Maritime to Schlesweg-Holstein
Updated 11/2009
Maritime Diploma
Sponsored by the Kurzwellenclub Schwalmtal e. V. for contacting Maritime stations. Not available for SWLs. All bands and modes accepted. Class 3 requires 30 maritime stations worldwide; Class 2 requires 50 and Class 1 needs 100. The awards are multicolored with a Nautical motif. GCR list and fee of $US2 or 2€ to Holger Pflug, Schumacherstrasse 5, D-41334 Nettetal, Germany.
Tks H. Pflug 10/2002
Maritime Radio Telegram Award
Available to licensed radio amateurs, shortwave listeners and former radio officers of the merchant marine and navy. The award recalls the era of wireless telegraphy and its usage in the maritime mobile service. Museum ships and other institutions of maritime radio may also earn the award. Using your QSLs, form the call signs of coastal radio stations (3 letters) from amateur callsign data from at least three different countries where coast stations have existed in the past. The call signs you use must include at least one station from each of the six continents: North America, Europe, Asia, C&S America, Africa, and Australia Connections to your own country do not count. Only data from Morse Code contacts count. All contacts must have been made on or after 24th September 1900. (Date of the first radio contact Cuxhaven - Helgoland). Contacts with Prof. Braun Day DL0PFB, Lizard GB2LD, Poldhu GB2GM and Villa Griffone IY4FGM count as 'Joker' or wildcard contact and replace one complete coast station call, but only once.
A list of call signs may be found in and the pages "Coast Station / list selected " of Both websites contain clickable maps where you can hear recordings of these old coastal radio stations. Former Radio Officers and operators of maritime radio in the merchant marine or navy may receive the award just by sending a copy of their radio certificate.
GCR list and fee of 10€ or $US10, to: Prof. Braun Day, c/o Juergen Gerpott, Rebhuhnweg 21, D- 22880 Wedel, Germany
Tks PA3CUZ 2/14/09
Märkisches Viertel-Diplom
Sponsered by the Ortsverband Märkisches Viertel, DOK D13 for contacts with stations from Berlin after 1 January 2004. SWL OK. On HF, you must earn 100 points and on VHF 50 points. One contact with a club station is mandatory.
values on HF:
1. stations DA0MVB, DL0MVB
and DB0MVB = 20 points in
FM/SSB and 40 points in
all other modes.
2. YL stations from G13
count in FM/SSB 16 points
and in all other modes 40
3. All other stations with
DOK’s in the district of
Berlin count for 12 and 24
values on UKW (VHF/UHF)
and DO0MVB count in FM 5
points, SSB 10 points and
all others modes 20
2. YL stations from G13
count for 4, 8 and 16
3. All other stations with
DOK’s in the district
Berlin for 3, 6 and 12
All bands and modes except Packet Radio. Each station may be worked only one time. GCR list and fee of 8€ or $US10 to: Stefan Zimmermann DO7JSZ, Senftenberger Ring 18, D-13435 Berlin, Germany.
(Chg 9/2007)
Mecklenburg - Vorpommern Diploma
The district Mecklenburg-Vorpommern of DARC issues this award for contacts with stations in its district since 1 Jan 1994. All stations in V-DOK's as well as Z-DOK's Z87 and Z89 are valid. Europeans need 50 points on HF, stations outside Europe (as well as Europe on VHF and above) need 25 points. A phone contact = 1 point; CW, RTTY and other digital modes = 2 points; clubstations = 3 points. No more than 4 stations from the same V-DOK may be used. No band or mode restrictions. Special endorsement for contacting special station DA0TJM (DOK MVP). GCR list and fee of 5€ or $US7. Endorsement stickers cost 1€. to: Georg Tretow DL4SVA, Postfach 1114, D-23931 Grevesmühlen, Germany.
(Chg 11/2007)
Dat Blooge Band Von Meckelborg-Vörpommern
The Ortsverband Plau am See, DOK V 18, sponsors this award for contacts after 1 January 2007. SWL OK. The city of Plau am See is located situated on the 184 Kilometer long Müritz-Elde-Wasserstraße. Contact members of the Ortsverbänden who are located along the Wasserstraße. The are DOKs V14, V 16, V18, V26, V28, V29 and Z 87, also /P stations on while camping along the river or lake (but only if their QSL clearly shows QTH indication). Earn a total of 184 points.
Point value: QSOs with Station CW Phone Digital/ATV Licence klasse A 5 3 10 Licence klasse E/SWL 10 5 15 Clubstations V-18 20 10 20 Schoolstations V-18 50 20 30
Contacts with /M stations along the Müritz-Elde-Wasserstraße count double points. One of the club or school stations DK0WRN, DL0PAS,DL0SAK, DN1PAS, DN1WRN of V 18 is a required contact. Each call counts once per band and mode, except that club or school stations will count after each operator change. All bands and modes except Echo Link and Packet Radio contacts. GCR list and fee of 5€ or $US7 to Wolfgang Sucher, DO4WSL, Im tiefen Tal 19, D-19386 Lübz, Germany.
Tks PA3CUZ 4/14/08
Medardus Award
Issued by the DARC division Lüdenscheid (DOK O14) for contacts with stations in the city of Lüdenscheid and surroundings after January 1 2004. SWL OK. Stations from the following DOKs are valid: O14, O01, O09, O18, O31 and O42. The club station DL0LC (DOK O14) counts 3 points, other stations from O14 are worth 2 points. Stations from other above mentioned O DOKs count 1 point.
German stations |
10 points, including a QSO with + 8 German stations using the last suffix letter to spell out the word MEDARDUS.One QSO with DL0LC is mandatory. |
Other European stations |
7 points, including a QSO with + 8 German stations using the last suffix letter to spell out the word MEDARDUS. One QSO with DL0LC is mandatory. |
Stations outside Europe |
8 German stations using the last suffix letter to spell out the word MEDARDUS |
No bands or mode restrictions, but no use of packet radio. Send GCR list and fee of 10 Euro to; Wolfram Kämper (DO1YWK), Am Wittberge 16, D-58515 Lüdenscheid, Germany.
(Chg 3/2008)
Action Medeor Award
The German Relief Organization "Action Medeor" has supplied medical materials for more than 20 years to 123 countries of the 3rd world, helping them to help themselves. Excess funds derived from this award are given to this organization.
Class 1 - VHF: use the first letter of the town of your QSO partner and form the words ACTION MEDEOR. As Joker (substitute) for a missing letter, you may use any contact with DOK R05.
Class 2 - HF - use the first letter of the country of your QSO partner and form the words ACTION MEDEOR. One missing letter may be substituted by a call sign as follows: Australia Canada Turkey Italy ON3MX (Joker) Netherlands and so forth.
Class 3 - Satellite - Same as HF but QSOs only via radio-amateur-satellite.
Contacts after 1 Jan 1988. SWL OK. GCR list and fee of 10€ or $US12 to: Hans Zanders DL5EG, Tonisvorster Str. 35, D-47929 Grefrath-Oedt, Germany.
(Chg 4/2008)
Merziger Wolfs Diplom
Issued by DARC Division Merzig (DOK Q04). Germans need 40 points, other EU 30, all others 20. A QSO with clubstation DL0RE is mandatory and counts 10. All stations f rom DOK Q04 = 5 points each. Special event stations from Q04 count 10 each. Club stations located in Saarland (all "Q" DOKs) are worth 3 points each; individual stations from Saarland = 1 point. You may earn 5 bonus points by spelling out the name "WFREUND" using the last letter of stations located in Saarland. Contacts must on or after Jan 1, 2000. SWL OK. All bands and modes. Endorsements upon request. GCR list and fee of 8€ or $US8 to: Rembert Konter DH8VR, Am Bausgarten 2, D-66663 Merzig, Germany.
(Chg 3/2008)
MH 50 + 50 Award
Sponsored by the Mullheim/Ruhr DARC group for earning 50 points in each of 3 categories as follows:
1. Contact DOK L15 stations - each counts 5 points and club station DL0RU and
2. Contact different continents on the 10 meter band. Each continent = 10
3. Contact DXCC countries on the VHF
bands. Each DXCC country = 5 points (your own country also counts).
A beautiful multi-colored certificate of excellent technical quality. SWL
OK. All
modes and bands, including mobile and portables, but none allowed by repeater.
Contacts after 1 January 1977. GCR list and fee of 7€ to:
Figura DO8EF, Duisburgerstr. 139, D-45479 Mülheim Ruhr, Germany
(Chg 11/2008)
Town Hall of Michelstadt Award
Contact stations in DOK F-35 after 1 January 1980. SWL OK. 10 points required. All F-35 QSO's on HF and VHF = 3. For DL stations, the point value for their contacts = 2 and for stations from District Hessen, only 1 point each. Contacts with DK0DK count double. GCR list and fee of 4€ or $US4 to Award Manager, Erich Schafer DK7WG, Eberbacher Weg 106, D-64743 Beerfelden, Germany.
(Chg 10/02)
Minden-Muhlenkreis Diploma
Contact DOK N12 and neighboring clubs after 1 January 1989. DL's need 40 points, other Europeans 24 and DX 16. Contacts with OV Minden (N12) = 4 points for HF, 5 points for VHF and 6 for UHF/SHF. One QSO with club station DL0MI is required and counts 8 points. Contacts using ATV, FAX, SSTV and RTTY count double. All bands and modes. You can also contact neighboring clubs N22 and N52 which are worth 2 points on HF, 3 VHF and 4 UHF/SHF. GCR list and fee of 10€ or $US10 to: Awards Manager, OVV Minden, N12, Muhlenkreis-Diplom, Postfach 2281, D-32379 Minden, Germany.
(Chg 6/2004)
Mittweida Award
The city of Mittweida is located in Saxony and has a famous college. The DARC division Mittweida (DOK S44) is issuing this award for contacting club members and HAMs who are studying or have studied at the college of Mittweida. The college celebrates its 140th anniversary in 2007. For that reason contacts after January 1st 2007 only are valid. There are a few exceptions to this date however: contacts with the clubstation of the college and non German students are valid from as early as 1924. Each station may be worked on several bands to get extra points. 100 points are need.
QSO Points calculation:
1. Former special event stations DM8MST, DT3EN, DM8HIS and the special DOKs
75MIT, 80MIT, HTWM140 = 20 points each.
2. Clubstation (see list of calls below) of the college = 10 points each.
3.Non German HAMs who are studying/studied at the college = 5 points.
4. Member stations of DOK S44 = 5 points each.
5. QSOs with "Mittweidaern" = 3 points each. (a list of "Mittweidaern"
stations is available at
Callsigns of the club station through the years: K4 (1924), K-K4 (1925), K4AET (1926), EK4AET (1927), D4AET (1929), D2DA (1935), DM3KEN (1954), DM3*EN (1960), Y32*N (1980) and DK0MIT (after 1992). the * can be any letter from A-Z. Anyone who applies for the award and includes at least one QSL from the club station which is older than 50 years will receive the award at no charge.
Send GCR list and fee of 5€ to Clubstation DK0MIT, Postfach 1121, D-09641 Mittweida, Germany.
Tks ON4CAS 5-4-07
Moorhen Chicken Chase Award
The inventors of the "Moorhen Chicken Chase" computer game originated in Wattenscheid, Germany. The DARC division Wattenscheid (DOK O33) is issuing this award for contacting the Ruhrgebiet area plus stations in Scotland and Ireland, the places where the real "Moorhen Chicken" lives (the animal is called "red grouse" in Scotland; the scientific name being "lagopus lagopus scoticus"). Contacts after January 1st, 2001 are valid. SWL OK. All contacts should be made during a period of 12 months (first QSO determines starting date). Germans with L, N and O and Z DOKs and Z-DOKs Z03, Z14, Z34, Z38, Z40, Z41, Z45, Z60, Z63, Z80 and Z93 as well as the DXCC entities GM, GI & EI are valid for this award. You need at least 750 points. QSOs in FM are valid 5 points, other modes 10 points. DX QSOs and those on 430 MHz are worth 25 points, while 100 points may be counted once for a contact with the DOK O33. No band restrictions. All modes, except packet radio, may be used. Send your log extract and fee for DL's of 7€ and for all others + 8.5 Euro to: Thomas Pfeiffer, DK5DF, Holzstr. 156, D-44869 Wattenscheid, Germany.
(Chg 6/2004)
Morse Memory Merit Award (MMMA)
At occasion of 25 years "Friends of S.F.B. Morse Club (FMC)" and the DARC Ortsverband Erwitte, DOK O 37 in memory of Samuel Finley Breeze Morse. Only CW contacts after 1 January 1996. To earn this award are needed: 25 QSL cards for CW QSO's with FMC members + 10 QSL cards for CW QSO's from at least 30 minutes ( Start + end time QSO must stay on QSL-card) + participation at least 10 x in ZAP QSO's after the FMC round table net. Award is free but you must send sufficient postage or funds for return card. Send the 35 QSL cards and a explanation that all the QSO's are make with a key or bug, to: Lutz Schröer, DL3BZZ, Am Niederfeld 6, D-35066 Frankenberg, Germany.
Their website includes a current
member list.
(Chg 3/2008)
Mosel Wine Award
Contact stations in the Mosel/Saar/Ruwer wine growing areas of Germany after 1 January 1985. SWL OK. 3 Classes as follows:
Class 3 - Kabinett - EU = 10 points, DX = 5 points.
Class 2 - Spatlese - EU = 20 points, DX = 10 points.
Class 1 - Auslese - EU = 30 points, DX = 15 points.
Point values: 1 point each for QSO's in DOK's K05, K10, K25, K28, K32, K47, K48, Q04, Z11 and Z23. 2 points each for DOK K45. 3 points each for club stations DF0COC, DK0MOS, DK0BV, DL0POL, DB0RN. Each station may be worked only one time. All bands and modes. Note!!! - every 50th applicant will receive a presentation carton (3 bottles) of Mosel wine, the quality corresponding to the award class. Great idea! GCR list and 5€ to: Rita Gietzen DL3PF, Dohrer Weg 1, D-56814 Faid, Germany.
(Chg 11/2008)
Worked All Mox Nix Award
Sponsored by the German-American Nox-Nix Radio Club Barbarossacity Kaiserslautern and available to all amateurs and SWL's for contacting or hearing stations in the area Kaiserslautern (DOK K-16). Each station = 1 point, club station DL0KS = 2. DL's need 10 points, other Europeans 5, all others 3. All bands and modes. Each station may be worked one time. GCR list and fee of 5€ or 10 IRCs to: Ludwig Andes DK7UC, Kaiserstr 12 a, D-67661 Kaiserslautern, Germany.
(Chg 11/02)
Muncher Oktoberfest Diploma (MOD)
Contact stations in the Munich area during the period of the Octoberfest
(August 1 to October 31) each year. SWL OK. All bands and modes. Stations in
DOK's C01, C06,
C09, C11 C12 C13 C18 C19,
C26, C30,
C32, C34, Z13 and Z67
= 1 point. Club stations from
these DOK's = 2 points. MOD station DF0MOF = 4 points
and is mandatory. All bands and
modes except Echolink and Packet Radio. CW
QSO's and QSOs up to 1240MHz
count double. Germans need 25 points, all
others 15 points. other Europeans 15 and rest of world
need 10. Stations may be contacted once per year.
GCR list and fee of 10€ ,
outside EU $US15 to: Edgar Kirschner DG1MFX, Sachranger
Str. 14, D-81549 Munchen, Germany.
(Chg 9/2009)
Nationalpark Niedersachsisches Wattenmeer
Sponsored by the DARC Ortsverband Unterweser DOK I56. On HF, contact 40 stations from at least 5 different countries and spell the term "NATIONALPARK NIEDERSAECHSISCHES WATTENMEER" using the last letter of their suffix. QSOs on or after 1 Jan 2001. SWL OK. On VHF, spell this same phrase with 40 contacts, using at least 15 stations from I-DOK's, H-DOKs or M-DOKs. A QSO with DL0UTW, DL0DAM and DO0AAA may be used as a "Joker" for one missing letter. DO0AAA on VHF counts for three missing letters. All bands and modes OK. GCR list and fee of 8 Euro or $US10 to: Jack Skulimma DO1BJS, Dorfstr Ost 9, D-27624 Kohlen, Germany.
(Chg 11/2008)
Worked 10 Nature Park Northern Eifel
Contact stations in DOKs G01, G22, G26 or Z32 since 1 Jan 1967. 3 DOKs must have been worked. There are 3 classes: Standard reuires 10 stations, Silver requires 20 and Gold 30 stations. All bands and modes. SWL OK. GCR list and fee of $US10 or 8€ to: Margret Schreiner DC5KE, Schnorrenberg 93, D-53940 Hellenthal/Eifel, Germany.
(Rewrite 11/02 per info from PA3CUZ)
Neanderthal Diploma
Contact stations in the following DOK's since 1 Jan 1975: R03, R04, R07, R08, R09, R12, R15, R24 and R29. Each QSO counts one point on any band with a maximum of 5 bands. SWL OK. CW and RTTY qso's count for 5 points. Club stations DK0ID DL0II, DL0XX, DK0NH, DL0CPM and DL0PKL count 10 points each, and you must have worked at least one of these. No use of repeaters, except if via satellite.
Requirements | HF | VHF |
Stations in DOK R | 100 | 50 |
Other DL Stations | 75 | 50 |
All Others | 50 | 25 |
GCR list and 5€ to: Diethelm Burberg DJ2YE, Breite Strasse 3, D-40822 Mettmann, Germany.
(Chg 6/2004)
Neckar Diploma
The German local federation Hohenasperg, DOK P61, sponsors this diploma for contacts on or after 1 January 2005, with amateurs and SWLs in any of the 25 local federations in or close to the Neckar. The valid DOK’s include: P02, P05, P06, P08, P10, P11, P12, P31, P35, P36, P40, P47, P48, P51, P60, P61, Z17, Z18, Z48, Z55, A06, A10, A14, A19 and F50.
Stations from the
district P need 75 points
Other DL stations need
50 points
Other European Union
stations 30 points
DX stations need 20
Each station counts two points, Club stations of the 25 local federations count 5 points. Contacts with stations of the local federation P61 count double and at least one of these is mandatory. German stations will need to make contacts with at least 10 different DOKs. All modes of operation except packet and echo-link may be used, as well as all bands. Send GCR list and a fee of 5€ for German stations or 8€ or $US8 for all others to: Klaus-Dieter Graef DK1AX, Eduard-Krauss-Str., D-71634 Ludwigsburg, Germany.
(Chg 11/2009)
Neustadt Diploma
Sponsored by Neustad and Rubenberge (DOK H61) for contacts with Neustadt or other German cities which have Neustadt in their names. Contacts after 1 January 1992. Europeans need 100 points, others 50. Point values are:
a. Neustadt DOK's A34 B10 B16 H61 K13 S15 U24 W24 and Z22 = 10.
b. clubstations in any of the above DOK's = 20.
c. contacts with stations in other cities with Neustadt in their name = 5.
Each station may be contacted once. One H61 is mandatory, while a maximum of 3 stations from a "Neustadt" named city are allowed. All bands and modes. GCR list and fee of 5€ or 8 IRCs to: Bernd Alsleben DL4OAI, Postfach 1211, D-31535 Neustadt 1, Germany.
(TKS ONL-4003)(CHG 95)
District Niedersachsen Diploma
Contact stations in Lower Saxony after 1 January 1973. SWL OK. These are stations who use the DOK prefix H. Germans need 65 points, Europeans 50 and all others 25.
HF Award Values: (3.5-21 Mhz). Each QSO from District H (as well as Z DOKs in the district) counts one point per band. Club station DL0DN counts 2 points. Germans may only use the 80 and 40 meter bands - others may use any 2 HF bands. Special DOK's used by clubstations of the district may be used as "JOKER" contacts to complete requirements.
VHF Award Values: (28Mhz and up). Each DOK of District H as well as Z-DOK's in the district = 1 point per band. DL0DN = 2 points. Special DOK's used by clubstations may be used as "Joker" contacts. Only 3 stations per DOK may be used regardless of the band used. Stations from Niedersachsen need 75 oints from at least 33 DOKs, other DL stations 50/22 and all others 25 points from 11 DOKs.
For SWL's, the QSL cards of the stations heard must be in your possession. GCR list and fee of 7€ or $US10 to: Matthias Deutscher DL5OB, Postfach 100412, D-30942 Ronnenberg, Germany.
(Chg 8/2003)
District Niedersachsen-YL Diploma
DARC Niedersachsen offers this award to amateurs and SWL's for proof of contact with YL/XYL's in the H District (or Z DOKs in this district) after 1 January 1980. On HF, you need 15 points, VHF requirement is 25 points. Each such YL/XYL = 1 point, clubstation DF0YL = 5 points. Note: each card must clearly indicate H district. GCR list and fee of 7€ or $US10 to: Matthias Deutscher DL5OB, Postfach 100412, D-30942 Ronnenberg, Germany.
(Chg 8/2003)
Norderstedt Diploma
Contact stations in E-DOK's as follows: (1) contact DL0NO, (2) 5 stations in DOK E-12, (3) 10 stations in other E DOK's, all after 1 Jan 1970. SWL OK. All bands and modes acceptable. GCR list and fee of € 5 to: Angelika Busch, DH3HAD, Wacholderweg 18, D-22889 Tangstedt, Germany.
Relisted Tks PA3CUZ 12/2007
Nordfriesland Diplom
Issued by the DARC Division Husum (DOK M04) for contacting stations in the area of Nordfriesland after 1 Jan 1995. SWL OK. Stations from the following DOK’s count: M04, M19, M29, club stations DL0HU, DL0SY, DK0EH, DL0NIB. Each station counts 1 point, clubstations count 2 points. All bands and modes. Points needed:
Germans: 10 points from at least 3 DOK’s (one
club station is mandatory) + 13 additional stations using the
last suffix of their call to spell out: "NORDFRIESLAND".
Other Europeans: 7 points from at least 2 DOK’s.
DX: 5 points from at least 2 DOK’s.
Note that DL0HU counts as a "Joker" for any missing DOK. GCR list and fee of 6€ or $US8 plus an address label to: Hans-Peter Hansen DL1LAP, Feld 7, D-25885 Wester-Ohrstedt, Germany.
(Chg 11/2008)
District Northsea Diploma
Contact stations in the DOK's that comprise DARC District Northsea: I01 to I58, Z02 Z31 Z36 Z43 Z53 Z65 or special DOK's DNT FZH JR ND and YL after 1 January 1983. SWL OK. Each QSO = 1 point.
Class I: DL's need 100 points/30 DOK's, Europeans need 50/15, DX stations need 25/10, VHF/UHF need 50/25.
Class II: DL's need 50 points/20 DOK's, Europeans need 25/10, DX stations need 10/5, VHF/UHF need 25/15.
GCR list and fee of 10€ or $US12 to: Hubertus Golz, DJ1HN, Doerpstroot 16, D-21709 Bossel, Germany.
(Chg 1/2006)
Norwo Award
Contact stations in German DOK's I-01 to I-58
after 1 January 1980. All bands and modes. SWL OK.
Each contact = 1 point, but SSB contacts on VHF or any CW, ATV, RTTY, AMTOR or
PACTOR = 2 each. You may apply for one mode only. Make contacts with at least 10
different I-DOK's and 2 with DOK I-29 earning a total of 29 points. GCR list and
fee of 6€ $US10 to: Mario
Henzel (DJ2OR), Theodor-Storm-Strasse 13, D-26954 Nordenham,
(Chg 1/2007)
Oberau Diplom
Work 6 of the 7 stations in Oberau. The stations are: DF3MC, DG4MEE, DG7MGN, DH1GY, DK4OHA, DL2TOS and DO3CD. Award is free but sponsor requests you send € 2 for postage costs. Send a log extract to Christian Döscher, DO3CD. Schmiedeweg 23; D-82496 Oberau, Germany.
Tks PA3CUZ 9/2007
Oberschwaben Award
This award is issued by the DARC division P57 for contacting station in the Oberschwaben area after Jan 1, 2001. SWL OK. Work at least one station from each of the following DOKS: A48, P03, P09, P14, P21, P39, P43, P46, P49 and P57. Spell the word "OBERSCHWABEN" by using any suffix letter from the stations in the above listed DOKs. The club stations DL0RIE and DL0ERT count for two missing letters. Any special DOK activated from the Oberschwaben area may be used as a substitute for any missing DOK.
All club stations of the local groups with a special DOK count as a joker
for any DOK (point 1).
Joker stations (only with special DOK !!) - (Standings: January
DLØRIE: "1ØERT" or "75ØRIE";
DL0LPH: "25P49"
DKØFN: "IBOØx" or "3ØHAM"; DLØIBO with "IBOØx" (xx=Jahreszahl),"2ØIBO" or "HVØ4";
DLØJRW: "JR" (April 2004 - August 2005);
DR2007ANT: "ANT07", "DW".
Send GCR list + fee of 6.34 € for DL, EU 7.50€ or $10US and DX 9€ or $US12 to: Michael Burgmaier, DH8BM, Heudorferstrasse 9, D-88521 Ertingen, Germany.
Chg 9/2007
Ochsenweg Diploma
Issued by DARC DOK M28 and available to both amateurs and SWL's for QSO's in the following list of DOK's after 1 January 1993: E03 E10 E12 E15 M01 M02 M03 M04 M05 M06 M08 M09 M11 M12 M13 M16 M17 M21 M22 M23 M25 M27 M28 M29 M31 M32 Z10 Z56 Z69 Z71 Z72 Z79. Special DOKs which are valid include: SH, ITU and YLM. Up to two missing DOKs may be replaced by a station using the special DOK DIG or DSW. A total of 75 points are needed. Contact values: Phone = 3, CW = 4, other modes = 2. Club stations = 6 point and M28 stations are worth 1 extra point in each mode. At least 8 different DOK's must be contacted. All bands and modes, however, if the award is being applied for Shortwave, 3 Danish (OZ) stations must be contacted in addition to the other requirements. GCR list and fee of 7€ or $US7 to Marianne Dethlefs DJ3LA, Knuell 4, D-24863 Boerm, Germany.
(Chg 6/2006)
Odenwald Wine Island Award
Sponsored by DARC District Gross Umstadt (DOK F56) to promote CW QSO's with members after 1 September 1981. Contact stations in Gross Umstadt: DL's need 5, all others 3 on cw only. GCR list and fee of 10€ to: Karl Ohl DJ1FK, Hauptstrasse 9-11, D-64823 Gross-Umstadt/Riechen, Germany.
(Chg 10/02)
Make contacts in the following DOK's: I-12 I-27 I-28 I-34 I-37 I-52 and Z36 after 1 Jan 1995. You may use up to 3 Joker stations for 2 missing DOK's and 1 missing club station. Joker stations are any stations in the following listed "Partnership" towns of Osnabruck:
Angers, France | Derby, England | Greifswald, Germany |
Haarlem, Netherlands | Twer, Russia | Evansville, USA |
Gmund, Austria | Vila Real, Portugal | Isahaya, Japan. |
For VHF and UHF - the distance referred to is the distance to or around Osnabruck, locator JO 42 AG.
DL - stations on HF, VHF (up to 300km), UHF (up to 150Km) need 18 contacts including 4 different DOK's and at least 3 clubstations.
EU - stations on HF, VHF (stations up to 500 Km), UHF (up to 300 Km), need 12 contacts including 4 different DOK's and at least 2 clubs.
DX - stations on HF, VHF (stations over 500Km), UHF (more than 300Km), need 9 contacts including 3 different DOK's and 1 clubstation.
All bands and modes, endorsements for single band or mode. GCR list and fee of 5€ to: Klaus P. Heinze DL5BBL, PO Box 11 37, D-49136 Bissendorf, Germany.
(Chg 4/2003)
Ost-Hessen Award (OHD)
Contact stations in East Hessian DOK's since 1 Jan 1984. Valid DOK's are:
F06, F10, F12, F25, F28, F32, F33, F34, F36, F41, F55, F67, F69, F70, Z25, Z62 AND
Special DOK's AFZ and JK.
(CHG 97)
You must earn 32 points for this award, scoring values as below:
DX | EU | |
Each CW QSO | 4 | 2 |
All other modes | 2 | 1 |
Work DK0HR or F32 stations on CW | 12 | 6 |
Work DK0HR on other modes | 6 | 3 |
Award may be earned single or mixed bands. Each call may only be worked once. FM qso's do not count. GCR list and 4€ or $US8 to: Rolf Mohr DL5FBB, Lambertstrasse 15, D-36251 Bad Hersfeld, Germany.
(Chg 11/2007)
Wilhelm Heinrich Otto Dix was a German painter and printmaker. Born 1891 in Untermhaus, now a part of the city of Gera and died in Singen, in 1969. The DARC e.V., Ortsverband Gera (DOK: X20) sponsors this award for contacts made after 1 January 2008. SWL OK.
Contact Point Values:
1. Each contact with stations of OV Gera DOK X20 and Z88 = 5 points.
2. Club stations of the city of Gera = 10 points.
3. Stations from cities where Otto Dix lived and worked each count 5
points if the place is printed on the QSL-card. (See list below).
4. If you visit a Otto-Dix- museum or exhibition and can show the
ticket, this is = 10 points.
5. Contact with one of the club stations DL0DIX, DK0GER, DK0KTL, DB0GA,
DM5G is mandatory!
DL stations must earn 100 Points, European 75 points and all others 50 points. Each contact or museum visit counts only once. All bands and modes except Packet Radio and Echo Link. Endorsement stickers available for each additional 25 points. GCR list and fee of € 5 to Peter Eichler, DJ2AX, Birkenweg 13, D-07639 Tautenhain, Germany.
Cities where Otto Dix lived and Worked: Gera, Dresden, Pößneck, Bautzen; Berlin, Düsseldorf, Mannheim, Singen, Hemmenhofen, Kassel, Köln, Vaduz (Dix-Stiftung HB0), Bevaix (Archiv - F), Bethenville (F), Auberive (F), Reims (F), Anges (F), Knoecke (PA), Gorodniki (UA), Langemarck (ON), Pila (SP), Hamburg, Venedig (I) und New York (W)
Valid Museums are: Otto-Dix-Haus Gera, Otto-Dix-Haus Hemmenhofen, Nationalgalerie Berlin, Städtische Kunstsammlung Albstadt, Kunstmuseum Stuttgart, Neue Meister Dresden, Kupferstichkabinett Dresden, Städtische Sammlung Freital, Sammlung Gunzenhauser Chemnitz, Kunstsammlung Orangerie Gera, MOMA New York; Special exhibitions with the name Otto DIX in the topic.
Tks PA3CUZ 11/08
O-16 Award (Siegerland Diplom)
DARC Ortsverband Siegerland (DOK O-16) offers this award to all amateurs or SWL's earning 16 points by working this DOK. Stations from DOK O-16 need 32 points. Contacts in O-16 count 4 points each for EU/DX and 2 points for DL's,and any QSO via FM = 1 point. Club stations DL1SN, DK0GC each count for one point extra. Contacts since 1 January 1958, each call may only be counted once. GCR list and 5€ or $US6 to Klaus Domian DJ3TI, Im Langenseifen 61, D-57072 Siegen, Germany.
(Chg 11/2008)
Padre Roberto Landell de Moura Awards
General Requirements: SWL OK. GCR accepted. Apply to: Heinz Marhoff DK8DY, Egerstrasse 53, D-44225, Dortmund, Germany. List of key stations for IRC to Manager.
Padre Roberto Landell de Moura Award.
Work at least 5 key stations of the order "PRL' after 1 Oct 1983. Fee is 5€ or $US6.
Padre Roberto Landell de Moura 100
Earn 100 points by contacting key stations of the order "PRL' since 1 Oct 1983. On Hf, each contact = 1 point per band, key station club stations = 5 points once, contact with DK0PRL = 10 points and on VHF count double. May be earned HF, VHF or mixed. Fee is 5€ $US6.
Internet: (contains list of "key stations")
(Chg 11/2009)
Philipp-Reis-Diploma (PRD)
Contact members of DOK F04. 8 points are needed from different F04 stations.
Each DOK F04 station counts 1 point except club stations = 2. Contacts after 1
Jan 1976. SWL OK. GCR list and 5.5€ $8US or fee to: Arno Klaft DG8FBD, Brunnenstr.
12, D-63633 Birstein. Germany.
Member list on website.
(Chg 11/2008)
Kreis Pinneberg Award
This award is issued by DARC club E15 for contacting stations in the Pinneberg region after 1 Jan 1978. SWL OK. Each station may be worked once per band and each contact counts 1 point, except on UHF and above where each contact = 2. Club stations count 5 points. DL's need 100 points with at least 10 points from each DOK, all others 70 and at least 5 DOKs. Stations from the following DOK's are valid (club stations in brackets): E10 (DK0PR) E15 (DK0PI) E20 (DL0IH) M21 (DL0OU) M22 (DL0EQ) M27 (DF0DE) and Z72 (DL0HE). GCR list and fee of 5€ to: Alfred E. Hofer DF1LI, Plinkstrasse 50, D-25337 Elmshorn, Germany.
(Chg 11/2008)
Worked District "R" Diploma
Sponsored by DARC-OV Heilgenhaus DOK R-03 for contacting R-DOK's after 1 January 1968. SWL OK. DL's need 30 QSO's on 80 meters and 30 on 40 meters, with a maximum of 2 QSO's with the same DOK. Europeans need 15 R-DOK's on 80 and 40 meters. All others need 15 R-DOK contacts. On VHF, DL's need 30 QSOs with a maximum of 2 QSOs with the same DOK. EU 15 and DX 1 QSO. GCR list and fee of 5€ to: Reinhard Otto DL3NX, Kinzigweg 7, D-42579 Heiligenhaus, Germany.
(Chg 6/2004)
Radschlager Diploma REWRITE
Contact stations in DOKs R01, R22, R23, R26, and Z04 after 1 May 1977. SWL OK. Stations in District R and Dusseldorf need 20 points with at least one QSO in each DOK. HF: Germans need 15 points, other Europeans 10 and rest of world 5. VHF: DL 10 and EU 5 points. Each QSO count 1 point. Club station DK0WD counts 2 points and CW QSOs count double. The "Radschlager" in Dusseldorf were boys who performed gymnastics for tourists. GCR list and fee of 5€ or $US8 to: Susanne Donat, Geranienweg 26, D-40468 Dusseldorf, Germany.
(Rewrite per info from PA3CUZ 10/02)
Red Ink Award
Work hams who are teachers by profession. SWL OK. Earn 50 points after 1 Jan 1975. One school station is mandatory. Each 25 additional points = endorsement sticker. Point values: For DL, each contact = 1 point and schoolstations = 2. Europeans 2/4, all others 4/8. On VHF, each DL contact = 2 points, and school stations = 4 points. Europeans 4/8 and All Others 8/16. Stations may be contacted only one time. GCR list and fee of 5€ for Europeans. All others, fee is $US8. Endorsements 1.53€ stamps or $US2. Wolfgang Beer DL4HBB, Postfach 1127, D-21707 Himmelpforten, Germany.
(Chg 6/2004)
Red Wine Award
Contact a total of 16 stations in DOK's prefixed A, B, F, K, P, Q, S, W, and X after 1 January 1978. Not more than 4 from each district. SWL OK. These broadly define areas where red wine is produced. The 16 must spell the following phrase using any one of the letters of their suffix: AHR ROTWEIN DIPLOM. One QSL from K01 is mandatory. No band or mode restrictions. GCR list and fee of 5€ or $US5 to: Hubertus Kreickmann DK4PT, Mittelstrasse 70, D-53424 Remagen-Kripp, Germany.
(Chg 10/02)
Regensburg Z Award
Contact DOK Z16 and other Z-DOK's since 1 January 1983. SWL OK. Earn the award in two ways: make one contact with Z16 and at least 2 other Z-DOK's or earn 12 points by working Z16 and at least one other Z-DOK. Point value: On HF Z16 = 2, other Z = 1. Europeans may double these values, and rest of world multiply values by four. 144MHz and 432Mhz are doubled values, and on 1240Mhz, multiply values by 4. Club station contacts count an additional 2 bonus points. XYL/YL's count 1 additional bonus point. Stations may only be contacted once. GCR list and fee of 5€ to: Johann Held DL8RC, Alois-Riedl-Str. 6a, D-93152 Nittendorf Germany.
(Chg 3/2003)
Rendsburg Award
Issued by DARC Rendsburg DOK M12 for contacts with their area after 1 January 1989. SWL OK. You must earn 144 points with values as follows:
a. a contact with club station DL0FJ or DL0NOK
(after 01-03-1994) = 44 points. If you contact
both, the value for the second is that of a normal M12.
b. Rendsburg M12 and neighboring DOK's: M05 M06 M08 M16 M25 M28 M30 M31 M33 M35 Z10 Z69 or Z71 count as follows:
M12 - HF QSO's = 12, VHF = 6, Satellite = 12
Others as listed - HF = 6, VHF = 3, Satellite = 6.
Stations outside Germany may double these value points.
c. a contact with one of the club stations as well as 4 in M12 and QSO's in at least 4 other listed DOK's is necessary to qualify.
Each station except the mandatory club contact may be worked on 2 bands for credit. GCR list and fee of 5€ or $US 5 to: Burkhard Mueske DL4LV, Kronwerker Moor 147, D-24768 Rendsburg, Germany.
(Chg 3/2008)
Rennsteig Award
The Rennsteig is a challenging and famous footpath in the Thüringen area. Issued by the DARC division Neuhaus am Renweg (DOK X35) for contacts with stations located along the Rennsteig. Only contacts after January 1st, 2002 count. SWL OK.For
the basic award on HF: DL stations need 50 points, EU need 30 and all
others 20.
VHF: Thuringen (X) stations need 50 points, DL's need 35, and other EU 20.
Stations from the following DOKs are valid : X11, X21, X23, X24, X26, X29, X30, X31, X32, X33, X34, X35, X36, X37, X38, X43 and B21.
Points value :
Individual stations = 2 points,
Clubstations = 5 points,
Stations from DOK
X35 count double; at least one X35
contact is mandatory.
DK0NEU (X35 clubstation) counts 10 points.
Each station may be counted only once. All contacts should be made on HF or VHF, not mixed. Packet radio QSOs are not valid. No other band or mode restrictions. Additional stickers can be achieved as following :
HF | VHF | |||||
Sticker | DL Stns | EU Stns | DX Stns | District X stations | DL Stns | EU Stns |
Bronze | 75 | 50 | 30 | 75 | 50 | 30 |
Silver | 100 | 75 | 40 | 100 | 75 | 40 |
Gold | 125 | 100 | 50 | 125 | 100 | 50 |
GCR list + $US7 or 7€ (endorsements are $US2 or 2€) to : Andreas Lattermann DH8WKA, Hammerweg 1, D-98739 Lichte, Germany.
(Chg 11/2008)
Rennsteig Trophy
All those who have earned the Basic Rennsteig Award (no stickers needed) may apply for the Rennsteig Trophy if he/she achieves the following total points on HF or VHF:
HF Germans need 150 points. Europeans need 120 points. All others need 75 points. |
VHF District X need 150 points DL's need 125 points EU need 75 points. |
See the Rennsteig Award table for points values and list of valid DOKs and clubstations. As an additional requirement, the following sentence has to be spelled by using at least 2 letters from any station’s suffixes :
(translation : the Rennsteig
footpath of the Forest of Thuringen).
You may use one letter from the suffix of your own call sign as a "Joker" for a missing letter. GCR list + fee of $US20 or 20€ + serial number of Rennsteig basic award already earned to : Andreas Lattermann DH8WKA, Hammerweg 1, D-98739 Lichte, Germany.
(Chg 11/2007)
Rheinland-Pfalz Diploma
Contact stations in the Rheinland-Pfalz district after 1 January 1970. These
are any K-DOK and Z11 Z22 Z23 Z74 Z77 Z82 and special DOK RP and 60LRP.
SWL OK. Each such
station counts for one point and may be worked once per band. Any mode.
HF: (DL's may only use the 80 and 40 meter bands) DL's need 40 points and 20 or more DOK's. Europeans need 30 points and 15 or more DOK's, all others need 20 points and 10 or more DOK's.
VHF: Stations in Rheinland-Pfalz need 50 points and 20 or more DOK's. All others need 30 points and 15 or more DOK's.
GCR list and fee of 5€ or 10 IRCs to: Thomas Kramer DL4PY, Lindenstrasse 7, D-56812 Cochem, Germany.
(Chg 10/2002)
Rhineland-Pfalz Trophy
This is an annual award (it may be
earned every year) starting in 2007 and is given for contacting stations
in the Rhineland Pfalz district. SWL OK. The following stations count for the
1. District Special stations DA0RP, DF0RLP, DK0RLP,
DL0K and DM0K.
2. All K-DOKs of K 01 to K 56
3. VFDB DOKs Z 11, Z 22, Z 74, Z 77 and Z 82.
Stations in Rhineland-Pfalz District K need:
Contacts with two district special stations, 20 different club act ions or
special stations in the district K and at least 40 different K-DOKs.
All others need:
Contacts with at least 1 district special station, at least 10 different club
stations or special stations in the district K and at least 20 different K-DOKs
Contacts in the 4 RLP contests count double on HF and triple value on VHF/UHF. The Trophy may be endorsed for all : HF - VHF - UHF - VHF/UHF with FONE - CW - MIXED. Send a log excerpt and fee of 20€ for DL stations 25€ for PA, ON, F, LX and HB9 stations and 30€ for all others by 30 May of the following year for which the Trophy is earned. Apply to: Thomas Krämer, DL4PY, Lindenstrasse 7, D-56912 Cochem, Germany.
Tks OH3GZ 1/2007
Rheinland-Pfalz Castles and Fortresses Award
Issued by the DARC Cochem (DOK K45). Only stations with the following DOKs are valid: K01 till K55, Z11, Z22, Z74, Z77 and 82. A fortress or castle should be located in the city or village of the station contacted. SWL OK. Contacts should be made after January 1st 2004. Europeans need 20 points from a minimum of 8 different DOKs. All others need at least 10 points from a minimum of 4 different DOKs.
QTH in
which a fortress is located = 10 points
QTH in which a castle is located = 8 points
QTH in which a stronghold is located = 5 points
QTH in which ruins are located = 2 points
Cities or villages with "burg"" or "schloss"" in their name = 1 point (examples: Burghausen, Schlosshausen, Niederburg, Neuerburg). Each valid QTH for this award has received a reference number such as:
DL-001 Festung Koblenz-Ehrenbreitstein
DL-501 Reichsburg Cochem
DL-500 Burg Eltz
DL-536 Marksburg in Braubach
DL-562 Burg Trifels
A complete
list of all valid locations including their points value can be found on the
Internet at
Only one such
monument is valid per QTH on the application form. Each station counts
only once per band and mode. All bands and modes are valid, except for
Packet Radio.
Send GCR list + fee of 7€ or 7$ (5€ for Germans) to: Rita Gietzen, DL3PF, Dohrer Weg 1, D-56814 Faid, Germany.
(Chg 9/2007)
Rhein-Ruhr DX Association Award (RRDXA) Rewrite
Contact club members after 1 Jan 1967. SWL OK Each qso with a member = 1 point. Contest QSOs = 3 points. Only CQWWDX, WAEDC, CQWPX, Russian DX Contest, IARU and DARC contest counts. Class I requires 100 points, Class II = 75 and Class III = 50. All bands and modes are valid, except for Packet Radio. GCR list and fee of 5€ for EU and all others $US6 to: Petra Pilgrim DF5ZV, Danziger Strasse 10, D-35274 Kirchhain, Germany.
(Chg 11/2007)
Romantic Road Award
The diploma Romantic Road award may be earned by all amateurs and SWL's by contacting amateurs in cities along the "Romantic Road". For DL and Europe, 50 points must be earned. For all others and on VHF, 25 points are needed. HF and VHF are separate awards. Phone QSO's = 1 point, CW = 2, other modes = 3 each.
Contacts with stations in DOK T09 count double. The cities along the Romantic Road are Würzburg, Tauberbischofsheim, Bad Mergentheim, Rotenburg o.T., Feuchtwangen, Dinkelsbühl, Nördlingen, Harburg, Donauwörth, Augsburg, Landsberg, Schongau and Fussen. The following DOK's count: A23 A46 B02 B17 B18 B22 C20 C21 C36 P25 T01 T06 T09 T11 T17 T21 Z30 and Z52. GCR list and fee of 5€ to: Thomas Kalmeier DG5MPQ, Ostenstrasse 1, D-86756 Reimlingen, Germany. .
(Chg 9/2007)
Romantic Road Award (Romanesque Road Award)
A different award than the rules published above.
Issued by DARC Sachsen-Anhalt for contacting stations in the below listed DOK’s after 1 Jan 1997. SWL OK. Germans need 15 DOK’s, EU 10 DOK’s, all others 5 DOK’s.
Valid DOK’s: W01 TO W13, W15, W16, W17, W19, W20, W21, W23, W24, W25, W26, W31, W32, W33, W35, W36, W37 AND Z85. Special DOK’s in Sachsen-Anhalt are also valid when activated. GCR list and fee of 5€ or $US7 to: Rudolf Ermirich DK4WR, Gehrdener Strasse 19, D-38875 Elbingerode, Germany.
(Chg 1/10)
Issued by the DARC Ortsverband Remscheid R13. to honor the memory at the 150th anniversary of the birth of William Conrad Röntgen. SWL OK. Stations with the DOK R13 and all other stations in the city of Remscheider count 1 point. Club station DL0XR count 5 points, and a contact is mandatory. All bands and modes. Each station may be contacted one time.
Stations in DARC district North Rhine need 20 points, other DLs and European stations need 13 points. All others need 8 points. GCR list and and fee of 5€ or $US7 to: Evmarie Poetsch DO1EP, Baisieper Str., 91, D-42859 Remscheid, Germany.
(Chg 6/2004)
Rosen Diploma
Awarded for contacts in the Zweibrucken locality (DOK K12) after 1 Jan 1960. German stations need 5 points, each DOK K12 contact worth 1 point. QSO with DL0ZB mandatory. Europeans need 5 points and rest of world 3, no required contact with DL0ZB. GCR list and 9€ to: Hans-Ingo Pallmann DL6IP, Wernher-von-Braun-Str., D-66482 Zweibrucken, Germany.
(Chg 11/2009)
Rottler Schloss Diploma
Earn 40 points by contacting stations in DOK A09 after 1 January 1990. For DLs, ach A09 QSO = 2 points per band. Club stations DF0GSL, DK0YY and DL0TC = 5 points per band contacted. Special event station DL0LE and school station DN1GQ = 10 points per band. The multiplier for EU is two and DX is three. GCR list, self-addressed label and fee of 7€ or $US7 to: Rainer Scheer DF7GK, Karl-Berner-Str., 18, D-79400 Kandern, Germany.
(Rewrite 11/02 per info from PA3CUZ)
W-RTC-M Diploma (Worked Radio Telegraphy Club Members)
General Requirements: SWL OK. Contacts only by CW mode, of course! GCR list accepted. Fee for each award is 5€ or $US5; endorsements cost 1€ or $US1. Apply to: Juergen Graf DL5CM, Postfach 1104, D-06281 Lutherstadt, Germany.
W-RTC-M Award
Work RTC members after 10 Mar 91.
Each member = 1 point
per band. RTC club station DL0RTC and DK0RTC = 2 points per band. (No contest contacts).
Basic award requires 25 points - endorsements for 50, 75, 100 etc. GCR list
and fee of DM5 or equivalent and DM1.
(Chg 3/4/09)
Telegraphy Award (CWD)
In Germany, each car license plate starts with the abbreviation of the city (i.e., B for Berlin, AC for Aachen, etc.). The award is based on this abbreviation system. The location of a station worked determines the abbreviation; a station in Hamburg counts for HH. You need 150 points for the basic award and stickers are available for 250, 350 and 400 points. On shortwave, each abbreviation counts 1 point, on VHF/UHF, 3 points. The RTC club stations DL0RTC and DK0RTC count 10 points each. The following endorsement stickers are also available: 160M, QRP (max 5w out). Contacts after 1 Dec 1997. GCR list in alphabetical order of the abbreviations. List of valid abbreviations from K1BV for SASE or by manager for 3€ and self-addressed envelope.
Telegraphy Activity Award (CWAA)
Make CW contacts in a one calendar year period (1-1-XX to 12-31-XX). Each contact on HF = 1 point, VHF/UHF = 3 points. Clubstations DL0RTC and DK0RTC = 10 points. Contest QSOs are not valid. For Class 1, earn 1460 points, Class 2 earn 1095 points, Class 3 earn 760 points Class 4 earn 365 points. . Contacts after 1 Jan 1998.
(Chg 9/2007)
Ruegenbruecken Diplom
Issued by the DARC division Ruegen (DOK V08) for contacts with stations on the island of Ruegen (IOTA EU-057) and the neighbouring division Stralsund (DOK V03). SWL OK. Contacts after January 1st 2006.
Germans need 15 points, other Europeans 10 points and stations outside Europe need 5 points.
Each member station of DOK V08 = 2 points, stations from V03 = 1 point. Both DOKs have to be worked. Any mobile station active on the Ruegen Bridge (the bridge connecting the island of Ruegen with the mainland) may be used as either a contact with V08 or V03. No band or mode restrictions but no Packet or Echolink. Send GCR list + fee of 5€ to: Peter Marquardt (DL4PM), Dorfstrasse 13, D- 18586 Ostseebad Baabe, Germany.
Tks ON4CAS 2/2007
Ruegenbruecken Trophy
Before applying for the trophy you should first earn the above mentioned Ruegenbruecken Award. Include the award number with your application. Germans need 30 points, other Europeans 20 points and stations outside Europe need 10 points. Each station with DOK V08 counts 2 points, stations from V03 count 1 point. One QSO with DL0RUG or DK3R = 10 points (i.e. if you work them both, only one contact may be counted as 10 points).
No band or mode restrictions but no Packet or Echolink. Send GCR list + fee of 30€ to: Peter Marquardt (DL4PM), Dorfstrasse 13, D- 18586 Ostseebad Baabe, Germany.
The trophy consists of a 205 x 255 mm wooden plaque (weight: 520 gram).
Tks ON4CAS 2/2007
Ruhr Castle Diploma
The German amateur radio club Ortsverband Oberhausen (DOK L18) sponsors this award, which can be requested by radio amateurs SWLs for contacts with castles or fortresses in the Ruhr District on or after 1 January 2007 with /Portable/Mobile stations, which operate no further than a distance of 500 Meters of a valid castle or fortification in the Ruhr district (district L). Each castle or fortress has a Ruhr castle number/a reference number (RBN). This RBN number should be given to you by the /P-Station in the QSO and be noted clearly on the QSL card. For a diploma request each RBN number can be used only once for each band. DL stations need 7 different RBN numbers, other European Union stations 5 different RBN numbers and DX-stations just 3 different RBN numbers. For the award, all bands and modes of operation are permitted . Contacts by packet radio or echo-link are not permitted. The award may be issued for a single band or mode. Send GCR list of QSLs received and fee of 7€ (DL stations)/10€ or 13$ US EU/DX stations to Stefan Dix, DL1ATR, Teutoburgerstr. 195 A, D-46119 Oberhausen, Germany.
Tks DL1ATR 6/2007
Industrial Culture of the Ruhr Area
(Route Industriekultur
Issued by the DARC Districkt Marl
(DOK N19) to promote contacts with stations located in the
industrial Ruhr area. SWL OK. Contacts after January 1st 2005 are valid.
Contact at least 30 stations representing at least 15 locations from the list of valid cities and towns.
These locations are: Bergkamen, Bochum, Bottrop, Castrop-Rauxel, Dortmund, Duisburg, Essen, Gelsenkirchen, Hagen, Hamm, Hattingen, Herne, Herten, Kamp-Lintfort, Luenen, Marl, Moers, Muelheim, Oberhausen, Recklinghausen, Unna, Waltrop and Witten.
A SWL QSL from any of these locations also counts for the award. At least 3 club stations should be contacted. Each station may be contacted one time. No band or mode restrictions (but no Echolink or packet radio). Send GCR list + fee of 6.45 for DL, and all others 10€ or $10 to: Thomas Ifland, DG2DCI, Am Solbad 15, D-44652 Herne, Germany.
(Chg 9/2007)
Saar District Award
Saargau Award
Contact Saar-District stations (DOK Q) after 1 January 1980. SWL OK. Saar DL stations need 50 points (at least 3 DOK Q04 are needed), other DL's 30 points, rest of world 16. DLORE (club station of DOK Q04, and a mandatory contact) = 10 points, other Saar club or special event stations = 3, each DOK Q04 = 3, and any other Saar station or Z19 station = 1. GCR list and fee of 10€ or $US15 to: Renni Hardt DK6VV, Hausbacherstrasse 132, D-66663 Merzig/Saar, Germany.
(Chg 4/2008)
Saar Hexenring Diploma
Issued by the DARC division Saar Ingbert (DOK Q02). Work Q02 members after 6-15-98. Saarland stations need 50, Paelzer 40, other DL 30, EU 20 and DX 10 points. YLs from Q02 = 5 points, HTA (Hexenring Technical Assistants) = 4 points while all other Q02 members count 3 points.Owners of the award = 2 points. Stations DL0HEX, DL0IT, DN1HEX, DN1HEW and DN1THW = 10 points each. (A QSO with DL0HEX or DL0IT is mandatory). CW contacts count double. Each member may be worked on multiple bands / modes combinations for extra points. GCR list and fee of 5€ or $US7 to: Ully Luck DL8ULY, Burgstr. 26, D-73207 Plochingen, Germany.
(Chg 6/2004)
(Chg 8/2001)
Sachsen Anhalt Diplom
Issued by the DARC District of Sachsen Anhalt for contacting stations in this area on or after 1 Jan 1997. SWL OK. Eligible stations have a DOK starting with the letter W. Also valid are Z-DOK’s which are located in Sachsen Anhalt. Germans need 30 different DOK’s, Europeans 20, all others 10. All bands and modes. GCR list and fee of 5€ or $US7 to: Rudolf Ermrich DK4WR, Gehrdener Strasse 19, D-38875 Elbingerode, Germany.
(Chg 1/10)
SAIL 2000 Seestadt Bremerhaven
Sponsored by the Ortsverband Unterweser, DOK I56 to commemorate the SAIL 2000 special event. SWL OK. Earn 50 points by contacting stations from DOK’s which are located alongside the sail parade route of the SAIL 2000. These are: Bremerhaven (DOK I05), Wesermünde (DOK I22), Nordenham (DOK I29), Unterweser (DOK I56), VFDB Bremerhaven (DOK Z43). Each contact counts 2 points. Club stations of the valid DOK’s = 4 points. For DL stations count the points double (x2), EU and DX triple (x3). Each station counts only once. Contacts on VHF count double. All bands and modes except Packet Radio. Send a GCR list and fee of 8€ or $US10 to: J. Skulimma, DO1BJS, Dorfstr. Ost 9, D-27624 Köhlen, Germany.
Tks PA3CUZ 3/2008
Salze Diploma
Contact N08, N30 and Y35 stations on or after 1 Jan 1982. DLs need 15 points, all others 10. SWL OK. All bands and modes. Each station from N30 and Y35 = 2 points, contacts with N08 = 1 point and contacts with club stations DL0WO, DB0JVA, DL0KX or DB0LUC = 4 points. SSB stations count double. GCR list and fee of 6€ or $US6 to: David Beyer DO1YDB, POB 2011, D-32092 Bad Salzuflen, Germany.
(Rewritten 11/02 PA3CUZ)
Saubrenner Certificate
Issued by local chapter Wittlich (DOK K48) of DARC for contacts after 1
January 1989 in the following DOK's: K03, K10, K26, K28, K31, K34,
K45, K48 K51,
K52, Z23. QSO values: Club stations DK0THW DF0WIL and DA2CU = 10, K48 = 5, other listed DOK's = 2. Contacts may be
made on multiple bands for credit. No band or mode limitations. Each
station may be worked only one time. SWL OK. DL
station need 50 points from at least 5 affiliated DOK's, Europeans need 30/4,
rest of world need 20/3. GCR list and fee of 10€ to: Dieter Hoffman
DK8VD, Bergweg 14, D-54470 Bernkastel-Kues, Germany.
(Chg 4/2003)
Saxony Award
he German Amateur Radio Society DARC, District Saxony, offers this award to promote the union of radio amateurs in Saxony. Available to all licensed radio amateurs and SWLs for contacts after January 1, 1992. Work stations located in Saxony DARC-DOKs, Saxony VFDB-DOK Z91 and Saxony Special-DOKs (SAX, LMM, TDSxx, LGSxx, 2000AWAC).HF Requirements:
DL stations need 40 different Saxony-DOKs,
EU stations need 20 different Saxony-DOKs,
DX stations need 10 different Saxony-DOKs
VHF/UHF requirements:
DL stations need 40 different Saxony-DOKs,
EU stations need 20 different Saxony-DOKs,
DX stations need 1 Saxony-DOK.
Two endorsement stickers are available: ALL CW and one for each 10 additional Saxony-DOKs. Send GCR list and fee of 5E, $8 or 8 IRCs for the basic award and 1E or 1 IRC for endorsement stickers. Apply to: Manfred Grimm DL8DXL, Furtweg 1, D-01936 Laussnitz, Germany.
Tks LX1NO 7/2007
(Revised date 10/2007)
Schaumburg Award
Contact stations in the following DOK's after 1 January 1977: Buckeburg H04,
Deister H29, Stadthagen H25, Steinhuder Meer H35, Rinteln H57 and Neustadt H61.
contacts = 1 point; 40 meters and VHF = 2. The club station DL0GD counts once
for 3 points. Each station may be worked at least on two different bands. All
bands and modes. Stations in the listed DOK's need 24 points, other DLs
need 16 points, Europeans need 8 points and all others need 4. GCR list and fee
of 7€ or $US7 to: Hans-Ulrich Kunze DF4AO, Nordring 34, D-31675 Buckeburg,
(Rewrite 10/2005)
Schinderhannes Diploma
Contact DARC and local club members in the following DOK's after 1 January
1988: K03, K04, K07, K15, K19, K26, K28, K49, K55, Z74 and Z77. At least 5 different DOK's
must be worked, and one compulsory QSO with the local club Kirn (DOK
K19) is needed. Each station can be worked only once. Each club QSO counts 10
points, members count 5 points. Any band or mode. DL0KJ may be used to
substitute for one missing DOK. On HF, DL's need 100 points, other Europeans 75
and all others 50. On VHF, DL's need 75, other Europeans 50 and all others 25.
GCR list and 7€ or 10 IRCs to: Renate
Argendorf (DO1RAA), Dorfstrasse 1A, D-56769
(Chg 10/2007)
Schleswig-Holstein Diploma
Contact Schleswig-Holstein stations - any DOK beginning with M after 1 January 1984. All bands and modes OK. Repeater and Satellite OK also. On HF, DL's need 25 different M DOK's, other EU need 20 and all others need 10. (On VHF, stations from the locaters JO45AX to JO55XX JO43AA to JO53XA need 25 DOKs. Stations from JO18AX to JO88XX JO10AA to JO80XA need 15 DOKs and all others 8 DOKs. ) Special DOK's by other clubs may be used as a substitute. Any missing DOK may be replaced by one contact with clubstation DL0SH, or 3 different M DOK club stations. There are currently 35 M-DOK's and 6 Z-DOK's available. SWL OK. GCR list and fee of 5€ for DL's or 10€ or $US10 for others to: Robert Gantner DL8VU, Martensrader Weg 26, D-24238 Wittenberger-Passau, Germany.
(Chg 6/2004)