Goethe to Marinefunker
Updated 11/2008
Goethe Award
Award is issued by the DARC Division Ilmenau (DOK X30) in commemoration of the famous German writer Goethe The aim of the award is to contact regions or locations which were closely associated with the major events in his life. Earn 100 points after 1 Jan 1998. SWL OK. 3 classes: Shortwave, VHF/UHF and VHF/UHF including repeaters.
Each different station from the following DOK’s = 5 points: X03, X04, X09, X11, X18, X19, X21, X22, X24, X30, X34, F05, F49, F57, S30, S31, S37, Z05, Z83 and Z91. Club stations from these DOK’s = 10 points. Special event stations with special DOKs, = 20 points. No mode or band restrictions. CW contacts count double. At least one of the following club stations must be contacted: DL0WEI (X03), DK0TUI (X30), DF0TUI (X34), DA0HQ/DF0HQ (X34) or DL0RUD (X24).
GCR list and fee of 5€ or $US8 to: Wilfried Besig, DH5WB, Sperberring 17a, D-98693 IIlmenau-Oberpoerlitz, Germany. (also: Darc e.V. OV-X30, "Goethe Award", PSF 100261, D-98682 Ilmenau, Germany.
(CHG 1/2010)
District Golf Award
Issued by DARC :Koln-Aachen" for contacting stations from different G-DOK's after 1 Jan 1993. SWL OK. Europeans need at least 40 different G-DOK's, others need 20. All bands and modes. Valid DOK's are G01 to G56, Z12, Z32, Z37 and special DOK's KA and HHC. GCR list and fee of 5€ or $US8 to: Hans Pollak DJ0VZ, Ruther Straße 18, D-53529 Kall, Germany.
(Chg 8/2003)
Gooserider (Gansereiter) Diploma
Issued by Wattenscheid (DOK O33) of DARC in memory of a 400 year old
tradition of a local custom. (Riding a goose?). Contact DOK O33 members after 11
Nov 88. DL's need 11 points, EU need 9, all others 7. SWL OK. Each contact is
worth 1 point on 2 meters and HF, 2 points for 70cm and contacts with club
station DF0WAT= 3 points. CW
and BUS contacts count double value. GCR list and fee of 5 Euro to: Thomas Pfeiffer DK5DF,
Holzstr. 156, D-44869 Wattenscheid, Germany.
(Chg 11/2008)
Graf Anton Gunther Diploma
Work stations from District Oldenburg DOK I-11. DL's need 4 stations from DOK I-11 or Z-53 and at least 8 stations from different I DOK's. EU need 3 and 6, DX need 2 and 4. All bands and modes. Contacts after 1-1-1995. SWL OK. GCR list and fee of 5€ for DL's, all others 10€ or $US10. Apply to: Michlael Schwarz DG2BCX, Neusudender Weg 39, D-26125 Oldenburg, Germany.
(Re-added 6/2004)
Grenzen Los Diploma
Starting on May 6 1996, the German region of Helmstedt introduced the event "Grenzen los". The event is the official contribution of the region of Helmstedt to the EXPO2000 in Hannover. DARC Nord-Elm (DOK H54) activates special event stations on this occasion. The award may be earned by contacting 3 special event stations. Any missing station may be replaced by the H54 clubstation DF0ELM. The following stations were active only in 1996: DA0ZGH, DA0GDT DA0GDH. The following stations are permanently active: DF0GDH DK0ZGH and DL0GDT. SWL OK. All bands and modes. GCR list and fee of 5€ or $US8 to: Heinz Rudiger Greilich DF1AG, Ringstrasse 5, D-38379 Wolfsdorf, Germany.
(Chg 4/2008)
Otto von Guericke Award
Issued by the DARC division Magdeburg (DOK W10) in commemoration of Otto von Guericke. (Surely, you’ve heard of the Magdeburg hemisphere experiment in the mid 1600's which demonstrated the force of atmospheric pressure. Horses pulling in opposite directions of the hemisphere were unable to pull them apart once air had been removed.) It may be earned by working stations in cities where he once lived. The German cities are: Augsburg, Braunschweig, Hamburg, Helmstedt, Leipzig, Muenster, Nuernberg, Osnabrueck, Regensburg and Magdeburg. Contacts must be after Jan 1, 1999. SWL OK. Germans need 50 points, other Europeans 30, all others 15. DL0MGD (Magdeburg clubstation) = 10 points, other stations in Magdeburg (DOK W10) = 4 points, all of the other cities = 3 points. At least 3 different Magdeburg stations are mandatory. All bands and modes, though each station may be contacted only one time. GCR list and fee of 5€ or $US5 to: Armin Zimmerman DG6CA, Breiter Weg 249, D-39104 Magdeburg, Germany.
(Chg 1/10)
H-16 Award
This award may be earned by working 15 stations from DOKs H16 N09 and Z78 on or after 1 January 1997. At least 10 contacts needed from H16. The club station DL0HOL counts for 5 contacts. All bands and modes. SWL OK. GCR list and fee of 5.00 Euro or $US8 to: Heinz-Bernd Meier DH3OAH, Danziger Str. 16, D-37619 Bodenwerden, Germany.
(Chg 11/2006)
The Haff Diploma
The German amateur radio club Ueckermünde, DOK V25, sponsors this award for contacts with members on or after 1 January 2005. All modes, except no use of packet or echo-link.
Table of Point Values:
Club station DL0UEM =10 points
Training station DN1UEM = 10 points
all other call signals from V25 = 5 points
Stations of the local federations V27 and V30 = 2 points
Any SP1-Stations = 2 points
Points Required |
HF |
DL’s need |
30 points |
20 points |
Other European Union stations |
20 |
15 |
All Others: |
15 |
- |
GCR list and fee of 5E or $US5 to: Peter Greif, DO2TC,. P.O. box 1208, D-17351 Torgelow, Germany.
(Chg 9/2007)
Issued by the DARC division Halle/Saale (DOK W19) of the DARC for contacting
stations in the the city of Halle/Saale after January 1st, 2001. SWL OK.
There are two separate awards: one for HF and one for VHF/UHF. Stations from
these DOKs are valid: W19, W24 and W35. On HF Germans need 15 stations including
at least 5 stations from DOK W19. All others need 10 stations from these DOKs.
On VHF/UHF Germans need 10 stations including at least 3 stations from DOK W19.
All others need 3 stations. The club station DL0HAL counts as joker
(substitute) for any missing contact. No band or mode restrictions, but
band and/or mode endorsements available upon request. GCR list + 7€ or
$7 to: Dietrich Arnold, DG1HXA, Rennbahnring 63, D-06124 Halle/Saale, Germany.
Tks ON4CAS 3/02
Worked District Hamburg (WDH)
Contact stations in any "E" DOK and Z07 Z27 Z28 Z50 Z56 Z70 Z72 and Z73. SWL OK. German stations need 40 contacts with at least 20 E/Z DOKs on 2 bands. European stations need 30 from 15 E/Z DOKs. All others need 20 from 10 E/Z DOKs on 2 bands. On VHF, 30 stations from 15 E/Z DOKs on 2 bands. QSOs after 1 Jan 1966. GCR list and 5€ or $US5 to: WDH Manager, Peter Wolff DJ9LN, Ilkstraat 20, D-22399 Hamburg, Germany.
(Chg 3/2009)
Hamburg Alstertal Diploma
Started on the occasion of their 25th anniversary of DARC Hamburg-Alsteral (DOK E-13), the award is issued for contacts with stations in Hamburg after 1 Jan 1994. SWL OK. Earn 13 points by contacting stations in DOK E-13. Each station counts 1 point and may be worked only once. Clubstations DL0AT DL0DD DL0MFH DF0BD DF0NDR DK0NDR DF0RWE = 3 and one of these stations is mandatory. In addition to these 13 points, you need 25 different Hamburg DOK's. (These are E-01 and Z07 Z27 Z28 Z50 Z56 Z70 Z72 Z73) Each DOK may only be contacted once. All bands and modes. On request, the award may be endorsed for single band/mode. GCR list and fee of 7€ for DL, 8€ or $US10 for EU, and $US13 or 10€ all others. Apply to: Ehrhart Siedowski DF3XZ, Hermann-Löns-Weg 17, D-22335 Hamburg, Germany
(Chg 10/02)
Hammer-Wappen Diploma
Removed 3/4/09 per info from DF3QG/PA3CUZ
Commemorating the 25th anniversary of DARC Hamm (DOK O10). Contact stations
from the 6 Hamm City sectors, regardless of DOK. All bands and modes. QSO's
after 1 April 1979. Sectors are: (1) Hamm-Stadtzentrum, (2) Hamm-Bockum-Hovel,
(3) Hamm-Rhynern, (4) Hamm-Heessen, (5) Hamm-Pelkum-Herringen, (6) Hamm-Uentrop-Werries.
Club station DL0JC is a mandatory QSO. Club station DB0FA and DF0BFW count as
jokers for one missing sector. GCR list and fee of 5€
to: Arnold
Gobel DF3QG, Kleistr.42, D-59073 Hamm, Germany.
(Chg 4/2003)
Hanse Award
Sponsored by the DARC Chapter in Soest (O17) in commemoration of the significance of this city in the HANSEATIC League of the Middle Ages. Work 30 stations from HANSA cities from the following list from which 15 must be outside of DL in at least 5 countries, subject to a maximum of 5 stations from any one city. On VHF, 30 stations with 8 outside of DL and a maximum of 5 stations from any one city. Stations outside of DL and the Districts A, B, C, F, K, P, Q, S, T, U, W, X and Y may use half of the needed stations. SWL OK. Contacts after 1 January 1983. GCR list and fee of 6€ to: H. Werner Dulleck DJ7MD, Huerweg 8, D-59494 Soest 24, Germany.
(Chg 6/2004)
Cities of the Hanseatic League:
CT - (Portugal) - Lisbon
DL - (Germany) - Ahlen, Alfeld, Allendorf (Sundern), Altena, Arnsberg, Aschersleben, Attendorn, Bad Iburg, Balve, Beckum, Berlin, Bielefeld, Bocholt, Bochum-Wattenscheid, Bockenem, Borken, Brakel, Brandenburg, Braunschweig, Breckerfeld, Bremen, Brilon, Buxtehude, Coesfeld, Demmin, Dorsten, Dortmund, Drolshagen, Duderstadt, Dulmen, Dusseldorf, Duisburg, Einbeck, Emmerich, Erfurt, Essen, Frankfurt/Oder, Furstenau, Gardelegen, Geseke, Gottingen, Goslar, Griefswald, Gronau, Hagen, Halberstadt, Halle, Haltern, Hamburg, Hamm, Hameln, Hannover, Hattingen/Ruhr, Havelburg, Helmstedt, Herford, Hildesheim, Iserlohn, Kalkar, Kamen, Kiel, Koln, Kyritz, Langenscheid, Lemgo, Lippstadt, Lubeck, Ludenscheid, Luneburg, Lunen, Magdeburg, Marienmunster/Krs Hoxter, Melle, Merseburg, Meschede, Minden, Muhlhausen/Thuringen, Munster, Naumburg, Neuenrade, Neustadt/Hessen, Neub, Nieheim, Nordhausen, Northeim, Osnabruck, Osterburg, Osterode, Paderborn, Perleberg, Plettenberg, Quackenbruck, Quedlinburg, Ratingen, Recklinghausen, Rheda-Weidenbruck, Rheine, Rostock, Ruthen, Salzwedel, Schmallenberg, Schwerte, Seehausen, Soest, Solingen, St. Augustin/Seig, Stade, Stendal, Straslund, Sundern, Tangernunde, Telgte, Uelzen, Unna, Uslar, Vreden, Warburg, Warendorf, Warstein, Werben, Werl, Werne, Wesel, Wetter, Willebadessen, Wismar.
ES (Estonia) - Tallin (Reval), Tartu (Dorpat), Pamu (Permau), Vijandi (Fellin).
F - (France) - Bordeaux, Bourgneuf, Dieppe, Harfleur, Honfleur, La Rochelle, Nantes.
G - (England) - Boston, Grimsby, Hull, Ipswich, London, Lynn, Newcastle, Rochester, Yarmouth, York.
LA - (Norway) - Bergen, Oslo, Tonsberg
LY - Lithuania - Kaunas.
ON - (Belgium) - Antwerpen, Brussels, Dinant.
OZ - (Denmark) - Copenhagen
PA - (Netherlands) - Arnheim, Bolsward, Deventer, Doetinchen, Dordrecht, Elburg, Groningen, Harderwijk, Hasselt, Hattem, Hindeloopen, Kampen, Nijmegen, Oldenzaal, Omnen, Roermund, Staveren, Tiel, Utrecht, Venlo, Workem, Zaltbommel, Zupten, Zwolle.
SM (Sweden) - Kalmar, Nykoping, Stockholm, Wisby.
SP - (Poland) - Bialgard, Braniewo, Chelmnow, Darlowo, Elblag, Gdansk, Goleniow, Gryfice, Kamien, Kolobrzeg, Koszalin, Krakow, Slawno, Slupsk, Stargard, Szezecin, Torun, Wolin, Warsaw.
UA - (Russia) - Nowgorod, Pskow.
UA2 - Kaliningrad
UC - Polozk
YL - Cesis (Wenden), Koknese (Kokenhusen), Kuldija (Goldingen), Latvija, Limbazi (Lemsal), Riga, Ventspils (Windau), Valmiera.
Has und Igel Diplom
by the Ortsverband
Buxtehude DOK E19 for
contacts after 1 January
2004. SWL OK. DL stations
need 30 points and all
others 20 points.
1. Each club station (
DO0BUX) is worth 3 points with
E-Link, 6 points on HF and 9 points on
of these club stations is
mandatory for DL
2. DOK E19 stations are
2 points with E-link, 4 points on HF and 6
3. Stations from the DOK’s
E01 to E39 = 1
point with E-link, 2 points on
HF and 4 on VHF/UHF.
All bands and modes except Packet Radio. GCR list and fee of 5€ or $US8 to: Rainer Pfannkuche DL4HCR, Bertramstrasse 49, D-21614 Buxtehude, Germany.
Internet; ttp://
(Chg 9/2007)
Helgoland Island Diploma
Issued by DARC Division Helgoland (DOK E20) for contacting stations on the island after January 1, 2000. Helgoland is IOTA EU-127 and and nearby Helgoland Dune island JO34WE. SWL OK. Germans need 10 points; other Europeans 8 and all others 5 points. Each station located on Helgoland counts (stations signing portable while spending their holiday count as well) one point per band. Club stations count 2 points per band. All bands and modes, except packet radio and Echolink. No call sign may be used more than once on the same band. Single band or mode endorsements available upon request. Stickers for earning 20, 30, 40 etc points available. At least one club station is required. GCR list and fee of 5 Euro to: Peter Kordsmeyer DF6QC, PO Box 733, D-27498, Helgoland, Germany.
(Chg 06/2008)
Georg Friedrich Haendel Award
The DARC division W19 issues this award to commemorate the work of this famous composer who lived in Weissenfels, Hamburg, Rome, Florence, Venice, Naples and London at different times of his life. SWL OK. Contacts after Jan 1, 2001 are valid.
HF - DL stations need 15 contacts with the cities listed above and at least 3 contacts with members from Ortsverbande Halle (W19, W24, W35) All others need 10 and 3.
VHF - DLs need 10 and 3. All others 3 and 1.
The clubstation DL0HAL may be used for any missing contact. Send GCR LIST + 7 € OR $US7 to: Dietrich Arnold, DG1HXA, Rennbahnring 63, D_06124 Halle_Salle, Germany.
(Chg 3/03)
Herfordia Diploma
Contact DOK's as indicated below in DARC Herford and nearby areas after 1 Jan 1979. Class 1 = All 40 meters, Class 2 = 80,20,15 and 10 meters, Class 3 = 2 meters, Class 4 = 70cm, Class 5 = mixed bands.
Point Values |
Stations in DOK or Specific | C11 | C12 | C13 | C14 | |
DOK N08 | 2 | 2 | 4 | 5 | |
N30, N48, Z41 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2 | |
DK0HF, DL0GFH | 4 | 3 | 5 | 6 | |
Points Needed | Class 5 | ||||
DL | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 30 |
EU | 15 | 15 | 15 | 15 | 20 |
DX | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 15 |
A QSO with DK0HF or DL0GFH is mandatory. No mode restrictions. Endorsement for single mode is available. GCR list and fee of 10€ to: H.J. Wegmann DO1BJW, An Der Buergerweide 11, D-49324 Melle, Germany.
(Chg 11/2008)
750 Jahre Stadt Hermsdorf / Thüringen
This award started in 2006 to commemorate the 750th
Anniversary of the city Hermsdorf. SWL OK. Earn 20 points by contacting stations
from the DARC district Thüringen ( at least 5 stations from DOK X46 and 5 other
stations from district Thüringen). Each valid contact = 1 point. The club
stations DL0HDF or DN1HDF = 10 points and is mandatory for all classes.
Class 1: On HF counts each station per band once.
Class 2: ON VHF and UHF count only direct contacts.
Class 3: On VHF and UHF counts direct and repeater contacts.
Contacts after 1 January 2006. All bands and mode except packet radio and echo link contacts. GCR list and fee of € 5 to: Bernd Füllborn, DL3AQJ, Erich-Weinert-Strasse 30, D-07629 Hermsdorf, Germany.
Tks PA3CUZ 8/2007
Herrenberg-Schoenbuch Award
Schoenbuch is a nature park near the city of Herrenberg, DOK P-18. Contact this DOK and surrounding DOK's since 1 Jan 1995. SWL OK. All bands and modes. DL's need 20 points, other EU 15, all others 10. Point values: P-18 = 3 each, clubstation DL0HCG = 5, stations from DOK's P08, P12, P26, P42, P48 = 2, stations from DOK's P07, P11, P54, Z17 and Z55 = 1 each. If a station is a YL, add one point. QSO's on 430 Mhz and above, add 2 points each. GCR list and fee of 5€ , $US10 or 6 IRCs to: Dieter Altmann DH1GAE, Am Alamannenfeld 15, D-79189 Bad Krozingen, Germany.
(Chg 3/2008)
All Hessen Award (AHA)
Contact stations in DOK area Hessen (Any "F" DOK plus Z05, Z21, Z25, Z33, special DOK's AFZ, HES or JX) and clubstation DL0HJ. DL's need 40 different on HF bands and 30 on VHF. EU need 30 on HF, 10 on VHF. All others need 15 different. Contacts after 1 January 1973. All bands and modes. Endorsement for one mode. SWL OK. GCR list and fee of 5.5€ or $US8 to: Arno Klaft DG8FBD, Brunnenstr. 12, D-63633 Birstein, Germany.
(Chg 9/2007)
Hessen Day Plaque
The DARC district Hessen sponsors this award (wooden plaque) on an annual basis on the occasion of "Hessen Day" an annual event taking place each year in late June. Only contacts of the current year are valid. SWL OK. Contact stations from the District of Hessen which includes DOK’s F-01 to F-75 as well as VFDB Z05, Z21, Z25, Z33, Z54, and Z62. Earn the number of points equal to the number of the year: In 2005, 2005 points are needed, in 2006, then 2006 points are needed, etc.
Point valuation:
The last number of the DOK times 10 determines the number of points for that contact. (I.e. F15 = 50 points, F19 = 90 points.) When the last letter of the DOK is 0, then you may count the entire value: F20 = 20 points. Clubstations count double. Special DOKs activated from within Hessen count 100 points, while the very special DOK Htxxxx (xxxx stands for the year) = 200 points.
outside of Germany may multiply these values by 2.
All other stations multiply these values by 3.
Club act ions of the local federations count doubled score. A special DOK such as HT2000 = 200 points.
of how to calculate these points:
DG8FAY F27 7 x 10 = 70 points
DJ8MV F04 4 x 10 = 40 points
DF2ZL F28 8 x 10 = 80 points
DK9ZQ F36 6 x 10 = 60 points
DL0TS F27 7 x 10 x 2 = 140 points (club station)
DF0GVT F20 20 x 2 = 40 points (club station)
DL1ABC F30 1 x 30 = 30 points
DL0HES HES 1 x 100 = 100 points (S-DOK)
DL0XYZ HT2000 1 x 200 = 200 points (HT-S-DOK)
Each Hessen station may be contacted one time per band. All bands and modes except packet may be used. Packet QSOs are OK. The award may be worked each year. For those earning the award for the 5th year in a row, the fee is waived. You should apply for the award by 31 January of the subsequent year with a log excerpt. The following data must be sent: Call signal, date, UTC, mode of operation, volume, DOK with multiplicators and point totals. The award fee is 20E to: Konrad Brueckmann DG8FAY, Hornauer Weg 1, D-65843 Sulzbach/Ts., Germany.
(Rewrite 08)
Hiddenhausen Award
Earn 48 points by working German stations after 8 August 1988 as follows: DOK N48 = 6 points, other DOK's with number 48 (i.e., G48, B48, etc.) = 4 points, any German with an 8 in their call = 2 and contact with DF0GH (mandatory for German applicants) = 10 points. For other European and DX stations, these point values count double, and DF0GH is not a required QSO. SWL OK. GCR list and fee of 10€ or $US10 to: Rita Kramer DE8YRK, Herrendienstweg 94, D-32120 Hiddenhausen, Germany.
(Chg 6/2004)
Worked High Speed Club (WHSC)
A "strictly cw" award aimed at increasing activity on all bands with an emphasis on the 80 and 40 meter bands, the award is earned by confirming contacts with 100 HSC members in 10 countries on at least 3 different bands. Basic award holders may earn the following endorsements:
3.5 Mhz - 200 HSC members in 10 countries all on 3.5 Mhz only.
7 Mhz - 250 HSC members in 10 countries all on 7 Mhz only.
3.5 + 7 Mhz - 300 HSC members in 15 countries on 3.5 and 7 Mhz only.
All Band - 500 HSC members in 20 countries on at least 5 different bands.
Contacts after 1 Jan 1979. Contest qso's do not count. Members may be counted once for the Basic Award and only once for each sticker. Sticker for 3.5 and 7 MHz and "All Bands" require at least 25 HSC members per band. HSC numbers must be exchanged and confirmed for a valid contact. The official DXCC list must be used for countries. Two way QSO's in CW on VHF or UHF count double. Clubstations DL0HSC, DK0HSC and DA0HSC count 2 points on HF and 3 points on VHF/UHF. GCR list must include HSC member number. Points for HSC club stations are noted on their cards. Fee: 5€ or $US5 for the award and DL stations SASE for endorsements, all others 1€ or $US1. Apply to: Werner Hennig DF5DD, Am Cappeler Freistuhl 33, D-59556 Lippstadt, Germany.
(Chg 11/2006)
Hochsauerland Diploma
Work stations in the Hochsauerland Area after 1 Jan 1981. At least 2 club stations must be included. All bands and modes are ok. SWL OK. Each QSO counts 2 points per band. Club stations and CW QSOs count double. DL's need 40 points, other Europeans = 30 and all others = 15. Districts, DOK's and club stations applicable are:
GCR list and 5 Euro to: Albert Puettman DF5DY, Hauptstr. 34, D-59872 Meschede-Freienohl, Germany.
(Chg 8/2004)
Holm Award Removed 3/4/09 per info from DJ0FR/PA3CUZ
Contact members of the HOLM group after 25 September 1988. SWL OK. 30 points
must be earned. Each member counts for 1 point. Club stations DL0HOR, DL0JN and
DA0MP each count 5 points and a QSO with DL0HOR is mandatory. 5 different YL stations
of this group are also needed. GCR list and fee of 10€
to: Guenter Benninghoff
DK8BP, Ahlershorst 9, D-27624 Drangstedt, Germany.
VdFA Holm Plaque
Contact members of the VdFA Holm
group after 1 Jan 1996. SWL OK. You must have earned the Holm award
before applying for the trophy. 60 points are needed (including the 30 as
needed for the paper award). On HF, you must make at least 5 CW member
contacts. Each member = 1 point, on CW, 2 points, and only one of the club
stations DL0HOR, DL0JN and DA0MP counts for 5 points or on CW for 10
points. Each station may be counted one time. GCR list, and number
of the Holm Award plus fee of 25€ to Gunter Benninghoff DK8BP, Ahlershorst 9,
D-27624 Drangstedt, Germany.
(Chg 9/2008)
Holographie Diploma
DARC Pullheim DOK G40 honors this city where the first European Holographie Museum is located. SWL OK. Contact stations in the DARC District Koln-Aachen, DOK G after 1 January 1983. Using the last letter of each such contact to spell out the phrase: "PULHEIM ZENTRUM FUER KOMMUNIKATIVE TECHNIKEN UND HOLOGRAPHIE". QSO with the club station DL0TJ (G40) is mandatory. All bands and modes. GCR list and fee of 5€.. Apply to: Robert Schafer DL2KBK, Udesheimer Weg 31, D-50769 Koln, Germany.
(Chg 11/2007)
The term Hussiten refers to the Czech reformer and theologian January Hus (about 1370). His criticisms of the Catholic Church at the time inspired later theologians John Wyclif and Martin Luther. The Hussitens were strong in certain areas of Germany which are made a part of this award. This award is sponsored by the OV Berlin (Y-14) to commemorate their 50th anniversary of the club. SWL OK. The diploma may be earned by either HF or VHF contacts. Contacts on or after 1 January 1990. Special endorsement if all contacts are made on one band.
Earn the following number of points:
HF VHF SWL Basis diploma 50 30 30 Sticker Bronze 70 50 50 Sticker Silver 90 70 70 Sticker Gold 100 100 100
Point values:
a. Contact with stations from DOK Y14 = 2 points.
b. Contact with club stations (DL0AZE, DK0BER, DF0BER, DL0BAS, DM3B,
DR3R)operating from Y14 = 3 points.
c. Contact with DM 50 BER = 5 points
d. Contact with places in those the Hussiten were. For each location you
contact = 2 points.
e. Contact with places in those Hussiten festivals are held. For each place 3
f. If you have already earned the 775 Jahre Stadt Bernau-Diplom = 10 points.
Each valid station may be worked one time. Send GCR list and fee of 5€, $US7 or 7 IRC (fee for endorsements is a SASE) to: Burkhard Gorlt DG2BTE, Wielandstr. 40, D-16321 Bernau / Berlin, Germany.
Cities where the Hussiten were located:
Bernau bei Berlin, Bärnau/Oberpfalz,
Frankfurt/Oder, Müllrose, Lebus, Müncheberg,
Buckow, Biesenthal, Alt-Landsberg, Fürstenwalde,
Strausberg, Hiltersried Zistersdorf, Deggendorf, Pilsen, Tabor, Prag, Sudemer,
Pisek, Sedlcany, Semimovo Usti, Slany, Cesky Brod, Deutsch Brod, Veitsberg,
Kuttenberg (Kutna Hora), Höritz, Aussig,
Teplitz. Dux, Bilin, Brüx, Mies, Taus,
Lipani, Tachau, Danzig, Triebsch (Triebusin).
Places where Hussiten festivals are held:
Bernau bei Berlin, Bärnau/Oberpfalz, Tachow, Tabor,
Hilterried, Neunburg vorm Wald, Furth im Wald, Naumburg a.d. Saale, Triebsch (Triebusin).
Tks PA3CUZ 8/2007
I-18 Diploma
Contact member stations of Ortsverband Delmenhorst after 1 July 1979. 18 points are required. Each I18 = 3 points, club station DK0FC = 6 points. SWL OK. All bands and modes. GCR list and fee of 5€ + 1.45€ postage to: Mike Hayens DO6BCO, Lange Streifen 13, D-28357 Bremen, Germany.
(Chg 9/2007)
IFF Diploma
Earn 10 points with contacts of 10 members of Amateur Radio Interest Group "Long Distance - IFF" after 1 Jan 1988. Point values: All IFF members = 1. On 70 and 23 cm = 2 points. All bands and modes. QSOs with DL0BRU and DL1IFF count as Joker or "wild card" stations and count 3 points each on VHF and 5 points on HF/UHF. These stations may be found at 17.00 UTC each Saturday on 3680 KHz. Member list for SASE to the sponsor. SWL OK. GCR list and fee of €10 to: Peter Loew, DL6ZBE, Frankenstr.27, D-61191 Rosbach v.d.H. Germany
(Chg 9/2008)
Igarag Diploma
This award is issued by the DARC Divsion Walsom (DOK L29) for contacting members of the IGARAG club (IGARAG = Interessengemeinschaft funkender Bergleute - translated as: Interested Group of Coal-Mining Hams.) Contacts after 1 Jan 1996. SWL OK. Germans need 100 points, all others need 50 points. All IGARAG members (including SWLs) count 2 points on each band; members of the L29 DOK are valid for 1 point and the clubstations listed below count for 5 to 12 points.
DL0RAG | 12 | DF0ERZ | 12 |
DL0GA | 12 | DL0BED | 12 |
DK0YA | 5 | DL0AUE | 5 |
DL0FG | 5 | DL0WER | 5 |
DK0GEO | 5 | SP9PRO | 5 |
DL0STL | 5 | DL0LX | 5 |
SP9KDU | 5 | SP9KVC | 5 |
DL0VX | 5 | DL0PKL | 5 |
DK0HN | 5 | DL0RG | 5 |
DL0OLB | 5 | DL0CL | 5 |
DK0EG | 5 | DF0RAG | 5 |
DD0D | 5 | DL0ANA | 5 |
DL0VLA | 5 | DR0N | 5 |
DR0R | 5 | DQ0A | 5 |
DL0MR | 5 |
All bands and modes. GCR list and fee of 7€ or $US7 to: Rudi Blia DJ9UY, Rudolfstr. 34, D-47178 Walsum, Germany.
(Relisted 2/08)
International Mobile Award
Issued by DARC District North Rhine for contacts after 1 January 1963. You need 100 different mobile stations which include car-mobile, aero-mobile and maritime-mobile stations. All bands and modes OK. Both fixed and mobiles may apply. GCR list and fee of 5€ for DLs and 7.50€ or $US8 to: Eberhard Warnecke DJ8OT, PO Box 10 12 44, D-42572 Velbert, Germany.
(Chg 3/2003)
International Traveler Award
Issued by DARC Club Velbert DOK R15 to all licensed amateurs and SWL's for contacts/reception after 1 Jan 1963. 100 points must be earned in either of 2 categories:
1. For mobiles, portables, expeditions and stations with CEPT (European Reciprocal) for contacts with fixed stations.
2. For fixed stations and SWL's for contacts with portable stations, except mobile, aeromobile or maritime mobile stations.
Each contact in your own country = 1 point, each contact with another country on your continent = 2 points and each contact with another country on a different continent = 5 points. All modes and bands. A big award! 33 x 54 CM in 4 colors on heavy marble paper. GCR list and fee of 10€ for DL, all others 15€ or $US15 to: Eberhard Warnecke DJ8OT, PO Box 10 12 44, D-42572 Velbert, Germany.
(Chg 10/02)
Iron and Steel Award
Contact stations in DOK Q03. Europeans need 10 points, all others need 5. All stations in DOK Q03 = 1 point; DL0NK, DL0NK/A and DL0NK/P = 3 points. All bands and modes accepted. No date requirements. GCR list and 10€ to Rainer Berg DJ2DY, Kastanienweg 1, D-66540 Neunkirchen 7, Germany.
(Chg 10/02)
JAIG Diploma
The Japan Amateur Interest Group is organized by JA's living in Germany.
Class I - contact 5 DL's and 5 JA's each of which has a different prefix (DL2, JG1, etc.) at least one of which is a JAIG member from either country.
Class II - Form the text DL JA FREUNDSCHAFT by using the call letters of the
suffixes of confirmed QSO's. At least one JAIG member is mandatory. Each QSO
with a JAIG member may be used as a substitute/joker for a missing letter in
this text. SWL OK. All modes and bands. Contacts since 1 January 1985. Look for
their net every Sunday at 0800 UTC on 21360. Member list available online
from Internet site below.
GCR list and fee of 10€, $US10 or 8 IRCs to: Hans Graf DF2MC,
Jacques Offenbach Str. 33, D-83395 Freilassing, Germany.
(Chg 1/2010)
JA's may apply to: Yasuhisa Nakajima JA9IFF, Setogaya 138-19-704, Hodogaya, Yokohama 240, Japan. JA fee = ¥600 or equal in postage.
JVA Diploma
This award is sponsored by the JVA group, comprised of amateurs who work in the field of justice and law enforcement. Earn 7 points by contacting member stations on or after 1 January 1994. SWL OK.
Each member of the JVA group of interests counts one point. Club stations DB0IJ, DB0JVA, DD0JVA, DF0JVA, DL0JVA, DO0JVA and LX9CPL count 2 points each. Each station may be worked only one time for the award. All bands and modes. Send a GCR list and fee of 7E to: Wolfgang Klausing DO8BW, Bruchmühlener Str.60, D-49328 Melle, Germany.
Surplus amounts from the diploma fees are donated to the white ring registered association non-profit association to the support from crime victims and the preventing of criminal offences, Mainz, Germany.
Group Members Valid for the award:
Homepage of the IGJVA: http:///
Award features a barred jail window!
(Chg 9/2007)
Kaiser Augustus Diploma
Originally issued as a short term award to commemorate the 2000th Anniversary of the founding of the City of Augsburg, DARC Augsburg has made this a permanent certificate. Contact DOK's T01 and Z30 after 1 January 1984. SWL OK. To earn the award, DL's need 30 points, (on UKW/VHF 50 points), Europeans need 20 and all others 10. Each T01 or Z30 = 1 point on FM, 2 points on SSB and 4 on CW or other modes. Contact with club stations DL0AU, DF0SI, and DL0MM = 5 points each. This is a multicolored award on heavy marbled paper. GCR list and fee of 5€ to: Pius Klass DL1MDY, Salomon-Idler-Str. 33b, D-86159 Augsburg, Germany.
(Chg 11/2008)
--- Kempen DARC Ortsverband Series ---
General Requirements: Contacts after 1 Jan 1960. GCR list and 10€
for DL stations and 11€ for all others. Do not send
postage stamps or IRCs. SWL OK. Send to Harry Meijer, Award Manager
DARC OV Kempen R05, P.O.Box 120 405, D-41722 Viersen, Germany.
(Chg 6/2008)
Atlantic Ocean Award
Awarded for confirmed contacts in countries around the Atlantic Ocean:
Class 1 = 30 countries on 2 bands (60 QSO's)
Class 2 = 30 countries on 1 band
Class 3 = 20 countries on 2 bands (40 QSO's).
Class 4 = 20 countries on 1 band.
Baltic Sea Award
Given for confirmed contacts around the Baltic Sea in 2 classes:
Class 1 = All countries on 2 bands (18 QSO's)
Class 2 = Min 8 countries on 1 band (8
Valid countries: ES, LY, OH, OZ, RA, SM, SP, YL, DL.
(Chg 02/04)
Cross Award
Given for confirmed countries touched by the 51st degree N. Latitude and 6th degree of East Longitude. Valid countries:
6E = LA PA ON LX F HB 7X 5N 5U
Class 1 10 and 8 countries on 2 bands (36 QSO's)
Class 2 10 and 8 countries on 1 band (18 QSO's)
Class 3 8 and 6 countries on 2 bands (28 QSO's)
Class 4 8 and 6 countries on 1 band (14 QSO's)
(Chg 02/04)
Ham Radio Border Meeting Award
Available in 2 classes:
Class 2 - from the last letters of the suffixes of 21 different stations, spell out HAM RADIO BORDER MEETING. Only 5 of the stations may be from your country, the others must be from at least 4 other countries.
Class 1: As above, but from 46 different stations, spell out: HAM RADIO BORDER MEETING AMATEURFUNK BRUCKE ZUR WELT. Only 10 from your country, others from at least 8 other different countries. Contacts since 1 January 1966, any mode may be used.
(Chg 6/2008)
Northern Sea Award
Given for confirmed contacts in 2 classes:
Class 1 - All countries on 2 bands
(12 QSO's)
Class 2 - All countries on 1 band (6 QSO's).
Valid countries: DL G LA ON OZ and PA.
Rhine River Award
Contact countries along the Rhine River: DL HB9 HB0 F OE and PA.
Class 1 - All countries on 2 bands (12 QSO's)
Class 2 - All countries on 1 band (6
Class 3 - 4 countries on 2 bands (8 QSO's)
Class 4 - 4 countries on 1 band (4 QSO's).
25 X 4 Award
Confirm contact with 25 different countries of the ARRL DXCC list on 4 different bands. (100 QSOs).
World Championship Award
Contact towns where
the world championship of football (USA = soccer) have been held.
Class 1 - 10 towns on two bands (20 QSOs).
Class 2 - 10 towns on one band (10 QSOs).
Towns: Montevideo (CX), Rome (I), Paris (F), Rio (PY), Berne (HB), Stockholm (SM), Santiago (CE), London (G), Mexico City (XE), Munich (DL), Madrid (EA), Buenos Aires (LU), etc.
(Tks W8IQ 10/07)
Countries Chain Award
Build a chain
of 20 countries (at least 4 countries in
the following manner): where the last letter of the first country is the first letter
of the next one, and so on.
I.E., GermanY, YemeN, NicaraguA. etc.
1 - 20 countries on 2 bands (40 QSOs).
Class 2 - 20 countries on 1 band (20 QSOs).
(Chg 6/2008)
Olympic Games Award
Contact cities which have hosted the Olympic Games, either the Summer or Winter Games..
1 - 25 towns on 1 band (25 QSOs).
Class 2 - 15 towns on 1 band (15 QSOs).
Host Towns: Athen (SV), Paris (F), St. Louis (W), London (G), Stockholm (SM), Antwerp (ON), Charmonix (F), Amsterdam (PA), St. Moritz (HB9), Los Angeles (W), Lake Placid (W), Berlin (DL), Garmisch-Partenkirchen (DL), Helsinki (OH), Oslo (LA), Melbourne (VK), Cortina Tampezzo (I), Rome (I), Squaw Valley (W), Tokyo (JA), Innsbruck (OE), Mexico City (XE), Grenoble (F), Munich (DL), Sapporo (JA), Montreal (VE), Moscow (UA), Seoul (HL).
(Tks W8IQ 10/07)
Kieler-Sprotten Award
Kiel is the capitol of Schleswig-Holstein and Sprotten (sprats) are little fishes, a specialty of this sea-port. Germans need 50 points, all others 30. Each QSO with DOK M25 per band = 5 points; club stations DL0FR, DL0HDK, DL0PD, and DL0IOO = 10 points per band; one of these stations is mandatory. Contacts after 1 January 1982. Each station may be worked on any band for credit. All modes OK. SWL OK. GCR list and fee of 7€ or $US7 to: Hans Hackfurth DG5LAH, Reinickendorfer Str.21, D-24111 Kiel, Germany.
(Chg 6/2004)
Ortsverbände Lensahn M18 and Grömitz M10 to sponsors this award on the occasion of the annual monastery celebration in Cismar/Ostholstein. SWL OK. Earn 15 points by contacting members of DOK M18 and M10. Each contact count 2 points. Clubstations DL0MJ, DK0VM, DC0OVG, DF0OVG and DL0OVG count 5 points and one of these is mandatory. A station may only be worked once. All bands and modes. GCR list and € 10 to: Otto Behrens, DD0LO,Stadtfurth 9, D-23743 Grömitz, Germany.
Tks PA3CUZ 9/2007
Kloumpen Award
This award comes in the form of a wooden "lump" with your call inscribed on a small metal nameplate. All applicants need to earn 43 points for contacts after 1 January 1990 with values as follows:
a. QSO with DF0NG is mandatory and is worth 10 points.
b. Club stations DL0MFL and DF0JR = 5 each.
c. All QSO's with DOK I43 = 3.
d. Other DL's whose DOK ends in 43 (A43, M43, etc.) = 1.
You must work a minimum of 5 DOK's and are limited to a maximum of 8 contacts with any one DOK. A "Joker" for any missing DOK is a contact with any clubstation from DARC section "Youth and Training" with special DOK designator of "JR". Each call counts once only. All bands and modes. GCR list and fee of 13€ or 18 IRCs to: Stephan Bittner DD7BW, Tulpenweg 16, D-49828 Veldhausen, Germany.
(Chg 9/2007)
Knochenhauer Amtshaus Diploma
Contact stations in Hildesheim (DOK's H15 and Z35), Alfeld (H01) and Marienburg (H39) after 1 January 1990. Contacts on 40M, 70Cm and 23Cm count double. Each QSO on Phone = 1, RTTY = 2, CW = 3, SSTV or ATV = 5. Stations in DOK's H01, H15, H39, Z35 need 50 points plus one letter from the suffix of the stations they use must spell the term "KNOCHENHAUER AMTSHAUS". Other DL's need 30 points and similar letters must spell "HILDESHEIM". DL's may substitute the following stations as "jokers" for missing letters: DL0HI, DL0OA, DL0GHI, DK0MB or DK0BZ. Europeans need 30 points, rest of the world 15 points - no name spelling requirement. GCR list and fee of 5€ to: Reinhold Huckel DL6OBK, Friedrich-Lekve-Str. 17, D-31135 Hildesheim, Germany.
(Chg 9/2007)
Koblenzer Schängel Diplom
Issued by the German DARC Divison Mittelrgein (DOK K32) for contacting stations from the DOKs K05, K32, K43 and Z11. Contacts after January 1st 2007 are valid. SWL OK.
a. Germans need 40 points
b. other Europeans 30
c. stations outside Europe need 20 points.
Point Values:
a. Stations with a DN prefix count 10 points,
b. club stations DL0LR (K05), DK0MR (K32), DK0VR (K43) and DL0KO ( Z11) count
5 points c. other stations in these DOK’s count 3 points each.
At least two stations from all 3 DOKs should be contacted. No band or mode restrictions, but no use of packet radio or Echolink is permitted. Single band/mode endorsement upon request. Send GCR list + fee of 5€ or $US7 to: Bernd Hartfuß, DC2PH, Mainzer Strasse 136, D-56068 Koblenz, Germany.
(Chg 11/2008)
Krebshilfe Diplom
Proceeds from this award go to support the German Cancer Foundation "Krebshilfe". Spell the word "KREBSHILFE", using only the last call letter from each of ten confirmed QSOs of DL stations. Each QSL may be used once. Contacts since 1 January 1983. SWL OK. GCR list and fee of 10€ or equivalent to: Gerhard Weiss DL7FAI, Hauptstrasse 10-B, D-65843 Sulzbach (Taunas), Germany.
(Tks PA3CUZ 11/2006)
Kreis Borken Award
Contacts are required from at least 3 of the 6 DOK's in the Borken area after 1 January 1978. SWL OK. DOK's are N17, N23, N40, N41, N53 and N54. Available in 3 classes: 1 - HF 80, 20 , 15 and 10 meters, 2 - HF 40 Meters, and 3 - VHF 2m and 70cm. Germans need 50 points, other Europeans 30, all others 20. N41 QSO's count 3 points, N17, N23, N40 N53, N54 = 2 points. Club stations from N41 = DL0JT DK0ATV DL0BSA DL0HNO = 10 points and club stations from N17, N23, N40, N53, N54 = 5 points. Two club stations from N41 are mandatory. Each station may be contacted one time. GCR list and fee of 5€, $US8 or 10 IRCs to: Friedhelm Moehring DL2YDT, Ochtruper Strasse 143, D-48599 Gronau, Germany.
(Chg 6/2008)
Lauterbacher Strolche Diploma
Sponsored by the Lauterbach section of DARC in DOK F25. Contact stations in DOK's F06, F25, F55 and Z62 after 1 June 1978. SWL OK. DL's need 30 points, other Europeans 20 and all others 10.
Point values:
Frequency | Points |
HF 160, 80, 40 (EU) | 1 |
HF 30, 20, 17, 15, 12, 10 (EU) | 3 |
HF 160, 80, 40 (DX) | 5 |
HF 30, 20, 17, 15, 12, 10 (DX) | 3 |
VHF to 100 km distance | 2 |
VHF 100-300 km distance | 4 |
VHF 300km or longer distance | 6 |
UHF or SHF | Double the value of VHF above. |
Each QSO higher than 24 GHz | 30 |
Club Stations | Double above values. |
Echolink | 1 |
ATV-contacts | Triple above values |
Certificate is multicolored
on heavy yellow stock picturing local song and traditional motif. GCR list and 10€
to Lothar Beinrott DH4FJ, Eselsworth 3, D-36341 Lauterbach, Germany.
(Chg 9/2007)
Leine Award
Issued by DARC division Worbis (DOK X14) to celebrate the recognition that
Leinefelde was recognized as a city 30 years ago. Contacts after 1 Jan 1999 OK.
SWL OK. Work stations located in cities along the river Leine. At least 8 cities
are needed, among them must be Leinefelde, Goettingen, Hannover and Alfeld.
Germans need 30 points, other Europeans 20 and all others 10. Any special event
station from DOK X14 = 10 points, DF0WBS = 5, stations from DOK X14 = 3.Other
club stations along the river Leine = 2
points, and other stations along the river = 1 point. Each station may be used
only one time. All bands and modes except
packet radio. GCR list and
fee of DM10, 5 Euro or $US7 to: Hans Streich DL6ATI, Gausstrasse 12, D-37327
(Chg 3/2008)
List of cities along the river Leine:
Alfeld, Angerstein, Arenshausen, Apenhoy, Brase, Banteln, Beulshausen, Beuren, Billerbach, Bodenrode, Bordenau, Bothmer, Bovenden, Brase, Brüggen, Burgstemmen, Dehnsen, Dinstorf, Drüber, Edesheim, Eimsen, Empede, Elvese, Elze, Erzhausen, Föhrste, Freden, Friedland, Garbsen, Garlebsen, Gilten, Godenau, Göttingen, Grasdorf, Greene, Grindau, Gronau, Großschneen, Hannover, Heiligenstadt, Helstorf, Hillersee, Höckelheim, Hohnstedt, Hollenstedt, Ippensen, Jeinsen, Kirchgandern, Kleinschneen, Koldingen, Kreiensen, Laatzen, Leinefelde, Limmer, Luthe, Luttmersen, Mandelsloh, Mariensee, Meimershausen, Neustadt am Rübenberge, Niedergandern, Niedernjesa, Niederstöcken, Norddrebber, Nordstemmen, Northeim, Nörten- Hardenberg, Obernjesa, Parensen, Poggenhagen, Reckershausen, Rengelrode, Rethen, Rittierode, Röllingshausen, Rosdorf, Ruthe, Salzderhelden, Seelze, Schliekum, Schönau, Schulenburg, Schwarmstedt, Stockhausen, Stöckendrebber, Sudheim, Sülbeck, Suttorf, Uder, Vesbeck, Vogelbeck, Volksen, Warmeloh, Westhausen, Wettensen, Wingerode, Wispenstein, Wulfelade
(Chg 11/2007)
Lessing Award
For confirmed contacts with stations in Kamenz and other cities where the famous dramatist and literary critic of the late 1700's lived and worked. You need 50 points earned as follows:
Clubstation DL0GEL = 10 points and is mandatory
Members or SWLs in DOK S22 = 5 each. Three are mandatory. (On
VHF = 2)
Stations in the following cities = 3 each.
Berlin, Braunschweig, Hamburg, Leipzig, Meissen, Wolfenbuettel and Wroclaw.
Contacts after 1 Jan 1994. Contacts in CW count double. Each station may be contacted once per band/mode. All bands and modes. SWL OK. GCR list and fee of 5€ or $US7 to: Manfred Grimm DL8DXL, Furtweg 1, D-01936 Laussnitz, Germany.
(Chg 4/2008)
Leverkusener Partner-State Diploma
Issued for contacts in cities which are in partnership (i.e. sister cities)
after 1 January 1980. SWL OK. On HF, two contacts are required with each of the following:
One of the German stations must be with the club station DL0IL. Secondly,
applicants must contact other stations in G, YU, OH, DL and with any one of the
letters of their suffixes, form one of the names of the above listed partner
cities. Only one contact with the same station is permitted.
Note: new twin cities associated with Leverkusen are: Nazareth-Illit (4X4), Chinandega (YN), Ratibor (SP), Villeneuve d'Ascq (F), Wuxi (BV). You may count their names and countries as shown above in the rules, but the contacting of only three of Leverkusen's twin cities is sufficient to earn the award.
On VHF: contact 3 stations in the city of Leverkusen plus DL0IL and just as in HF, form the name of one of the partner cities. GCR list and fee of 3€ or $US5 to: Walter Voigt DK5KJ, Erfurter Str. 2, D-51373 Leverkusen 1, Germany.
(Chg 3/2008)
Heinrich der Loewe Diplom (Henry the Lion Award)
Issued by DARC Division Braunschweig-Schunteral (DOK H66). Contact stations from the following cities/DOKs on or after Jan 1, 2001.
Muenchen C11 C12 C13 C18 Z13 Z67
Luebeck E03 Z56
Ratzeburg E39
Quedlinburg W20
Erfurt X09 X14 X18 Z83
Schwerin V14 Z87
Ravensburg P09 Z49
Minden N12
Goslar H09 H64
Braunschweig H03 H46 H58 H59 H66 Z01
Salzgitter H21 H60 H33
SWL OK. Germans need 15 contacts, including 6 different DOKs and at least 2 stations from H66 or H33. All others need 10 contacts, including at least 3 different DOKs. Clubstations count for 2 contacts and DL0BSV (H66) and DL0RL (H33) each count for 3 contacts. All bands and modes except packet radio. Each station may be worked once. Endorsements upon request. GCR list and fee of 8€ or $US8 to: Hans-Joachim Ebeling DB3HJE, Hildebrandstr. 7, D-38112 Braunschweig, Germany.
(Chg 6/2004)
Louise - Trophy
The German amateur radio club Elbe Elster, DOK Y-43, publishes this honor for radio communications after the 1.January 2006 to all amateurs and SWLs. The Trophy requires you to contact stations in the local federations Senftenberg (DOK Y25), Dark Forest (DOK Y38) and Elbe Elster (DOK Y 43).
DL stations need altogether 8, other European Union stations altogether 6 and DX-stations altogether 4 stations from this area. Contacts with club stations DL0LIB, DL0MUE, DN1EE, DM5D and DP5E each count double. All bands and modes, except any contacts by packet or echo-link may not be used. Each valid station may be contacted one time. GCR list and fee of 10 € or $US15 to: Hans Jürgen Döring, DK8RE Hospitalstr. 21 D-04931 Mühlberg/Elbe, Germany
The LOUISE Trophy was created to remind all of the traditions of the lignite (soft coal) mining and briquette production in this area of Germany. The trophy consists of a 465 gram original brown coal briquette, with your call sign and trophy number engraved on a metal plate attached to the top. In addition they will include a document with the picture of the machine used to make the briquette from "Louise", the oldest briquette factory in Europe .
Internet: Http://
Tks OH3GZ 1/07
King Ludwig II Award
Issued by the DARC division DOK T11 on the occasion of its 40th anniversary. The aim is to contact station located in the area where the famous King Ludwig II lived. (Well known for his magnificent palaces...). Contacts after 1 Jan 1997. SWL OK. Germans need 50 points, other Europeans 30, and all others 20. The following DOKs may be used: C03 C09 C11 C12 C13 C16 C17 C18 C34 Z13 Z57 Z67 and T11. Each station from one of these DOK's = 1 point. Every DOK (section) 5 points. Club stations from these DOK’s count 5 points, Club station DL0PSW = 10 points. Each station may be used just one time. All bands and modes except for Packet-Radio, Pactor and AMTOR. GCR list and fee of 5€ for DL, all others 7.50€ or $US7. to: Ferdinand Freiberg DL1MFG, Postfach 34, D-87635 Seeg, Germany.
(Chg 9/2007)
Main Diploma
Award issued by DARC Ochsenfurt (DOK B29). SWL OK. Contact stations of DOK's located along the river Main after 1 Jan 1996. Earn 50 points and at least 10 different DOK's should be included. The following DOK's may be used: A23 A46 B04 B05 B06 B07 B14 B17 B18 B24 B28 B29 B35 B37 F05 F16 F23 F38 F44 F49 F57 K07 Z05 Z42 Z51 Z52 and Z77.
Each station from B29 counts 3 points, the club stations DF0OC and DL0NUF (VHF/UHF) count 5 points each. The stations DB0OF (to 12-01-1999), DK0FIS (to 01-05-2000), DK0NFH and DK0RF (from 1-1-2005) count 5 points. Other individual stations from the above listed DOK's = 1 point, club stations from these DOK's = 3 points (maximum of 10 of these) and stations possessing the Main Diploma = 2 points. A station from B29 is mandatory.
All bands and modes except Packet Radio and Echo Link.. Stations may be worked only one time. GCR list, one of your own QSLs and fee of 5€ to: Hans Hermann Waldele DL1LAW, Uffenheimer Str. 19, D-91619 Obernzenn, Germany.
(Chg 11/2008)
City Mannheim Award
Contact stations in Mannheim DOK A10 since 1 January 1977. SWL OK. All modes and bands. 12 points must be earned. Contacts 40 meters or higher = 3 points; 80 meter contacts = 2. Club stations DL0CM, DL0EE, DF0LTA and DF0PL count double credit. GCR list and fee of 5€ or $US8 to: Guenter Fischer DF1IAM, Oberes Ringgaeschen 5, D-68259 Mannheim, Germany.
(Chg 11/02)
Marienburg Diploma
Contact members of DOK H-39 and stations from Hannover, Braunschweig or Lueneburg since 1 Jan 1977. DL and EU stations need 15 points. 4 of these must be from DOK H-39 and one contact with club station DK0MB or DK0OM is required. DX and VHF stations need 10 points. Each DOK H39, club stations and school stations DK0AIS, DL0SZP and DL0GHI = 3 points. Any other stations from Hannover, Braunschweig or Lueneburg = 1 point. Each station may only be contacted one time. All bands and modes. GCR list and fee of 6€ or equivalent to: Karin Piepenbrink DL3OAR, Max-Eyth-Str. 20, D-30982 Pattensen, Germany.
(Chg 6/2004)
---Marinefunker-Runde Awards Series---
General requirements: Official application available from sponsor for SAE and 1 IRC. Member list available from Marie-Luise Meiss DF7PM, Postbox 01 99, D-21779 Cadenberge, Germany. Fee for member list is 3€ within Europe and 5€ others. SWL OK. Confirmed SWL-contacts count as a QSO. All HF bands and modes permitted. Fee listed under each award. Germans may pay by bank transfer: MF-Award Account, Volksbank Stade-Cuxhaven eG, Account No.: 230 909 201, Routing Code (BLZ): 241 910 15, BIC: GENODEF1SDE, IBAN: DE97 2419 1014 0230 9092 01. Note: IRCs are not accepted. GCR rule applies. Apply to: Wilfried Graper DJ6TK, Blucher Str. 31, D-24944 Flensburg, Germany
(Chg 10/2009)
MF-Plaques (HF Bands)
Work MF members after 1 January 1982. Each member may be worked twice - CW and SSB. Each contact counts 2 points for CW, 1 point for SSB, and if same member is worked on both modes, it counts for 3 points. QSO with DL0MF is required and counts 10 for CW and 5 for SSB (Both = 15 points.) Contact with other MF clubstations (DK0MG DK0DW DL0MFH DL0DAU and DL0MFW) count 3 on SSB and 6 on CW, both 9 points. MF members outside Europe count 6 on CW and 3 on SSB, both 9 points. Endorsement for All SSB contacts. (Chg 01)
MF-Plaque Bronze --- 50 points required
MF-Plaque Silver --- 100 points required
MF-Plaque Gold ----- 150 points required
Fee for DL stations is 25€ for each plaque, including additional engraving such as "ALL CW". For all others, the fee is 34€.
(Chg 6/2004)
MF-Trophy Big Ship's Bell (Brass Nautical Bell) [HF bands only]
Earn 250 points per the rules above for HF-Plaques. 20% CW contacts. Fee is 37€. Endorsements for 300, 400 500 or more points. First endorsement plus wooden plate costs 22€ - each following sticker 5€.
(Chg 3/2003)
MF-Super Trophy Ship's Brass Clock
[HF bands only]
Earn 250 points per the above rules for HF-Plaques, except ALL the contacts
must be CW. Fee is 50€ plus shipping. Endorsements
for 300, 400 500 or more points. First endorsement plus wooden plate costs
22€ - each following sticker 5€ .
UHF/VHF MF-Jubilee Award
Work MF members and MF clubstations on UHF or VHF bands after 1 January 1987. Each contact = 1 point. Each member may be worked one time. Points already credited for the Bronze Plaque are good for the Silver and Gold as well. But contacts used in former applications may not be used for a new Jubilee award.
(a) MF-Plaque Bronze requires 10 points; (b) MF-Plaque Silver needs 25 points; (c) MF-Gold Plaque needs 50 points.
Fee is 22€ .
MD-DX-Award (Cap San Diego)
The MV "Cap San Diego", now lying in the port of Hamburg as a museum ship, once traveled extensively between Germany and various South American ports. Requirements:
DL's - 1 QSO with DL0MFH, 3 with MF members outside Europe, 1 each in PA, ON,
CX, LU and PY.
Other EU - 1 QSO with DL0MFH, 3 with DL MF members, one each in PA, ON, CX,
LU and PY.
Others - 1 QSO with DL0MFH, any 3 MF members, one each in PA, ON, CX, LU and
Contacts must have been made on or after 1 January 1987, using CW, SSB, FM, either single or mixed mode. All bands including WARC.
(Note: One EA8 may substitute for one of the South American QSO's). Fee: 10€.
(Chg 8/2004)25 Years Marinefunker-Runde Jubilee Award
The award commemorates the 25th anniversary of MF-Runde and 100 years Navy Communications and Signal School at Flensburg. The diploma can be applied by any licensed radio amateur, SWL or radio amateur club station. Contacts after 1 Jan 2002. All bands and modes of CW and/or SSB. SWL OK.
Earn a total of 225 points according to the following table of values:
a. Club stations = 100 points. Contact MF club stations. Each may be worked one time regardless of mode. A QSO with DL0MF or DL0MFS is mandatory. Value on CW/SSB = 15 points. No substitutes (Jokers) allowed for these. All other MF club stations on CW/SSB = 10 points. They may be replaced by a Joker station.
b. Special naval club stations. Club stations DL0MEL and DL0MCM and all temporary ships radio stations of the international submarine, museum ship and light house / lightship special events (i.e. club stations without a MF number), may be counted as Joker stations for missing MF club stations. CW/SSB 10 points. Each of these special naval club stations count only once regardless of the operation mode.
c. MF members = 100 points: Contacts with MF members and with stations of other foreign naval amateur radio societies. At least 100 points must be obtained by contacts with members of MF Runde e.V.
d. Additionally you must earn 25 points by making at least 6 contacts with members of different foreign sister naval amateur radio societies. CW qsos = 4 points and SSB 2 points. Each of these member stations counts only once regardless of the operation mode. But other memberships (in different naval amateur radio societies) count for the same call sign if the QSOs are done at other days. This means: additional different memberships of the member station at the same day do not count.
Contacts with MF member DX stations and with member DX stations of other naval amateur radio societies (means stations outside Europe) count with double points. These include: ANARS, BMARS, FNARS, INORC, MARAC, MF, MFCA, RNARS, YO-MARC.
MF award application form required and should be certified by two licensed stations. Cards are not wanted. Send the application to the Diploma Manager listed above in the "General Rquirements" section. The list shall be sorted in order to Naval-Clubs and membership numbers. Fees: For DL and EU stations: 10€ plus 1.50€ for shipping, For DX stations: 10€ plus 2.50€ for shipping.
(Chgs 11/2008)
Märkisches Viertel-Diplom
The DARC Club, Ortsverband Märkisches Viertel, DOK D13, sponsors this permanent award on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the Markisches District of Berlin and hosting of more than 25 years the existing local group D-13. Amateurs and SWLs may earn the award for contacts with members on or after 1 January 2004. The award may be worked on HF or VHF bands.
Requirements: Earn 100 points on HF or 50 points for VHF QSOs.
Category: (HF) |
All other modes |
20 |
40 |
YL stations in D-13 |
16 |
40 |
Other stations in DOKs of the District of Berlin |
12 |
24 |
Category: (VHF) |
FM |
All other modes |
Stations: DA0MVB, DL0MVB, DB0MVB and DO0MVB. |
5 |
10 |
20 |
YL stations in D-13 |
4 |
8 |
16 |
Other stations in DOKs of the District of Berlin |
3 |
6 |
12 |
All modes except packet radio can be used. A contact with a club station D13 is required. Each valid station may only be used one time. Send a GCR list and fee of €8, $US10 or 7 IRCs to the following address: Edith Polcyn (DC7PN), Finsterwalder Str. 74, D-13435 Berlin, Germany.
Tks S53EO 8/09