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Updated 1/2010 

---Wireless Institute of Australia Series---

General Rules (For all General Certificate Awards)

Applicants should state whether they are W.I.A. Members and, if so, list their membership number. Applications should be sent to the WIA Awards Manager, :  Michael Wright VK5ARD, PO Box 752, Roxby Downs, South Australia 5725, Australia. Contacts may be made from all calls in the same country, unless otherwise stated.

No contacts by Crossband, terrestrial repeaters, aircraft, internet (IRLP etc), or operations from sea-going vessels of any type. Permanently docked exhibition vessels or historic ships are considered land based. All contacts must have been made after 1st. January 1946, unless otherwise noted.

Applicants need to hold QSL cards for all QSO’s claimed. A list of all two-way contacts is needed, which should list the following information: Callsign of station contacted, Date, Time, (RST optional), Mode and frequency and as shown on the data sheets. Contacts should be listed in numerical, alphabetical order i.e. (1A-9Z, A2-ZS). On the bottom of each data sheet a declaration signed by an (1) official of a recognized Society or by two (2) licensed Radio Amateurs. It is recommended you use our W.I.A. official computer formatted documents for all awards and updates.

(Note: these are a slightly abbreviated version of the actual rules.  Suggest you visit their website to review complete version and download their forms which should be used to apply for the awards.  The WIA has done a great job in revising their awards program, and introducing a degree of automation.)

Schedule of fees. General awards. (1st. September 2007)

A) WIA Members
 One certificate per membership year - no charge
 Two Award up-dates per membership year - no charge
 Each further General Award certificate per membership year - A$20
 Each further certificate other than a General Award certificate - A$25
 Each further Award up-date per membership year A$5
 Each replacement certificate - A$25

B) Foreign applicants
 Each General Award certificate - A$25 or US$25 or 13 IRC's
 Each certificate other than a General Award certificate - A$30 or US$30 or 16 IRC's
 Each award up-date - A$15 or US$15 or 8 IRC's.
 Each replacement certificate - A$35 or US$35 or 18 IRC's

C) Non members of the WIA (to 1 December 2007 only)
 Each certificate - A$30
 Each award up-date -A$15
 Each replacement certificate - A$35

(Chg 7/2009)

(Change 3/19/08)

WIA Antarctic Award

Contact 10 stations operating in Antarctica, including stations authorized by at least 6 different national licensing authorities, one of which must be a VK0. Contacts after 23 February 1988, the 75th anniversary of the first 2-way radio contact between Antarctica and the outside world. Antarctica is defined as the land mass, islands and permanent ice shelf below latitude 60 deg. South latitude.   This excludes Heard, Macdonald and Macquarie Islands, which are sub-Antarctic.  SWL OK. All bands ok, no crossband. 

(TKS VK3AJU)(90)


Submit evidence of having worked 100 countries. May be endorsed for various bands and modes. Acceptable countries are determined by WIA; in practice, their list is the same as that of ARRL, with WIA reserving the right to make variations. Contacts are valid from 1 Jan 1946 and contacts with Satellites from 1 March 1965. No "stickers" are available, but holders calls will be published in recognition of higher totals. Submit additional country GCR's in multiples of 25 up to 200, thence by 10 up to 325, and after that, by single additional countries. Records are maintained for current and deleted countries: i.e., 200/220 meaning 200 current and 220 including deleted ones. Starting dates for new countries same as ARRL with WIA reserving the right to make different decision. All claimed countries must be made from the same DXCC country.

(Chg 11/04)

Worked All VK Call Areas

Confirmed contacts as follows since Jan 1 1946:  Applicants must be members of an IARU affiliated society.    (No repeat contacts made after 14 Feb 1990 will count.  Special prefixes AX and VI also quality.)     

VK's need 73 QSO's as follows: 
     VK0 - 3 QSO's from at least 2 different areas. 
     VK1 - 3 QSO's from at least 2 different
     VK8 - 3 QSO's from at least 2 different bands. 
     VK9 - 4 QSO's from at least 3 different areas. (Special prefix VK9R qualifies)
     VK2,3,4,5,6,7 - 10 from each call area on at least 3 different bands. 
VK's don't have to possess the QSLs.

DX Applicants require 22 contacts as follows:  
     VK0, VK1 - 1 contact from each call area.
     VK2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 - 3 contacts from each call area.
     VK8, VK9 - 1 contact from each call area. (Special prefix VK9R qualifies)

(Chg 6/2005)

WIA Grid Square Award

Contact "Maidenhead" grid square locators as indicated below on or after 1 January 1990.  Grid square fields are designated by combination of 2 letters (AA-RR), the squares by 2 numbers (00-99), and 2 sub-square letters (aa-xx).  For example, QF56od is the proper designation for Sydney, Australia.  The application must also quote the location or field where the contact was made, i.e., home base station, portable or mobile, meaning from on location only. Only contacts made on and after 1 January 1990 qualify for this award and must be from land based stations. Minimum requirements are:

All HF bands (including WARC): 100 contacts
50 MHz: 50 contacts 
144 MHz: 30 contacts
432 MHz: 25 contacts 
1296 MHz: 10 contacts
13cm and above 5 contacts
2300-2450 Mhz, SHF and EHF 248-250 Ghz 5 different locators. 

3BDXCC and 5BDXCC General Rules:

"Deleted" entities are not accepted for this award, should a entity be deleted from the DXCC list after your approved application has been accepted, credit for that entity will be maintained to Honour the Certificate only, it will be deleted from the award Multiband total tally. Approved entities are those that are accepted for ARRL DXCC Awards, contacts are valid from 1st. January 1946, with the WIA reserving the right to make different decisions in regard to additions and deletions. Direct two way un-assisted contacts with Satellites (Sat) are included as from 1st. of March 1965. WIA members that have achieved DXCC from an overseas entity may also apply for this award. We follow the ARRL Rules for DXCC approved entities including direct communication updates with all current ARRL DXCC validations of operators and dxpeditions.

1. "Single" or "Multi-Modes". i.e. Phone (AM, SSB, FM). CW, Digital, SSTV and Open denoting combined Phone, CW, Digital, SSTV and Sat = Satellite (Band mode i.e. FM, Digital).
2. Approved Modes
: Phone = (AM, SSB, FM). CW. Open = (combined all modes). Sat=Satellite (FM, Digital)
3. Digital
= RTTY (Baudot, ASCII, Amtor, Packet, Packtor, PSK, MFSK, MT, AFSK, Narrow Band FSK. etc) SSTV, ATV, FAX. EME.
4. Approved bands
: V.H.F. & H.F. 2m, 6m, 10m, 12m, 15m, 17m, 20m, 30m, 40m, 75-80m, 160m.

Schedule of fees. 3 & 5 Band DXCC awards
Free to all Wireless Institute of Australia members. (one Certificate only)
$14 Aus to Australian non-members.
$12 US or 10 current valid IRCs for all overseas applicants.

Schedule of fees. 9 & 11 Band DXCC awards "Special issue only"
Free to all Wireless Institute of Australia members. (one Certificate only)
$30 Aus to Australian non-members.
$28 US or 20 current valid IRCs for all overseas applicants.

New 10/2005 Tks VK6LC

3 Band DXCC Award Rules

(The word entity means countries and special areas combined. )These awards are available to all Radio Amateurs who submit evidence of having worked 100 approved current entities with no "Deleted" entities, on each band. The 3 Band selection is of your own choice totaling 300 entities. WIA progress tally awards (self adhesive labels) are issued at increments of 50 entities. (350, 400, 450, 500, 550, 600, 650, 700, 750, 800, 850, 900, 950,1000)

3 band DXCC approved entity total = 335 x 3 = 1005.  Dated February 2002.  (Check National Website for updates.)
"Honour Roll" is set at minus -305 less than the current maximum DXCC entities (=700)
"DXCC Excellence" is set at minus -105 less than the current maximum DXCC entities (=900). 


5 Band DXCC Award Rules

These awards are available to all Radio Amateurs who submit evidence of having worked 100 approved current entities with no "Deleted" entities, on each band. The 5 Band selection is of your own choice totaling 500 entities.  WIA progress tally awards (self adhesive labels) are issued at increments of 50 entities. 550, 600, 650, 700, 750, 800, 850, 900, 950, 1000, 1050, 1100, 1150, 1200.

WIA "Honour Roll" Achievement self adhesive label) is issued at the qualifying period. (Purchased separately).
WIA "DXCC Excellence" award (self adhesive label) is issued at the qualifying period. (Purchased separately).

5 Band "Classic" Award is any choice of all approved "traditional bands" 10m, 15m, 20m, 40m, 75-80m.
"Honour Roll" i set at minus -875 less than the maximum current DXCC entities (800).
"DXCC Excellence" is set at minus -675 less than the maximum current DXCC entities. (1000)

5 band "Premier" Award is any choice of all approved 11 bands.
"Honour Roll" is set at minus -775 less than the maximum current DXCC entities (900).
"DXCC Excellence" is set at minus -575 less than the maximum current DXCC entities. (1100). 

9 Band DXCC Award Rules. "Special issue only"

These awards are available to all Radio Amateurs who submit evidence of having worked 100 approved current entities with no "Deleted" entities, on each band. The 9 Band selection is of your own choice totaling 900 entities. WIA progress tally awards (self adhesive labels) are issued at increments of 100 entities. 1300, 1400, 1500, 1600, 1700, 1800, 1900, 2000, 2100, 2200, 2300, 2400, 2500, 2600.

11 Band DXCC Award Rules. "Special issue only"

These awards are available to all Radio Amateurs who submit evidence of having worked 100 approved current entities with no "Deleted" entities, on each band. The 11 Band selection is of your own choice totalling 1100 entities.WIA progress tally awards (self adhesive labels) are issued at increments of 100 entities. 1300, 1400, 1500, 1600, 1700, 1800, 1900, 2000, 2100, 2200, 2300, 2400, 2500, 2600.


VK and ZL contact 10 YL members of the Australian Ladies Amateur Radio Association. Contacts must include 5 VK call areas; others contact 5 in 4 call areas. Contacts on or after June 30, 1975. No repeater qso's or net contacts. SWL OK. Endorsements for each additional 10 members; DX 5. GCR list and 7 IRCs for basic award; fee for endorsements is $1 Australian. ALARA Awards Custodian Kathryn Gluyas VK3XBA, 14 William, St. Donvale, VIC-3111, Australia. 


(Chg 9/2008)

Bayside Boaties Award

Work members of the Bayside District ARS. 5 points required.  1 point for each club member worked and 2 points for club station VK4BAR.  GCR list and fee of $AU5 to:   Award Manager VK4BAR, Bayside District ARS, PO Box 411, Capalaba 4157, Australia.

(Tks PA3CUZ)(7/2001) 

Blue Mountains Radio Club Award

May be earned in two ways: (1) Make 5 contacts with club station VK2HZ, only one contact per band being valid on each calendar day. (2) Contact 4 club members and one contact with club station VK2HZ. SWL OK. GCR list and $A1.00  postage or 4 IRCs to: The Award Manager, PO Box 54, Springwood, NSW 2777, Australia. 

(Chg 3/04))


Work 3 members of the club using any Mode on any Band, GCR list and $US2 to Manager DX, PO Box 90, Petrie, QLD-4502, Australia. No QSL Cards required. Club Members: VK4s: ABM, AMB, ATS, CI, DC, EMM, EZ, FA, IU, PJ, OA, TT, UB, VCC, XA, XJ, and XY.


(Chg 6/2008)

Bunyip Award

Awarded by the Lower Murray ARC. VK stations must work club station VK5ALM and 2 club members. DX stations work VK5ALM and 2 club members or 4 club members. SWL OK. GCR list and $A2.5 to: Awards Manager, LMARC, PO Box 234, Murray Bridge, SA 5253, Australia.

Eligible Stations: VK5ACW  AEF  AHK  ANW  GP  JBJ  JP  KRB  NTO  OV  YB  YG. 

(Chg 3/2005)

Central Coast Award

Contact the Central Coast area of New South Wales, which includes the Shire of Wyong and the city of Gosford, the postcodes of 2250-51 and 2254-2263. Overseas stations need 2 or one of the club stations VK2AFY or VK2EH; VK's need 4 plus one of the club stations; Central Coast stations need 10 plus one club station. SWL OK. All bands and modes. Award is free. GCR list to The Secretary, Central Coast ARC, PO Box 238, Gosford NSW 2250, Australia.


(Chg 11/04)

Endeavour Award

Issued to encourage contacts with Royal Navy Amateur Radio Society members residing in Australia. SWL OK. Each contact per band counts 1 point per member. Contacts with VK1RAN, VK2RAN, VK3RAN, VK4RAN and VK6RAN counts 2 points. Australians need 15 points, Oceania need 10 and rest of world need 5 points. VK members contacted by stations outside Oceania on 3.5 MHz count double. Endorsements: Mixed Mode, All CW, All SSB, All Novice, All 3.5 Mhz, All 28 Mhz, All VHF, 100 Members, Five-By-Five (5 contacts on each of 5 HF bands). Special sticker at 100 points. GCR list which includes the RNARS number and A$5.00 or 7 IRCs to Award Custodian, Eric Leach VK5AFN, 37 Hallett Ave., Tranmere, South Australia 5073, Australia..


 (Chg 3/2006)

Frankston and Mornington Peninsular ARC Series

General Requirements: Fee for each award is $A5 or equivalent. GCR is accepted. Contacts only after 1 January 1980. SWL OK. All bands and modes. Sponsor reserves right to spot check for each award. GCR list to FAMPARC Awards Manager, PO Box 65, Patterson Lakes VIC 3197, Australia. 


(Chg 11/2005)

Coastal Towns 100 Award

Contact coastal towns or cities in Australia as follows: 5 each from the VK2, VK3, VK4, VK5 and VK7 call areas with at least 3 each from VK6 and one from VK8. One of these contacts must be a FAMPARC member. There is no distinction between towns or capital cities as long as the town/city is on the VK coast or a river estuary, it qualifies for the award.

(TKS VK3AJU)(90)

Port Phillip Bay Award

VK's or VK SWL's need 50 contacts with stations around the perimeter of Port Philip Bay. All others need 20. Stations may be worked once per band. One FAMPARC member must be among those contacted. Eligible townships: Albert-Park Altona Aspendale Beaumaris Black-Rock Blairgowrie Bonbeach Brighton Carrum Chelsea Clifton-Springs Corio Dromana Drumcondra Edithvale Elwood Frankston Geelong Hampton Indented-Head McCrae Mt.-Eliza Mt.-Martha Melbourne Mentone Middle-Park Mordialloc Mornington North-Shore Parkdale Portarlington Port-Melbourne Portsea Pt-Cook Pt-Lonsdale Queenscliff Rosebud Rosebud-West Rye St.-Kilda St-Leonards Safety-Beach Sandringham Seaford Seaholme Sorrento South-Melbourne Tootgarook Werrigee-South Williamstown

 (TKS VK3AJU)(90)

Garden City Award

Contact stations who belong to the Darling Downs RC on or after 1 Oct 1979. VK, ZL, P29 and SWL stations need 8 points; all others need 4 points.

     Each member on phone per band = 1 point.
     Each member on CW per band = 2 points.
     Each contact with club station VK4WID per band = 3 points.

Only one contact per band per member in each 24 hour period allowed. GCR list and fee of AUS$ 5.00 for VK, ZL and P29. All others AUS$ 10.00 to Awards Manager, Darling Downs RC, PO Box 3257 Village Fair, Toowoomba, Queensland 4350, Australia.

Tks PA3CUZ 3/22/2006 (This award was removed from the 2006 edition when it was prepared in late 2005. No word after several inquiries. New rules just received.) 

Ipswich & District Radio Club Award

Contact 6 members as well as the club call VK4WIP.  GCR list and fee of $AU5 to: Secretary, Ipswich & District Radio Club Inc., PO Box 250, Ipswich, Q. 4305, Australia.


(Tks PA3CUZ)(11/04)

Shire of Laidley Amateur Radio Award (SOLAR)

Work any 3 amateurs who are residents of the Laidley Shire, any one member of the Lockyer Valley Radio and Electronics Club, or either one of the "instant qualifier" stations VK4CEJ or VK4DZ. The award is a multicolored sunset effect with symbols of the animals and produce of this area. GCR list or cards are accepted. Send list and fee of $US5 or $A5 to: Solar Award, PO Box 80, Laidley, Qld 4341, Australia.

(Tks Internet)(01)

HMCS Protector Award

Contact members of the South Australian Group of the RNARS after 1 July 1989 as follows:

VK/ZL - one QSO with VK5RAN and any 2 other VK5 Group RNARS members, plus 1 QSO with a RNARS member in each of 3 other VK states for a total of 6 contacts.

DX - one QSO with VK5RAN, one other VK5 RNARS member and one RNARS member from another VK area - total 3 QSOs.

Note that the RNARS membership number is required on all contacts. All bands and modes, endorsements upon request. GCR list and fee of $A5 or 7 IRCs to: Award Custodian, Jack Peatfield VK5AF, 1, Filmer Av., Glengowrie, South Australia 5044, Australia. 

(Chg 3/2005)

Worked All Queensland Award  (WAQ)

The award is issued by The Queensland Advisory Committee for the Wireless Institute of Australia. Available to any licensed amateur.

Level 1 - requires working 50 of the listed Shires or City council areas on or after 15 March 2008.
Level 2 - requires 65.
Level 3 - requires all 73.

The certificate will be issued for the first level earned, and endorsements thereafter. Stations operating in any of the Queensland Shires or City council areas will be able to claim the shires and towns they have made contacts from as worked areas. Modes limited to Phone, CW and Mixed. All bands may be used. Cross band contacts are not accepted

Send a log extract including call signs, date, time, band and mode of the contacts. Both written and electronic logs will be accepted. Fee for VK amateurs is $A5.00. For stations applying from outside the VK area send sufficient IRC’s for return postage to your address for a large envelope.  A blank log also as a PDF document is available from sponsor. Request it by e-mail. Apply to: John Spooner VK4AJS, 26 Kerr St. Nth. Rockhampton QLD 4701, Australia.


Tks VK4FW 4/11/08 

Rally Australia Award       Replaced in 2009.  See 

The object is to travel around Australia by radio. Basic award requires QSO's with 25 cities and towns - including Redcliffe, Brisbane, Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne, Hobart, Adelaide, Perth, Darwin, Mount Isa, Townsville and Redcliffe - made in that order and  further 2 QSO's must be made with VK2, VK3, VK4, VK5 and VK6 and one with VK1, VK7 and VK8--also in mandatory progressive order with the city checkpoints. Contact must be made on or after October 1, 1986.  First and last contact must be with a Redcliffe member. Member list available for SASE. Band and mode endorsements are available.  Packet contacts are OK.  Send GCR list.  Fee for basic award is  $A5  or 5 IRCs and cost of the Enhanced Award is (see below)  $A25.00 or 25 IRCs.  Apply to The Awards Manager, Redcliffe Radio Club, PO Box 20, Woody Point, Queensland 4019, Australia 

(Chgs 7/2001)

Enhanced Rally Australia Award    See above. 

See above for basic award. Earn 1000 points for this plaque with the same conditions as the Rally Australia Award plus other VK1, VK7 and VK8, they count for 20 points. Each VK2, VK3, VK4, VK5 and VK6 10 points.

(Tks PA3CUZ)(99)

Redcliffe City Award

VK,  ZL and SWL need 10 points. Club station VK4RC = 4 points, and all members = 1 point each.  All others also need 10 points, but each member contacted = 2 points and club station VK4RC = 4 points.  All bands and modes. SWL OK.    GCR list and fee of $A10 or 10 IRCs to:  Awards Manager, Redcliffe & Districts RC, PO Box 20, Woody Point, QLD 4019, Australia.

(PDF application available on their website.)

(Rewrite 7/2009)

Rockhampton Award

Contact stations in Rockhampton City, Queensland, Australia. Australians need 5,  all others need 3. All bands and modes. No cross band contacts or those using the Rockhampton 2-meter repeater allowed.  Endorsements available for single band or mode achievement. Same station may be contacted after an interval of 24 hours. No cards, just send GCR list and fee of $US5 to: Award Manager VK4WIR, Radar Club Inc.,  GPO Box 496, Rockhampton, Queensland, Australia 4700.

Rewrite 6/05 PA3CUZ

      — Amateur Radio VICTORIA Series ---

General Requirements: Send log extract including contact data plus name of park or municipality and fee of $AUD5 or equivalent or 2 IRCs to: Awards Manager, Amateur Radio Victoria, 40g Victory Boulevard, Ashburton, Victoria 3147, Australia.


                               The Keith Roget Memorial National Parks Award

The aim of this award is to encourage portable operation in Victoria's 40 National Parks. Earn the award by making contact with and/or from National Parks on or after 1 Sept 2008. 
Contacts via Repeaters, IRLP or Echolink are not permitted.

Point Values:
1. Each contact with/from a National Park = 1 point. Only one contact per National Park.
2. SWLs earn 1 point for logging a valid contact between 2 radio amateurs (see 1 above).

1 VK3s need 15 points.
2. Other VK’s need 10 points.
3. P29 and ZL need 8 points.
4. DX need 5 points.

Special Endorsements for:
1. 25 points - making contact with and/or from 25 Parks
2. 40 points - making contact with and/or from all 40 Parks.
3. CW Only Endorsement

Activation weekends may be scheduled. Check with for scheduled trips.
List of parks (PDF):

                             Victorian Local Government Award

Contact stations operating in the 79 local government areas in the State of Victoria, Australia on or after 10 July 2008. No use of repeaters, IKRLP or Echolink. An amateur must be identifiable within a municipality, usually by their announcement during a QSO.

a. VK3 stations need 40 different municipalities.
b. Other VK stations need 30 different municipalities.
c. DX stations need 20 different municipalities.

Special endorsement available for contacting all 79 municipalities. Check with awards manager for other band/mode endorsements.

Tks PA3CUZ 1/09

Worked All VK Shires Award (WAVKS)

Sponsored by the Oceania Amateur Radio Dx Group ( for working VK shires, or local government areas on or after 31 Dec 2008. There are about 563 of these entities which are variously called Borough, City, District, Municipality, Region, Rural City, Shire, Town, Area and Councils.  The basic requirements of the award require contacting at least 50 listed local government councils.  Endorsements for each additional 50 shires. Any amateur operating in any VK shire shall be permitted to count it as a worked shire for themselves providing they have logged other operators.    Contacts may be made using SSB, CW and RTTY on all HF only bands. Cross band or repeater contacts are not permitted. Send a log extract detailing the stations/shires worked. Electronic logs as well as paper logs are accepted. 

Applications must be accompanied with payment for the postage of the certificate. For VK amateurs that fee is $5aud and for all others, the fee is $10AUD or 5 IRCs.
Send the log extract and fee to: VK Shires Awards Manager, PO. Box 612, Childers, 4660 Australia.

Email :
There is also a yahoo forum at

Tks Ham Awards - Yahoo Groups 5/09

Solitary Islands Award

Sponsored by the Coffs Harbor & District ARC to commemorate the declaration of the Solitary Islands Marine Reserve. These islands provide a haven for an abundance of tropical and temperate marine life, including corals and whales all within 30 minutes of Coffs Harbor on the Eastern Mid-Coast of Australia. Contact club members: For VK/ZL, QSO with net controllers = 5 points, members 2. Scoring for DX applicants: net controllers = 10 points, members 5. Earn 25 points. SWL OK. Same stations may be contacted on same band with 24 hour interval - or on any or all of the bands. GCR list and fee of $A5 or 5 IRCs to: The Secretary, Chadarc, PO Box 655, Coffs Harbour, NSW, Australia 2450. 

(Chg 6/2005)

Southern Cross Award

Contact or hear members of the Eastern and Mountain Districts Radio Club of Melbourne. SWL OK. VK's need 15 members plus one of the club stations VK3ER, VK3BNW, VK3COD or any special call run by the club. All others need 5 and one club station.  Contacts made on the club repeater VK3REC may be used, but not contacts made in the club nets. Each club member may be worked one time.  GCR list and fee of $US3 or 3 IRCs to Awards Manager EMDRC, PO Box 87, Mitcham 3132, Victoria, Australia.


(Chg 10/2009)

HMAS Sydney Award

Hear or work club station VK2RAN or VK2CCV and members of the N.S.W. Chapter of Royal Naval Amateur Radio Society. Earn 6 points - one contact with VK2RAN or VK2CCV  required and is good for 2 points, plus 4 other contacts with VK2 members. GCR list and fee of $A5.00 or 7 IRCs to John Brooks, Unit 186, Carrington Ret. Villare, 90 Werombi, Grasmere, NSW 2570, Australia. 

(Chg 3/2005)

Tasmanian Devil Award

Contact Tasmanian stations (VK7) on or after 1 Jan 1978.  VKs need 50 contacts, Oceania/Antarctica need 30, NA and Asia 20, Europe and SA 10 and Africa 7.  (On VHF/UHF, 20 VK7s are needed with at least one contact in each of the Southern, Northern and North West Branch districts.  Satellite contacts with cross band to HF OK if permitted by your license.  Repeaters may be used. Endorsements available for proof of contact with 50, 100, 150, 200, 250 and 300 contacts.  Send copy of log with your certification and fee of $A3 for VKs, or $A5 for others, or equivalent in IRCs.  Apply to:  Awards Manager, WIA Tasmanian Division, GPO Box 371D, Hobart 7001, Australia.


(Chg 8/2006)

Tassie Trout Award

Contact members of the Central Highlands Amateur Club of Tasmania after 25 May 1989. Requirements are stated in "Kilograms" of Trout (members). Basic Award = 14Kg., Gold = 25Kg. and Platinum = 50Kg. Weight values are as follows: Club Station VK7CHT = 3 Kg., President VK7KZ, VK7PC, VK3YR, VK2CE = 2 Kg., Treasurer VK7KDO = 2 Kg., Award Manager VK3KMB = 2Kg, club members operating portable = 2 Kg,. All other club members = 1 Kg. Modes only Phone or CW. GCR list and fee of $AU5 or equivalent to: Award Manager, Central Highlands ARC, 28 Hamilton St., West Hobart 7000, Tasmania, Australia.


(Chg 9/2008)

VK1 Award

Contact VK1 stations on or after 1 January 1978. Requirements:  
HF within VK, excluding VK9 and VK0:
     Basic award = 20 points, Bronze = 50, Silver = 75, Gold = 100.
HF outside VK, including VK9 and VK0:
     Basic award = 10 points, Silver = 25, Gold = 50.  All bands OK
VHF and higher requirements are same as HF outside Australia for all areas.
SWL OK but your application must include the station worked by the VK1. Each station may be worked one time. No use of repeaters.   GCR list and 5 IRC or $AU3  for basic award and each upgrade $AU1 or 2 IRCs to Awards Manager, WIA (VK1 Division), GPO Box 600, Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia.


(Chg 9/2008)


Sponsored by; The Northern Corridor Radio Group for working at least 50 Shires in the state of Western Australia. The award will be for contacts made with stations in the various Shires on or after 1 August 2006. There are presently 144 Shires in the State of Western Australia. Base and portable stations are valid.

Standard Award - 50 Shires Confirmed.  
Honour Award    - 100 Shires Confirmed
Excellence Award - All 144 Shires Confirmed

This is a mixed modes award, CW, SSB and Digital.   There are two categories for the award, HF and VHF. HF is 160 - 30 meters all modes and VHF is 6 Meters  upwards all modes . The full list of Shires will be available on the NCRG website ( ).   

The verification will be by submission of official log sheets to VK6XH (Award Manager) complete with appropriate return postage etc and confirmation by the NCRG Committee.  GCR by two licensed amateurs.  Official Log sheets will be available on the NCRG website as a Word document for downloading, and your log can be handwritten or typed in.  QSL confirmation is not required but is to be desired! The first amateur to achieve contacts with all WA Shires in each of the two categories will be awarded a Plaque sponsored by VK6XH to be held permanently, subsequent achievers will be awarded the appropriate certificates.  

Award fee is $US5.  Apply to: Northern Corridor Radio Group Inc., PO Box 244, North Beach, WA-6920, Australia.


(Chg 4/08)

 Zone 29 Award

Work 25 stations in Zone 29. This includes the VK6 and VK8 call areas. Contacts after Jan 1, 1952. No crossband contacts. All bands/modes.  Special endorsements available for any band or mode. SWL OK.   Minimum RS/T is 33/8. GCR list and 5 IRCs or $2 Australian to: The Secretary WIA, W.A. Division, Box 10 West Perth 6872, Australia. 


(Change 10/2009)