(Updated 9/2008)

     --  REF Series  --

General Requirements: All awards are available for both amateur and SWL's. GCR list with statement from the applicant's national DX Award Manager that the QSLs are in the possession of the applicant.

Apply to:  REF-Union,  Service des Diplomes, 32 Rue de Suede, B.P. 77429, F-37074 Tours Cedex 2, France.

DDFM 16 IRC or 12.50€
7 IRC or 5€  for each endorsement.
5BDDFM 68 IRC or 46€ for nonmembers.
34 IRC or 23€ for REF members.
7 IRC or 5€ for each endorsement. 
DPF 16 IRC or 12.50€
5BDPF 68 IRC or 46€ for nonmembers. 
34 IRC or 23€ for REF members. 
7 IRC or 5€ for each endorsement.


8 IRC or 6.50€
10 IRC or 8€
12 IRC or 10€
16 IRC or 12€
  7 IRC or 5€ for each endorsement.
DUF Medal 24 IRC or  17€
5BDUF 68 IRC or 46€ for nonmembers..
34 IRC or 23€ for REF members. 


12 IRC or 10€
12 IRC or 10€
12 IRC or 10€
12 IRC or 10€
DTC Honor 68 IRC or 46€ for nonmembers.
34 IRC or 23€ for REF members.
FCW 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000. 12 IRC 
12 IRC 




16 IRC or 12.50€
7 IRC or 5€ for each endorsement - minimum 5.


DDF2000/DCMF 12 IRC or 10€
DTA 12 IRC or 10€
DDTOM 12 IRC or 10€


DEE 12 IRC or 10€
DFCF 16 IRC or 12.50€
YL REF 12 IRC or 10€
DMF 16 IRC or 12.50€


DDFM   Diplome des Departements Francais de la Metropole

Contact French Departments after 30 Jun 1957 and 1 January 1982 for the WARC bands. . SWL OK. Contacts on HF or VHF, CW, phone or other mode endorsements. 
French stations on HF, 50 departments are required; on VHF, 30 
All others 40 departments on HF and 20 on VHF. 
Endorsements each added 10 departments. 
A special sticker "EXCELLENCE" will be given for all 96 departments. No use of repeaters and satellite. All QSOs must have been made from the same QTH.  QSOs on 10 MHz valid only if made using CW mode. 


(Chg 9/08)

Number Department Province DPF   Number Department Province DPF
01 Ain Rhone-Alpes   49  Maine-Et-Loire Pays De Loire
02 Aisne Picardie   50  Manche Basse-Normandie
03 Allier Auvergne   51  Marne Champagne
04 Alpes Hante
Provence-Cote D'Azur   52  Marne (Haute) Champagne
05 Alpes Hautes Provence-Cote D'Azur   53  Mayenne Pays De Loire
06 Alpes Maritimes Provence-Code D'Azur   54  Meurthe-Et-Moselle Lorraine
07 Ardeche Rhone-Alpes   55  Meuse Lorraine
08 Ardennes Champagne   56  Morbihan Bretagne
09 Ariege Midi-Pyrenees   57  Moselle Lorraine
10 Aube Champagne   58  Nievre Bourgogne
11  Aude Languedoc-Rousillon   59  Nord Nord
12 Aveyron Midi-Pyrennes   60  Oise Picardie
13 Bouches-Du-Rhone Provence-Cote D'Azur   61  Orne Basse-Normandie
14  Calvados Basse Normandie   62  Pas-De-Calais Nord
15 Cantal Auvergne   63  Puy-De-Dome Auvergne
16 Charente Poitou-Charente   64  Pyrennes-Atlantique Aquitaine
17 Charente-Maritime Poitou-Charente   65  Pyrennes (Hantes) Midi-Pyrennes
18 Cher Centre   66  Pyrennes (Orientales) Languedoc-Rossillon
19 Correze Limousin   67  Bas-Rhin Alsace
2A Corse Sud Corse   68  Haut-Rhin Alsace
2B Corse (Haute) Corse   69  Rhone Rhone-Alpes
21 Cote D'Or Bourgogne   70  Saone (Haute) Franche-Comte
22 Cotes Du Nord Bretagne   71  Saone-Et-Loire Bourgogne
23 Creuse Limousin   72  Sarthe Pays De Loire
24 Dordogne Aquitaine   73  Savoie Rhone-Alpes
25 Doubs Franche-Comte   74  Haute-Savoie Rhone-Alpes
26 Drome Rhone-Alpes   75  Ville De Paris Ile-De-France
27 Eure  Haute Normandie   76  Seine-Maritine Haute-Normandie
28 Eure-Et-Loir Centre   77  Seine-Et-Marne Ile-De-France
29 Finistere Bretagne   78  Yvelines Ile-De-France
30 Gard Languedoc-Rossillon   79  Deux-Sevres Poitou-Charentes
31 Haute-Garonne Midi-Pyrenees   80  Somme Picardie
32 Gers Midi-Pyrenees   81  Tarn Midi-Pyrenees
33 Gironde Aquitaine   82  Tarn-Et-Garonne Midi-Pyrenees
34 Herault Languedoc-Roussillon   83  Var  Provence-Codel D'Azur
35 Ille-Et-Vilaine Bretagne   84  Vauclause Provence Cote D'Azur
36 Indre Centre  


Vendee Pays De Loire
37 Indre-Et-Loire Centre   86  Vienne Poitou-Charentes
38 Isere Rhone-Alpes   87  Haute-Vienne Limousin
39 Jura Franche-Comte   88  Vosges Lorraine
40 Landes Aquitaine   89  Yonne Bourgogne
41 Loire-Et-Cher Centre   90  Territoire De Belfort Franche-Comte
42 Loire Rhone-Alpes   91  Essonne Ile-De-France
43 Haute-Loire Auvergne   92  Hauts-De-Seine Ile-De-France
44 Loire-Atlantique Pays De Loire   93  Seine-Saint-Denis Ile-De-France
45 Loiret Centre   94  Val-De-Marne Ile-De-France
46 Lot Midi-Pyrenees   95 Val-D'Oise Ile-De-France
47 Lot-Et-Garoonne Aquitaine
48 Lozere Languedoc-Roussillon


5BDDFM - Diplome of the Departments France on 5 bands

Same general conditions as DDFM.
HF: 300 QSL cards from stations worked on 5 bands from 1.8 MHz to 30 MHz with at least 10 different departments per band needed.
VHF:  250 QSL cards on 5 bands starting from 30MHz with at least 5 different departments per band.
UHF: 200 QSL cards on 5 bands starting from 144 MHz with at least 10 different departments per band.
Endorsements for each additional 10 departments.  This award is in the form of a handsome plaque. 


(Rewrite 4/07)

DPF - Diplome of the Provinces of France

May be claimed for having contacted/heard French amateurs in different Provinces. CW or Phone or HF / VHF. On HF, 22 provinces are needed, on VHF, 16 are required. 
Contacts after 1 January 1951 except 1 January 1982 for WARC bands. All QSOs for French stations must have been made from the same province and all others must have been from the same country. QSOs on 10 MHz count only if made on CW. 


(Chg 4/07)

Number  Province Dept/Zip Code number
1 Alsace 67 68
2 Aquitaine  24 33 40 47 64
3 Auvergne 03 15 43 63
4 Basse-Normandie 14 50 61
5 Bourgogne 21 58 71 89
6 Bretagne  22 29 35 56
7 Centre 18 28 36 37 41 45
Champagne 08 10 51 52
9 Corse 2A 2B
10 Franche-Comte 25 39 70 90
11 Haute-Normandie 27 76
12 Languedoc-Roussilon 11 30 34 48 66
13 Limousin 19 23 87
14 Lorraine 54 55 57 88
15 Midi-Pyrenees 09 12 31 32 46 65 81 82
16 Nord 59 62
17 Pays-de-Loire 44 49 53 72 85
18 Picardie 02 60 80
19 Poitou-Charentes 16 17 79 86
20 Provence-Cote D'Az 04 05 06 13 83 84
21 Ile de France 75 77 78 91 92 93 94 95
22 Rhone-Alpes 01 07 26 38 42 69 73 74 


5BDPF - Diplome des Provinces of France on 5 Bands.

Same conditions as DPF 
HF: 22 different provinces per band using 5 bands between 1.8 MHz and 30 MHz for a total of 110 cards.
VHF: 16 different provinces per band using 5 bands starting at 30 MHz for a total of 80 cards. 
The award is a plaque. 

(Rewrite 4/2007)

DUF - Diplome de l'Univers Francophone

May be claimed for having contacted/heard and received QSLs from the DUF countries list:

DUF 1 - contact 5 different DUF countries in 3 continents
DUF2 - contact 8 different DUF countries in 4 continents.
DUF 3 - contact 10 different DUF countries in 5 continents.
DUF 4 - contact 20 different DUF countries in 6 continents.

(Chg 00)


01 France F

02 Corsica TK 03 Monaco 3A 04 Andorra C3


06 Algeria 7X (after 1 July 1962) 07 Tunisia 3V 08 Morrocco CN 09 Central African Republic TL (after 13 Aug 1960)

10 Congo TN (after 15 June 1960)

11 Ivory Coast TU (after 7 August 1960)

12 Benin TY (after 1 August 1960) 13 Gabon TR (after 17 August 1960)
14 Rep. of Guinea 3X (after 1 October 1958) 16 Mauritania TZ (after 20 June 1960) 17 Niger 5U (after 3 August 1960) 18 Senegal 6W (after 20 June 1960)
19 Chad TT (after 11 August 1960) 20 Cameroon TJ (after 1 January 1960) 21 Burkina Fasso XT (after 5 August 1960) 22 Togo TJ (after 1 January 1960)
23 Djibouti Rep. J2 24 Malagasy Rep. 5R (after 14 Oct 1958) 25 Mayotte FH (after 5 July 1975) 26 Comoros Rep. D6 (after 5 July 1975)
27 Reunion FR 28 Glorioso FR/G (after 25 June 1960) 29 Tromelin FR/T (after 25 June 1960) 30 Europa FR/E (after 1 August 1968)
31 Juan De Nova FR/J (after 25 June 1960)      

South America

32 French Guiana FY

North America

33 St. Pierre-Miquelon FP 34 Martinique FM 35 Guadeloupe FG/FS 36 Saint-Martin FG/FS
37 Saint-Barthelemy FG/ 38 Clipperton FO    


39 Vietnam XV

40 Cambodia XU

41 Laos Dem. Rep. XW


42 New Caledonia FK

43 Loyalty, Belep, Huon, Pins FK

44 Chesterfield, Walpole,Hunter, Mattew FK

45 Wallis FW

46 Futuna FW

47 Vanuatu Rep. YJ

48 Windward Group - Tahiti FO

49 Leeward Group - Uturea FO

50 Austral Group - Tubuai FO 51 Austral Group - Rapa FO 52 Marquesas FO 53 Gambier FO

54 Tuamutu FO


Australe and Antarctica

55 Adely Land FT.Y

56 Kerguelen FT.X 57 St. Paul Amsterdam FT.Z 58 Crozet FT.W

DUF and 5BDUF Deleted countries:

FF Austria FKS8 (before 1 Jan 1957)

Sarre 9S4 (before 1 Jan 1957)

French India FN (before 1 May 1960) Tanger CN2 (before 1 Nov 1956)
Comoros FH (before 5 July 1975) Sahara 7X (before 1 Jan 1982) Abu Ail (before 1 Jan 1982) Nossi-Be 5R (before 1 Jan 1982)
Sainte-Marie 5R (before 1 Jan 1982) French Army in Germany DA/DL (before 1 Jul 1999)    

The Five Bands DUF Award

This is the great French award, contacts starting since 1 Jan 1981. Same general conditions as for DUF, but using only 5 of the authorized HF bands selected as follows:

> 2 bands among group 1: 1.8 to 7mhz. (15 + 15 or more)

>3 bands among group 2: 10, 14, 18, 21, 14 and 28 mhz

(30 + 30 + 30 or more)

The claimant must submit proof of contacts with:

a. 15 DUF countries on 5 continents on the 2 bands of group 1.

b. 30 DUF countries on 6 continents on the 3 bands of group 2.

The 5BDUF uses the same countries list as DUF. This is a very beautiful personal plaque.

The DTC Award

Each application must be accompanied by GCR list certified by applicants National DX Award manager that the correct cards are in the possession of the applicant. Available to hams/SWL's in CW mode only.

Initial DTC Proof of 1000 CW QSO's
DTC 1 Star Proof of 3000 CW QSO's
DTC 2 Stars Proof of 5000 CW QSO's
DTC 3 Stars Proof of 10000 CW QSO's
DTC 4 Stars Proof of 15000 CW QSO's
DTC "Achievement" Proof of 20000 CW QSO's

FCW 500 Award - The French Amateur CW Award

Contact/(head) 500 different French Amateur Radio stations using CW mode only. Endorsements each additional 100 stations. FCW 1000 is considered exceptional performance. List cards alphabetically by prefix - do not send cards.

D.T.A. Award - Diplome des Terres Australes

Each claim must be accompanied by GCR list by applicants National DX Award Manager that the correct cards are in possession by the applicant.

FT/X - Kerguelen Island
FT/Z - St. Paul, New Amsterdam Island
FT/W - Crozet archipelago
FT/Y - Adelie land

DTA BASIC - contact with 3 of the above territories

DTA EXCELLENCE - contact with 4 of the above territories

Starting date: April 1946.

D.D.T.O.M. Award - Diplome des Departments et Territories d'Outre- Mer

Contact/(heard) and received QSL cards from Amateur Radio stations located in each of the following French Overseas Departments and Territories (a total of 9 QSLs)  starting 1 Jan 1982:

1. French Overseas Departments -

FM Martinique,
FG Guadeloupe (incl St-Martin, St-Barthelemy)
FY - French Guyana
FR - Reunion (incl Glorioso, Europa, Tromelin, Juan deNova)
FP - St. Pierre Miquelon

2. French Overseas Territories -

FK - New Caledonia (incl Chesterfield, Pins, Huon, Loyalty)
FH - Mayotte
FW - Wallis Futina
FO - French Polynesia (incl Marquesas, Gambier, Tuamutu, Clipperton, Leeward Group, Windward Group, Austral).

Manager's e-mail: 

(Chg 08)

D.I.F.M. - Diplome des Iles de la France Metropolitaine.

Available for amateurs and SWL's. Contact stations in 10 different islands or island groups since 1 Jan 1986. All contacts must be with land stations. No ship, anchored or otherwise or aircraft. No repeater QSO's. GCR list certified by awards manager of an IARU member soiety. Endorsements for each additional group of 5 islands/groups. List of islands for SASE/IRC from K1BV. (Chg 99)

D.E.E. Award - Diplome des Ecoutes Experimentales

A nice award particularly designed for the Shortwave Listener, but available to amateurs as well.

1. Licensed Amateurs need 50 SWL cards from 30 different French Departments and at least 20 different DXCC countries on 3 continents.

2. SWL's need 50 QSL cards from amateur radio station from 30 different French Departments and at least 20 different DXCC countries on 3 continents.

Starting date is 1 January 1960. GCR list except for French stations, who must send the QSLs.

YL's of France Award

May be claimed for having contacted/heard and received QSL/SWL cards from YL stations as follows:

Band Award Class Numbers of YLs needed: Number of "F" YLs needed: Different continents needed:
HF 1st 10 5 3
  2nd 50 5 5
  3rd 250 10 6
        DXCC Entities needed
VHF 1st 5 3 2
  2nd 8 4 4
  3rd 10 6 4
        DXCC Entities needed
50 Mhz 1st 8 5 3
  2nd 10 6 4
  3rd 12 7 5

For VHF operation and above, "continents" are replaced by DXCC countries. 

Sponsor e-mail: 

(Chg 4/08)

French Windmill Award

Contact stations located at different windmills in France. Starting date is July 1, 2000. Stations who activate windmills will give a reference number starting with the letters "DMF". This is the abbreviation of "Diplome Moulins de France". The following characters will be the number of the French Department. This number will be followed by an arbitrary activity number. A reference may look like DMF05.001, DMF01.008, DMF59.028 etc.

You need 30 different references for the basic HF award, endorsement stickers for each additional 50 references are available. An "Excellence" class will be available for anyone who has contacted references in all 90 French Departments, while a "Honour" plaque will be available for anyone who contacted 500 references. Any HAM who should want to activate windmills should contact the award manager prior to their activity as special requirements must be met in order to have the activity validated. Stations outside France send a GCR list and fee of 12.20€ or 16 IRC’s to Andre Delforge F5PEZ, 60 Rue du Portugal, F-62120 Aire sur la LYS,  France. French amateurs need to send actual cards with the application.

WWW: at

(Chg 4/2004)

French Cantons Award - DDCF

Sponsored by the French IARU society REF for working stations in different French cantons. France counts a total of 3,026 cantons. A complete list of cantons is available from the award manager. A special file, which facilitates your record keeping and application and includes all cantons, is available in Excel format.

Award Class


Base award

500 cantons

Endorsement Stickers

for each additional 500 cantons

DDCF Excellence

10 cantons in each of the 96 French departments

DDCF Honor

30 cantons in each of the 96 French departments

Only contacts after January 1st, 2003 are valid. The award can also be achieved by SWLs. French stations are required to send in the card. All others may use GCR procedures. Award fee is 12 Euro to: Pierre Peruchon (F2WS), 10 Route Auxerre, F-89110 Aillant sur Tholon, France.


Diplome des Forts et Chateaux de France (DFCF)

Work at least 30 (VHF 10) different castles after Jan 1, 1997. Stickers are available for each extra 100 castles worked. The DFCF Excellence is available when you contacted at least one fortress in each of the 96 French Departments. Honour roll is available when you worked 1,500 castles. SWL OK. Send GCR list + fee of  $12 to: REF-UNION, Service Demande de Diplτme, 32 rue de Suθde, B.P. 7429, F-37074 TOURS Cedex 2, FRANCE. 
    Endorsement Stickers are free and may be applied for at the following address: Lehembre Jean-Pierre, F6FNA, 8, rue de Verdun, F-77270 Villeparisis,  FRANCE. 
    On valid QSLs, you will encounter a reference such as DFCF 59001, DFCF 68018, etc ... the first two numbers indicate the French department while the last three carry the castle number.

Internet link:  
(French language site)

(Chg  1/2006)