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(Updated 11/2007)

 -- Radio Society of Great Britain Series --

General Requirements: Fee for each award is £3, 9 IRCs or $US6. Cards must be submitted in accordance with the award claimed. If cards are sent, sufficient postage must be provided for their return. Endorsements available for all phone, all cw and/or single band accomplishments.

Special applications needed for CCC, 5BCCC, WITUZ and 5BWITUZ. Any single one for SASE from K1BV, entire info packet costs £1.50, $US3 or 5 IRCs to RSGB sponsor. For information on individual awards, please send SAE and return postage. (CHG 00)

For all awards except IOTA, apply to Awards Manager, John Dunnington G3LZQ, PO Box 36, Brough HU15 2WX, East Yorkshire, England.  

(CHG 04)

Internet: http://www.rsgb-hfc.org.uk   (follow links to HF/LF awards)

E-Mail: hfawards@rsgb.org.uk or g3lzq@john-dunnington.freeserve.co.uk 

Commonwealth Century Club (CCC)

May be claimed by any licensed amateur who can provide evidence of having contacted since 15 Nov 1945, amateurs in at least 100 Commonwealth call areas on the list current at time of application. An amateur providing evidence of having contacted ALL the Commonwealth call areas on the list current at time of application may claim the Supreme Plaque in recognition of the magnitude of the achievement.

Notes: Credit for South Georgia and South Sandwich will be given only for stations using the VP8 call sign. Credit for Antarctica, South Orkney, Spratley and South Shetland Is will be given only for stations using a call issued by a Commonwealth government.
(CHG 10/2001)

5 Band Commonwealth Century Club (5BCCC)

Available in 5 classes, this award may be claimed by any licensed amateur who can produce evidence of having contacted since 15 Nov 1945, with stations located in call areas listed using the 5 HF bands. Each station should be located in a different call area per band. The 5 classes as follows:

5BCCC Supreme 500 stations
5BCCC, Class 1 450 stations
5BCCC, Class 2 400 stations with min of 50 per band.
5BCCC, Class 3 300 stations with min of 40 per band.
5BCCC, Class 4 150 stations, with min of 30 per band.

Winners of Supreme and Class 1 will be eligible to claim a plaque.
Note: on 10 MHz, credit will only be given for contacts on CW. 

TOP Band Endorsement: A holder of the basic award who can produce evidence of contact with the required number of call areas on the 1.8 MHz band may claim a Top Band "sticker" endorsement.  This is available in 5 classes for 30, 40, 50, 60 and 70 call areas. 

WARC Bands Endorsement: A holder of the basic award who can provide evidence of contact with the required number of call areas on the 10, 18 land 24 MHz bands may claim a WARC Band sticker endorsement. It is available in 5 classes as follows:

5BCCC (WARC) Supreme 300 call areas.
5BCCC (WARC), Class 1 275 call areas.
5BCCC (WARC), Class 2 250 call areas - min 50/band
5BCCC (WARC), Class 3 200 call areas - min 40/band
5BCCC (WARC, Class 4 150 call areas - min 30/band

Note: on 10MHz, credit will only be given for contacts on CW and data.

(Chg 10-01)

Worked All Continents (WAC)

Available to any licensed UK, Channel Islands or Isle of Man amateur who is a member of the RSGB and can produce evidence of having contacted stations in each of the six continents: North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Asia and Oceania. Cards are required to be submitted. All contacts must be made from the same  country or separate territory within the same continent. Various endorsements, including an "all 1.8 Mhz" are available. In addition, both a 5 and 6 band WAC may be claimed, but the confirmed contacts in each case must have taken place since 1 Jan 1974. 
(Chg 10/05)

IARU Region I Award

Contact the required number of stations in countries whose national societies are members of the Region I Division of the IARU. This award may be endorsed for a single mode or band including 2 or 6 meters, or for contacts made by satellite.The 3 classes are:

Class 1 All member countries on the current list.
Class 2 60 member countries.
Class 3 40 member countries. (CHG 97)

 A special version of the award is available, in the same 3 classes for confirmed contacts on the 28 MHz band since 1 July 1983. 

Members of IARU Region I are:

3A Monaco 
A7 Qatar
HB0 Liechtenstein 
SU Egypt
3B Mauritius
A9 Bahrain 
I Italy incl. IS0 
SV Greece
3DA Swaziland
C3 Andorra 
J2 Djibouti
T7 San Marino 
3V Tunisia
C5 Gambia 
JT Mongolia  
T9 Bosnia 
4L Georgia
C9 Mozambique
JY Jordan 
TA Turkey 
4X Israel
CN Morocco
LA Norway
TF Iceland
5B Cyprus 
CT Portugal incl CU and CT3
LX Luxembourg 
TR Gabon 
5H Tanzania
DL Germany
LY Lithuania
TU Ivory Coast
5N Nigeria 
EA Spain 
LZ Bulgaria
TZ Mali
5X Uganda 
EI Ireland 
OD Lebanon
UR Ukraine
5Z Kenya 
EK Armenia
OE Austria 
V5 Namibia
6W Senegal
EL Liberia
OH Finland incl. OH0 and OJ0
XT Burkina Faso 
7P Lesotho 
ER Moldavia
OK Czech Republic
YI Iraq  
7X Algeria
ES Estonia 
OM Slovakia 
YK Syria 
9A Croatia
ET Ethiopia
ON Belgium
YL Latvia  
9G Ghana
EU Belarus
OY Faroe Isl. 
YO Romania 
9H Malta
EY Tadjikstan 
OZ Denmark 
YU Yugoslavia
9J Zambia 
EZ Turkmenistan
PA Netherlands
Z2 Zimbabwe  
9K Kuwait
F France incl TK
R Russian Federation
Z3 Macedonia
9L Sierra Leone
G UK including GI  GJ GM GU GW
S5 Slovenia
ZA Albania 
A2 Botswana
HA Hungary 
SM Sweden 
ZB2 Gibraltar 
A4 Oman 
HB9 Switzerland
SP Poland 
ZS South Africa

(Chg 1/2004)

Worked ITU Zones (WITUZ)

May be claimed by any station who can provide evidence of having contacted since 15 Nov 1945, stations in at least 70 of the 75 zones as 
defined by the ITU. Optional plaque available.  Special plaque available for proof of contact with all 75 zones. (Chg 00)

5 Band Worked ITU Zones (5BWITUZ)

May be claimed by any station who can provide evidence of having contacted since 15 Nov 1945 the required number of stations located 
in the 75 ITU zones using all 5 HF bands. Each station should be located in a different ITU zone per band. The 5 classes are as follows:

5BWITUZ Supreme 350 zones
5BWITUZ, Class 1 325 zones
5BWITUZ, Class 2 300 zones, min of 50/band.
5BWITUZ, Class 3 250 zones, min of 40/band.
5BWITUZ, Class 4 120 zones, min of 30/band

Winners of Supreme and Class 1 may claim a plaque upon special payment.
Note: on 10 MHz, credit only given for CW contacts.  (Chg 10/01)

WARC Band Endorsement:

A holder of the basic award who can produce evidence of contact with required number of ITU zones on the 10, 18 and 24 MHz bands may 
claim a WARC band "sticker" endorsement in classes as follows:

5BWITUZ(WARC) Supreme 210 zones.
5BWITUZ(WARC), Class 1 195 zones.
5BWITUZ(WARC), Class 2 180 zones, min 50/band.
5BWITUZ(WARC), Class 3 150 zones, min 40/band.
5BWITUZ(WARC), Class 4 120 zones, min 30/band.

Top Band Endorsement:

Sticker endorsement for 1.8Mhz contacts for 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 zones.

Special applications needed for WITUZ and 5BWITUZ. Apply to sponsor with SAE/IRC.

136 Khz Award

Basic award is for confirmed two way QSOs on 136Khz with 5 countries from the DXCC/WAE list. The SWL award if for confirmation of SWL reports from 5 countries. It may also be claimed by amateurs working crossband to stations transmitting in the 136Khz band. The third category is for cross band contacts where the station claiming the award has worked 5 countries by transmitting on the 136Khz band and receiving stations on other bands. Cross mode contacts are allowed for this award. Categories may not be mixed, but awards from some or all of the categories may be claimed and endorsed concurrently. Endorsements in steps of each additional 5 countries worked or heard. (Chg 00)

Islands On The Air (IOTA)

IOTA was created by Geoff Watts, a leading British SWL in the mid-60's. In March of 1985, it was at his request taken over by the RSGB. The IOTA program consists of 23 separate awards.  They may be claimed by any licensed amateur for contacts since 1 December 1964, with the required number of islands/countries, both worldwide and regional. Many of these are DXCC  countries, and many others will count for this award. It is an evolving program with new islands being added to the list when activated for the first time. 
The series includes:

100 Islands of the World
200 Islands of the World
300 Islands of the World
400 Islands of the World
500 Islands of the World
600 Islands of the World
700 Islands of the World
800 Islands of the World
900 Islands of the World
1000 Islands of the World
IOTA Africa
IOTA Antarctica
IOTA Europe
IOTA North America
IOTA Oceania
IOTA Arctic Islands
IOTA British Isles
IOTA West Indies
IOTA World Diploma
IOTA Plaque of Excellence 750
1000 Island Trophy

A 54 page Directory of Islands listing all islands which count for IOTA is available from the IOTA Awards Manager, Roger Balister G3KMA, La Quinta, Mimbridge, Chobham, Woking, 
Surrey, England GU24 8AR for 18 IRCs or $12US or may be downloaded on their website: http://www.rsgbiota.org/ 
(Chg 10/05)

North American Checkpoints:

USA - call numbers 1,2, & 3. Brazil & other South America (Not Fr Guyana)
Dan Sullivan, W4DKS, 14737 Pickets Post Rd, Centreville, VA 20121, USA. 

USA - call numbers 4,5, & 6.Caribbean and Pacific Islands with US Zip Codes
Don Chamberlain MD, W9DC, 2 Coxswain Place, Salem, SC 29676,USA. 

USA - call numbers 7,8,9, & 0.
Gordon R Bazsali, WB9EEE, 255 Hillcrest Ave, Hampshire, IL 60140-9429, USA. 


Directory disk version available from Datamatrix, 5560 Jackson Loop NE, Rio Rancho, NM 87124. Price = $8.50

(97 CHG)

Internet: http://www.rsgbiota.org 


Avoncroft Award

Contact Bromsgrove and Worcestershire stations to earn points as follows: UK need 20, Europeans 15 all others 10.  On VHF, 10 points are needed.  SWL OK.  
Point values: 
     Bromsgrove and District Club station G3VGG = 5 points.
     Club members = 3 points each. 
No repeater QSOs.  No time limits.  QSOs must have been made from one address.  GCR list and fee of £2, $US3 or 7 IRCs to: Bromsgrove & District Amateur Radio Club, Avoncroft Art Centre, Redditch Road, Stoke Heath Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, B60 4JR, England.

E-mail: g3vgg@lycos.co.uk 

(Rewrite 10/2005)

Bristol Activity Award

Contact stations in Bristol postal districts BS1-BS21 inclusive. SWL OK. 100 points must be earned for the basic award, endorsements available for each subsequent 100 points or for a contact in each of the 21 districts.

Point Values Bristol Stns Other UK All Others
160m to 70cm 4 10 10
23cm to 13cm 5 10 50
3cm 25 +1 per km

Stations may be contacted once per band. Repeater or Satellite QSO's are OK. Special event, Field Day or Club Stations count double. GCR list (no fee mentioned) to: E.C. Halliday G3JMY, 4 Parkside Avenue, Winterbourne, Bristol, England. 

E-mail: edwing3jmy@aol.com 

(Chg 11/2005)

 --Worked All Britain Series--

General Requirements:

The Awards manager is:  David Brooks G4IAR, 28 Avon Vale Road, Loughborough, Leicestershire, LE11 2AA, England. 
E-mail: g4iar@worked-all-britain.co.uk
(Chg 1/07)

Membership Secretary is: Graham Taylor G4JZF, 1 Threshers Drive, Manor Farm Estate, Willenhall WV12 4AN, England.
(Chg 3/2003)

Payment may be via cash, check or money order in £UK. The price of each award/item includes postage and shipping Surface. If Air Mail is desired, please include sufficient extra funds.

Internet:  http://www.worked-all-britain.co.uk

Awards  Cash or Cheque Cash only   
All certificates including higher class certificates for Regions, Beyond 2000, 
English, Irish, Scottish & Welsh Awards
£1.00 5E $5  
Endorsement Stickers £0.50 1E $1  
Higher Class Certificates for Awards from Pre 5th Series Books £0.50 1E $1  
Trophies and Plaques £1.00 2E $2  
Mobile/Portable (Activated Awards) Free Free Free  

Awards are HALF price to anybody under the age of 18.  (Proof of age may be required)


Book and Claim Sheets Available from Membership Secretary  

Books/CD/s & Claim
Available from the Membership Secretary Cash or Cheque £ Cash Only € Cash only $US
WAB Book Set - By Post UK & Europe (Specify "book" or "CD" when ordering) 6 10 10
WAB Book Set - By Airmail. Outside Europe (Please specify "Book" or "CD" when ordering.) 10 15 15
W.A.B. Book Number Only (Available to existing Book-holders only) 3 5 5
All individual claim sheets/books (Available to existing Book-holders only) 1.50 3 3
Sheets, Books, Discs - Available from G4JZF Alphabetic Callsign order Book-list - By Post UK & Europe 1.50 5
Numeric Book-list (up to date) (disc or printout) 1.50 3
Old Areas Sheet in old County order (4 pages disc or printout) 1 2
Old Areas Book in Area order (20 pages printout) 2.50 4


1. Grid Reference Systems. The systems used are the Ordnance Survey of Great Britain (NGR), Ordnance Survey of Ireland and for the Channel Islands, the Universal  Transvers Mercator Grid. These grids divide the country into a grid of 100Km x 100Km, which WAB calls "Large Squares". The NGR and UTM gives these a 2 letter reference such as HT, SP, TQ, WV, etc., while the Irish grid uses a single letter C, D, G, H or J. The large squares are then broken down with a 10Km x 10Km grid, this is given a two digit reference. The first digit is called the "Easting" this is read from the top or bottom of the map and gives the horizontal coordinate. The second digit is called the "Northing" and is read from either side of the map, giving the vertical coordinate.

The 10Km x 10Km grid reference is then made up from the Large Square letters and the grid numbers, such as D21, NG24, SP87, etc.

2. Counties. Great Britain and Northern Ireland are divided into administrative regions known as counties. A list of counties with suggested abbreviations is found in the RSGB Awards section of this Directory.

3. WAB Areas. The 10Km x 10Km grid reference alone is not the WAB area. The WAB area is made up from the 10Km grid reference and the county, such as SP87 Northamptonshire, J26 Antrim, NJ04 Highland, etc. The area must contain land and only that land or an inland waterway in the area is considered to be the area.

County boundaries are drawn up in an arbitrary manner so that often the 10Km grid reference covers more than one county. For example, the grid SO88 lies partly in the counties of Hereford & Worcester, Shropshire, Staffordshire and West Midlands. This gives rise to 4 different WAB areas. These areas are marked #, within each county, denoting how many other WAB areas have the same grid reference.

This record book lists WAB areas in alphanumeric order within each county. Towns and villages within each area are given. Where towns overlap into 2 or more areas, a ! is placed before the list and the town or towns, listed with their areas, at the end of each county.

WAB areas can be deduced from a variety of maps.

4. Islands. An island is defined as a naturally formed piece of land lying off shore from the mainland and at some time is surrounded by tidal water. The island must be named or be part of a named group on an Ordnance Survey map or an official map of the Channel Islands. The construction of a man made bridge or causeway does not take away the status of an island.

5. Districts. Counties are sub-divided into administrative areas known as Districts. The authorities in these districts are known as District Councies, and are responsible for the day to day running of their district. The Isle of Man, Alderney, Guernsey, Jersey and Sark are self governing and independant of central government for internal affairs.

6. Booknumbers. Each WAB record book is sequentially numbered and the book number assigned to the purchaser of the book. The book cannot be transferred to any other person or club. When a book is purchased as a gift or donation, it is important that the recipient is made known at the time of purchase. If, for any reason, you change your callsign then please inform the Membership Secretary, the book list will then be changed accordingly.

The book is intended to be used as a record of your WAB contacts. A column is provided for this record. The information you will need is callsign, date and band.

6. Other. Refer to the Secretary for sources of good maps and other reference materials to determine the WAB square. Addresses given in callbooks are often misleading. Major reorganization in 1974 caused many changes in county boundaries. A later reorganization in 1985 caused similar problems. It is always advisable to ask the station contacted to indicate their Square on the QSL card.



The following series is available to both amateurs and SWL's. Contacts must have been made after 1 May 1974. No repeater contacts allowed. Apply using the special books and sheets provided and the appropriate fee as mentioned earlier. All checked claims are returned. These claims should be re-submitted when claiming higher classes of award. Your station log may be requested to validate submissions.

1. WAB and HAB Award

Work/hear stations in WAB areas. Requirements are summarized in the table below. In certain areas, requirements extra to the areas are needed:


Areas Worked Areas Heard Countries
Other Reqts.
British Isles HF 400 600 35 One station in each of G, GD, GI, GM, GW, plus GJ or GU.
Europe HF 300 400 20
Outside EU HF 100 100 50
Outside EU 50 MHz 50 50
VHF 250 250
UHF 150 150
SHF 100 100


British Isles HF 750 1000 50 As basic + 5 islands.
Europe HF 500 750 35 As basic + 3 islands
Outside Europe HF 200 200 35 As basic + 3 islands
Outside EU 50 MHz 100 100
VHF 500 500
UHF 300 300
SHF 200 200


British Isles HF 1000 1500 65 As basic + 6 islands
Europe HF 750 1250 50 As basic + 4 islands
Outside Europe HF 400 400 50 As basic + 4 islands
Outside EU 50 MHz 200 200
VHF 750 750
UHF 450 450
SHF 250 250


British Isles HF 1500 2000 75 As basic + 8 islands
Europe HF 1000 1500 65 As basic + 4 islands
Outside Europe HF 600 600 65 As basic + 4 islands
Outside EU 50 MHz 300 300
VHF 1000 1000
UHF 600 600
SHF 300 300


British Isles HF 2000 2300 78 As for Gold Award
Europe HF 1500 1850 70 As for Gold Award
Outside Europe HF 800 800 70 As for Gold Award
Outside EU 50 MHz 400 400
VHF 1200 1200
UHF 750 750
SHF 350 350


British Isles HF 2500 2650 77 As for Gold Award
Europe HF 2000 2200 75 As for Gold Award
Outside Europe HF 1000 1000 72 As for Gold Award
Outside EU 50 MHz 500 500
VHF 1350 2450
UHF 900 900
SHF 400 400

2. WAB Counties Award

This award is for working/hearing counties. There are 2 classes. Class 2 is for 55 counties worked/heard. Class 1 is for 76 counties worked/heard which must include all the counties of England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales together with the Isle of Man and both prefixes of the Channel Islands.


3. WAB Districts Award

Work or hear stations located in the districts listed in the WAB districts claim book. There are 4 classes: Class 3 for 200 districts, Class 2 for 300 districts, Class 1 for 400 districts and Premier Class for 500 districts.

4. WAB Large Squares Award

This award is for working/hearing stations located in the districts listed in the WAB districts claim book. There are 4 classes: Class 3 is for 30 large squares, Class 2 for 40, Class 1 for 55 and Premier Class for all the large squares.

5. WAB Bookholders Awards

A book number can only be claimed on, or after, its date of issue.  To assist in making Book-holders/Numbers award claims, a guide to when books were issued can be found by following the link shown at the end of this page.  
     A series of awards is available for working Book Numbers. Each contact for these awards must have been made on, or after 1 January 1970 and on, or after, the date the Book Number being claimed was issued.  The basic award is issued for 100 Book Numbers.  This can be endorsed either for mixed series books or for a single series of books. The following table shows the Book Numbers valid for each series.  Endorsements are issued for each additional 100 Book Numbers and additional certificates for each 1000 Book Numbers.
     To claim a Book Number, you must work or hear the person to whom the book is issued.  In the case of a club station, the book(s) of both the club and the operator may be claimed.  A SWL Book Numbers may be claimed if the confirmation is received from the QSL.

Series From To
First 1 1676
Second 2000 3434
Third 4000 9999
Fourth 10000 14999
Fifth 15000 Onwards

(Chg 10/05)

6. Winter Activity Awards

Over the winter period, special awards are available which are aimed at stimulating WAB activity during these months. Contacts for these awards must be made between 1st December and the last day of February the following year, all in the same winter period. Activating an area can count the same as working an area.  Claims made on consecutive years can be endorsed in the same manner as the Decade and Jubilee Awards, but they must be for the same Winter Award. 
(Chg 10/2007)

a. WAB WINTER AWARD - 100 points are required for the basic certificate.  Endorsements are then available for each additional 100 points.  

Points may be claimed as follows:
1 point for a WAB area. Each area may be claimed only once.
1 point for a bookholder. One claim per Bookholder.

b. YORKSHIRE WINTER AWARD - Work 50 areas within the Counties and UA's of Yorkshire. These must include a minimum of three areas from three different Yorkshire Counties or UA's.  No specific claim form for this award.  Submit claim in the standard W.A.B. format, in Area order.  
(Chg 10/07)

c. VHF 3 COUNTIES WINTER AWARD - This is for 50 areas from any three Counties/UA's of your own choosing.  A minimum of three areas is required from each of the three Counties/UA's chosen.  There is no specific claim for for this award.  Submit your claim in the standard W.A.B. format, in Area order.  

(Chg 10/07)

7. Decade Award

Work the 100 2-digit numbers associated with the WAB area. The numbers may be claimed irrespective of the large square letters, i.e. 00, 01, 02, ........99. All contacts must be made within one calendar year. Claims may be made for each calendar year. There is one class of the award. Claims made on consecutive years, after the first year, can be credited with Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum and Sapphire endorsements.  If claimed for a seventh consecutive year, a specially designed certificate will be presented at the A.G.M. 
(Chg 10/05)

8. WAB Diamond Award

A specially engraved trophy is presented for its achievement. Based on a points system, 35 points are required to earn it. All contacts after 1 May 1974 with the exception of book numbers, which must have been made after 1 Jan 1970. At the time of claiming, all the awards that are needed must have been claimed or be claimed at the same time. The same 7 categories as the WAB and HAB apply. These are:

A. British Isles stations working/hearing HF.
B. European stations working/hearing HF.
C. Station outside Europe working/hearing HF.
D. Stations outside Europe working/hearing 50MHz.
E. Stations working/hearing VHF.
F. Stations working/hearing UHF.
G. Stations working/hearing SHF.

Mandatory Requirements:

a. WAB/HAB - this award and all its endorsements must be attained.

b. Areas and counties -

category A: 3000 areas & 78 counties for 10 points.
category B: 2500 areas & 74 counties for 10 points.
category C: 1100 areas & 72 counties for 15 points.
category E: 1500 areas & 65 counties for 15 points.

c. Islands

1 point for every 5 islands worked or heard.

categories A,B,C,E: a minimum of 3 points are needed.

d. Book numbers:

categories A,B,C: 1 point for every 100 book numbers worked. 
A minimum of 6 and maximum of 10 points may be claimed.

category E: 1 point for every 50 book numbers worked.
A minimum of 5 and a maximum of 10 points may be claimed.

e. DXCC Countries:

categories A,B,C: 1 point for every 5 DXCC countries in which a bookholder is worked.
category E: 2 points for every 5 DXCC countries in which a bookholder is worked.
categories A,B,C,E: a minimum of 2 points are needed.

f. net control:

categories A,E,F,G: 1 point for 50 hours as net controller. Half a point for 50 hours as  backup controller, 2 points minimum, 10 points maximum. As some stations are unable to take net control, this requirement can be waived on application to the Awards Manager. Stations to whom this requirement is not mandatory can claim points on the same basis.

g. Districts Award:

categories A,B,C: The class 1 award must be attained for 1 point. An additional point may be claimed for the Premier Award.
category E: the class 2 award must be attained for 1 point. An additional point may be claimed for the class 1 award.

h. Large Squares Award:

categories A,B: The class 1 award must be attained for 1 point.
categories C,E: The class 2 award must be attained for 1 point. An additional point may be claimed for the class 1 award.

Non-Mandatory Requirements

a. Activation of areas:

category A: 1 point for every 100 areas activated.
categories B,C,E: 1 point for every 50 areas activated. (Activated is as defined for the WABEMA Award.

b. CW activity:

1 point for every 100 areas worked on CW, 5 points maximum.

c. Certificates:

1 point for every WAB Contest Certificate
1 point for every WAB Certificate of Merit.

d. SSTV, RTTY & ATV activity:

1 point for every 25 areas worked on SSTV.
1 point for every 25 areas worked on RTTY.
1 point for every 25 areas worked on ATV.

e. Bonus Points: categories A & B: 1 point for areas worked on the following bands. these areas include those claimed for the areas requirement. VHF (200), 28 Mhz (100),  21 Mhz (100), 18 Mhz (100), 14 Mhz (100), 10 Mhz (100), 7MHz (1500), 3.5 Mhz (1500), 1.8 Mhz (1000).

WAB Honor Roll

Awarded to stations who have worked or heard 100 WAB areas in addition to the number required for the Diamond trophy and have claimed that trophy. A special certificate is awarded together with a plaque which can be attached to the trophy. Plaques or trophies are then awarded for each additional 100 areas up to 4000 and then for each additional 10 areas.

Honor New
Roll Trophies

A 3100 3500 4000 Normal
B 2600 3000 3500 4000 EU
C 1200 1600 2100 2600 3100 3500 4000 DX
D Not yet applicable at time of printing.
E 1600 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 VHF
F Not yet applicable at time of printing.
G Not yet applicable at time of printing.

WAB Expedition & Mobile Award (WABEMA)

This award is intended to encourage expedition and mobile activity. No fee. Given for activating areas. You must make a minimum of 1 contact for WAB purposes from each area activated and be prepared to attempt to work each station monitoring your frequency. For an area to be activated, your entire station (mobile, etc) must be located either on land in the area or in a vehicle in the area. There are 6 classes: Basic (100), Bronze (200), Silver (400), Gold (600), Platinum (750) and Sapphire (900 areas). Claims can be made in a WAB areas check book. (CHG 97)

WABEMA Diamond Award

This award is based on a points system. A specially engraved trophy is presented for the award. You must earn at least 20 points. Claims may be made in a WAB areas check book.

Mandatory Requirements:

1. 1000 areas must be activated to earn 10 points. 2000 areas may be activated for 20 points.

Non-Mandatory Requirements:

1. 1 point for every 10 counties activated.
2. 2 points for every off-shore expedition needing a sea passage.
3. 2 points for every expedition that involves the carrying of equipment other than by motorized transport.

WABEMA Honour Roll

For those stations who receive the WABEMA Diamond Award a plaque is given for those activating a further 250 WAB areas. Plaques and Trophies are then awarded for  activating further WAB areas as follows:

Trophies 2000 3000 3500 4000

Plaques are for each additional 250 Areas between each trophy.
(Chg 10/05)

Cumulative WABEMA/Millenia Awards

Awarded to any expedition or mobile activity in recognition of any help given the WAB Awards Group. Given on an annual basis for activating areas/squares where a minimum of 1 contact must be made from each area/square.

These areas/squares can only be claimed once in a Calendar year, using 1 Jan as the start and 31 Dec as the closing date.

Areas/Squares activated which have not been claimed previously will still count towards the original WABEMA/Millema Awards and will be accepted towards the WABEMA/Millenia Diamond Award as being accepted for the Cumulative awards.

There are 6 classes of Award available:

BASIC = 100 Areas/Squares
BRONZE = 200 Areas/Squares
SILVER = 400 Areas/Squares
GOLD = 600 Areas/Squares
PLATINUM= 750 Areas/Squares
SAPPHIRE = 900 Areas/Squares

At the AGM following the year of WABEMA/Millema activity, a plaque of appreciation will be awarded to the highest area count of both HF and VHF activities. These will be retained by the recipients.

Overseas Introductory Award

This award is intended as an introduction to WAB for stations outside Europe. The award is made by working 25 different WAB areas and 10 British counties. There is only one class of the award.

WAB Islands Award

This award is for working/hearing islands as defined earlier. The Basic Certificate is awarded for 25 islands for stations on HF or 10 islands for stations working VHF or higher. Endorsement stickers are then awarded for 25 islands (VHF and above only), then 40, 50, etc., in increments of 10. A new certificate will then be awarded for 150 islands and another new certificate for 300 islands. Contacts after 1 Jan 1986. Activating an island may count for the award.


Acclaim Award

Activating Counties, Large Squares, Areas & Islands Mobile (ACCLAIM)
(Chg 10/05)

This award is administered by WAB on behalf of a sponsor who has determined its requirements. All requirements must be met while operating mobile. Activity while on a portable expedition does not count unless operating /M in accordance with licensing regulations. The station must be entirely in or on the vehicle, which should be capable of movement. There are 7 classes to the award. A certificate is given for the 1st stage (Basic), stickers for the intermediate stages and a special trophy for the Diamond. All contacts for this award must have been made on or after 1 Jan 1988.

  Basic Bronze Silver Gold Plat Sapphire Diamond
Lg Squares 40 44 48 50 52 54 55
Counties 60 64 68 70 72 74 76
Islands 15 20 30 35 40 45 50
Areas 750 1000 1500 2000 2250 2500 3000

WAB Overseas Bookholders Award

(Chg 10/05)
This award is for working/hearing stations outside Great Britain and Northern Ireland who are Bookholders. 10 Bookholders are required for the award, stickers are issued for each additional 10 Bookholders. Each Bookholder may only be claimed once regardless of how many book numbers held. Contacts after 1 Jan 1989.

WAB Regions Award

This award is based on contacting Local Government Areas of England, Northern Ireland and the Channel Islands. SWL OK. May be earned for either working or activating the regions. 
Contacts since 1 Jan 1995.

Available in four levels:

HF/LF Bands Class III Class II Class I Premier
United Kingdom 200 300 400 500
Europe 100 200 300 375
Outside Europe 25 50 75 100
VHF/UHF Bands Class III Class II Class I Premier
United Kingdom 100 200 300 375
Europe 50 100 150 200
Outside Europe 10 20 30 40

Send for claim sheets to Brian Morris G4KSQ. (TKS Internet)(98)

WAB English Award

Based on the NGR Reference and Local Government Areas of England, the Isle of Man and the Channel Isles. 
Contacts made after 1 May 1974. Award requirements:
(Chg 10/05)

HF/LF Bands Class III Class II Class I Premier
United Kingdom 100 500 1000 2000
Europe 65 355 665 1335
Outside Europe 25 125 250 500
VHF/UHF Bands Class III Class II Class I Premier
United Kingdom 50 250 500 1000
Europe 35 165 335 665
Outside Europe 15 65 125 250

WAB  Irish Award

Based on the NGR Reference and Local Government Areas of Northern Ireland. Contacts after 1 April 1996.
(Chg 10/05)

HF/LF Bands Class III Class II Class I Premier
United Kingdom 100 150 200 250
Europe 65 100 135 165
Outside Europe 25 40 50 65
VHF/UHF Bands Class III Class II Class I Premier
United Kingdom 50 75 100 125
Europe 35 50 75 85
Outside Europe 15 20 25 35

(Tks Internet)(99)

WAB Scottish Award

Based on the NGR Reference and Local Government Areas of Scotland and its associated offshore islands. Contacts after 1 May 1974 (and islands after 1 April 1996). List of islands provided on their internet site. 
(Chg 10/05).

HF/LF Bands Class III Class II Class I Premier
United Kingdom 100 500 750 1000
Europe 65 355 500 665
Outside Europe 25 125 190 250
VHF/UHF Bands Class III Class II Class I Premier
United Kingdom 50 250 375 500
Europe 35 165 250 335
Outside Europe 15 65 95 125

(Tks Internet)(99)

WAB Welsh Award

Based on the NGR Reference and Local Government Areas of Wales and its associated offshore islands. Contacts after 1 April 1996.
(Chg 10/05)

HF/LF Bands Class III Class II Class I Premier
United Kingdom 100 200 300 420
Europe 50 150 250 400
Outside Europe 25 50 200 300
VHF/UHF Bands Class III Class II Class I Premier
United Kingdom 50 125 200 400
Europe 25 100 200 400
Outside Europe 25 50 200 300

(Tks Internet)(99)

WAB Beyond 2000 Award

A combination of areas worked in the English, Irish, Scottish and Welsh awards can be combined to claim the beyond 2000 award. Contacts after the same date as the individual award.  Individual certificates available for first five stages of the award, a trophy at stage six with a further certificate and trophy available for those who wish to continue to the higher classes.
(Chg 10/05)


Certificate Levels

Trophy Certificate Trophy
UK 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
Europe 335 665 1000 1335 1665 2000 2335 2665
Rest 125 250 375 500 625 750 875 1000
VHF/UHF Certificate Levels Trophy Certificate Trophy
UK 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000
Europe 165 335 500 665 835 1000 1165 1335
Rest 65 125 185 250 315 375 435 500

(Tks Internet)(99)

The basic rules apply to these additional awards.

Isle of Man Award

This award is open to all Licensed Amateurs and Short Wave listeners and all contacts made after 1st. May 1974 are valid.

There is one classifications for the Award, the requirement is 5 Areas.

Channel Isles Award

This award is open to all Licensed Amateurs and Short Wave listeners and all contacts made after 1st. July 1990 are valid.

There is one classifications for the Award, the requirement is 5 Areas.

WAB DX AWARD  (Rewrite 10/05)

This certificate may be claimed for working Book-holders in 10 different countries, including your own.  Contacts on or after 1 May 1974.  Each certificate will show the flags of the countries worked.  You may claim the award as many times as you like, providing each claim shows different countries.  (Sponsor agrees that if you work a Book-holder in a country for which they do not have a flag, you may have the award free of charge!)

Navigational Aid To Shipping Award

To be valid for the award, a Navigational Aid must be named in the Nautical Almanac and be a land-based, fixed lighthouse or harbour light. Activation must take place from the Navigational Aids site itself. If access is not physically possible or allowed, the activation must take place from an accessible site adjacent to it, keeping the Aid in view. The starting date is 1 January 2004.

Apply to the WAB Awards Manager in country order and alphabetical order by the name of the Aid. They should include date of the contact, WAB Area and station worked. Details should be included of band and mode for any endorsement that is required. Certificates will be issued for each 25 worked/heard on HF and each 10 on VHF/UHF. The normal certificate price applies. For subsequent claims, previous claims must be included. The Award shall apply to Great Britain and Northern Ireland only. Aids in the Republic of Eire will not be valid.

Annual Activity Award

Work/activate as many WAB areas as you can.  Only areas current at time of activation will be valid.  All contacts must be made within one calendar year.  Each year a different award may be earned, endorsed with the number of areas worked, band, mode, etc.  Cost at the usual price - see list under General Requirements.  
     There will be 4 categories: Mixed Bands, UHF/VHF, Mixed Bands, and UHF/VHF activated.
     Final claims must reach the Awards Manager by the end of February of the year following the claim.  The areas claimed must be listed in alpha/numeric order.  They can be submitted in various formats, computer print-out, disk or hand written on paper, or of course in a WAB book.
     The results will be published in the Newsletter preceding the AGM and on the WAB web site.
     At the AGM following the claim year, a keepsake trophy will be presented to the leading three stations in each category.

(New 10/05)

London Calling Awards
(These are additions to the "Worked All Britain" Series  - fees and other requirements listed in basic rules.)

                                      London Boroughs Award certificate  

These awards were introduced to try to increase activity from stations in the London Boroughs that previously made up the Greater London Region.
Contacts for these awards must have been on, or after, 1st May 2005.

For the London Boroughs Award, there are 3 classes of award available:
     Class III for 15, 
     Class II for 25 
     Class I for all 33 London Boroughs. 
A certificate is issued for Class III with endorsements for all other classes.

                                     London 50 Areas Award certificate 

For the London Areas Award, there are 4 classes of award available, 
     Class III for 50, 
     Class II for 75 
     Class I for 100 
     Premier Class for all 114 London Areas. 
A certificate is issued for Class III with endorsements for all other classes.

Note: Elsewhere in the W.A.B. Awards scheme, these Boroughs are listed as Unitary Authorities, which essentially they are. In the London area they are termed 'Boroughs' and we have chosen to call them as such for the purposes of this award.

Tks OH3GZ 7/2005

                                Special Event Station Award

This award was developed to help raise awareness of the WAB program among those who activate special event stations. This award will run from 1st January until 31st December each year, commencing in 2007. SWL OK.

Contact special event stations in the United Kingdom using the ‘GB’ prefix. Make sure that you obtain the WAB area of the Event Station during your contact. Certificates may be endorsed for any band/mode. A station may only be claimed once during each 12 month period for any particular endorsement.

The basic certificate will be awarded for working/hearing 10 stations, with endorsements for each additional10. On working/hearing 100 stations, a further certificate will be awarded. A claim sheet is available for this award, but if using your own or any logging program, the WAB area of the station should be recorded. The cost of WAB awards applies – i.e. only £1 per certificate and 50p for each endorsement. Mailing address and further details are available on the WAB web site: www.worked-all-britain.co.uk .

Tks: Chris Colclough G1VDP 10/06

 HMS/M Alliance Award

Contact 46 U.K. stations on or after 1 Jan 1989 whose last letter of their call spells:


SWL OK. Club stations GB0SUB and G7DOL may be used to substitute for any one missing letter. Endorsements for any mode or band upon request. GCR list and fee of £3 or 10 IRCs to W.S. Blythe Esq, G0PPH, Submarine ARC, c/o 25 Barlett Close, Fareham, Hants, England PO15 6QB

Tks PA3CUZ 2/2007 
(This award was removed in 2005, but the correct address shows they are still issuing this award.)

     – British Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society (BARLS) Series –

General Requirements: All Awards are FREE buy you must supply postage. Four 1st Class Stamps ( 0r $2 / €2 ) are required for each Award or Endorsement Claimed. The awards are only available to Members of the British Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society. However, membership is FREE of charge, so that should not be an issue. All bands and modes may be used. Membership certificates (printed on leather finish card) and a members list + general awards information is available in a membership package which is FREE, but to cover postage & packaging please send 4 x 1st class stamps (or $5 / 5 Euro) with your application to cover postage costs.  Write to: David Ian Wright GW1MVL, 18 Heol Conwy, Abergele, Conwy LL22 7UT, Wakes, United Kingdom.

Work or Hear 10 Lighthouses activated by any Member of this Society. No QSL Cards are required and No reference numbers need be used, just supply a list of the Lighthouses, the Callsign of the member activating the lighthouses with date & time of contact.

Activating 10 Lighthouses is the same as above regarding operation but a minimum of 10 Stations should be worked from each lighthouse to qualify as activated . At least 2 BARLS members must have been worked from each one. A photograph of each lighthouse activated should be submitted by the "Activator" to be used on the certificates. Important: unless a photograph is submitted by the activator claims for that particular activity will be deemed VOID. ALL photographs will be returned if so requested.

Work or Hear 25 B.A.R.L.S Members on Any Band / Mode.

Work or Hear 10 Lighthouses activated by any Member of this Society outside of the UK.

E-mail: gw1mvl@supanet.com
Internet: http://www.barls-gb.supanet.com/html/awards.html

Tks 4X4-2238 4/2007

  -- British Amateur Radio Teledata Group Series --- (BARTG)

General Requirements: Endorsements available for mixed band, single band, mixed data modes, single data mode, all RTTY or all AMTOR.  The following evidence of proof may be used:  (a) actual cards or photocopies, must show a data mode (b) GCR list by National Society or 2 officers of a club or society, (c) claims based on any BARTG HF contest.  The ARRL country list is to be observed.  Award cost is UK6£, $US10, 10E or 30 IRC.  Cost for endorsements is UK £0.50, $US1, 1E or 3 IRC.  Apply to Phil Cooper GU0SUP, 1 Clos au Pre, La Hougue du Pommier, Castel, Guernsey GY5 7FQ, UK. 

E-mail: pcooper@gurensey.net or awards@bartg.demon.co.uk 
Internet: http://bartg.co.uk/ 

(Chg 11/07)

                                                                                                                             BARTG African Award

Contact/hear stations on the African continent on or after 1 Jan 1995. 3 classes: 

Class 1 - 50 DXCC countries in Africa 
Class 2 - 30 DXCC countries in Africa 
Class 3 - 15 DXCC countries in Africa 

Stations may enter at any class and update at any time. Contacts on all nine HF bands are eligible. 

(Chg 10/05)

BARTG Asian Award

Contact/hear stations on the Asian continent on or after 1 Jan 1995.
Available in 3 classes:
Class 1 for confirmed working/hearing 45 DXCC countries in the continent of Asia.
Class 2 for confirmed working/hearing 30 DXCC countries in the continent of Asia.
Class 3 for confirmed working/hearing 15 DXCC countries in the continent of Asia.
Stations may enter at any class and update at any time.
Contacts on all nine HF bands are eligible.

(New 10/05)(Tks PA3CUZ)

Quarter Century Award

Submit satisfactory proof of 2-way RTTY communication with 25 different countries per the ARRL DXCC listing. SWL OK. Endorsements available for each additional 25 up to 300.

(CHG 10/05)

BARTG PSK 31 Award

Hear or work 40 different countries using only the PSK31 mode on any band beginning 1 January 1999. No crossband or crossmode contacts are allowed, and there are no endorsements.  

Tks W3HF 1/13/02 

    BARTG South American Award

Contact/hear stations on the South American continent on or after 1 Jan 1995. 3 classes:

Class 1 - 24 DXCC countries in South America.
Class 2 - 18 DXCC countries in South America.
Class 3 - 12 DXCC countries in South America.

Stations may enter at any class and update at any time.

       BARTG North American Award

Available for having heard/ worked amateur stations in the North American continent using a data mode on or after 1 Jan 1995.  All nine HF bands may be used. SWL OK.

The award is available in three classes as follows:

Class 1 for confirmed working/hearing 40 DXCC countries in the continent of North America.
Class 2 for confirmed working/hearing 30 DXCC countries in the continent of North America.
Class 3 for confirmed working/hearing 15 DXCC countries in the continent of North America.

Chg 10/05

BARTG Europe Award   

 This award is available to licensed amateurs and SWLs on the submission of satisfactory proof of having heard/worked amateur stations in the European continent on or after 1 January 1995 using a data mode.

Available in three classes as follows:

  1. Class 1 for confirmed working/hearing 60 DXCC countries in the continent of Europe.
  2. Class 2 for confirmed working/hearing 45 DXCC countries in the continent of Europe.
  3. Class 3 for confirmed working/hearing 30 DXCC countries in the continent of Europe.

Stations can enter at any class, and can update to a higher class at a later date if entering at Class 2 or 3.  
Contacts on all nine HF bands are eligible.

(Chg 10/05)


Contact/hear stations in the continent of Oceania on or after 1 Jan 1995.  
The award is available in three classes: 
1. Class 3 is for 10 countries, 
2. Class 2 is for 25 countries, and 
3. Class 1 is for 40 countries.  

Stations may enter at any class and update at any time. 
Contacts on all nine HF bands are eligible. 

(Chg 2/07)

   -- British Amateur Television Club (BATC) Series --

General Requirements: The awards are available to both transmitting and receiving enthusiasts in any part of the world, whether they are club members or not.  The awards are for contacts made using fast-scan high definition television systems only.  No fee, but your application should include a large (12" X 8.5") stamped self addressed envelope.  For upgrade seals, an ordinary SAE should be enclosed. Applications should include log details including callsign, date, band, location of the station worked and points claimed.  Contacts made from other than the home station should be clearly marked. GCR rule applies.  Apply to: Awards Manager, Bob Webb G8VBA, 78 Station Road, Rolleston-on-Dove, Burton-on-Trent Staffs, DE13 9AB, England.

     Transmitting Award

Available in 4 levels: Bronze = 1000 points, Silver = 5000 points, Gold = 10000 points and Diamond = 100,000 points.  Points earned for an existing award may be added in when applying for a higher grade.
     For pictures transmitted which have been successfully identified by another station, claim 2 points per kilometer; if the contact becomes a successful two way exchange of pictures, then 10 bonus points may be claimed by each station regardless of distance.  For contacts on the 1.3GHz band or above, points are doubled.
     A station may be worked only once per day for the purpose of this award.  The award may be claimed for working the same station many times!  Contacts through TV repeaters do not count. 

     Receiving Award

For any picture positively identified, claim for a one way contact.  All other rules and award levels are the same as shown above for the Transmitting Award. 

Internet: http://www.batc.org.uk/