Updated 11/2007
Worked All Bermuda
This award is an antique parchment map of Bermuda signed by His Excellency, the Governor of Bermuda. Really worth framing. Contact stations in all 9 Parishes of Bermuda which are: Sandys, Southampton, Warwick, Paget, Pembroke, Devonshire, Smith's, Hamilton and St.George's. Note: city of Hamilton is NOT in Hamilton Parish. No date limits. Only one mobile or portable station may be claimed for credit. No band or mode endorsements are available. Not available for SWL's. All bands including WARC and Satellite. Contest info may no longer be used as evidence of contacts. No fee, but it's suggested that 5 IRCs be sent to cover costs. . Send to: Award Manager, PO Box 275, Hamilton HM AX, Bermuda.
(Chg 12/04)
Bermuda 100 Club
This award is a mahogany plaque with the Bermuda Coat of Arms embossed in color. You must contact 100 Bermuda stations. Mobile or portable stations do not count. Not available for SWL's. All modes except packet. All bands including WARC and satellite. Endorsements for each added 25 VP9's are in the form of a plate you attach to the basic award. Award is free, but its suggested you send $US10 to cover costs. . Look for VP9's on the Bermuda Net 14275 at 1330z Sundays. Send to: Awards Manager, PO Box 275, Hamilton HM AX, Bermuda.
(CHG 97)
12/09 - award QRT.
Radio Club Boliviano Series
General Requirements: GCR accepted only for WACP. Apply to: Radio Club
Boliviano CP0RCB, PO Box 2111, LaPaz, Bolivia, S.A.
Worked All CP
Contact 25 different CP stations in at least 8 of the 9 Bolivian call areas
after August 1951. All bands and modes are acceptable. Fee is $5US or an
equivalent amount in IRCs.
5 Band Worked
As above except requires 125 CP contacts, 25 per band with at least 8 call
areas after November 1983. CW or phone. Applicant must sent the QSL cards with
log extract and $10US to cover diploma costs and return of QSLs by certified
Bosnia and Herzegovina Association of Radio Amateurs Series
General Requirements: These awards are available to individual amateur station, club stations and SWL stations in Bosnia and Herzegovina and worldwide. Contacts after 15 October 1991. Contacts must be two way in the same mode, - no cross band QSO’s,, no satellite or repeater QSO’s. GCR list acceptable. Cards are not needed. Fee for any award of this program is $US5, 5€ or 8 IRC. Apply to: Vladica Babic T97V, Hrvatske mladezi 18, 72250 Vitez, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The award may be earned in seven different varieties with sticker endorsement after earning the initial award.
1. B&H CALL Sticker: Contact 10 different T9 stations who have different number in call, (T90_T99), if you missing one number, you can substitute with 3 different call numbers. Different call numbers would include T92XY = T91JKL, T94EF, T99A.
2. B&H HF AWARD Sticker: Make 1 QSO with different T9 stations on 9 different HF bands (9 QSO`s). For one missing band, you may substitute with 3 more different call on three other band’s. (If missing a 3.5MHz QSO = 1QSO on 14MHz + 1QSO on 21MHz + 1QSO on 10 MHz).
3. B&H VHF/UHF Sticker: Make 5 QSO with T9 stations on VHF/UHF bands. Balkan stations need 5 QSOs, stations inside DX circle need 3 QSOs and station from other continent need 1 QSO.
4. B&H SQUARE Sticker: Contact T9's in 4 different squares. No restriction per HF or (4 QSO`s) Squares in T9 are JN74; JN75; JN82; JN83; JN84; JN85; JN92; JN93; JN94 and JN95. (the biggest squares are shown in bold type.)
5. B&H CW Sticker: Make 10 QSO with different T9 stations in CW mode. All bands may be used.
6. B&H SSB Sticker: Make 10 QSO with different T9 stations in SSB mode, (10 QSO`s). All bands may be used.
7. B&H MIXED Sticker: Make 10 QSO with T9 stations in different modes. 3 must be on CW, 3 on SSB, and remaining four must be in a different mode. ( FM, AM, RTTY, SSTV, PACKET, PACTOR, AMTOR, PSK31,..) A minimum of four different modes, no restriction per band.
Make 10 QSO with different countries which are involved in the reconstruction program in Bosnia and Herzegovina and 10 QSO with different T9 stations, for a total of 20 QSOs. List of EU contributing/participating nations: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Holland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, UK.
This award may be earned in three different levels shown below: . All bands and modes may be used.
1. UN BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA AWARD: Make 30 QSO with different country who are member of UN and 10 QSO with different T9 stations from Bosnia and Herzegovina. (40 QSO's)
(list of UN members on )
2. SFOR BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA AWARD: Make 20 QSO with different country who have SFOR soldiers in Bosnia and 10 QSO's with different T9 stations. (30 QSO`s)
List of SFOR contributing/participating nations: Albania, Austria, Argentina, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Morocco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, UK, USA.
3. IPTF BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA AWARD: Make 20 QSOs with different countries who have IPTF police forces in Bosnia & Herzegovina and 10 QSO with different T9 stations. (30 QSO's).
List of IPTF contributing/participating nations: Argentina, Austria, Bangladesh, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Denmark, Egypt, Estonia, Fiji, Finland, France, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Jordan, Kenya, Malaysia, Nepal, Netherlands, Nigeria, Norway, Pakistan, Poland, Portugal, Russian Federation, Senegal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, USA.
Rewrite: Tks T97V 3/23/03
The Radio Club of Sarajevo is celebrating 60 years of successful activity. To honour this anniversary the Club has established the SARAJEVO award. Available to all amateurs and SWLs thoughout the world for contacting stations / SWL reports from Sarajevo. A contact with special stations E71ALM or E760ALM (also T91ALM and T960ALM) is required.
a. EU stations - at least 5 different stations from Sarajevo.
b. DX stations - at least 3 different Sarajevo stations.
c. E7 stations - at least 10 different Sarajevo stations
Same requirements for SWL stations. Contacts on or after January 1st, 2007 on all bands and modes. The diploma can be endorsed for a single band or mode. Requests received prior December 31st, 2007 will get an additional golden sticker commemorating the 60th anniversary.
Send a GCR list and 5€ or 8 IRCs to the award manager: Emin Skopjak E71E, Cemerlina 5, 71000 SARAJEVO, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Tks S53EO 9/2007