(Changes as of 10/2009)
-- Experimenterende Danske Radioamatorer Series --
General Requirements: Fee is shown for each award. GCR list to Award Manager, Allis Andersen OZ1ACB, Kagsaavej 34, DK-2730 Herlev, Denmark.
(Chg 10/2009)
Field Day Diploma
This award is designed to increase interest in the EDR National Field Day. Earn FD points: 1 FD point on each band (cw or ssb) for each contact with a Danish Club station working field day during their annual FD, starting in 1987.
Class A: 15 FD points on one band in the same year.
Class B: 30 FD points the same year, on at least 4 HF-bands.
Fee is DKr. 20 or 5 IRC's.
OZ Locator Award
For the base award, contact at least 10 of the Locator Squares in Denmark
after 1 Jan 1985. OZ is covered by the following squares: JO44, JO45, JO46,
JO47, JO54, JO55, JO56, JO57, JO64, JO65, JO66, JO74 and JO75. Contacts via
active repeaters do not count, nor do crossband and crossmode. Phone or cw
contacts. QSLs must be submitted when applying. Endorsements for each additional
3 squares. Endorsements for: Phone, CW, EME, MS and Satellite by band. QSLs and
fee of 20 DKK, $US4 or 5 IRC's.
(CHG 10/2005)
OZ Prefix Award
Work or hear OZ stations as follows: OZ must work three stations with each OZ prefix (OZ1-OZ9), other Europeans need two of each prefix, and rest of the world need one. A QSL card from club station OZ5EDR can be used to replace any missing card. Any band or mode is allowed and special mode/band endorsements will be made on request. Fee is 10 IRC's.
Bornholm Island Awards
Work Bornholm Island stations.
Class 1: LA, OZ and SM contact 5 Bornholm Island stations. Other Europeans need 3. Rest of World needs 2.
Class 2: LA, OZ and SM earn 12 points, Other Europeans need 8 points and rest of world needs 5.
Points are awarded as follows: contacts with Bornholm Island stations count 1 point, QSO with club stations OZ4EDR, OZ4CHR, OZ4HAM, OZ5HAM and OZ3BAU count 5 points. Stations may be contacted on more than one band for point accumulation. Contacts since 1 Jan 1960. GCR list and fee of $US10, 10€ or 60Dkk to: Rose Hansen OZ4DZ, Sigynsvej 49, DK-3700 Roenne, Denmark.
(CHG 11/2006)
Copenhagen Award
Awarded on the occasion of the 800th Anniversary of Copenhagen, the capital city of Denmark. Contact stations in the Copenhagen area. Scandanavian stations need 15, other Europeans need 10 and all others need 2. On VHF, requirements are10/5/2 and UHF 5/3/1. Available cw, phone or mixed, all bands. SWL OK. GCR list and fee of 5 IRC's or $US3 to: Allis Anderson OZ1ACB, Kagsaavej 34, DK-2730 Herlev, Denmark.
(CHG 10/2005)
Danish Island Award
Available to all amateurs and SWL’S who submit proof of having contacted or heard Danish Islands on or after 1 Jan 1997. All bands and modes, but use of repeaters is not allowed.
Danish islands are grouped into six major areas, some of which have the status of IOTA islands. They are:
EU-029 Sjaelland Archipelago
EU-030 Baltic Sea
EU-088 Northern part of Kattegat
EU-125 North Sea
EU-171 Nordjylland and islands in Limforden
EU-172 Jylland East and Fyn Group
Island list from sponsor or for SASE or may be downloaded from Internet at: .
Award is issued in 3 classes:
1. Basic - one contact/SWL with each of the 5 island groups.
2. Junior - 10 different islands in all
6 island groups.
3. Master - 25 different islands in all
6 island groups.
GCR list and fee of 50 DKK, $US10 or 10 IRC’s. Endorsements for higher
levels are 10 DKK, $US2 or 2 IRC’s each. Apply to: Allis Andersen OZ1ACB, Kagsaavej 34, DK 2730 Herlev, Denmark.
(Chg 3/2005
Danish Lighthouse Award
The award is issued by the Society of Sletterhage Lighthouse Friends for contacting Danish Lightouses. Contacts with Danish lightships do not count! Contacts on/or after 1. January 1996 with stations duly authorized to operate from lighthouses in Denmark. QSL and SWL must show actual QTH and photo or stamp on QSL or similar evidence of the operation. GCR_list showing full details of the contacts certified by the award manager of the national Society.
Award 1: For confirmed
QSO's with 5 Lighthouses in OZ
Award 2: For confirmed QSO's with 10 Lighthouses in OZ
Award 3: For confirmed QSO's with 15 Lighthouses in OZ
The fee for the award is: 12 IRC, 9 $US or 50 DKK. The price includes first class
mail. Apply to: Allis Lang Andersen OZ1ACB, Kagsåvej 34, DK_2730
Herlev, Denmark.
The Danish Lighthouse Society is contributing any excess funds to The Sletterhage Lighthouse maintenance fund.
(Chg 1/07)
This award was created to promote SSTV Activity and can be obtained by all Amateurs who complete the requirements. SWL OK. GCR is accepted. All Bands may be used. No use of Repeaters. The Requirement for this Award is confirmed contacts with:
50 different Countries for the Basic Award.
100 different Countries + 1 OZ Station for The Silver Sticker
150 different Countries + 2 OZ Stations for the Gold Sticker.
200 different
Countries for the Diamond Sticker.
List is used for countries. e:qsl is not accepted. Award Manager may request
single QSL cards at his option. Fee for the Basic Award is $US8, 10€
and $US2 or 3 IRCs for endorsements. Stickers are free of charge when issued
in connection with the original application. Application form is available at address:
Apply to: S.K.Mogensen OZ6SM, Rundhoejvej
8, DK-7970 Redsted, Denmark..
(Chg 10/2005)
Danish Underground Award
Awarded for contacts with OZ5MAY, commemorative station located in Denmark's Fight For Freedom Museum 1940-1945. This station is on the air using WW2 clandestine radio sets exclusively. They were partly built in Denmark from parts supplied by parachute drop. OZ stations: contact OZ5MAY on 3 different bands or on 3 different days on 2 different bands. Other Europeans: contact the station on 2 bands or on the same band on 2 different days. DX: one contact with OZ5MAY. A contact credit is given if you visit the "Museum of Denmark’s Fight for Freedom 1940-45". SWL OK. GCR list and 6 IRC's to: Allis Andersen OZ1ACB, Kagsaavej 34, DK-2730 Herlev, Denmark.
(Chg 3/2003)
Sponsored by OZ7DAL, "Danish Amateur Lightship" located in the radio room of the "FYRSKIB XXI". Contact amateur stations duly authorized to operate from active or inactive lighthouses or lightships anywhere in the world on or after 25 Mar 1994. The possibility of electronic interference may prevent amateur radio transmissions directly from the premises, since they are very often used as transmission or relay points for many kind of communications. For that reason, authorized operations from a location within the lighthouse premises or up to 300-400 yards away are valid for the award. SWL OK and need only send a list of stations heard. Direct contacts with minimum RS(T) 33(8) on any band or mode. Cross mode QSO’s are OK.
The award may be claimed by any call, individual, club or special event station. A QSL received by a club or special call also counts for the operator's personal application if his/her name or call is obvious from the QSL. The award does NOT have to be worked from a single location, county or continent.
QSLs must reflect QTH (photo QSL, official stamp on QSL or similar). A list showing details of contacts should be certified by 2 officials of your radio club. If this is not possible, then the actual cards must be sent to sponsor together with sufficient IRC’s for their return. OX, OY, OZ stations apply direct to OZ7DAL with QSLs and sufficient postage for their return. SWL applications are accepted and SWLs need only send a list of stations heard. Amateurs with VHF/UHF permission are encouraged to apply with a mix of SWL and QSLs. The sponsor reserves the right to call for the applicant to submit any or all of the cards listed on the application. Award can be claimed only if the contacts are made/heard over a period of MORE than 7 days.
QSLs for contacts with OZ7DAL made on any 25 March, will be a "JOKER" and count for any otherwise required contact.
1. National - 7 contacts anywhere in the world — OZ7DAL mandatory. The Basic Diploma includes a lighthouse pin.
2. Continental - additional 8 contacts, new total 15. Minimum 4 countries.
3. Bi-Continental - additional 5 contacts, new total 20. Minimum 6 countries
in two continents.
4. Tri-Continental - additional 5 contacts, new total 25. Minimum 8 countries
in three continents.
5. World Wide - additional 5 conacts, new total 30. Minimum 10 countries in 4
6. World Wide Extra - additional 5 contacts, new total 35. Minimum 15
countries in 5 continents.
7. Excellence - additional 15 contacts, new total 50. Minimum 20 countries in
all 6 continents.
Fee is 13 IRC’s, $US9.50 or 11.50€ or DKK60. Upgrades SAE plus 3 IRC’s, $US2, 2.50€ or DKK15 per upgrade. Apply to OZ7DAL, DK-8400 Ebeltoft, Denmark.
Internet: and award info at:
(Chgs 10/2005)
Worked Scandanavia on CW
Applicants work 100 cw stations from 5 of the following: LA, OH, OY, OZ, TF and SM. SWL OK. Contacts since 1 Jan 1988. SWL OK. The award is a full color photo of a peaceful scene of a family picnic somewhere in Scandanavia. Special sticker for QRP stations, 5watt. Logbook list confirmed by two other amateurs with fee of $7US or 10 IRC's to: Rick Meilstrup OZ5RM, Geelskovparken 12/1, DK-2380 Virum, Denmark.