Burton to 1066 Award

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(Updated 11/2008)

  --- Burton Amateur Radio Club Series ---

General Requirements: Available to all licensed Amateur Radio Operators or SWLs either by a contact or a heard SWL. Send contact / SWL data which must include date, time and call sign. The awards are free if requested by email and sent as a PDF file. If you want the award to be sent via regular mail, the cost will be 3. Fee may be less depending on your location. Send e-mail in advance to the address shown below for the exact fee and proper mailing address.

Apply via e-mail to: m3kpo@burtonarc.co.uk Or steve.warren@w3z.co.uk
Internet: http://www.burtonarc.co.uk/index.htm

                   International Pumping Stations Award.

To fulfill the requirement you need to get contact via QSO or hear 5 IPSA stations or more. Refer to the club website to see list of old pumping stations.

                   National Forest Award.

Earn 100 or more points for contact / SWL on or after 20 Dec 2007:

Point Values:
Any club special event Call Signs = 20 points for each contact.
Club Call G3NFC = 10 points for each contact.
Contest Call Sign = 10 points for each contact.
Any club member = 2 points for each member

For example: 2 x Special Event Club Call Signs, 1 x G3NFC Call Sign, 4 x Club Contest Call Signs and 5 Club Members and you qualify for the award.

1. You can only claim the points from a QSO/SWL from a club member once in a year. 2 points per member maximum (at the time of writing we have 17 members = 34 points max in any one year. Call sign Variance is allowed. For example 2E0KPO and 2W0KPO can count as two contacts.
2. You can only claim the points from a special event call sign once in a month or during the event.
3. There is no limit on the contest call sign points you can claim. i.e.. you can make several contacts during a single contest but they may not be a dupe/s. For example to qualify for multiple points in a contest we must be working multiple bands you may then you may contact us on each band and the points will count for each contact. You may not make multiple contacts on the same band unless the contest allows it.

Contest call signs are: G3NFC - G3NFC/P - M3X

Tks M3KPO 3/27/08

BYLARA Award Series      REWRITE 10/2007 

General Requirements:  Work YL stations and members of the British Young Ladies Amateur Association after 29 April 1979.  BYLARA members must give their member number.  SWL OK.  All bands and modes.  Each YL station can be worked only one time.  GCR list and fee of £1 to: Judith Brooks G4IAQ, 28 Avon Vale Road, Loughborough, Leicestershire LE11 2AA, England.  

E-mail: judith.brooks@ntlworld.com 


G and EU work 15 YLs to include at least 6 BYLARA YL members.  All others work at least 10 to include at least 5 BYLARA members. 

Advanced BYLARA Award

G and EU work 30 YLs to include at least 10 BYLARA YL members.  All others work at least 20 to include at least 6 BYLARA members.

Scottish BYLARA Award  

G and EU work 6 YLs to include at least 2 Scottish BYLARA YL members.  All others work at least 4 to include at least 2 Scottish BYLARA members. 

Castles and Stately Homes On The Air Award   (CASHOTA)

Contact 50 different registered castles and "stately homes" located in the United Kingdom on or after 5-22-2004. They will be identified by a three part reference number: two letters for the country of origin (i.e., GM), three figures for sequence number of listing (i.e., 003), and the letters C (for castle) or SH (for stately home). May be endorsed for mode or band upon request. No use of repeaters, satellites, packet, IRLP or Echo Link. SWL OK. GCR list must include usual QSO data and official reference number plus fee of 10E or £5. Apply to: Arthur Clark MM0DHQ, 17 Lewis Rise, Irvine, Ayrshire, KA11 1HH, England.

Activators: the operation must take place within a maximum distance of 500 meters from the building, a minimum of 50 contacts on HF (25 on VHF) must have been made during the activation, and a copy of the logs and picture of the station and castle submitted to sponsor within 2 months of the operation. Apply to sponsor for the reference number at least 10 days before the intended activity. Any castle not previously listed will be accepted on providing the exact geographical position, with a picture, if possible.

Internet: http://cashota.org/

Tks MM0DHQ 6/2004

Chelmsford Award

Sponsored by the Chelmsford ARS to commemorate the Centenary of Marconi’s first Trans-Atlantic Radio Transmission 12 December 1901.   Marconi’s first radio factory for the design and production of equipment was located in Chelmsford, England.

Using any of the suffix letters from a station’s call, spell the following term:  


Only one call sign may be used per letter, and a total of 30 calls will be required. One of the call signs used must be from a station located in Chelmsford UK postal district which is "CM".   (The "R" from G1QRT  could be used to represent the "R" in RADIO. 

Towns in the Chelmsford (CM) Postcode District include: Chelmsford, (CM1, 2 & 3), Ingatestone (CM4), Great Dunmow (CM6), Braintree (CM7), Witham (CM8), Maldon (CM9), Southminster (CM0), Harlow (CM20).

All bands and modes, no repeater contacts. Contacts must be on or after 12 December 2001. GCR list and fee of 10 IRC, $US10 or £6. Excess fees collected will be donated to the Essex Air Ambulance fund. Apply to Martyn Medcalf M3VAM/G1EFL, 47 Paddock Drive, Chelmsford  CM16UX, Essex, UK. 

E-mail: awards@g0mwt.org.uk

Website: http://www.g0mwt.org.uk/

(Chg 10/02)

Epping Forest award

Basic award is available when you earn at least 20 points from the table below. The "Silver Birch Award" may be claimed for 50 points, and the premier "English Oak Award" for 100 points.

Point values:
a. any LEFARS Special Event "GB" station = 5. 
(You may work different Special Event stations, but can claim only 5 points for each regardless of bands or modes used.
b. each LEFARS Club member's callsign = 3. (You may work the same station once each 24 hour period for credit.)

The cost for each award including postage within the UK is £3.50 for UK stations or €5, $US7 or 15 current issue IRCs for others.  Send a log extract listing the Call sign (SWL's must include both callsigns), Date, & Time of each QSO that you are claiming points for, to LEFARS Awards Manager: 26 Oak Tree Close, Loughton, Essex, England IG10 2RE.

Log extracts may be e-mailed to awards@lefars.org.uk for pre-checking prior to claiming the certificate.
Internet: http://www.lefars.org.uk/

Tks PA3CUZ 2/2007

Essex Windmill Award

Sponsored by the Havering and District Amateur Radio Club (G4HRC) which is generally active during the National Windmills on-the-Air weekend, which takes place in May. The club has been known to activate several windmills at the same time. Their award is available to all amateurs and SWLs.

1. Stations in the UK must work any two of the Windmills GB2ARW, GB2UW, GB5SW or GB0MW any band any mode.

2. For EU and the rest of the world working just one Windmill will qualify for the award...

Send a list of the contact/s and fee of UK £3.00 (EU 14 IRCs or 5E, rest of world 16 IRC or $US8) to Fred Curtis G3SVK, 32, Elgin Ave, Harold Park, Romford, Essex, RM3 0YT, England. UK.

DIG Diplombellage Seite 1729

European DX Net Helping Hands Award

Sponsored by the European DX Net, monies raised are used to provide help to amateurs anywhere in the world to support their activities. This net operates Monday - Friday on 14243 starting at 1500Z, Saturday 0600Z, though contacts do not have to be made on the net. All bands and modes. No time limitations. DXCC list OK. Contact number of countries as indicated:

 Class I 100         Class IV 250

Class II 150         Class V 300

Class III 200

GCR list OK. Fee for Eastern European and Russians is $US4 or 5 IRCs, all others $US8, £5 or 10 IRCs per class. Apply to Awards Manager, K. Frankcom G3OCA, 1 Chesterton Road, Spondon, Derby, England DE21 7EN. 

(TKS DL8OBC)(95)


General Requirements: SWL OK. Apply to Ivor Ireland G4BJQ, 118 Mytchett Road, Mytchett, Nr. Camberly, Surrey, England GU16 6ET. Fee is £1, $US1 or 8 IRC.

Blackwater Valley Award.

Contact stations in Berkshire, Hampshire (incl. Isle of Wight) and Surrey after 1-1-67. Available in 4 classes as shown below (Points Required).

Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4
Berkshire 5/2 10/4 20/10 40/15
Hampshire 10/5 20/10 40/20 80/30
Surrey 10/5 20/10 40/20 80/30
Totals: 25/12 50/24 100/50 200/75

First figure is requirement for European stations - second set is for all others. Point values: 1 point for each station in the specified counties. 5 points for any licensed member of F&DRS in their particilar county at time of contact. Double points for any IARS or CHC member. 15 points for Society call signs G4KDN, G4FRS, G6FRS, G1FRS, G0FRS.

G2DX Award

Awarded as a continuing tribute to Ken Alford G2DX, founder member of Farnborough Society and past VP of RSGB. Work 100 different countries outside of your own continent after 1 March 1986. The official RSGB countries list applies. All contacts must have been made from within your own continent. Endorsements available for single band, mode, QRP, etc. No band/mode constraints. (TKS BRS-47426)(90)

G8 Single Band Award

Work British stations on one band only in different counties and with different prefixes. One G8 2 or 3 letter call required. Classes: first number is counties, second is prefixes required:

A 10/6 B 20/12 C 30/18 D 40/24 E 50/30

F 60/36 G 70/42 H 78/48 I 90/48 J 128/48


General Requirements: These awards are for contacting a required number of Feld Hell Club members or for contacting club members in a certain geographic area using this specialized digital mode. All contact must be made on or after March 6, 2006, the date of the formation of the Feld Hell Club.(Except the DXCC Award)

The log that you turn in should include Date and time in GMT, Station's Call, Name, Frequency, FH Mode, and station's Feld Hell Number.Submit the application in E mail form, in increments of 25 members contacted (otherwise the first bar is for 25, second for 50 etc). No QSL cards are required, just a listing of the information from your log and sign the application. All FH numbers must be different. Please submit this list in order of FH numbers to make for easy recording and sorting. A certificate will be sent to you via e-mail with attached file for each bar award and is suitable for framing.

E-mail: awards@feldhellclub.org  (will be forwarded to Gary McKelvie G7USC, the awards manager.)

Internet: http://www.feldhellclub.org 

Tks KZ1Z 11/2006

          25 Bar Award.
For contacting 25 Feld Hell Club Members

          50 Bar Award
For contacting 50 Feld Hell Club Members

          75 Bar Award
For contacting 75 Feld Hell Club Members

          100, 125, 150 Bar Awards
For contacting 100, 125, 150 etc Feld Hell Club Members

          Friend in All States
Contacting a Feld Hell Club member in all 50 states of United States

          Friend in all Canadian Provinces
Contacting a Feld Hell Club member in every province of Canada.

          Friend in all Europe
Contacting a Feld Hell Club member in every European Country.

          A Friend In All DXCC Countries
Contact Feld Hell Club members or non -members in every country of the world in the mode of Feld Hell. (Use DXCC country list) This award is issued in increments of 25 and a separate bar award will be given for each increment. Follow the rules of the DXCC Award. Use the same date for beginning the award as the DXCC allows. This is the only award of the series that deviates from beginning date and non-member. This is to help members who were using Feld Hell long before the Feld Hell Club was started and give them a chance to use prior QSO's which they worked hard to obtain for an award.


The International Association of the Railway Radio Amateurs (F.I.R.A.C.) issues this award to all radio amateurs and SWL's on HF for earning at least 100 points for contacts with members of at least 10 different FIRAC groups, or on VHF at least 25 points for contacts with members of at least 3 different FIRAC groups.

At present there are the following national FIRAC groups: DL, F, G, HA, HB, I, LA, LX, LZ, OE, OH, OK/OM, ON, OZ, SM, SP, S5, YO, YU, Z3. MC: 4L, 4x, CT, ES, PA, Russia (RK, RW, UA), TA, Ukraine (UB, UR, US, UT, UX) USA(AB, K, N, W)VK, VU.

Each contact with a member = 2 points. Contacts with FIRAC club stations = five points, contacts with MC members count 10 points.

Valid member stations may only be worked once per band. Contacts by repeater or internet - for example Echolink - do not count for awards purposes. The award application sheet may be downloaded from the FIRAC homepage: http://www.firac.de   Send a log extract and fee of 5€ to the award manager: Geoff SIMS G4GNQ, 85 Surrey Street GLOSSOP SK13 7AJ , Derbyshire, ENGLAND.

E-mail: g4gnq@hotmail.co.uk

FISTS Award Series - Refer to USA 2 file.


This Award is available for Contacts with either 'GBØANT' or 'GB4IPY' via their Sponsor, MØOXO and is available at three levels:
a. Level one - Bronze Award       (Certificate - 4 Contacts)
b. Level two - Silver Award       (Medallion - 8 Contacts) and
c. Level three - Gold award       (Trophy - 12 Contacts)

Level One - Bronze Award: 4 Contacts to be made (verified on application) with either 'GBØANT' or 'GB4IPY' since January 2005. All Bands and Modes are OK but no Repeaters. Awards are good for SWL too. Qsl Cards NOT required.
Level Two - Silver Award
: 8 Contacts to be made with either 'GBØANT' or 'GB4IPY'.
Level Three - Gold Award
: 12 Contacts to be made with either 'GBØANT' or 'GB4IPY'.

Bands available : 10, 12, 15, 17, 20, 30, 40 & 80m. Modes available : SSB, CW & PSK31.  Each Station may be worked only once per band per mode.  The Home Call of the Operators 'MØOXO' or 'G4RCG' can be used as the 'Jolly' or 'Joker' station in order to replace any ONE station in any band, any Mode. The 'Joker' can be used ONCE only in each of the three levels of Award. Qsl Cards are NOT required.

Fee for Bronze award is $US10, €8 (Euro) or £5 (GBP) to :- Awards Manager Charles R. Wilmott MØOXO, 60 Church Hill, Royston, Barnsley, South Yorkshire, ENGLAND S71 4NG.
For the Silver award, fee is $16 (Green Stamps) or €11 (Euro) or £8.00.
For the Gold award, fee is $30 (Green Stamps) or €22 (Euro) or £15.

E-mail : charlie.debbie@btinternet.com or http://charlesm0oxo.piczo.com/

You should specify the exact name you wish on the award or trophy. The Callsign 'GB4IPY' is only available until the end of 'International Polar Year' IN 2009. The Award will then only be available by working 'GBØANT' or 'MØOXO' as detailed above......

Tks PA3CUZ 9/2007

Gemini Award

Work stations in each of two separate countries/counties/states of the same name i.e. Birmingham _ England + Birmingham _ Alabama

100 pairs for Gold Award, 75 pairs for Silver, 50 pairs for Bronze, 25 pairs for the basic award. If you want a really difficult challenge try the same as above but YL only. The certificates may be endorsed, per band, per mode etc upon request. Signed log extracts plus $5 or 5 IRC's to Roger QUAINTANCE, G0DIZ, 18 QUEENS AVENUE, ILFRACOMBE, N. Devon, England. EX34_9LN.

Tks W7AVA 3/2001

Geopark Certificate

For amateur radio stations/SWL' s around the world who contact/hear Geopark stations, the English Riviera Geopark is offering a special commemorative European Geoparks Network radio amateur certificate for contacts with GB6GEO ( an instant qualifier), or two Geopark stations excluding GB6GEO.  (SWL OK)  This certificate, is endorsed by our Queens husband H.R.H The Duke of Edinburgh, with his own words congratulating the holder. Certificates will cost UK £2.20 each, Europe €3 and Rest of the world USD5.

Alternatively certificate holders to be the first in their country to claim the certificate will have an 'FC' suffix following the certificate number. This denotes the first person in their country to claim the 'Geoparks' award. These certificate holders will be worth one point towards the basic certificate, and two holders are required to claim the award, or work any five (5) non first country certificate holders to claim it.

Other call signs include M6PHD, G7URW, G6CLD, 2E0TAD, G3LQX, M0XLT, G3LHJ, G3PVB, G1FON, G4VUD, 2E0PDL, G7JHE, G3BIT, M1AEI, G3GHS, G0KEK, G3SNU, 2E0JWJ, DJ6WX, 2E0TAG, 2E0GHR, G4VFG, G3SVK, G3JSR, G4VTO, G3NJA/A, 2E0TQR, and M0HEM. (any five of these call signs woked/heard will enable you to claim the certificate) Many of these certificate holders can be found in the Torbay Amateur Radio Society LF/HF/VHF nets, details from the website www.tars.org. uk 

Send log extract only  and fee of  UK £2.20, Europe €3 and all others $US5.to Martin Foster G3VOF, 1, Clavering Court, Lincombe Drive, Torquay, Torbay, South Devon, TQ1 2HH., England - U.K.

Tks Ham Awards Reflector/G3VOF 8/09

GFF Award

Work a total of 21 WFF (Nature Parks and Reservations) stations as follows:

1. 6 of these must be GFF (UK) stations and one of them must be either MØOXO, MCØSHL or GBØWFF. If you use MØOXO as the choice it can also include MWØOXO, MMØOXO, MJØOXO callsigns and the contact must be at a WFF location.  'GFF Stations' include G, GM, GD, GI, GJ etc. or any of their Territories),
2. 15 other 'WFF' Stations anywhere in the World.

Cards are not needed, but all of the contacts will be verified in the log search program of: http://www.ew4dx.org/WFFsearch.html .  Send GCR list of all contact data plus award fee of: £11.00 GBP, 10 *new* IRC's, $US20.00 or  14€. Send the GCR List and above fee to Charles R. Wilmott, 60 Church Hill, Royston, Barnsley, South Yorkshire, ENGLAND S71 4NG.  Award applications may also be sent via email. Send GCR list via email to m0oxo@mc0shl.com and payment via Paypal. The address for Paypal is same as email address below.

E-mail: charlie.debbie@btinternet.com 
Internet: http://www.charlesm0oxo.piczo.com/gflorafaunaaward?cr=2

Tks OH3GZ 8/09

Hearts of Oak Award

The Royal Naval (Ulster) ARC sponsors this award which requires 10 QSO's with RNARS members, three of which much be with committee members of RNUARC. Their club call is GI0URN and the committee members calls are GI4XFR, MI0CTA, GI3XHL, GI4CUV and GI3OBO. All modes and bands or mixed, but only one contact per band. SWL OK. GCR list and fee of £2 or 15 IRCs. Contacts from 15 June 1993 are valid. Apply to William McVeigh, 27 Bloomfield Road, Belfast, Northern Ireland. 

E-mail: gi4xfr.dave@ntlworld.com 

(Chg 11/2005)

Horndean & District ARC Award

The award is available to all licenced amateurs and SWL's. Contact different Horndean & District A.R.C. (HDARC) members. on or after 1 January 1981.   All bands and modes.  

The award is available in three classes with requirements as follows: 

1. HF AWARD  - Ten points required. Each contact with a club member is worth one point. Working/hearing the club callsign G4FBS, or any special event callsign operated by HDARC is worth two points.

2. VHF AWARD  -  Fifteen points required. Each contact with a club member is worth one point. Working/hearing the club callsigns G4FBS, G6RST, or any special callsign operated by HDARC counts two points.

3. DATA AWARD (same requirements as for VHF AWARD)

The fee for the award is £5.00 or 8 Euros.  It is free of charge to club members. .Send GCR list and fee to: Mr R. Evans GØRPX, 426 Hawthorn Crescent, , Cosham, Portsmouth, PO6 2TX, England. 

E-mail: g0fyx@msn.com 
Internet site (including list of members): http://www.hdarc.co.uk 

Rewrite per info provided February 2007 by G0FYX

Isle of Wight County Award

Sponsored by the Brickfields ARS for contacts with Isle of Wight stations on or after 1 Jan 1985. SWL OK. The HQ stations noted below are G0BAR and GX0BAR.

HF - contact 5 on the isle plus 1 with the headquarters of the BARS.
VHF/UHF - contact 10 plus 1 with the headquarters of the BARS.
PACKET - as above appropriate to band.

Certificate features hand tinted coat of arms and description of heraldic devices. GCR list and fee of UK£3.25 or $US5 to: Awards Manager, Brickfields ARS, Newnham Road, Binstead, Ryde, Isle of Wight, England PO33 3TH. 

Internet: http://www.b-a-r-s.org.uk/page6.html 

(Chg 8/07)

Lincoln Century Award

Contact cities and counties named "Lincoln" throughout the world. Class E requires 100 points, D = 200, C = 300, B = 400 and A = 500.

Point values: Lincoln Short Wave Club stations G5FZ or G6COL = 30 pts

Any station in city of Lincoln, England or any other town or city with the name of Lincoln = 20 points. Any station in the county of Lincolnshire, England or in any Lincoln County of the USA = 10 points.

SWL OK. No use of satellites or repeaters. All bands and modes. GCR list and fee of £1 or 5 IRCs to: The Secretary, Lincoln Short Wave Club, Pinchbeck Farmhouse, Mill Lane, Sturton by Stow, Lincoln, UK LN1 2AS. 

(Tks G4UZN)(01)

Lincolnshire Award

Sponsored by the Thorpe Camp Museum Radio Station and available to all amateurs.  Submit a log extract showing contacts made from the county of Lincolnshire as follows:                     
     Lincolnshire - 15 contacts. 
     England - 10 contacts.
     All others - 5 contacts. 
All contacts will have had to be made via radio, and not Internet modes.  No date limitation. No cards needed, just a log extract showing call, date, band, mode and reports.   Send the list plus fee of £5, $US10 or 10€.  (Any excess monies collected will be donated to the Thorpe Camp Radio Museum Station and the National Youthbike Project.)  Apply to: Tony Nightingale G3ZPU, 42 Spilsby Road, Horncastle, Lincolnshire, England  LN9 6AW.  (If paying by cheque, make sure it should be made out to A.E.Nightingale)

E-mail: tony@radioman.e7even.com or g3zpu@hotmail.com 

Tks G3ZPU 10/05

(Note: while the cost of the award is somewhat high, the sponsor intends donate any excess proceeds to a charity.  From the sample certificate received here, it is definitely a handsome work of art - one of the nicest ones I've seen for a long time!  ----- Ted K1BV)

Worked Liverpool Award (WLA)

Contact Liverpool stations - they must have a Liverpool Postal Code to qualify. British stations need 20, other Europeans need 15, rest of world need 10. Any band or modes may be used. SWL OK. GCR list and fee of £5 or 10 IRCs to: Bert Donn G3XSN, 7 Thurne Way, Liverpool L25 4SQ, England.

(Chg 2/07)

Rabbit Award

I am told that "Rabbit" is slang for talking for a long time, similar to the better known "Rag-Chew" or "Rattle". To earn this award, make one (hopefully more) QSO of at least 15 minutes duration with another amateur. Hello and good-bye contacts are too common today, and the sponsor wishes to encourage the opposite. Any band or mode will do the trick. GCR and fee of £2, $US5 or 10 IRCs to: Roger Betts G0TRB, 15 Cleasby, Tamworth, Staffs, England B77 4JL.

(TKS G0TRB)(95)

RAFARS Award         Rewritten 10/2007

Work 10 RAFARS club stations after 1 Jan 1992.  SWL OK.  RAFARS Affiliated Club Stations (where a club station has more than one call sign, e.g. G8FC/G4CES, then only one of these may be claimed.  RAFARS "Voice on the Air" G8FC and G8RAF (both may be claimed).  RAFARS Council - G3RAF (can only be claimed once).  RAFARS Special Event call signs, ending in either RAF or RFC; up to three special events can be claimed.  Contacts via repeaters or satellites will not count towards the award.  Send GCR list plus the RAFARS number of each station worked, a fee of £1.50 for the UK and all others 10 IRCs, plus an included mailing sticker containing your address to: Award Manager RAFARS, Andrew Humphriss M3NDZ, 44 Bishops Close, Stratford upon Avon, CV379ED, England. 

E-mail: andrewhumphriss@tinyworld.co.uk
Internet: http://come.to/rafars 

RAOTA Certificate

Sponsored by the Radio Amateur Old Timers Association (England) for contacting 50 members of this organization.  Separate certificates available for 75 or 100 contacts.  Award is free to members upon submission of log showing callsigns, QSO dates, Signal Reports and Membership Numbers exchanged.   No date limitations.  All bands and modes may be used.  Members may be contacted only one time.  Available to non-members, but the application should be countersigned by a RAOTA member and a fee of £2 should be provided.  (A free award, supplied to you in a PDF file via e-mail, if you wish).  Apply to  E.H.Prince G3KPU , "Cubert", Bawtry Road, Hatfield Woodhouse, Doncaster, South Yorks, DN7 6P

Internet: http://www.raota.org/awards.htm   (Includes member list). 

Tks F5NQL 8/2006

Royal Navy Amateur Radio Society (RNARS) Program

General Requirements: GCR accepted. Fee for each of the awards is as follows: UK £2, EU £2.50/$US4 or 5 IRC and all others: £3.50, $US7 or 10 IRCs. .A list of current members is available from sponsor for £1.00 UK or £1.50/$US3 or 5 IRCs for overseas.  When sending IRC’s, only the new style IRC is now acceptable for RNARS Awards, old style ones will be returned.The society has over 1000 members worldwide. Apply to: RNARS Award Manager, Glynn Burhouse G4MVA, 40 High Park, Hawarden, Flintshire, Wales, UK CH5 3EF. 

Internet: http://www.rnars.org.uk 

(Chg 10/2006)

Hampshire County Award - Available for contacting/hearing  any amateur stations in the county of Hampshire (note that Isle of Wight is a separate county and cannot be used) on or after 1 October 1960. Each Hampshire station counts one point and each RNARS special station operated within the county counts two points. Issued in three classes:

Class One 50 points 20 points  15 points
Class Two 30 points 15 points 10 points
Class Three 20 points 10 points 5 points


International Navy Award

Work or Hear RNARS members plus specified numbers of other Amateur Radio Naval organizations of other countries as shown in the table.  Contacts must be on or after 1 January 2004. 

  RNARS Members MF Runde Members INORC Members MARAC members ANARS, BMARS, FNARS, YO-MARC or MFCA members
Class One 10 10 3 1 1
Class Two 5 5 1 0 1
Class Three
(stations outside
Europe only)
3 3 1 0 1

Clubs are:

RNARS = Royal Naval Amateur Radio Society
MF Runde = German Naval MarineFunker Club
BMARS = Belgian Marine ARS
ANARS = Australian Naval ARS
FNARS = Finnish Naval ARS
MARAC = Marine Amateur Radio Club - Netherlands
YO-MARC = Romanian Marine ARC
MFCA = Marine Funk Club Austria
OZ1RDN = Danish Ship Peder Skram


Kaleidoscope Award - Spell the words ROYAL NAVAL AMATEUR RADIO SOCIETY using the last letter of the RNARS members call signs (a total of 29 contacts), no more than one member may count for any single letter. All contacts after 1 Jan 1986 are valid.

i.e. G4JB R





Mercury Award - Contact/hear members of RNARS on or after October 1 1960. One point per member per band worked/heard, two points per band for RNARS special stations (i.e. GB2RN, GB3RN, GB2PLY, etc.) and double points for stations above 30 MHz. 

Available in 3 classes:

Class One - 20 points required (basic minimum for UK stations).
Class Two - 10 points required (basic minimum for EU stations).
Class Three - 5 points required (only available for outside EU).

Stickers available in increments of 10 points up to 100 points, and thereafter for 150, 200, 250, 500, 750 and 1000 points. Charge for stickers is a reply paid envelope for UK stations and 1 IRC for overseas applicants together with a return envelope. Supply membership numbers if known.

H.M.S. Plymouth Award   Contact members of the HMS Plymouth Group after 1 Jan 2001.  UK applicants need to earn 25 points, Europeans need 10 and all others 5.   One point per member per band worked or heard.  SWL OK.  Contacts on VHF/UHF count for double their usual value.  List of members is found on their Internet site.  site.  Applications may be sent to the RNARS address, but the fee for this award is: £1.50 for UK, 5€ or 7 IRC for Europeans and $US8 or 8 IRC for all others.

Internet: http://www.mars.org.uk/awards.html 

(Chg 11/2005)

World Wide Award - Contact/hear RNARS members in 10 DXCC countries and on 2 continents on or after 1 October 1960. A member signing /MMcan be claimed if close to the shores of a missing continent but does not count for a missing country. Stickers available for 25, 50, 75 and 100 countries and 3, 4, 5, and 6 continents and cost a reply paid envelope for UK applicants, 1 IRC plus return envelope for overseas applicants.


Sponsored by the London (HMS Belfast) Group RNARS.  SWL OK. 
     On HF, you must contact 10 RNARS members of whom 4 must be members of the London Group.
     On VHF, you should contact 5 RNARS members of whom 2 must be members of the London Group.
HMS Belfast's call sign GB2RN and the two club calls G4HMS and G7HMS count as London Group contacts.  Endorsements available for 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 and 100 costing 50 pence UK or $US1 for all stations.  If you apply for two endorsements, the fee is for the single sticker.  Any mode or band or mixed contact counts, but only one time per mode per band.  (CW and SSB counts as two contacts if made on 2 bands. )  GCR list should include the member numbers (RNARS and London Group) and fee of £2.50, $US5 for EU stations and $US10 outside EU to:  Tom Taylor (G0PSE),  19 DERWENT GROVE, TAUNTON, SOMERSET TA1 2NJ, ENGLAND. 

E-mail: thomas.taylor19@btinternet.com.uk  

RNARS frequencies: 
HF CW 1824  3520  7020  10118  14052  18087  21052  24897  28052
HF SSB: 1965  3666  3740  7055  14294  14225  18150  21360  28933.

(Manager changed 6/07)


Sherwood Forest Award

Contact stations in the county of Nottinghamshire. No time, band or mode limitations. 30 points must be earned as follows: Mansfield ARS Club Station G3GQC = 5 points, Any members of Mansfield ARS = 2, Any station in Nottinghamshire County = 1. Only one contact per station is allowed. Member list available from sponsor for SAE/IRC. SWL OK. GCR list and fee of £2.00, $US4 or 7 IRCs to: Richard Felds M5DLA, 93 Bancroft Lane, Mansfield,Nottinghamshire, England NG18 5LL. 


 (Chg 2/2007)

South Holland Award

Sponsored by the Spalding and District Amateur Radio Society. Earn 100 points by working or hearing stations in South Holland area of Lincolnshire or the club call signs as follows:

Point Values:
G400 = 40 points
G1DSP = 25 points
G4DSP = 25 points
Any club member (anywhere in the world) = 2 points
Any station located within South Holland = 1 point

South Holland is the area served by the South Holland District Council - the same area as the WAB rateable district of South Holland. G1DSP and G4DSP are both regularly on HF and VHF. G400 is used for special club events.

SDARS (Club Station), Castle Swimming Pool, Pinchbeck Road, SPALDING, LINCS, UK

Send GCR list and fee of £3.50, 5€ or $US5 to Pete Leng G0SVO, Rabbit Hill Cottage, Boston Road, Gosberton, Spalding, Lincolnshire, PE11 4NU, UK. 

E-mail: secretary@sdars.org.uk
Internet: http://www.sdars.org.uk

     Summits on the Air Series —

Summits on the Air (SOTA) is an award program for radio amateurs and SWLs that encourages portable operation in mountainous areas. SOTA has been designed to make participation possible for everyone - this is not just for mountaineers! There are awards for activators (those who ascend to the summits) and chasers (who either operate from home, a local hilltop or are even Activators on other summits).

The Association Reference Manuals contain a list of qualifying summits, together with their locations. Each summit earns the activators and chasers a score which is related to the height of the summit. Certificates are available for various scores, leading to the prestigious "Mountain Goat" and "Shack Sloth" plaques. An Honour Roll for Activators and Chasers is maintained at the SOTA online database.

Association manuals and rules may be downloaded in PDF format from: Http://www.sota.org.uk/docs.htm

Activators need a radio station that is portable - operation from cars is not allowed. All bands and modes can be used - a 2m FM handy is ideal for a start. Chasers simply need a normal home station. Visit our Joining In page http://www.sota.org.uk/howto.htm for details of how to join the SOTA community and keep abreast of summit expeditions and other vital information.

The group has prepared mountain data in certain locations only at this time:

EUROPE:   United Kingdom (G, GD, GI, GM, GW), Ireland, Germany, Austria, Greece, Hungary, Switzerland

AFRICA:   South Africa

Please visit the website for complete details and listings of summits. They maintain other sub-WEBs for database and keeping track of expeditions:

Internet: http://www.sota.org.uk/
Database: http://database.sota.org.uk
SOTAwatch: http://sotawatch.sota.org.uk

Tks PA3CUZ 2/2006

Torbay Amateur Radio Society Award (TARS)

Earn 30 points by contacting members of the Torbay ARS. Each contact with a member = 2 points, and club stations G3NJA, G8NJA, GX3NJA, GB2NJA, GB5OTR or G3T = 10 points. May be endorsed for single or mixed bands, or all single mode of FM, SSB, CW, RTTY, all QRP or Mobile. Endorsements for each additional 10 members contacted. Member list available from sponsor for SASE. Log extract must contain call sign, date, time, band, mode and power if QRP endorsement is sought. Send list and fee of £1 or 3 IRC (SAE for endorsement stickers) to Derrick Webber G3LHJ, 43 Lime Tree Walk, Newton Abbot , Devon,TQ12 4LF England.

Tks SM6DEC 1/2007

World Association of Christian Radio Amateurs & Listeners Series (WACRAL)

General Requirements: WACRAL Awards are available amateurs and SWLs for contacting (hearing) members of the organization. To apply, send a numerically numbered list of contacts including the date, call sign and WACRAL membership number or by exchanging QSL Cards. Application Forms for WACRAL Awards may be requested by e-mail. Fees: UK applicants should send four second class stamps. For overseas applicants, four IRCs. Send list and fee to: WACRAL Awards Manager, Howard M0CIW QTHR. (I have asked for correct address. K1BV 1-11-08)

E-mail: m0ciw@wacral.org
Internet: http://www.wacral.org


Work the number of members as required for each level.

Award Levels

UK and Ireland

Other Europe

Rest of World


















































     WACRAL Members Countries
Available at the Bronze, Silver and Gold levels. Contact 8, 12 or 18 stations in different countries operated by WACRAL members.

    Heavenly Pilot Award
Contact 5 stations operated by WACRAL members who are full-time Ministers, Pastors, Officers in the Church Army or Officers in the Salvation Army.

     Special Event Station Awards
Contact 6 Special Event Stations operated by WACRAL members. GX3NJB and MX1CRA may only be used once.

K1BV Research 1/10/08

West Kent Amateur Radio Society Award

Contact members of the WKARS and other stations in the county of Kent. All stations need to earn 15 points. Point values are: Past or present member of WKARS = 3 Club station G3WKS, G1WKS GX3WKS or GB#WKS = 5, Others in Kent County = 1. Endorsement for CW, Phone or mixed; either HF or VHF. SWL OK. Available HF, VHF, Mixed, QRP (15w max.), QRPP (3w Max or Satellite. Mobiles do not count, though portables are valid. GCR list and 2 IRC (band or mode stickers also 2 IRC)  or £1 to: Alexander Korda G4FDC, 5 Windmill Court, "North Street", Tunbridge Wells, TN2 4SU, England.


(Chg 2/07)

Worthing and District ARC Award

Contact 5 members of WADARC club using any band or mode. SWL OK. The award is free of charge. GCR plus a copy of your QSL to: Chris Delhaye G3NDJ, 35 Cokeham Lane, Sompting, West Sussex BN15 9UP, England. 

(Chg 2/2007)