(Updated 10/2009)
Worked All Canary Islands
Sponsored by the "Grand Canaria DX Group" to any amateur or SWL who provides proof of contact or reception with the Canary Islands. The award is offered in two classes: Basic and Extra, and in 5 categories for mode, for a possible ten awards.
Basic: contact or hear the seven major Canary Islands: El Hierro, Fuerteventura, Gran Canaria, La Gomera, La Palma, Lanzarote and Tenerife.
Extra: contact the seven islands listed above plus an additional seven islands, islets or rocks, on which there is no permanent amateur radio population, and which appear in the official listing of the Spanish "DIE" award program (Diploma Islas Espanolas, . These are identified in the "S-###" reference section with either "GC" (Gran Canaria) or "TF" (Tenerife) as the province and "AF-004" as the IOTA number.
The award in either category can be requested for the following five modes: CW, SSB, FM, Digital (RTTY, SSTV, BPSK31) or mixed modes. All bands and modes, no date restrictions. Send a list including call sign, name of island, band and mode. Include scans or photocopies of the cards. You may also send scans of the cards by e-mail directly to the Gran Canaria DX Group at . Fee for each award is 10€, $US15 or 7 IRCs. Apply to: W.A.C.I. Award Manager, PO Box 54, E-35080 Las Palmas de G.C., SPAIN.
Tks WC6DX 8/2006
--- Federachi Series ---
General Requirements: Federachi stands for "Federacion de Clubes de Radioaficionados de Chile". GCR by any official Radio Club in your country is accepted. SWL OK. Fee per award is 5 IRCs. Apply to: Award Manager - Filidor Silva Z. CE6JOE, PO Box 1234, Temuco, Chile.
(This site is now built like a blog so for the Awards info, you have to go
to "Comision Concursos y Diplomas" and there you will get the rules
for each award, on separate pages and in Spanish only.)
(Chg 10/2009)
ABCE Award (All Band CE Award)
Contact at least one CE station on each of the bands from 80 to 10 meters. Stations in countries which border Chile must confirm 3 per band.
50 Mhz CE Award
Make contact with 3 CE districts using the 6 meter band.
100 CE Award
Contact 100 CE stations using the same mode.
--- Radio Club of Chile Series ---
General Requirements: GCR list, but must be certified by recognized club or national radio organization/IARU member society. Fee is shown with each award. .Apply to: Awards Manager, Radio Club of Chile, Casilla 13630, Santiago de Chile, Chile.
(Chgs per CE3PG 3/2005)
Worked All CE (WACE)
Contact CE stations in each of the 10 call areas. Fee for CE = $US5, all others $US10.
Republic of Chile Award
Contact any 16 Chilean stations from any call areas so as to form the phrase: REPUBLICA DE CHILE with the last letter of their call sign.
Worked All CE Provinces (WACEP)
Contact one station in each of the 50 provinces of Chile since 1 Jan 1974 using any HF bands. Endorsements available for single band or mode. GCR list and fee of 8 IRCs.
(New 3/2005)
Worked All CE Administrative Regions (WACER)
Contact one station in each of the 13 administrative regions of Chile since 1 Jan 1974 using any HF bands. Endorsements available for single band or mode. GCR list and fee 8 IRCs.
(New 3/2005)
Zone 12 Award
This is a handcrafted copper plate. Contact any 12 different CQ zones, making sure that one of them is Zone 12 in Chile. GCR list and fee of $US15 for CE and $US20 for all others.
Enrique Sazie Herrera Award
In memory of Enrique Sazie H. XQ3XX, a Chilean radio pioneer who founded the Radio Club of Chile in 1922. Contact 19 different stations to form the phrase "ENRIQUE SAZIE HERRERA" with any letter of the suffix, one of which must be CE3AA, the official radio club of Chile. Fee for CE is $US5, all others $US10.
Chilean Island Award
Contact Chilean Islands and earn 70 points (CE stations need 120) from the following schedule:
A. Chilean islands that count for DXCC countries such as CE0A Easter Island, CE0Z Juan Fernandez Archipelago or CE0X San Felix = 10 points.
B. Chilean Islands which count for IOTA = 5 points (different island in an archipelago with same IOTA reference count as different islands. Chiloe Island, Quinchao Island, is in the same archipelago SA_018, but different ICE reference)
C. Other islands = 3 point
Send a list of QSOs plus the QSLs. The fee for the award is 4 IRC or U$2 plus extra for return the QSLs. All contacts must be made with a licensed amateur radio operator/station since 01 January 1980 and all amateur bands from 6 to 160 meters will count. All modes OK. The WARC bands of 12, 17 may also be used. Contacts with land mobile stations on islands are permitted; however, contacts with maritime mobile stations near islands do NOT count. Contacts with ships in a harbor are valid ONLY if one or more essential parts of a station such as the transceiver, antenna, or power supply are shown to have been on shore on the island for the QSO. Endorsements available for each additional 20, 25, 30 and 50 points. Special Plaque for any station who makes 70 points on the same band on the same mode or confirm QSOs with 60% of island shown in this list. Apply to: Award Manager, Marco A. Quijada, P.O.Box 1234, Temuco, Chile.
Tks CE6TBN 2/02
(Chg 10/2005)
Isl of CE Reference Name of Island Reference Number
Reference # | Name | IOTA reference |
ICE001 | Isle de Pasco CE0Y | SA-001 |
ICE002 | Isle Sales y Games CE0Y | SA-083 |
ICE003 | Isle San Ambrosio CE0X | SA-013 |
ICE004 | Isla Robinson Crusoe CE0Z | SA-005 |
ICE005 | Isla Alenjandro Selkirk CE0Z | SA-005 |
ICE006 | Isla San Felix CE0X | SA-013 |
ICE101 | Isla Santa Maria | SA-069 |
ICE102 | Isla Pan de Azucar | SA-085 |
ICE103 | Isla Channaral | SA-085 |
ICE104 | Isla Grande | SA-085 |
ICE201 | Isla Damas | SA-086 |
ICE202 | Isla Choros | SA-086 |
ICE203 | Isla Gaviota | SA-086 |
ICE501 | Isla Quiriquina | SA-070 |
ICE502 | Isla Santa Maria | SA-070 |
ICE601 | Isla Mocha | SA-061 |
ICE701 | Isla Grande de Chiloe | SA-018 |
ICE702 | Isla Quinchao | SA-018 |
ICE703 | Isla Lemuy | SA-018 |
ICE704 | Isla Ascencion | SA-043 |
ICE705 | Isla Huincha | SA-064 |
ICE706 | Isla San Pedro | SA-053 |
ICE707 | Isla Tranqui | SA-018 |
ICE708 | Isla Puluqui | SA-018 |
ICE709 | Isla Quenac | SA-018 |
ICE710 | Isla Talcan | SA-018 |
ICE711 | Isla Caguache | SA-018 |
ICE712 | Isla Guaiteca | SA-043 |
ICE801 | Isla Wollaston | SA-031 |
ICE802 | Isla Wellington | SA-032 |
ICE803 | Isla Tierra del Fuego | SA-008 |
ICE804 | Isla Riesco | SA-091 |
ICE901 | Isla Navarino | SA-050 |
ICE902 | Isla Nueva | SA-050 |
ICE903 | Isla Picton | SA-050 |
ICE904 | Isla Lenox | SA-050 |
ICE905 | Islas Rey Jorge (King George) | AN-010 |
Pablo Neruda Award
Sponsored by the Radio Club of Chile. This award honors Chilean poet and 1971 Nobel prize recipient Pablo Neruda (Neftali Reyes Basoalto). Contact stations as listed on HF using any band and mode, in countries and CE zones where Neruda lived and worked:
1. CE4, where the poet was born in 1904.
2. CE6, where he lived from 1906 to 1920
3. CE3, where he lived as an student from 1920 to 1926, and died in 1973
4. CE2, where his Isla Negra house is located.
5. XZ Birmania (Myanmar), Chilean consul, 1927
6. 4S Sri Lanka, consul in 1928
7. BD China, consul in 1929
8. YB Indonesia, consul in 1930
9. 9V Singapore, consul in 1931
10. LU Argentina, consul in Buenos Aires, 1933
11. EA Spain, Chilean consul in Barcelona from 1934 to 1936
12. F France, special consul for spanish inmigration to Chile 1937-1939,
Ambassador in 1971
13. XE Mexico, chilean consul in Mexico city, 1940
14. I Italy, lived in Capri during his political exile, 1952
15. G England, Dr. Honoris Causa at Oxford University, 1965.
16. SM Sweden, where he received the Nobel prize in 1971.
Class 1: All the CE contacts (4) plus 8 more contacts from the list.
Class 2: All the CE contacts (4) plus 10 more contacts.
Class 3: All 16 contacts.
One missing contact may be replaced with CE3AA (Radio Club de Chile), a wildcard. Send GCR and 10 IRCs or US$15.- to: Galdino Besomi, CE3PG, POBox 13630, Santiago 8330996, CHILE.
Tks CE3PG 11/07
REPROCHILE is a permanent award available to any licensed amateur. The objective of this award is to promote Chilean activity in HF bands. All HF bands may be used 160 to 10 meters. No VHF or UHF contacts may be used. The award may be earned using any combination of single/multi band or mode. All modes. Contacts are valid from November 16th 2004. To help with the record keeping, you might want to download the EXCEL spreadsheet on their website:
Award categories:
Contact All Regions and
their Capitals´ (26
All Provinces (51 contacts)
Contact All Regions and
their capitals, all
Provinces and Province
capitals. (128 contacts)
You must contact
b) You must contact all REGION
c) You
must contact ALL
region plus
Metropolitana Region.
d. You
must contact all
Province Capitals.
Contacts made a total of 128, each one must be presented with its Qsl card. One CAVANCHA HAM CLUB official station is required for the award. This contact should be used to replace any other contact needed from the First Region.
Contacts made with a single station may be applied for different categories of the award at the same time. They will be valid ONLY if contacts are made on different dates. If you make only one contact with this station, you must choose in what category you want this contact to use. e.g. If you contact with CE1XXX from Arica, you must indicate on the Application Log on what category you want to validate this contact as Region, Arica province, Capital province of Arica, etc. If you contact with the same station, CE1XXX, on different dates and you received one QSL for each contact, then you can show that station in the different categories.
Contacts made with the same station on multi band or single band on the same date WILL NOT be counted, except for a expedition, previously reported by Ham Dx bulletin and confirmed residence. This is the only case in which Multi band contacts will be valid. EXPEDITION LOGS: All expedition log must be sent separated by band and it should have at least 25 contacts with different stations on the most worked band and a minimum of 5 contacts with different stations on each of the other bands.
Any CE Ham that want to activate a Region, Region Capital, Province or Province Capital, must sent a copy of the log with the contacts made during the activation, proving their residence with any of these ways: Photographs of the place showing the activation group and a easy recognized part of the place, any bill from the place with the date of the activation, Carabineros´ certificate or any other certificate. This requisite is very important to validate any application of any other station that applied to this award.
The applications by contact category must be made in the following order:
If you want you can apply for two classes (A,B) or separately, but in any case you must get CLASS A first. Cards are also required together with the listing. These will be sent back with the certificate. The fees for this certificate are US $ 5.00 for any international station. QSLs cards must contain the minimum data required for any contact: CALL, DATE, UTC, BAND, RST, MODE (indicating on the qsl what Region, Capital or Province this station belongs)
Apply to: RADIO CLUB CAVANCHA, (Atención Comisión de Concursos y DX), Casilla # 700, IQUIQUE - CHILE.
E-mail: or
Tks PA3CUZ 8/2005
--- Radio Club Talca Series ---
General requirements: Contacts after 14 June 1961. GCR acceptable. SWL OK. Fee for each award is 5 IRCs. Club members may be identified by a circular emblem surrounding a "dish" antenna and "Talca DX Group Member" at the bottom. Apply to Luis Loyola CE4BQO, Radio Club Talca, PO Box 666, Talca, Chile.
(Chg 11/2005)
Talca DX Award
CE's need: 30 different CE stations as follows: 15 in Talca City (CE4), one qso with club station CE4TA, and the other 14 CE's must include a minimum of 6 CE call areas. All others need: 20 different CE stations as follows: 10 in Talca Province (CE4), one qso with CE4TA, 5 members of the Talca DX Group, and the remaining 4 stations should be in different CE call areas.
XQ4AD Award
This award was created to serve as a memorial to Don Adalberto Brito Ruiz XQ4AD, a Chilean radio pioneer and founder of this club. (He was an active DX awards hunter as well.) Contact 18 CE stations in a minimum of 6 CE call areas, one of which must be a CE4. The last letter of each stations suffix must contain the necessary letters to spell out: ADALBERTO BRITO RUIZ. No band or mode restrictions. Special endorsements for: (1) all one band, (2) all cw, (3) all 10 CE call areas are represented, (4) all 10 CE areas including CE0A, CE0X, and CE0Z and (5) all YL CE's.
Galvano CE4JZS Award
A memorial award to Roberto Icaza Sepulvedaveda (Q.E.P.D.) CE4JZS. Contact 50 different DXCC countries after 4 August 1994. Endorsements each added 20 countries.
CE4EJH Aurelio Baeza Munoz Award
A memorial award to CE4EJH. Contact 33 CE stations in a minimum of 7 call areas; one must be the club station CE4TA and using any of the cards from the 32 other stations, spell the name AURELIO BAEZA MUNOZ with the last letter of their call signs. All bands and modes. Contacts after 28 August 1998.
(Chg 11/2005)
Zone 12 Counties Award
Contact Chilean stations in at least 100 different CE counties after 28 June 1987. All HF bands OK. This is a large (over one Kilogram) plaque made of wood, pottery and metal. Sponsor suggests you send an additional 10% for non-qualifying contacts). The stations registered address will be used in determining the official county. Additional copper stickers are available as endorsements showing your progress up to the 330 counties mark.
Endorsements: A50 B50 -- for additional 50 counties each. A25 B25 -- for additional 25 counties each. A10 to E10 - for additional 10 counties each. A5 to F5 --- for additional 5 counties each.
For the basic award, send alphabetical list, plus QSLs and $US15 or 30 IRCs. Each endorsement (15 in total) will be issued after verified submission of alphabetical list plus QSLs and a fee of $US3 or 6 IRCs. Apply to Depto. DX y Concursos FEDERACHI, PO Box 1234, Temuco, Chile.
Zone List:
Chinese Radio Sports Association Award
Available to all licensed amateurs for making one contact with Chinese amateurs in each of the 0 to 9 call areas using any band. No time limitations. GCR list and fee of 20 RMB, $US3 or 4 IRC to: Chinese Radio Sports Association, PO Box 538, Nanjing 210005, P.R. CHINA .
(Chg 10/09)