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(Updates 10/2009)

Abegweit Award

"Abegweit" is the Indian name for Prince Edward Island and means "Cradle on the Waves". VE1,VE9, VY2, VO1 and VO2 must contact all 3 Prince Edward Island counties (Prince, Queens and Kings) after 1 January 1960. The rest of Canada and the USA need to QSO any 3 different PEI stations. DX need to QSO any 2 PeI. GCR list and fee of $US5 or 10 IRCs to Abegweit Award, c/o Summerside Amateur Radio Club Inc., 99 Harvard Street, Summerside, PEI, C1N 1P8, Canada. 

(Chg 3/2006)

Worked Atlantic Provinces Award

Contact Canadian counties in the provinces of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland and Labrador.  Station in NS, NB and PEI need contacts with 8 NS, 8 NB and 2 PEI counties plus 5 VO1 or VO2 stations.

Other Canadian outside of NS, NB and PEI and USA stations need contacts with 4 NS, 4 NB and 1 PEI county plus 3 VO1 or VO2 stations.  

All others need 2 NS, 2 NB and 1 PEI counties plus 2 VO1 or VO2 stations.

GCR list and fee of $C2 or 5 IRC to: Moncton Area Amateur Radio Club Inc., PO Box 73, Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada  E1C 8R9.


(Tks KW0U 7/2001)

BARC Award

Awarded by the Bruce ARC for contacting 5 different club members on any HF band on or after 1 Jan 1992. Stations outside of North America need only work 3. GCR list and fee of $C5 to: David J. Little VE3DJL, c/o Kincardine T&T Airport, RR2, Kincardine, Ontario, Canada N2Z 2X4.


 (97 CHG)

Calgary Chinook Award

Sponsored by the Calgary Communications Club and available to amateurs contacting members of the club. North Americans need 10 members; stations in Alberta need 10 from outside VE6 and all others must contact 5 members of the club. QSO’s with VE6RH = 2 points. Contacts after 21 Jan 1998. All bands and modes including satellite. No use of repeaters. 2-meter contacts just across the border are not accepable.  Contacts with members who do not reside in Calgary are acceptable, however. GCR list and $C5 for VE’s and $US5 for others to Awards Manager, Russ Wilson VE6VK, 1235 Richland Road N.E., Calgary, AB, Canada T2E 5M5.


(Chg 6/2009)

 -- Canadian Awards Program Series

General Requirements: Fee is shown for each award. Proof of contacts

should be in the form of photocopies of the cards. For the Youth Awards and 10 meter Award, the ages of the operators must be clearly shown. Apply to: Canadian Amateur Awards Program, c/o Neil Sutherland VE8CQ, #4-4009-48th Street, Yellowknife, NT, Canada X1A 1N4. 
(Chg 2/2007)

10 Meter CW Award - Available for all world wide operators of CW. You must contact all areas in Canada (13) and all the lower 48 states using the CW mode. Total QSO's needed = 61. This award is free, but signature of local club president and one other member is required with application. You must have all cards in your possession.

6 Meter Award - Available to all operators. Contact all major capital cities in the USA and Canada.. Fee is $US2. You must have cards in your possession. SWL OK.

Satellite Award - Available to all operators. Contact 100 amateurs outside of your home country using any Satellite mode. Fee is $US2. No SWL. 9 of the contacts must spell the word SATELLITE by using the last letter of their callsign.

144 Mhz SSB Award - Available to all operators. Contact 25 operators outside of your city using 2m SSB. Fee is $US2. 2 signatures of verification are needed.

430 Mhz SSB Award - Available to all operators. Contact 50 operators outside of your city using 430 SSB. Fee is $US2. 2 signatures of verification are needed.

160 Meter CW Award - Available to all operators. Make CW contacts on 160 in North America: 2 from each US state and one from each Canadian province and territory. 113 contacts needed. 2 signatures of verification are needed.

Canadian Islands Award

General Requirements: Apply to Maple Leaf Radio Society, 5 McLaren Avenue, Listowel, Ontario, Canada N4W 3K1. No date restrictions. No repeater QSO's or /MM near islands. QSLs must be in your possession.  Contacts on or after 15 November 1945. SWL OK.  

Rules, huge list of islands and pictures of awards may be found at: 

(Chg 3/2005)

CISA - Certificate Award

Sponsored by the Maple Leaf Radio Society for confirmed contacts with different Canadian Islands. Class V (Basic) = 5 islands, Class IV = 10 islands, Class III = 15 islands, Class II (Excellence) = 20 islands. Class I  = 25 or more islands. Plaque is available at 50 or higher levels. Regular endorsements above 50 for 75, 100, 125, 150, 175 and 200 islands. GCR list and $C4 or $US4 for VE/US or $5 for DX. Endorsement fee is $3 for VE/US and $4 for DX for the 75, 100, 125, 150, 175 and 200 island levels. Fee for black aluminum plate with gold underlay is $C35 for VE’s, $US35 for USA, and $US40 for DX. Fee for COMPLETE plaque mounted on ebony/black marble finish wood with size of 9x12 inches is $C55 for VE’s, $US55 for US and $US60 for DX.

(Chg 3/2005)

Canadian Islands Award of Excellence Plaque

The Canadian Islands Award of Excellence Plaque requires confirmation of 300 or more Canadian islands, BUT all geographic areas of Canada VE1-VE9, VO and VY must be represented.  Fee is same for 50 plaque. 

(Rewrite 3/2005)

Canadian Islands Activator Award of Excellence Plaque

When you work a minimum of 25 stations from an island, that particular island can be claimed for credit for you personally, for your own C.IS.A. total.  If you work 50 or more stations, then the island may count towards the "Island Activator of Excellence Award".  This is free of charge to outstanding Canadian activators.  

---Canadian Ladies Amateur Radio Association (CLARA) Series---

CANADA ---Canadian Ladies Amateur Radio Association (CLARA) Series---

General Requirements: GCR accepted. Contacts after 1 January 1945. All bands and modes except 2 meters and VHF packet. Cards must be in your possession, but need not be submitted. Custodian reserves right to request any card. Basic certificates are obtained for working and confirming contacts listed for each category. Endorsements available for each certificate in increments of 10 contacts. The DXCC-YL and WAZ-YL plaques are brushed bronze and black on a walnut finished back, about 8X10 inches. Fee for basic certificate $US5/$C5. Endorsements $US/C3, Engraved plaque $US/C60. Apply to:   Kathy Steels, VE3GYL, 444 Jellicoe Crescent, London, Ontario, N6K 2M5, CANADA.

CLARA National Net: Tuesday 1700Z on 14120, except July/August. 


(Chg 2/2009)

CLARA Certificate

Canadian and US stations work 10 members in 5 Canadian call areas (limit of 4 VE3/VA3). DX stations work 5 members in 3 Canadian call areas (limit 2 VE3/VA3). (CHG 00)

CLARA Family Certificate

Work a member plus any licensed family members scoring 1 point for each contact made. Family members need not reside in Canada nor same address. A total of 10 points needed for award. Log must show family relationships. ( CHG 00)

CLARA 10 DX YL Certificate

Work 10 YL's in 10 different countries. Use an approved DX country list. When 100 DXYL contacts have been confirmed for 10 DX certificate, you may apply for either the special paper certificate or the Engraved Plaque.

(CHG 00)

YL-DXCC certificate or engraved plaque

As above, but work YL's in 100 different countries. Use approved DX country list. See plaque fee above..

WAZ-YL Certificate or engraved plaque

Work YL’s in 10 different CQ zones. Endorsement each additional 10. Plaque available when all 40 CQ zones are confirmed.



Chg 3/2005

Canadian Lighthouse Awards

General requirements:  Awards are available to all amateurs and SWLs for working lighthouse stations as specified below.  A station may be counted if it is located within visual sight of the lighthouse.  It does NOT have to be physically located on the property of the lighthouse.  To count as a Canadian lighthouse, stations may also be aboard vessels anchored in the vicinity of the lighthouse or lightship.  All bands and modes OK.  See their website for official lists of valid Canadian lighthouses.  Submit a copy of your log with call and location (name) of the lighthouse/lightship along with the date and time of QSO and the official ARLHS number of the light.  Fee for both awards is $US5.  Apply to: Pierre L'Homme VE2LHP, 484 rue de la Garonne, St-Nicolas, QC, Canada G7A 1N8.


     Worked All Canadian Provinces Lighthouse Award
Work lighthouse stations in at least 5 of the 8 Canadian provinces which have lighthouses.  An endorsement is awarded for working statins in all 8 provinces.  

     Province of Quebec Lighthouse Award
Work any five Province of Quebec lighthouses. 

Tks VE2LHP 6/2004

Canadian Provinces Award

All amateurs or SWL’s are invited to cross Canada via radio and contact as many stations in as many Canadian Provinces as possible "Canadians talking to Canadians", and earn points for this award. Contacts starting 1 Jan 2000.

Rules for Canadians:

Contacts made in your own Province, one time, each contact = 1 point.
Contacts in adjoining Provinces, one time, each contact = 2 points.
Contacts made in next removed Province, one time, each contact = 3 and so on, up another point the further you go east or west.
(This means 2 provinces away, and so on each province separating you both equals another point.)
North West Territories, 1 point from any adjoining provinces.
Labrador, 1 point from adjoining provinces.

Rules for USA Stations:

US station may "adopt" nearest Canadian provinces as their "own", ie NY — Ontario, Mass — Quebec, etc.
Bonus Points
: refer to WWW page for special categories.

Bonus Points:
Portables, mobiles, islands = 1 extra point.
Marine mobiles = 2 extra points.
Air/Bike and other mobiles = 5 extra points. 
1st QSO to each prov/terr (not compulsory) = 1 point.
QSO with RAC, RAQI, CLARA or ARRL members (ask contacts when you make them) = 1 point.
QSO with a member of any radio club = 1 point.
QSO with CPA winners, bronze, silver or gold (ask) = 2 points.
QSOs with VE/VA's in other languages, both ways = 2 points.
Special Event stations = 5 points.

Total of 100 points needed for Bronze Award, 200 for Silver and 300+ if you wish to earn Gold. All bands and modes. Stations may be worked only once. Net check-ins accepted, but contacts received as Net Control are not acceptable. SWL OK.

Submit copy of logged contacts showing usual information and points claimed and alphabetical list to avoid duplications. Fee is $US/C5 to: Heritage Amateur Radio Club, Eric Olsen VE3GGO, 95 Marisa Labe #301, Cobourg, Ontario, K9A 5N6, Canada. 


(Chg 11/06)

Fiddlehead Award

Sponsored by the Fredericton ARC of New Brunswick for contacting  New Brunswick, Canada  stations on or after starting date of 31 December 1999. (The award name refers to the fiddlehead fern, which is an edible variety of fern and are considered a gastronomic delicacy.) North Americans must contact 10 New Brunswick stations, all others need 5. HF contacts only using any mode. All contacts must be confirmed by QSLs in your possession. GCR list and fee of $C5, $US5 or 5 IRCs to: Fred LeBlanc VE9UN, 17 DeWitt Acres, Fredericton, NB, Canada E3A 6S3. 


(Chg 10/05)

The Greater Saint John Award

Sponsored by the Loyalist City Amateur Radio Club Inc. of Saint John, N.B for working stations within 15 miles of downtown Saint John. Post offices in this region include: Saint John, Lancaster, South Bay, Ketepec, Grand Bay, Westfield, East Riverside, Rothesay, Gondola Point, Quispamsis, Ben Lomond, Musquash, etc.

SWL OK. No date or band limitations. Endorsement for single band or mode or mixed endorsement (AOMB/M) at time of original award application for no extra charge. Later band/mode endorsements for $1.00 or 2 IRC's.


Applicant Location

Class A

Class B

Class C

VE1, VE9, VY1




North America




Rest of World




GCR list and fee of $C3.00 or 10 IRCs. Endorsements for $C1.00 or 2 IRCs. Apply to: Awards Custodian, Loyalist City Amateur Radio Club Inc., P.O. Box 6552, Saint John, N.B. E2L 4R9, Canada.


Internet Research K1BV 4/2007

Kamloops ARC Series

General Requirements: Awards available at no cost to Canadians, others are asked to provide SASE or return postage. Send log info to: Kamloops ARC Awards Manager, c/o Archie Harris VE7DOG, 817 Fraser St., Kamloops, BC, Canada V2C 3H4. 

(Tks Internet)(00)

Worked 10 Kamloops 

Work 2 Kamloops members on HF plus 8 more VE7's. All bands and modes. No time limits.

Five on Two 

Contact 5 Kamloops members on 2 meters and talk to each of them for at least 5 minutes.


(Chg 3/2005)

Land of the Living Skies Award

Contact VE5 stations after 1 Jan 2000 using any band or mode.  VE5's need 30, other VE's 25, US stations 20 and DX 10.  Repeater contacts OK.  Free to SARL members, all others provide SASE and IRCs for return postage.  GCR list to SARL Inc., 263-325 4th Avenue SW, Moose Jaw, SK, Canada S6H 5V2.   


(Chg 11/06) 

Maple Leaf Award

Work and confirm different prefixes from Canada. 

7 Classes: 

Class IV = 10 Class III = 15
Class II = 25 Class I = 30
Shield = 50 Plaque = 100
Scroll = 200


Award Fee VE Fee US Fee DX
Certificate $5 / 10 IRCs $US5 / 10 IRCs $US5 / 10 IRCs
Shield $40 $US40 $US50
Plaque $50 $US50 $US55
Scroll $50 $US65 $US65

Contacts after 15 Feb 1965. 


 Sponsor: Maple Leaf Radio Society, Gary Hammond VE3XN, 5 McLaren Avenue, Listowel, Ontario, Canada N4W 3K1. (The Plaques are excellently finished and a handsome addition to the shack.) 



(Chg 3/2006)  

Eligible prefixes: (each 1 through 0):  CF CG CH CI CJ CK CY CZ VA VB VC VD VE VF VG VO VX VY XJ XK XL XM XN XO.

1967 prefixes used during the Canadian Centennial Year and since reassigned were: 3B1 and 3B2 plus 3C1 through 3C0. They are valid for this award.

National Capital Award

Issued upon proof of contact with stations located in the National Capital Region of Canada --- It consists of the cities of Ottawa (Ontario), Hull (Quebec) and the surrounding area to a distance of about 50 kilometers.  Canadian and US stations need 20; all others 10 contacts. GCR list and $2US/VE; $3 or 8 IRCs for others. Band/mode endorsements upon request. SWL OK. Send to: Award Manager, Ottawa Amateur Radio Club, PO Box 8873, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1G 3J2.

Sponsor E-mail: 

 --- Norcan CW Awards Program

General Requirements: Fee for each award is shown with its listing. Each of the awards must be earned by CW contacts only. Evidence of contact must be in the form of photocopies of QSL cards. Apply to: Norcan CW Awards Custodian, Neil Sutherland VE8CQ, #4-4009-48th Street, Yellowknife, NT, Canada X1A 1N4.

(Chg 2/2007)

Arctic Circle Award - Contact a minimum of 2 amateurs in each call area of a country which includes territory in the Arctic Circle. Contacts must live on or above the Arctic Circle. .

Dominion of Canada - Spell out DOMINION OF CANADA by the last two letters of each call sign. All contacts must be Canadian. Cards must be in your possession.

Worked 50 Canadian Cities Award - Work a minimum of two cities in each province and one in each Canadian territory. No SWL. Fee is 5 IRCs.

Northern CW Award - Contact 2 amateur operators in Nunavut and 2 in the Northwest Territories, 6 in alaska. Cards must be in your possession.

Western Arctic ARA Award - contact 5 members of this association. Cards must be in your possession.


 --- Norcan SSB Awards Program

General Requirements - as above, except all contacts must be made on SSB mode.

(TKS VE8CQ)(97)

SSB Diamond Award - Contact 90 stations outside of your own call area using SSB mode only. No satellite contacts. No SWL. Fee is 5 IRCs. Send photocopies of cards.

SSB Executive Diamond Award - Contact 400 North American operators on the 40, 80 or 160 meter bands. Fee is 5 IRCs. No SWL.

SSB Double Diamond Award - Contact over 300 world wide operators on 10-80 meters. 25% of contacts must be made on nets of a worldwide nature. Contacts on QSL must state which net was used. Fee is $US5 or 25 IRCs. No SWL.

Master Crown SSB Award - Contact over 600 world wide operators on 20, 30, 40 and 80 meters only. No repeater or satellite contacts. No SWL. Fee is 20 IRCs.

 --- Nortown Amateur Radio Club Series ---

General requirements: GCR list by President or VP of a legitimate amateur organization is acceptable or photocopies may be sent. Under no circumstances should actual cards be sent. Fee is $3 or 5 IRCs. All contacts must have been made from a radius of 200 km of one point and after 1 Jan 1939.. Sponsor: Nortown Amateur Radio Club PO Box 91104, RPO Bayview Village, North York, Ontario M2K 2Y6, Canada. 


(Chg 10/2009)

Worked All VE Award (WAVE)

Confirm contacts to verify QSO with 2 different stations on different bands in each of the following 8 sections: Prince Edward Island OR New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia, Yukon or Northwest Territories.

Worked All Canada (WACAN)

Confirm contacts to verify QSO with 2 stations on different bands in each of the following 12 sections:
Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia, Yukon OR NWT, Labrador, Newfoundland.
VO contacts must be made after 31 March 1949. Proof of contacts submitted for WACAN will be automatically applied towards the WAVE award. (If WAVE award is desired, please indicate.)

Rules for WACAN Award (for holders of WAVE Award)

Produce confirmation to verify qso with 2 stations on different bands in the remaining 4 sections: Labrador VO2, Newfoundland VO1 and the two remaining VE1 provinces not submitted for WAVE award. Fee as above.

(Chg 6/2006) 

Worked All Nova Scotia Counties

Contact the 18 Nova Scotia counties on or after 11 Sept 1993. Basic award is for mixed modes, HF bands only. Stations making a "clean sweep" in the NSARA contest each March will also qualify for the award without submitting QSL cards. Endorsements for single mode. No charge for the award. Actual cards must be submitted; your certificate and cards will be returned postpaid by NSARA. Only base station to base station contacts. Portable operations accepted, but not mobile operation. Send the 18 cards plus official application form to: Awards Chairman, 279 Pumping Station Rd., Brookdale, NS, B4H 3Y3, Canada. 


Nova Scotia counties: Annapolis Antigonish Cape Breton Colchester Cumberland Digby Guysworth Halifax Hants Inverness Kings Lunenberg Pictou Queens Richmond Shelburne Victoria Yarmouth

(Chg 10/2006)

Ontario Award

Sponsored by the Ontario DX Association. Available to any amateur for making 2-way contact with each of the 48 political subdivisions of Ontario along with VE3ODX clubstation and VA3RAC. SWL OK. Contacts after April 1, 1999. All band and modes, except repeater may not be used.

GCR list and fee of $C5 or 5 IRCs to: Ontario Award, Ontario DX Association, 155 Main Street N., Apt 313, Newmarket, Ontario, L3Y 8C2, Canada. 

(Chg 3/2005)

The political subdivisions of Ontario are:

Algoma District Haltlon Region Middlesex County Rainy River District
Brant County Hamilton-Wentworth Region Muskoka District Renfrew County
Bruce County Ottawa-Carleton District Niagara District Simcoe County
Cochrane District Hastings County Nipissing District Stormont-Dundas-Glengarry Co.
Dufferin County Huron County Northumberland County Sudbury District
Durham Region Kenora District Oxford County Thunder Bay District
Elgin County Kent County Parry Sound District Timiskaming District
Essex County Lambton County Peel Region City of Toronto
Frontenac County Lanark County Perth County Victoria County
Grey County Leeds-Grenville County Peterborough County Waterloo Region
Haldimand-Norfolk Region Lenox-Addington County Prescott-Russel County Wellington County
Haliburton District Manitoulin District Prince Edward County York Region

Worked Ontario Ports Award

Work VE3 stations in the "Ports" of the Province of Ontario after 1 January 1990. All bands and modes. Contacts may be with fixed, portable or mobiles. North Americans need 5 different "port" stations plus 5 Ontario Province stations (VE3/VA3). All others must contact 2 different "port" stations plus 3 Ontario province stations. SWL OK. Repeater contacts ARE accepted. Log copy and fee of $US2 or 2 IRCs to: Robert Morden VE6RI, Box 192, Grimshaw, Alberta, Canada.  T0H 1W0. 


The award pictures an old fashioned lighthouse at Port Dover, Ontario. 

(Confirmed 10/2007)

Look for these Port towns: (each has the word "Port" in front of the town)

Albert Alma Beach  Blake Bolster Britain  Bruce Burwell Carling  Carmen Colbourne  Credit Cunnington  Dalhousie  Darlington  Dover  Elgin  Elmsley  Franks  Grandby  Glasgow  Hope Lambton  Loring  Maitland  McNicoll  Milford  Perry  Robinson  Rowan  Royal  Ryerse Sandfield  Severn  Stanley  Stanton  Sydney Talbot  Union View Weller

Radio Amateurs of Canada Series

General Requirements: GCR accepted. Sponsor may request random cards for a check SWL OK. Apply to: Bill Metcalfe VE6BF



Chg 10/2009 

Canadaward - Confirm contact in each of the 13 Canadian provinces and territories on or after 1 July 1977. All QSO's must be on one band only. Separate awards for each band or mode. Fee is $US5 for stations outside of Canada, $C5 for Canadians.

(Chg 3/2005)

Canadian Provincial Capitals Award

Work and confirm each of the 10 Provincial Capital Cities in Canada on or after 31 March 1949. : Edmonton (Alberta), Victoria (British Columbia), Fredericton (New Brunswick), St. John's (Newfoundland), Halifax (Nova Scotia), Winnipeg (Manitoba), Toronto (Ontario), Quebec City (Quebec), Charlottetown (PEI), and Regina (Saskatchewan). Fee is $US5/$C5. 

(Chg 3/2005)

Seaway Award

Work 10 different stations along the route of the St. Lawrence Seaway since July 1950. Of the 10 contacts, one must be in each of the following areas: Thunder Bay, Greater Toronto, Greater Montreal, and Greater Quebec City. The remaining 6 may be from any municipality located along the route.

Fee is $US3/$C3.

Trans-Canada Award

Work 5 stations in each of the 10 Canadian Provinces.  See 5 Band Canadaward for province list.   (VE8 and VY1 and VY0 count as one area)   plus an additional 5 in VO1 or VO2 areas of Newfoundland and Labrador for a total of 55 contacts.  Note: of the VE8 call area, at least one must be with a Yukon station (VE8 or VY1) and one must be with an offshore island of the Northwest Territories. Total contacts needed are 55. Fee is $US3/$C3. Contacts since 1945. 

(Chg 7/2004)

5 Band Canadaward - A special engraved plaque available for stations who confirm contacts with the 13 provinces and territories on 5 amateur bands. Fee is $US50 for stations outside of Canada and $C50 (with backboard) for Canadian amateurs. With no backboard, the costs are $US20 and $C20.

(Chg 3/2005)

List of Canadian Provinces and Territories

VO1-VO2 Newfoundland Labrador  VE4 - Manitoba
VE1 - Nova Scotia VE5 - Saskatchewan
VE1/VE9 - New Brunswick VE6 - Alberta
VY2/VE1 - Prince Edward Island VE7 - British Columbia
VE2 - Quebec  VE8 - NWT
VE3 - Ontario  VY1 - Yukon
VY0 - Nunavut

 All bands may be used. Each distinct satellite mode will count as a separate band. Note: VO2, Labrador is a part of the Province of Newfoundland and counts for Newfoundland. Some Canadian stations may be using different prefixes. Applicants should note that the award is based on the province or territory of residence of the QSL card, not the prefix.


 Worked All RAC Award

Make 2-way contact with at least 10 of the 18 prefixes containing the suffix "RAC" on or after 1 July 1998. These are official stations of the Radio Association of Canada. In Provinces or Territories having two RAC calls. ie: VA4 and VE4, VA1 and VE1, etc. only ONE of the two prefixes count in the total of the TEN required.

The 18 prefixes are: VA1, VA2, VA3, VA4, VA5, VA6, VE1, VE4, VE5, VE6, VE7, VE8, VE9, VO1, VO2, VY0, VY1, VY2. Note: Cards for the RAC official stations (all prefixes) should be sent to the call book address: Radio Amateurs of Canada, 217 - 720 Belfast Rd. Ottawa, ON K1G 0Z5. They should NOT be sent directly to the operator.

1. Basic Award: 10 contacts, as stated above, on any band, any mode. 10 cards are required.

2. An endorsement is available to amateurs who supply proof of 2 way contact with "ALL" 14 official RAC stations as listed. NOTE: When 2 calls are listed for a province or territory either station will count but NOT both. The charge for the endorsement is $1.00 US.

3. Single Band: 10 contacts, as stated above, on a single band, and the following modes, CW, SSB, RTTY, MIXED, SSTV, SATELLITE, OTHER. 10 cards are required. Certificates are available for each band/mode.

4. 5 Band Plaque: A special engraved plaque is available to any Amateur who confirms two-way QSO's, as stated above, on 5 bands or more using rule for single band, mode. A total of 50 cards will be required. Cost of plaque, without backboard $20 US, $20 Cdn for Canadians. With backboard $50 US, $50 Cdn for Canadians.

GCR list and fee of $US5 or $Cdn 5 to: Bill Metcalfe VE6BF, 5704 - 48th AVENUE, BEAUMONT AB T4X 1C3, CANADA


Registry of Senior Wireless Operators

This certificate recognizes those wireless operators who have been on the air for more than twenty five years and are licensed to operate transmitters with power in excess of 100 watts.

Send a photocopy of your original license over-written BOLDLY with the words "Photocopy - not valid for use. For file purpose only." [If original license unavailable, they will accept reasonable proof such as a QSL card of a two-way contact with date clearly shown.].

Send photocopy of your present license, marked as above OR if you are listed in QRZ, simply advise that you are listed and provide your present call letters. 

Print your call and name exactly as you wish it to appear on the certificate. Send $6.50C or $US5 or 6 IRC’s to: WO25+ Registry, 91 Hillsborough Cr., Kitchener, Ontario, Canada N2E 1J5.

(Chg 10/05)


The SECC award is issued to any licensed amateur radio operator who has worked and confirmed contacts with 100 special event stations. For the initial award you only have to work and confirm 25 special event stations. You can upgrade the award in increments of 25 up to a total of 100 contacts. Stickers available for 50, 75 and 100 stations. All bands and modes. Only two-way simplex type contacts count. No contacts on repeaters, satellites, IRLP, or echo link will count for this award. Contacts are valid on or after January 1, 2006. You must possess the QSLs. Application form is available on web site listed below. Send completed form along with fee of $US5.00 and a copy of at least 10 of your qsl cards or certificates to Terry Greenwood VE3TMG, 2210 Janette Ave., Windsor, ON N8X 1Z8, Canada.


Tks VE3TMG 5/2006

Stampede City Award

Earn 10 points by contacting stations in the City of Calgary, Alberta after 1 January 1962. Members of the Calgary ARA who live outside of the city but are active in the organization also count. Calgary stations count 1 point each.   All bands and modes. Only stations who live outside of Calgary may apply, though Calgary stations may earn the award by operating outside of the province.   Contacts with club stations VE6AO and VE6NQ count 2 points.   SWL OK.   Log data only and fee of $US3 to: CARA, PO Box 592, Station "M", Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2P 2J2. 

Sponsor e-mail - Pete J. Larsen       


(CHG 10/2009)

Thunder Bay Voyageur Award        Removed 11/2009 - not longer being issued.

The Lakehead Amateur Radio Club, in cooperation with the City of Thunder Bay, is offering this award to any station who contacts at least 5 Thunder Bay amateurs. GCR list and $Cdn2 to: Lakehead Amateur Radio Club, 1100-C, Suite 184, Memorial Avenue, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada P7A 4A3.

(Chg 7/2004)

Trans-Canada Award

Contact cities along Canada's #1 highway as listed below. 42 of the 77 are needed to earn the award. Not available for SWL's. Special endorsement for all contacts on one band. Available for HF bands only. GCR list and fee of $US2 to: Trans Canada Highway Award, #4-4009-48th Street, Yellowknife, NT, Canada X1A 1N4. 

(Chg 7/07)

British Columbia - 9 needed:Victoria, Duncan, Naniamo, Vancouver, North Vancouver, West Vancouver, Abbottsford, New Westminster, Chilliwack, Hope, Boston Bar, Cache Creek, Kamloops, Chase, Salmon Arm, Golden, Revelstoke.

Alberta - 5 needed: Lake Louise, Banff, Canmore, Calgary (3 contacts), Brooks, Medicine Hat, Strathmore, Bassano.

Saskatchewan - 4 needed: Maple Creek, Swift Current, Moose Jaw, Regina (2 contacts).

Manitoba- 3 needed: Brandon, Portage la Prairie, Winnipeg (2 contacts).

Ontario - 5 needed: Kenora, Dryden, Thunder Bay, Nipigon, Sault Ste. Marie, Sudbury, North Bay, Parry Sound, Orillia, Peterborough, Pembroke, Ottawa, Cochrane, Wawa.

Quebec - 4 needed: Montreal (2 contacts), Laval, St.-Hyacinthe, Drummondville, River du Loupe.

New Brunswick - 3 needed: Edmunston, Hartland, Woodstock, Fredericton, Sussex, Moncton, Sackville.

Pr. Edward Island - 1 needed: Charlottetown, Borden.

Nova Scotia - 4 needed: Amherst, Truro, Pictou, New Glasgow, Antigonish, Port Hawksbury, Baddeck, North Sydney.

Newfoundland - 4 needed: Port Aux Basques, Stephenville, Corner Brook, Deer Lake, Windsor, Gander, Grand Falls, St.John.

Vintage Operators Award

Established to recognize those who collect, restore and operate vintage military communications equipment. Basic award available for 5 contacts with each type of equipment. Only one contact per equipment type per day is allowed. The following information must be exchanged using the equipment: callsign, operators name, equipment type, equipment serial number and signal report. The equipment must be used without major modifications with an exception for power supplies, antenna and extremely rare or valuable components. Distance covered must be representative of those encountered in the normal operation use of the equipment (e.g. 1Km per watt for radios, 0.5km for line and visual equipment. Contacts must be made after 15 August 1995. It is not necessary for both ends of the exchange to be made with vintage equipment. Separate endorsements may be given for the receiver and transmitter of a particular set. Full details to be sent to either of:

D. Lawrence VA3ORP, 1309 Sunbury Rd., RR2, Inverary, ON , Canada K0H 1X0.

C. Basaillion VE3CBK, 1324 Old Carp Rd., RR1, Kanata, ON, Canada K2K 1X7. (Tks VE3EIM)(99)

Worked All VO Award (WAVO)

Contact 20 different VO's operating fixed, portable or mobile in the province. One of these must be using a VO2 Labrador prefix. VO1 or VO2 stations need 60 and two must be using a VO2 prefix. Contacts since 1 June 1946 and must be made from same call area.. No endorsements are available. GCR list and postage to: Society of Newfoundland Radio Amateurs, c/o Paul Piercey, PO Box 23099, St. John's, NL A1B 4J9, Canada. 

Internet: http://www.sonra/ca/ 

(Chg 10/05)

Worked All Winnipeg Award

Sponsored by the Winnipeg ARC for making contacts with VE4 stations located in Winnipeg, Manitoba. The award is presented on parchment stock with drawings on the border of the many buildings that represent attractions in the city along with the Provincial Emblems. Contacts since 1 Jan 1956. All bands and modes. No repeaters. Endorsement for single band and mode. Stations outside Manitoba, but in North America need 15, stations within Manitoba need 25, all others need 10. GCR list and $2 Canadian or 6 IRCs to: Worked All Winnipeg Award Custodian, c/o Dick Maguire VE4HK, 598 St. Mary's Road, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R2M 3L5 

(Chg 1/2004)

    WV2B Awards Series

General Requirements:  With your list of contacts, submit a signed statement as follows: I certify upon my honor that the contacts listed have been made in the manner represented, and that I have obeyed the awards rules and all Amateur Radio rules as set forth by my licensing authority while making these contacts. Signature- Date-.  Confirmations are not required for this award.  Awards may be endorsed to reflect your operating accomplishments. For example: CW, SSB, Single Band, Mobile, etc. Contacts may be made from any station location, during any span of time, and using any call signs issued to you by a licensing authority. SWLs may apply on a heard basis.  

Both awards are in the form of an engraved plaque.  Cost of the plaque is $US70 and Canada $75 overseas airmail. Payment may be also be made by PayPal to , or Western Union. Send application, contact list, certification statement, and payment to: Duane Traver {WV2B, VA1ZZ}, P.O. Box 59, Marathon, NY 13803-0059, USA.

E-Mail -

                    Maritime Counties Award

The Maritime Counties Award is issued for making Amateur Radio contacts with the 36 counties of the Canadian Maritime Provinces {New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island}. See the WWW page for complete list of the counties required. Contacts may be with any licensed Amateur stations, whether fixed, portable or mobile.

 Submit a computer generated or other list, showing the contacts you claim as follows: County, Call worked, Band, Mode. On-line call sign databases may not be reliable in determining county of operation, since they reflect the mailing address on file with Industry Canada.


Tks WV2B 5/27/09

                       Great White North Award

The Great White North Award is presented for making Amateur Radio contacts in the following categories:

1.A contact with each of the 13 provinces/territories of Canada.
2. Contacts with 20 different Canadian callsign prefixes.
3. Contacts with 10 different Canadian Islands.
4. Contacts with 5 different Canadian Lightouses.

Contacts may be with any licensed Amateur stations, whether fixed, portable or mobile. Submit a computer or other list, showing the contacts you are claiming with the following data: {Province,prefix,island, or lighthouse} , Call worked, Band, Mode.

 Contacts may be made from any station location, during any span of time, and using any call signs issued to you by a licensing authority. SWLs may apply on a heard basis.


Zone 2 Award

Confirm contact with three prefixes (VE2, VO2 and VE8) in the northeast area of North America. VE2 stations is Quebec count if north of the 50th parallel, and the portion of the Northwest Territories (VE8) east of 102 degrees and north of 50 degrees (all VO2 stations are in Zone 2). A contact with Nunavut in VY0 since 1999 if east of 102 degrees to replace VE8. SWL OK. GCR list and fee of $US3 or 8 IRCs to: Gilles Soucy VE2GSO, Box 46, Fermont, Quebec, Canada G0G 1JO.

(Chg 10/05)