A to DL-YL

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(Updated 11/2009)



Many German awards require the working of DOK's. The DOK is the letter and number combination used by the DARC to identify regional radio clubs. The first letter is the district, and the next two numbers identify the respective club in the district. For example, DK4SY uses DOK P05. P is the District of Wuertemberg and 05 identifies the Radio Club of Heilbronn. DOK P40 is another radio club in the same town. German stations are excellent at including this identifier on their QSLs, since a very important use is that of a QSL distribution system, whereby cards are sent to the respective clubs monthly.

A complete list of DOK's may be found at: 

(Tks DH5MM 7/2009)


Use of IRC’s in Germany. I’ve learned that German post offices sell and redeem IRCs at varying rates - some sponsors are refusing to accept them. I suggest that even if the rules for an award lists IRCs as being accepted, that you might check in advance.

(Tks OE-0140)(00)

 --- DARC Series ---

General Requirements: Available to all amateurs and SWL's. All contacts must have been made from the same country. DARC DX Awards are based on the European Country List and the ARRL DXCC List. All bands may be used. Application forms are available for 1.53€ (or stamps)  from Eberhard Warnecke DJ8OT, Postfach 10 12 44, Velbert D-42512, Germany or in the Internet at: . Use of these forms is mandatory. QSLs for all contacts claimed must be submitted with the application. Fee for each award is 5€. Badges 5€ or $US7, Trophy and Plaque cost is 20€. Endorsements are free.  Payment in U.S. dollar or IRCs are currently at the rate U.S. $ 1 = 0.75 €, 1 IRC = 0.75 € accepted.   

(Chg 6/08)

Apply to awards as follows:

Europa Diplom: Franz Berndt DL9GFB, Heinrich-Heine-Str. 1, D-18209 Bad Doberan, Germany. (OK 6/08)

EU-DX-D: Dietmar Kasper DL3DXX, Birkenweg 3, Pirna-Jessen D-01796, Germany.  (OK 6/08) 

WAE I, II + III: Hajo Weigand DJ9MH, Altensteiner Weg 1, D-97437 Hassfurt, Germany. (OK 6/08 )

European Country List:  

1A CU G HB LA OM (eff 1-1-93) S5 (eff 1-15-92) TA1 ZB
3A DL (eff 9-17-73) GD HB0 LX ON SM TF  
(eff 10/15/91)
4O (eff 6-28-06) EA GI HV LY OY SP TK (Chg 9/07)
9A (eff 1-15-92) ER GM -Shetland IT OH UA SV5 YO  
C3 EU GW JW OJ0 R1F T7 Z3 (eff 4-8-93)  
CT F HA JX OK (eff 1-1-93) R1M ZA  



Deleted Countries:  

9S4 Saar From 081147 to 31.12.56
Il Trieste to 31.03.57
UN Karelo-Finnish Rep. to 30.06.60
DL Germany to 16.09.73
Y2 G.D.R. From 17.09.73 to 02.10.90
UA1N Karelia From 01.07.60 to 31.12.91
OK CSSR to 31.12.92 
(CHG 97)

Worked All Europe

Contact European countries on different bands. The award will be issued in all modes.  Mixed mode = OK.  Each European country counts one point on each band. For stations outside of Europe, contacts on 80m and 160m count two points. A maximum of 5 bands per country may be used.

WAE III - at least 40 countries and 100 points.
WAE II - at least 50 countries and 150 points.
WAE I - at least 60 countries and 200 points. 

Holders of WAE I get a special WAE badge.


Work at least 73 countries and earn 365 points. All countries which are listed on the WAE country list at the time of application are vlid.  Deleted countries may not be counted.  To apply for the WAE Trophy, confirmation of contacts with every country on the WAE country list is required on any five bands. All amateur radio bands are allowed.  Stickers will be issued for the confirmation of contcts with each country on six or more bands.  Candidates for this trophy may participate in a Top List (list of missing countries) which may be accessed at the homepage of the DARC Committee for DX and HF-Contesting. 

(Chg 9/2007)


This WAE Award will be issued in accordance with the original rules.  The WAE Classic is a single mode award issued in 2-way CW or 2-way Phone in the WAE Classes I, II or III.  Only contacts on 1.8Mhz, 3.5 Mhz, 7Mhz, 14Mhz, 21Mhz and 28Mhz will be counted.  Four bands may be counted for each country with an extra point issued for contacts with the same station on five bands. 


Work at least 70 countries and earn 300 points. Deleted countries may not be counted for the plaque.


This award may be earned annually. It is issued in the following classes: CW, SSB and Mixed modes. A minimum of 50 points per year is required for the EU-DX-D basic award or any annual sticker. 20 points must be obtained by contacts with European countries and 30 points by contacts with countries outside Europe. All bands may be used. Each country counts one point, on 80m and 160m, 2 points. Stickers are available for each additional block of 4 European and 6 non-European points within the same calendar year.

For example:

20 EU points in 2004 + 30 DX same year = 50 pts for 2004.
28 EU points in 2003 + 42 DX same year = 70 pts for 2003.
32 EU points in 2002 + 48 DX same year = 80 pts for 2002.

Total 200 points, i.e., four stickers.

Each year's score may be added to obtain the EU-DX-D 500 badge and the EU-DX-D Trophy. There is no limit as to the number of years you accumulate.

Special stickers are available per year and mode for each of the following bands: 10, 18 and 24 MHz.

EU-DX-1000 Trophy (Plaque)

Awarded for earning a total of 1000 points, regardless of how many years are involved. 
(Chg 9/2007)

Europa Diploma

Awarded for working/hearing amateurs in different European countries. Applicants must prove a total score of at least 100 points. Annual score: each confirmed European country counts one point per year on each amateur band (including 10/18/24 Mhz and VHF). All bands and modes. Total score equals sum of the annual score for the year of application and the 5 preceding years.

Europa Diplom-300 Plaque

European diploma owners can receive this plaque on the same conditions as listed for the European diploma, if they earn 300 points.  But contrary to the the European diploma, each country per band may be used only one time. 
Examples: 50 countries on 6 bands = 300 points, or 10 countries on 9 bands plus 20 countries on 6 bands plus 15 countries on 5 bands plus 5 countries on 4 bands = 300 points. 

(Rewritten 9/2007)


Issued in 3 classes for 2-way facsimile contacts with different European countries + and their prefixes:

EU-FAX-D-3 QSLs or FAX prints from 5 Eu countries and 10 prefix points.

EU-FAX-D-2 20 prefix points in 10 countries.

EU-FAX-D-1 40 prefix points in 20 countries.

European countries are determined by the WAE list (see elsewhere). Each official EU prefix counts for one prefix point per band. All bands may be used. QSLs must confirm 2-way FAX and contacts must be after 1 Jan 1980. GCR list by radio club and fee of $US7 or 5€ to: DARC FAX Mgr., Martin Henz DL5NAH, Rochenweg 1, D-70378 Stuttgart, Germany.


Contacts during the DARC-European-FAX-Contest may be used for EU-FAX-D endorsements, provided the log of the requested station has also been received.  Claims should not be made before the publication of the annual contest results.  Requests must be stated within one year after the respective contest.  

(Chg 8/2007)


DL-YL Award

Work German YL's to earn points for the award. SWL OK. 

For DL stations, each DL YL = 1 point, EU = 2 points and for DX = 4 points. 

DL-YL diplom for 50, 100, 200, 300 and 400 points. 
DL-YL 500 with button in Silver requires 500 points.
DL-YL diplom for 600, 700, 800 and 900 points.
DL-YL 1000 with button in Gold requires 1000 points.

DX YL's operating in Germany count equally, just the same as DL YL's working from any club station if the card is signed with the first name and their home call. All bands and modes. Send cards and fee of 10€ and for the precious metal button 13€ .  Apply to: DARC - Amateurfunkzentrum, DL-YL Award, Lindenallee 4, D-34225 Baunatal, Germany.


(Chg 11/2008)



Work different German YL's since 8 August 1988; YL's from other countries operating in Germany count as well.  Germans need 88 at 1 point each, other Europeans 44 at 2 points each, and the rest of the world need 22 at 4 points each.  Send QSLs or photocopies of both sides of the received QSL, plus a list and fee of 5€ or $US6 to: DARC - Amateurfunkzentrum, DL-YL Award, Lindenallee 4, D-34225, Baunatal 1, Germany. 


  DARC-DL-YL-Diplom Classic

Sponsored by the DARC for contacting German YL's after 1 January 2000. SWL OK. DL-YL Classic means, that only QSL from DL-YL's or DL-YL SWL count for this diploma. YL's from other countries operating in DL count as well. YL's operating on any clubstation are not valid.

Point Values:    For DL stations, each DL YL = 1 point, EU = 2 points and for DX = 4 points.

Classes: DL-YL 100 Classic, DL-YL 200 Classic, DL-YL 300 Classic, DL-YL 400 Classic, DL-YL 500 Classic with metal button, DL-YL 600 Classic, DL-YL 700 Classic, DL-YL 800 Classic, DL-YL 900 Classic, DL-YL 1000 Classic with metal button. SWL's  need only a confirmed heard report of a DL-YL station.  All bands and modes except packet radio. GCR list and fee of € 10 or US$13 for the metal button  to: Deutscher Amateur-Radio-Club e. V, DL-YL-Diplom Classic, Lindenallee 4, D-34225 Baunatal, Germany.

Chg 9/2007 

A-08 Plaque

Contact stations in DARC Lahr DOK A-08 after 1 January 1971. SWL OK. This award is a colored anodized 8" diameter Aluminum plaque. German District A stations need 10, other DL and Europe 4 and DX 2. Each A-08 station = 1 point and the club station DL0LS = 2 points. GCR list and fee of 15€ for Germans, 18€ or $US20 for all others.  to: Uwe Rast DG1GRU, Am Schulgarten 1, D-77948 Friesenheim/Baden, Germany.

(Chg 6/2004)

Aalener-Spion Award

Contact District Wurttemberg (DOK P) and OV Aalen (P-22) stations after 1 Jan 1991. DL's need 22 points and must work at least 3 DOK P22, and one contact with DL0AQ is mandatory and = 3 points. P-22 DOK stations = 2, other DOK P = 1 point including Z17, Z18, Z46, Z48, Z58 and Z66, and Z68. Other club stations in P DOK's = 2. Europeans need 15 points and must work at least 2 DOK P22. Other points same as for DL. DX stations need 10 points, and one QSO with P22. Each call may be worked only one time. All modes and bands. GCR list and fee of  5€ to: Raimuns Aust DL4SAV, Hirscheckstrasse 41, D-89551 Konigsbronn-Zang, Germany. 


 (Chg 10/2002)

Worked ADDX Member

The Association of German Speaking DX'ers (ADDX) issues this award in 3 different classes for contacting members after 1 January 1977. SWL OK. Class 1 = HF only, Class 2 = VHF only, Class 3 = Mixed Bands. DL's need 10 points, other EU 8, all others 5. Each QSO with ADDX member = 1 point. 10 meter, above 146 MHz, club station DF0AD and award manager are each worth 2 points. All bands and modes. GCR list and fee of 4€ or 4 IRCs to: Uwe Bräutigam, c/o ADDX e.V., Scharsbergweg 14, D-41189 Mönchengladbach, Germany. .

E-mail: : 

(Chg 9/2007)


Sponsored by the DARC-Ortsverband Goch (DOK L-06) to honor the true ham spirit in helping fellow amateurs to build and install antennas.  Provide the name, call and address of three amateurs who will verify that you have assisted them in installing their antennas.    Fee is 6.50€.  Apply to: Jurgen Peters DO4JP, Bachstr. 23, D-47623 Kevelaer, Germany.  


(Chg 9/2007) 

AFM (Amateur Radio Museums) Award

Contact Museum clubs (look for suffix AFM) or club members after 21 November 1981. SWL OK. DL's need 15 points, other EU = 10, all others 5. Museum club stations are worth 5 points, and may be only worked once. Each QSO with a member of an AFM club = 1 point on each band. Other DARC club stations which are members of the AFM club = 3. GCR list and fee of 7.50€ to: Award Manager, Jurgen Hube DL6HCJ, PO Box 1133, D-21389 Reppenstedt, Germany.

List of members and club stations available from DL6HCJ for SASE/IRC or from their site at: 

(Chg 10/02) 

DARC AFZ Diploma

Contact DA0RC, DB0AFZ, DF0AFZ, DL0DL or DB0HQ and then an additional 30 German stations on at least two different bands with different prefixes. (DL1, DL2-DL9, DJ0-DJ9, DK0-DK9, all DA's DBs, DCs, DDs, DFs, DGs, DHs, DMs, DNs DOs, DPs,  DQs and DRs) after 1 Jan 1971. SWL OK.  No band or mode limitations. GCR list and fee of 10€  or $US10  to: DARC AFZ Diploma, Lindenallee 4, D-34225 Baunatal, Germany. 

(Chg 9/2007)

AGCW-DL Series ---

General Requirements: This group was founded to promote cw activities on amateur radio bands. Contacts after 1 January 1971, the date of their founding. For CW-QRP-100 after 1 January 1981.  SWL OK. GCR is accepted. Write if interested in joining the organization. Fee for QRP-CW-100 is 3€ or $US5, for the W-AGCW-M fee is 7.70€ or $US10 and for all the other awards 5€ or $US7.   Apply to: Lutz Schröer DL3BZZ, SERVICE-Referat, Am Niederfeld 6, D-35066 Frankenberg, Germany. 


Germany payments: Konto-Nr. 101 513 3950 Hamburger Sparkasse, BLZ 200 505 50, Kontoinhaber: AGCW-DL e.V., IBAN: DE64 2005 0550 1015 50, BIC: HASPDEHHXXX. 

(CHG 9/2009)

Membership list on request from sponsor.

CW 2000, CW 1000, and CW 500

2000/1000/500 CW QSOs per calendar year are required.  All HF QSOs are valid, including contest QSOs and ZAP QSOs.  AGCW Members may submit a written declaration about the total number of QSOs made between January 1 and December 31., non-members must send in a list of the total number of QSOs for each of the 12 months and this list must be certified in writing by two licensed amateurs. 

(Rewrite 9/2007)

QRP CW 500, QRP CW 250 and QRP CW 100

This award is for QRP CW traffic on the HF bands: 500, 250 or 100 cw QSOs per year are required.  Rules as above but with an additional declaration that the applicant has used a QRP transmitter (output maximum 5w or DC input max 10w.

(Rewritten 10/02)

VHF CW 250 and VHF CW 125

As above, but for CW contacts on VHF bands (144 Mhz or above) only. A total of 250/125 cw qso's in a calendar year are required. Any legal power input. (88)


Contact AGCW members. At least 100 points are needed for this award. Stickers are also available for 200 points (Bronze), 300 points (Silver) or 500 points (Gold). QSOs with DL members = 1 point each, EU members = 2, DX  members = 3 and  with YL/XYLs = 3 points. A QSL ZAP QSO = 5 points.   VHF/UHF contacts count double. A station may only be worked once. Apply with standard GCR list and send the ZAP QSLs, they will be returned. 

(Chg 10/02) 

AGCW-DL Trophy

Any licensed amateur or SWL may apply with proof of eligibility. This requires a list showing at least 6 cw awards and participation in at least 3 different cw contests (must place among first 10 in each). At least one award and one contest must be AGCW. All awards and contests must be after 1 Jan 1971. Fee is 15€ or $US17. For this special plate, applications must be addressed to: Ralf Kaucher DK9PS, Kremel 41, D-55758 Hettenrodt, Germany.

(Chg 9/2007)

AGCW Long Term Award

This award is an add-on to the calendar year awards.  Basic calendar awards CW-500/UKW-CW-125/QRP-CW-250 must be obtained for every single year since the creation of the long term award in 1988.  (QRP-CW-100 is not considered to be "basic" in this context).  All applicants of a basic award can ask for an additional record card (or the record card is asked for at a later date via SASE).  For each year a maximum of 2 stickers can be applied for (i.e., a basic award like UKW-CW-125 plus the UKW-CW-250 sticker).  The record card is finished with a maximum of 9 stickers for the same award.  Send this card to the "service manager" and obtain a "CERTIFICAT LANGZEIT-WETTBEWERB" (format A4 color print) free of charge.  Sticker for Long Term Award: SASE or $US2 each. 

(Chg 10/02) 

AGCW 2000

This award is issued in celebration of the millenium.  SWL OK.  Earn 2000 points on CW after 1 January 2000.  Each AGCW member = 20 points and the AGCW clubstations DF0ACW, DF0AGC, DK0AG, DL0CWW and DL0DA = 50 points.  

(Chg 9/2007) 

Diploma AGCW 35

AGCW celebrated its 35th anniversary in 2006 and sponsored this special award, which has been made a permanent one.  The award may be earned by amateurs and SWLs by making contacts using only the CW mode on WEEKDAYS. (Monday 0001Z to Friday 2359Z).  All contacts have to be made within one calendar year beginning not earlier than 1 Jan 2006.  All bands OK.  

    Class A: QSOs with 35 individual AGCW members.
    Class B: QSOs with 35 DXCC countries.
    Class C: QSOs with 35 stations forming the word: ARBEITSGEMEINSCHAFT TELEGRAFIE AGCW-DL using the last letter of their call signs.
    Class W: achieve 35 points by making contacts with AGCW club stations or special event stations.  DF0ACW, DF0AGC, DL0AGC, DK0AG, DL0CWW and DL0DA = 5 points.  DQ35AGCW and DR35AGCW = 10 points. 

Applications must include log extracts with the following data entries:  Day of the week, date, time, call, band, AGCW membership number if applicable.  Applications for multiple award classes are OK.  QSLs not needed.  Those stations who claim to have reached all four classes within one year will receive the award free of charge.  Fee: 5€ or $US7 preferably via bank transfer to IBAN: DE75 5451 0067 0095 1626 78 at Postbank Ludwigshafen, BIC: PBKDEFF.  If payment is made by bank transfer, you may send your application via e-mail.  Award manager is Christian Kraus DL4FO, Wilhelmstrasse 9, D-63477 Maintal, Germany.
E-,mail: .  

(Tks PA3CUZ 9/2007)

Arabian Award

Issued by the German Club "Deutsch Arabische Freundenkreis" and may be earned by amateurs and SWL's. The purpose is to develop the friendship between West and East. At least 100 points must be collected after 24 June 1994. Each QSO with an Arab country is worth 5 points. From each Arab country, a maximum of 4 QSO's may be made. 

Clubstation DL0DAF and a packet QSO with arabian letters = 10 points, 
DAFK members count for 5 points.  At least 25 points should be earned by working arab countries. All bands and modes, including packet may be used. For German applicants, DL0DAF is mandatory. GCR list and fee of 6€ or $US8  to: Elia Baz DL1SEB, Justinger Weg 1, D-72535 Heroldstatt, Germany.  


(Chg 11/2008)

The following countries are considered Arab countries: A4 A6 A7 A9 CN E3 E4 FH HZ/7Z J2 JY OD5 ST ST0 SU T5 YI YK 3V8  5A 5T 6O 7O/4W 9K2.7X/7Y

Arschleder Diploma             Removed 11/09 per info from PA3CUZ

Sponsored by O.V. Dortmund West DOK O-52 for the IGARAG (a group of hams who work in the mining industries) for making contacts after 1 January 2005 with members of this group and all members of O-52. Using the first letter of the first name of these stations, form the phrase (which comes from a local song):

Denn sie trugen das Leder vor dem Arsch bei der Nacht

Each station may be used only one time. Club stations DL0RAG, DL0GA, DK0YA and DF0RAG are "Joker" stations and may be used one time for any missing letter. The following club stations may be also be used for the following letters:

 		DF0ERZ = N  	DL0BED = T  	DL0AUE = N
		DL0FG = N 	DL0WER = C 	DK0GEO = N
		DL0STL = B 	DL0DX = C 	SP9KDU = N
		SP9PRO = B 	DL0VX = O 	DL0PKL = N
		DK0HN = N 	SP9KVC = O 	DD0D = N
		DR0N = A 	DL0DWE = A 	DL0BVB = A
		DK0HBG = E 	DL0VLA = E 	DL0RG = U
		DR0R = E	DQ0A = S	DK0EG = E
The following letters may still be used: F for an E, J for an I, K for a L, P for an O and a W for V.  Double names are also valid, however only
one of the two names can be used.  Both names must be shown on the QSL card. 

All bands and modes. Packet and Echo Link may not be used. The "Arschleder" is a leather/fabric item of clothing used by miners (literally an "ass" protector), worn as an outer covering over your pants. The award is printed on the backside of the pants in the European A4 size. GCR list and fee of 20€ or $US25 to: Rolf G. Richter DL4DP, Neu-Iserlohn-Str. 27, D-44388 Dortmund, Germany.


(Chg 3/2008)


The local HAM-association of the native town of Johan Sebastian Bach – Eisenach, DOK X-11, offers this award in honor of the life-work of this great German composer and on the occasion of the Johan Sebastian Bach year. SWL’s OK. 

 Evaluation of Points:
Contacts after 01. Jan .2000.
Earn at least 100 Points. For every contact with a station from the following places (indicated by the DOK), you will receive 5 points. These DOK's represent places that were significant in the composer's lifetime. For conntacts with club-stations in these localities you will get 10 points per contact. 

Each contacts with special event stations with special-DOK’s where Johan Sebastian Bach worked, will count 20 points. Contacts on CW count double.   All bands may be used.  The following modes may be used: FM / SSB / CW.

GCR list and award fee of $US8 or 5€ to: Mario Baertig (DL6API); Hohenlohestrasse 31; D-99817 Eisenach; Germany 



Tks PA3CUZ 9/02

Baden Diploma

Issued for contacts with stations in the BADEN district of DARC (all DOK A-) SWL OK. The 3 levels available are:

Class 1 - earn 250 points as described below and made at least one contact with each of the A-DOK's in existence. (At the present time, they are A-01 to A-53). Z-DOK's and Special DOK's in Baden District count as "Joker" which means they may substitute for other missing stations.

Class 2 - 200 points, including at least 30 A-DOK's.

Class 3 - 150 points, including at least 25 A-DOK's.

Point values are as follows:

  Band Phone CW Other 
DX  160 + 80 10 10 10
40 + 30  5 5 5
20-10 3 3 3
EU 160 + 80 5 5 5
40 + 30 3 3 3
20 - 10 2 2 2
DL 160 + 80 1 2 5
40 + 30 2 3 5
20-10 5 5 5
Baden District 160-10 1 2 3

Contacts after 1 July 1976. Same station may be worked more than once if on different band or mode. GCR list and fee of 8€, $US8 or 10 IRCs to: Wolf Dieter Glaeser DK4IO, Alte Hohle 11, D-76703 Kraichtal, Germany.


(Chg 3/2003)

Baden Wurttemberg Diplom

Sponsored by the DARC Ortsverband Ertingen, DOK P57 at occasion of 50 years Baden Wurttenburg. SWL OK. Make contacts with stations from the districts Baden and Wurttemberg after 1 January 2002. DL stations need 50 contacts with at least 15 contacts per district. EU 35 contacts and 10 per district. DX 20 and at least 5 stations per district. At least 5 stations with a Sonder DOK count for a missing contact. Each station count only once. All bands and modes, except Packet Radio. Fees for the award: DL's 5€ + 1,45€ postage = 6.45€, EU: 5€ + 2.50€ = 7.50€, or $US10 and all others: 5€ + 4€ = 9€ or $US12. GCR list to: Michael Burgmaier, DH8BM, Heudorfer Str. 9, D-88521 Ertingen, Germany.

District Baden: DOK's A01 - A53, Z06, Z09, Z26, Z29, Z48.

Distict Württemberg: DOK's P01 - P61, Z17, Z18, Z46,  Z49, Z55, Z58, Z66, Z68.


Chg 8/2007

Badisches Burgendiplom

The DARC club subsection Kraichgau (DOK A22), sponsors this award which can be earned by radio amateurs and SWLs.

Work portable stations (/p) who were operating in the area of a castle in the German District "A" (All DOK’s which start with the letter A) on or after 1 January 2008. The maximum distance of the portable station to the appropriate castle is not farther than 500 meters. Every castle has a specific number which is the „Badische Burgen-Number" (BBN). The BBN shall be named during the QSO by the activating portable station. Further the BBN has to be clearly shown on the QSL card of the portable station. Each BBN can be worked just once. All legal amateur bands may be used.  All modes are valid excluding Packet Radio and Echolink.  The award will be issued in three classes (Bronze, Silver, Gold). Each award class has its own design which is Steinsberg castle (Bronze), Ortenberg castle (Silver) and Heidelberg castle (Gold). To apply for the award the following numbers of BBN’s are required:

		Different BBN’s Needed:	
		German  OtherEU DX-Stations
Bronze 	15 	  10 		5
Silver 	30 	  20 		10
Gold 		60 	  40 		20

Send GCR list and fee of 7€, for DL stations and 10€,- or US$13 for EU and DX stations. Apply to: Holger Eckstein, DL5UP, Wiesenstr. 88, D-76684 Östringen, Germany  

If a award has already been worked and the next higher award will be applied the GCR list has to list just the newly added QSL cards. However,  the stated fee has to be paid for every single award.

List castles 

Tks PA3CUZ 2/10/08

Bamberger Reiter Award

Contact or hear stations from DOK's B05, Z51 and with stations from the partnership towns of Bamberg, (DL); Rodez, (F); Bedford, (G) and Villach, OE, Oppava (OL), Prague (OK), Tarviso (I) and Eszetergom (HA). Contacts after 1 Jan 1981. SWL OK. No band or mode restrictions. DL stations need 50 points, other Europeans need 25 and DX stations need 10. 
HF - phone contacts = 2 points, 
CW, RTTY and PSK31 = 3.  
UHF - via repeater or direct = 1 point, 
SSB on 2 meters = 2 points.  
70cm: CW and RTTY = 3 points. 

Each contact with both partnership town or with one of the club stations (DB0BX (Z51), DB0DC (B05), DF0PM (B05), DK0BX (Z51), DF0ABW (B05), DL0HSE (B05), DL0OB (B05) and DA0UF (B05)  doubles the points for the QSO. Stations cannot be worked twice on one band/mode. Contacts with at least 2 stations of the partnership towns are compulsory on SW bands. This last requirement may be waived by making 3 contacts with Aveyron, Dept 12 in France; 3 contacts with Bedfordshire County, England or 3 contacts with Karnten, Austria. GCR list and fee of 5€ or $US7 to: Karl Michael Schulze DG3NKS, Breslauer Strasse 4, D-96052 Bamberg, Germany.  


(CHG 10/2006)

Bat Award

Issued by DARC division Bad Segeberg (DOK M14) for contacting member stations after January 1, 2002. SWL OK. No band or mode restrictions, but no packet radio contacts. Earn 50 points.  A contact with a member of M14 counts 5 points, and on August 4th (any year starting 2002) counts 10 points. Every QSL with a picture of a Bat is worth 3 points. (These cards must be sent in with your application). Stations located in the German district Schleswig-Holstein (all Mxx DOKs) count 1 point. Each station may only be worked once. At least one M14 member is mandatory.

Fee : for DLs is $US15 or 15€, fee for EU is 18€ or $US18 and for all others is 20€ or $US20.   GCR list and fee to : Hans-Jürgen Strack, DL1HJS, Achtern Diek 23, D-24619 Bornhöved, Germany.

Remark : the award consists not just of an A4 format certificate, but also of a bat in form of a woolen doll with a span of 55 cm. This is the reason for the somewhat higher than usual fee.

Chg 6/2004

BAVARIA B-39 Ortsverband Helmbrechts Award Series    REWRITE

General Requirements: Contact stations in DARC districts D, C, T and U DOK's on or after 1 January 1984.  SWL OK.  Contacts may be made on HF or UHF/VHF/SHF, but not mixed. Cross band contacts are valid, but only the lower value of the contact may be claimed. The same station may be worked on each band and mode.  See each individual award for fee, as they differ. The fees are slightly higher than usual because the award is an elaborately embroidered pennant.   Apply to:  DARC-Ortsverband Helmbrechts, Award Manager DB7NW, PO Box 1124, D-95222 Helmbrechts, Germany. 


(Chg 10/2006)

    Bavaria 1000 Award

From each of the 4 Bavarian DARC Districts (all B, C, T and U DOK's), work a minimum of 8 DOK's. SWL OK. Missing DOK's may be replaced by up to 5 Bavarian "Z" DOK's These are Z13, 15, 16, 30, 42, 44, 51, 52, 57, 61, 64, 67 and 76. 

Earn a total of 1000 points by the following values in this table:

FM 3 6 3
SSB 6 12 6
CW 10 20 10

For stations outside of Germany, the values in the above table should be doubled. 

  Fees: German stations send 17€ or $US19.  Europeans send 18€ or $US20.  All others send 19€ or $US21. Send appropriate fee plus a Self Addressed Label. Endorsement fee for single mode is 4€, or $US5. 

Bavaria 1500 Award
Bavaria 2000 Award

This award may be earned without having to begin at the 1000 level. Work Bavarian stations with point values up to 1500 or 2000 points with the required minimum number of DOKs in the tables below:

From each of the 4 Bavarian districts (B, C, T and U-DOK), work the following numbers of DOK's:

DARC District Bavaria 1500 Bavaria 2000
B (Franken) 30 35
C (Oberbayern) 25 30
T (Schwaben) 12 15
U (Bayern Ost) 18 25
Z (VFDB)** 8 10

** The Z-DOK's may only be used for the replacement of missing DARC-DOK's.  See the rules for the 1000 level. 

Point values for each contact.   For stations outside of Germany, the values in the above table should be doubled. (For example FM - VHF outside of Germany would be 6 points) 

FM 3 6 3
SSB 6 12 6
CW 10 20 10


Apply with GCR list sorted by DOK and Call Sign and fees as follows: DL: 20€ or $US23, EU: 21€ or $US24.  All others: 22€ or $US25. 

Bavaria 5000

From each of the 4 Bavarian DARC Districts, (B, C, T and U DOK's), work the following numbers of DARC DOK's:

DARC District Bavaria 5000
B (Franken) 39
C (Oberbayern) 33
T (Schwaben) 18
U (Bayern Ost) 27
Z (VFDB)** 12

** The Z-DOK's may only be used for the replacement of missing DARC-DOK's.  See the rules for the 1000 level. 

Point values for each contact.   For stations outside of Germany, the values in the above table should be doubled.  (For example FM - VHF outside of Germany would be 6 points) 

FM 3 6 3
SSB 6 12 6
CW 10 20 10

Apply with GCR list sorted by DOK and Call sign and fees as follows: DL: 25€ or $US29, EU: 26€ or $US30.  All others: 27€ or US37. 

(Chg 3/2008)

Bayern-Ost-Diplom (BOD)       

Contact stations in East Bavaria.  DOK District "U" and Z16, Z44, Z64, Z79.  Contacts after 1 Sept 1973.  SWL OK.  
HF: German stations need 30 points, other EU need 15 and DX need 5. 
VHF: Stations in "U" DOK's need 30 points. Other DLs 20 and all others 10. 
Point value: stations in district "U" = 1 point; club stations = 2 points, XYL = 3 points, CW contacts = 4 points, each UHF/SHF = 5.
This is a beautifully executed award and well worth the effort to earn.  GCR list and fee of 5€ or $US8 to: Hans Reyzl DL2ZA, Kreuzerweg 6, D-92237 Sulzbach-Rosenberg, Germany.  

(Chg 8/2007)

Beginenturm Diploma

Issued by DARC division Hannover Hohes Ufer (DOK H65). SWL OK. Contacts after 16 Nov 1995. Contact 21 stations using any of their suffix letters to spell out the term "HOHES UFER MIT HAMSPIRIT". All stations may be used, but at least 5 among the 21 contacted should belong to DOK H65. The clubstation DL0HAN is a Joker/wild card and may substitute for any missing letter.  Each station may only be worked one time. All bands and modes, however packet contacts aren't valid. Single band or mode endorsements available on request. GCR list and fee of 5 Euro to Gunter Ebeling DL9OCK, Droehnenstr. 21, D-30455 Hannover, Germany.

(Chg 8/2007)

Benrath Castle Award

Issued by DARC Division Duesseldorf (DOK R-23). SWL OK. Earn 30 points by contacting Duesseldorf stations after 1 Jan 1997. Each station from DOK’s R01, R22, R26 and Z04 = 1 point, and any station from R23 = 3 points. Clubstation DL0GQ and DB0KW = 5 points. Each station may only be worked once. GCR list and fee of 6€ or $US7 to: Thomas Ball DG9EAF, Benderstrasse 67, D-40625 Dusseldorf, Germany. 

(Chg 8/07)

Internationales Bergbau Diplom 

Issued by the DARC Division Marl (DOK N19) for contacts with amateurs who work in the mining industry after January 1st 2007. SWL OK. Earn 111 points by contact with MA or IGARAG stations from at least 3 different countries. Each MA-location from the list mining and ham radio = 5 points. MA club stations from the list mining and ham radio = 5 points. Each station with an IGARAG number = 3 points and members of the Ortsverbandes Gütersloh (DOK N07) = 2 points. SWL cards from MA, IGARAG or N07 stations count also for the award. Each station may only be worked one time. All bands and mode except packet radio and echo link contacts. Send GCR list and fee of € 6,45 for DL stations and all others € 10 or $US 10 to: Jürgen Wille, DJ1MR, Gabelsbergerweg 46, D - 33334 Gütersloh, Germany.


MA stations are located on a mining activity ground listed on the official MA list (actual list downloadable from

Tks PA3CUZ 8/2007 

Berlin Diploma

For contacts after 3 October 1990 with stations in at least 20 DARC or VFDB districts in Berlin. SWL OK. Europeans need 100 points; all others 50. Each contact = 1 point, club stations = 2. Stations may be contacted only once. All bands and modes. Stations located in other cities named Berlin (such as Berlin, Connecticut, USA) = 3 points. GCR list and fee of 6€ or $US6 to: Thomas Margraf (DL7AWO), Askanierring 53A, D-13585 Berlin, Germany. 

(Chg 6/2004)

Besucherbergwerk F60 Diplom

Contact stations from the DARC-Ortsverbandes Finsterwalde, DOK Y 38 and stations from the cities of the former coal industry of Niederlausitz after 1 January 2004. SWL OK. A Contact with the club station DKØFIW or DLØPPC is mandatory and can become substituted as a  "Joker" for a station in Niederlausitz.,   

DL stations need 6 stations from DOK Y38 and 4 contacts with different DOK’s from the former coal industry of Niederlausitz. 
EU stations need 4 and 2. 
DX stations 2 and 1. 

All bands and modes except Packet Radio. Each station may be worked only once. Send a GCR list and fee of 5€ or $US7 to: Thomas Rimpel (DG6ITR), Tuchmacherstrasse 8, D-03238 Finsterwalde, Germany

Cities and DOK’s from the former coal industry of Niederlausitz: 
     1. Landkreis Elbe-Elster: Y38, Y43, 
     2. Landkreis Oberspreewald-Lausitz: Y25, Y28, Y39, 
     3. Landkreis Spree-Neiße: Y26, Y27, Y3Ø, Y33 
     4. city of Cottbus: Y24.


Chg 1/07

Worked All Bielefeld

Contact stations in DOK N01. SWL OK. Each of these counts one point. DL's need 10 points, Europeans need 5 and rest of the world need 3. Only CW or RTTY contacts count. Send copy of the cards and fee of 5€ to: K.D. Kuhnke DF7VW, Neidermuhlenkamp 60, D-33604 Bielefeld 1, Germany.

(Chg 8/2007)

Blue Light Award

This award is issued by the Hams whose profession is related to emergency services, such as those who work in fire departments, policy, ambulance, etc. Starting date is 16 Jan 1997, which is the founding date of the IG-FiH (=Funkamateure in Hilfsorganisationen). Germans need to collect 30 points, all others 20. All members carry a IG-FiH#. Besides a membership number, this will also indicate in which emergency service the operator is working. If all contacts were made with stations working in a single emergency service, a special endorsement will be issued. Dx0FIH (x can be L, K, etc.) 

Method of contact: Packet HF VHF
FiH-Clubstations calls such as Dx0FIH 3 points 6 points 9 points
Other Clubstations members of the Hilfsorganisation 2 points 4 points 6 points
All other members FiH-Mitglieder 1 point 2 points 3 points

Germans need to work at least 1 Dx0FIH station. Stations may only be contacted one time. All bands and modes. SWL OK. Application with GCR list and fee of 5€ or $US7 to: Gunda Radwan, Postfach 1153, D-38501 Gifhorn, Germany.


(Chg 8/2007)

Bocksbeutel Diploma

Offered by OV District Wurzburg, DL's  need 15 points to be earned by QSO's with DOK B18.  Europeans need 5 points, and all others need 3. SWL OK.  Contacts with DL0WZ, XYL's and those on CW count 2 points, all others = 1 point. All bands. Contacts since 1 June 1966. GCR list and fee of 10€ or $US12 to Jurgen Storch DL6NAV, Bruckenstrasse 4, D-97225 Zellingen, Germany. 


(Chg 3/2008)

Bodensee YL Award

Contact XYLs after 1 Jan 1980, located in the canton of St. Gallen (SG),Schaffhausen (SH), Thurgau (TG) in Switzerland or in OE9 (Voralberg) or members of the DARC/VFDB specified area listed below.  
    Stations from DL, HB and OE need 50 points, including at least 3 different DOKs and 2 club stations. Other EU stations need 30 points, at least 2 different DOKs and 1 club station.     DX stations need 20 points of any category. SWL OK. 
Point values:
    XYLs at club station DL0KB = 5 points.
    XYLs from DARC Ortsverband Konstanz DOK A01 = 3.
    XYLs at a club station of the following federations = 4.
    XYLs from DARC and VFDB Ortsverbaenden at the Bodensee, DOKs A25, A38, A44, P03, T13, Z18, Z29 = 2.
    XYLs from OE9 and XYLs in HB9 (SG, SH, and TG) = 2.
GCR list and fee of 10 euro to: Angelika Hohenstein DL1GVA, Am Berg 2, D-78476 Allensbach, Germany.

Internet: The new homepage for that is  

(Chg 12/2007)

Brandenburg Diplom

Issued by DARC District of Brandenburg for contacting stations in this region after 1 Jan 1990. SWL OK. Germans need 30 different Y DOK’s, other Europeans need 20, all others need 10.  DOK's Z20, Z91 and Z94 are also valid.  Missing Y-DOKs can be substituted by any club station (maximum of 5) from District Brandenburg (Y-DOK's). All bands and modes. GCR list and fee of 5€ or $US7 to: Eberhard Roy DL8UER, Feldtrasse 3, D-03159 Doebern, Germany.

(Chg 3/2003)

Worked 10 Bremen Stations (WXBR)

Sponsored by DARC OV-Bremen (DOK I-04) for contacting Bremen stations since 1 Jan 1958 in 3 levels of the award:

WBXR - DL's need 10, other Europeans 5 and DX 3 in DOK's I04, I14, I53 and Z02.
WXBR 50 - DL's need 50, other Europeans 25 and DX 15 in DOK's as above.
WXBR 100 - DL's need 100, other Europeans 50 and DX 30 in DOK's as above.

No mode or band limitations. SWL OK. GCR list and fee of 5€ or $US10 to:  to: Harald Harders DF6BL, Rockwinkeler Heerstr 23B: D-28355, Bremen, Germany.  


(Chg 3/2009)

Brown Coal Diploma     Rewrite 8/2007 

Contact stations in the brown coal (lignite) producing region of Germany on or after 1-1-1975. The following DOK's are valid: G02, G04, G05, G16, G20, G29, G30, G31, G37 and G50. Point values: CW/RTTY = 5, 432Mhz = 2.   Each QSO per station and band 1 point (maximum of 5 bands per station).  DL's need 40 points, at least 5 with G20, Europeans need 20/3, all others 15/1. One of the club stations DL0RG, DK0FOC, DK0SHF, DL0CQ, DF0HZ, DL0HSB  and DL0KWN is valid one time for 10 points. The special call signs DC2005WJT and DF2006WM are each valid for 10 points.   GCR list and  5 or $US10 to Siegfried Offermann DL8KBJ, Junesrothweg 7, D-50226 Frechen, Germany. 

(Chg 8/2007)

Burg Award              Rewrite 8/2007

This award was started in 1986 to commemorate the 800th Anniversary of the town of VLOTHO on the Weser River. SWL OK. DL stations need 25 points, Europeans need 11 and all others 8. Members of the OV Vlotho DOK N52 = 3 points and at least 3 contacts are mandatory.  A contact with one of the club stations DF0VL or DF0ZM are mandatory and count each for 5 points.  Stations from Herford N08, Minden N12, Bad Salzuflen N30 and Rintein N57 = 1 point.  Contacts after 1 January 1986.  Each station may only be worked once.  All bands and modes.  GCR list and fee of 8€ or $US10 to Jurgen Koppitz GD4YCY, Postfach 2013, D-32010 Hereford, Germany.  

(Chg 8/2007)

Cologne Award

This award is issued by the DARC division Cologne (German: Köln) – DOK G10 – at he occasion of 75 years of HAM radio in the city. SWL OK. Only QSOs since January 1st, 2002 are valid.    Collect 75 points as follows :

QSO with

Counts … points

Clubstation DL0CA and DL0AKusing DOK G10


Clubstation DL0CA using a special DOK 75 Koln


Special event station DL0CA with special DOK "WJT05" and DA0KGI


Any members from DOK G10


Any members from DOKs G12, G24, G35, G39, G44 and Z12


Any clubstations from DOKs G12, G24, G35, G39, G44 and Z12


A contact with DL0CA is mandatory. Other club stations are: DL0PZ (G12), DL0RC (G24), DK0KD (G35), DK0KW (G39), DF0KD (G44), und DL0KN (Z12). No band or mode restrictions, except for packet radio. Each station may be counted only once.  Send GCR list + 5 euro or $5 to : Hans Wagner, DC1HWC, Rektor-Klein-Str.30, D-50827 Köln, Germany.

Chg 8/2007

Cranger Kirmes Diploma

This award commemorates a summer fair, originally started to sell wild horses, now attracting over 3,000,000 people per season - the biggest fun-fair in W.Germany. Contact stations in Herne (DOK O38)  and Castrop-Rauxeler (DOK O-22) after 1 January 1982. DL's need to earn 30 points, other Europeans 15, DX 10. QSO's with club stations DL0PX, DF0MR, DL0GY = 10 points. Any QSO's with DOK's O22 and O38 = 3 points. (As of 1-1-2000, O21 will be counted as O38.  Contacts with members of the former DOK O21 will count for O38.  No mode or band limitations except packet radio. . These DOK's are rare, and needed contacts may be arranged by writing to the sponsor! GCR list and fee of $US7 or 5 Euro to: Hartmut-Wilhelm Weishaupt DL6DCA, Aschebrock 59, D-44625 Herne, Germany.


(Chg 8/2007)

CW Speed Certificate

DARC Nordrhein issues this to promote cw proficiency. It may be obtained by amateur or SWL. On the first Saturday of each month except July and August, at 1500 UT, DL0XX transmits on approx. 3520 KHz, a cw text of 3 minutes each at the speeds of 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 words per minute. For each group, a maximum of 3 errors are allowed. The basic award is awarded for the 10 WPM, stickers are provided for higher copy. Send copied text, an IRC and your own QSL with a statement that no other facilities were used in copying. Fee for the award is 5€ or $US6 (no charge to SWLs except provide 2€ for postage).  Apply to: Diethelm Burberg DJ2YE, Breite Str. 3, D-40822 Mettman, Germany. 



(Chg 8/2007)

Diplom D20

Work members of the Ortsverband Berlin Hohenschönhausen, D20, after 1 January 2005. SWL OK. There are 3 Classes. Class 3: 15 points, Class 2: 20 points and Class 1: 25 points. Each member of D20 count 1 point and in CW 2 points. Clubstations DL0CON, DF0DRB, DF0DFA and DM5R count each 5 points but may only be used one time. All bands and modes except packet radio and APRS. GCR list and fee of € 5 to Bernd Winkler, DL7GW, Wilhelminenhofstr.18, D-12459 Berlin, Germany.

Tks PA3CUZ 9/2007

DA0HQ Award

Station DA0HQ is the headquarters station of the DARC and is active in most DX contests.  Make 22 or more QSOs with DAØHQ since 1992 you will earn the DAØHQ Award.  Endorsement sticker for every additional 11 QSOs.  You may apply by e-mail by writing to:    No formal written application is required, and there is NO COST to you. 

Tks N2FZ 7/2002

Dachau Diploma

Issued by DARC Division Dachau (DOK C06) on the occasion of its 20th anniversary. Contacts after 1 January 1993. SWL OK. Earn 20 points by contacting stations in the following DOK's: C06 C26 C28 T08. C06 = 2 points each, C26, C28 and T08 = 1, club stations DK0OD = 4. Stations outside Germany may multiply the values by 2. At least 5 stations from C06 are needed. Each station may be worked one time.  GCR list and fee of 6€  to: Suzanne Liebl DH9MBY, Neuburger-Str. 4, D-85123 Karlskron, Germany.


(Chg 8/2007)

Worked All Darmstadt Award

DARC - OV Darmstadt (DOK F03) and VFDB - OV Darmstadt (DOK Z21) offers this award to amateurs and SWL’s for contacts since 1 Jan 1997. Stations from Hessen, Germany need 40 points and all others need 30 with point values as follows.

F03 or Z21 stations = 2 points per band.
Club stations DL0DAR, DF0BBI, DL0FTZ and DK0BP = 4 points per band.
Stations from other F and Z DOK’s = 1 point per band.

Contacts with two of the club stations are mandatory. GCR list and fee of 5€  or $US7 to: Helmut Knappe DF4ZQ, Floriansring 9, D-64342 Seeheim-Jugenheim, Germany.

(Chg 11/02)

Deutschherren Diploma

The DARC Ortsverband Beckingen/Saar (DOK Q12) makes this award available to all licensed radio amateurs and SWLs on the following conditions after 1 January 1979: On VHF, DL stations need 6 points, All others 3 points. On HF: DL stations need 6 points, other EU 4 and all others 3 points. Each station of the Q12 = 1 point. Contacts using RTTY, ATV, SSTV or PSK31 and contacts with club station DK0OJ, as well as the special station DL0AW and DL0EFA with the special DOK _ FIRAG, count 2 points each _ not mandatory. Contacts after 1 January.1979. GCR list and fee of 5€ or 4 IRCs to: Hilde Klein DB8VY, Im Breitfeld 16, D-66780 Rehlingen-Siersburg, Germany. 

Bank contact is Volksbank Beckingen (593 924 00), account number 720 111 6.08.


(Chg 8/2007)

    --  Deutscher Telegrafie Club Series --

General Requirements: Contacts on or after 1 Jan 1998. IRC’s not accepted. No charge or proof required for members.   GCR for others.  Fee for each is 5€ for Europeans and $US7 for all others.  Apply to: Raimund Misch DG9YFB, Marderweg 8, D-48157 Muenster, Germany.


(Chg 3/2003) 

CW - PX - EU.  

Contact different European prefixes using CW.  Class 3 = 60, Class 2 = 120 and Class 1 = 180 prefixes .If all are QRP (max 5w. Output), special QRP sticker added to your award. 

(Chg 6/04)

CWYC - CW Year Certificate. 

Issued to promote active use of CW for longer periods. Provide proof of making at least 365 CW QSO’s within one calendar year, each day of the year must have at least one CW QSO. Special endorsement for QRP if power max is 5w output.

        CW Activity Certificate

The Deutscher Telegrafie Club e.V. (DL-CW-C) issues this certificate to promote CW activity.  Earn 1000 points in any calendar year using CW mode, contest activity is allowed.  QRP QSOs (5w output, maximum) will receive special seal.  Points:  On HF bands, each QSO = 4 points (6 if made by QRP).  On VHF/UHF, 8 points per QSO (12 if made by QRP).    Specify class applied for.

         CW-QRP-C Award

The Deutscher Telegrafie Club e.V. sponsors this award for making QRP contacts using CW mode only during any calendar year. Available in 3 classes:

Class III - 100 QRP QSOs.
Class II - 200 QRP QSOs.
Class I - 300 QRP QSOs.

(New 01)

DLD Awards

The DLD Award is an official award of the Germany Amateur Radio Club (DARC) which is available to all licensed amateurs and SWL's. Names of new award holders will be published in the DARC magazine cq-DL.

All members of DARC and its associate club VFDB and club stations of both organizations are issued a District Location Code (DOK). To qualify for DLD, applicants must submit QSL cards from licensed radio amateurs showing a certain number of DOK's worked, or for SWL's, heard.

DLD Award Classes and Modes:

1. DLD is issued separately for each amateur band.
2. DLD is issued in different classes on each band as follows: DLD 100, DLD 200, DLD 300 with bronze badge, DLD 400 with silver badge, DLD 500 (with golden badge), DLD 600, DLD 700 DLD 800, DLD 900, and DLD 1000 (with engraved badge of honor).
3. For SWL's, the awards are known as DLD-SWL 100, DLD-SWL 200, etc up to DLD-SWL 1000.
4. All DLD awards may be issued for mixed modes, or may be endorsed for single mode operation, providing this is supported by the necessary QSL cards.

Conditions of Issue:

1. All modes permitted by the applicants license may be used.
2. The initial award is for 100 different DOK's on a single band. For each further 100 DOK's on the same band, the applicant may apply for the next class of DLD. Applicants may skip levels such as going from 100 to 400.
3. A DOK will only count if the station worked/heard is located in the Federal Republic of Germany at time of contact. Stations only have one DOK and give out only the number they are registered with the DARC QSL Bureau. Special Event DOK's will be published in cq-DL Magazine.

Applications for DLD:

All valid DOK's are listed in the official DOK list which may be obtained from the sponsor and is used as the application form.

A computer generated list will be accepted, providing it uses the same format as the application form issued by DARC.

It is recommended that you use a separate list for each band.

Fee for DLD100, 200, 600-900 = 10€ or $US10.  DLD300-500 with badge = 13€ or $US13 and DLD1000 with engraved badge = 16€  or $US16.   The DOK list costs 2.5€ plus a self addressed label. Applications must be verified by the applicants local club or official Award Manager. Ask for fee schedule from the sponsor when you request your DOK list. Apply to: DARC Amateurfunkzentrum, DLD-Diplome, Lindenallee 4, D-34225 Baunatal, Germany.  


(Chg 10/02)

--Diploma Interest Group (DIG) Series ---

General Requirements: The DIG represents the German award hunters with an excellent awards series.

The DIG is an association of about 6200 members with a particular interest in amateur radio awards in more than 100 countries. It provides information about awards and certificates principally in German. The DIG's award program is available in several languages. All DIG awards and trophies may be applied for by any licensed amateur or SWL.

A large DIG-Information packet with all details of the DIG may be obtained by sea mail for 5€ for DL stations and for all others, 10€ or $US12 or 9 IRCs or by air mail for $US17 or 13 IRCs and one Self Addressed Label (SAL) .

To become a member of DIG, an amateur radio operator or SWL must have earned at least 25 awards, among them 3 of the DIG award program. Applicants are expected to be a member of their national amateur radio society, to speak, or at least understand some German, and support the DIG's most important maxims: excellent operating practice, politeness and activity on all bands as well as reliability in exchanging QSL cards.

If you want to join the DIG, send an application form (available from DJ8OT) together with a fee of 10€ for DLs and for all others, 15€, $US20 or 13 IRCs.  Please also enclose 6 SAL to help the secretary save time when providing you with information. You will receive a small certificate for your folder and a large one for your shack wall confirming DIG membership.

To regularly receive the DIG Journal with current award news and updates, and the latest DIG members list in the spring of every year, send a further 10€ for DLs and for all others, 15€ or $US20 to the secretary once per year.

The award custodians are listed along with the rules for each award. Fee for each certificate is 5€ or $US7.   For a listing of DIG members, send 4 IRC to: Eberhard Warnecke DJ8OT, PO Box 101244, D-42512 Velbert, Germany. GCR accepted. SWL OK.


(Chg 11/09)

ACTIO 40 Award

Designed to promote the use of the 40 meters band.  A special application must be used, available for postage/IRC from DIG.  Make at least 100 contacts on the 40M band in one month using SSB and CW - they must be actual contacts, not quick contest QSOs.  Split frequency QSOs are OK.  GCR list should contain the usual data plus the name of the other operator and QTH of the station contacted.  Apply to: Uwe Lusmoller DL6YBY, Postfach 100250, D-45713 Haltern, Germany.  
Note: under DIG Trophy 1000, starting 1-1-95, earning this award will be a requirement to qualify.

(Award reinstated 3/2007, tks PA3CUZ)

Worked DIG Members

Available for having contacted DIG members as follows:

Class 3 
DX stations work 15 DIG Members
EU stations work 50 DIG Members

Class 2
DX stations work 30 DIG Members
EU stations work 75 DIG Members

Class 1 DX stations work 50 DIG Members
EU stations work 100 DIG Members

All HF bands and modes or for contacts on CW only or for contacts on the VHF/UHF bands only. Stickers for each additional 100 member up to 2000.  Apply to Werner Theis DH1PAL, Luxemburger Strasse 59, D-53881 Euskirchen, Germany. 

(CHG 10/02)

DIG-CEPT Diploma

The CEPT (Conference Europeene des Administrations des Postes et des Telecommunications) agreement is a reciprocal licensing device which makes it simple for any European Community (EC) licensed amateur to operate in another EC country. The host call prefix is first, then the actual station, for example; PA/DL9SC.

Contact 77 such stations operating outside of their home country with a minimum 7 different EC countries. No endorsements. GCR list, a self addressed sticker to: Wolfgang Landgraf DL9HC, Weidenstrasse 18, D-68526 Ladenburg, Germany. 

(CHG 10/02)

Worked DX Stations

Prove contact with amateur radio stations as specified below, on or after 1 Jan 1964 as follows:

Class 4 : 
DX work 200 EU, 10 must be on 80/40M.
EU work 200 DX, 20 must be on 80/40M.

Class 3 : 
DX work 500 EU, 25 must be on 80/40M.
EU work 500 DX, 50 must be on 80/40M.

Class 2 : 
DX work 1000 EU, 50 must be on 80/40M.
EU work 1000 DX, 50 must be on 80/40M.

Class 1 : 
DX work 2000 EU, 100 must be on 40M and 20 contacts on 80M.
EU work 2000 DX, 100 must be on 40 and 20 on80M.

Available for all bands/modes or CW only.  Apply to: Walter Hymmen DL8JS, Postach 19 25, D-32219 Bunde, Germany.

(CHG 10/02)


This award will be part of the DIG Award Program starting Jan 1, 2002 to commemorate the introduction of the EURO currency. The EURO will replace all former national currencies in the following countries: Belgium, Eire, Germany, Luxembourg, Finland, Netherlands, France, Austria, Greece, Portugal, Italy and Spain.

On HF, work 77 different stations in the above listed countries; all countries should be represented. On VHF you also need 77 contacts, but only 5 different countries must be worked and contacts with stations in European capital cities count double.

No band or mode restrictions, however special CW and VHF stickers are available as endorsements. Send your GCR list to: Wolfgang Landgraf, DL9HC, Weidenstrasse 18, D_68526 Ladenburg, Germany.

(Chg 8/2007)

European Prefixes Award

Prove contacts with 100 different European prefixes. Endorsement sticker for each additional 50 prefixes. All prefixes listed in the WAE and DXCC country list are valid as are special short term prefixes. Award is available for all bands/modes (mixed), all CW or VHF/UHF only.  Contacts after 1 January 1969. Apply to Alfons Niehoff DJ8VC, Ernst-Hase-Weg 6, D-48282 Emsdetten, Germany

(CHG 11/2008)

Familia Award

Prove contacts earning 100 points after 1 Jan 1980. All contacts with at least two licensed amateurs or one licensed amateur and one SWL of the same family count one point for each contact. Available mixed mode/bands, all CW or VHF only. Apply to: Frank Ader DH5FA, Birkenhang 26, D-42555 Velbert-Langenberg, Germany. 

(Chg 8/2007)

Worked German Large Cities Award

Prove contacts with amateurs in German cities of over 100,000 persons.

Class 3 : DX stations 10 cities EU stations 20 cities (On VHF bands, 20 cities)
Class 2 : DX stations 20 cities EU stations 40 cities (On VHF bands, 30 cities)
Class 1 : DX stations 30 cities EU stations 60 cities (On VHF bands, 40 cities)

Each city may only be used once. Contacts after 1 January 1962. Available for all bands/modes (mixed) or CW only. Apply to: Bernd Muller DK7ZT, Weitershauser Str.11, D-35041 Marburg, Germany 

(CHG 8/2007)

Eligible cities: Aachen Augsburg Bergisch-Gladbach Berlin Bielefeld Bochum Bonn Bottrop Braunschweig Bremen Bremerhaven Chemnitz Cottbus Darmstadt Dessau Dortmund Dresden Dusseldorf Duisburg Erfurt Erlangen Essen Frankfurt/Main Freiburg Furth Gelsenkirchen Gera Gottingen Hagen Hamburg Halle/Saale Hamburg Hamm Hannover Heidelberg Heilbronn Herne Hildesheim Ingolstadt Jena Kaiserslautern Karlsruhe Kassel Kiel Koblenz Koln Krefeld Leipzeg Leverkusen Ludwigshafen Lubeck Magdeburg Mainz Mannheim Monchengladbach Mulheim/Ruhr Munchen Munster Neuss Nurnberg Oberhausen Offenbach Oldenburg Osnabruck Paderborn Pforzheim Potsdam Reck-linghausen Regensburg Remscheid Rheydt Rostock Saarbrucken Salzgitter Schwerin Siegen Solingen Stuttgart Trier Ulm Wanne-Eickel Weisbaden Wilhelmshaven Witten Wolfsburg Wurzburg Wuppertal Zwickau.

Germany Award

Commemorating the reunification of the two German states in 1990. Contact at least 5 stations in each State using at least 2 bands (80 stations total). All bands and modes. QSO's after 3 October 1990. The states and appropriate DOK prefixes are:

a. Baden-Wurttemburg (A,P) Bremen Niedersachsen (H,I) Sachsen (S) Bayern (B,C,T,U) Hamburg
b. Nordrhein-Westfalen (G,L,N,O,R)
c. Sachsen-Anhalt (W) Berlin (D) Hessen (F) Rheinland-Pfalz (K) Schleswig-Holstein (M) Brandenburg (Y) Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (V) Saarland (Q) Thuringen (X)

Available endorsements for Mixed, CW, or VHF. GCR list to: Uwe Lusmoeller DL6YBY, Postfach 10 02 50, D-45713 Haltern, Germany.  

(CHG 10/02)

International Airport Award

Prove contacts with statiopns in 50 different cities with an international airport. Only one contact counts from applicants country. All six continents have to be worked. Only contacts with fixed stations on or after 1 Jan 1973. All HF bands and modes (mixed) or only CW to  Walter Hymmen DL8JS, Postach 19 25, D-32219 Bunde, Germany. 

(CHG 10/02)

Two Mode Award

Work on CW 50 different countries including Germany and all 6 continents and again on Phone the same 50 different countries. The DXCC country list is used. Contacts after 1 Jan 1962. Apply to: Frank Ader DH5FA, Birkenhang 26, D-42555 Velbert-Langenberg, Germany. 

(Chg 3/2005)

Zodiak 270 Award

VHF 144 and 432 MHz QSO's from 1 January 1989 onwards count. SWL OK. Earn 50 points during one or more of the actual periods represented by the Zodiac (i.e. - Jan 21 to Feb 19th = Aquarius). Sticker available for each period. Each SSB QSO = 1 point on 2 meters, each CW QSO on 2 meters = 2 points. SSB on 70 Cm = 3, CW on 70 Cm = 4. Award is issued for either mode, not mixed. Each callsign may be contacted only once per period. No contest QSO's. CW endorsement available. Suggest you get special application from DJ8OT. GCR, Application form  to: Ingrid Weckmann DL4BO,  Alte Reihe 28, W-27313 Dorverden, Germany.

(CHG 10/02)

DIG Diploma 77

Worked at least 77 DIG members in at least 7 different countries but only 7 x 7 (=49) DIG members in the applicants own country. Contacts after 1 Jan 1977. Available for mixed modes/bands, all CW, VHF/UHF and for SWL's. Apply to: Frank Ader DH5FA, Birkenhang 26, D-42555 Velbert-Langenberg, Germany.

(Chg 3/2005)



General Requirements: All QSLs from members count for one point. Each member may only be contacted one time. Holders of DIG-trophy DIG plaques, and all DIG silent key members count 2 points.   QSLs from DIG club stations DL0DIG, DF0DIG, DK0DIG, OE1XDC and PI4DIG = 3 points each. Contacts with DIG special event stations (CR3DIG, DA0DIG, DF0DIG, DK0DIG, DL0DIG, DL0SDE, DL0XYL, HB9DIG, OE1XDC, OK5DIG, PI4DIG, 4X4DIG) count 3 points each. DIG members must have the DIG insignia printed on their QSLs or use a special stamp to identify themselves. Fee for each trophy (except Trophy 1000 which is free) is 15€  for DL, and $US28 or 20€ for all others.   Apply to: Hans-Peter Gunther DL9XW, Postfach 14 06, D-48504 Nordhorn, Germany. 

(Chg 8/2007)


Earn at least three different DIG-CW awards and earn 250 points with QSLs from DIG members. All bands, no time restrictions. CW only by both operators.


Earn at least three different DIG VHF/UHF diplomas and 250 points from DIG members. All contacts must have been made on the VHF/UHF bands by both operators.


Earn at least four different DIG-diplomas and 500 points with contacts with DIG-members.

DIG-Trophy 1000

Earn all DIG-diplomas in their highest class, the DIG Trophy and both DIG plaques. Possess QSLs from at least 1000 DIG members. There is no charge for this exclusive trophy.

DIG 30 Award

To celebrate their 30th anniversary, the DIG offers this award for contacting its members on or after Oct 10, 1999. At least 30 members have to be worked. On HF, no more than 3 members from the same DXCC entity should be counted. On VHF, only 3 members from each Maidenhead square (JO30, JO31, JN48....) May be counted. The award may be earned in SSB, CW or mixed modes. SWL OK. Apply to: Hubertus Golz DJ1HN, Doerpstroot 16, D-21709 Bossel, Germany.

(Chg 11/2008)

DL-Aktiv Diplom

Issued by DARC Ortsverband Ertingen, DOK P57 at occasion of peace since 1945, for contacts after 1 January 2002. SWL OK. You can work this award each calendar year. The goal of the award is to contact stations each having different digits in their DOK representing the number of elapsed years since 1945, i.e., during 2002 DOK all digits from 1 to 57; during 2003 DOK all digits from 1 to 58, etc. At least 5 stations with a higher number count as a Joker for a missing number (In 2003: > 58; 2004: > 59 etc). Each District ( VFDB with Z count also as a district), must be worked once with a maximum of 5 contacts per district. Special DOK's are not valid. All bands and modes except packet radio. If you apply for the award 5 years in a row, the fifth award is free of charge.  Cost of the award for DLs is 5€ + stamps 1.45€ = 6.45€, Europeans: 5€ + 2.50 stamps = 7.50€, $US10 and for all others 5€ + 4€ stamps = 9€ or $US12. Send GCR list and proper fee to: Michael Burgmaier, DH8BM, Heudorfer Str. 9, D-88521 Ertingen, Gemany.

Internet:   (Contains application for useful for each year.)

(The DARC is organized in 24 districts named by a letter from A to I and K to Y and a 2-digit-number. The letter Z is for the VFDB organisation and counts as a DARC district. Each district is divided into several local groups named with two numbers, f.e. local group Ertingen is P57, P stands for district Wuerttemberg, and therein it is the 57th local group. )

(Chg 8/2007)

DL Worked Flora & Fauna

The DARC e. V. Ortsverband Syke (DOK I25) issues this award to licensed radio amateurs and SWLs after January 1st 2009 under the following conditions: 

The applicant has to contact required numbers of German Nature Parks and Reserves with all contacts from the same DXCC-entity. All bands and modes. The Parks and Reserves must be shown on the official list as noted below. The DL FF-reference is equal to the WFF-reference and must be printed on the QSL-card.

The award is available in three classes:
Bronze/Bronce  for   8   DL FF
Silber/Silver  for  14   DL FF
Gold   for  20  DL FF

A missing contact with a national park or nature reserve can be substituted by using a contact with DFØWFF as a "Joker-point".  Stations activating a national park or a nature reserve must be located within its borders It is presupposed that the activator is following the rules of the area activated.  Stations activating an area according to the DL-FF-listing are allowed to apply for the award by using a log extract. Therefore a minimum of 50 contacts has to be made.  All bands or modes can be used except packet-radio and echo-link.   Endorsements available for a single band or mode.  Send GCR list and fee of $US10 or 7€ to Enrico Stumpf-Siering, DL2VFR, Hinter den Höfen 4, D-27305 Süstedt, Germany.


Tks PA3CUZ 11/2009 

DL FF Name des Nationalparks oder Reservates
DLFF-001 Nationalpark Bayrischer Wald
DLFF-002 Nationalpark Berchtesgadener Alpen
DLFF-003 Nationalpark Eifel
DLFF-004 Nationalpark Hainich
DLFF-005 Nationalpark und Biosphärenreservat Hamburger Wattenmeer
DLFF-006 Nationalpark Harz
DLFF-007 Nationalpark Jasmund
DLFF-008 Nationalpark Kellerwald-Edersee
DLFF-009 Nationalpark Unteres Odertal
DLFF-010 Nationalpark und Biosphärenreservat Niedersächsisches Wattenmeer
DLFF-011 Nationalpark Müritz
DLFF-012 Nationalpark Sächsische Schweiz
DLFF-013 Nationalpark und Biosphärenreservat Schleswig-Holsteinisches Wattenmeer
DLFF-014 Nationalpark Vorpommersche Boddenlandschaft
DLFF-023 Biosphärenreservat Berchtesgadener Alpen
DLFF-024 Biosphärenreservat Flusslandschaft Elbe
DLFF-025 Biosphärenreservat Oberlausitzer Heide- und Teichlandschaft
DLFF-026 Biosphärenreservat Pfälzerwald
DLFF-027 Biosphärenreservat Rhön
DLFF-028 Biosphärenreservat Schaalsee
DLFF-029 Biosphärenreservat Schorfheide-Chorin
DLFF-030 Biosphärenreservat Spreewald
DLFF-031 Biosphärenreservat Rügen
DLFF-032 Biosphärenreservat Vessertal-Thüringer Wald
DLFF-033 Biosphärenreservat Bliesgau
DLFF-034 Biosphärenreservat Schwäbische Alb
DLFF-035 Biosphärenreservat Karstlandschaft Südharz

DL-SP Award

Sponsored by DARC Brandenberg for both amateurs and SWLs.  Contact stations located along the German-Polish border after 1-1-94.  The name of the city or town must be clearly indicated on the QSL to be valid.  Each station may be worked on different band for extra points.  100 points are required for the award.  DL stations get 4 points for contacting a valid SP station and 3 points for a valid DL.  For SP stations, this is inverted.  Stations outside Poland and Germany earn 4 points for each valid station.  This award is not based on the DOK system or the Polish WOJ: it requires exact names of the respective cities.  All cities and towns along the river ODER and NEISSE which forms the natural border between DL and SP.  GCR list and fee of 5€  or $US7  to: Jurgen Greger DM4RM, Winsestrasse 4, D-15230 Frankfurt/Oder, Germany.  (Polish stations may contact SP3BLR to get a special arrangement in order to pay the fees in Polish Zlotys.


(Chg 5/2006)