Updated 1/2010
Radio Club of Argentina (RCA) Series --
General requirements for RCA series: Cost for LU stations is $US5 or 10 IRC for each award; endorsements are $US2 or 4 IRC. Fee for all others is $US8 or 16 IRCs and $US3 or 5 IRCs for endorsements. SWL OK. Contacts must be with fixed stations except for CEMA and CEMARA. Unless otherwise noted, all contacts must be after Nov 20, 1945. Apply to: Award Manager, Radio Club of Argentina, Casilla de Correos 97, 1000-Correo Central, Buenos Aires, Republica Argentina.
(Chg 10/2009)
101 Award.
Contact 101 countries using current ARRL countries list. Endorsements for every 20 (121, 141, etc). Available mixed or single band or modes. Contacts with Argentine areas using prefixes of other countries will not count. One LU contact required. The "Laureated 101 Countries" is issued for 101 contacts made in each of the 5 HF bands.
(Chg 00)
Certificado Argentina (CA)
Contact 100 LU stations. No restrictions on frequencies. (Available for any non-LU.) Contacts since 20 Nov 1945.
(Chg 00)
Certificado Antartico Argentina (CAA)
Contact any single LU station (LU's need 3) located in
the Antarctic area. First letter of their suffix is Z (example: LU1ZA).
Separate certificates issued for phone or cw.
(Chg 00)
Certificado Moviles Argentinas (CEMA)
Contact 25 mobile LU stations. No restrictions on bands or modes.
Certificado Moviles Armada Argentina (CEMARA)
Contact 15 maritime mobile stations. 5 ships must be from the Argentine Navy and the other 10 may be MM of any nationality. All bands. Contacts after 1-1-60.
(Chg 11/04)
Cinco Continentes Comunicados (CCC)
Contact stations in the 5 continents: America, Africa, Europe, Asia and Oceania. Endorsement available for phone or CW. N.A. stations must contact S.A. for credit of the American Continent. S.A. accordingly must contact N.A. 2 contacts per band for a total of 10 contacts are needed. "Laureated" for making the contacts on three or more bands.
(Chg 00)
Diploma Estaciones Ferroviarias (Diploma Railway Stations)
Contact railway stations in Argentina on or after 1 August 2003. All bands and modes. Work 35 different Argentine railway stations, of which 25 must be deactivated stations with active railway service and 10 stations, corresponding to three different railway lines and located in a minimum of 3 provinces. All freight and passenger railway stations are valid for the award. The deactivated stations will be valid whenever they have not been demolished, or not serving at the present time for any other activities. Each station has a reference number and this will be told to all stations who work it as well as being printed on the cards. Endorsements for each 10 new confirmed stations. GCR list and fee of $US10 for the award and $US5 for subsequent endorsements.
(Tks PA3CUZ)(11/04)
Localidades Argentinas
Work cities of
the Argentine Republic on or after 1 January 1997. SWL OK.
All bands and modes.
Class I - contact 100 localities = Basic Award
Class II - contact 200 localities = Honored
Class III - Contact 300 localities = Award and
Class IV - Contact 400 localities = Award and
Class V - Contact 500 localities = Award and
Fee for members of the Argentina Radio club: Classes I-III are
free, Class IV $US20 and Class V = $US25.
Fee for all others: Class I-II = $US8, Class III = $US10, Class IV =
$US20 and Class V = $US30.
Send GCR list in alphabetical order of the localities to the
(Chg 3/05)
LU 10 Double Letters (LU-10-DL)
Contact 10 different stations of a 2-letter suffix in ten call areas all of whom have double letter suffixes. One must be a LU. Letters may not be repeated. (Example: PY1AA, CP2FF, HI3JJ, LU4BB, etc.) All bands or modes may be used. Contacts after 1-1-65.
LU-YL Award
Contact LU YL stations. LU's need 20, stations from IARU Region II need 10, and rest of world need 5. Different awards offered for band and mode at your request. Contacts on and after 20 September 1986.
(TKS K0DEQ)(89)
Republica Argentina (RA)
Contact 18 Argentine stations whose first suffix letter spells out the words REPUBLICA ARGENTINA. (Example: LU1 RA, LU6 EAM, LU2 PB, LU5 Us = R E P U etc.) Any bands or modes are acceptable. Contacts after 1-1-65.
Radio Club Argentino (RCA)
Contact different stations whose first two letters following their call area number spell out: RADIO CLUB ARGENTINO. One of the two letter suffixes must be LU. (example: CT1 RA, OK3 DI, PY2 OC, W6 LU, etc.) Contacts after 1-1-65.
(Chg 9/05)
Todos Las Paises de America (TPA)
Contact the 21 Republics in the Americas plus Canada on any band or mode for a total of 22 contacts. CE, CO/CM, CP, CX, HC, HH, HI, HK, HP, HR, LU, OA, PY, TI, TG, W, XE, YN, YS, YV, ZP and VE.
(Chg 00)
Toda Republica Argentine (TRA)
Contact the 25 Argentine provinces. All bands/modes are acceptable.
LU1AA-LU9CZZ Capital Federal | LU1OA-LU9OZZ Salta |
LU1DA-LU9EZZ Buenos Aires | LU1PA-LU9PZZ San Juan |
LU1FA-LU9FZZ Santa Fe | LU1QA-LU9QZZ San Luis |
LU1GA-LU9GOZ Chaco | LU1RA-LU9RZZ Catamarca |
LU1GP-LU9GZZ Formosa | LU1SA-LU9SZZ La Rioja |
LU1HA-LU9HZZ Cordoba | LU1TA-LU9TZZ Jujuy |
LU1IA-LU9IZZ Misiones | LU1UA-LU9UZZ La Pampa |
LU1JA-LU9JZZ Entre Rios | LU1VA-LU9VZZ Rio Negro |
LU1KA-LU9KZZ Tucuman | LU1WA-LU9WZZ Chubut |
LU1LA-LU9LZZ Corrientes | LU1XA-LU9XOZ SantaCruz |
LU1MA-LU9MZZ Mendoza | LU1XP-LU9XZZ Tierra del Fuego |
LU1NA-LU9NZZ Santiago del Estero | LU1YA-LU9YZZ Neuguen |
LU1ZA-LU9ZAA Antarctic Bases |
(Chg 01)
A.C.A DIPLOMA –(Argentine Aerial Clubs Diploma)
General Requirements: The Radio Club Malvinas Argentinas de Merlo, sponsors these awards for contacting flying (aerial) clubs in Argentina. Send a GCR list and fee of $US5 for the certificate, $US12 for the medal and $US30 for the cup to C.R.M.M.A., C.C. 47, C.P. 1722, Merlo – Bs. As., Argentina. Tks PA3CUZ 2/2006
Contact five different aerial clubs of the Republic of Argentina.
Diploma and Medal : Contact ten (10) different aerial clubs of the Republic of Argentina.
Diploma and Cup: Contact ten (10) different aerial clubs of the Republic of Argentina, and also; at least five (05) different Aerial Festivals (paratroops or Militaries of the Republic of Argentina).
(New 2007)
Worked Argentine Antarctic Bases (WAAB)
Sponsored by The Radio Club Rio de la Plata for confirming contacts with stations located in at least 3 different Argentine Antarctic Bases since 9 November 2001. SWL OK. All bands from 2 meters to 160 meters and modes of SSB, CW, RTTY and Digital.
List of Argentine Antarctic Bases:
LU1ZA S.Orkney – LU1ZR Petrel – LU1ZB Melchior – LU1ZC Deception
– LU1ZS Camara – LU1ZG Belgrano II – LU1ZD San Martin – LU2ZD
Primavera – LU1ZV Esperanza – LU1ZI Jubany - LU4ZS Marambio – LU1ZAB
Matienzo. Any newly established Argentine Antarctic Base will be
automatically added to the list and will be valid for this Award.
Send a GCR list of the contacts with QSO details including callsign and date, in alphabetical order by call sign plus a photocopy of each of the cards the cards. Sponsor reserves the right to request actual cards at their discretion. Include fee of A3 US$ 17,00 .- (Euro 13.00.) for large format certificate or A4 US$ 13.00.- (Euro 9.00.-) for the smaller format certificate. This cost includes shipping inside a tube for greater protection. Apply to: Horacio Ledo, LU4DXU, or P.O.Box # 22.- Martinez ( 1640 ) Buenos Aires ARGENTINA .
Verified 5/09
Tks PA3CUZ 5/2/08
Argentine Lighthouses (Faros Argentine)
Issued by the Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society (ARLHS) to amateur operators or SWLs who have contacted Argentine lighthouses. All bands and modes including satellite and repeaters. No cross band contacts. No date restriction. QSOs must be confirmed. The QSLs should show either the name of the lighthouse or its ARLHS number.
The AL-FA Award is issued in two categories:
LU, CX, PY, ZP, CP and CE stations need 5 contacts. DX stations need
3 contacts.
LU, CX, PY, ZP, CP and CE need 10 contacts. DX stations need 6
The applicant should specify that the award be written in English or in Spanish.
The award is free. The only requirement is to
send a self addressed envelope (22 x 30 cm) and 2 IRC (Argentine stations should
send stamps instead of IRCs). Contacts will be verified by sending the QSLs or
xerox copies of them (showing all the data of the contacts). If the actual QSLs
are sent, they will be returned together with the award. The application
form for the award can be downloaded from the internet location shown below.
Send the application form, envelope and QSLs (or xerox copies of them) to the
Award Manager: Claudio Sylwan (LU7CC), Av. Las Heras 3892 (dto. 29),
Internet: official list of Argentine lighthouses
are in the web pages:
(Chg 9/2008)
--Avellaneda Radio Club Series-- LU7EO
General Requirements: Available to all licensed amateurs. Send application and copies of both side of the cards. Fee for each certificate is $US10. Award is free for club members of ARC. Apply to:
1. Avellanda Radio Club,
Casilla de Correos 41 Codigo postal 1870 (CC 41 CP 1870), Avellaneda,
Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2. Secretary, Avellaneda Radio Club, Av. Belgrano 536 (1870)
Avellaneda, Bs. Ace Argentina.
(Chg 9/2008)
Contact 25 members of the Avellaneda Radio Club any band and mode since 25/11/1972.
For Argentine radio hams in the novice/beginning class. They will have to communicate with the 5 countries that border Argentina on any band or mode valid for their use. Contacts on or after 01/08/1994.
Contact 2 stations in each of the Localities forming of Avellaneda. The localities are Avellaneda Center, Dock Sud, Sarandi, Dominican Villa, Wilde, Pineiro and Gerli. Any band and mode. A contact for Avellaneda is obligatory LU7EO. Valid contacts from the 01/08/1994.
Contact 100 Radio Clubs recognized by the CNC, all bands and modes including a mandatory contact with LU7EO. Valid contacts from the 04/05/1997.
5 Exclusive LIARC CW
Available for Argentine radio hams in the BEGINNING or novice category. Contact stations of the 5 countries bordering Argentina in anyone of the bands assigned for the category, using CW. Contacts from the 04/05/1997.
Contact 52 stations LU / LW with whose number and first letter, soon of the number to form the phrase that contains the geographical position (Lat/Long.) of the A.R.C., spelling out:
" 58° ' 21 ' 57 W 34° 39 ' 41 ' ' S "
All bands and modes.
11 stations in the Capital Federal.
6 " de la Prov. de Bs. As.
1 " de la Prov. de Chaco/Formosa.
3 " de la Prov. de Misiones.
4 " de la Prov. de Corrientes.
3 " de la Prov. de Sgo. del Estero.
1 " de la Prov. de Salta.
1 " de la Prov. de San Juan.
3 " de la Prov. de Catamarca.
1 " de la Prov. de La Rioja.
1 " de la Prov. de Jujuy.
2 " de la Prov. de La Pampa.
1 " de la Prov. de Río Negro.
1 " de la Prov. de Chubut.
and 12 other stations whose call area numbers complete the numbers shown
in the needed phrase. A contact with LU7EO is required. Contacts from
the 01/08/1994.
(Chg 3/05)
Contact 50 stations via SATelite RS 12/13. Normal bands the satellite uses. Contacts from the 04/05/1997.
Contact all Argentine Provinces, via SATélite RS 12/13. Normal bands the satellite uses. Valid contacts from the 04/05/1997.
Contact stations in the 5 bordering countries of Argentina via SATélite RS 12/13. Normal bands of the satellite.
Contact 25 members of the Avellaneda Radio Club via SATélite RS 12/13 using appropriate band and mode as supported from the satellite. Valid contacts from the 04/05/1997.
Contact 100 stations via PACKET radio using authorized bands. Direct contacts, not via relay. Valid contacts from the 4/05/1997.
Contact 25 members of the Avellaneda Radio Club using PACKET radio on authorized bands.Valid contacts from the 04/05/1997.
Contact 100 stations using different repeaters (national or foreign). The repeaters qualified for this certificate will be the authorized one by the CNC, for Argentina and for DX, the qualified ones authorized by the rules of their countries. The QSL’s must show the frequencies of entrance and exit of " repeater " worked, the city and the country in where located. Valid contacts from 04/05/1997.
(Chg 08)
Contact 50 different members of the Avellaneda Radio Club on different days on 80 meters SSB. Valid contacts after 01/08/1994.
(Tks PA3CUZ)(11/04)
ARGENTINA - -Bahia Blanca DX Group Series --
General Requirements: Send log and copies of the qsl´s to the Post Office 709, C.P. 8000 Bahia Blanca, Argentina. Fee for each award is US$ 5; endorsements fee is $US3.
Certificado Faros Bonaerenses (Bonaerenses Lighthouses)
Contact the stated numbers of the seventeen officialy recognized lighthouses between those which were activated by the ARLHS and those which are located in the Buenos Aires province. This also include as an exception the Colón lighthouse.
Valid lighthouses include: Quequén (ARG-004), Punta Mogotes (ARG-005), Querandí (ARG-007), Punta Medanos (ARG-008), Recalada (ARG-009), San Antonio (ARG-011), Claromecó (ARG-014), Rincón (ARG-036), Mar Chiquita (ARG-044), Martín García (ARG-045), Miramar (ARG-047), Punta Piedras (ARG-058), Segunda Barranca (ARG-067), Mar del Tuyú (ARG-073), Punta Hermengo (ARG-075), Atalaya (ARG-076) y Colón.
to obtain this category is
necessary confirm five
lighthouses in the Buenos
Aires province. One of
them must have been
activated by an GDXBB
Gold Category:
It is necessary confirm
ten lighthouses located in
the Buenos Aires province.
Two of them must have been
activated by an GDXBB
Honor Category:
to obtain these category
there must be confirm the
seventeen lighthoses in
the Buenos Aires province,
three of them activated by
an GDXBB expedition.
Contacts will be accepted since 1 August of 2002. Each is a separate certificate. The same contacts may be used for all levels of the award.
Certificado Islas Bonaerenses (Bonaerenses Islands)
Confirm islands of each of the three IOTA island groupos in the Buenos Aires province. These are:
islands (IOTA SA-055)
Bahia Blanca´s Islands
(IOTA SA-021)
Bahia Anegada´s Islands
(IOTA SA-022)
One of the island groups must have been activated by an expedition of the GDXBB. Contacts after 1st, January of 2000.
Estaciones Ferroviarias Bonarenses (Bonarenses Railway Station)
This certificate will be awarded to radio amateurs and radio listeners with official licence. Contacts will be valid from 1 August 2003 with communication done without band or mode limitations from railway stations located in the Buenos Aires province (the railway station does not have to be an active station). It is necessary to have 10 confirmed railway stations, and endorsements are available for each 5 new stations. The applicant should send a list with the names of the stations, distinctive call sign used in the communications, date, time, band, mode and RS received in addition to the copies of the contacts.
Tks PA3CUZ 10/05
-- Central Radio Club of Buenos Aires Series-- LU5CBA
General Requirements: Contacts since 1-1-94. Apply with GCR list by a qualified Radio Club. Arrange list first by number and then by letter. Date, band and mode needed for each contact. Fee is $US10 or 10 IRCs. Apply to: Centro de Radioaficionados C.B.A., Casilla de Correo 13 Codigo Postal 1411, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
(Chg 3/2006)
50 CBA
50 contacts in any operating events with LU5CBA on different days and with different operators on the 80 meter band.
50 PO
50 contacts in any operating eventts with any Radio Clubs of Argentina on 80 meters.
50 SRC
50 contacts with different members of LU5CBA in same band and mode.
Form the phrase "CENTRO DE RADIOAFICIONADOS CIUDAD DE BUENOS AIRES LU5CBA" with the first letter of the suffix of any Argentine station (only LU, LW, and AZ) on all bands and modes. The number 5 should be from a QSL of LU5CBA.
Chg 9/05
Make one contact with 46 resident stations (valid home registered in the CNT) in each of the 46 districts in which the City of Buenos Aires is divided. All bands and modes. (It is suggested that when making contacts, that you ask the station to confirm proper district on their QSL card.
CW Group Argentina Series
General Requirements: All
contacts for their awards must be made in the CW mode. SWL OK. Send photocopy of
QSLs received or eQSLs and fee of 4 IRCs to Grupo Argentino de Radiotelegrafia, PO
Box 9, (B1875ZAA) Wilde, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
(Chg 02/04)
Work five different stations on Argentine
Islands, 2 of which must be valid for DXCC. CW only. Contacts
after 30 Mar 1927.
Islands that count
for DXCC include: LU-Z Malvinas Is., LU-Z South Orkney, LU-Z South
Shetland Is., LU-Z San Pedro (Georgia) Is., LU-Z South Sandwich Is. and
all the Antarctic islands. Non-DXCC Argentine islands include: LU-X Staten
Is., LU-X Tierra del Fuego Is., LU-X Becasses Is., LU-X Pavon Is., and all
the Argentine Oceanic islands. SWL OK.
(CHG 07/02)
LU6DJX Award
Available to all amateurs and SWL's who have worked/heard five different Argentine stations. These must have been located in continental, antarctic or insular territory of Argentina, and two of the five must have been members of CW Group of Argentina (GACW). Contacts after 1 June 1977. (99 CHG)
Tony Navatta LU5AQ Award
A total of 6 worldwide stations is needed as follows:
Bronze - 2 of them must be GACW world wide members.
Silver - 4 of them must be GACW world wide members.
Gold - all 6 are GACW world wide members.
Salvador Iglesias LU1EPQ
A total of 6 world wide group
or club stations is needed as follows:
Bronze - 2 of them must be members of GACW Cyber Club.
Silver - 4 of them must be members of GACW Cyber Club.
Gold - all 6 must be members of GACW Cyber club.
(Chg 11/04)
--LU6DK Radioclub Comandante Tomas Espora-- Series
General Requirements: GCR list and fee of
$US10 to Radioclub CTE, Saenz 855
- CP: B1832HUQ - Lomas de Zamora, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
(Chg 11/04)
- contact 31 Argentine stations whose first letter of their suffix spells out the term: CERTIFICADO PARTIDO LOMAS DE ZAMORA. Contacts from 1-1-83, all bands and modes.
As above, but a special medal will be given if the award is earned on each of the 5 HF bands.
Contact LU6DK club members while they are operating mobile:
25 QSLs needed: for club members and
stations located in the Center and adjoining areas of the Hills of Zamora
(including Cap. Fed.)
20 - for those living in the rest of
Greater Buenos Aires.
15 - for the remainder of Buenos Aires.
10 - for those living in any other areas of
5 - for all others.
as above, but a special medal will be given if the award is earned of the 5 HF bands.
Placa Y Certificado Localidades Del Gran Buenos Aires Sur
To earn this certificate, you must work all 3 parts (a, b and c) as described below. A total of 52 contacts are needed:
A. Contact 36
localities of the Greater Buenos Aires South zones.
Zone De Lomas De Zamora: Lomas de Zamora
(postal code 1832), Banfield y Villa Albertina (18289), Temperley, Turdera
o San Jose (1834), Villa Fiorito (1822), Llavollol (1836). Total = 6
Zone De Avellaneda: Avellaneda, Pineyro o
Gerli (1870), Dock Sur (1871), Sarandi (1872), Villa Dominico (1874),
Wilde (1875). Total = 5 contacts.
Zone De Lanus: Lanus o Gerli (1824),
Valentin Alsina, Villa Caraza y Villa Diamante (1822), Monte Chingolo
(1825), Remedios de Escalada (1826). Total = 4 contacts.
Zone De Quilmes: Quilmes Este (1878),
Quilmes Oeste (1879), Ezpeleta (1822), Bernal o Don Bosco (81876), San
Francisco Solano (1881). Total = 5 contacts.
Zone De Almirante Brown: Adrogue o Marmol
(1846), Rafeel Calzada (1847), Glew (1856), Claypole (1849), Burzaco
(1852), Lonchamps (1854). Total 5 contacts.
Zone De Esteban Echeverria Y Ezeiza: Monte
Grande (1842), Luis Guillon (1838), Tristan Suarez (1806), Carlos
Spegazzini (1812), Ezeiza(1804). Total = 5 contacts.
Zone De Florencio Varela: Florencio
Varela (1888), Bosques (1889). Total = 2 contacts.
Zone De Berazategui: Berazategui o Villa
Espana (1884), Ranelagh (1886), Guillermo Hudson o Platanos (1885), Juan
Maria Gutierrez (1890). Total = 4 contacts.
B. Make a contact with each of the following radioclubs: LU7EO (Radioclub Avellanda), LU4DQ (Radioclub Quilmes), LU3DY (Radioclub A. Brown), LU1EEE (Radioclub Banfield), LU3EEE (Radioclub Ezeiza), LU1DAR (Radioclub Lanus).
C. Make 10 contacts with LU6DK, (Club station Espora). A minimum of 2 hours between each contact.
More contacts may be made with LU6DK or contacts in a different mode, with not more than 5 total may be used for any missing locality. All bands and modes, including Satellite. Digital modes or mobile contacts are NOT valid. Special plaque for contacts on a single band and no use of "jokers". Fee for the award is $US10 and the plaque is $US20. GCR list or photocopy of both sides of the QSL to award manager.
(Tks PA3CUZ)(11/2004)
Lanus DX Group Series
General Requirements: All contacts must be on HF, no use of WARC bands however, and must be made from the same country. Each of the 3 awards require at least one contact with a LU/LW station. Excess monies collected from the awards will be used to help finance the groups Dxpedition activity. GCR list and fee of $US8 or 10 IRC’s for each to: Roberto Enrique Otero LU7DS, Dr. Melo 2734, 1824 Lanus (Bs As), Argentina.
(Chg 11/04)
South America Award
- 10 different
S.A. countries.
One Hundred Countries - 100 DXCC
Six Continents - the 6 continents.
Radio Club Del Sur LW3DSR Series
General Requirements: Contacts after 1 Jan 1990. Apply to LW3DSR - Radio Club Del Sur, Award Manager Mutt LW5EEA, PO Box 265, 7600-Mar Del Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
(Chg 9/2008)
Work stations via satellite. For the DPSAT (Diplome Permanent Satellite) 50 points are needed and for the MPSAT (Medal Permanent Satellite), 100 points needed. Point values:
Satellite Leo:
Contacts within the same country = 2.
Contacts with stations of bordering countries =
Contacts with stations located anywhere else in
the world = 4.
Participation in events confirmed = 3.
Contact with LW3DSR = 5.
Contact with any member station of AMSAR Amateur
Radio Group = 5.
Contact with stations dedicated to telemetry
reading = 4.
Contacts with space station MIR (phone only) = 5.
Contacts with SAREX missions = 5.
Contacts with ROBOT stations = 4.
Contacts using Satellite digital modes = 3.
Each station may only be contacted one time. GCR list or copies of the cards to manager. Fee for award is 10 IRCs.
125 Partidos de la Province de Buenos Aires
DX stations must contact (SWL OK) at least 125
different municipalities in the province of Buenos Aires. (Special list
available from K1BV or sponsor for SASE/IRC). Contacts on or after 1 Jan 1990.
All modes and bands. No contacts with mobiles, packet or AMTOR. Endorsements for
each municipality after the 125. The award is a certificate plus a specially
engraved plaque 24X21 CM - your name, call and date of the achievement. GCR list
and fee of 35 IRC (IRC per subsequent endorsement)
(Chg 11/2004)
Contact stations in Necocheo, all bands and modes after 1-1-94. Each station may be contacted one time only. LU's need 10, stations in countries which border Argentina need 6, all others 3, including club station LU9EV. For the plaque, LUs need 20, stations in countries which border Argentina need 12, all others 6, including club station LU9EV. All bands and modes. GCR list or photocopies plus $US5 or 5 IRCs for the certificate and $US20 or 20 IRCs (LU stations $US7) for the plaque. Apply to: Radio Club Necochea LU9EV, CC:20, CP:7630 Necochea, Bs. As., Argentina.
(Chg 3/2008)
Radio Club QRM
Belgrano Certificates
General Requirements: SWL OK. Cost of each certificate is 5 IRCs.
GCR list to: Radio Club QRM Belgrano, Calle Arias 2529; Codigo Postal
C1429DXQ, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
E-mail: or
Certificado Practica Operativa Del Radio Club QRM Belgrano
Work at least 10 members of the Radio Club QRM Belgrano, LU4AAO after 1
January 2003. The same stations may be worked on different dates.
Certificado Permanente Mercosur Del Radio Club QRM Belgrano
Contact at least 1 station of each of the countries which comprise "MERCOSUR",
(Mercado Comun del Sur MERCOSUR Trade Agreement). The countries are CE, CP,
CX, LU, PY and ZP. All bands and modes, but no use of repeaters.
Contacts on or after 1 January 1995. A copy of both sides of the QSL
card must be sent in with the application.
Tks PA3CUZ 9/05
Diploma Los Quilme
Contact 25 sections of PCIA de Bs.As., excluding Quilmes, making 2 contacts with each section plus 10 contacts with different stations of Quilmes (total 60 QSO’s). SWL OK.
The following towns belong to Quilmes: Quilmes, Bernal, Ezpeleta, Don Bosco, Florida, and San Francisco Solano. Contacts since 11 Sept 49. All bands contacts will be allowed and certificates will be granted by different modes: Phone, CW, mixed mode. Club reserves the right to request and examine any or all of the cards used for the award. The Certificate is free of cost, but we will be thankful if you send stamps for the value of a return letter to your QTH. The confirmations made through eQSL will be accepted. Lists will be sent to Radio Club Quilmes, Casilla de Correo Nº 6 - C.P : B1878WWA - Quilmes - Buenos Aires, Argentina.
(Chg 9/2008)
Certificate Rio Platenese
Contact 25 members of the Radioclub de la Plata. One contact with LU5DA must be included. Contacts since 19 Nov 1950, all bands, Phone and CW. No fee listed, but suggest $US5 or 10 IRCs. GCR list to: Radio Club Platenese, Juan de Garay 2258, cp: 1636 Olivos, Buenos Aires , Argentina.
Relisted 10/05 Tks PA3CUZ - new address found.
Radio Club Rosario Series (LU4FM)
Requirements: Send photocopies of QSLs certified by an official of a radio
club. Apply to: Radio Club Rosario, CC:263, CP:2000 Rosario, Santa
Fe, Argentina.
Todos Los Departmentos Santafesinos
Contact each of the 19 departments of the County of Santa Fe after 27 Nov 1927, all bands and modes permitted. (A special award if all contacts are made on one band). Fee is $US8 The departments are:
01 Belgrano | 05 Garay | 09 Las Colonias | 13 San Geronimo | 17 San Martin |
02 Caseros | 06 General Lopez | 10 9 de Julio | 14 San Javier | 18 Santa Fe |
03 Caslellanos | 07 General Obligado | 11 Rosario | 15 San Justo | 19 Vera |
04 Constitucion | 08 Iriondo | 12 San Crostobal | 16 San Lorenzo |
(Rewrite 11/2004)
Todo El Departamento Rosario TDR
Contact each of the localities of the Department Rosario and with 24 stations of the City Rosario, including club station LU4FM. The radio club Rosario Rosary will make expeditions to those localities that do not have resident amateurs, or are inactive. Contacts after 1 January 1980 are valid. Fee is $US15. Localities:
Acebal | Coronel Bogado | Ibarlucea | Soldini |
Albarellos | Cnel. Dominguez | Los Muchachos | Uranga |
Alvarez | Cuatro Esquinas | Monte Flores | Villa Amelia |
Alvear | Fighiera | Perez | V.G. Galvez |
Arminda | Funes | Pinero | Zavalla |
Arroyo Seco | General Lagos | Pueblo Esther | |
Carmen del Sauce | Gdro. Baigorria | Pueblo Munoz |
Tks PA3CUZ 11/04
Codigos Postales de la Republica Argentina
Work 10 stations with different postal codes, in each of the 9 postal regions which comprise the Argentine Republic. Include at least one contact in each of the Argentine provinces, a total of 90 contacts. Contacts after 1 Mrch 1996. All band and modes, but no use of repeaters. The postal code must be printed on the confirming QSL card. Ask for special recording form from the manager, cost $US1. Award fee is $US10.
Tks PA3CUZ 11/04
Maidenhead Grid Locators Encima de 30 MHz.
Contact maidenhead
grid locators after 1 January 1983. Minimum requirements are:
50 Grid locators using 50 MHz.
50 Grid locators using 146 MHz.
75 Grid locators through a Satellite.
15 Grid locators using 220 MHz.
25 Grid locators using 432 MHz.
10 Grid locators using 1296 MHz.
Endorsements for each additional 5 Grid Locators in each band. All
modes except crossband and packet. No use of repeaters. The
QSL card must state the full frequency (i.e., 146.500 MHz). QSL
cards showing a frequency such as 146 MHz will not be accepted. All
contacts must have been made from the same grid locator. The award
is free, but include postage for return of your QSL cards.
(Tks PA3CUZ)(11/2004)
(South American Lighthouse Award)
Sponsored by the Radio Club Bahia Blanca DX Group for contacting lighthouses or beacons located in South America, on or after January 1, 2009. SWL OK. All bands and modes. The award is available in 3 levels.
Submit photocopies of QSLs from 10 lighthouses or beacons in at least
3 South American countries.
Submit photocopies of QSLs from 20 lighthouses or beacons in at least
4 South American countries.
Submit photocopies of QSLs from 30 lighthouses or beacons in at least
5 South American countries.
Endorsements are available for each additional 10 different lighthouses or beacons of South American countries confirmed. In all cases, photocopies of QSL cards are to be authenticated by an official of a Radio Club or two or more licensed amateurs. The cost of each diploma or endorsement is 15 pesos for LU stations and all others US$7 or 5 IRC’s. Send a GCR list, fee and photocopies to: Radio Club Grupo DX Bahía Blanca, P.O. Box 709, (8000) Bahía Blanca, Argentina.
Tks PA3CUZ 2/2009
Sponsored by the Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society (ARLHS) to any amateur radio operator or SWL who has proof of radio contacts with lighthouses located in South America. Eligible countries include: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Surinam, Uruguay, Venezuela and the islands belonging to South America (*).
(*) All the islands belonging to South America in agreement with the DXCC official list (note that DXCC's list is not in total agreement with the IOTA list when regarding continents, for example South Shetland Islands are in South America for the DXCC while they are in Antarctica for IOTA).
Only contacts with lighthouses included in the ARLHS official list are valid. List is available at ARLHS site on the Internet.
Bands which may be used are: 160, 80, 40, 30, 20, 17, 15, 12, 10, 6, 2 and 0.7M.
The actual cards or Xerox copies of them (showing all the data of the contacts) are required along with a list. If QSLs are sent, they will be returned together with the award. All the ARLHS Award program requirements will apply. All bands and modes, including satellite and repeaters. Cross band contacts are not valid. No date restriction. All confirmed QSOs are valid. The QSLs must show either the name of the lighthouse or its ARLHS number.
1. South American stations must show
proof of contacts with 8 lighthouses of 4 or more different South American
2. All others show proof of contacts with 4 lighthouses from different South
American countries (*).
(*) example: Ecuador and Galapagos Islands count as two "countries".
Fees: The cost of the award is currently US$3 or 4 IRCs for ARLHS members, and US$5 or 6 IRCs for nonmembers. Application form, fees and QSLs (or Xerox copies of them) may be sent to the manager: Claudio Sylwan (LU7CC), Av. Las Heras 3892 (dto. 29), 1425 BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA.
(Chg 3/2005)
Diploma Sufijo 2000
Work stations from Argentina and of bordering countries
after 1 Jan 2000. 3 classes: Basic = 500 points, Gold = 1000 points,
Platinum = 2000 points. The suffix provides the points. For
example, with LU6DLR, the suffix is composed of 3 letters, with LU9EZ, his
suffix is EZ and with LR50D, his suffix has one letter, D.
1. contacts with Argentine stations: one letter =
10 points, two letters = 5 and three letters = 2 points.
2. bordering countries: one letter = 12 points,
two letters = 6 points, and three letters = 3 points.
3. on frequencies higher to 30 MHz, contacts for
Argentine and bordering countries: one letter = 20 points, two letters =
10 and three letters = 5 points.
Each station may be worked one time.
There is no fee, but a few $US are suggested to pay for postage. Apply to: Radio Club Quilmes, PO Box 1878, Quilmes BS, Argentina.
(Chg 9/2008)
Certificado Sureno
Make 15 contacts with stations in the City of Bahia Blanca. Contacts with the same station on different bands are valid. When the applicant makes 14 QSO's, any station who is a member of Radio Club Bahia may assign you an extra point of the LU7DBL club. Contacts after 21 Oct 63 on the bands 80, 40 and 20 meters using PHONE ONLY. Send a copy of your QSL. No fee listed, but suggest US$ 3. Apply to: Radio Club Bahia Blanca, CC:400, CP:8000 Bahia Blanca, Bs. As., Argentina.
E-mail: 10/05 - Tks PA3CUZ - new address found.
Tierra Del Fuego Big Island Award
Sponsored by the Ushuaia Radio Club LU8XW to call attention to the Big Island of the country of Fire at the southern tip of South America. SWL OK. You must contact Tierra del Fuego stations in five different areas since 1 Jan 1992. One of these must be in the capital of Ushuaia; other valid areas are: Rio Grande, Tolhuin, San Pablo, Estancia Harberton, Radman, Parque Nacional Tierra del Fuego, Lapataia, Lago Yehuin, Puerto Almanza, Estacion Naval Island de Los Estates LU7XR, Island Redonda, Lago Fagnano, San Sebastian, Estancia Moat.
The club carries out expeditions to far flung points of the island to award points for this award. Mobile stations also count except for maritime or aero mobile. LU's should send photocopies and DX stations may use GCR. Fee is 6 IRCs or $US5. All bands and modes OK. Apply to: Radio Club Ushuaia LU8XW, Encargado de Diplomas, Polideportivo Municipal Pasaja Interno Sin Numero, V9410WAB, Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina.
(Chg 3/2005)