but all contacts must have been made in the same mode to earn the award. Single band endorsed on request. 

DX need one confirmed QSO with each country (5 QSO's).
EU same as above except 3 TF QSO's. (7 QSO's).
TF same as above except 15 TF QSO's (19 QSO's).

Fee is 8 IRCs or $US5. 

(Chg 11/08)

Icelandic Radio Amateurs Award (IRAA)

Earn required points by contacting Icelandic stations on different bands and modes.

ITU Zones                                     Points needed
5, 9, 18-20, 27-29                         98 points.
1-4, 6-8, 21-26, 30, 31, 36, 37     48 points.
10-13, 32-35, 38-40, 46-48         28 points.
14-16, 41-45, 49-75.                     18 points.

Point Values

1.8   10 8 8 6
3.5 32 8 6 6 4
7.0 24 6 5 5 3
10   5 4 0 0
14   3 2 2 1
18   4 3 3 2
21 16 5 4 4 3
24   6 5 5 4
28   7 6 6 5
50   8 7 7 6
>144   48 48 48 48

All contacts via Satellite = 8 points.

No time limit. QSL cards or photocopies must be submitted along with GCR listing. Fee for award is 8 IRCs or $US5. Mixed mode contacts and cross band contacts are not valid except for contacts by amateur satellite. Each station may be contacted only once per band per mode. Contacts with stations from other nations operating portable in Iceland are not valid for this award. 

(Chg 4/2008)

Worked All Nordic Countries Award

Contact Nordic countries from the following list.

Class A - one confirmed QSO with each of the 11 countries.
Class B - one confirmed QSO with 8 and 2 in CQ Zone 40.
Class C - one confirmed QSO with 5 and 1 in CQ Zone 40.

Countries: JW - Svalbard OJ0 - Market Reef TF - Iceland JX - Jan Mayen OX - Greenland LA - Norway OY - Faroe Isl. OH - Finland OZ - Denmark OH0 - Aland Isl. SM- Sweden

(Note: contacts with /TF, /OH0, etc. not valid for this award, except that /OJ0 DOES count. One confirmed contact with Iceland is mandatory in all classes.  SWL OK. No time or band limits, but all QSO's must be on the same mode. Single  band endorsement on request. First award to a DXCC country will be endorsed as such. GCR list and fee of $US5 or 8 IRCs.)

(Chg 11/08)

The IRA JOTA Award

Awarded for contacting or hearing Icelandic JOTA Amateur Radio stations and is issued in cooperation with Icelandic Radio Scouts. No time, band or mode limit on QSO ´s.

Requirements: Contact or hear at least two JOTA Icelandic Amateur Radio stations. Contacts with stations which are /TF are not valid for this Award. GCR list is accepted. The first award issued to a DXCC country will be endorsed as such and single band or mode achievement will be endorsed upon request. Fee for "IRA JOTA AWARD" is 8 IRC's or 5.00 US dollars.

(Chg 4/2008)


Golden Key Award

Issued by the Old Timers Guild of Bangalore for working members on 2-way CW only earning a total of 100 points. The following members are worth 3 points each: VU2DX  JN LBW  LX  RQ  TH  TS  UR  VK  WP  ZAP.  Work any Bangalore station for 2 points each and all other stations of India count 1 point.  All Bands.  All different contacts.  GCR list and fee of 5€, $US5 or 10 IRCs to: T.S. Ganesh VU2TS, Watapi, B.R. Hills 571313, South India.


Chg 9/2008


Worked Republic of India Award

Issued by the Amateur Radio Society of India for contacting stations in India, the Laccadive Islands and the Andaman and Nicobar Islands on HF bands 160 through 10 meters on or after 26 January 1950. Contacts with the same Indian station on different bands count for points, but contacts with different modes on the same band will not count. QSOs must take place between two fixed stations. Contacts with portable, MM or aeronautical mobile stations do not count.

Earn a minimum of 100 points using the following table:

Band VU2/3 VU4/7 Special Prefixes
160M 3 5 4
80/40M 2 4 3
20/15/10M 1 3 2

Special Prefixes which have been used in the past include: AT2, AT3, AT4, AT5, AT6, AT7, AT8, AT9, AT0, AU1, AU2, AU3, AUk5, AU9. 

Contacts on WARC band are not eligible. Send GCR list with fee of 5 IRCs to: B.L. Manohar Arasu VU2UR, MIG-6, 8) Feet Road, Kengeri Upanagara, Bangalore 560060, India.


(Chg 9/2008)



SAARC stands for the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation. Member countries are: Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. The group was formed on on December 8, 1985 and provides a platform for the peoples of South Asia to work together in a spirit of friendship, trust and understanding. The radio amateur award offered by the group requires you must have confirmed two-way contacts with the countries of SAARC on or after 8 December 1985 as follows:

Bangladesh :1 Bhutan: 1 India: 5 Maldives: 2 Nepal: 2 Pakistan : 2 and Sri Lanka : 2 QSOs for a total of 15 QSOs.

Send GCR list, signed by two amateurs or by the Awards Manager of the National society, to the Awards Manager VU2UR, B.L.Manohar ,MIG-6, 80 Feet Road, Kengeri Upanagara, Bangalore 560060, India. The Multi Color Award is available in "pdf" format only and will be sent to your E-mail address so you may print using your equipment. Endorsements for any one Band or mode is available. If you have confirmed double the number of QSOs required from each of the above countries, the award will be endorsed "EXCELLENCE".

Fee for the award is 5€, $US7 or 7 IRCs. The fee of € or $ MUST be sent through a Demand Draft on any Indian Bank, favouring " B.L.MANOHAR", at BANGALORE, India. OR through an International Money Order in favour of B.L.MANOHAR, at the above address OR IRCs, (latest series available), are to be sent by "registered mail" ONLY, as postal losses are a problem.


Tks VU2UR 10/09


Borobudur Award (BA)

Issued for confirmed contacts with stations in the Central Part of Java (2nd call area) as follows: DX stations need 25 contacts; Indonesian stations need 50 stations, including all license class (YB/YE, YC/YF, YD/YG). Modes or bands may be mixed. SWL OK. Contacts after 7 Sept 1968. GCR list and fee of $8US or 16 IRCs to: Award Manager, Mr. Timmy Dhanuwidjaja YB2BGZ, PO Box 1087, Semarang 50001, Indonesia

(Chg 3/2009)


Danau Toba Award

Contact stations in North Sumatra 6th call area. Indonesians need 20 different including 3 club stations; all others need 10 and one club station. GCR list and fee of $US8 or 16 IRCs to: Drs. H. Husni Thamrin, Komp.Taman Setia Budi INdah, Blok G No. 27 Medan - 20132, Indonesia. 

 (Chg 9/2009)

Club stations: YB6ZAB  ZIC  ZAD   ZIF  ZIJ  ZIL  ZIV  ZIT  ZAO  ZES  ZZ.. 


 WTEA (Worked the Equator Award)                No response to several e-mails and letters. 8/09 

Issued for confirmed contacts with stations along the earth's Equator in the following countries: C2 HC HC8 HK KH1/KB6 PR-PY PY0/St. Peter S9/Sao Tome T30 T31 T32 TN TR YB5 YB7 YB8 5X 6O 8O 8Q  9Q   9O. SWL OK. Three categories of the award are as follows:

Class I - confirmed contact/SWL with 15 above countries.
Class II - confirmed contact/SWL with 12 above countries.
Class III - confirmed contact/SWL with 8 above countries.

For all classes, YB5, YB7 and YB8 are mandatory. GCR list and fee of $US8 or 16 IRCs to: Mr. Ben S. Samsu YB0EMS, PO Box 1002, Jakarta 10010, Indonesia.

(Chg 10/2001) 


Worked All Indonesia Award (WAIA)             No response to several e-mails and letters. 8/09 

Issued for contact with stations in each of the Indonesia call areas (1 to 0) as follows:

- DX stations other than those in CQ Zone 28 need two stations in each area. (total of 20 QSL cards).
- DX stations in Zone 28 need three stations in each call area. (30 QSLs)
- Indonesian amateurs need five stations in each call area. (50 QSLs) Additionally, they need contact with 3 station classes, YB/YE, YC/YF, YD/YG in the same call area is compulsory.

Modes or bands may be mixed. SWL OK. Contacts after 7 Sept 1968. GCR list and $8US or 16 IRCs to: Mr. M.Maruto YB0TK, PO Box 1002, Jakarta 10010, Indonesia.

(Chg 10/2001) 

INDONESIA                No response to several e-mails and letters. 8/09 

Jakarta Award

Issued for contact with stations in Jakarta (0 call area), the capital of the Republic of Indonesia. DX stations need 20, including at least one Jakarta club station. Indonesian stations need 50 including at least five Jakarta club stations. Modes and bands may be mixed. Contacts after 7 Sept 1968. SWL OK. GCR list and $8US or 16 IRCs to Mr. M.S. Lumban Gaol YB0WR, PO Box 1002, Jakarta 10012, Indonesia.

Club stations in the 0 call area include: YB0ZAA-ZAF ZBB  ZBC  ZCA  ACB  ZCD  ZCE  ZDA  ZDB  ZDC  ZDD  ZDE  ZDG  ZEA  ZEB  ZEC  ZEE  ZZ.

(Chg 10/2002) 


 Pahlawan Award

Contact stations in East Java (YB3/YC3) on or after 9 July 1968. All bands and modes. SWL OK. Only land stations may be contacted.

DX need 20 different including 10 in Surabaya.
YB's need 50 including 20 in Surabaya.

GCR list and fee of $US8 or 16 IRCs to: Yan Bambang Susanto YB3CEV, PO Box 1187, Surabaya 60011, Indonesia.

(TKS DE1JSH)(97)


CASHOTA - Ireland Award

Work castles and "stately homes" of Ireland (EI or GI) on or after 1 January 2009. The castles/stately homes valid for the award will be found on a list at the sponsor’s website noted below. Each will carry a three part reference number: - Two letters for Country of Origin: - three figures for the sequence number: 001, 002, 003 and finally, a designation, C for Castle or SH for Stately Home. The award will be issued for contacting at least 25 such locations. A separate award will be given to stations who activate the locations. (10 contacts for HF and 5 for VHF/UHF).

The award is available either in CW, phone or digi modes on all HF bands (from 10 to 160m) or in VHF - UHF bands (6m, 4m, 2m and 70cm). Any contacts made by repeaters, satellites, IRLP, ECHOLINK or mobile phone will not be accepted. Send a log extract containing the following information: reference number, call sign, date/time, RST, frequency and mode. Sponsor may request QSL card at their discretion. SWL OK. Send list and fee of 10E to Steve Wright EI5DD,C/O Dept Of Pathology, University College Hospital, Galway, Ireland.


Tks OH3GZ 11/08


Cork Radio Club DX Award

EI/GI stations must contact 4 members, EU 3 and DX only 2 of the Cork ARC or EI stations in the county Cork on any band or mode.  SWL OK.  Available for VHF contacts via the Cork repeater (EI5CRC) if the station is anywhere outside of Cork County.  Endorsements for band or mode on request.  GCR list and fee of £2 for EI and G stations, 3€, $US4 or 6 IRCs to: Mr Dick Bermminham EI6HH 17 Melbourn. Bishopstown Cork. Ireland.  The award may be endorsed for 2 x CW, all CW etc.


Chg 4/2008


Worked EI Counties Award

Work or hear (SWL OK) at least 20 of the following counties after 1 Jan 1982:

Carlow Kilkenny Offaly
Cavan Laois Roscommon
Clare Leitrim Sligo
Cork Limerick Tipperary
Donegal Longford Waterford
Dublin Louth Westmeath
Galway Mayo Wexford
Kerry Meath Wicklow
Kildare Monaghan

Look for the rarer Irish counties to be activated each St. Patrick's Day (17 March) by the IRTS. Endorseable for all 26 counties. For applicants in EI only,: all contacts must be made from the home station.  Contacts made via repeaters or while operating mobile, portable or from an alternative address may not be used for the award.  Hams with an Irish ancestry can join IRTS as honorary members. SWL OK. GCR list and fee of €5,  £5, $US10  or 10 IRCs to: IRTS Award Manager, Box 462, Dublin 9, Ireland.

(Chg 4/2008)


Worked All Ireland Awards Program                   No response to several e-mails and letters. 8/09 

General Requirements: Sponsored by Galway VHF Group on behalf of the Irish Radio Transmitters Society. SWL OK. Contacts since 1 May 1995. All bands and modes. No use of repeaters. Application forms are required and may be obtained from the sponsor. WAI books are needed and are available from Noel Mulvihill EI6HW, Hillquarter, Coosan, Athlone, Co. Westmeath, Ireland.. Award fee of 6.50€, £5.00 or $US10 including postage.  Endorsements 4€, £3.00 or $US6.    GCR list with official form - fee not mentioned - to: WAI Awards Manager, Tom Rea EI3GP, Bridge St., Headford, County Galway, Ireland.

(Chg 3/2005)

WAI Award - requires working Irish stations in grid squares similar to the WAB award in England. A detailed explanation is found in the rules/record book. The 4 levels have grid requirements as follows:

EI/GI Overseas Counties Islands
Basic 175 150 15 (at least 3 in GI) 1
Bronze 250 200 22  (at least 3 in GI) 3
Silver 420 350 32 6
Gold 600 500 9

Islands Awards - EI’s need to work 12 Irish islands, and all others need 7. Additional stickers for every added 10 up to 52 for EI and 47 for overseas. (An island is defined as an offshore piece of land not connected to the mainland by bridge or causeway).

Activity Award - For mobile stations who give out 100 areas and stickers for each subsequent 100 areas, or another certificate suitably engraved.

Bookholders Award - for working 100 bookholders - stickers for each subsequent 100 bookholders to a maximum 500.